Was Matt Hancock Removed For Championing Health And Care Bill Which Was About To Reverse Disastrous Cameron/Lansley NHS Privatisation? – Tory Government Stopping MPs From Visiting Julian Assange – Christchurch Mosque Massacre Revisited And Shooter’s Ammunition Receipt – Sandi Adams: What’s Really Hiding Behind Prince Charles And Klaus Schwab’s ‘Great Reset’ Spin? – Global Pandemic Plans Revealed: Theranos Scandal – And – Pathogens and Politics (May 2013) – Fox News On WEF And Sleepy Joe Biden’s Climate Lockdowns – Julia Barnes’ Documentary On Greenwash ‘Bright Green Lies’ – NOT The BCfm Politics Show presented by Tony Gosling
Friday 2nd July 2021 mp3 [right click to download]
Friday night Radio4All was HACKED! – EMERGENCY show file
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BCfm’s weekly Politics Show presented by Tony Gosling with Irish Republican Labour activist Martin Summers was forced off FM, now online only. ‘Rested due to the pandemic’ on 24 March 2020 by BCfm charity ‘CEO’ Pat Hart who is a longtime personal friend of the right-wing ‘Labour’ Bristol mayor Marvin Rees. This Internet only NOT The BCfm Politics Show is now available 17:00-c. 20:00 live on Fridays. Pat Hart has replaced us with a dumbed-down student show repeating msm stories called The Bristol Agenda. If you’d like to share your views on such editorial behaviour you can contact the BCfm board chair and manager here.
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Any probs mp3s should be on alternative links below by then
Part One – News Review and Investigative Reports
Matt Hancock set up to get him out? Hancock’s proposed changes to NHS. Andrew Lansley’s NHS reforms. ARTICLE: Matt Hancock is heading for a huge row over the new Health Bill – even No10 is wavering in its support – The health secretary – poised to launch the first big health legislation in a decade – is distrusted by ministers and backbenchers alike. June 24, 2021 Matt Hancock is facing growing warnings against accumulating too much personal power in a planned shake-up of hospitals which is running into opposition from within the health service and from some Tory MPs. i disclosed on Thursday that the Health and Care Bill, setting out details of the overhaul, will be published within weeks amid signs that Downing Street is yet to give full support to the Health Secretary’s scheme. Although many of his proposals have been welcomed by health professionals, there is disquiet inside and outside Parliament over a move to give himself and his successors more authority over NHS England.
What is included in the proposed reforms? – – – Powers for ministers = The Health Secretary’s authority over the health service, which was given day-to-day independence nine years ago, will increase. The Bill will grant ministers the powers to issue orders to NHS England and to block changes to the configuration of local hospitals. Mr Hancock told MPs earlier this year that clinical decisions should be independent, but said that “when the NHS is the public’s top domestic priority” and “when the quality of our healthcare matters to every single citizen and every one of our constituents, the NHS must be accountable to ministers”. Better integration of health and care – Ensuring hospitals, GPs, home care and care homes, community health services, and mental health services work more closely together through an Integrated Care System (IGC) in every part of England. The Government says it is removing “transactional bureaucracy” and patients are being given a statutory right to choose their treatment. Restructuring the NHS – The IGCs will replace the clinical commissioning groups set up to buy care under the 2012 reforms. Hospitals, GPs and councils will sit on their boards. Collaboration – NHS organisations will have a statutory duty to collaborate as rules requiring the competitive tendering of contracts are ditched. Public health – A 9pm watershed will be introduced for television advertisements for food and drinks high in fat, sugar and salt from next April, along with a total online ban. Firms with more than 250 employees will also be forced to list calories on the food they serve. Ministers will gain the powers to order that food packets carry health warnings. Safety – The Healthcare Safety Investigation Branch will gain legal powers. It investigates healthcare incidents and “the most serious patient safety risks”.
Mayor Rees says its a ‘critical time in Bristol’ as Covid 19 ‘cases’ rise in young, none of whom are even ill. Pros and cons of lockdowns. Brexit trade deals. Report in to policing of Bristol Kill the Bill protest and London Sarah Everard protest – rights were breached – Bristol Tesco riots of 2014. ‘Fundamental rights’ breached by the police handling of Sarah Everard vigil and Bristol protest There were “multiple failings” by the Metropolitan Police and Avon and Somerset Police at a vigil for Sarah Everard and “Kill the Bill” protests, a parliamentary inquiry has found. Police breached “fundemental rights” of those attending both events in the way they handled them at Clapham Common, south-west London, and in Bristol in March, according to the All Party Parliamentary Group on Democracy and the Constitution (APPGDC). The group of MPs and peers has proposed amendments to the Police, Crime, Sentencing and Courts Bill (PCSC), which is due to be debated on Monday, as a result of the findings. The inquiry found the Met “increased the risk to both officers and civilians” by failing to work with the proposed organisers of the vigil.Credit: PA Inquiry chairman, the Labour MP Geraint Davies, said the right to peaceful protest “must be supported not suppressed by the law”, adding: “The police must not become the enforcement agency of the state against those who choose to publicly and collectively call for change – political, economic, social or environmental. “Parliament must protect our freedoms and reject attempts to increase police power and restrict our right to peaceful protest. The police should help to facilitate the expression of peaceful protest and not drive opposition underground.”
Labour calling for Julian Assange to be released from prison – Julian Assange time line Julian Assange could be RELEASED from UK prison – major new Labour Party bid launched JULIAN ASSANGE could be released from HMP Belmarsh prison after an unprecedented move by the Labour Party. “Dear Governor, “We are deeply concerned by the ongoing refusal of you and the Justice Secretary to allow an online video meeting between Julian Assange and a cross-party group of British parliamentarians. “As you know Julian Assange is currently on remand in HMP Belmarsh, not for the violation of any UK law, but over extradition to the USA for his journalistic work carried out in the UK at the invitation of The Guardian and published in numerous leading newspapers worldwide. “In the US, Julian Assange faces a prison sentence of up to 175 years, meaning he could spend the rest of his life in jail. “This case has important implications for press and publishing freedoms in the UK and for the US-UK Extradition Treaty including its ban on extradition for political offences. “We, therefore, believe it is vital that parliamentarians be allowed to discuss these important issues with interested parties. We are not making this request as private citizens but as British Parliamentarians deeply concerned by the potential consequences of this high-profile case. “This could be permitted under the rules for Official Visits which state that there can be visits from “public officials whom the Governor permits to visit”. “A cross-party group of parliamentarians first requested an online meeting in December 2020. It is simply unacceptable that six months on this simple request continues to be met with such intransigence. “You have the authority to grant such a meeting and we call on you to facilitate an online meeting without further delay.”
Tony’s new paperback ‘The Siege of Heaven Reader’ – examples of what’s in the book. The Siege of Heaven Reader – extracts which detail the occult’s diabolical steering of humanity over the last 500 years – 2nd edition by Tony Gosling (June 2021, 350 pages) By Tony Gosling – Generally short extracts from longer works – published in the midst of November 2020’s bogus UK ‘lockdown light’. Empires and elites. Mayor Marvin doesn’t want a slavery museum. Merchant Venturers. Monopolistic age – and oligopolies. UN and WEF partnership. Since the Anglo-Zionist empire has been defeated militarily in the Middle East by Russia, they’ve turned their eye to subduing their own population, crushing intellect and journalism in the person of Julian Assange and bringing the China authoritarian surveillance state to the west, under guise of a never-ending pandemic, modelled on their never ending war on terror. Food for thought as all media freedom is being bought up, taken over legally and financially. Please see ‘The Fifth Man’ on Victor Rothschilds secret career! So this is my extracts companion to The Siege Of Heaven with my thoughts on solutions ed.
Exclusive release by this show of the Christchurch Mosque Massacre shooter’s ammunition receipt -> John Philman, author of ‘Christchurch Mosque Massacre: Satanism and John Podesta’, discusses the symbol of the Black Sun used by the Christchurch gunman Tarrant and the presence of the SAS in Christchurch that week. Receipt for 2000 rounds of ammunition bought by gunman Tarrant. Images of mysterious figures in red at the scene that appear to have been directing him in the banned Facebook live video which he shot on the day – – A WHITE supremacist shooter scrawled a neo-Nazi symbol on his ammunition before unleashing a horrific mosque massacre that claimed the lives of at least 49 people. The Black Sun, used in Satanism, was marked on the bag holding assault rifles and ammunition used in the attacks in Christchurch, New Zealand – with one shooting live-streamed on Facebook.
Max Igan on The Christchurch Shooting – In regard to Christchurch I do however find there are 4 indisputable points contained within the shooters video that very clearly prove the government and media is lying. My main concern now, is that these 4 very important points are being deliberately covered in smoke, noise and misdirection by highly speculative claims of fakery, CGI shell casings, mannequins and hoaxes, all of which are speculation and conjecture, none of which can be proven, and all of which are obscuring the very real evidence the shooters video actualy reveals. 1. There is evidence of a man in red at the drive way when the shooter first entered the Mosque compound. 2. That man in red can again be clearly seen standing by the wall when Tarrant shot the final victim in the street.
This was an organised hit using multiple players as clearly seen and evidenced by the shooters own video. Jacinda Ardern is a liar and the people of New Zealand are being disarmed under false pretenses – And its happening so fast because the Government is terrified of what will happen if the people find out. The previous observations stand as 4 very clear and resolute points that cannot be disputed, cannot be debated, are not open to speculation or conjecture. They are simply facts made extremely clear by the shooters video itself. Clearly, the primary goals of the massacre are to: 1) Attack fundamentalist Christianity in general. 2) Attack conservatives, the political far right, and attempt to destroy the presidency of President Donald Trump 3) Introduce United Nations private firearm confiscation policies in NZ as a model for the United States and the world. 4) Closedown free speech and all independent social media sites on the Internet that consistently challenge or criticize the government – worldwide. Unless many more people soon wake up, become much more informed about what is taking place, and begin to speak up much more, this unspeakably evil presently being perpetrated here in New Zealand is going to grow rapidly into a global deadly monster from hell which will deeply affect virtually everyone on earth.
Radio4All download pages
BCfm audio file – [right click to download]
Complete 240 minute show – [right click to download]
John Philman on The Christchurch Mosque Massacre 00:40:00
Part Two – Covid-19 Scamdemic Casedemic latest and investigations
Israel and Zionism – a Rabbi explains how it’s ‘God’s will’ for Jews to be in top positions, presidential advisers etc., in powerful positions all over the world. US Forces Leave Bagram Air Base in Afghanistan. Almost as Soon as the US Military Left Its Biggest Airbase in Afghanistan, Looters Rolled In – A State of Fear: How the UK government weaponised fear during the Covid-19 pandemic – Laura Dodsworth, author of ‘A State of Fear’, discusses the heavy handed approach of Police at present demonstrations, and how it’s one rule for elite, and another for the rest of us.
The Real Meaning and Origins of The Great Reset – by Sandi Adams (2021) condensed – So, what are the roots of this evil thats planned for the human race? Sandi Adams on the problems with The Great Reset, the 4th Industrial Revolution, and the digital monitoring of people as an excuse to make money. The bones of this global agenda go way back to the Technocracy Movement of the 1930s, started at Columbia University in New York, where Zbigniew Brzezinski and David Rockefeller collaborated with technocrats and political scientists who were disillusioned with politicians and economists after the great depression. They planned a new energy-based economy, rather than a priced-based economy. It didnt really get off the ground due to the beginning of World War Two. The seeds of what became known as Sustainable Development were sown. The leading players, Zbigniew Brzezinski, Klaus Schwab and David Rockefeller, were all members of the Club of Rome, the Trilateral Commission and the Bilderberg Group. These shady organizations are the real power base behind UN Agenda 2030, the Green New Deal and now the Great Reset with its Fourth Industrial Revolution. In 1970 Brzezinski wrote a book entitled Between Two Ages Americas Role in the Technocratic Era and revived this doctrine, with Klaus Schwab and David Rockefeller, by creating the World Economic Forum (WEF) so as to bring this ideology slowly into being by holding meetings with world leaders at Davos every year. This has now gone on annually since 1974. Schwab and Brzezinski nurtured trade relationships with communist Chinese leaders to normalise the US relationship with China.
Before 1973 it was illegal to do business with China or Russia, as they were communist countries, but the technocrats needed Chinese cheap labour to develop the technologies needed for the Fourth Industrial Revolution. Also, the autocratic political system in China appealed to Schwab and Brzezinski. The Great Reset (which is effectively Klaus Schwab’s Fourth Industrial Revolution) is of a scale, speed and complexity that is unprecedented. It is characterised by a fusion of technologies such as artificial intelligence, gene editing and advanced robotics that is blurring the lines between the physical, digital and biological worlds. It will disrupt nearly every industry in every country, it will herald the end of the priced-based economy that we have now, and the end of small businesses and free enterprise globally. It is a re-branding of UN Agenda 2030 with the endgame being a society that lives in technocratic, high surveillance urban environments called Smart Cities. The 17 Sustainable Goals of UN Agenda 2030 (2015) are now conveniently woven into Klaus Schwab’s Great Reset – everything is carefully planned and choreographed from behind the scenes. On the 19th June 2019, before the pandemic was declared, the World Economic Forum and the United Nations signed a deal to accelerate these 17 Sustainable Goals of Agenda 2030 in New York. It was entitled The Strategic Partnership Framework and was between Antonio Guterres (United Nations Secretary General) and Klaus Schwab (WEF)
Barry Pugh discussing 3 ways we can stop the downward spiral to authoritarianism. History of capitalism and war. Dr Vernon Coleman’s book – Covid-19: The Greatest Hoax in History, The startling truth behind the planned world takeover [pdf] – The World Health Organisation was founded in 1947, and its first director general was a fellow called George Brock Chisholm who is largely forgotten now except for his enthusiasm for world government. Chisholm is famous (or infamous) for having said: ‘To achieve world government it is necessary to remove from the minds of men their individualism, loyalty to family tradition, national patriotism and religious dogmas.’ That should have rung alarm bells. But at the time no one much noticed. At this time, of course, senior Nazis who had made their fortunes out of concentration camps and who had, with the help of the Americans, successfully avoided much in the way of punishment were busy creating the foundations of the European Union out of what was left of Europe. (I have dealt with the way the Nazis achieved this apparent impossibility in my books The Shocking History of the EU and OFPIS.) The usual suspects, the world’s bankers, were also planning a world government. In February 1950, when he appeared before the US Senate Committee on Foreign Relations, banker James Paul Warburg said: ‘We shall have world government, whether or not we like it. The only question is whether world government will be achieved by conquest or consent.’ To those early events we must add the more recent influences of the United Nations and the World Economic Forum. The United Nations is, of course, the mother organisation of the World Health Organisation, and its original charter bears close kinship to the communist manifesto. It is the United Nations which created Agenda 21 – the programme for a ‘new world order’. The contribution of the World Economic Forum has been the proposed ‘global reset’.
Robert Burrowes with his ‘7 Days to Challenge The Great Reset’. A CAMPAIGN OF NONVIOLENT NONCOOPERATION BASED ON FEARLESSNESS AND LOVE This campaign does not require any form of legal/law-based defence and does not use the threat of legal prosecution. It does not appeal to political leaders to make decisions ‘on our behalf’ or seek to form new political parties. It is a grassroots, civil resistance campaign that allows ordinary people to directly take back their power from the elite and corrupted governing entities. It relies on the power of conscience, courage, faith in one’s self and the truth, belief in the ultimate power of love, emotional support and the space outside actions to feel one’s feelings including fear and anger, and relentless persistence in the face of adversity. In our experience, this is the simplest, most powerful and most personally liberating form of resistance. We each have the power to nonviolently noncooperate with insanity and choose ways of living that meet our true human needs. Let’s take our power back. This is not a war that we must win, but a way of remembering the full truth of who we are. Anita McKone & Robert Burrowes
Alex Krainer – former hedge fund manager, now The Naked Hedgie blogger explaining ‘Pandemic 2050’, what he believes may be the true origins of the World Economic Forum sponsored Covid-19 plandemic…….
Grand Deception: The Browder Hoax by Alex Krainer – Bill Browder, the false crusader for justice and human rights and the self-proclaimed No. 1 enemy of Vladimir Putin has perpetrated a brazen and dangerous deception upon the Western world. In 2015, Bill Browder published Red Notice – purportedly a true story about his experience in Russia between 1996 and 2005. Upon closer scrutiny however, his story doesn’t add up and demonstrably fails to stand up in a court of law. Nonetheless, on the dubious strength of that story, Browder has been able to lobby the U.S. Congress to pass the Magnitsky Act in 2012 which needlessly damaged the relations between the U.S. and Russia. Where he failed in courts of law, however, his campaign of relentless demonization of Russia and of Vladimir Putin has been successful in the court of public opinion in the West. As humanity finds itself on the precipice of yet another great war, what we need are bridges of mutual understanding and constructive engagement, not demonization. This book’s modest hope is to contribute to the construction of those bridges.
ALEX KRAINER’S COVID SMOKING GUN: Multiple studies predicted governments become authoritarian in response to pandemics What they discovered was that when the threat of infectious disease was prominent the population expressed “greater liking for people with conformist traits and exhibited higher levels of behavioural conformity.” However, there was no comparable increase in conformist attitudes as a result of a temporary threats that were not related to disease. “These results support the hypothesis that the perceived threat of infectious disease exerts an especially potent (and perhaps psychologically unique) influence on individuals’ conformist attitudes and behaviour.” Disturbingly, the study found that an individual’s perception of vulnerability to infection does not necessarily need to be rooted in reality to produce a profound psychological effect. If an individual perceives they are vulnerable to infection they tend to prefer conformity and accept authoritarian measures, even if they are not actually under threat. “Our experimental manipulation focused on perception, not reality,” the researchers note. When it comes to society as a whole, the researchers found there may also be consequences that impact entire populations. “A disease epidemic, or even the perceived threat of an epidemic (such as the H1N1 outbreak of 2009), may lead to temporarily higher levels of conformity within populations and may dispose individuals within those populations to respond more harshly to normative transgressions.” This field of research clearly indicates the empirical evidence for authoritarian governance and conformist mindsets in response to a perceived threat of infection from a disease. If one takes a step back and examines the results of these studies and the events currently playing out around the world, it’s clear the hypothesis is being proven during the COVID19 panic.
ALEX KRAINER’S COVID SMOKING GUN? The $9bn Theranos fraud which John Carreyrou broke in the Wall Street Journal on October 15th 2015. Was this Elizabeth Holmes’ dry run for the global misuse of the Polymerase Chain Reaction (PCR) Test? Elizabeth Holmes is now on trial for fraud.
“The Great Reset” Is Here: Follow the Money. “Insane Lockdown” of the Global Economy, “The Green Agenda” The top-down reorganization of the world economy by a cabal of technocratic corporativists, led by the group around the Davos World Economic Forum–the so-called Great Reset or UN Agenda 2030–is no future proposal. It is well into actualization as the world remains in insane lockdown for a virus. The hottest investment area since onset of the coronavirus global lockdowns is something called ESG investing. This highly subjective and very controlled game is dramatically shifting global capital flows into a select group of “approved” corporate stocks and bonds. Notably it advances the dystopian UN Agenda 2030 or the WEF Great Reset agenda. The development is one of the most dangerous and least understood shifts in at least the past century. The UN “sustainable economy” agenda is being realized quietly by the very same global banks which have created the financial crises in 2008. This time they are preparing the Klaus Schwab WEF Great Reset by steering hundreds of billions and soon trillions in investment to their hand-picked “woke” companies, and away from the “not woke” such as oil and gas companies or coal. What the bankers and giant investment funds like BlackRock have done is to create a new investment infrastructure that picks “winners” or “losers” for investment according to how serious that company is about ESGEnvironment, Social values and Governance.
Tucker Carlson show – how CLIMATE LOCKDOWNS and restrictions may follow Covid restrictions – Tucker: Brace yourselves, climate lockdowns are coming Climate Depot’s Marc Morano reacts to climate activist fantasy for keeping emissions down on ‘Tucker Carlson Tonight. WHO staffer says climate lockdowns may be necessary – 23 June 2021 Climate Depot’s Marc Morano reacts to climate activist fantasy for keeping emissions down on ‘Tucker Carlson Tonight – ‘Since the beginning of the pandemic, key pieces of medical guidance from the World Health Organization have proven to be disastrously false — false enough to cost lives. It was the WHO, you’ll remember, that told us COVID couldn’t be transmitted between people, even as the virus was spreading into the United States. It was the WHO that worked in stealth with the Chinese government to obscure the source of the outbreak at the beginning, and then hide its origins from the world. We’re not attacking the WHO. Those are statements of fact. You’d think. they’d be disqualifying. Just the opposite. For more than a year, the tech monopolies of Silicon Valley have used the World Health Organization’s official statements to determine what American news consumers are allowed to know — and what they should be prohibited from knowing — about COVID. Facebook even announced a formal partnership with the WHO to “bring up to date and accurate information to billions of people.”
Julia Barnes, maker of ‘Bright Green Lies’ documentary, discussing the present heatwave in Canada and big business hi-jacking environmentalism. Bright Green Lies investigates the change in focus of the mainstream environmental movement, from its original concern with protecting nature, to its current obsession with powering an unsustainable way of life. The film exposes the lies behind the notion that solar, wind, hydro, biomass, or green consumerism will save the planet. Tackling the most pressing issues of our time will require us to look beyond the mainstream technological solutions and ask deeper questions about what needs to change. Julia Barnes is an award-winning documentary filmmaker. For as long as she can remember, Julia has been passionate about the natural world. In 2016 she released the feature documentary Sea of Life a film that explores some of the most pressing issues facing the ocean.
ALEISTAIR CROWLEY THE SATANIST SPECIAL: X-Factor Winner Reveals Worlds Secret Religion (video) Altiyan Childs, the winner of X-Factor Australia 2010, posted a YouTube video claiming to expose the secrets of the: hidden religion he used to belong to. Is the video worth five hours of your time? I actually found it interesting, insightful, and well researched. Childs dedicates a good portion of the video to the one-eye sign, arguing that it is meant to represent the Masonic all-seeing eye. Theres also a lot of talk of the hidden hand sign, which has been discussed on this site over ten years ago. It offers a good refresher course on the beliefs of the occult elite. Using quotes from renowned Freemasons and occultists, Childs highlights the Luciferian philosophy of the elite and explains how it reverberates at the highest levels of society. While the video is basically VC 101, Ive actually learned a few things that prompted me to take notes and conduct further research. For example, I did not know about the Royal Order of the Jesters an invitation-only Masonic order that is said to be fun. After discovering the creepy symbolism surrounding that order, I discovered that it was involved sex trafficking (an article about this soon). So you might learn a few things as well.
The Key to Studying Bible Prophecy – 01 Nov 2020 – End Time Survivors – Bible prophecy can sometimes be overly complicated, and sometimes it can be too simplistic. A lot of Bible studies and YouTube videos will tell you what this or that prophecy supposedly means, but in this video, we’re going to give you the key to know how to study Bible prophecy for yourself. Once you have this all important key in your pocket, you’ll have the ability to understand everything you need to know about the end times. *** End Time Survivors is a movement preparing people for something called “The Great Tribulation”. We welcome contributions from others. – This site is dedicated to focusing on the teachings of Jesus, and providing information on what is needed to prepare, practically and spiritually, for what is soon to come on the earth. We feel it’s important that we learn to listen to one another and to God, in order to live through the end times. We encourage people from all religious persuasions and viewpoints to share their wisdom and experience so that we can grow together into a cohesive movement. Please download and share the resources available on this site, as we don’t know how much longer we will have access to the internet.
Radio4All download pages
BCfm audio file – [right click to download]
Complete 240 minute show – [right click to download]
Full Laura Dodsworth – A State of Fear 00:10:00
Full Clarion Call Sandi Adams Speech 00:15:00
Full Barry Pugh Interview 00:45:00
Full Robert Burrowes interview 00:40:00
Full Alex Krainer Covid Origins interview 00:50:00
CONSPIRACY CLASSICS 10 Altiyan Childs on Politicians And Celebs’ Secret Religion
Full interview with
February 2019 Ofcom complaint result: UKLFI exposed as creation of Israeli foreign ministry – Bristol Post article: BCfm cleared after being reported to Ofcom for anti-semitic conspiracy theories
Not sure if link below is the same docudrama Martin alludes to . in any event, imho it’s is a very important docudrama/movie
Piazza Fontana, The Italian Conspiracy
The Telegraph (aka The Daily Telegraph , UK national and international newspaper)
US envoy admits role in Aldo Moro killing
By Malcolm Moore in Rome
11 March 2008 • 00:01 am
B.C. heat wave shatters Canadian record for highest temperature ever recorded
Jun 28, 2021
[ B.C. British Columbia Canada, major city Vancouver i do believe ]
0;22 into video, Weather reporter says something like staying at or sleeping in her sister’s basement/’cellar to beat the heat .
Large wildfires in Lytton Canada after historic heatwave left 233 Deaths|| 01.07.2021
Jul 1, 2021
After a historic heat wave hit the regions of southwestern Canada and northwestern America.
where the temperature reached the limits of 50 degrees in the Lytton region in the province of British Columbia.
As soon as temperatures began to drop, large forest fires broke out in the same area, where emergency teams ordered the residents of Lytton to leave after the fires burned most of the homes.
Large wildfires in Lytton Canada after historic heatwave left 233 Deaths|| 01.07.2021
‘Unstoppable’: 182 unmarked graves found at third Canadian school | Justin Trudeau|WION English News
25,298 viewsJul 1, 2021
Queen Victoria statue toppled by protestors at Manitoba [ province in Canada ] Legislature
45,330 viewsJul 2, 2021
751 Unmarked Graves Discovered Near Former Indigenous School in Canada
Experts estimate 4,000 to 10,000 children may have died at the schools, often from a combination of poor living conditions and disease
https://www.smithsonianmag.com/smart-news/751-unmarked-graves-discovered-near-former-indigenous-school-canada-180978064/ yes i know, The Smithsonian has a lot to answer for concerning the USA’s dark past and present .
Freeing the World to Death
Essays on the American Empire
author William Blum(american) 2004
Lies about Ukraine and MH17 – Elze van Hamelen with Ray McGovern
May 12, 2021 Editorial News
Dutch Website , video interview in english
” The Russian threat is greatly exaggerated
Anti-war activist Ray McGovern spent 27 years for the CIA under seven presidents – from John F. Kennedy to George HW Bush. He gave personal briefings to three presidents in the 1980s, particularly on Russia. In this interview with publicist Elze van Hamelen, he discusses the tense situation around Ukraine.
According to McGovern, the Western media paint a one-sided picture of Russian policy. He explains that the 2014 takeover in Ukraine was sponsored by the US. Russia had little choice but to take Crimea – an “occupation” massively supported by the population there.
The “Russian threat” is greatly exaggerated, McGovern says. He also does not consider it very likely that the downing of MH17 was the work of the Russians. Then-U.S. Secretary of State John Kerry said he had evidence of what happened, but that evidence was never requested or handed over, McGovern said. According to him, this indicates that they do not indicate Russian guilt.
McGovern apologizes in the interview for his long beard. He leaves it out in solidarity with his friend Julian Assange, who is still in prison. ”
Café Weltschmerz
I know you can read much of this website’s contents in english using the google chrome browser , probably some other browsers too that translate , in this case, Dutch into English . Most of the videos are in Dutch .
June 26, 2021
2:21 PM EDT
Last Updated 10 days ago
United States
Engineer had warned of structural damage before Florida building collapse[ 3 YEARS AGO ! ] -NYT
June 26 (Reuters) – A consultant had warned three years before the deadly collapse of a South Florida condominium building that there was evidence of “major structural damage” to the concrete slab below the pool deck and abundant cracking and crumbling in the underground parking garage, the New York Times reported early on Saturday.
A large section of the 12-story building in the Miami suburb of Surfside collapsed suddenly in the early hours of Thursday as residents slept, in a disaster whose cause is not yet known.
Four people have been confirmed killed and 159 are still unaccounted for, with search-and-rescue teams working around the clock through an unstable mountain of debris. read more
The Times said that consultant engineer Frank Morabito’s October 2018 report had helped shape plans for a repair project that was set to get underway soon, more than two and a half years after the building managers were warned.to read more click on link https://www.reuters.com/world/us/engineer-had-warned-structural-damage-before-florida-building-collapse-nyt-2021-06-26/