Labour Leader Keir Starmer’s ‘Beauty Of Work’ Slogan Was Copied From NSDAP 1930s Nazi Propaganda – The 2021 Labour Conference Charade With Leader Keir Starmer An Assange Condemning, Savile Protecting Puppet Of The Deep State – Road Protest Veteran On Fundamental Flaws At The Heart Of XR Front, ‘Insulate Britain’ – Killer Cop Wayne Couzens Protected While Good Cop Tony Roach Was Sacked: Criminals Running Met And S. Wales Police Professional Standards Departments, PCCs Integral To Criminal Conspiracy Too – Hinkley C Project Nurse Ligia Voica Allegedly Sexually Assaulted At Work Then Forced Out By Her ‘Barry Mafia’ DEME Boss – NOT The BCfm Politics Show presented by Tony Gosling
Friday 1st October 2021 mp3 of show [right click to download]
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BCfm’s weekly Politics Show presented by Tony Gosling with Irish Republican Labour activist Martin Summers was forced off FM, now online only. ‘Rested due to the pandemic’ on 24 March 2020 by BCfm charity ‘CEO’ Pat Hart who is a longtime personal friend of the right-wing ‘Labour’ Bristol mayor Marvin Rees. This Internet only NOT The BCfm Politics Show is now available 17:00-c. 20:00 live on Fridays. Pat Hart has replaced us with a dumbed-down student show repeating msm stories called The Bristol Agenda. If you’d like to share your views on such editorial behaviour you can contact the BCfm board chair and manager here.
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Part One – Labour Party Conference 2021, reviewed by the first Jew in the party to be expelled in the fake’antisemitism’ witch-hunt, Tony Greenstein
LORD MANDELSON CONTROLLED LABOUR PARTY CONFERENCE 2021: Labour leader Keir Starmer’s ‘beauty of work’ was an NSDAP Nazi propaganda slogan! – During his conference speech today – summarised by one wag as ‘spend 17 years getting ready for work and learning to follow the rules, then the rest of your life working and following the rules’ – Keir Starmer quoted ‘the beauty of work’ as a driving force for what passes for his ‘vision’s the UK. Starmer attributed his idea to Auden – but in fact the ‘beauty of work’, ‘Schönheit der Arbeit’, was the slogan of a propaganda department of the nazi regime from 1934 to 1945: Along with its sister organisation Strength through Joy, which promoted large families to secure ‘Aryan’ domination, SdA aimed to keep the population in what its rulers considered their place. Not ideas you’d hope to find in the head of a Labour leader. But then Keir Starmer is neither Labour nor a leader, not in any meaningful sense of those words at least. And with his speech today carefully stage-managed to hide the sparse attendance and the audience literally policed by the Met’s armed response unit to suppress dissent, the source of those ideas might well have approved.
THE 2021 LABOUR CONFERENCE CHARADE WITH LEADER KEIR STARMER AN ASSANGE CONDEMNING, SAVILE PROTECTING WOODEN PUPPET OF THE DEEP STATE – Tony Greenstein’s Blog – Socialist, anti-Zionist, anti-racist – 1 October 2021 – Is it any surprise that Starmer, whose authoritarian instincts owe more to fascism than socialism, should approvingly quote the Beauty of Work (Schönheit der Arbeit) a Nazi propaganda organisation? There was no mention of human rights, Palestine, Julian Assange, racism, BLM or NATO’s wars – instead we had jingoism, cheap nationalism and praise for the police and army – Sir Stürmer reminds me of Iain Duncan Smith. Staged ovations, supporters bussed in, coupled with his very own impersonation of a robot. And now he repeats Nazi slogans! The Beauty of Labour, (Schönheit der Arbeit) which he quoted at length, was a Nazi propaganda organisation from the period 1934 to its eventual disbandment in 1945. Are there any depths that Sir Stürmer won’t plumb? You may recall that IDS was elected Tory leader in September 2001. Two years later he was removed as leader by fellow MPs after proving a disaster. This was after a speech described as ‘delighting his party conference in Blackpool with a fighting speech for survival.’ The Tory press and the Guardian (is there any difference?) have also given Stürmer’s speech rave reviews. However it won’t take long to unravel. It’s doubtful it will last until the Tory Party conference next week. You can be sure that the opinion polls will barely register a murmur.
Jeremy Corbyn’s speech in Liverpool – Jeremy Corbyn leads huge city protest against Liverpool arms fair The former Labour leader spoke to a crowd of hundreds after a march through Liverpool – BY DANNY RIGG 11 SEP 2021 WHAT JEREMY CORBYN HAD TO SAY TO THE ANTI-ARMS FAIR CROWD IN LIVERPOOL Former Labour leader Jeremy Corbyn condemned the planned Liverpool ‘arms fair’ during a large protest in the city. Hundreds of people marched from Princes Park in Toxteth to the Metropolitan Cathedral where hundreds more waited to protest against the AOC Europe electronic warfare exhibition, which is due to be held at Liverpool’s Arena and Convention Centre next month. Some exhibitors at the event have faced claims over the sale of equipment to the militaries and security forces of countries accused of serious human rights abuses. The convention set to take place in the city council-owned ACC Liverpool conference centre has sparked controversy and condemnation from politicians and people across Liverpool, including Mayor Joanne Anderson. This week, popular band Massive Attack cancelled its upcoming gig at the Arena and Convention Centre (ACC) in protest at the event. Mr Corbyn spoke atop a Fire Brigade Union engine at St George’s Plateau where the protest culminated following two marches from Toxteth to the cathedral and, after a series of speeches, through the city’s shopping district
Jeremy Corbyn Liverpool Arms Fair Full Speech
54,000 DVLA HGV LICENCE BACKLOG! A FORTNIGHT AGO THE UK HAD PLENTY OF TANKER DRIVERS: BP/ESSO GLOBALISTS CONFECTED FUEL TANKER CRISIS IS REALLY A DELIBERATE DVLA CRISIS – LBC: DVLA faces pressure to clear backlog of 54,000 HGV licences The DVLA is facing growing pressure to clear a backlog of 54,000 HGV licences as a shortage of drivers sparks huge problems across many industries. The fuel industry is the latest to suffer a crisis with days of chaos at petrol stations sparked by reports that a shortage of tanker drivers was threatening supplies. This prompted a wave of panic buying, with pumps running dry and violence erupting at some forecourts. The Government has revealed plans to grant 5,000 temporary visas to EU drivers to alleviate the supply chain crisis, however this has drawn criticism as tens of thousands of UK drivers wait months to receive or renew licences. One caller, Deep, told LBC his HGV licence expired about a year ago and he hadn’t been able to get a replacement due to Covid. He explained to Nick Ferrari that drivers with an HGV licence are expected to do to a medical every five years. Deep said he had spent days trying to call DVLA to get the required medical pack so, after repeatedly failing to get through, sent an email.
‘Years of blah blah blah’: Thunberg at Milan Youth for Climate rally – BUT WHAT’S THE POINT WITHOUT CHINA? Greta Thunberg lashed out at international leaders at climate talks in Italy on Tuesday (September 28). At the Youth4Climate event, she said much had been promised to tackle global warming, but little done in the decades after the landmark Earth Summit. “There is no planet B, there is no planet blah, blah blah blah, blah blah blah. This is not about some expensive, politically correct, green act of bunny hugging or blah blah blah. Build back better, blah blah blah. Green economy, blah blah blah. Net zero by 2050, blah blah blah. // Our hopes and dreams drown in their empty words and promises. Of course we need constructive dialogue, but they have now had 30 years of blah blah blah and where has that led us?” Thousands of young activists converged on Milan this week – some 400 from around 190 countries. They’re set to engage with policymakers in the hope of hammering out possible solutions. “They invite cherry-picked young people to meetings like this to pretend that they are listening to us. But they are not. They are clearly not listening to us, and they never have. Just look at the numbers, just look at the statistics. The emissions are still rising. The science doesn’t lie.” The youth activists have fought to get climate change to the top of the global agenda for years. They are now being challenged to help come up with the solutions ahead of the COP26 United Nations summit in Glasgow in November. Their proposals will be vetted by climate and energy ministers gathering for their pre-COP26 meeting, which kicks off on Thursday (September 30).
FUNDAMENTAL FLAWS AT THE HEART OF XR FRONT, INSULATE BRITAIN: ‘Having submitted my dissertation on UK home insulation this summer, it’s stranger than fiction that a new environmental direct action movement with a strikingly similar slogan has begun closing motorways on an almost daily basis. Unfortunately they are very poorly informed, and their demands are unrealistic. The following is a message I have sent via their website today, outlining some of the flaws in their argument: I write as a former “veteran” of the 1990s anti-roads protests who has recently submitted an MSc dissertation on insulating the UK housing stock, and I’m sorry to say your arguments and demands completely miss the point. There is no dispute over the need to “insulate britain”, the question is how and with what? What are your proposals? I’ve read your “report” and it’s very short on details. Please enlighten me as to how you would sustainably insulate the UK without use of the highly toxic, flammable & high embodied energy plastics produced by foreign owned multinationals in the UK, which have 75% market share, dominate the market, and are rapidly rising in cost due to international petrochemical supply chains. Plastic insulation is associated with a number of negative health impacts, including release of VOCs and production of Hydrogen Cyanide on burning, which killed most of the 72 victims of the Grenfell tragedy. Kingspan and Celotex profit directly from government energy efficiency programs but are expected to be sued for corporate malpractice and manslaughter. Do you propose to boost their bank accounts by using their products, or are you examining healthy, low carbon alternatives? Last but not least, if the government acted on your demands tomorrow it would be an unprecedented disaster, lead to higher emissions, higher costs of remediating failed installations, and fail to address the 2 major climate change threats to buildings: high rainfall and increased heatwaves. Plastic insulation has been found to trap both damp and heat in walls, leading to an increase in respiratory illnesses, allergies, damp/mould, and excess summer deaths from overheating.”
Independent socialists in Wellingborough The Wellingborough Diggers of 1650: A tribute to Mischief-making on a grand scale – The contribution of the Diggers cannot be underestimated as we wrestle with opposing the gross and disgusting inequalities of wealth and income across the globe that is there for all to see and developing a vision of a different kind of society in the future. The Diggers dreamt of a new type of world and that dream is still with us today, albeit the language in which the dream is described may have changed over the passage of time. I have used the term mischief, because this is the word used to describe the Diggers at the time. A contemporary letter of April 15th 1649 (1650)[1], from the Government of the day (Council of State) to “ … Mr. Pentlow, Justice of Peace for County Northampton” said: “We approve your proceedings with the Levellers in those parts, and doubt not you are sensible of the mischief these designs tend to, and of the necessity to proceed effectively against them. If the laws in force against those who intrude upon other men’s properties, and that forbid and direct the punishing of all riotous assemblies and seditious and tumultuous meetings, be put in execution, there will not want means to preserve the public peace against attempts of this sort of people”.
Bitchute video of complete show
Part Two – News Review and Investigative Reports – plus Ivermectin in Peru
EXCLUSIVE: Monster cop Wayne Couzens could have killed sex workers before Sarah Everard murder and used his police status to manipulate them, says criminologist – EXCLUSIVE: Monster cop Wayne Couzens could have killed sex workers before Sarah Everard murder and used his police status to manipulate them, says criminologist Dr David Holmes says Wayne Couzens could have killed ‘one or two’ sex workers The killer cop was attracted to brutal pornography and planned his murder Couzens used escorts and could have struck before the horrific murder in March Criminologist Dr David Holmes believes Wayne Couzens could have killed sex workers before he raped and murdered Sarah Everard Wayne Couzens could have killed sex workers before he raped and murdered Sarah Everard, a leading criminologist has said. Dr David Holmes believes the monster cop could have used his police status to manipulate the women and lure them for his sadistic fantasies. He told MailOnline: ‘It is possible he has killed one or two sex workers that may not have been noticed. ‘These women are picked because often nobody notices they are missing for a while, or at all. ‘This is why they are targeted by serial killers – they are easily found and approached and also they are accepting of people, especially those that others would be suspicious of’. Dr Holmes added that Couzens, who was ‘attracted to brutal pornography’ and used escorts, could have played out his fantasies before the horrific murder of Ms Everard in March. He said: ‘As man in authority he could make life or difficult for them – or easy – but clearly not all police officers have contact with sex workers. It indicates Couzens was a dodgy guy all the way through. ‘It’s not something that switches on and off. He would approach most relationships with that intent and expect that in return – like pressing a button he can’t switch off’. He added: ‘Police already know he treated women in a bullying manner, and would be like treating them through his life. It’s his personality and dyed in the wool’. Dr Holmes added that Couzens, who was ‘attracted to brutal pornography’, could have played out his fantasies before the horrific murder of Ms Everard The expert said a police appeal is necessary. ‘A public appeal to women to come forward would possibly filter through to prostitutes, without alienating all women’.
Revealed: How gangs used the Freemasons to corrupt police Gangsters able to recruit police officers through secret society, says investigation for Scotland Yard Tom Harper – Monday 13 January 2014 – Secret networks of Freemasons have been used by organised crime – Secret networks of Freemasons have been used by organised crime gangs to corrupt the criminal justice system, according to a bombshell Metropolitan Police report leaked to The Independent. Operation Tiberius, written in 2002, found underworld syndicates used their contacts in the controversial brotherhood to ‘recruit corrupted officers’ inside Scotland Yard, and concluded it was one of ‘the most difficult aspects of organised crime corruption to proof against’. The report – marked ‘Secret’ – found serving officers in East Ham east London who were members of the Freemasons attempted to find out which detectives were suspected of links to organised crime from other police sources who were also members of the society. Famous for its secret handshakes, Freemasonry has long been suspected of having members who work in the criminal justice system – notably the judiciary and the police. The political establishment and much of the media often dismiss such ideas as the work of conspiracy theorists. However, Operation Tiberius is the second secret police report revealed by The Independent in the last six months to highlight the possible issue. Project Riverside, a 2008 report on the rogue private investigations industry by the Serious Organised Crime Agency, also claimed criminals attempt to corrupt police officers through Freemason members in a bid to further their interests. Concerns over the influence of freemasons on the criminal justice system in 1998 led former Home Secretary Jack Straw to order that all police officers and judges should declare membership of the organisation. However, ten of Britain’s 43 police forces refused to take part and the policy was dropped under threat of legal action. In England and Wales, the Grand Master of the Freemasons is Prince Edward, Duke of Kent. The United Grand Lodge of England declined to comment last night. The Independent revealed last week that Operation Tiberius found that organised crime syndicates such as the Adams family and the gang led by David Hunt were able to infiltrate the Met ‘at will’.
IS SOUTH WALES POLICE RUN BY AN ORGANISED CRIME SYNDICATE? FULL INTERVIEW – Cardiff PC Tony Roach was sacked in 2015 by corrupt senior officers at South Wales Police for doing his job well in the pubs and nightclubs of Cardiff getting criminals arrested for drug dealing and violence. He now lives in fear of his life as the same criminalpolice informers whose false evidence was used by senior South Wales Police to get him sacked are still threatening him today. South Wales police has a running sore of miscarriages of justice including serious organised crime which they have covered up including murders likely carried out by their own officers who have then conspired to put innocent people in prison to cover up their crimes. Tony paints a piucture of a police force, in charge of law and order in Wales’ capital city, which is fast merging, from the top down, into Cardiff’s organised crime network, all paid for from the public purse which is managed from the same city. Sacked police officer launches legal battle over six-month surveillance operation against him Cardiff police officer Tony Roach was fired in 2015 by South Wales Police after being accused of gross misconduct – By Martin Shipton Political editor-at-large 18:10, 25 OCT 2019 A sacked former police officer has launched a legal case against South Wales Police calling for details of the six-month surveillance operation he says was mounted against him. Former licensing officer Tony Roach was fired for gross misconduct in 2015 after an investigation by the force’s professional standards department. Mr Roach, who was responsible for ensuring that pubs and clubs in Cardiff operated in accordance with the conditions included in their licences, says he was kept under surveillance for six months with cameras and microphones, and his personal phone calls intercepted, and his phone records accessed. He says that he was told about the surveillance during a police interview and that the surveillance was given the code name Operation Kansas. Mr Roach said that he was arrested in 2014 on suspicion of misconduct in a public office and that he and his wife Janet were both arrested on suspicion of tax fraud but that this never resulted in criminal charges. He claims that South Wales Police went too far in its surveillance of him and breached his rights. He has launched a legal case at Liverpool County Court in pursuit of a disclosure order to force South Wales Police to release details of its investigation. In a witness statement, Mr Roach’s solicitor Mark Crompton stated: “The claimant [Mr Roach] is pursuing a claim against the defendant [South Wales Police Chief Constable Matt Jukes] for the misuse of private information, breach of confidentiality and a breach of the Data Protection Act 1998. “It is alleged that following a false complaint against the claimant by a known criminal, the defendant as a public authority purported to investigate the claimant in accordance with the Regulation of Investigatory Powers Act 2000 including putting the claimant under covert surveillance for a period of around six months. “It is the claimant’s case that the directed surveillance – which included filming and telecoms interceptions in work and outside of work – requires authorisation from at least an assistant chief constable or equivalent and must also be notified to the Surveillance Commissioner. “It is the claimant’s case that the appropriate authority was not obtained and that the defendant therefore has unlawfully used covert techniques and infringed the claimant’s right to privacy.” Mr Roach said: “I was a well-respected licensing officer and was commended for my work. My mental health has been destroyed by what has happened.” He claims that the investigation was launched after an individual had made allegations, accusing him of taking bribes from the director of a door security firm in return for telling licensees to use his company’s services. And he claims that, while this was wrong, unrelated misconduct allegations were uncovered during the monitoring that led to the disciplinary hearing at which he was fired. He said these misconduct allegations included that he had not kept his pocket notebook up to date, that he had left work several minutes before the end of a shift to play rugby for the force, and that he had been involved in running a second-hand car sales business without permission from a senior officer. Mr Roach defended himself at a misconduct hearing, producing medical evidence to show he was under severe stress because he was effectively doing two people’s jobs. A spokesman for South Wales Police said: “The officer was dismissed in 2015 for gross misconduct following an investigation by the South Wales Police professional standards department. “The force subsequently received numerous requests for information under the Freedom of Information Act and Data Protection Act and we have released all material which we are legally obliged to disclose. “A further response has been provided [recently] following the latest request for information, which is referenced in the County Court application. “Due to the ongoing nature of the civil proceedings it would be inappropriate to comment further at this time.”
Full interview with former Cardiff PC Tony Roach
Accusations of sexual harassment at the Hinkley C, Balfour Beattie, DEME, New Wave Solutions company at Barry Island, Wales with senior managers obsessed with sexual fantasies and objectifying women running a ‘harem’ of nurse employees and sacking those who refuse to have sex with them. Complaints about harassment ignored by senior managers. The company is working on a contract to take mud from the Bristol Channel and dum[p it off Cardiff Bay. Some say the mud contains radioactive particles. Nurses there are in charge of Covid testing but appear to be being treated like sex objects by at least one of the bosses called Chris. Ligia Voica has been constructively dismissed from her job and is seeking an employment lawyer after she says she refused sexual advances from her boss who seemed to be in a position to punich employees like Ligia who refuse to have sex with him.
Nurses scrap annual conference over sex harassment claims Royal College of Nursing switches this year’s meeting to a virtual event in order to ‘protect’ its members The Royal College of Nursing has said its annual conference will be held online only following “serious allegations of sexual harassment”. The union, which represents some 465,000 health workers, said that after “independent legal advice” the elected members of its council had decided to “move this year’s meeting to a fully virtual event”. The union says the decision was not taken lightly and was needed to “protect” members. The RCN Congress was due to be held in Liverpool across three days next month. The union said that “as a matter of urgency” it was “undertaking a full review of all safeguarding policies and procedures as part of our cultural change”. It did not provide details of the allegations, but said it took a “zero tolerance approach” at all times. Carol Popplestone, chair of the RCN Council, said: “We have acted fast and took a unanimous decision that protects all attendees. We know that many members planning to attend were looking forward to seeing each other in person for the first time in two years. But this decision was made with members’ safety at the top of our minds. That is what we are here to safeguard at all costs.
Ivermectin and COVID – Dr. David Scheim, Dr. Jennifer Hibberd, Juan Chamie (censored statistician), and Dr. Pierre Kory – Covid statastician Juan Chamie CENSORED – Ivermectin cures COVID, an inconvenient truth – Dr. David Scheim, Dr. Jennifer Hibberd, Juan Chamie, and Dr. Pierre Kory – Sharp Reductions in COVID-19 Case Fatalities and Excess Deaths in Peru in Close Time Conjunction, State-By-State, with Ivermectin Treatments – Posted: 21 Jan 2021 Last revised: 22 Aug 2021 – David Scheim US Public Health Service Date Written: January 12, 2021 – Abstract: On May 8, 2020, Peru’s Ministry of Health approved ivermectin (IVM) for the treatment of COVID-19. A drug of Nobel Prize-honored distinction, IVM has been safely distributed in 3.7 billion doses worldwide since 1987. It has exhibited major, statistically significant reductions in case mortality and severity in 11 clinical trials for COVID-19, three with randomized controls. The indicated biological mechanism of IVM is the same as that of antiviral antibodies generated by vaccinesbinding to SARS-CoV-2 viral spike protein, blocking viral attachment to host cells. Mass distributions of IVM for COVID-19 treatments, inpatient and outpatient, were conducted in different timeframes with local autonomy in the 25 states (departamentos) of Peru. These treatments were conducted early in the pandemic’s first wave in 24 states, in some cases beginning even a few weeks before the May 8 national authorization, but delayed four months in Lima. Analysis was performed using Peruvian public health data for all-cause deaths and for COVID-19 case fatalities, as independently tracked for ages 60 and above. These daily figures were retrieved and analyzed by state. Case incidence data were not analyzed due to variations in testing methods and other confounding factors. These clinical data associated with IVM treatments beginning in different time periods, April through August 2020, in each of 25 Peruvian states, spanning an area equivalent to that from Denmark to Italy and Greece in Europe or from north to south along the US, with a total population of 33 million, provided a rich source for analysis. For the 24 states with early IVM treatment (and Lima), excess deaths dropped 59% (25%) at +30 days and 75% (25%) at +45 days after day of peak deaths. Case fatalities likewise dropped sharply in all states but Lima, yet six indices of Google-tracked community mobility rose over the same period. For nine states having mass distributions of IVM in a short timeframe through a national program, Mega-Operación Tayta (MOT), excess deaths at +30 days dropped by a population-weighted mean of 74%, each drop beginning within 11 day after MOT start. Extraneous causes of mortality reductions were ruled out. These sharp major reductions in COVID-19 mortality following IVM treatment thus occurred in each of Peru’s states, with such especially sharp reductions in close time conjunction with IVM treatments in each of the nine states of operation MOT. Its safety well established even at high doses, IVM is a compelling option for immediate, large scale national deployments as an interim measure and complement to pandemic control through vaccinations.
Fat cat BBC executive handed 40% pay rise – PEPSICO Globalist Bilderberg saboteur DG Tim Davie now earns more than half a MILLION – BBC executives were handed whopping pay rises last month despite the broadcaster slashing jobs across the organisation.
Radio4All download pages
BCfm audio file – [right click to download]
Complete 210 minute show – [right click to download]
Full interview with PC Tony Roache sacked by South Wales Police Criminals 00:45:00
Hinkley C Nurse Ligia Voica Sexual Harassment 00:20:00
Ceri Fielding MSc. on Insulate Britain 00:30:00 64Kbps mp3
February 2019 Ofcom complaint result: UKLFI exposed as creation of Israeli foreign ministry – Bristol Post article: BCfm cleared after being reported to Ofcom for anti-semitic conspiracy theories
Facts about Sir Keir Rodney Starmer KCB QC
Despite long lists of spy cops abusing women and now evidence of at least one murder by an off duty police officer, allegations of other murders committed by the police they get more and more powers heaped on top of those they already had.
Covert Human Intelligence Sources.
Hi, here you are more suggestions.
85th Anniversary Battle of Cable Street
4th October, 1936
Recommended books –
A Quiet World
C.Rowell &
T. Cave
Last but not least –
You’re just another Eton millionaire Tory. You’re a disgrace, you’re shameful.
This was well worth a read.
Shocking, absolutely appalling in fact.
Maybe worth wider distribution ?