Liverpool Womens Hospital Remembrance Day ‘Terror Attack’ Anomalies – Putin Spells Out Red Lines To Avoid Nuclear War – Public Enquiry Announced Into Salisbury Novichok Fairy Tale – Digital Currencies Destroy Democracy, Consolidate Power In Banksters Hands – Sacked Prof Proved Aluminium In Vaccines Causes Parkinsons And Alzheimers Disease – Vaccine Injury ‘Needle Bar’ Coach Launched – Publican: No Further Lockdowns Will Be Accepted In Gloucester – Freemasonry: European Royalty, United By Blood, Democracy And Revolutions An Illusion – Bryan Melvin’s Near Death Experience: Hell Is Something Between Dante’s Inferno And The Matrix Which Unveils Your True Nature – NOT The BCfm Politics Show presented by Tony Gosling

Friday 19th November 2021 mp3 of show [right click to download]

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BCfm’s weekly Politics Show presented by Tony Gosling with Irish Republican Labour activist Martin Summers was forced off FM, now online only. ‘Rested due to the pandemic’ on 24 March 2020 by BCfm charity ‘CEO’ Pat Hart who is a longtime personal friend of the right-wing ‘Labour’ Bristol mayor Marvin Rees. This Internet only NOT The BCfm Politics Show is now available 17:00-c. 20:00 live on Fridays. Pat Hart has replaced us with a dumbed-down student show repeating msm stories called The Bristol Agenda. If you’d like to share your views on such editorial behaviour you can contact the BCfm board chair and manager here.

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Part One News Review and Investigative Reports

HS2 and new rail funding for UK.  Kier Starmer on Tory sleaze in PMQs. 

Public Enquiry into Salisbury Skripal Questions – Navalny and Skripal poisonings – IGNORED will be The SakerThe Alternative Skripal Narrative We know that the Skipals were knocked out with an opiate and not a nerve agent because of a simple incident — in fact, a slip-up. The first person on the scene when the Skripals collapsed on their bench was an army nurse, the Chief Nursing Officer of the British Army, Colonel Alison McCourt, accompanied by her teenage daughter, Abigail. Does anyone believe she was there by chance and was not part of the MI6 team following the Skripals about and looking for an opportunity to drug them discreetly? Now Colonel McCourt had long experience both with Ebola in Sierra Leone and with the danger of chemical weapons during her service in Iraq, where protection against nerve agents was a priority. She knew the enormous precautions required in approaching a victim of a nerve agent attack. Yet Colonel McCourt encouraged her daughter to rush over to the collapsed Skripals and begin administering first aid to them, something very dangerous if a nerve agent had been used. She later even recommended Abigail for a medal for heroism for her action, which is why it got into the papers. How did Colonel McCourt know that a nerve agent had not been used on the Skripals, unless she was part of the team that had sprayed them with an opiate? Would she have allowed her daughter to touch the Skipals unless she was sure there was no nerve agent present? This is what is known as a smoking gun.

Occasions when nuclear war was nearly started by accident: The Limits of Safety: Organizations, Accidents, and Nuclear Weapons by Scott Sagan (1995)Grounded in original research in U.S. national security archives, [Limits of Safety] reveals a disturbing history of near-catastrophes in the handling of nuclear weapons and bombers. . . . This book is a significant contribution to . . . international security studies, organizational theory, and risk analysis.– “American Political Science Review” Sagan shows, both explicitly for nuclear weapons and implicitly for intellectual systems, that neither learning nor disasters are essentially matters of improving O-rings, safety procedures, or t-tests, as participants within those systems would like to believe. The primary adaptive action is offstage–in the background framework itself. And at that level, through sheer volume of its data, Sagan’s book will shape the way that policymakers and we (with a little less confidence) understand the nuclear world.– “Contemporary Sociology” Sagan’s stories also drive a wooden stake through the heart of rational choice nuclear deterrence theory. This book will make you scared … will make you hold your children a little tighter at the end of the day.—Lee Clarke, Sociological Forum Scott Sagan’s book is nothing less than a tour de force…. It is by far the most carefully researched and painstaking study of nuclear weapons safety ever written.—Bruce G. Blair, Security Studies –This text refers to an out of print or unavailable edition of this title.

Putin’s speech  – red lines the West mustn’t cross. Russia president Vladimir Putin has warned the west not to cross the country’s red lines or Moscow will act “quick and tough” and the culprits will “regret it”. Mr Putin addressed the Federal Assembly at his annual State of the Nation address amid growing tensions with the Ukraine. “I hope that no one dares to cross the red line in respect to Russia, and we will determine where it is in each specific case”, he told the crowd. “Those who organize any provocations threatening our core security interests will regret their deeds more than they regretted anything for a long time.” 

Roger Waters on the incarceration of Julian Assange. We won’t stop untill Assange is free’ | Pink Floyd’s Roger Waters to RT on US extradition appeal “We are not going anywhere until Julian Assange is set free, I promise you that.” Pink Floyd co-founder and activist Roger Waters talks to RT after the High Court adjourns to rule on Julian Assange’s extradition.

Piers Corbyn: How We Can Stop the New World Order – If they impose a new lockdown, what are we going to do to break it? – Adam Scarborough who supports Piers Corbyn, on the new politics on the left, the dissolving of left-right differences and how terrible this government has been. Piers is a very experienced campaigner, political activist and scientist whose leadership in crucial campaigns (e.g. Housing, Transport, Jobs, Student Rights, Climate Realism and defending rights against COVID-19) has achieved victories against all odds. He was a Southwark Labour Councillor and part of London-wide regulatory bodies. He is an accomplished international scientist and runs long-range forecasters. He has lived in many parts of London for 55 years.

‘Terrorist Bomb’ outside ladies hospital in Liverpool – here is the video. Liverpool Women’s Hospital explosion: Terror threat level raised to ‘severe’ The UK terror threat level has been raised to “severe” after an explosion outside Liverpool Women’s Hospital. Taxi driver David Perry survived the blast but his passenger was killed when a homemade bomb exploded shortly before 11:00 GMT on Remembrance Sunday. The man, who is believed to have manufactured and brought the device into the taxi, died at the scene. Police said the motivation for the attack was unclear but it had been declared as a terrorist incident. Home Secretary Priti Patel said the threat level had been raised from “substantial” to “severe”, meaning an attack is highly likely, because the explosion in Liverpool was the second incident in a month.

Katharine Gun VI: on digital currency, John Titus ‘Best Evidence’ blog, and how the poor lost the most money after the 2008 bank bailout. 

by William Hilton, oil on canvas, 1820

Author and researcher Roger Roe on the poet John Clare. From Helpston in rural Northamptonshire, John Clare was born in 1793. He is now rightly regarded as the most important poet of the natural world from Britain. He wrote many poems, essays, journals and letters about love, sex, corruption and politics, environmental and social change, poverty and folk life. Even in his madness, his talents were not diminished. Ronald Blythe, President of the John Clare Society, sees Clare as “… England’s most articulate village voice”. Clare died on 20 May 1864, in his 71st year. His remains were returned to Helpston for burial in St Botolph’s churchyard. On the 20th May 2014 members of the ‘John Clare Poet’ facebook group gathered in the village on that date to mark the anniversary, and visited both Northborough and Patty Clare’s grave, and Glinton and Mary Joyce’s grave. We enjoyed a meal together on the previous evening at a local inn. On the weekend nearest his birth (13th July 1793) the John Clare Society Festival is held in the village and on the Friday afternoon, children from the John Clare Primary School in the village, parade from their school to St. Botolph’s Church, placing their ‘midsummer cushions’ around Clare’s gravestone in honour of their most famous resident.

China and digital Yuan BBC. Katharine Gun on Central Banks accruing power through digital currency.  Katharine Gun on religious edicts of go and multiply, and over population being a myth. Katharine Gun VI Digital Money & Use Of Great Reset/COP26 For Total Bankster Control – Bank of England takes next steps in digital money plan 9 November 2021 The Bank of England and the Treasury are to launch a formal consultation on a UK central bank digital currency. This evaluation of the design and possible benefits of a new kind of digital money is a further step towards its possible creation. The currency, for use by households and businesses, would sit alongside cash and bank deposits, rather than replacing them. No decision has been taken on whether to have such a currency in the UK. But the consultation in 2022 will form part of a “research and exploration” phase and will help the Bank and government develop the plans over the following few years. Central banks around the world are developing or exploring digital currencies after the rise of crypto-currencies such as Bitcoin. China, for example, is a front-runner in this global race, and is in the process of testing a digital yuan in major cities including Beijing, Shanghai and Shenzhen. Its next steps are to improve the eCNY currency’s privacy protections and to improve how it interacts with other payments tools, People’s Bank of China governor Yi Gang said on Tuesday.

John Titus: Best Evidence seeks to chronicle major financial forces and legal changes behind America’s last days as a sovereign republic, as the rule of law is destroyed and the American people are disenfranchised and looted in broad daylight.  In contrast to mass media outlets that rely without exception on propaganda (comprising innuendo, spin, emotion, cropped or partial data sets, agenda-driven conclusions, “expert” opinions from people with undisclosed financial interests, ad hominem attacks—all erected on a divide-and-conquer left-right platform), Best Evidence will present issues based on facts and source data. 

The pandemic presented forensically for what it is, namely, a massive theatrical edifice intended to distract popular attention away from the fact that criminal bankers running the monetary system are making a concerted push toward full-on totalitarianism through monetary and financial control.

Princes of the Yen was the no. 1 bestseller in Japan by Prof Richard Werner. This documentary is based on his work, read his profile here. Prof.Richard Werner . Richard Werner has been at the University of Southampton since 2004. He is Director of International Development and founding Director of the Centre for Banking, Finance and Sustainable Development. – Professor Richard A. Werner, D.Phil. (Oxon), is an LSE- and Oxford-educated economist, professor banking and finance at De Montfort University and known as bestseller author (‘Princes of the Yen’ beat Harry Potter for 6 weeks in Japan as number one selling book), banking and central banking expert, and adviser to investors and governments. In 1995 his proposal of how to end banking crises…

Professor Richard A. Werner, born in Germany in 1967, holds a First Class Honours B.Sc. in Economics from the London School of Economics and a doctorate in Economics from the University of Oxford. He has also studied at the University of Tokyo. Richard is a Member of Linacre College, Oxford, and is a university professor in banking and finance. He is also a founding chair of Local First

Whitney is joined by Catherine Austin Fitts to discuss the coming economic “great reset” and the plans to introduce a new and truly Orwellian economic system in its aftermath. The plans for that new system, especially the effort to merge identification, economic activity and vaccine records into COVID “health passports,” are discussed along with its implications and endgame.

Bitchute video of complete show

Part Two – Covid Climate Round-Up With End Times Prophecy Reports

Covid 19 – Vaccine mandate in Austria – new lockdowns in Europe.  Austria back to full lockdown, vaccines to be compulsory Austria will be the first country in western Europe to reimpose a full coronavirus lockdown this autumn – and will mandate its whole population to get vaccinated as of February. The government announced the new rules on Friday (November 19), as infection levels in the country set new records. Two-thirds of Austrians are fully vaccinated – one of the lowest rates in Western Europe. Vaccine skepticism is widespread, a view encouraged by the country’s far right Freedom Party, the third biggest party in parliament. Here’s Conservative Chancellor Alexander Schallenberg. “We have decided to now initiate a nationwide compulsory vaccination very quickly… Substantially increasing vaccination rates, and I think we all agree on this, is our only way out of this vicious circle of virus waves and lockdown discussions once and for all. We don’t want a fifth wave, we don’t want a sixth and seventh wave.” The lockdown rules will start on Monday (November 22), and the population will be required to get vaccinated from February 1st.

Bath publican Rod Hunphris is travelling around the country in his Needle Bar coach, where anyone can turn up and give their vaccine stories.  Twitter – Needle Stories –    FIRST, DO NO HARM… We need to talk about the vaccines. Rod Humphris is touring the UK on the Needle Bar Bus with a film crew, gathering stories and having that conversation. Tell your personal story, or come to a session in the bar and join the conversation. All experiences and points of view wanted. Call us and we will come to you.”

Paul Sodon owner of Cafe Rene in Gloucester, on his campaign Open Glos and ‘Hold the Line’ protests.  

Professor Chris Exley on the dangers of aluminium. 

WHO funder Bill Gates talking to failed Tory leader candidate Jeremy Hunt about how China and the US can be reconciled and how to deal with ‘vaccine hesitancy’ on line.  Policy Exchange recently hosted Bill Gates, Co-Chair of the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation and founder of Microsoft. Gates was exclusively interviewed in Policy Exchange’s London office by Rt Hon Jeremy Hunt MP, Chair of the Health Select Committee. In a wide ranging discussion Gates warns that limiting global warming to 1.5 degrees celcius “will be very difficult… I doubt that we’ll be able to achieve that”. The founder of Microsoft argues that innovation is the key to breakthroughs on climate change, especially in winning over India and China to the net zero agenda. He praises the UK’s climate leadership, noting that Britain “gets a very good grade on climate progress” and has been “exemplary” on reducing carbon emissions. Gates’s remarks on climate change were picked up by The Times, Financial Times. Evening Standard, and CNBC. Turning to the pandemic, Gates warns that tens of billions need to be spent in a research effort to ensure the world is better prepared for the next pandemic. Gates calls for a new international Pandemic Task Force, with a budge of about $1 billion per year, to “germ game” future pandemics and bioterrorist attacks. The BBC’s Today programme, The Guardian and the Evening Standard reported on this. 

Robert F Kennedy Jnr and Catherine Austin- Fitts on Switzerland voting on a vaccine passport bribe.  

Tim Cohen on DNA therapeutic ‘vaccines’ becoming a necessity, and warfare resulting from this.

United By Blood – video about Freemasonry, The New World Order and the hidden interconnected power of European Royalty

Near Death Experience Of Hell: Somewhere in between Dante’s Inferno and The Matrix Bryan Melvin, a dying Atheist, Experiences, In 1980, Unimaginable Levels of Torment in Hell

Radio4All download pages
BCfm audio file – [right click to download]

Complete 210 minute show – [right click to download]
Full Katharine Gun VI interview 00:45:00
Full interview with Mental Health Unit Manager Christian 00:30:00
Full Rod Humphris interview 00:10:00
Full Roger Rowe John Clare Society 00:30:00
Full Adam Scarborough interview 00:19:00 
Full Bryan Melvin Visits Hell, Near Death interview 01:00:00
Last week’s Catherine Austin Fitts interview which didnt work 00:40:00

February 2019 Ofcom complaint result: UKLFI exposed as creation of Israeli foreign ministryBristol Post article: BCfm cleared after being reported to Ofcom for anti-semitic conspiracy theories

14 Comments on “Liverpool Womens Hospital Remembrance Day ‘Terror Attack’ Anomalies – Putin Spells Out Red Lines To Avoid Nuclear War – Public Enquiry Announced Into Salisbury Novichok Fairy Tale – Digital Currencies Destroy Democracy, Consolidate Power In Banksters Hands – Sacked Prof Proved Aluminium In Vaccines Causes Parkinsons And Alzheimers Disease – Vaccine Injury ‘Needle Bar’ Coach Launched – Publican: No Further Lockdowns Will Be Accepted In Gloucester – Freemasonry: European Royalty, United By Blood, Democracy And Revolutions An Illusion – Bryan Melvin’s Near Death Experience: Hell Is Something Between Dante’s Inferno And The Matrix Which Unveils Your True Nature – NOT The BCfm Politics Show presented by Tony Gosling

  1. I NEVER wrote ‘GERRARD’
    It was – ‘bar steward’ villagers.
    Predictive text after you press send is the pits.
    Strange how you chose 21st century schizoid man. I almost chose Crimson King as a name when writing to this/your site yesterday. Spooky.

    Anyway have these lithium,cobalt electric platforms given rise to the Bristol ‘ghost bus’ ???

    Regarding these things that government mandate wants everyone to accept into their body,
    is it not best to refer to them as what they are ? i.e.
    (trial)gene therapy.
    or injections,
    or jabs (slang)
    but NOT vaccines ?!Because this would be reinforcing government double speak (lies).

    As a nurse who began training in 1990 I certainly remember bed shortages from John Major’s time onwards every winter.
    The number of trained nurses has gone down while the elderly population has gone up since then.

    Regarding the Spanish Civil War. Did not German and Italian air force have an influence ?
    Or was it infighting between communists and anarchists (that Britain would not back)
    that lost it to the fascist Franco ?
    I don’t know…

    P.s. Marvin Rees complaining about £24 million plus short fall in the council’s budget.
    This is almost laughable after (despite warnings) he embezzled more on Bristol Energy ?!!

  2. Regarding Friday’s show.
    Thanks Tony & Martin.
    One point, when comparing the number of deaths, are we certain each country has the exact same approach ?
    I.e. I have heard that here in England almost all causes of death got recorded as Covid on the Death Certificate. Even if it was a motorcycle accident.
    Reason being financial insensitive for the doctor which in turn backed up government narrative.
    In other words propaganda by manipulation of statistics ?

  3. The BBC claim almost twice as many people died during the first 12 months of the pandemic.

    While there is a recorded increase in the number of deaths – are these statistics open to analysis and being explained ?
    Data from the Care Quality Commission said deaths almost doubled during the pandemic.
    However – the majority being because of non-Covid reasons.
    Then is it lack of intervention or for other reasons ?
    What ever the number of injections in people’s arms it wouldn’t make any difference to these causes of pandemic related deaths. Where as isolation, particularly in the young does take a toll.

    Furthermore young people are becoming safety obsessive feeding into the national fear. And so it goes on regarding mental health and state sanctioned propaganda.

    As the saying goes –
    Is that true or did you hear it on the BBC ?

  4. Last posting on this subject this week ok. As you can possibly see I’m upset by how those *****
    that work in Parliament – what ever the colour of their rosette.

    This report details the increased number of deaths recently.
    It is NOT as a result of covid-19 despite what Johnson, Starmer and their cronies would have you believe. These people are calculated murders.

    But back to further evidence.

    Crowding is associated with increased mortality.
    If you do not want to read the entire study then go straight to pages 16 and 17.
    Royal College of Emergency Medicine.
    R.C.E.M Acute Series.
    Crowding and its Consequences.
    November 2021

    Funding for unused masks and failed track ‘n’ trace but not essential staff.

    Ask yourself –
    is the increased and accelerating death rate planned ? Is it be being covered up by a false narrative ?

  5. I’ve rang Thangum Debonnaire’s office on numerous occasions. First to enquire what she has done to support the release of Julian Assange ?
    They dry and dismiss me. Claiming nothing can be done to interfere with the legal process. I suggest that my MP tries harder. Other MPs are publicly calling for Julian’s release. When I see Thangham has done nothing I ring again pointing out that Julian only published evidence of war crimes, including the premeditated murder of children. He has not broken any English laws. Still no support from Debonnaire on the floor of the House of Commons nor in the mainstream media. I keep ringing my MPs office.
    They keep trying to fob me off.
    I fear it has been a long time now. That they may try to wisk him away – to America when Britain is distracted. During Christmas or the New Year ?!!
    I know emails have been sent.
    It is a disgrace this MP does absolutely nothing. This man has broken NO English law.

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