Bristol Governance Referendum Coming In May 2022: Marvin Rees Loses Mayoral System Confidence Vote – Launch of George Galloway and Chris Williamson’s New ‘Worker’s Party’ – Stop Hinkley Campaigners Find Radioactivity In Soil Around New Hinkley C Nuclear Power Station – Stalin’s Vengeance: British PM In 1950s Harold Macmillan Hands Over 30k Cossack POWs In 1945 For Stalin To Slaughter – Katharine Gun: Covid Vaccine Deaths Within Two Weeks Of Jab Being Wrongly Categorised As Unvaxxed Deaths Says Prof. Norman Fenton – Ex Deputy Mayor, on how multinationals are controlling farming, food, the world and Covid policy – ‘Hail Satan’ 2019 Documentary Explaining That Modern Satanists Are Atheists – NOT The BCfm Politics Show presented by Tony Gosling

Friday 10th December 2021 mp3 of show [right click to download]

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BCfm’s weekly Politics Show presented by Tony Gosling with Irish Republican Labour activist Martin Summers was forced off FM, now online only. We were ‘rested due to the pandemic’ on 24 March 2020 by BCfm charity ‘CEO’ Patrick Hart who is a longtime personal friend of Bristol’s all-powerful right-wing ‘Labour’ mayor Marvin Rees. This Internet only NOT The BCfm Politics Show is now available 17:00-c. 21:00 live on Fridays. Pat Har reptlaced us with a student show repeating MSM stories, The Bristol Agenda. If you’d like to share your views on such deliberate anti-community dumbing-down you can contact the BCfm board chair and CEO ‘Don’ here.

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Part One News Review and Investigative Reports

Court ruling that Julian Assange can be extradited to US – an appeal will be launched.  What Julian Assange achieved with Wikileaks. Assange judge is 40-year good friend of minister who orchestrated his arrest – Julian Assanges fate lies in the hands of an appeal judge who is a close friend of Sir Alan Duncan – the former foreign minister who called Assange a miserable little worm in parliament.  MATT KENNARD and MARK CURTIS  2 December 2021 – Lord Chief Justice Ian Burnett, the judge that will soon decide Julian Assanges fate, is a close personal friend of Sir Alan Duncan, who as foreign minister arranged Assanges eviction from the Ecuadorian embassy.  –  The two have known each other since their student days at Oxford in the 1970s, when Duncan called Burnett the Judge. Burnett and his wife attended Duncans birthday dinner at a members-only London club in 2017, when Burnett was a judge at the court of appeal.  Now the most powerful judge in England and Wales, Burnett will soon rule on Assanges extradition case. The founder of WikiLeaks faces life imprisonment in the US.  In his recently published diaries, In The Thick of It, Duncan wrote in July 2017: My good friend and Oxford contemporary Ian Burnett is announced as the next Lord Chief Justice.  He continued: At Oxford we always called him the Judge and they always called me Prime Minister, but Ian’s the one who’s got there.  In an emailed response to Declassified, Lord Chief Justice Burnett confirmed he and Duncan have been friends since university days. Duncan studied politics and economics at St Johns College, Oxford from 1976-79, while Burnett studied jurisprudence at Pembroke College in the same period.

Allegra Stratton resigns over Downing St. office party scandal.  Bristol Council has voted to have a referendum on whether Bristol should continue to have the Mayoral role.  Council members giving their opinions before the vote:  Alex Hartley – Lib Dem;  Steve Pearce – Labour;  Cllr Barney – Lib Dems;  Mark Watson – Tories;  Alex Harvey;  Mayor Marvin Rees.  The Post article – Bristol mayoral referendum to be held in 2022 Vote will decide whether Bristol should continue to have an elected mayor Bristol will go to the polls next year to decide whether to scrap the mayoral system after opposition councillors had a resounding victory in City Hall tonight. A majority of elected members of Bristol City Council backed a motion on Tuesday (November 7) to hold a legally binding second referendum ten years after the first which created the post of Mayor of Bristol in 2012. The referendum in May 2022 will offer Bristolians the choice of keeping an elected mayor or going back to the committee system of governance that was in place about ten years before George Ferguson became the citys first directly elected mayor in November 2012. The debate ahead of the decision to hold a referendum heard claims from opposition councillors that the role of city mayor has absolute power while the Labour group dismissed the motion and the debate as navel gazing. Critics of the mayoral system say it has put too much power in the hands of one person and undermined the role of local councillors, whereas opponents of the committee system say decision-making was too slow and nothing got done. The committee system saw full council appoint cross-party committees to make decisions on specific matters such as transport, but retain the power to set the annual budget and make other large decisions. A core executive of members of the majority party retained the right of veto. The motion to let the people of Bristol decide whether to ditch the mayoral system and return to the committee system at the end of the second term of current mayor Marvin Rees was put forward by the Liberal Democrats with the support of the Green Party, whose national policy favours committee systems. After an impassioned debate, the motion passed with the support of almost all opposition members, with 41 votes in favour of holding a referendum next year against 24 votes from the Labour group. Two councillors abstained from the vote – Labours Zoe Goodman and Tim Wye from the Greens. Four councillors did not vote, according to the electronic voting system, including Paula ORourke, the former leader of the Green group, who did not attend the meeting. Presenting the motion, Lib Dem councillor Alex Hartley pointed to disasters such as Bristol Energy and Bristol Arena as evidence the mayoral model was not working as hoped. Bristol Energy lost nearly 50million before it was broken up and sold last year. Full council voted in favour of an arena on Temple Island in 2016, but Mr Rees overruled the decision saying it should be in Filton instead.

Bristol Bridge and City Centre 2020 road closure map

Bristol traffic the third worst in Britain in 2021. Mayor Marvin’s failed traffic control systems. Public/private partnerships. Bristol traffic ranked as some of the worst congestion in the country Delays in the city costs drivers hundreds of pounds this year, according to a study Bristol is one of the most congested cities in the UK, according to a new traffic study. The city came third in a ranking of the places in Britain with the worst traffic in 2021, with only London and Cambridge ranking higher. The study, from traffic monitoring organisation Inrix, found the average Bristol motorist lost 66 hours due to delays in the last 12 months – the third highest figure in the country. Although this figure is 36 per cent below pre-pandemic levels, it still represents a rise of 29 hours compared to 2020, when many people were working from home and travel was restricted because of the coronavirus pandemic. In London, the average driver lost 148 hours to traffic in 2021, while people in Cambridge lost 75 hours each. Across the UK, the average time lost by individual drivers due to traffic was 73 hours, up from 37 in 2020 but down from 115 hours in 2019. The impact of this traffic hits motorists in their pockets deeply, according to the study. Bristol drivers lost £542 each in 2021 because of congestion, while the average London driver lost a whopping £1,211. Traffic cost the UK about £8bn over the last 12 months, with the average British motorist losing £595. In London, the traffic numbers were the highest on the planet, which has been partly blamed on an increase in cycle lanes. Inrix operations director Peter Lees told the PA news agency that the installation of cycle lanes had a ‘negative impact on congestion’. New cycle lanes were installed in the capital last year following the Covid-19 outbreak to encourage active travel. 

Launch of George Galloway and Chris Williamson’s new Worker’s Party ….. After scraping onto the ballot paper to play the role of the constantly outvoted minority, Jeremy Corbyn surprised everyone when he gathered 59.5 percent of the total vote to beat his main rivals and become leader of the Labour party in 2015. The following year, after intrigue and internecine warfare, he defeated his challenger Owen Smith with 61.8 percent of the vote and secured his position and the right to take Labour into a general election in 2017. Thousands of well-intentioned working-class people flocked to the Labour party, wanting to believe that Corbyn would be different from Blair, Brown and Miliband; that he would hold true to his professed principles and that, somehow, we would have socialism in Britain. The experience of the last few years alone is enough to demonstrate that one cannot make a silk purse from a sow’s ear.

Police continue with photo system of reporting crimes to them. A quarter of police forces tell victims to collect their own evidence in bid to cut down on face-to-face visits Forces have been using a program which allows victims to send police photos Twelve forces, including the Met Police, used the program during the pandemic Victims’ groups say that the software must not replace face-to-face officer visits Police forces across the country are to ask crime victims to collect their own evidence in an attempt to cut down on face-to-face visits, The Mail on Sunday can reveal. Twelve forces have signed up to use the program which allows officers to text or email a website link to victims asking them to upload evidence such as video clips or images. They include the Metropolitan Police, Staffordshire, Cumbria, West Midlands, Hertfordshire, Cambridgeshire and Bedfordshire, among others, which have adopted ‘Axon Citizen’, made by the US firm behind the TASER. Fears of spreading coronavirus has seen forces across the country adopt the system to limit ‘exposure to members of the public’, according to Axon.

Nicola Sturgeon presses button for the controlled demolition of a chimney in a coal fire power station. Longannet Power Station’s 600ft chimney blown up as footage shows historic moment The chimney, which was Scotland’s largest freestanding structure, dominated the skyline for more than half a century before it was destroyed on Thursday morning with 700kg of explosives. A controlled explosion was carried out earlier on the 600ft chimney with the help of First Minister Nicola Sturgeon. Scotland’s last remaining coal-fired power station is no more – bringing an end to the Longannet Power Station in Fife. A controlled explosion was carried out earlier on Thursday which brought down the 600ft chimney. First Minister Nicola Sturgeon pushed the button to blow up the chimney stack, which stood at Longannet for more than 50 years, and was once the country’s tallest free standing structure. Longannet itself closed and stopped operating back in 2016. Dramatic footage from the scene in Kincardine shows smoke and dust billowing into the air and being blown across the Firth or Forth. The site, which first opened in 1973, was Europe’s biggest coal-fired power station and consumed around 4.5 million tonnes of coal a year. Owned by Scottish Power, Longannet produced more power than any other site in the country.

Tim Deere-Jones, from Stop Hinkley, on finding radioactivity in the soil around Hinkley C nuclear power station and the difficulties of nuclear waste.  Craig Murray – Helots story. Tim Deere-Jones on the problems with the EPR nuclear reactor, as found with other ones built.  Research finds ‘significant concentrations’ of radioactivity in samples taken from across the Somerset and south Wales coast A new survey has concluded the spread of man-made radioactivity from reactor discharges into the Bristol Channel is far more extensive and widespread than previously reported. The research has also detected a high concentration of radioactivity in Splott Bay, which could be linked to the controversial dumping of dredged waste off the Cardiff coast in 2018. The survey was undertaken over the summer by groups from both sides of the Bristol Channel after EDF Energy refused to carry out pre-dumping surveys of the Cardiff Grounds and Portishead sea dump sites where they have disposed of waste from the construction of the Hinkley Point C nuclear power plant. The survey found that shoreline concentrations of two radio nuclides (Caesium 137 and Americium 241) typical of the effluents from the Hinkley reactors and indicators of the presence of Plutonium 239/240 and 241, do not decline significantly with distance from the Hinkley site as Government and Industry surveys had previously reported Overall, the study found significant concentrations of Hinkley derived radioactivity in samples from all 11 sites, seven along the Somerset coast and four in south Wales and found unexpectedly high concentrations in sediments from Bristol Docks, the tidal River Avon, the Portishead shoreline, Burnham-on-Sea and Woodspring Bay. Along the Welsh coast all samples held significant concentrations of Caesium 137 (10Bq/Kg or more) and positive concentrations of Americium 241….

PMQs – NHS dentists.  Alison Pollock article on NHS. If you believe in a public NHS, the new health and care bill should set off alarm bells – Allyson Pollock and Peter Roderick The government is easing the way for the privatisation of the health service where is the opposition to their plans? Over the past three decades, the funding, planning and provision of health services have become disconnected from each other and from people living in local areas.  Ten years ago, Andrew Lansleys health and social care bill to reorganise the NHS in England faced enormous opposition. The current health and care bill, which has its second reading in the House of Lords today, has received far less attention. But it is no less significant. The new bill will continue the dismantling of the NHS, this time by adopting more features from the US health system. For anyone who cares about the NHS, this should set off alarm bells. The proposals mean that for the first time since 1948, parliament will not determine to whom NHS services must be provided. The bill removes the requirement for emergency services to be provided for everybody present in an area. No explanation has been given for getting rid of it. Over the past three decades the funding, planning and provision of health services have become disconnected from each other and from people living in local areas. The bill takes this further. It gives a single budget pot to 42 new integrated care boards (ICBs) to commission most health services. These wont serve all people living in a local area, but a group of people who can be drawn from anywhere in England. The group will be allocated to the ICB under rules made by NHS England, without parliamentary process.

PMQs Irish border post Brexit.  Ice Age Farmer – UN Counter Terrorism Committee censoring the internet at the domain name level. U.N. Taking Down Private Websites Domain Level Censorship The U.N. Counter Terrorism Executive Directorate (CTED) is now responsible for taking entire privately hosted websites offline, as they seek to take total control of the flow of information and establish their Great Narrative. CTED notifies domain registrars of extremist sites i.e., those that promote narratives they don’t approve of and the sites can no longer be found. This reflects a new level of internet censorship, but it is not just publishers who are in the crosshairs – it is all of us. Christian breaks it down in this Ice Age Farmer broadcast.

Conference on False Flag Terror Events on No Lies Radio – …….. on US defeat in Afghanistan and religious fascism. Global Conference on Terror False Flags live streamed on Sunday, October 31, 2021: Speakers in order  Building 7: The Smoking Gun of 9/11 Richard Gage, AIA, Architect Idaho, USA.,  Founder and former CEO of Architects & Engineers for 9/11 Truth. He continues on his personal mission to educate the public about the explosive evidence of the destruction of all 3 World Trade Center. Richard has given over 700 presentations on the subject in two dozen foreign countries in 100 American cities to audiences up to 4,000. Learn more at False Flags and War 2001-2021Is Covid a US Bioweapon? Kevin Barrett, Ph.D Wisconsin, USA.,  an American Muslim and PhD Islamic Studies scholar, is one of Americas best-known critics of the War on Terror. A former teacher of Islamic Studies, Arabic, French, and Humanities at various colleges and universities, he now publishes books and op-eds, offers commentary on international television, and hosts Truth Jihad Radio and False Flag Weekly News. His website is Was 9/11 an Inside Job, an Israeli Job, or Both? Laurent Guyenot Paris, France.  See his article in the Unz Review. Laurent Guyenot is the author of The Unspoken Kennedy Truth, and From Yahweh to Zion: Jealous God, Chosen People, Promised Land Clash of Civilizations, 2018. (or $30 shipping included from Sifting and Winnowing, POB 221, Lone Rock, WI 53556). False Flag Terror attacks in India with a focus on Mumbai 26/11/2008 & Pulwama-Balakot 14/2/2019. The latter eventually led to the strengthening of extreme right-wing religio-fascist forces. Feroze MithiborwalaMumbai,India.  See his article in Counter Currents 17 Facts Exposing the Pulwama Terror Attack & the Balakot Surgical Strike – Assange will appeal case. In US, Israels Gantz Calls for Joint Military Readiness Against Iran – Lloyd Austin said if diplomacy with Iran fails, US has ‘other options’ by Dave DeCamp Posted on December 9, 2021  – On Thursday, Israeli Defense Minister Benny Gantz met with Secretary of Defense Lloyd Austin in Washington and called for joint military readiness between the US and Israel against Iran. – A day before the meeting, a US official told Reuters that the two military leaders would discuss potential military drills to prepare for attacks on Iran. Austin told Gantz on Thursday that if diplomacy with Iran fails, the US is ready to turn to other options.  With indirect negotiations between the US and Iran to revive the nuclear resuming in Vienna, Israeli officials are pushing hard for the Biden administration to abandon the talks, impose more sanctions, and consider attacking the Islamic Republic. Since the resumption of talks, the US has accused Iran of not taking the process seriously. But in the meantime, the Biden administration has imposed more sanctions on Iran, which signals that the US is not prepared to return the JCPOA. Openly discussing attacking Iran with Israeli officials is also not sending the best signal to Iran, and is likely part of the effort to ramp up the pressure. But US sanctions and Israeli covert attacks have only led to Iran making nuclear advancements.

Nikolai Tolstoy, grandson of Russian author Leo Tolstoy, discusses his new book ‘Stalin’s Vengeance’ about the treatment of the Cossacks by Stalin and the West, and his previous book ‘The Minister and the Massacres’ about Harold MacMillan.  In May 1945, as World War II drew to a close in Europe, some 30,000 Russian Cossacks surrendered to British forces in Austria, believing they would be spared repatriation to the Soviet Union. The fate of those among them who were Soviet citizens had been sealed by the Yalta Agreement, signed by the Allied leaders a few months earlier. Ever since, mystery has surrounded Britain’s decision to include among those returned to Stalin a substantial number of White Russians, who had fled their country after the Russian Revolution of 1917 and found refuge in various European countries. They had never been Soviet citizens, and should not have been handed over. Some were prominent tsarist generals, on whose handover the Soviets were particularly insistent. General Charles Keightley, the responsible British officer, concealed the presence of White Russians from his superiors, who had issued repeated orders stipulating that only Soviet nationals should be handed over, and even then only if they did not resist. Through a succession underhanded moves, Keightley secretly delivered up the leading Cossack commanders to the Soviets, while force of unparalleled brutality was employed to hand over thousands of Cossack men, women, and children to a ghastly fate. Particularly sinister was the role of the future British Prime Minister Harold Macmillan, whose own machinations are scrutinized here.

Bitchute video of complete show

Part Two – Covid Climate Round-Up With End Times Prophecy Reports

MPs and Speaker discussing announcement of Covid Plan B away from Parliament.  Omicron – precautionary principle with Covid but not Covid vaccines.  Christian Terhez, a Romanian politician from The Peasant Party, on the EU mandating Covid vaccines.  Jimmy Carr laughing at those who refuse Covid vaccinesSome MEPs have pointed out vaccine passports and mandatory vaccines are fascistic, but as the MEPs have no real power its just a talking shop and it makes zero difference what MEPs say or think – EU accused of breaking own rules with vaccine passport plans – ‘Not a concentration camp’ THE European Union’s vaccine passport proposals would breach the bloc’s treasured freedom of movement rules, a senior MEP has warned. Romanian Cristian Terhes said the plans to restart travel between member states would be a “mass violation of individual rights and freedoms”. Under the scheme, travellers’ jab, test and antibodies status will be used to open up trips to other EU countries. Brussels wants to roll out its so-called Digital Green Certificates by the end of June in a bid to boost the bloc’s pandemic-stricken tourism industry. But Mr Terhes said the move would see the Continent returned to an era of controls not seen since the Second World War. He fumed: “The vote in favour of the introduction of this Digital Green Certificate will have profound negative repercussions on both the fundamental rights and freedoms of people, as well as on the relationship between the person and state, and on the future of The European Union. “The essential reason for the European Union’s existence was to create a space of freedom and prosperity, and not a concentration camp. “For the first time since World War 2, however, we are called to vote against for reason for being of the EU and to allow a mass violation of individual rights and freedoms.” A host of EU nations have already begun work on their own vaccine passport to help kickstart their economies after months of miserable lockdowns. This could even include welcoming Britons to their countries, with Greece and Spain already announcing breakaway plans. EU justice commissioner Didier Reynders warned of the possibility of “fragmentation across Europe” if an agreement can’t be struck on a bloc-wide passport. He said: “We would risk having a variety of documents that cannot be read and verified in other member states. And we risk the spread of forged documents, and with it, the spread of both the virus and the mistrust of citizens.”

Jamie Jenkins, statistician on Talk Radio Mike Graham’s show – 80,000 excess deaths in peoples homes in UK, data from South Africa on Omicron, vaccine passports don’t work.  PMQs – stop 15 min wait after Pfizer vaccine. Previously Head of Health/Job stats at Office for National Statistics – Jamie Jenkins, Award winning analytical leader with over 20 years experience of leading multi-disciplinary teams Two decades leading teams to tell data driven stories with the aim to educate business leaders, policymakers, media organisations, and the public. Statistician and analyst with 21 years’ experience of leading teams to interrogate and bring data sources together to deliver actionable insights and create business data strategies. I specialise in thinking outside of the box to provide decision makers answers to the problems they have not yet thought of. With skills in the latest cutting-edge data visualisation tools, I have won many awards for communicating insights effectively with nonspecialists, including acting as media spokesperson as well as board-level presentations.

Katharine Gun IX – lack of science behind the stage 3 trials of Covid vaccines – Pfizer documents on Covid vaccine trials not fully available for over 50 years –  people dying within two weeks of having Covid vaccine not classed as vaccinated   – have Covid measures been responsible for many excess deaths in UK? – analysis by Prof. Norman Fenton from St. Mary’s College, London University – Covid vaccine deaths and injuries recorded on Yellow Card schemes. 

REPORT: Latest statistics on England mortality data suggest systematic mis-categorisation of vaccine status and uncertain effectiveness of Covid-19 vaccination The risk/benefit of Covid vaccines is arguably most accurately measured by an all-cause mortality rate comparison of vaccinated against unvaccinated, since it not only avoids most confounders relating to case definition but also fulfils the WHO/CDC definition of “vaccine effectiveness” for mortality. We examine the latest UK ONS vaccine mortality surveillance report which provides the necessary information to monitor this crucial comparison over time. At first glance the ONS data suggest that, in each of the older age groups, all-cause mortality is lower in the vaccinated than the unvaccinated. Despite this apparent evidence to support vaccine effectiveness-at least for the older age groups-on closer inspection of this data, this conclusion is cast into doubt because of a range of fundamental inconsistencies and anomalies in the data. Whatever the explanations for the observed data, it is clear that it is both unreliable and misleading. While socio-demographical and behavioural differences between vaccinated and unvaccinated have been proposed as possible explanations, there is no evidence to support any of these. By Occam’s razor we believe the most likely explanations are systemic miscategorisation of deaths between the different categories of unvaccinated and vaccinated; delayed or non-reporting of vaccinations; systemic underestimation of the proportion of unvaccinated; and/or incorrect population selection for Covid deaths.

REPORT: All-cause mortality during COVID-19: No plague and a likely signature of mass homicide by government response

Jim Rogerson, Clitheroe Lancs., Councillor and ex Deputy Mayor, on how multinationals are controlling farming, food, the world and Covid policy. Ribble Valley deputy mayor says Covid-19 danger exaggerated. Cllr Rogerson said he started looking further into the lockdown issues and the much-talked-of new normal after reading an open letter penned by Archbishop Carlo Vigano, a former Secretary-General at the Vatican. The letter, titled Appeal for the Church and the World, read: There are powers interested in creating panic among the worlds population with the sole aim of permanently imposing unacceptable forms of restriction on freedoms, of controlling people and of tracking their movements. Cllr Rogerson said some of the councillors he worked with were absolutely petrified of the virus and he blamed overly negative national media coverage for that. He said: People have died and it is absolutely terrible that they have, but it is not as deadly as being made out. A big section of society are going to be too frightened to socialise with each other. That fear will be killing people, I have read recently two million people have missed cancer appointments. Were being brainwashed to accept a lot more control over our lives. People dont realise they will have a lot of freedoms taken away from them. Theres going to be a massive bill to pay for all this and the only way is through taxation and that will fall mainly on the young 30 year olds with young families and another 30 or 40 years to work. He added: Ordinary people I speak to think the dangers are being over-exaggerated and they just want to get on with their lives. An open debate needs to be brought forward.

Robert Hanson on the enforcement of QR codes on smart phones to do anything in Hong Kong. HK mandates Covid tracing app at restaurants amid privacy concerns HONG KONG: The Hong Kong government made its check-in app mandatory for most adults in bars and restaurants on Thursday, the latest expansion of coronavirus tracing tech at a time of heightened privacy concerns in the city. The international finance hub has kept infections at bay thanks to mostly closed borders, some of the worlds strictest quarantine rules and ongoing social distancing rules. No local infections have been recorded in months, but the city is further ramping up virus measures, aligning with Chinas zero-Covid strategy as it seeks quarantine-free travel with the mainland. From Thursday, all adults under 65 must use the city governments Covid app, scanning QR codes to log their presence at 18 types of premises including eateries, cinemas, gyms and karaoke venues. The logs can be used to trace infections if there is an outbreak. Children and the elderly were exempted at the last minute after a public backlash against the proposal to make the app mandatory for all. The Leave Home Safe app has been in use since November 2020, but until Thursday, it was not mandatory and people could still fill out paper slips when entering venues. Chum Tak-shing, a local district councillor in Sham Shui Po, said many older residents who are not exempted in his working-class district do not own, and cannot afford, a phone to run the app. (They) are now having to spend nearly HK$1,000 on a smartphone and a new SIM card they dont necessarily need, he told AFP.

‘Hail Satan’ documentary explaining that modern Satanists are atheists.  “The Satanic Temple is a new religious organization that was founded in 2013, kind of as a prank, but very quickly gained a huge amount of authentic followers,” says Penny Lane, director of ‘Hail Satan?’, a documentary premiering at select theatres in 2019Father Larry Gosselin’s criticism of a new film playing at the Riviera Theater may have had the opposite effect than he intended. He sent a letter Tuesday expressing his “grave concern and disappointment” over the showing of Hail Satan?, a documentary that follows members of the Satanic Temple as they advocate for religious freedom in their home state of Arkansas. Since then, ticket sales appear to have gone up. “It’s doing really well,” said Roger Durling, director of the Santa Barbara International Film Festival, which operates the theater. “We have two weekend showings scheduled.” In his letter addressed to Durling, Gosselin, a Franciscan friar assigned to Old Mission Santa Barbara, says the film could put the city in “grave danger.” “I strongly request of you, on behalf of our community, that you do not support, bring, nor allow this film into our community to view,” he wrote.

Radio4All download pages
BCfm audio file – [right click to download]
Complete 250 minute show – [right click to download]
Full interviews with:
Katharine Gun IX: Data and Statistics 01:00:00
Nikolai Tolstoy: Stalin’s Vengeance on WWII Cossack POWs 02:00:00
Clitheroe Cllr Jim Rogerson on ‘Covid Genocide’ 00:30:00
Robert Hanson: Dec 2021 Hong Kong update 00:15:00
Tim Deere-Jones Stop Hinkley citizens’ radiation survey 01:00:00
Jamie Jenkins ex Head of Health Analysis at ONS on Omicron 00:15:00
Bristol City Council Mayor Referendum Debate 00:40:00


February 2019 Ofcom complaint result: UKLFI exposed as creation of Israeli foreign ministryBristol Post article: BCfm cleared after being reported to Ofcom for anti-semitic conspiracy theories

2 Comments on “Bristol Governance Referendum Coming In May 2022: Marvin Rees Loses Mayoral System Confidence Vote – Launch of George Galloway and Chris Williamson’s New ‘Worker’s Party’ – Stop Hinkley Campaigners Find Radioactivity In Soil Around New Hinkley C Nuclear Power Station – Stalin’s Vengeance: British PM In 1950s Harold Macmillan Hands Over 30k Cossack POWs In 1945 For Stalin To Slaughter – Katharine Gun: Covid Vaccine Deaths Within Two Weeks Of Jab Being Wrongly Categorised As Unvaxxed Deaths Says Prof. Norman Fenton – Ex Deputy Mayor, on how multinationals are controlling farming, food, the world and Covid policy – ‘Hail Satan’ 2019 Documentary Explaining That Modern Satanists Are Atheists – NOT The BCfm Politics Show presented by Tony Gosling

  1. Joe Rogan recently did an i terrier with Dr. Peter A. McCullough on The Joe Rogan Experience on spotify. An extremely interesting interview.

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