Edward Colston Statue Acquittal Inside Story And Why Cecil Rhodes May Be Next To Go – Architects Journal: ‘Developer Greed’ And Speculators Mayor Marvin Rees Are ‘Disfiguring Bristol’ – Novak Djokovic Being “Held Captive” As Tennis Star’s Dad Threatens Australian Officials – Chinese Lockdown Rule-Breakers Publicly Shamed Paraded Through Streets Carrying Placards With Names – Twitter Censored mRNA Vaccine Inventor Dr. Robert Malone On Joe Rogan Podcast – Alex Krainer on Elizabeth Holmes: WEF Digital Slavery Agenda Won’t Die With Theranos – Jewish Doctor Vladimir Zelenko On The ‘Poison Death Jab’ And Mark Of The Beast In Revelation – NOT The BCfm Politics Show presented by Tony Gosling
Friday 7th January 2022 mp3 of show [right click to download]
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BCfm’s weekly Politics Show presented by Tony Gosling with Irish Republican Labour activist Martin Summers was forced off FM, now online only. We were ‘rested due to the pandemic’ on 24 March 2020 by BCfm charity ‘CEO’ Patrick Hart who is a longtime personal friend of Bristol’s all-powerful right-wing ‘Labour’ mayor Marvin Rees. This Internet only NOT The BCfm Politics Show is now available 17:00-c. 21:00 live on Fridays. Pat Har reptlaced us with a student show repeating MSM stories, The Bristol Agenda. If you’d like to share your views on such deliberate anti-community dumbing-down you can contact the BCfm board chair and CEO ‘Don’ here.
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Part One – News Review and Investigative Reports
Christine Townsend, teacher, Green Party Councillor for Southville, and founding member of Countering Colston, joins Tony and Martin. Those responsible for downing Colston statue in Bristol go free. History of Edward Colston and the Slave Trade in Bristol, his importance in the City as a benefactor, The Colston Cult of the 1920s, and the continuing power of the Merchant Venturers in Bristol. The Society of Merchant Venturers need to get out of our democracy Green Party councillor for Southville, Christine Townsend, was one of the founding members of Countering Colston. Speaking at a press conference after the Colston 4 were found not guilty, she said: We never went after the statue because we would have been considered to have just been crazy having the idea of taking that statue down back in 2014. So that is why we went for current, religious and educational practises, and how the Society of Merchant Venturers and Bristol Cathedral were basically telling untruths to children during their rituals in that cathedral.
As a teacher, that was where I came in. I could not sit back and allow the bishop of Bristol to tell hundreds of schoolchildren in my city that it was speculation about how Edward Colston made his money. And I couldn’t believe that they had ceremonies where they celebrated this man For me, because they (the Society of Merchant Venturers) have been so involved in running private schools and we know where those that are educated at private schools end up in terms of at the top of the pyramid of power. And it is those myths and the procreation of that cult that has meant there has been such resistance in Bristol, and why ordinary Bristolians just could not understand why we were so upset with Colston, and there was such denial of this fact for year after year after year. Townsend added: “The dial has moved. There is no going back. What we see is the Merchant Venturers trying to create another narrative. Even now they are trying to create another narrative. “They are trying to distance themselves and minimise the involvement of their historic figures in the transatlantic slave trade. “That is what they will continue to do but we will continue to push against it. “The Society of Merchant Venturers need to get out of our democracy. “It came out in court – there was clear evidence – that individuals in the organisation tried to interfere with the democratic processes. “And as an elected member of the council, that is something that I will be taking up and we will be pushing for as myself as an individual and the Green Party.”
The 8 Merchant Academy Schools funded by The Merchant Venturers. Are the Merchant Venturers going to go? Radicalisation and extremism at Bristol’s Merchants’ Academy ‘not dealt with’ as Oftsed rates school inadequate (2017) Merchants’ Academy has been given the bottom rating by Ofsted in every department A Bristol school has been criticised by education watchdog Ofsted for failing to deal with radicalisation and extremism. Merchants’ Academy has been thrown into special measures by the regulator, after it was rated inadequate in every department. The all-through school in Withywood, which is run by the Venturers’ Trust, has about 1,100 pupils and was rated good in its previous inspection. But it has gone downwards since, prompting the school to reshuffle the leadership team, and appoint a new principal and chairman of governors. Inspectors to the school in September found a myriad of problems – from leadership and teaching to worrying behaviour and poor outcomes for children. The report, which has been seen by the Bristol Post, also said senior leaders at the school had allowed a culture of “low standards and low expectations” to take a firm hold at the school. In the last two years, standards at the school, which was already low, had declined even further, inspectors found.
Master of the Merchant Venturers, Director of Bristol Water and corporate lawyer Chris Curling on the show back in December 2014. 2014/15 ‘Master’ of Bristol’s Society of Merchant Venturers Chris Curling… Interview with Chris Curling, new Master of the Merchant Venturers: Bishop Mike Hill’s statement about Merchant Venturer slave trader Edward Colston’s business dealings being ‘speculation’ in front of hundreds of their schoolchildren ; the slave trade; charity fund of Merchant Venturers; various ‘interests’ of Chris including being on the board of Bristol Water; Ofwat says Bristol Water must cut it’s bills by 21% – public versus private water; Ireland protest as they have to pay for water for the first time; fracking adversely affecting water supplies; the role of the Master of the Merchant Venturers
History – who writes it and who decides what gets taught? Marvin Rees’s attitude to the Colston statue. Is Marvin close to the Merchant Venturers? The coming Referendum to decide on Mayoral system. Historic Britain complains about planned monoliths in Bristol city centre = ‘Colston four’ criticised by Bristol’s first black mayor Marvin Rees has taken ‘issue’ with protesters’ claims that city leaders have been inactive in addressing racism ‘Mischievous’ to suggest inaction on Edward Colston statue – Bristol Mayor Marvin Rees Bristol’s Mayor has said to suggest there was inaction over the Edward Colston statue would be “mischievous” as he insisted he has been “on the front foot” of tackling issues driving racism in the city. The bronze memorial to the 17th century slave trader was pulled down during a Black Lives Matter (BLM) protest on June 7 last year, before being dumped in Bristol Harbour. Four people – Rhian Graham (30), Milo Ponsford (26), Sage Willoughby (22) and Jake Skuse (33) – were charged with criminal damage and were cleared by a jury at Bristol Crown Court yesterday (January 5). Bristol Mayor Mavin Rees and Bristol City Council have been criticised for not acting more quickly on the Colston statue. In an interview with ITV News today (January 6), the Mayor defended the action he has taken on tackling racism in the city.
Ex Bristol Mayor George Ferguson in the Architects Journal, on the Bristol land speculators’ bonanza and secret deals for public land which Marvin Rees has facilitated – ‘We have until recently had a well-developed strategy of keeping larger commercial buildings closer to the station in the Temple Quarter Enterprise Zone. However, maybe I should not have been surprised after the other calamity at the east end of Castle Park, where a developer was encouraged to add 10 storeys to its original Chapman Taylor-designed proposal to create a landmark building. If it is a landmark, it is certainly not a great one but a dismal piece of commercial architecture that should never have seen the light of day. Bristol is now stuck with a massive concrete-framed tombstone that blights Castle Park and Old Market and pops up rudely all over the city. It is no wonder that Historic England strongly condemned both these schemes. Why was the government’s statutory advisor on heritage ignored? The unquestioning alliance between business and the current Mayor means there is little or no scrutiny of the commercial or environmental claims of applicants as to their schemes viability and sustainability so we are left to take the word of applicants as to the economic need for more floors. There is no such need just greed. This is just the beginning the city council has recently been holding secretive competitions for sensitive sites, advised by agents. One such competition is for an office block on the site previously designated for the Behnisch-designed Centre for Performing Arts. It can be summed up as a well designed (AHMM) oversized rectangular business park building with a most uncomfortable relationship to its Harbourside setting, especially to Millennium Square, onto which it backs. Bristol, which is losing occupants from many key buildings, some threatened with demolition Debenhams, M&S, Lloyds needs a planning revolution with much greater understanding of what makes a good city, and a better world for our children. Otherwise, we are on course to kill the golden goose, with yet more inappropriate development that has nothing to do with the creation of the fairer and more vital city and planet we should all be working towards through 2022 and beyond.’
PMQs Angela Rayner – inflated energy bills and Tories lack of planning. Why isn’t the Nord Stream 2 pipeline being turned on? PMQs John Penrose – international gas price being set by Moscow. Ant-Russian sentiment. Kier Starmer’s speech about his vision for The Labour Party – Keir Starmer did a Big Speech – it’s a shame he had absolutely nothing to say – It was a speech so instantly forgettable that a minute after it had been delivered, the Labour leader couldn’t remember it himself – Anti-apartheid icon Archbishop Tutu dies. Here is what he said about Israel-Palestine The South African Nobel peace laureate has passed away at the age of 90 Israel refused to grant Archbishop Tutu and Professor Chinkin authorisation to enter Gaza, but they were eventually able to travel to the besieged territory via Egypt. They met with survivors and eye-witnesses and produced a report to the Human Rights Council. In a May 2008 statement about his mission, the archbishop decried the Israeli siege on Gaza, in place since 2007, as “a gross violation of human rights”. He also said the Israeli siege contradicted the Jewish and Christian scriptures. = Ed Fredenberg, former Labour Party member suspended for alleged ‘anti-Semitism’, discusses the real reason for the anti-Semitism attack against Jeremy Corbyn, and how Desmond Tutu’s campaigning for the Palestinians has hardly been mentioned since his death. Tutu went to Palestine via Egypt. Haaretz – Tutu article with quote. Tony Blair made a Sir. Ghislaine Maxwell sent down – Whitney Webb’s coverage.
Kazakhstan protests – is there foreign infiltration? The history and logistics of Kazakhstan. Fresh violence erupted in Kazakhstan’s largest city on Thursday as Russia rushed in paratroopers to put down a countrywide uprising in one of Moscow’s closest former Soviet allies. Police in the main city Almaty said they had killed dozens of protesters. The authorities said at least 18 members of the security forces had died, including two found decapitated. More than 2,000 people had been arrested. Burned-out vehicles littered Almaty’s streets, several government buildings were in ruins and bullet casings were strewn over the grounds of the presidential residence, which was stormed and looted by protesters on Wednesday. “I didn’t know our people could be so terrifying,” Samal, a 29-year-old nursery-school teacher, told the news agency AFP near the residence. Military personnel regained control of the main airport, seized earlier by protesters. Thursday evening saw renewed battles in Almaty’s main square, occupied alternately by troops and hundreds of protesters throughout much of the day. The Russian deployment was a gamble by the Kremlin that rapid military force could secure its interests in the oil and uranium-producing Central Asian nation, by swiftly putting down the worst violence in Kazakhstan’s 30 years of independence.
Bitchute video of complete show
Part Two – Covid Climate Round-Up With End Times Prophecy Reports
Novak Djokovic trouble in Australia as not vaccinated. Is Omicron the beginning of the end of the ‘pandemic’? Geopolitics of Covid. Novak Djokovic being “held captive” as tennis star’s dad threatens Australia officials – Djokovic’s father has issued a sensational threat to Australian officials as his son waits to learn his visa fate in a room guarded by police at Melbourne Airport Novak Djokovic ‘s father has claimed his son is being held captive by border control officials in Australia and called on fans to rise up in anger if he is not allowed to enter the country. Srdjan Djokovic says his son is being held in a room guarded by police at the airport after discrepancies were found with his travel visa. The Serbian star finally looked set to play at the Australian Open later this month after endless speculation over his vaccination status. Local rules in the state of Victoria, where the tournament is held, state that all travellers must be fully vaccinated to enter, or at least have a valid medical exemption.
Chinese lockdown rule breakers paraded through streets. Vaccine passports for UK? BBC’s Rachel Burden interviews Tory MP for Yeovil, Marcus Fish, about vaccine passports. ‘This Is Not Nazi Germany’ Marcus Fysh MP to Rachel Burden BBC 5Live on Vaccine Passports 14Dec21 – Chinese lockdown rule-breakers publicly shamed paraded through streets carrying placards with names – Chinese lockdown rule-breakers are publicly shamed and paraded through the streets carrying placards with their names on in bid to ensure Covid rules are obeyed Police in Jingxi city paraded alleged violators of Covid rules through the streets The four suspects had to carry placards displaying their photos and names China banned such public shaming and parading of criminal suspects in 2010 But the practice has resurfaced amid extremely strict lockdown controls It comes as 13 million in China were barred from going outside, even for food
Malcolm Roberts, Senator for Queensland, Australia, gives an impassioned speech called ‘A Licence to Live?’, against digital identities and Covid passports. UK – anonymous 999 call handler gives her experience during the early stages of Covid 19. 1984: the Bill The Trusted Digital Identity – As a servant to the people of Queensland and Australia, tonight I draw attention to a new government bill, the Trusted Digital Identity Bill 2021. This is no time for subtlety. The Trusted Digital Identity Bill represents a watershed moment in Australian history. We stand at the divide between a free, personal-enterprise future and a digital surveillance age in which the government sits in the middle of every interaction Australians have with each other and with the world. It achieves this in the same way China does, creating a digital identity that forms a central part of a persons life. Call it a licence to live. This bill removes the privacy protection currently preventing this exploitation and allows the government to keep one massive data file with everything the government knows about you and to sell that file to private companies overseas. Those companies can add your private sector data to build up a complete digital record of every Australian everything: medical, shopping, whom we associate with, social security, veterans services, travel, web viewing, employment, our social media comments. Everything will go on the record and be available to any large corporation that can pay for access. We will each have to pay to access our medical records from that corporation. In Morrison-Joyce news speak, its a human-centric digital identity sounds great, doesnt it! This has frightening ramifications for government and corporate control of everyday Australians. Policy documents attached to this bill promote digital identity as a benign housekeeping bill to fix antiquated and incomplete government databases to save a few minutes filling out that government form, they say. This will reinvigorate the economy after COVID, they say. What the economy really needs is for the government to get the hell out of the way and let Australians lift ourselves up through our own hard work and enterprise remove vaccine passports or, as I call them, digital prisons; ditch QR codes; stop spreading fear; and let the Australian spirit do the rest.
Twitter censor mRNA vaccine inventor Dr. Robert Malone, here he is on Neil Oliver (below) and the Joe Rogan podcast, discusses the corrupt Orwellian, Trusted News Initiative, led by the BBC – censoring Russian and vaccine ‘disinformation’. COVID-19 & the Shadowy, Orwellian Trusted News Initiative by Elizabeth Woodworth – …Its not as if the media has a track record of being right about pandemics. For example, it trusted worst-case scenario modeller Neil Ferguson and the pharma-controlled World Health Organization over the 2009 swine flu pandemic which fizzled out leaving governments to incinerate millions of dollars in vaccines.[lxiii] Such industry achievements use influencers falsely independent experts, including specialist journalists, think tank facilitators, and academics whose research is funded by industry or government. Regarding Covid-19, Dr. Piers Robinson, co-director of the Organisation for Propaganda Studies, has judged, It wouldn’t be an underestimation to say that this is probably one of the biggest propaganda operations that we have seen in history, concluding what happens is down to how people resist and how much force and coercion the authorities use.[lxiv] Indeed, the very foundation of democracy is that public wisdom should be consulted and given its head in self-rule. The public has the constitutional right to full information to form and express its own conclusions and does not need a coordinated TNI to corral and contain it. It is utterly outrageous that the voices the public needs from the top public health figures at its best universities are being denied to its hearing. A far superior job of investigative reporting is being done by the hard-working alternative media researchers without Big Pharmas blood-stained advertising dollars.
Trusted News Initiative or Corrupted News Initiative? Mission: Systematic censorship of the world’s top public health experts –Perhaps the TrialSiteNews staff has said it best: We think that disallowing good-faith medical information because the public cant be presumed to properly weigh claims is infantilizing said public, along with dismantling the free speech culture that perhaps peaked in the 20th Century. The efforts now underway to completely suppress positive data associated with early-onset treatment prospects such as ivermectin or the squelching of any discussion of vaccine safety issues is completely unacceptable in a civilized, democratic market-based society. Those perpetuating such offenses are in fact on the wrong side of history.
Alex Krainer, former Hedge Fund Manager, based in Monaco, on Theranos digital slavery hidden agenda. Medi-tech startup companies that are replacing now fully discredited Theranos are Truvian, Athelas, and Gebalyte. Then there’s Mologic recently acquired by George Soros and Bill Gates. And just the other day the Biden White House announced a $137 million investment into military contractors MilliporeSigma to build a major US facility to produce Covid testing kits. It’s planned to start production in late 2024 at best. https://thenakedhedgie.com/
The Theranos Conspiracy by ex hedge fund mamager Alex Krainer (yes, it was a conspiracy, that’s not disputed – the only question remaining is who was behind it). – So, some of the most powerful men in the world decided to pool their influence, connections and resources to create the technology that would allow them to manage and control global response to pandemics. What they envisioned turned out to be a fantasy, but this did not hold them back, which suggests that their agenda was intended as a grand deception from the get-go. Still, they did not hesitate to press on: with all the power and resources at their disposal, they thought they could pull it off, by hook or by crook. They recruited their front-woman and in 2003 the venture launched. For years it made steady progress and by 2010, with Walgreens and Safeway deals shaping up, it started to break into the mainstream. Elizabeth Holmes began making guest appearances on many prominent TV news shows and her face was on the cover of numerous high-circulation magazines. President Barack Obama appointed her as US Ambassador for Global Entrepreneurship and Harvard Medical School added her to the board of fellows. The awards and accolades from prestigious institutions across the United States multiplied and the success story seemed unassailable: proof positive that there was no limit to what our kingmakers could accomplish when they set out to do it. But even with Holmes’ star in its zenith, a handful of her employees could not keep quiet and no amount of wealth or power in the world could expunge the rot at the core of Theranos. After that fateful dinner meeting between Tyler Shultz, Erika Cheung and Tyler’s grandfather George Shultz, the powerful men behind Theranos resolved to defend their creation. They aggressively stepped up the campaign of surveillance and intimidation to silence any potential whistleblowers. Incidentally, that is another reason why Theranos preferred to rely on young and inexperienced employees: they are far more vulnerable to intimidation than real experts with established reputations in the industry.
Markets Trends Profits 012: Theranos – the REAL story and its amazing lessons
Alex Krainer YouTube: Markets, Trends and Profits channel – https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCAqRpyLzC4xanGQQQtxW0qQ
Alex Krainer Twitter: @NakedHedgie
Alex Krainer For traders/investors: I-System Trend Following – https://isystem-tf.com/
Alex Krainer Personal blog: The Naked Hedgie – https://thenakedhedgie.com/
The three block imperial agenda today While Nazism was defeated in World War II at a massive cost in lives and treasure, the same structures of power that financed and empowered Hitler have retained their levers of power and are continuing to shape global geopolitics to this day. They have not given up on their vision of a three block world, which is perhaps most visibly represented by the Trilateral Commission, one of the most influential think tanks in the world. Founded in July 1973, the Trilateral Commissions aim is to foster close cooperation between Japan, Western Europe and North America. But unlike in the 1930s, today the control of continental Europe is being pursued through the ostensibly democratic political institutions of the European Union rather than by conquest and brute military force. Even here, Germany has emerged as the dominant power among supposed equals. The EUs mission is to consolidate and centralize economic and political power and ultimately build up a military power as well. Part of this agenda includes eviscerating the sovereignty of its member states. Poland, which is today one of the strongest defenders of her national sovereignty in Europe, will continue to be in the crosshairs of the cabals sabotage and secret diplomacy.
Legalisation of magic mushrooms for treating post traumatic stress disorder etc. – Magic mushrooms safe to use for treating mental health conditions, study finds – In a study led by the Institute of Psychiatry, Psychology & Neuroscience (IoPPN) at King’s College London, researchers have found that the drug can be safely administered in up to six patients using doses of either 10mg or 25mg. The results from this study make up an essential first step for experts to prove the safety and feasibility of psilocybin as a treatment alongside talking therapy for a range of conditions including treatment-resistant depression (TRD) and Post Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD). Although early research had hailed magic mushrooms as a promising treatment, no human trials had been conducted until now.
Dr. Vladimir Zelenko, who sucessfully treated Trump for Covid, believes the ‘poison death shot’ and the ‘plandemic’ is a second holocaust – ‘we are all Jews now’. – Dr. Vladimir Zelenko, with Tamar Yonah, Brother Alexis Bugnolo, and Chananya Weissman
Radio4All download pages
BCfm audio file – [right click to download]
Complete 240 minute show – [right click to download]
Full Alex Krainer Appeasement Theranos interview 01:00:00
Full Ed Fredenburgh Tutu Palestine censorship interview 00:15:00
Full Dr Vlad Zelenko, Chananya Weissman, Tamar Yonah, Alexis Bugnolo, Revelation, Aliyah & Mark of the Beast interview 01:00:00
February 2019 Ofcom complaint result: UKLFI exposed as creation of Israeli foreign ministry – Bristol Post article: BCfm cleared after being reported to Ofcom for anti-semitic conspiracy theories
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