Mayor Marvin Rees Conned Bristol With A ‘Fiddle And A Diddle’ To Move Arena From Temple Meads To Filton: Former Bristol Mayor George Ferguson – Robert Epstein about algorithms on Google searches that can influence elections decisively – REAL Ukraine Agenda with Scott Ritter: Mobile US ‘hypersonic cruise missiles’ being deployed to Europe in 2022, ‘Cuban Missile Crisis In Reverse’ – Ukraine’s US Friendly Nazis and Space Weapons Update – Regime Change! Germany Funded WWI Russian Revolution – Is Science Dead? ‘Cancelled’ Doctors Chris Exley and Chris Busby’s research challenges industrial lobbies – – Evil Gangs Tried To Destroy Mexican Christianity In ‘Cristeros Massacres’ Murdering Scores Of Priests 2003-06 – NOT The BCfm Politics Show presented by Tony Gosling

mp3 of Friday 21st January 2022  show [right click to download] more links to full length interviews at bottom of page

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BCfm’s weekly Politics Show presented by Tony Gosling with Irish Republican Labour activist Martin Summers was forced off FM, now online only. We were ‘rested due to the pandemic’ on 24 March 2020 by BCfm charity ‘CEO’ Patrick Hart who is a longtime personal friend of Bristol’s all-powerful right-wing ‘Labour’ mayor Marvin Rees. This Internet only NOT The BCfm Politics Show is now available 17:00-c. 21:00 live on Fridays. Pat Har reptlaced us with a student show repeating MSM stories, The Bristol Agenda. If you’d like to share your views on such deliberate anti-community dumbing-down you can contact the BCfm board chair and CEO ‘Don’ here.

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Part One News Review and Investigative Reports

George Ferguson, architect and former Mayor of Bristol, joins Tony and Martin.  George Ferguson believes city mayor role should be scrapped The former mayor of Bristol says people should be supporting the metro mayor to get things done for Bristol Like many politicians, Mr Ferguson speaks articulately and confidently, but what strikes me is his approachable and friendly manners. Earlier this week, the former city mayor said his new year resolution was to “take the gloves off” and “fight like hell for Bristol”. Among others, the architect by trade said Bristol needs a planning revolution with much greater understanding of what makes a good city as he raised concerns of inappropriate development. “There is a dangerous narrative that we need high buildings in order to house people,” he said. “There are plenty of places where we can house people at a high density without building high buildings, and creating much better places. “I have spent my life doing that as an architect. “We need to look at the city and what are its assets – we are a great historic city with a huge variety. “Why is Bristol the first choice for film-makers for instance? It is because we have got this wonderful variety of historic backgrounds that benefit us socially, mentally, culturally and economically. “If we don’t have a proper look at what is appropriate in terms of developing that city, we are in danger of killing that particular goose that we have all benefited from.”Referendum to have a Mayor for Bristol.  Marvin Rees’ cabinet.  Bristol Zoo – planning permission for flats – George’s idea for the Zoo.  Americanisation of UK.  PMQs  – rising cost of living in NE becoming a big problem – inflation. 

Bristol is being run like a private, for profit, corporation, A top Bristol city councillor has quit the cabinet to take up a role with controversial audit and consultancy giant PriceWaterhouseCoopers. Cllr Helen Godwin, who held the portfolio for women, families and children, will continue as one of Southmeads two ward councillors, having been reelected at Mays local elections. Her departure leaves a gap in Marvin ReessLabour cabinet, with an announcement on her replacement expected shortly.

Colston’s statue being pulled down by the people of Bristol sent a positive wave around the world.  The Merchant Venturers and the slave trade.  The architecture of Bristol – Marvin favouring new developments with high rise buildings.  A slavery museum for Bristol?  Colston statue as a tourist attraction.  Bristol Arena moving to Filton location – the fiddle that signed the deal – Colin Skellett, Chief Executive of YTL developers, is a Merchant Venturer.  Bristol Energy lost millions.  Bristol Budget coming up.  Traffic, parking, and public transport in Bristol.  BBC Bristol – Doug Claringbold, head of First Bus, answers questions about cuts to Buses in Bristol and Portishead.  George Ferguson ‘The toppling of Colston has taken the spirit of Bristol around the world’ Whatever your thoughts about the toppling of the Colston statue, and sadly it has polarised opinion locally and nationally, we can all agree he made a hell of a splash when thrown into the city docks. The ripples have taken the name and spirit of Bristol around the world, like nothing else has been able to do since Cabot discovered Newfoundland more than 500 years ago. It also, in a matter of minutes, dealt with a contentious issue that had become increasingly embarrassing to the city over the past 50 years.

George said “The city’s history and special character and environment are under attack from more damaging development than we have experienced in the past 50 years, but we are in danger of sleepwalking through it.” The architect said that he had hoped that – following 9/11, Grenfell and other high profile tragedies – a resurgence of “egotistical high building development” would be moderated and instead would see “the good sense” of creating elegant streets and spaces that are the stuff of great European cities. “It seems I was wrong and, while there will always be a place for the exceptional landmark, there is now a general assumption, unfortunately encouraged by our Mayor, that Bristol accepts height, almost irrespective of context,” he continued. “Just before Christmas we, unbelievably, saw planning permission granted for three vast ‘out of scale’ office blocks at the very heart of the old city, at the West end of Castle Park, where once the medieval High Cross and iconic Dutch House stood at the crossing of Corn Street, Broad Street, Wine Street and High Street. “These massive blocks, some three times as high as their historic neighbours, don’t contain a single home, where hundreds could have been built in a much more sympathetic form over shops and market streets.

Police Crime Sentencing and Courts Bill – a police state?  Is Boris going to go?  PMQs Kier Starmer – parties at Downing St during lockdowns, Boris resigning, and rising gas prices.  PMQs David Davis – in God’s name, go!  How would the bill increase police powers at protests? Police chiefs would be able to put more conditions on static protests, such as those organised by Extinction Rebellion where roads and bridges are occupied. They would be able to: impose a start and finish time set noise limits apply these rules to a demonstration by just one person So if a single individual was holding a protest placard while sharing their views via a loudspeaker, and refused to follow police directions about how they should conduct their protest, they could be fined up to £2,500. It would also become a crime to fail to follow restrictions the protesters “ought” to have known about, even if they have not received a direct order from an officer. At present, police need to prove protesters knew they had been told to move on, before they can be said to have broken the law.

Robert Epstein about algorithms on Google searches that can influence elections greatly. Dr Robert Epstein exposes Google algorithm ‘election bias effect’ Epstein’s researchers previously found that biased results generated by Googles search algorithm likely impacted undecided voters in a way that gave between 2.6 and 10 million million votes to Hillary ClintonAfter finding that Googles search-engine manipulation in the 2020 election could have shifted a minimum of 6 million votes to Democrat Joe Biden, Harvard-trained research psychologist and Democratic voter Robert Epstein turned his sites on the Georgia Senate elections. For the first time after having monitoring three national elections he said in an interview with WND that his growing team of field agents found no political bias in Googles search results. But Epstein believes thats a direct result of his monitoring efforts, and he plans to exponentially expand them. We went public in late October with monitoring, and it appears that we forced Google to back off on Georgia, he told WND. Epstein now is working on the establishment of a permanent, large-scale monitoring system in all 50 states. And he wants to have another system established by the end of this year to find out what the Big Tech companies are showing our kids. Next year, before the midterms, we would like to be building in as many states as possible the infrastructure for a large-scale permanent system, he said, noting he is in conversation with potential funders. Its an expensive endeavor, but the good news is we know how to do it, said Epstein, a psychology professor at the American Institute for Behavioral Research and Technology in Vista, California. Thats taken five years, he said. And we know it can have an impact on the content these companies are showing people.

Google as part of war.  Former UN Weapons Inspector and Marine Corps Intelligence Officer Scott Ritter on the Russia, Ukraine, US fiasco – each side accuses the other of plotting a false flag attack. Biden says US won’t attack Russia in a Press ConferenceIf the U.S. tries to build up NATO forces on Russia’s western frontiers in the aftermath of any Russian invasion of Ukraine, Russia will then present Europe with a fait accompli in the form of what would now be known as the “Ukrainian model.” In short, Russia will guarantee that the Ukrainian treatment will be applied to the Baltics, Poland, and even Finland, should it be foolish enough to pursue NATO membership. Russia won’t wait until the U.S. has had time to accumulate sufficient military power, either. Russia will simply destroy the offending party through the combination of an air campaign designed to degrade the economic function of the targeted nation, and a ground campaign designed to annihilate the ability to wage war. Russia does not need to occupy the territory of NATO for any lengthy period­just enough to destroy whatever military power has been accumulated by NATO near its borders. And­here’s the kicker­short of employing nuclear weapons, there’s nothing NATO can do to prevent this outcome. Militarily, NATO is but a shadow of its former self. The once great armies of Europe have had to cannibalize their combat formations to assemble battalion-sized “combat groups” in the Baltics and Poland. Russia, on the other hand, has reconstituted two army-size formations­the 1st Guards Tank Army and the 20th Combined Arms Army­from the Cold War-era which specialize in deep offensive military action.

US State Department and CIA spent over $5bn in aid to Ukraine from 1991-2013- 

Could Ukraine join NATO? Isf so, when? Former UN weapons inspector & USMC officer Scott Ritter on the Ukraine, Russia fiasco – ‘Ukraine will not join NATO, but what if they did?’ – how hopeless the western media is – Russia able to dictate the terms now and the West and NATO don’t like it. DARK EAGLE HAS LANDED US to arm nuclear unit in Germany with 4,000mph ‘Dark Eagle’ hypersonic missiles to ‘blitz Moscow in 21 MINS’ THE United States has reactivated a nuclear unit in Germany for the first time since the Cold War and is armed with “Dark Eagle” long-range hypersonic missiles. When fully developed and deployed the rockets will be capable of travelling 4,000mph and could blitz Russia in just 21 minutes and 30 seconds. The US has reactivated a nuclear unit in Germany for the first time since the Cold War The 56th Artillery Command, based in the Western District of Mainz-Kastel, was officially recommissioned by the US Army this week during a ceremony. The decision to reactivate is amid the growing concerns in the Pentagon that Russia has succeeded NATO and the US in creating long-range artillery rockets. The Command was first formed in 1942 and fought in Europe during World War II but was deactivated in 1991 with the fall of the Soviet Union. The commanding general of the artillery unit, General Stephen Maranian said the development will “provide the US Army Europe and Africa with significant capabilities in multi-domain operations”. It was believed that the US was falling behind in the creation of a hypersonic weapon until last month when it was announced that the US had completed its delivery of the “Dark Eagle”. “From a blank piece of paper in March 2019, we, along with our industry partners and joint services, delivered this hardware in just over two years. Now, Soldiers can begin training,”

Lt. Gen. L. Neil Thurgood said in a statement. Last month, China appeared to have taken a shock lead in the hypersonic arms race after it was revealed that Beijing flew a nuclear-capable missile around the world. US intelligence and military officials were reportedly left stunned after China launched a rocket in space carrying a hypersonic glide vehicle that circled the globe before speeding towards its target. The next generation of weapons can hit speeds of up to 21,000mph – and potentially even faster – and are seen as a devastating new frontier for warfare. Hypersonic missiles are a game-changer because unlike ballistic missiles, which fly into space before returning on steep trajectories, they zoom in on targets at lower altitudes. This combined with typical speeds of five times the speed of sound – or around 4,000mph – makes them extremely hard to shoot down and a potent weapon more countries want to get their hands on. China – followed closely by Russia – were already regarded as having the most potent hypersonic missile arsenals pouring billions into them but others had been seen as catching up. But the shocking revelations of their missile test back in August has sent shockwaves through Western intelligence who fear they actually underestimated Beijing. US intelligence and military officials were reportedly left stunned after China launched a rocket in space carrying a hypersonic glide vehicle that circled the globe before speeding towards its target. Circling the globe, it shows the weapon potentially has a range of some 25,000 miles and can operate in space. It means the missile can theoretically hit anywhere on Earth. The nuke-capable missile however missed its target by about two-dozen miles when it was secretly launched, intelligence sources told the Financial Times.

Nikolai Tolstoy on the Russian revolution which his Father, the author, fled and he calls the revolution a ‘civil war’ – Lenin and Trotsky were funded by Germany – compares Hitler to Stalin and how Stalin killed many more. In The Russian Revolution, acclaimed historian Sean McMeekin traces the events which ended Romanov rule, ushered the Bolsheviks into power, and introduced Communism to the world. Between 1917 and 1922, Russia underwent a complete and irreversible transformation. Taking advantage of the collapse of the Tsarist regime in the middle of World War I, the Bolsheviks staged a hostile takeover of the Russian Imperial Army, promoting mutinies and mass desertions of men in order to fulfill Lenin’s program of turning the “imperialist war” into civil war. By the time the Bolsheviks had snuffed out the last resistance five years later, over 20 million people had died, and the Russian economy had collapsed so completely that Communism had to be temporarily abandoned. Still, Bolshevik rule was secure, owing to the new regime’s monopoly on force, enabled by illicit arms deals signed with capitalist neighbors such as Germany and Sweden who sought to benefit-politically and economically-from the revolutionary chaos in Russia. Drawing on scores of previously untapped files from Russian archives and a range of other repositories in Europe, Turkey, and the United States, McMeekin delivers exciting, groundbreaking research about this turbulent era. The first comprehensive history of these momentous events in two decades, The Russian Revolution combines cutting-edge scholarship and a fast-paced narrative to shed new light on one of the most significant turning points of the twentieth century.

Bruce Gagnon on the Russia, Ukraine fiasco – Cuban missile crisis in reverse – and also about the capabilities of today’s space weapons  Virgin Orbit mission success – NATO released its “overarching” space policy on 17 January, stipulating that any space-based attack on an ally could trigger the alliance’s collective defence policy under the bloc’s Article 5. What’s behind the renewed US focus on space and expansion of NATO activities there?NATO’s newly released space doctrine expands on the alliance’s 2019 Space Policy – which recognised space as a new “operational domain”, alongside air, land, sea, and cyberspace – and vows to help make its members’ space capabilities compatible and interoperable.According to NATO, space is becoming more “crowded and competitive” with satellites being vulnerable to interference from certain countries, including Russia, China, Iran, and North Korea, which have developed and tested a wide range of counter-space and anti-satellite technologies (ASAT). The alliance proclaims that attacks in space against its members could lead to the invocation of NATO’s Article 5, but falls short of defining what exactly constitutes an “attack”. Instead, the doctrine says that decisions about this will be made on a “case-by-case” basis.

Record profits for North Sea Gas companies.  Neptune Energy $800m dividend.  Storage of energy. Neptune declares $800 million dividend, expects higher production in 2022 Dec 9 (Reuters) – Neptune Energy declared a dividend of $800 million on Thursday, and forecast a rise in production next year, as the British oil and gas company benefits from higher prices of commodities. The company, backed by private equity firms Carlyle and CVC as well as Chinese sovereign wealth fund CIC, expects its production to increase in 2022 after three new projects went online. North Sea a cash machine for oil and gas barons BP boss Bernard Looney illustrated this bonanza when he said the oil and gas giant had become a cash machine. North Sea oil and gas companies are expected to report near-record cashflows of almost $20 billion for the current financial year, according to industry experts at Wood MacKenzie. Revenues increased by 87 per cent, or 2.4 billion, to 5.1 billion in the three-month period ending on Sept. 30, 2021. This was driven primarily by higher prices and increased volumes, the company said. The increase in selling prices followed the increase in crude oil prices, which increased to an average of $73 [per barrel] as compared to $43 in the same period in 2020. In a recent update on trading, Ithaca, owned by the Israeli group Delek, said rising prices meant gas revenue per barrel from its North Sea assets, which include the Alba and Alder gas fields, nearly doubled in the third quarter, from $49 last year to $97….

Bitchute video of complete show


Part Two – Covid Climate Round-Up With End Times Prophecy Reports

BBC – children not wearing masks in school any more.  Dr. Vernon Coleman’s book about masks – ‘Proof That Masks Do More Harm Than Good’.  Lockdowns in China where over 30m Chinese are not allowed to leave their homes, to protect China from Omicron as the Beijing Winter Olympics approach in February. More than 30 million on lockdown in China amid coronavirus outbreak China has expanded the lockdown to 12 cities in an effort to contain the flu-like virus. China has placed travel restrictions on 35 million residents. The government has suspended public transportation services covering more than half the population of the Hubei Province, where the virus is believed to have originated. Authorities say the coronavirus has killed 26 and infected more than 830. China is restricting travel for 35 million people across at least 12 cities near the center of the coronavirus outbreak in an effort to contain the flu-like virus that has sickened more than 830 people and left at least 26 dead. The New York Times reports the restrictions were put into place Friday, just one day after China restricted travel in and out of Wuhan, the city of 11 million people where the virus is believed to have originated, and four other nearby cities in the Hubei Province. By Friday, restrictions were announced in at least eight other cities. The Times reports Shanghai Disneyland and other tourist sites across China plan to shut down. Public health authorities in Wuhan declared a state of war as they locked down the city and barricaded entrances to rail stations. Trains and planes in and out of the city were suspended, as was subway and bus service. This all comes on the eve of large-scale lunar new year festivities, which are scheduled to run from Saturday to Feb. 8. Beijing scrapped plans for new year events in order to reduce mass gatherings of people. The death toll from the coronavirus rose by more than a half-dozen in 24 hours, while the number of confirmed cases jumped by more than 200. Most of the deaths have taken place in Hubei Province, in central China.

Barrister Frances Hoar – looks at whole coronavirus response as way beyond what was legally and medically justified – possibly the greatest power grab in British history. 

Katharine Gun XII – horrifying Chinese lockdowns – Covid totalitarianism – vaccine injury recording systems in Europe and US have recorded 9.7m injuries and 61,000 deaths, but this could only be one percent of the real total – ie up to 6 million deaths. 

Is science dead? ‘cancelled’ doctors Chris Exley and Chris Busby and their research which has challenged industrial lobbies – getting unorthodox research published in peer reviewed journals is considerably easier in China than in the West which may help explain why China is such a successful innovator and economic powerhouse –  scientific taboos such as  Covid vaccine deaths, nuclear power stations causing cancer, vaccinations causing autism, and challenging climate change orthodoxy. 

Mexican monk Brother Alexis Bugnolo – attempts to destroy Mexican church by murder of 27 Priests from 2003 to 2006 – known as the ‘Cristeros massacres’- Mexican priests are ‘most persecuted in the world’ Carey Lodge 17 October 2014 | 9:24 AM Mexican Catholic priests are among the most persecuted in the world, with attacks having increased by 80 per cent over the past two years, a new report has found. Released by the Mexican Catholic Multimedia Centre (CCM), the report confirms that six priests have been murdered and three others the victim of forced disappearances since President Enrique Pena Nieto was elected in July 2012. The Mexican government has been accused of being “unwilling” to protect the religious freedom of its people. CCM is urging authorities to “provide security in areas with a significant presence of organised crime.” Priests are often targeted as a result of denouncing criminal groups, or because they are working to help people exploited by violent gangs, such as victims of human trafficking or drug addicts. Churches are also seen as an attractive target for extortion and front for money laundering.

Apologies – trouble with uploading more than two audio files to R4All tonight – remaining 5 are all on emergency Bilderberg server– -thanks

Radio4All download pages
BCfm audio file – [right click to download]

Complete 4hr show – [right click to download]
Full Is Science Dead? Discussion w cancelled Drs. Exley & Busby 01:10:00
Full Scott Ritter on US Ukraine war aims and ‘pathetic Europe 00:40:00
Full Katharine Gun on EU/US vaccine deaths now up to 6 million 01:15:00
Full Francis Hoar barrister on coronavirus response being far beyond what was legally and medically justified 00:18:00
Full Nikolai Tolstoy on Germany funding Russian ‘Revolution’ & Macmillan Betraying Christian Cossacks 01:00:00
Full Bruce Gagnon on Ukraine Cuban Missile Crisis In Reverse & Space Weapons 00:20:00
Full Scott Ritter Ukraine and Pathetic Europeans 00:40:00
Full Bruce Gagnon Ukraine & Space Weapons 00:20:00
Full Katharine Gun XII six million vaccine deaths covered up 01:15:00
Full Barrister Francis Hoar on lockdown legal lunacy 00:18:00
Full Nikolai Tolstoy Germany funding Russian Revolution Stalin Hitler and the Cossacks 00:50:00

February 2019 Ofcom complaint result: UKLFI exposed as creation of Israeli foreign ministryBristol Post article: BCfm cleared after being reported to Ofcom for anti-semitic conspiracy theories

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