The ‘Bankrupt Brewer of Huntingdon’, Empire, Enclosure, Freemasonry, Witchcraft and Solomon’s Temple: an untold story of the English Civil War – Bristol Media Boycott City’s Mayor For Bullying Local Democracy Reporter (again) – Transport Secretary Liar Grant Shapps, Behind The Curtain, Secretly Prolonging UK Rail Strike – NATO seal off Kalinigrad sparking what could be a new Berlin Wall around Russia’s westernmost enclave and possibly a Berlin Airlift style operation to supply the state as imposed by the Soviets on the West in 1948 – Martyn Whittock, author of ‘The End of Times, Again?’, discusses eschatology scripture in the Bible, Revelation. – Nicola Sturgeon pardons only female, not male, jury trial convicted witches from 400 years ago, with no new evidence – Accelerationism – a modern Nietzschean philosophical movement to accelerate the end of the world – NOT The BCfm Politics Show presented by Tony Gosling

MP3 of Friday 24th June 2022 Show [right click to download]… …(from c. 23:00) – Links to this week’s full interviews, bottom of page
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Three parts to this week’s show – past, present and future….

Past Hour John Dee’s British empire, witchcraft and the English Civil War

Tony takes us through his 2022 Summer Solstice investigation: Enclosure For Empire, Witchcraft Freemasonry and Oliver Cromwell, subtitled ‘The ‘Bankrupt Brewer of Huntingdon’, and Solomon’s Temple: an untold story of the English Civil War’ and goes through a history timeline from extinguishing of the Knights Templar The War of the Roses through to the English Civil War, Restoration of the monarchy and King Billy’s coup, known as the Glorious Revolution. The just cause of the Jacobites. The influence of Freemasonry as being a form of Witchcraft, a hidden organisation behind the trial and execution of Charles I. The role of John Dee in Elizabethan times in setting our secret plans for the Royal Navy to ‘rule the waves’ and the necessity of land privatisation, or enclosure, to their plan.

follow link to the full timeline here

Witchcraft and the Order of the Garter ‘garter’ being a hidden embelem of a witchcraft high-priest or priestess, leader of a coven, or of covens of covens. As pointed out by Margaret Murray in her 1921 book ‘The Witch-Cult In Western Europe: ‘It is generally believed that there should be a fixed number of wizards and witches in each canton. The new initiate uses the old papers of the old one. Bad people form a brotherhood which is led by a witch.This one has the garter as a mark of her dignity. They transmit it successively by rank of seniority. There is only this difference in rank between sorcerers and witches. These are recruited just as much from sexually active people as from celibate people.’ (translated from French, The Witch-Cult in Western Europe by Margaret Murray p.191)

Bitchute video of complete show

Present Hour – Local national and international news review

Bristol Mayor Marvin Rees has banned Local Democracy Reporter, Alex Seabrook, from Council Meetings.  Alex questioning Marvin’s 9000 mile flight to a climate change conference – and Marvin  not taking kindly to it.  Jo Booth –.  Press Gazette –  BBC and ITV join regional press boycott as council defends LDR ban Bristol City Council has hit back at the Bristol Post after journalists employed under the BBC-funded scheme were banned from regular briefings held by Mayor of Bristol Marvin Rees. The spat comes after a public relations boss at the authority challenged Post LDR Alex Seabrooks right to ask a question of the mayor during a recent conference. The councils treatment of Alex and Adam has prompted the Post to boycott the mayoral conference, with rival titles Bristol 24/7 and Bristol World following suit. The BBC has itself now also joined the boycott, with a spokesperson saying: We are deeply disappointed by the decision by the mayors office to not allow the Bristol LDR into his fortnightly press conference. It is an essential ingredient of local democracy that journalists should be able to ask robust, challenging questions to people in power. We have today informed the mayor that the BBC wont be attending the fortnightly mayoral briefings until this important issue is resolved. We will continue to report on the city council and mayor as normal by attending all other meetings. Ian Axton, head of news at ITV West Country, added: ITV News West Country stands by other media organisations on this issue. We will not attend the fortnightly press briefings held by the mayor until the exclusion of local democracy reporters is lifted. As the row rumbled on, the council claimed the Post breached a long-standing agreement that it would not send either Alex or his LDR colleague Adam Postans to cover the Labour mayors remotely-held conferences, while the newspaper said it has always reserved the right to have LDRs cover the briefings. The authority has accepted neither Alex nor Adam have been turned away when they have previously dialled in to attend, but declined to comment on any future arrangements surrounding the conferences when quizzed on the matter by HTFP. A spokesman for the authority told HTFP: Any suggestion that LDR attendance has been barred as a result of recent reporting is completely false, and we continue to work day-to-day with LDRs in support of their role. All mainstream local media outlets are invited to the mayors media briefings. There has been a long-standing mutual agreement between the mayors office and the Post about personnel attending press conferences whenever they are announced and held, and that LDRs would not be sent due to the narrow definition of their role as an impartial service. In response, Post editor Pete Gavan told HTFP: Its great to get this support from colleagues and rivals across the city and beyond. Its vital LDRs have access to these briefings as coverage of the mayor falls well within their remit. In the past, we had agreed to send other reporters to the mayoral briefings when possible but reserved the right to send the LDRs. We do not accept that any reporters should be banned from attending meetings at the behest of the council, nor from asking relevant questions on behalf of our readers and council taxpayers at any time. Alex, pictured, was challenged at a recent briefing by the councils head of external comms Saskia Konynenburg after he questioned Mr Rees over his decision to fly 9,000 miles to Canada and back to give a talk on climate change. Ms Konyenburg had described Alexs question as something a journalist from a newspaper, rather than an LDR, should ask. The authority later defended her claim in a statement to HTFP on the incident, while industry colleagues rallied in support of Alex after footage of the row was widely shared on Twitter. The councils actions have also been criticised by the National Union of Journalists and the News Media Association. Charlotte Green, Reach LDR chapel rep, said: The Reach LDR NUJ chapel strongly condemns the position adopted towards local democracy reporters in Bristol by the city council. Holding authorities to account and scrutinising their actions and decisions including asking difficult questions that leaders might not like is at the heart of the purpose of the scheme. Reactionary measures, like banning LDRs from mayoral media briefings, only serves to undermine a councils public commitment to transparency and accountability to its residents. We stand firmly in support of our colleagues in Bristol to report without fear or favour, and they should not face retribution for asking questions in the public interest. NMA deputy chief executive Lynne Anderson added: The NMA condemns the banning of local democracy reporters from the Bristol mayors briefings a blunt assault on the principles of local democracy in the strongest possible terms. By preventing local journalists from scrutinising their activity, Bristol City Council are disenfranchising the public they are supposed to serve. We stand with our colleagues in calling for an immediate end to this wholly misguided and deeply damaging ban.  

Bristol mayor Marvin Rees’ TED TALK management gobbledegook climate speech in Vancouver.

RMT rail strike – Grant Shapps and Department for Transport are deliberately prolonging the strike by interfering in negotiations with the object of breaking the RMT union – Andrew Haynes, Chief Executive of Network Rail, giving his take.  Mick Lynch, RMT General Secretary, explaining why they’re striking, on ITV Peston show.  Anushka on Peston show gives Labour’s position on strike, and Mick Lynch responds.  Grant Shapps, Transport Secretary, gives his take on strike.  Andrew Haynes again.  Mick Lynch on BBC QT on rail money going to private equity firmsPoll shows nearly 3 quarters of public want rail workers to have cost of living wage rise Independent polling released by the RMT today found strong support for rail workers to receive a fairer deal and for the government to intervene to address the rail workers concerns. A clear majority of the public also support the rail workers’ right to strike when negotiations fail. In a blow to the rail companies and the government, the poll also revealed widespread opposition to plans to cut thousands of rail jobs and showed the public also clearly opposed to government policy of allowing profiteering from the rail industry. The national poll of 2000 people carried out by Opinium found: Only 17% support cuts to staff on trains and stations and only 16% support the cutting of safety critical workers from inspecting and maintaining the rail tracks. Opposition to both of these measures is high at 63% and 70% respectively. 70% of the public believe that rail workers should have a negotiated pay rise that takes into account the cost of living, whilst just 11% disagree. 59% believe rail workers have the right to strike if negotiations fail and only 18% are against this. 62% believe that the government should intervene to ensure rail companies meet the rail workers’ concerns. Only 14% are against this 84% of the public believe the profits from the rail industry should be invested in protecting jobs and services, as opposed to the 16% who believe they should go towards shareholder dividends.

Chris Williamson, former Labour MP, on how a Government can run a deficit without a problem.  Book – ‘The Deficit Myth’ by Stephanie Keller.  Book – ‘Reclaiming the State’ by Bill Mitchell.  The Deficit Myth: Modern Monetary Theory and the Birth of the People’s Economy by Stephanie Kelton The leading thinker and most visible public advocate of modern monetary theory — the freshest and most important idea about economics in decades — delivers a radically different, bold, new understanding for how to build a just and prosperous society. Stephanie Kelton’s brilliant exploration of modern monetary theory (MMT) dramatically changes our understanding of how we can best deal with crucial issues ranging from poverty and inequality to creating jobs, expanding health care coverage, climate change, and building resilient infrastructure. Any ambitious proposal, however, inevitably runs into the buzz saw of how to find the money to pay for it, rooted in myths about deficits that are hobbling us as a country. Reclaiming the State: A Progressive Vision of Sovereignty for a Post-Neoliberal World by William F. Mitchell, Trump. Brexit. The alt-right. It’s increasingly apparent that old political notions­believed to be consigned to the dustbin of history­are now resurrected. The neonationalist, anti-globalization, and anti-establishment attitude engulfing the United States and United Kingdom hints suspiciously at a yearning for national sovereignty. Reclaiming the State offers an urgent and prescient political analysis and economic program for the Left who are strategizing for these uncertain times. Many of our assumptions­about ideology, democracy, trade, and globalization­are being thrown into doubt, deposed by populism, nationalism, and racism. In response to these challenging times, economist Bill Mitchell and political theorist Thomas Fazi propose a reconceptualization of the sovereign state as a vehicle for change. They offer a progressive view of sovereignty based not on the demonization of the other, but as a way to bring the economy back under democratic control. With nationalism gaining support across the United States with each passing week, Reclaiaming the State provides innovative ideas to mobilize and reenergize a tired, divided Left. 

Ukraine – General Sanders tells Russia to prepare for war.  ‘Reminiscence of a Future’  blog.  General Lord Dannat discusses General Sanders’ claim.  C4 News report – supplies for Kaliningrad threatened by EU sanctions on Russia. Russia Demands Lithuania Lift “Openly Hostile” Blockade of Kalingrad; Panic Buying Ensues The Russian Foreign Ministry has responded to Lithuania’s partial blockade of Kaliningrad, writing in a statement that they consider the “provocative measures” to be “openly hostile” and warning that the Kremlin may take action to “protect its national interests.Kaliningrad is sandwiched between the EU and NATO members Poland and Lithuania. Supplies from Russia are delivered via rail and gas pipelines through Lithuania – which announced last week that it was banning the rail transit of goods subject to EU sanctions, which include coal, advanced technology, metals and construction materials.“If in the near future cargo transit between the Kaliningrad region and the rest of the territory of the Russian Federation through Lithuania is not restored in full, then Russia reserves the right to take actions to protect its national interests,” the statement reads. They have demanded that Lithuania immediately lift the ban on a number of goods to the Kaliningrad region. Earlier Monday, the Kremlin called Lithuania’s announcement “unprecedented” and “in violation of everything there is.” “The situation is more than serious and it requires a very deep analysis before formulating any measures and decisions,” said Kremlin spokesman Dmitry Peskov in a statement to the press. Lithuanian Foreign Minister Gabrielius Landsbergis said they were simply complying with sanctions imposed by the EU, and that they were taken after “consultation with the European Commission and under its guidelines.” “Sanctioned goods (will) no longer be allowed to transit Lithuanian territory,” he added. Kaliningrad governor Anton Alikhanov says that the ban, which was confirmed on Friday, affects roughly 50% of all imports. He urged citizens not to panic-buy… …to no avail. Quite possibly the biggest Russia-West provocation of the entire four-month long war in Ukraine has occurred this weekend, but few in the media establishment seem to be taking notice of the singular event which has the potential to quickly spiral toward a WW3 scenario. Baltic EU/NATO member Lithuania has implemented a ban on all rail transit goods going to Russia’s far-western exclave of Kaliningrad, after transport authorities initially announced the provocative measure on Friday. “The EU sanctions list notably includes coal, metals, construction materials and advanced technology, and Alikhanov said the ban would cover around 50% of the items that Kaliningrad imports,” Reuters wrote.

St. Petersburg International Economic Forum (SPIEF) – Russia’s alternative to Davos – Putin’s opening speech. St. Petersburg 2022 Forum Sets the Stage for the “War of Economic Corridors” In St. Petersburg, the world’s new powers gather to upend the US-concocted “rules-based order” and reconnect the globe their way By Pepe Escobar 18 June 2022 The St. Petersburg International Economic Forum has been configured for years now as absolutely essential to understand the evolving dynamics and the trials and tribulations of Eurasia integration. St. Petersburg in 2022 is even more crucial as it directly connects to three simultaneous developments I had previously outlined, in no particular order: First, the coming of the “new G8” – four BRICS nations (Brazil, Russia, India, China), plus Iran, Indonesia, Turkey and Mexico, whose GDP per purchasing parity power (PPP) already dwarfs the old, western-dominated G8. Second, the Chinese “Three Rings” strategy of developing geoeconomic relations with its neighbors and partners. Third, the development of BRICS+, or extended BRICS, including some members of the “new G8,” to be discussed at the upcoming summit in China. There was hardly any doubt President Putin would be the star of St. Petersburg 2022, delivering a sharp, detailed speech to the plenary session. Among the highlights, Putin smashed the illusions of the so-called ‘golden billion’ who live in the industrialized west (only 12 percent of the global population) and the “irresponsible macroeconomic policies of the G7 countries.” The Russian president noted how “EU losses due to sanctions against Russia” could exceed $400 billion per year, and that Europe’s high energy prices – something that actually started “in the third quarter of last year” – are due to “blindly believing in renewable sources.” He also duly dismissed the west’s ‘Putin price hike’ propaganda, saying the food and energy crisis is linked to misguided western economic policies, i.e., “Russian grain and fertilizers are being sanctioned” to the detriment of the west. In a nutshell: the west misjudged Russia’s sovereignty when sanctioning it, and now is paying a very heavy price. Chinese President Xi Jinping, addressing the forum by video, sent a message to the whole Global South. He evoked “true multilateralism,” insisting that emerging markets must have “a say in global economic management,” and called for “improved North-South and South-South dialogue.” It was up to Kazakh President Tokayev, the ruler of a deeply strategic partner of both Russia and China, to deliver the punch line in person: Eurasia integration should progress hand in hand with China’s Belt and Road Initiative (BRI). Here it is, full circle.

Future hour – end-times prophecies in the news

Martyn Whittock, Christian, Catholic historian and author of ‘The End of Times, Again?’ discusses eschatology and peoples different interpretations of the End Times and scripture in the Bible. Also how quite commonly this can be used to bad purpose to justify dangerous aggressive actions and the dividing of societies in to good and bad. Mike Leigh’s 1993 film ‘Naked’ – Johnny, played by David Thewlis who won best actor at Cannes for the performance, interprets The Mark Of The Beast and other parts of the Holy Book of Revelation.  Follow Martyn on Twitter – @MartynHistorianFrom the Middle Eastern politics of Donald Trump to the UK’s 2016 EU Referendum, large numbers of Christians are making decisions based on the alleged “end-times” aspects of modern politics. Such apocalyptic views often operate beneath “the radar” of much Christian thought and expression. In this book, historian Martyn Whittock argues that while the New Testament does indeed teach the second coming of Christ, complications occur when Christians seek to confidently identify contemporary events as fulfilments of prophecy. Such believers are usually unaware that they stand in a long line of such well-intended but failed predictions. In this book, Whittock explores the history of end-times speculations over two thousand years, revealing how these often reflect the ideologies and outlooks of contemporary society in their application of Scripture. When Christians ignore such past mistakes, they are in danger of repeating them. Jesus, Whittock argues, taught a different way.

The Accelerationists – a dangerous modern atheist philosophical movement trying to hasten the end of the world to prove that those of faith are, in fact, cowards who refuse to face mortality and other of life’s difficult questions. and to ‘prove’ there is no God who will save anybody. The object of accelerationism appears to be to destroy the monotheistic faiths once-and-for-all, rather like Albert Pike said he wanted to do in his notorious 15th August 1871 letter to Guissepe Mazzini.By the early 90s Land had distilled his reading, which included Deleuze and Guattari and Lyotard, into a set of ideas and a writing style that, to his students at least, were visionary and thrillingly dangerous. Land wrote in 1992 that capitalism had never been properly unleashed, but instead had always been held back by politics, “the last great sentimental indulgence of mankind”. He dismissed Europe as a sclerotic, increasingly marginal place, “the racial trash-can of Asia”. And he saw civilisation everywhere accelerating towards an apocalypse: “Disorder must increase… Any [human] organisation is … a mere … detour in the inexorable death-flow.” Land gave strange, theatrical lectures: clambering over chairs as he spoke, or sitting hunched over, rocking back and forth. He also spiced his pronouncements with black humour. He would tell lecture audiences, “I work in the field of The Collapse of Western Civilisation Studies.” A quarter of a century on, some former Warwick philosophy students still talk about him with awe. Robin Mackay says, “I think he’s one of the most important philosophers of the last 50 years.”

Might the British royal family produce the Biblical antichrist? Can Prince Charles become head of the Church of England? He has been altering the constitution by speaking out politically unlike his more gracious mother QUeen Elizabeth II. Prince Charles likening Putin to Hitler in 2014. ‘Unacceptable, outrageous and low’: Furious Kremlin demands official explanation for Prince Charles comparing Putin to Hitler and says words are ‘not worthy of a future British king’ Prince Charles likened President Putin to Adolf Hitler during Canada tour Kremlin condemned words as ‘deeply insulting’, called for urgent talks British diplomats make no reference to prince’s remarks during talks with Moscow’s London deputy ambassador – and instead focus on Ukraine unrest Pro-Putin media is now linking the Royal Family to Nazis in retaliation Putin and Charles are both due to attend a war memorial in Colville in June Charles left flew out of Winnipeg today at the end of his three-day tour Pro-Russian militants storm checkpoint and kill 14 Ukrainian soldiers Russia today vented its fury at Prince Charles over his comments likening Vladimir Putin to Adolf Hitler. Using Cold War-style rhetoric delivered as the royal was flying back to Britain, a Foreign Ministry spokesman said Charles’s remarks – revealed by the Daily Mail – were ‘unacceptable, outrageous and low’. ‘If these words were really said, then undoubtedly they are not worthy of a future British monarch,’ foreign ministry spokesman Alexander Lukashevich said in Moscow. “We have requested an official explanation from British authorities over the statements. ‘We view the use of the Western press by members of the British royal family to spread the propaganda campaign against Russia on a pressing issue – that is, the situation in Ukraine – as unacceptable, outrageous and low.’ It is the first official comment made by Russian authorities and comes as Russia’s deputy ambassador to London held face-to-face talks at the Foreign Office today. Prince Charles’s office has made no claim that he did not make the comparison but has said it was a ‘private’ conversation. In London, the Russian embassy added to the attack. ‘The minister-counsellor of the embassy, Mr Alexander Kramarenko, will meet this afternoon the representatives of the FCO [Foreign and Commonwealth Office] to discuss a range of bilateral issues,’ it said in a statement. ‘The outrageous remarks made by Prince Charles in Canada will be among the questions raised. The embassy asked the FCO for official clarifications on that yesterday.’

Megan Fox as an example of satanic ideas of today’s celebrities – drinking each others blood.  Megan Denise Fox is an American actress and model. She has made multiple appearances in major film franchises, including the Transformers franchise Megan Fox would like to clear up what people think about her and fiancé Machine Gun Kelly drinking each other’s blood. “So, I guess to drink each other’s blood might mislead people or people are imagining us with goblets and we’re like ‘Game of Thrones,’ drinking each other’s blood,” she told Glamour UK. “It’s just a few drops, but yes, we do consume each other’s blood on occasion for ritual purposes only.” Fox is on the cover of the April issue of the magazine and said she’s into astrology, metaphysical practices, meditations, as well as new and full moon practices. When she and Kelly do a blood ritual, she said, for her “it’s a passage or it is used for a reason.” “And it is controlled where it’s like, ‘Let’s shed a few drops of blood and each drink it,'” Fox said. “He’s much more haphazard and hectic and chaotic, where he’s willing to just cut his chest open with broken glass and be like, ‘Take my soul.'” The pair are friends with another engaged couple, Kourtney Kardashian and Travis Barker, but Fox said they don’t hang out as much as people may believe.

GB News – Nicola Sturgeon pardons Witches from the past. But is she herself a witch? Why only mention female witches when around half executed were men? And how can she overturn any jury trial verdict from 400 years ago? What new evidence does European Council on Foreign Relations political plant Nicola Sturgeon have other than to say – they were all innocent? Nicola Sturgeon says sorry to WITCHES: First Minister issues formal apology to women who ‘suffered injustice driven by misogyny’ when they were burned at the stake 400 years ago Nicola Sturgeon marked International Women’s Day by issuing historic apology She said sorry to the 4,000 accused of being witches between 1563 and 1736 Half of those were executed and more than 85% convicted were female – Miss Sturgeon said injustice was ‘driven by misogyny’ and needs recognition despite around one in six witches executed being men 09 March 2022 | Nicola Sturgeon has issued a formal apology to thousands of women who suffered ‘injustice on a colossal scale’ when they were accused of being witches several centuries ago. The First Minister yesterday marked International Women’s Day by issuing the historical apology for those who were accused, convicted, vilified or executed under the Scottish Witchcraft Act of 1563. An estimated 4,000 Scots were accused of being witches between 1563 and 1736. But Miss Sturgeon said the injustice they suffered was ‘driven by misogyny’ and needs to be recognised. She also praised Baroness Helena Kennedy’s ‘powerful and compelling’ report on misogyny, and welcomed its recommendations, which include the introduction of a statutory aggravation of misogyny. A petition looking to grant a pardon for the 4,000 people accused of witchcraft has been introduced in the Scottish parliament by campaigners.

Tim Cohen, author of ‘Prince Charles and a Cup of Tea’, thinks Prince Charles is the Antichrist.  In The AntiChrist and a Cup of Tea, Tim Cohen provides biblical evidence to demonstrate that all of the prophecies pertaining to the coming AntiChrist – that can be fulfilled before he assumes control over a global government during the Great Tribulation – are already fulfilled in a living prince of Roman lineage; this is true of no one else. This prince, for example, has the lineage: he claims descent simultaneously from Israel’s King David, Islam’s false prophet Mohammed, and, by a false occult lineage, Jesus Christ Himself! This prince has the imagery: his personal heraldic achievement or coat of arms has the symbolism of the first beast of Revelation 13, representing the AntiChrist, and of Daniel 7 (i.e., the little horn having eyes like those of a man – a unicorn with human eyes). This prince’s coat of arms also bears the red dragon described in Revelation 12 and 13, specifically representing Satan, and he was seen globally as he faced this dragon in 1969 to be coronated as “Prince of the Red Dragon” (i.e., Satan). This prince has the name calculation: his title, by which he is globally known, calculates to 666 in both Hebrew and English on the original biblical numbering system – the very system used in the underlying Greek text of Revelation 13:18 to specify six-hundred and sixty-six. This prince has the involvement in the Mideast peace process. In fact, the current Road Map, as well as the Oslo process from which it derives, and the Madrid Peace talks from which the Oslo process itself derived, are directly traceable to the London Agreement of 1987, which in turn is traceable to…THIS PRINCE. Also, this prince has the global authority…. That’s right – he is not the ignored wimp that the masses have been misled to believe; rather, he is mankind’s number one globalist, and has been for decades. Indeed, this prince is over the entire New World Order power structure-through the world’s most prominent and oldest order of chivalry: the Order of the Garter. This order is very much more than merely a revival of King Arthur’s legendary round table. And to top it all off, this prince HAS THE IMAGERY OF WHAT IS TO BE THE FUTURE ABOMINATION THAT CAUSES DESOLATION! What is that? In March 2002, while trekking through Brazilian rain forests, this prince was presented with a miniature version of a statue depicting himself as an angelic figure with large wings standing atop a mass of human bodies looking up to him (this prince) as savior! In fact, the inscription on the statue’s base reads “Saviour of the World”!!! And it has this prince’s face…with wings! So what did this prince say when Brazilian officials asked his permission to create a ten cubits high (12 or 15 feet) version of this statue, and to place it in a square named after him in their capital city? Instead of calling it blasphemy to identify him as “Saviour of the World”, this prince remarked, “I am touched and deeply amazed,” and then, with the small ego he has, this prince gladly gave permission to create the larger version! Now, bear in mind that the arrival of this statue was years after the 1998 publication of the first edition of The AntiChrist and a Cup of Tea (ISBN 0-9662793-0-1), and there is no other man or woman who is being called “Saviour of the World” other than this prince whom Tim Cohen decades ago identified as the foretold AntiChrist – according to a true understanding of the prophetic scriptures. Coincidence? No. Just consider this: What would happen if even the miniature version of this princely idol, which has already been received by this prince and photographed by global media, were one day placed in a newly constructed holy place in Jerusalem? And what about the ten cubits high version? Would not all of evangelical Christianity suddenly scratch its collective head and wonder, “Gee, could this prince be the AntiChrist?” Well, you don’t have to wait for that day to find out, nor do you have to be entirely unprepared: Get The AntiChrist and a Cup of Tea and read it carefully. 

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Tony’s new paperback and eBooks Traitors Of Arnhem, Siege Of Heaven; Siege Of Heaven Reader – all available for donation, or to buy, via
BCfm’s weekly Politics Show presented by Tony Gosling with Irish Republican Labour activist Martin Summers was forced off FM, now online only. We were ‘rested due to the pandemic’ on 24 March 2020 by BCfm charity ‘CEO’ Patrick Hart who is a longtime personal friend of Bristol’s all-powerful right-wing ‘Labour’ mayor Marvin Rees. This Internet only NOT The BCfm Politics Show is now available 17:00-c. 21:00 live on Fridays. Pat Hart replaced us with an inane student show repeating MSM stories called The Bristol Agenda. If you’d like to share your views on his deliberate dumbing-down mismanagement you can contact UK broadcasting regulator Ofcom or BCfm board chair and the ‘Don’ here.

February 2019 Ofcom complaint result: UKLFI exposed as creation of Israeli foreign ministryBristol Post article: BCfm cleared after being reported to Ofcom for anti-semitic conspiracy theories

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