Climate Panic as UK gets Red Warning for South East, But Is This Evidence Of Global Warming And Climate Change Really Man-Made? – How YOUR recycling is being illegally dumped and burned abroad by criminal gangs – John Coleman, founder of the Weather Channel, on CNN on how he thinks the climate isn’t warming – Clean Air Zone critics in Bristol vow to boycott city centre and go elsewhere – On Irish TV 1980s TV science presenter Dr David Bellamy explains why global warming is nonsense – File on 4 – study of continence care of dementia patients in hospital settings reveals endemic use of pads due to staff shortages – Steve has leafleted all 32 schools in Cheltenham, warning children not to have the Covid jab – Jack Hargreaves – ‘Out of Town’ show from late 1980s – old country traditions show climate change worse in the 1970s! 1975 floods, wind and cold weather followed by 1976 heat wave and forest fires – PMQs Panorama documentary on British SAS killing Afghani citizens – New documentary ‘Ithaka’ on UK tour about Julian Assange’s family fighting for his freedom – Ukraine officially admits illegal sale of West donated weapons and humanitarian aid – Abby Martin, on Covert Action Magazine – US sanctions affect 1/3 of humanity. We Must Band Together in this Age of Repression – Man Of Lawessness Prince Charles: Prince Charles: Criminal, Great Resetter, Megalomaniac, Maker Of War And Peace? Satanist? Antichrist? – ‘Walletmor’ Criminals caught illegally implanting ‘Mark Of The Beast’ microchip in the right hand to buy and sell – NOT The BCfm Politics Show presented by Tony Gosling

MP3 of Friday 15th July 2022 Show [right click to download]… …(from c. 23:00) – Links to this week’s full interviews, bottom of page
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Part One News Review and Investigative Reports

How YOUR recycling is being illegally dumped and burned abroad by criminal gangs: TONS of plastic waste disposed of by eco-conscious British families is flytipped in Turkey as processing plants struggle to cope with waste sent from the UK Criminal gangs in Turkey have been accused of illegally burning goods that were first recycled in Britain Plastic goods and bags from British supermarkets all uncovered in city of Adana during Greenpeace sting The UK exports more than 500,000 tons of plastic annually, with almost half of this going to Turkey Tons of plastic waste that was first recycled in the UK by millions of eco-conscious families is being illegally dumped and burned by criminal gangs thousands of miles away in Turkey, it is claimed. Turkish mobs have been accused of illegally incinerating imported rubbish in the Turkish city of Adana, where Sainsbury’s bags, Tesco products and other plastic covered goods from UK supermarkets were uncovered during a Greenpeace investigation. Waste from British grocers is also spilling into rivers, threatening local wildlife, while the singed packets of recently burned rubbish were seen at five other sites in the Mediterranean hotspot, reports the Mirror. Jacob Hayler, executive director at the Environmental Services Association, claimed that between 5 and 6 per cent of waste was inspected at Britain’s ports during the last three months of 2021. It has led to environmental action groups slamming the perceived inaction from the Government, with Greenpeace UK warning ‘the truth is we have no idea what really happens to it [exported plastic] because no one bothers to check’. Chris Thorne, a campaigner with Greenpeace UK, added: ‘When we export our plastic, it might be out of sight and out of mind for us, but it’s harming people and nature in other countries.

‘The Government must ban plastic waste exports as a matter of urgency to stop this environmental colonialism.’ Experts have claimed nearly one million tons of plastic are being ‘openly dumped’ in Turkey each year. A significant portion of this is being burnt as Turkey struggles to manage both foreign exports and its own plastic waste, prompting serious health concerns as hazardous chemicals are continually being found. Professor Iseult Lynch, Environmental Nanoscience chair at the University of Birmingham, told MailOnline: ‘It is definitely an ongoing major issue – our individual efforts to recycle plastic are not being translated into actual recycling as the plastic shipped to Turkey and elsewhere, supposedly for recycling, is often not being recycled. ‘However, we cannot simply blame those other countries – the UK should not be shipping our waste elsewhere for disposal and (mis)management – as a country that aims to be a leader in the circular economy, we should be leading by example and ensuing that our plastic is properly managed and where it is at end of life managing that via waste to energy plants, such as is the case in Sweden, where Incineration with energy recovery is the most common form of treatment for plastic waste, with 1.1 million tonnes treated in this way in 2020.’ A Greenpeace investigation from 2021 revealed waste from our major supermarkets, including Tesco, Aldi and M&S, was found strewn across sites in southern Turkey. The group found used fizzy drink cans, crisp packets and sweet wrappers among items being shredded and burnt rather than recycled.

UK to have first Met Office Red Warning for heat (since the new ‘Red, Amber, Yellow’ system was introduced in 2011) next weekClimate Change Debate between Piers Corbyn and Dr. Jo House Piers and Jo have a rigorous discussion about the strength of evidence for man made-climate change. They range around almost all related subjects such as polar ice cap cooling, the effect of sunspots, pre-industrial changes of weather, lobbying by the fossil fuel industry, historic changes in levels of CO2, as well as the knock-on effects of US president Donald Trump pulling out of the November 2016 Paris Climate accords. Rarely do two so strong advocates on the different sides of the Man-Made Climate Change debate cover so much ground in so much detail, helping the listener, we hope, to make up their own mind based on a broad spread of opinions on one of the most vital policy issues affecting our world today.

John Coleman, founder of the Weather Channel, on CNN on how he thinks the climate isn’t warming. 2020 ends earth’s warmest 10 years on record      China and decarbonisation.  Mayor Marvin Rees giving his speech at Climate Change conference in Canada.  Piers Corbyn on how man made climate change isn’t happening –    High fuel prices – Green tax on fuel.  Clean Air Zone coming to Bristol.  Piers on clean air zones and carbon trading.  Prince Charles and his carbon trading business revealed in Panama Papers.  A planned economy needed to deal with environmental issues.  Clean Air Zone critics in Bristol vow to boycott city centre and go elsewhere We took at look at what our readers were saying about the Clean Air Zone Some Bristolians are vowing to boycott the city centre following the announcement of an official start date for the city’s Clean Air Zone. Others have been left with more questions around the rules of these new restrictions – including why some car park entrances have been included in the zone and what it means for residents who already live in the area. Mayor of Bristol Marvin Rees made the announcement on Wednesday (July 6) that the city’s Clean Air Zone, which will charge drivers with certain vehicles a minimum of £9 for driving in or near the city centre, will begin on November 28 this year.

He also said that three quarters of vehicles driven around the city centre will not be affected, with only one in three drivers expected to have to pay due to the criteria of vehicles excluded from the zone. In an article by Bristol Live this week, we reported that signs and cameras were already being put up around the city on the edge of the Clean Air Zone (CAZ) as a major public awareness campaign started, with billboard posters up to warn people they could be charged. The article has received almost 80 comments from readers, sharing their concerns, questions and confusion over the new rule changes. Some were desperate for an explanation over the boundary limits of the zone – and why certain car park entrances had been included. One commenter wrote: “No one has yet explained why the zone starts on the Portway before Cumberland basin and why the entrance to Trenchard Street carpark is in the zone. “As far as I can see the only reason is to generate money. Driving from the Portway to the A370 goes nowhere near the city center. The zone is deliberately extended by a few yards to cover the carpark entrance.” While another asked: “Is it true that it also covers the entrance to Cabot Circus car park?” View are map below to see the boundary.

On Irish TV 1980s TV science presenter David Bellamy explains why global warming is nonsense.  The BBC froze me out because I don’t believe in global warming: Outspoken as ever, David Bellamy reveals why you don’t see him on TV any more Conservationist dismissed man-made global warming as ‘poppycock’ in 2004 BBC ‘stopped giving him work’ and his career dried up as a result, he says Campaigners spat at him in street and sent him ‘paedophile’ hate mail David Bellamy still has the most wonderful face. He is pink-cheeked and beaming, his nose is impossibly broken and squashed, his eyes are kind, his hair and beard are now white but still lustrous and his vast fleshy ears are bobbing with hearing aids. ‘Come in! Come in! Sit wherever you like, that’s a comfy seat there,’ he booms, waving his hands and pointing with enormous sausage fingers. ‘Rosemary! Can we have some tea, please? ROOOOSEMARY!’ he roars in the general direction of the kitchen and his wife of 56 years. ‘She’s the love of my life, you know. I adoooore her. We met in Love Lane in Cheam when she was just 17 and I just knew. We used to canoodle on the train together. Ooh, I’m the luckiest man in the world. I married a wonderful woman, I’ve toured the world, I’ve stood on the top of the world, I’ve made more than 400 television programmes and I’ve had one of the most woooonderful lives . . .’

PMQs Kier Starmer – Tories backing tax rises – now all back tracking on this.  Vote of No Confidence in Boris.   Using QE to pay off Britain’s debts.  Banking system problems.  State owned vs private banks.  PMQs Rishi Sunak resigning from Boris’s government.  Boris’s last PMQs?  Tory Leader Contest – Liz Truss’s mistakes at Press Conference.  PMQs child poverty increased since Tories in power.  PMQs NHS ambulance services in a critical state. 

File on 4 – study of continence care of dementia patients in hospital settings reveals endemic use of pads due to staff shortages – leading to permanent incontinence.  Thangham Debonnair, Labour MP for Bristol East, on how Labour will stop ‘nom dom’ tax status.  File on 4 – BBC Radio 4 – Dementia: The Final Indignity Reporter: Datshiane Navanayagam Around 800,000 people have dementia in the UK. For those suffering from the illness, incontinence can often be seen an inevitable consequence – but that’s not always the case. Deemed as too embarrassing or taboo, it’s a topic that rarely hits the spotlight. Experts say preserving someone’s ability to go to the toilet is crucial to maintaining their dignity and quality of life and should be a priority in care settings. But is that always happening? A new report shown exclusively to File on 4 has looked at how continence care is being managed in hospitals – and how, in some cases, those who are continent are actively encouraged to soil themselves. Datshiane Navanayagam speaks to families who say their loved ones were ignored when it came to their continence needs in hospital and that the consequences have left them with health issues and requiring additional support. Nurses and medical staff say that continence training is often seen as a ‘Cinderella subject’. We also hear from dementia patients themselves about why maintaining your own dignity and independence is so crucial with this disease. With the government set to reveal a new dementia strategy this year, will continence care be placed higher up the agenda? Reporter: Datshiane Navanayagam

Steve, on how he has leafleted all the schools in Cheltenham, warning children not to have the Covid jab.  Sandy Steele, on how he has leafleted schools in Cirencester, warning children against the Covid jab. Covid Jab Sceptics Leaflet All The Schools In Cheltenham (Steve) and Cirencester (Sandy Steele) – Flyers Censored Doctors, Scientists, Nurses & Journalists Over 1,000 scientific studies proving the Covid-19 vaccine is lethal: Pfizer’s Published Documents: The Canadian Theology Professor, Pierre Gilbert, giving a mind-blowing lecture in 1995, warning of a coming mandatory vaccine, containing liquid crystals that when exposed to magnetic frequencies turns vaccine recipients into zombies Aired in 2014 New York City Investigative Journalist Harry Vox on Ebola, Quarantines & Curfews – Predicted! Professor Sucharit Bhakdi exposes the vaccine in a very simple and logical form Tucker Carlson, Fox News More deaths from Covid vaccine in 4 months than from all vaccines combined in 15.5 years. Graphics from Worldwide Statistics Some of the reported impacts of Covid vaccinations on mortality. 14/05/2021 Political researcher Robert Graziani says the pandemic is “Somewhat of a Totalitarian dream” Indian health ambassador/actor, Vivekh, gets Covid vaccine live on tv to show everyone how safe it was dies two days later President of Tanzania sees the lie; Paypaya, goat, and cow test positive for Coronavirus in Tanzania One of the founders of the MRNA technology Luigi Warren SUSPENDED from Twitter for confirming shedding of the vaccine Dr Robert Malone is the inventor of the mRNA vaccine technology. He confirmed this is not like other vaccines; the spike protein is very dangerous, it’s cytotoxic, as it travels through the whole human body and slowly kills the cells Mr Steve Kirsh is a serial entrepreneur who has been researching adverse reactions to Covid vaccines FIRE FAUCI ACT (Part 1) Dr Fauci is a Political scientist: evidence of the man-made virus in Wuhan lab funded by Fauci
  Increase in UK death rate – John Campbell…

Bitchute video of complete show

Part Two – Ukraine/Covid/Climate Round-Up With End Times Prophecy Reports

Jack Hargreaves – ‘Out of Town’ show from late 1980s – old country traditions on the way out – the 1976 heat wave and forest fires in New Forest. How is climate linked to extreme weather? 2003 – The highest temperature ever recorded in Britain was set during the sizzling summer of 2003, when the 100-Fahrenheit mark was broken for the first and only time. The mercury soared to 38.5C (101.3F) at Brogdale, near Faversham, Kent, on August 10, smashing the previous 1990 record of 37.1C (98.8F). Across Europe, around 70,000 people are believed to have died during the worst heatwave on the continent for almost 500 years. Britain luckily escaped the worst following a cool and wet two-week period at the end of July and beginning of August. It led to the worst drought for 27 years and wilting crops led to a 12% shortfall in wheat, causing the price of bread to soar. But most Britons were simply content to enjoy what was the first sustained heatwave in almost a decade with, notably, a mud-free Glastonbury festival for once. 1976 – The hottest British summer on record was 1976, when for 25 straight days the temperature hit at least 26.7C (80F). For 15 days during the spell, between June 22 and July 16, the mercury soared beyond 32.2C (90F) somewhere in England. The temperature exceeded 35C (95F) for five blistering days of the heatwave, peaking at 35.9C (96.6F) on July 3 in Cheltenham. It was perfect weather for women to wear the some of the decade’s notoriously skimpy outfits, although not so great for men with long hair and flairs. But there were major downsides as Britain suffered its worst drought in history, with water being rationed in some places by standpipes in the streets. Some areas went without rain from the start of the main heatwave until the last week of August.

PMQs Panorama documentary on British SAS killing Afghani citizens.  to story? David Milliband was Foreign Secretary at the time. British atrocities in Malaysia. History of British Imperialism. Roland Dumas – West planning to topple Assad before Syrian uprising. No new probes into SAS re Afghan crimesFormer military chief calls for ‘thorough investigation’ of SAS Afghanistan killing claims =- A BBC Panorama programme claims one SAS unit was responsible for up to 54 deaths Kim Sengupta World Affairs Editor The head of the British military at the time SAS soldiers are accused of executing civilians and unarmed detainees in Afghanistan says there should be a “thorough investigation” if new evidence has emerged about the killings. A BBC Panorama programme claims one SAS unit was responsible for up to 54 deaths in secret operations that took place during a six-month tour of duty in Helmand in 2010 and 2011. The documentary led to recriminations even before it was broadcast on Tuesday night. The Ministry of Defence (MoD) accused the programme makers of making claims that are “irresponsible, incorrect and puts our brave Armed Forces personnel at risk both in the field and reputationally”. However, General Sir David Richards, the former chief of the defence staff (CDS) during the period of the alleged killings told the BBC: “In my experience, worrying events of the type captured by Panorama are very rare in the British armed forces. “That said, given the compelling nature of the programme, if I was still the chief of the defence staff I would order a thorough investigation of the events portrayed. I have no doubt that Admiral (Sir Tony) Radakin, the current chief of the defence staff, will do this.” The Independent understands Gen Richards was unaware of the allegations at the time. Senior officers say measures were then in place to ensure any reports of such serious issues would go up the chain of command and “find it difficult to believe” that such systematic killings would have taken place without them knowing about it. Gen Richards, now Baron Richards of Herstmonceux, has extensive experience of the Afghan mission. He was the head of the International Security Assistance Force (ISAF) when the conflict erupted five years after the fall of the Taliban. The MoD began an investigation into alleged offences by British forces in Afghanistan – including claims of fatal shootings by the SAS codenamed Operation Northmoor – in 2014 which ended four years later with the government announcing that there was no evidence of criminality. Panorama claimed an earlier inquiry by the Royal Military Police (RMP) in 2013 into deaths in the hands of the Special Forces was hampered by the investigators not being given access to information held by UK Special Forces Headquarters. Material containing concerns about actions of some soldiers was put into a restricted-access classified file under “anecdotal information about extrajudicial killings” accessible only to a handful of senior officers. Examining official documents, the BBC held there were “strikingly similar reports” compiled after deaths during operations in the hours of darkness in SAS “kill/capture” missions. The “night raids” were eventually suspended at the request of the Afghan government. Some suspects were lethally targeted on flawed intelligence. There were also claims that the SAS troops planted weapons, mainly AK-47 rifles, to justify killings on grounds of self-defence…..

Ukraine officially admits illegal sale of West donated weapons KYIV ($1=29.50 Ukrainian Hryvnias) ­ The Economic Security Bureau of Ukraine registered repeated sales of humanitarian aid coming from Western countries, as well as arms. This was announced by the director of the department, Vadim Melnik, on the air of the TV channel “Ukraine 24” on July 5, according to Life online portal.“Even military goods are sold for cash. We have such facts,” Melnik said. According to him, the bureau is investigating cases related to the sale of humanitarian aid received from foreign partners. As far as the sale of military products and weapons is concerned, the department has already registered around ten such criminal cases. Melnyk stressed that this is an incomplete number of similar crimes, as other Ukrainian law enforcement agencies register similar violations. In recent weeks, more and more signals have come through unofficial channels about the sale of Ukrainian weapons. was one of the first sites to inform the world about the potential illegal trade in Western-donated weapons, goods, and humanitarian aid. In Washington, they even admitted that the agency responsible for the sale and supply of American weapons abroad [DSCA] could not control the stockpiled supplies, their serial numbers, and their distribution among the Ukrainian armed forces because of the war. At this time, the US cannot send mobile teams to check availability, but DSCA is willing to open an office in the territory of Ukraine. DSCA says that the information they have about how the donated US weapons are used is based solely on assurances from Kyiv.

New film ‘Ithaka’ about Julian Assange’s family fighting for his freedom – Gabriel Shipton, Julian’s half brother who made the film, on why the film is called Ithaka, and the family’s journey navigating through an unfair judicial system. to find out where the film is showing. Are the judges in Julian’s case actually the criminals and should be tried? John Pilger, on Talking Post, on how Australia’s PMs have done nothing to help Assange, and his extradition to US will be a threat to all investigative journalism.  A moving and intimate portrayal of one father’s fight to save his son, Ithaka exposes the brutal realities of the campaign to free Julian Assange. The world’s most famous political prisoner, WikiLeaks founder Julian Assange, has become an emblem of an international arm wrestle over freedom of journalism, government corruption and unpunished war crimes. Now with Julian facing a 175-year sentence if extradited to the US, his family members are confronting the prospect of losing Julian forever to the abyss of the US justice system. This David-and-Goliath struggle is personal – and, with Julian’s health declining in a British maximum-security prison, the clock is ticking. Now it’s up to Julian’s father, John Shipton, and fiancé Stella Moris, to join forces to advocate for Julian on this international odyssey. As they rally a world-wide network of supporters and politicians, they cautiously step into the media’s glare – and are forced to confront the events that made Julian a global flashpoint.

Abby Martin, on Covert Action Magazine – US sanctions affect 1/3 of humanity. We Must Band Together in this Age of Repression: Abby Martin on Resistance and the Role of CovertAction Magazine Privileged Americans are clueless that these wars not only continue, but have expanded. A recent Costs of War study reveals U.S. “counterterrorism” operations have been active in 83 countries in the last three years. And today the U.S. doesn’t even have to militarily engage as it relies mostly on the covert hybrid warfare of mass propaganda and economic control through the use of sanctions, what they call “soft power”. But they kill just the same as conventional war, with barely any media coverage or political accountability. After 9/11 this system of financial weaponry grew with extreme precision. From 2000 to 2021, the use of sanctions have increased nearly 1,000%, with leaders from both parties using them as the primary method to force countries to fall in line. According to Sanctions Kill, U.S. sanctions now affect a third of humanity with more than 8,000 measures impacting 42 countries. The media had to adapt to the changing nature of the Empire too. The institutionalization of covert action gave rise to a sophisticated global propaganda machine that sells the stories of America to every child and ingrains militarism and capitalism as our religion. It conditions the masses into accepting and even being proud of our role as Empire babies, overseeing mass murder, normalizing the daily violence and subjugation of others. The corporate domination of our media manufactures our consent to these crimes while offering the illusion of choice and freedom of press. It used to be nearly impossible to break through the information barrier of the elite stenographers. But CovertAction Magazine and others have been on the front lines chipping away, exposing the ugly truths that show what this country really is, and what it really represents. The internet advanced this education, and terrified the establishment by allowing average people to uplift their own narratives. This is why we are seeing a new wave of censorship take root. Censorship by proxy. They are Silicon Valley tech overlords to outright ban unsavory viewpoints, algorithmically erase investigative journalism, marginalize dissenting voices, and financially strangle outlets that don’t toe the line. This prohibition of views and curation of our reality is for our own good, they say.

Ghislaine Maxwell is the fall guy for Western Intelligence Services information collecting on influential people – While Guilty for Sex Trafficking, Ghislaine Maxwell Takes Fall for Alleged Sexual Blackmail Operation Run by Western Intelligence Agencies Evidence suggests that Epstein and his paramour Ghislaine Maxwell were working for U.S., British and Israeli intelligence agencies to build a video database of sexually compromised political leaders, oligarchs and influential celebrities who could be manipulated and controlled by blackmail. The really intriguing question is what happened to the tens of thousands of hours of videos seized by the FBI, which may show global affluentials engaging in illegal sex with underage girls. Ghislaine Maxwell claims that she has copies of the Epstein sex videos and now threatens to use as bargaining chips to save herself­or take them all down with her. In a packed lower Manhattan courthouse on June 28, Ghislaine Maxwell was sentenced to 20 years in prison for conspiring with Jeffrey Epstein to recruit, groom and abuse underage girls. Federal Circuit Judge Alison J. Nathan said before rendering sentence that “the damage done to these young girls was incalculable.” In Maxwell’s defense, lawyer Bobbi C. Sternheim said that Ms. Maxwell’s life had been clouded by two men: “her narcissistic, brutish father” Robert Maxwell, wealthy British media tycoon and former member of parliament, and “the controlling, demanding, manipulative” Jeffrey Epstein. Maxwell herself spoke in court on Tuesday­her first public remarks since her July 2020 arrest­dressed in prison scrubs and with her ankles shackled. She acknowledged “the pain and anguish” of the victimized women who had addressed the court before her, but stopped short of apologizing or accepting responsibility for her crimes, claiming that “it is the greatest regret of my life that I ever met Jeffrey Epstein.” While Maxwell’s attempt to blame Epstein for her crimes was obviously self-serving, what she could not say was that she was the one to take the fall for a sexual blackmail operation sponsored by Western intelligence agencies.

Tim Cohen on Criminal Prince Charles: The Great Resetter, The Satanist? The Antichrist? – – The AntiChrist and a Cup of Tea: Charles, Prince of Wales, Foretold – This is the SECOND EDITION of the definitive and foremost book on the subject of the AntiChrist. (You may place your order now, as this is expected to go to press in the first half of 2021, give or take a few months. (We are working very hrad to get it to the printer in the February to March 2021 time frame.) The image will be updated in the future, and the price will also be increased upon publication due to higher printing and distribution costs, making this a special offer.) In The AntiChrist and a Cup of Tea, Tim Cohen provides biblical evidence to demonstrate that all of the prophecies pertaining to the coming AntiChrist ­ that can be fulfilled before he assumes control over a global government during the Great Tribulation ­ are already fulfilled in a living prince of Roman lineage; this is true of no one else. This prince, for example, has the lineage: he claims descent simultaneously from Israel’s King David, Islam’s false prophet Mohammed, and, by a false occult lineage, Jesus Christ Himself! This prince has the imagery: his personal heraldic achievement or coat of arms has the symbolism of the first beast of Revelation 13, representing the AntiChrist, and of Daniel 7 (i.e., the little horn having eyes like those of a man ­ a unicorn with human eyes). This prince’s coat of arms also bears the red dragon described in Revelation 12 and 13, specifically representing Satan, and he was seen globally as he faced this dragon in 1969 to be coronated as “Prince of the Red Dragon” (i.e., Satan). This prince has the name calculation: his title, by which he is globally known, calculates to 666 in both Hebrew and English on the original biblical numbering system ­ the very system used in the underlying Greek text of Revelation 13:18 to specify six-hundred and sixty-six. This prince has the involvement in the Mideast peace process. In fact, the current Road Map, as well as the Oslo process from which it derives, and the Madrid Peace talks from which the Oslo process itself derived, are directly traceable to the London Agreement of 1987, which in turn is traceable to…THIS PRINCE. Also, this prince has the global authority…. That’s right ­ he is not the ignored wimp that the masses have been misled to believe; rather, he is mankind’s number one globalist, and has been for decades. Indeed, this prince is over the entire New World Order power structure­through the world’s most prominent and oldest order of chivalry: the Order of the Garter. This order is very much more than merely a revival of King Arthur’s legendary round table. And to top it all off, this prince HAS THE IMAGERY OF WHAT IS TO BE THE FUTURE ABOMINATION THAT CAUSES DESOLATION! What is that? In March 2002, while trekking through Brazilian rain forests, this prince was presented with a miniature version of a statue depicting himself as an angelic figure with large wings standing atop a mass of human bodies looking up to him (this prince) as savior! In fact, the inscription on the statue’s base reads “Saviour of the World”!!! And it has this prince’s face…with wings! So what did this prince say when Brazilian officials asked his permission to create a ten cubits high (12 or 15 feet) version of this statue, and to place it in a square named after him in their capital city? Instead of calling it blasphemy to identify him as “Saviour of the World”, this prince remarked, “I am touched and deeply amazed,” and then, with the small ego he has, this prince gladly gave permission to create the larger version! Now, bear in mind that the arrival of this statue was years after the 1998 publication of the first edition of The AntiChrist and a Cup of Tea (ISBN 0-9662793-0-1), and there is no other man or woman who is being called “Saviour of the World” other than this prince whom Tim Cohen decades ago identified as the foretold AntiChrist ­ according to a true understanding of the prophetic scriptures. Coincidence? No. Just consider this: What would happen if even the miniature version of this princely idol, which has already been received by this prince and photographed by global media, were one day placed in a newly constructed holy place in Jerusalem? And what about the ten cubits high version? Would not all of evangelical Christianity suddenly scratch its collective head and wonder, “Gee, could this prince be the AntiChrist?” Well, you don’t have to wait for that day to find out, nor do you have to be entirely unprepared: Get The AntiChrist and a Cup of Tea and read it carefully.

Criminals uncovered this week trying to roll out ‘Mark Of The Beast’ microchip in the right hand to buy and sell. Would you implant a tiny debit card chip in your hand? Forget fingerprint or facial recognition… ‘biometric’ payment is being touted as the future (Tue12Jul22) Walletmor claims to be the first company to sell contactless bank-card chips The procedure to fit one leaves customers with a small stitch below the wrist Once the chip is in, users no longer have to bother with debit or credit cards To make a purchase they can simply wave their hand over a contactless reader The procedure is simple, if bloody, and leaves customers with a small stitch below the wrist. Once the chip is in, users no longer have to bother with debit or credit cards. To make a purchase they can wave their hand over a contactless reader. It might sound like a dystopian fantasy, but Walletmor is evidence of how quickly the payment industry is progressing. From chip implants to facial recognition software on your mobile, this new technology is aiming to consign cash and bank cards to the history books. But is the rapidly growing sector dangerously out of its depth? Certainly Walletmor appears to be. Today Money Mail can reveal the firm ­ which has featured on both the BBC and Forbes ­ has been plunged into controversy after it emerged it had misled customers. Mr Paprota had been repurposing chips from a third-party supplier, MuchBetter, which is associated with Mastercard. Once they were alerted to Walletmor’s actions, both companies pulled the plug ­ citing ‘health and safety’ concerns. Overnight customers in the UK had their accounts shut down. The result? Some have been left with totally redundant chips under their skin. Their only option at present is to have them removed ­ though Walletmor insists it is looking at ways to reprogram already-implanted chips for future use. A microchip was first inserted into a human in 1998. Professor Kevin Warwick ­ who is known as Captain Cyborg ­ had the procedure done to link his nervous system to a computer as part of an experiment. But otherwise there was little appetite for commercially available chips ­ until Walletmor stepped in and began selling them as an alternative to bank cards. The device is around the size of a grain of rice and costs €200 (£169). Walletmor could not conduct implantations, instead referring customers to piercing specialists. The chip was linked to a smartphone app run by MuchBetter, where customers could deposit funds. In April, Walletmor bragged on social media that it had been featured in more than 450 articles worldwide. ‘The implant can be used to pay for a drink on the beach in Rio, a coffee in New York, a haircut in Paris ­ or at your local grocery store,’ Mr Paprota told the BBC earlier this year. From chip implants to facial recognition software on your mobile, new technology is aiming to consign cash and bank cards to the history books But on a Facebook group dedicated to Walletmor’s 434 ‘ambassadors’, customers regularly posted videos of card machines struggling to read their chips. Gary Prince, chief strategy officer of software company SimplyPayMe, says: ‘It’s a fascinating concept but for something like this to work, people have to want to use it. ‘What is the benefit of paying on your hand? If it could also be loaded with identification documents, that would be a different story. But that would also open up a bigger debate around privacy.’ Interest in ‘biometric’ payment solutions ­ which use physical characteristics to identify a customer and authorise a transaction ­ has been growing steadily. Well-known examples include fingerprint and facial-recognition technology, which is used among banks, tech giants and even at airports to authenticate passports.

Radio4All download pages
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#1 – Complete 3hr 30m show – [right click to download]
Full interviews with…
#2 – Piers Corbyn: July 2022 Red Climate Scare Clean Air Zones – 00:20:00
#3 – War of propaganda John Pilger on Ukraine and Assange – 00:20:00
#4 – Covid Jab Sceptics Leaflet All Schools In Cheltenham/Cirencester – 00:20:00
#5 – Tim Cohen: Prince Charles: The Criminal, The Great Resetter, The Satanist? The Antichrist? – 01:00:00


Tony’s new paperback and eBooks Traitors Of Arnhem, Siege Of Heaven; Siege Of Heaven Reader – all available for donation, or to buy, via
BCfm’s weekly Politics Show presented by Tony Gosling with Irish Republican Labour activist Martin Summers was forced off FM, now online only. We were ‘rested due to the pandemic’ on 24 March 2020 by BCfm charity ‘CEO’ Patrick Hart who is a longtime personal friend of Bristol’s all-powerful right-wing ‘Labour’ mayor Marvin Rees. This Internet only NOT The BCfm Politics Show is now available 17:00-c. 21:00 live on Fridays. Pat Hart replaced us with an inane student show repeating MSM stories called The Bristol Agenda. If you’d like to share your views on his deliberate dumbing-down mismanagement you can contact UK broadcasting regulator Ofcom or BCfm board chair and the ‘Don’ here.

February 2019 Ofcom complaint result: UKLFI exposed as creation of Israeli foreign ministryBristol Post article: BCfm cleared after being reported to Ofcom for anti-semitic conspiracy theories

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  1. Martin Summers is bang on about Wealth Redistribution . Since the super rich don’t practice Noblesse Oblige (rough translation: those with much must be generous to those whom they made their much off of the hard physical and mental work of the many & generous to the poor, disabled and elderly) We have force the rich to pay higher wages, taxes and benefits. All vital goods and services(including mass transit and long railroads) must be nationalized & privatization must bugger off.

    Economies aren’t forces of nature like rain storms, snow, hurricanes, volcanoes et cetera. Economies are human made systems and they can be changed . I personally am gob smacked how most people accept the neoliberal or neoclassical(whatever you want to call it)economy which prevails in the world that makes the rich richer and the rest of us poorer and puts the poor into misery

  2. We use to have these talk & entertainment shows here on the “tele” in the US . I remember one in particular . It was called the Merv Griffin show, was on tv around 5pm in the 1970s ( Its competitor was the Mike Douglas show on another network . He was a straight laced dressed & looking guy just like Merv, but talked with & had entertainment from guests off the middle age and older “radar”. He’s probably most remembered for having John Lennon and Yoko Ono on the show for a whole week in the early to mid 70s when Lennon and Yoko lived in New York City and John was shot dead at the entrance of the historical Dakota building where he and Ono lived , just across the street from Central Park) .

    Merv Griffin once had three multi millionaires on one show. He asked each how did you become a multi millionaire . First says work hard and you’ll become rich, the usual Horatio Alger myth story . The second one talked about how to play the stock market . The third multimillionaire fellow responded to how did you became a multimillionaire question , said with a straight face : A) You’re too lazy to work so you get other people to do your work. B) You’re too stupid to think so you get other people to think for you , Thats how you become a multimillionaire . Audience and the other three on stage laughed . He, still straight , deadpan faced , lit up another cigarette or something, adjusted his shirt or tie , laughter petered out and the show continued .

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