Peterloo massacre yearly memorial – Jeremy Corbyn and Piers Corbyn attend – Telegraph – China going in to another lockdown – Lockdown effects feared to be killing more people than Covid – Dr. Francis Boyle, Author Of The US Bio-Weapons Act, Said Coronavirus Is Biological Warfare Weapon on February 3, 2020 – ITV West report on the source of the Thames moving 10 km due to water privatisation – Rishi Sunak saying inflation would be better if more unemployed went to work – MISCARRIAGE OF JUSTICE? Bodies Dumped By Perimeter Fence Of USAF Lakenheath – The Soham Murders of Holly Wells and Jessica Chapman 20 Years On – Frome residents manage to get their own town centre scheme approved – Professor Steven Jones – who proved 9/11 buildings did not collapse because of fire, and found evidence that Thermite, Nanothermite and Thermate were used – Did Israel attack a Houthi camp in Yemen during the Gaza fighting? – Harriet Hageman won Republican candidacy in Wyoming – her rallying speech in May – Tony Benn on the BBC trying to get his donating to Palestine address out on air during Israel’s ‘Operation Cast Lead’ – CBS documentary – money and weaponry donated to Ukraine ends up in hands of Ukraine Mafia – Witchcraft used against Putin Witches Hex Putin to End Ukraine Invasion – Russia in control of Zaporizhzhia nuclear plant in Ukraine – New documentary on the death of Princess Diana on TV on Sunday – Heir to the Throne C4 documentary – in late 90s public haven’t warmed to Charles and Camilla – The Idiots Guide To The Great Plan – The Magnum Opus – devised in the 1870s by Grand Master of US based Scottish Rite Masons – Albert Pike – What does that mean for today – all the signs of the times unfolding before our eyes – EXCLUSIVE: Australian professor John Hartnett – The False Prophet, also known as the ‘second beast’ is one of three evil figures in Revelation, John Hartnett on False Prophet Yuval Noah Harrari – Rik Mayall on how he died for five days over Easter in 1998 – NOT The BCfm Politics Show presented by Tony Gosling
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Part One – News Review and Investigative Reports
Train strikes – postal strike next Friday. How present day compares to the 1970s. ONS on the causes of inflation. Economic uncertainty – banking crash. Peterloo massacre yearly memorial – Jeremy Corbyn and Piers Corbyn attend – Piers explains how his opinions differ from his brothers and likens the Covid vaccine massacre to the Peterloo massacre Talk TV presenters and Tory MPs call for nationalisation of water. Neil Oliver, on GB News, on authorities trying to control us. UNS Review – Kiralov – Covid created in a US lab. Thousands mark anniversary of the Peterloo Massacre and issue call for radical political change – THOUSANDS of people marched in Manchester today to mark the anniversary of the Peterloo Massacre and heard calls for radical political change. Trade unionists and campaigners gathered in Piccadilly Gardens to march with banners raised to St Peter’s Square, where a rally commemorated the horrific events of August 16 1819. That day, tens of thousands of textile workers and their families walked to St Peter’s Field, where the square is now, from industrial communities in and around Manchester to meet peacefully and call for parliamentary reform. Magistrates ordered cavalry to charge the 60,000-strong crowd, leaving 15 people dead and hundreds injured. At today’s rally, which was organised by Oldham trades council and The Word newspaper, speakers addressed the cheering crowd from the Fire Brigade Union’s campaigning fire engine. Bakers, Food and Allied Workers Union president Ian Hodson said that in the current Tory leadership contest, fewer people are voting than had the right to participate in parliamentary elections at the time of Peterloo. He said that “people have the right to food – not to foodbanks” and called for the abolition of reviled zero-hours contracts, which leave those on them with no guarantee of work or wages. Former Labour leader Jeremy Corbyn received rousing cheers when he expressed solidarity with workers fighting back against exploitative employers, including members of the RMT, Aslef and TSSA unions involved in strike campaigns on the railways. He rejected government regulation of privatised utilities such as water and energy and said that nationalisation and public ownership should be implemented. Mr Corbyn also criticised media reports blaming “wage inflation” for the cost-of-living crisis, pointing to profiteering and soaring executive salaries and bonuses as the real cause. He said: “We need an immediate wealth tax, with our energy, water, rail and mail in public hands to bring down bills and help us build a fairer society of peace, justice and shared wealth. “We can, and must, provide a radical and hopeful alternative to the misery faced by millions a healthy planet and an economy run for and by the many, not the few.” Former Labour MP Laura Pidcock, chairwoman of the People’s Assembly, spoke out against government plans for further anti-trade union legislation. An in an attack on Labour’s parliamentary performance, she said: “We have an opposition that does not oppose.” Radical film director Ken Loach quoted from Shelley’s epic poem Masque of Anarchy, which was written about the Peterloo Massacre.
FLASHBACK TO FEB 2020: Dr. Francis Boyle, Author Of The US Bio-Weapons Act, Said Coronavirus Is Biological Warfare Weapon on February 3, 2020 – In an explosive interview Dr. Francis Boyle, who drafted the Biological Weapons Act has given a detailed statement admitting that the 2019 Wuhan Coronavirus is an offensive Biological Warfare Weapon and that the World Health Organization (WHO) already knows about it. Francis Boyle is a professor of international law at the University of Illinois College of Law. He drafted the U.S. domestic implementing legislation for the Biological Weapons Convention, known as the Biological Weapons Anti-Terrorism Act of 1989, that was approved unanimously by both Houses of the U.S. Congress and signed into law by President George H.W. Bush. In an exclusive interview given to Geopolitics and Empire, Dr. Boyle discusses the coronavirus outbreak in Wuhan, China and the Biosafety Level 4 laboratory (BSL-4) from which he believes the infectious disease escaped. He believes the virus is potentially lethal and an offensive biological warfare weapon or dual-use biowarfare weapons agent genetically modified with gain of function properties, which is why the Chinese government originally tried to cover it up and is now taking drastic measures to contain it. The Wuhan BSL-4 lab is also a specially designated World Health Organization (WHO) research lab and Dr. Boyle contends that the WHO knows full well what is occurring.
Jamie Jenkins, former Head of Health stats for ONS, on Talk TV Ian Collins show – what is the cause of the rise of the death rate in UK?
ITV West report on the source of the Thames moving 10 km due to drought. Pictures show before and after as source of River Thames in Gloucestershire dries up entirely – The source of the river Thames has dried up due to extremely hot weather and drought. During the past six months, the start of the world famous river has become no more than a dirt track. “This should be full of crustal clear water,” river campaigner Ashley Smith told ITV News West Country while walking through what used to be the Thames. “I’ve seen it when it’s like that it is a thing of absolute beauty. Today it is utterly depressingly dead,” he added. The River Thames before the heatwaveThe source of the river has dried up entirely in places Credit: ITV Ashley has hit out at what he describes as wilful neglect of the UK’s rivers. The weather is one main reason for the decline in the size of the river, but water companies also play a part. Ashely said: “The cheap way for the water industry is to suck more and more water to a growing population, so what do we think is going to happen? “We deprive the beautiful vibrant places that agriculture also relies on and here we are in this catastrophic situation.”
Rishi Sunak saying inflation would be better if more unemployed went to work. Not enough investment in UK. Rishi Sunak ‘blames people on benefits’ for high inflation in ‘shocking’ footage Sunak said the government needs to be ‘tougher on benefit claimants’ in order to bring inflation down Conservative leader candidate Rishi Sunak has been criticised after he appeared to blame benefit claimants for high inflation and labour shortages. In his leadership speech to Conservative members last night, the former chancellor said the country’s main challenge other than soaring energy costs is ‘getting people to actually work’. He said: “I strongly believe that part of the answer to this problem is being much tougher on our welfare system. “Right now, there are more people claiming unemployment benefit than there are job vacancies in the economy. “If there are hours to do, and if there’s a job going, people should have to take the job as opposed to just being able to stay on benefits. “That’s the change I want to bring… and it’s good for the economy because it’ll ease inflation.” He went on to say that in order to bring inflation down, the country needs to ‘increase the supply of things’, adding that because inflation is in the labour market, the government must become ‘much tougher’ on welfare claimants. Peter Stefanovic, a lawyer from The Communications Union, slammed Sunak’s comments as ‘beyond shocking’, and pointed out that the majority of benefit claimants are either in work or seeking work. He said: “40% of people on Universal Credit are actually in work. 56% of people in poverty are in a working family. Seven in ten children in poverty have at least one parent that works. “Those claiming benefits, contrary to what they appear to be suggesting, are not lazy skivers. Needing benefits is not a shameful thing. “All of this says much more about those running the country than it does about those claiming benefits.” This comes just weeks after leaked footage showed Sunak boasting about taking money from ‘deprived urban areas’ to benefit affluent conservative areas.
20 years since Soham murders – ‘expert witness’ Patricia Wiltshire on how Ian Huntley was convicted by a police officer finding one of Ian Huntley’s hair on a tree twig.
MISCARRIAGE OF JUSTICE? Bodies Dumped By Perimeter Fence Of USAF Lakenheath – The Soham Murders of Holly Wells and Jessica Chapman 20 Years On – MOTIVE TO FRAME HUNTLEY? if the murders were actually carried out by USAF personnel it may have forced US forces to leave the UK, like they were forced to leave France in 1966 – Actually, we need not bother with the brief Soham part of the visit, because we already know there is nothing there of interest, other than a few scraps of red fibre from substituted Manchester United shirts. So let us bypass Soham, and re-join the Jury as its members visit the crime scene close to the perimeter fence at USAF Lakenheath: “We suggest that Ian Huntley knew this area really well,” Latham said, “whoever it was who dumped the bodies would not have set off down this track in the dark unless they knew where they were going and what they would find. Whoever dumped the bodies knew it would be a suitable place to hide them and they would be unlikely to be caught in the act. It was an ideal place and he [Huntley] was thinking when he set off from Soham that evening, thinking quite clearly and calmly, not in a panic trying to get rid of those bodies as quickly as possible.” In the annals of British legal history, it is unlikely that any other Queens Counsel has shot himself through the foot quite so severely with a single, long-winded statement like this. Latham’s words are the exact opposite of reality where Huntley was concerned, and this press release dated March 2002 and authorised by Lieutenant Chris Watt of USAF Lakenheath, proves why. “Nearly 60 closed circuit television cameras went operational here the first week of March. Placed in all areas around RAF Lakenheath and RAF Feltwell, the anti-terrorism force protection cameras give the 48th Security Forces Squadron increased ability to deal with force protection issues and add another layer of security and safety to the base. No one man can cover several positions at once,” said Master Sgt. Jim Kendall, 48th SFS police services NCOIC. “The new system augments the forces that we already have in place. Operated by handpicked, trained security forces 24 hours a day, AT/FP CCTV allows security forces to monitor more than forty camera views at once. In fact,” said Kendall, “the system has already been used to reduce the time it takes to apprehend drivers that run the gates. We can follow gate-runners with the cameras and record their actions until our forces catch up with them. Recording a gate-runner’s actions also helps us monitor a suspect for anti-terrorism and force protection activities. RAF Lakenheath is the first base in US Air Forces in Europe to install an AT/FP CCTV system.” he said. What the press release does not mention is that on the same date, USAF Lakenheath personnel mounted additional armed patrols inside and outside the perimeter wire, 24 hours per day, every day including Sundays and public holidays. Remember that the 60 anti-terrorist cameras were switched on, and the extra patrols started, a full five months before Ian Huntley was accused of dumping Holly and Jessica’s bodies into a water-filled drainage ditch, itself within easy range of Lakenheath’s ‘always-on’ infra-red-capable day and night video cameras. It actually gets worse than this, far worse. If you look at detailed maps and photographs of the airfield carefully, it is obvious that the ‘crime scene’ is very close to one end of the active runway, and thus constitutes a suitable firing point for a shoulder-launched ‘terrorist’ surface to air missile. The USAF pays special attention to such areas, with cameras available at all times for their detailed surveillance, with video footage archived for later examination of possible suspects. So Latham’s claim that, “whoever dumped the bodies knew it would be a suitable place to hide them and they would be unlikely to be caught in the act” is absolutely correct, provided that the culprit knew the precise layout of the anti-terrorist security cameras, their exact fields of view, and the precise timing of the armed patrols around the Lakenheath perimeter. Because the camera fields of view were adjusted on a daily basis, and the timing of the patrols altered constantly for security reasons, the only culprits capable of dumping the bodies in the drainage ditch without getting caught, would be an American serviceman (or men) inside USAF Lakenheath, and not just anyone. Whoever it was had access to the anti-terrorist operations schedules, indicating a very high security clearance.
Frome residents manage to get their own town centre scheme approved. Council approves rival community-led lido and ‘tiny houses’ proposal in Frome Andrew Kirby Architects and Studio Saar’s rival community-led masterplan for a controversial redevelopment in Somerset has been granted planning consent Planning officers at Mendip District Council had recommended rejection of the ‘mixed-use town extension’ on the edge of Frome town centre. But, after a groundswell of local support, councillors voted instead this week to approve it. Around 1,300 residents emailed the council to back the project, which includes 182 homes, workspace and a lido in Saxonvale, a 5.16ha former industrial site on the south-eastern edge of Frome town centre. The scheme has 40 per cent affordable housing and has put strong emphasis on homes for first-time buyers, including 27 plots on the north edge of the site allocated to custom-built ‘tiny houses’, which usually measure around 37m². Popular in America, where there are some 10,000 miniature homes, the movement has yet to take off in the UK. Studio Saar co-founder Jonny Buckland, whose practice is based on the site, said: ‘On paper, it was computer says “no”. But hearts and minds came forward to say “No, the people want this”.’ The project, led by non-profit social enterprise Mayday Saxonvale, aims to provide an alternative vision to that offered by Acorn Property Group in its 2021 consented scheme. Acorn already has a development agreement with Mendip District Council, which owns the site. Acorn’s scheme, designed by Nash Partnership, included 300 homes with 72 affordable, offices, shops in buildings ranging between two and five storeys, as well as a riverside park. However, local community groups – and Frome Town Council – opposed the scheme over concerns it was too dense for the site, did not contain enough employment space, and would see local warehouses demolished.
Professor Steven Jones – who proved 9/11 buildings did not collapse because of fire, and found evidence that Thermite, Nanothermite and Thermate were used to destroy the World Trade Centre steel columns – explains how a superior tried to bribe him not to pursue his research. Dr Steven Jones Deserves a medal for his efforts to bring out the truth. Born: 25, 1949 (age 63) Education: Cornell University, Brigham Young University, Vanderbilt University n the weeks. clip taken from full video. Dr. Steven Jones (a physics professor at BYU at the time of this recording) explains why the collapse of World Trade Center Building 7 (aka the Solomon Brothers Building, or WTC 7) is likely. 9/11: Steven Jones Talks About Thermite – Dr. Steven Jones discusses the evidence that points to the use of thermite and/or thermate in the demolition of the WTC complex on 9/11.
Katy Johnson article – different factions in US. Another US delegation to go to Taiwan – Did Israel attack a Houthi camp in Yemen during the Gaza fighting? An Israeli military commander alluded to a strike on a ‘third country’ during conflict earlier this month During a conference on Thursday, Aviv Kohavi said the Israeli army had carried out the strike while targeting the northern Gaza commander of Islamic Jihad. “Ten days ago, the Israel Defence Forces hit with great precision Tayseer Jabari, who is an arch-terrorist,” he told the Federation of Local Authorities conference. “And at the same time [they] carried out a wave of arrests in [the West Bank], and at the same time attacked a third country, and carried out defence along the rest of the country’s borders.” Kohavi did not specify which country had been attacked during the conflict, which took place between 5 August and 8 August, but a number of media outlets reported that a blast in a camp in Sanaa, the Yemeni capital, on 7 August had resulted in the death of at least six Iranian and Lebanese operatives.
Harriet Hageman speech – rising above entrenched politics. US political system. Harriet Hageman won Republican candidacy in Wyoming – her rallying speech in May. Liz Cheney gives her losing speech. Harriet Hageman sees her landslide victory over Liz Cheney in Wyoming as beacon for the nation: ‘We’re fed up’ – Harriet Hageman, the Republican nominee for Wyoming’s sole seat in the U.S. House of Representatives, predicted Wednesday that her primary victory over Rep. Liz Cheney would serve as a beacon for the rest of the country, which she described as “fed up” with Washington, D.C., and its “corruption.” In an interview with Fox News Digital following her primary election win, Hageman said her victory was a direct reflection of Wyoming voters rejecting Cheney as their representative, as well as their dissatisfaction with her and Democrats’ treatment of former President Donald Trump. She laid out her intention to bring Washington, D.C., back to prioritizing “accountability and success.” “Wyoming has spoken, and it was a resounding victory,” Hageman said when asked how she felt following her win. “I think that it is a reflection on a couple of things. One is Liz Cheney. It’s a reflection on her and the fact that we don’t want her allegedly representing us in Congress anymore.” “It was also, I think, a reflection on what happened last week in Mar-a-Lago,” she added, referring to the FBI’s unannounced raid on Trump’s Florida home earlier this month.
Tony Benn on the BBC trying to get his donating to Palestine address out on air during Israel’s ‘Operation Cast Lead’ in January 2009. Tony Benn hijacks BBC’s Today to make Gaza appeal Former Labour MP Tony Benn defied the BBC’s self-imposed ban on broadcasting an appeal for the people of Gaza – by hijacking an interview on the Today to make the appeal himself. Benn was asked on the Today programme this morning to argue the case for the BBC broadcasting the Disasters Emergency Committee appeal. The BBC has come under mounting pressure to screen the emergency appeal, after ITV, Channel 4 and Five all announced today that they would be showing it. Thousands of protesters joined a demonstration in London, while a string of politicians, including senior Government ministers, urged the BBC to reconsider its decision. BBC chief operating officer Caroline Thomson said the BBC refuses to broadcast the appeal because to do so could compromise its editorial impartiality and for fear money raised could be used for political purposes by Hamas. When asked to comment on this by Ed Stourton on Today, Benn said: “£50 would provide a food parcel for a family for a month. “There are a million and a half people in Gaza without water, sanitation, shelter or electricity; 1330 have been killed, there are 5,450 casualties; 460 children. “What I’m going to do now is to do the appeal myself and say if you want to make a cheque payable to the Disasters Emergency Committee Gaza Crisis, post it to PO Box 999, London EC3A 3AA or go to any post office quoting pre-pay number 1210.” When Stourton tried to steer Benn back towards answering his original question, the 83-year-old campaigner replied: “I’m going to go on repeating it [the appeal] until you turn me out of the studio.”
CBS documentary – money and weaponry donated to Ukraine ends up in hands of Ukraine Mafia. CBS News Censors Its Own Documentary Exposing How 70% of US Funding of Ukraine is Wasted CBS News has sensationally censored its own documentary after the film exposed how only 30% of weapons funding provided by the US makes it to the front lines. A tweeted posted by CBS on Friday promoted its new film ‘Arming Ukraine’ by explaining that the documentary “explores why much of the billions of dollars of military aid that the U.S. is sending to Ukraine doesn’t make it to the front lines: “Like 30% of it reaches its final destination.” In the documentary, experts told CBS they had no idea where most of the weaponry was going. Republican lawmakers explained how they felt vindicated by the revelation, having previously opposed a $40 billion Ukraine aid package. “This [is] one of the reasons I voted ‘no,’” US Representative Marjorie Taylor Greene (R-Georgia) tweeted in response to the CBS report. “Flooding a country with advanced weapons can have grave consequences, even when done with the best of intentions,” CBS’s description of the documentary read. “This CBS Reports documentary goes inside Ukraine to get a firsthand look at how military aid gets from the border to frontline soldiers, and explores the difficulties of getting the aid to the fighters who need it.” However, the film has now been completely removed from the CBS website, with a ‘page not found’ label in its place. After being bombarded with questions as to why the film was censored over the weekend, CBS finally announced why they had removed it. “We removed a tweet promoting our recent doc, “Arming Ukraine,” which quoted the founder of the nonprofit Blue-Yellow, Jonas Ohman’s assessment in late April that only around 30% of aid was reaching the front lines in Ukraine,” said a tweet.
Witchcraft used against Putin Witches Hex Putin to End Ukraine Invasion – They’ve hexed the police, the Taliban, and even President Trump. But now a group of witches are taking on their mightiest foe yet: Russian president Vladimir Putin. On March 2nd, a group of witches held a mass ritual to curse Putin and aid Ukraine as they remain besieged by the Russian military. The global ritual was organized by Michael M. Hughes, author of Magic for the Resistance: Rituals and Spells for Change, and was such a success [??ed.] that future events – to be held every new moon until Ukraine is free – are already planned for the future. “The Putin hex aims to bring a whole constellation of rebound effects on Putin while breaking the support of his soldiers and his people and supporting Ukraine,” says Hughes. “The best goal imaginable is Ukraine beating back Russian troops and the Russian people deciding they are done with Putin’s autocracy. That’s what we all want.” He acknowledges that it’s ambitious, but in his words, “f Putin. It’s time for the Russian people to serve up some cold Russian justice.” This isn’t Hughes’ first hex rodeo. He’s led witches the world over in hexes against police, the Taliban, and former President Trump, and in at least one case, it seems they may have succeeded. Witches had been ritualistically cursing Donald Trump since he took office as president. And in 2020, many felt the question “do hexes work?” was answered when he was diagnosed with COVID-19. Trump’s diagnosis came on October 1st, during a full moon (which happened to be the 2020 harvest moon – an important event symbolizing the changing of the seasons). Basically, this was the most superpowered full moon of the year, and Trump was diagnosed with COVID that very evening. Perhaps with tongue partially in cheek, many witches took a victory lap, as they felt validated after years of fighting MAGA with magic. For those involved with the magical resistance, these hexes are an important part of expressing their faith, but also finding community; the witchcraft movement has grown from niche to relatively popular in just a few short years. Whether hexes are the answer to resolving world conflict, however, remains to be seen.
Russia in control of Zaporizhzhia nuclear plant in Ukraine – and Ukrainians are attacking it! Salman Rushdie attack. Martin still annoyed about the Brexit vote.
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Part Two – Ukraine/Covid/Climate Round-Up With End Times Prophecy Reports
Albert Pike, Grand Master of the Scottish Rite Masons, and his letter to Mazzini revealing a plan by the Illuminati to overturn Biblical faiths and convert the world to pagan pantheism. Prince Charles on his beliefs. Getting rid of monotheistic faiths as part of Illuminati plan. Very few outsiders know about the intimate plans of Albert Pike and the architects of the New World Order. In the 19th Century Albert Pike established a framework for bringing about the One World Order. Based on a vision revealed to him, Albert Pike wrote a blueprint of events that would play themselves out in the 20th century, with even more of these events yet to come. It is this blueprint which we believe unseen leaders are following today, knowingly or not, to engineer the planned Third and Final World War. – Pike’s right-hand man was Phileas Walder, from Switzerland, who was a former Lutheran minister, a Masonic leader, occultist, and spiritualist. Pike also worked closely with Giusseppe Mazzini of Italy (1805-1872) who was a 33rd degree Mason, who became head of the Illuminati in 1834, and who founded the Mafia in 1860. Together with Mazzini, Lord Henry Palmerston of England (1784-1865, 33rd degree Mason), and Otto von Bismarck from Germany (1815-1898, 33rd degree Mason), Albert Pike intended to use the Palladian Rite to create a Satanic umbrella group that would tie all Masonic groups together.
Heir to the Throne C4 documentary – in late 90s public haven’t warmed to Charles and Camilla. Revealed: Long-lost letter that Diana sent to Martin Bashir saying she had ‘no regrets’ and wasn’t ‘pressured’ into Panorama interview – as it emerges Harry and William were dragged into probe to confirm it was their mother’s writing – Bashir Diana documentary shelved. Diana rejoiced while seeing the British public voting against Prince Charles to become the next monarch to replace Queen Elizabeth II when she dies. The confession made by a royal author, reveals the Princess of Wales jumped for joy upon seeing on a TV programme how the British public raised red cards, signalling they did not want Prince Charles and Princess Camilla to become the next heir to the throne. Charles Wanted To Prove His Family Wasn’t Behind Diana’s Death, Investigator – Prince Charles was keen to prove that his family members were not behind the death of his ex-wife Princess Diana, an investigative officer who probed the circumstances surrounding her fatal car crash has said. On the evening of August 31, 1997, a car that Diana was traveling in with her boyfriend, Dodi Fayed, and bodyguard, Trevor Rees-Jones, collided with a central structural pillar in the Pont de l’Alma tunnel in Paris. Diana, Fayed and the Ritz’s acting head of security, Henri Paulwho was driving the car at the time of the accidentdied, while Rees-Jones survived but suffered life-altering injuries. Following Diana’s death, a number of unfounded conspiracy theories have circulated, ranging from wild claims that her former father-in-law, Prince Philip, ordered her assassination to speculation that intelligence operatives were responsible for a blinding flash in the Alma tunnel that disorientated the driver and caused the deadly crash. A light has now been shone on the police work that went into investigating the allegations against the royal family in a new four-part documentary Investigating Diana: Death in Paris, which is set to air in the U.K. from Sunday. David Douglas, a former senior investigative officer for London’s Metropolitan Police, was one of a dozen officers who in January 2004 embarked on an inquiry called Operation Paget to look into the circumstances surrounding Diana’s death. During an appearance on U.K. TV show Good Morning Britain (GMB) on Friday, Douglas recalled how he and then-Commissioner of Police John Stevens, Baron Stevens of Kirkwhelpington, interviewed Charles about the conspiracy theories in December 2005. The police interview was sparked by a note produced by Diana’s former butler, Paul Burrell, which he said had been written by Diana in 1995, and read: “This particular phase in my life is the most dangerous, my husband is planning an ‘accident’ in my car, brake failure and serious head injury in order to make the path clear for Charles to marry Tiggy [Legge-Bourke, William and Harry’s nanny].
The Idiots Guide To The Great Plan – The Magnum Opus – devised in the 1870s by Grand Master of US based Scottish Rite Masons – Albert Pike – coordinated by the forces of darkness in the aristocracy primarily in Britain and Germany and unfolding ever since – involving the US Skull and Bones – the Brotherhood of Death – and culminating in wiping the Bible-based faiths – the Jews, The Christians and the Muslims – off the face of the earth. Chillingly accurate 200-year-old letter predicts WW3 and final battle against Islam A LETTER written more than 200 years ago by a top military chief chillingly predicted the two world wars – before warning of a final “bloody” battle with Islam. The Second World War was sparked as a catalyst for a sovereign state of Israel to be set up in Palestine. A third world war, according to Mr Pike, will be fought against the West and leaders of the Islamic war. Mr Pike warned the third war would be “the most bloody turmoil”. The document, revealed by the Daily Star, features heavily in the book Satan, Prince of this World, by former naval officer William Guy Carr. Mr Pike is said to have written, according to Mr Carr’s book: “The First World War must be brought about in order to permit the Illuminati to overthrow the power of the Tsars in Russia and of making that country a fortress of atheistic Communism.” It was reportedly sent by Pike, a freemason, to Italian politician Giuseppe Mazzini and was dated August 15, 1871. The letter allegedly said: “The Third World War must be fomented by taking advantage of the differences caused by the ‘agentur’ of the ‘Illuminati’ between the political Zionists and the leaders of Islamic World. “The war must be conducted in such a way that Islam (the Moslem Arabic World) and political Zionism (the State of Israel) mutually destroy each other. “Meanwhile the other nations, once more divided on this issue will be constrained to fight to the point of complete physical, moral, spiritual and economical exhaustion. “We shall unleash the Nihilists and the atheists, and we shall provoke a formidable social cataclysm which in all its horror will show clearly to the nations the effect of absolute atheism, origin of savagery and of the most bloody turmoil.” It was originally claimed the text was on show at the British Museum’s Library and was mysteriously taken down in the 1970s and never seen again. Tony Gosling’s background ‘informants’ – Accelerationist Nick Land who I was friends with for three years as a 1970s teenager – and Tony spent three years working with George Monbiot in 1990s Oxford – as we peel away the layers of the onion to expose the heart of the globalists diabolical plan to dominate the world – is it all about blood-lust, resource grabs, power, greed and money – or – behind the curtain – is a spiritual war raging too for the soul of humanity?
What does that mean for today – all the signs of the times unfolding before our eyes – We know he’s bit big political ideas but is Prince Charles a man-God – a slick version of Adolf Hitler – the Antichrist as Tim Cohen suggests in his book ‘The Antichrist and a Cup of Tea’ – Then there’s The Mark of the Beast – contactless payment chips in our hand and our forehead? The image of the beast – an android controlled by artificial intelligence symbolising man’s power over creation? Now man is God? The horsemen of the apocalypse: a red horse for World War Three, A Black Horse for Economic collapse; A Pale horse for bio-warfare and pestilence sweeping across the earth – time to dust off the book of Revelation as the final battle in the globalist secret societies leaked plan – for their doomed bid to rule the world. End of Days – The first occurrence of the phrase in Scripture is found in Genesis 49:1, where Jacob called his children to tell them a crucial prophecy. He said, “Gather together, that I may tell you what shall befall you in the last days.” Under God’s inspiration, Jacob went on to tell his sons about the national traits of the tribes of Israel, who, unknown to most people, are still identifiable. (To learn more about the modern identities of the tribes of Israel, see our booklet The United States, Britain and the Commonwealth in Prophecy.) Isaiah 2:2 contains another occurrence of the same Hebrew words, this time translated “latter days.” Isaiah prophesied, “Now it shall come to pass in the latter days that the mountain of the LORD’s house shall be established on the top of the mountains.” This refers to the time when God’s Kingdom will be established on earthafter Christ’s return.
And exclusively Australian professor John Hartnett – on the latest piece of the revelation as it fits into place – The WEF globalists and the Musks, Gates, Thiels and Bezos of this world hang on his every ‘humans are hackable animals’ word – is Yuval Noah Harari the false prophet? Is Yuval Noah Harari the False Prophet? – By John Gideon Hartnett Here is a video compilation of many of the statements of this WEF ‘prophet’. He speaks like he (or scientists collectively) have acquired the power of the Creator. Definitely a misotheist a God hater. The video reminds me of the following scripture applied to this guy. Who opposes and exalts himself above all that is called God, or that is worshipped; so that he as God sits in the temple of God, shewing himself that he is God. 2 Thessalonians 2:4 But maybe that should be reserved for Klaus Schwab himself? Dr Harari is a vegan openly gay pro-transhumanist atheist who thinks man has become or can become gods. Sounds just like what Satan told Adam and Eve in the Garden of Eden at the beginning. Dr Harari is Klaus Schwab’s lead advisor. And Klaus Schwab is author of the book “COVID-19 / The Great Reset”. Schwab is definitely anti-christ as is Harari. All Satan needs to do now is possess these “tools” and he will control the world if the megalomaniacs get their way. But never fear! God is alive and well! He is in control! Resist all evil but trust in the Living God. He will accomplish His sovereign will despite all efforts of these lunatics to take over the world and control every aspect of our lives. See also The Rise of Technology Will Make Humans ‘Unnecessary’ and ‘Useless’ – Yuval Noah Harari
The False Prophet, also known as the ‘second beast’ is one of three evil figures in Revelation who seduce the world into worshipping the first beast, or Antichrist (Rev 13:11-17; Rev 16:13-14)
John Hartnett on Yuval Noah Harrari – The Bible to Humanism to Dataism. David Livingstone Top World Economic Forum adviser Yuval Noah Harari has declared in a recent interview that the “vast majority” of the world’s 7.5 billion people are simply no longer needed due to technological advances in artificial intelligence, machine learning and bioengineering. In one sentence, Harari validated what we “conspiracy theorists” have been saying for years, that globalist power elites want to rid the world of people deemed “useless” in their eyes. That’s why we call them global predators. “We just don’t need the vast majority of the population,” said Harari, who is a historian, futurist, popular author and, most importantly, the chief adviser to Klaus Schwab, founder and director of the extremely influential WEF. Every year the WEF entertains thousands of devoted followers at its headquarters in Davos, Switzerland. These devotees include heads of state, congressmen, governors, top corporate CEOs, even Hollywood entertainers and stars from the sports and music world. They are being fed a full diet of propaganda cooked up by Luciferian-influenced intellectuals like Harari and Schwab.
Rik Mayall on how he died for five days over Easter in 1998.
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#4 – Harriet Hageman ‘We’re Fed Up…’ Speech At May 2022 Save Wyoming Rally 00:10:00

BCfm’s weekly Politics Show presented by Tony Gosling with Irish Republican Labour activist Martin Summers was forced off FM, now online only. We were ‘rested due to the pandemic’ on 24 March 2020 by BCfm charity ‘CEO’ Patrick Hart who is a longtime personal friend of Bristol’s all-powerful right-wing ‘Labour’ mayor Marvin Rees. This Internet only NOT The BCfm Politics Show is now available 17:00-c. 21:00 live on Fridays. Pat Hart replaced us with an inane student show repeating MSM stories called The Bristol Agenda. If you’d like to share your views on his deliberate dumbing-down mismanagement you can contact UK broadcasting regulator Ofcom or BCfm board chair and the ‘Don’ here.
February 2019 Ofcom complaint result: UKLFI exposed as creation of Israeli foreign ministry – Bristol Post article: BCfm cleared after being reported to Ofcom for anti-semitic conspiracy theories
Hi Tony, thanks for the show.
‘Palestinian delegation in Moscow’. see link below.
Imagine if Russia were to establish themselves in Gaza!.
Tru news brought it up.