No real choice in Tory leadership election – Rishi Sunak’s Bounce Back Loan Scheme £500m-£37bn FRAUD Says BBC’s Angus Crawford — Socialism and capitalism. Liz Truss or Rishi Sunak – who does the deep state prefer? Exclusive: Tory MPs plot to bring back Boris Johnson with vote this winter to sack Liz Truss – Chris Williamson, former Labour MP for Derby and close colleague of Jeremy Corbyn, has just brought out his book ‘10 Years Hard Labour’ – Mike Harris, from Veterans Today, US Energy War Terrorists Steal $107bn From Syria, Now The NATO Oil Mafia Turns On Its Own People Too – Shamima Beghun trafficked by a Canadian working for Canada’s CSIS Intelligence Services – Recipe For US Civil War? Biden says Trump (MAGA) Republicans are dangerous -Trump raid: Empty folders marked with classified banners found during search at his Mar-a-Lago home, say officials – How Trump’s Michigan ‘giant scams’ claims actually proved true. ­ Iran nuclear deal reignited. Israel has over 200 nuclear weapons — Is Netanyahu part of the Kazarian Mafia? The Hidden History of the Incredibly Evil Khazarian Mafia Secret History of Khazarian Mafia and its evil plan to hijack the whole world – Ukrainian ‘king of the oligarchs’ Ihor Kolomoyskiy Ukrainian oligarch Victor Pinchuk – Zelenskyy says he wants Ukraine to become a ‘big Israel’ – Death of Mikhail Gorbachev – Gorbachev on Ukraine in 2014: Terrifying massacre in store for Europe – Alex Krainer, author and former investment banker – zombie capitalism – After fall of Berlin Wall, Herrhausen suggested a longer transition time from communism to capitalism, but he was kidnapped and killed by West -The Global Gamble: Washington’s Faustian Bid for World Dominance – John Redwood and Alex Krainer on the current energy crisis – Net Zero Suicide? The Great Reset playing a role? – Jeffrey Sachs Robert Kennedy China Pentagon Wuhan Origin of Covid-19, SARS-Cov-2 Plandemic — Occultist? Pantheist? Fascist? Nick Land and his philosophy of today’s ‘Dark Enlightenment’ – NOT The BCfm Politics Show presented by Tony Gosling

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Part One News Review and Investigative Reports

Tory leadership election.  PMQs £4bn Covid furlough fraud.  PMQs £12bn Covid fraud.  PMQs £4.3bn Covid bounce back loan fraud.  BBC doorsteps Mr. Ferguson who fraudulently claimed a Covid bounce back loan and gambled with it in Vegas. The Tory leadership race has been genuinely awful – thank God it’s over This farce simply should not be allowed to happen again. The nation has had little choice but to watch what has been a Potemkin election campaign (Reuters) It was, in hindsight, very much over before it began. The now triennial summer Tory leadership contest had technically not begun on 5 July when Rishi Sunak and Sajid Javid resigned from the cabinet within minutes of each other. Later, Sunak would breezily reveal that the two of them hadn’t coordinated their action. Javid went first and, evidently panicking, Sunak felt he had no choice but to go second, 12 minutes later, or else someone else might get all the attention. And yes, in hindsight, that moment reveals all. Not merely that Sunak was doomed from his Boriscidal moment, but also the manner of it. Rishi Sunak is a far superior person and potential prime minister than the opponent who has defeated him with almost no trouble at all. But he is, self-evidently, a far worse politician, in the purest, most cynical sense of the word. He fought a campaign that was poorly planned and strategically idiotic from before it had even started. And it ends in the dystopian hellscape in which we find ourselves, and which we will come on to in due course. The early days of the contest, in the ever so slightly amended words of Thierry Henry, were not quite deja vu but more PTSD-induced flashback. The same little function rooms in Westminster were booked, like they now are, every three years, for the same little “launch” events. In 2016, Andrea Leadsom launched her leadership campaign from a hot, sweaty side room in the Cinnamon Club restaurant, a few doors up from Westminster Abbey. Penny Mordaunt introduced her. In 2022, Penny Mordaunt launched her leadership campaign from a hot, sweaty side room in the Cinnamon Club restaurant, a few doors up from Westminster Abbey. Andrea Leadsom introduced her.

Thousands of small firms go bust owing millions in bounce back Covid loans – By Angus Crawford and Tony Smith – Chasing the money – Several agencies have been tasked by the government with investigating Covid loans and getting back the money. The Insolvency Service has brought only one prosecution to date but claims it has another 30 cases pending. Its website is updated almost daily with new examples of directors being banned from running a business after obtaining bounce back loans they weren’t entitled to. The maximum ban lasts 15 years. But the service has no record of how much money has been recovered because each case is handled separately by a private insolvency practitioner. The government has also asked the National Investigation Service (Natis) – a law enforcement organisation which usually investigates local authority corruption – to look into the scheme. The latest figures show Natis, which has a £6m budget, made 49 arrests and recovered just £4.1m. It has identified 673 suspects of whom 559 used the bounce back loan scheme. It’s now thought £17bn could be lost to fraud, mistakes and companies going under. Sir David Green QC from the Fraud Advisory Panel believes organised criminal groups have had a field day. “Fraud is opportunistic and organised crime groups are experts at that opportunism.” But he thinks with limited resources, police should target the worst offenders, while company directors who did not play by the rules should be pursued through the civil courts. “It’s important to concentrate on those areas where you get most bang for your buck, and that, I would suggest, is in relation to the most egregious organised frauds rather than individuals,” he said.

Socialism and capitalism.  Liz Truss or Rishi Sunak – who does the deep state prefer?  Exclusive: Tory MPs plot to bring back Boris Johnson with vote this winter to sack Liz Truss The plotters are keeping their identities and communications secret as if they were unmasked they would lose the Tory whip and could not vote in the leadership challenge they are trying to arrange Disgraced Boris Johnson could return to No10 in an astonishing plot hatched by warring Tory MPs. Twelve plan to submit no-confidence letters in Liz Truss – set to become new PM on Monday – and want a leadership vote by Christmas. One Tory said: “Liz is not very bright.” Another added: “Our only chance is with Boris.” The rebels claim the current Foreign Secretary she is the WORST person to take on the top job. As removals men today continued to load up the PM’s possessions, one top Conservative said: “MPs are ready to put letters of no confidence in as early as this week. “Liz Truss is not very bright, has poor judgment, little empathy with people and sees everything in money terms. In the worst of times she’s the worst possible choice for PM.” Boris JohnsonBut the rebellion was branded insane by other Tories. One said: “This is madness. The country won’t wear 160,000 Conservative members choosing another PM, especially a retread. We’ll end up with a general election.” The ding-dong continued as a source close to the conspiracy countered: “That’s fine by us. Our only chance of winning one is with Boris at the helm.” The plotters are keeping their identities and communications secret because if they were unmasked they would lose the Tory whip and could not vote in the leadership challenge they are trying to arrange. It will take 54 letters to the backbench Tory 1922 committee to trigger a vote of no confidence. Chair Sir Graham Brady never reveals how many he gets until the threshold is met. The plotters hope to hit the number by early next year. Tory donor Lord Cruddas organised a petition which showed 8,700 party members wanted Mr Johnson’s resignation cancelled and for him to stay on. It fell only 1,300 short of the 10,000 needed to force a change in the Conservative constitution. The result of the six-week contest between ex-Chancellor Rishi Sunak and the Foreign Secretary will be announced by Sir Graham on Monday.

Chris Williamson, former Labour MP for Derby and close colleague of Jeremy Corbyn, has just brought out his book ‘10 Years Hard Labour’ – he discusses Jeremy Corbyn’s failures, Trade Union strikes and their ‘Enough is Enough’ campaign, the 1970s and inflation, and Arthur Scargill.  History of Labour in power in 1970s, Tories getting in, and inflation.  Chris Williamson on how the British economy has changed over the years. TEN YEARS HARD LABOUR – The Inside Story Of The Miliband And Corbyn Years, And How They Led To The Labour Left’s Demise For 42 years, Chris Williamson was aLabourparty member In 2010, he was elected to Parliament to represent his home town. However, in 2019, he was unceremoniously suspended from the party after being subjected to a smear campaign, and he later resigned in protest at the betrayal. In this forensic memoir – free of his Laborist clutches – Williamson provides a unique ringside view. As well as lifting the lid on the amateurish politics-by-focus groups under Ed Miliband, Williamson exposes some of the major events that created and deepened Labour’s ‘antisemitism crisis’ under Jeremy Corbyn. In his mission to set the record straight on numerous misreported events, Williamson names and shames the individuals – on the left and the right – whom he holds responsible for delivering his former party back into the hands of New Laborism under Sir Keir Starmer. To understand the existential crisis facing socialists in Britain today, Williamson’s account of recentLabourhistory is indispensable. “Williamson’s analysis will be contentious and his trenchant views make uncomfortable reading. But for those who want to see a socialist future, or anyone who has ever votedLabourand wants to see it do better, this is essential reading.” – Ken Loach, filmmaker “Chris Williamson is a compelling and committed socialist and was Jeremy Corbyn’s most loyal supporter in Parliament: that is why he had to be sabotaged at all costs. … This book is a fascinating account of his struggle and the way forward.” – Alexei Sayle, actor, author, stand-up comedian “Chris Williamson’s 10 Years HardLabouris an eye-opening, and at times, infuriating, insider’s account of the coordinated political assault on the British Left that took place inside a party that was once its home.” – Max Blumenthal, author, editor and founder of The Grayzone “The Left needs an honest account and reckoning of the rise and fall of ‘Corbynism’ – and I hope this book is start of that much needed self-criticism and honest debate.” – Salma Yaqoob, peace activist

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Part Two – Ukraine/Covid/Climate Round-Up With End Times Prophecy Reports

Mike Harris, from Veterans Today, joins Tony and Martin online. ENERGY WARS ON SYRIA AND UK! Mike Harris is also on Press TV and (just banned TODAY by the FBI) Organised crime working with US to attack Syria and steal it’s oil.  US Energy War Terrorists Steal $107bn From Syria, Now The NATO Oil Mafia Turns On Its Own People Too Damascus says the years-long occupation of Syria by the United States has cost the war-ravaged Arab country $107.1 billion in oil and gas sector losses. In two identical letters sent to the secretary-general of the United Nations and the president of the UN Security Council, Syria’s Foreign Ministry confirmed on Monday that direct and indirect losses caused by the US occupation of the Arab country are estimated at 107.1 billion dollars till the end of the first half of the current year. “According to the figures of the Ministry of Oil and Mineral Resources and its accurate statistics, the direct losses suffered by this key vital sector amounted to 24.2 billion dollars as a result of the thefts of oil, gas and mineral resources that have been committed by the terrorist groups and the separatist SDF militia that is spreading in northeastern Syria under the auspices, protection and support of the American forces present in Syria illegally,” said Syria’s foreign ministry, Syria’s official news agency (SANA) reported. The US and its allies invaded Syria in 2014 under the pretext of fighting the Daesh Takfiri terrorist group without any authorization from Damascus or a UN mandate. Damascus has repeatedly condemned the unauthorized presence of the US troops in the Arab country. Syria says the US, terrorists and separatists have cost it over 107 billion dollars in losses in the oil, gas and minerals sectors since 2011. The developments came as Tory MP Robert Halfon called for firms found guilty of price fixing to be hit with a windfall tax on profits – with the money given back to motorists. Mr Halfon, who has led a crusade against rip-off petrol prices and previously claimed that companies were conspiring to set pump prices, accused the OFT of a “limp-wristed lettuce leaf” inquiry after Parliament had voted for a full probe. The MP for Harlow, in Essex, said: “We need tough action from the Government on this and that means putting the oil price fixers in prison if they are found guilty. “And it means huge financial penalties or even a windfall tax on those found responsible with the money given back to the motorists.” The European Commission probe comes after one of Europe’s biggest energy trading groups, Total Oil Trading, warned about “inaccurate pricing” of crude and oil products. Investigators have refused to give many details about the inquiry. But yesterday European Commission spokesman Antoine Colombani said: “Even small distortions of assessed prices may have a huge impact on the price of crude oil, refined oil products and bio-fuel purchases and sales, potentially harming final consumers.” James Hookham, at the Freight Transport Association, said it would demand compensation if allegations of price fixing are found to be true. He said: “Our members are surprised and shocked at these claims. “They are altogether different from what was being talked about by the Office of Fair Trading. “This is a serious, long term conspiracy to defraud. “We would be hugely concerned that people have been ripped off and if these allegations are proven, if there was a successful prosecution, I am sure redress would be looked at. We would be looking for compensation.”

Shamima Beghun trafficked by a Canadian working for Canada’s CSIS Intelligence Services.  ‘I’m not a monster’ BBC podcast about Shamima Begum – Shamima Begum: Spy for Canada smuggled schoolgirl to Syria Shamima Begum, who fled the UK and joined the Islamic State group, was smuggled into Syria by an intelligence agent for Canada. [Tony’s 2016 article about these three schoolgirls being entrapped by NATO and trafficked to Syria] Files seen by the BBC show he claimed to have shared Ms Begum’s passport details with Canada, and smuggled other Britons to fight for IS. Ms Begum’s lawyers are challenging the removal of her citizenship, arguing she was a trafficking victim. Canada and the UK declined to comment on security issues. Ms Begum was 15 when she and two other east London schoolgirls – Kadiza Sultana, 16, and 15-year-old Amira Abase – travelled to Syria to join the IS group in 2015. At the main Istanbul bus station, the girls met Mohammed Al Rasheed, who would facilitate their journey to IS-controlled Syria. A senior intelligence officer, at an agency which is part of the global coalition against IS, has confirmed to the BBC that Rasheed was providing information to Canadian intelligence while smuggling people to IS. The BBC has obtained a dossier on Rasheed that contains information gathered by law enforcement and intelligence, as well as material recovered from his hard drives, which provide extraordinary detail about how he operated. He told authorities that he had gathered information on the people he helped into Syria because he was passing it to the Canadian embassy in Jordan. Rasheed, who was arrested in Turkey within days of smuggling Ms Begum to IS, told authorities he had shared a photo of the passport the British schoolgirl was using. The Metropolitan Police were searching for her, although by the time Canada received her passport details, Ms Begum was already in Syria. The dossier shows that Ms Begum was moved to Syria through a substantial IS people-smuggling network that was controlled from the group’s de-facto capital in Raqqa. Rasheed was in charge of the Turkish side of this network and facilitated the travel of British men, women and children to IS for at least eight months before he helped Ms Begum and her two friends. Ms Begum told the BBC’s forthcoming I’m Not A Monster podcast: “He organised the entire trip from Turkey to Syria… I don’t think anyone would have been able to make it to Syria without the help of smugglers. “He had helped a lot of people come in… We were just doing everything he was telling us to do because he knew everything, we didn’t know anything.” Rasheed kept information about the people he helped, often photographing their ID documents or secretly filming them on his phone. One recording shows Ms Begum and her friends get out of a taxi and into a waiting car not far from the Syrian border.

Recipe For US Civil War? Biden says Trump (MAGA) Republicans are dangerous.  Trump’s policies – industry back to US, and immigration.  Biden speech denouncing Trump, ‘MAGA ideology’ sparks threats, calls for violence President Biden’s fiery speech in Philadelphia denouncing former President Donald Trump and what he described as “extreme MAGA ideology” has sparked online calls for violence, including death threats against the president, according to documents obtained by Yahoo News. Biden’s remarks also prompted immediate concerns from senior counterterrorism officials who said they fear that calling Trump supporters extremists would be viewed as a call to arms and would only inflame an already volatile threat environment. “Too much of what’s happening in our country today is not normal,” Biden said Thursday night at Independence Hall, flanked by two U.S. Marines. “Donald Trump and the MAGA Republicans represent an extremism that threatens the very foundations of our republic.”Joe Biden President Biden delivers remarks on what he called the “continued battle for the soul of the nation” at Independence Hall in Philadelphia. (Jonathan Ernst/Reuters) By Friday afternoon, posts on forums popular among white supremacists and far-right extremists called for the assassination of Biden, and named Jewish administration officials including Attorney General Merrick Garland, Treasury Secretary Janet Yellen and Secretary Alejandro Mayorkas as potential targets. Declarations of civil war were also appearing, according to documents detailing some of the threats. “On Gab, one user posted a series of violent threats accusing Biden of stealing the election,” according to a threat alert from Site Intelligence Group sent to law enforcement agencies and others on Friday. Trump and many of his supporters have long claimed, without evidence, that the 2020 presidential election won by Biden was stolen from Trump due to widespread voter fraud. Site Intelligence Group, which tracks online extremism activity, issued several threat alerts detailing calls for violence in response to Biden’s speech. The potential threats were posted in online forums tied to the Proud Boys, neo-Nazis and other extremist groups. “Users on several far-right and ultranationalist venues made violent threats against President Joe Biden following his speech addressing political extremism on September 1, 2022,” said one of the alerts. “Users advocated for Biden to be murdered and predicted violence if he continues speaking about the topic.” Amid criticism, the White House has defended Biden’s language, saying that the president is standing up for democracy and denouncing political violence. On Wednesday, press secretary Karine Jean-Pierre singled out specific Republicans who’ve espoused extremist rhetoric. 

FBI raid on Trump.  Monkee sues FBI for spying.  Intelligence Services spying on popstars.  9/11, Homeland Security and The Deep State.  Trump raid: Empty folders marked with classified banners found during search at his Mar-a-Lago home, say officials An inventory describes the contents of 33 boxes taken from the former president’s Florida home during the search. It also shows the extent to which newspapers, magazines and other items were intermixed with documents that investigators say were marked as classified and top secret. FBI agents found empty folders marked with classified banners among more than 11,000 government documents and photographs when they searched Donald Trump’s Mar-a-Lago home last month, according to the US Justice Department. The details were revealed in a more detailed inventory of the seized material made public by the department. It describes in general terms the contents of 33 boxes taken from the former president’s Florida home during the search on 8 August. It also shows the extent to which newspapers, magazines and other items were intermixed with documents that investigators say were marked as classified and top secret. The Justice Department said there was no secure space at Mar-a-Lago for such sensitive government secrets. It is carrying out a criminal investigation focused on whether he illegally retained national defence information and tried to obstruct the probe. Secret service members stand guard outside former U.S. Presiden The inventory shows 43 empty folders with classified banners were taken from a box or container at the office, along with 28 empty folders labelled as “return to staff secretary” or military aide.

Did Biden steal the 2020 presidential election? INFOGRAPHIC– election fraud. How Trump’s Michigan ‘giant scams’ claims actually proved true. ­ Say what you will about Trump ­ and believe me, I have ­ but he was right to be on the lookout for election fraud in Michigan. Donald Trump was right. I never thought I’d write those words, but he did warn us that there was a “giant scam” in Michigan involving the state’s election. Of course, Trump made that claim about the 2020 presidential election in the state, where he lost by over 150,000 votes. The bureau said the fraud was so widespread that after it struck the invalid signatures, five of the 10 candidates were lacking the requisite 15,000 valid signatures needed to remain on the ballot. While that assertion was false ­ per numerous audits, lawsuits and a 55-page report the Republican-led Michigan Senate released in 2021 debunking each of Trump’s election lies ­ there is actually a significant election scandal in the state. But it involves the 2022 election for governor and Republicans, including some who have peddled Trump’s lies about the 2020 election. Ah, karma. To get on this year’s ballot for governor in Michigan, state law required candidates to collect at least 15,000 signatures from registered voters and submit them by the April 19 deadline. Securing that many valid signatures in a state of over 8 million registered voters shouldn’t be that hard. That is, apparently unless you are one of the 10 Republican candidates running to take on Gov. Gretchen Whitmer. The state’s Bureau of Elections, which reviews the submitted petitions to ensure the signatures are valid, said after examining the petitions of the GOP gubernatorial candidates that it found a “volume of fraudulent petition sheets” that it had never seen before. The bureau said the fraud was so widespread that after it struck the invalid signatures, five of the 10 candidates were lacking the requisite 15,000 valid signatures needed to remain on the ballot. This included the two front-runners: former Detroit Police Chief James Craig and businessman Perry Johnson. In Craig’s case, the bureau reported that his campaign submitted over 21,000 signatures, but more than 11,000 were invalid, leaving him with just 10,192 “facially valid” signatures, well below the requirement. 

Iran nuclear deal reignited – .  Israel has over 200 nuclear weapons.  Socialism.  Netanyahu on Fox News – disastrous Iran nuclear deal. Netanyahu: This Iran Nuclear Deal will make the Middle East a nuclear powder keg Former Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu joined ‘Fox & Friends’ to discuss the repercussions of the potential deal and how that will impact nuclear proliferation in the Middle East. #FoxNews Nuclear Deal Seems Unlikely as US Slams Iran’s Response as ‘Moving Backwards’ Iran submitted its latest response in the EU-mediated negotiations – A revival of the Iran nuclear deal now seems unlikely as the US has characterized Iran’s latest response in the EU-mediated negotiations as “moving backwards.” Iran delivered the text early Friday morning Tehran time and called its response “constructive.” But in comments to Politico, an unnamed US official slammed the Iranian response as “not at all encouraging.” “We are studying Iran’s response, but the bottom line is that it is not at all encouraging,” a senior US official said. “Based on their answer we appear to be moving backwards.” The US official wouldn’t detail the contents of the text, but a European diplomat also shared the negative view of Iran’s response. The diplomat told Politico that Iran’s answer was “negative and not reasonable.” It’s not yet clear if the US view on the response means that the Biden administration will end the talks on reviving the Iran deal, known as the JCPOA. The negotiations have dragged out throughout Biden’s presidency as he has refused to lift all Trump-era sanctions on Iran. The Biden administration’s apparent rejection of the response could be related to the pressure it has been under from Israel and hawks in Congress to abandon talks with Iran. Before Iran submitted its response, US officials said that they were “closer” to a deal after Iran made several concessions. Based on recent media reports, the only outstanding issues were related to guarantees for if the US withdraws from the JCPOA by reimposing sanctions, as it did in 2018. 

Is Netanyahu part of the Kazarian Mafia?  Mike Harris’s Kazarian Mafia article The Hidden History of the Incredibly Evil Khazarian Mafia Secret History of Khazarian Mafia and its evil plan to hijack the whole world now revealed for first time. Editor’s Note: The history of the Khazarians, specifically the Khazarian Mafia (KM), the World’s largest Organized Crime Syndicate that the Khazarian oligarchy morphed into by their deployment of Babylonian Money-Magick, has been nearly completely excised from the history books. The present-day KM knows that it cannot operate or exist without abject secrecy, and therefore has spent a lot of money having its history excised from the history books in order to prevent citizens of the World from learning about its “Evil beyond imagination”, that empowers this World’s largest Organized Crime Cabal. The authors of this article have done their best to resurrect this lost, secret history of the Khazarians and their large International Organized Crime Syndicate, best referred to as the Khazarian Mafia (KM), and make this history available to the World via the Internet, which is the new Gutenberg Press. It has been exceedingly difficult to reconstruct this hidden secret history of the KM, so please excuse any minor inaccuracies or errors which are unintentional and are due to the difficulty in digging out the true history of Khazaria and its mafia. We have done the best we can to reconstruct it. It was Mike Harris that connected the dots and made the actual discovery of the presence of the Khazarian Mafia’s secret history and blood oath to take revenge on Russia for helping Americans win the Revolutionary War and the Civil War, and their blood oath of revenge against America and Americans for winning these wars and sustaining the Union. At the Syrian Conference on Combating Terrorism and Religious Extremism, December 1, 2014 ­ in his Keynote address, Veterans Today Senior Editor and Director Gordon Duff disclosed publicly for the first time ever that World Terrorism is actually due to a large International Organized Crime Syndicate associated with Israel. This disclosure sent shock waves at the Conference and almost instantly around the world, as almost every world leader received reports of Gordon Duff’s historical disclosure that same day, some within minutes. And the shock waves from his historic speech in Damascus continue to reverberate around the world even to this very day. And now Gordon Duff has asked President Putin to release Russian Intel which will expose about 300 traitors in Congress for their serious serial felonies and statutory espionage on behalf of the Khazarian Mafia (KM) against America and many Middle East nations. We now know that the Khazarian Mafia (KM) is waging a secret war against America and Americans by the use of False-flag Gladio-style terrorism, and via the illegal and Unconstitutional Federal Reserve System, the IRS, the FBI, FEMA, Homeland Security, and the TSA. We know for certain that the KM was responsible for deploying an inside-job, Gladio-style False-flag attack on America on 9-11-01, as well as the Murrah Building Bombing on April 19, 1995.

Ukrainian ‘king of the oligarchs’ [Ihor Kolomoyskiy and Motorola]. Ukrainian oligarch Victor Pinchuk introduces Hillary Clinton as “superstar” at Yalta European Strategy conference in Yalta, September 2013.  In carrying out the Democrats’ strategy in Ukraine, the drive to ally with the European Union has been pushed by an annual Yalta European Strategy (YES) conference held at the site of the World War II summit of Roosevelt, Churchill and Stalin. The confabs are sponsored by the No. 2 Ukrainian oligarch, Victor Pinchuk, the son-in-law of former Ukraine president Leonid Kuchma, and have included such imperialist A-list luminaries as former U.S. presidents Bill Clinton and George Bush the elder, Henry Kissinger and ex-IMF chief Dominique Strauss-Kahn. Pinchuk has donated some $13.1 million to the Bill, Hillary & Chelsea Clinton Foundation, and at the latest YES meeting last September introduced Hillary Clinton, who delivered a keynote address about strengthening Ukraine’s economic ties to the West (New York Times, 13 February). So two months before the protests break out in Kiev, the Clintons are in Yalta pushing the EU-integration agenda. From the beginning, Kiev’s Maidan was crawling with imperialist agents and NGOs (see box). One of the key players in the U.S. imperialists’ Operation Maidan, Deputy Secretary of State for European and Eurasian Affairs Victoria Nuland told a meeting in Washington on December 13 that she was just back from her third visit to Ukraine in five weeks. In addition to her famous phone call, she spoke from the stage to anti-government protesters and handed out food in the Maidan! Nuland, who was appointed by then secretary of state Clinton, was earlier Principal Deputy National Security Advisor to Vice President Dick Cheney, and is married to Robert Kagan, co-founder of the neo-con Project for a New American Century

Zelenskyy says he wants Ukraine to become a ‘big Israel’ Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskyy says the main issue for Ukraine after Russia’s invasion ends will be security. Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskyy has said he wants his country to become a “‘big Israel’ with its own face” after the Russian invasion ends, stressing that security would likely be the main issue in Ukraine during the post-war period. In comments to local media posted on the president’s official website on Tuesday, Zelenskyy stressed that his vision for Ukraine’s post-conflict future included having armed forces in “all institutions, supermarkets, cinemas, there will be people with weapons”. In Israel, images of armed civilians, settlers and soldiers are commonplace, and the government invokes security frequently. Zelenskyy, who is Jewish, has on several occasions stressed the importance of maintaining close ties with Israel, which he hailed as a model for Ukraine. “I am sure that our security issue will be number one in the next 10 years,” Zelenskyy said, dismissing the idea that post-war Ukraine would emulate a liberal European democracy such as Switzerland as a model. He said that the Ukrainian people “will be our great army”. Zelenskyy also said that Ukraine would not be “absolutely liberal, European”; that it would have to undertake a different modus operandi. “Ukraine will definitely not be what we wanted it to be from the beginning. It is impossible,” he told members of the Ukrainian media during a briefing. “Absolutely liberal, European – it will not be like that. It [Ukraine] will definitely come from the strength of every house, every building, every person.” 

Death of Mikhail Gorbachev – Gorbachev on Ukraine in 2014: Terrifying massacre in store for Europe – To resolve the conflict in Ukraine, it is highly important to resume the dialogue between Moscow and Washington, as “their role and responsibility is special,” first president of the USSR, Mikhail Gorbachev believes. Earlier, Gorbachev stated that Europe may face “terrifying massacre” because of the current crisis in Ukraine. According to him, “too much is at stake; dangers and risks are too high.” Mikhail Gorbachev has recently finished working on a new book, which is going to be published soon. The book, titled “After the Kremlin,” is devoted to events in Russia and the world over the past two decades. In the epilogue to the book, Gorbachev wrote that the deep cause of what is currently happening in Ukraine was the failure of perestroika and “opportunistic dissolution of the USSR.” Gorbachev blamed the then Russian administration for that. “At the same time, I must remind you, the Ukrainian leadership sabotaged the process of transformation of the Union – both before the August 1991 coup and after it, despite the fact that the majority of republics had coordinated the text of the Union Treaty,” said Gorbachev. He was fighting to preserve the unified state with all available political tools and offered Kiev to discuss opportunities of creating an economic union, the former Soviet president said. During those talks, he added, one could solve all problems, including the ones on the status of the city of Sevastopol and the Crimean Peninsula. “They did not listen to suggestions and warnings. Having forgotten the fact that one should exercise as much caution as possible in the relations between nations and think through consequences of each step, the Supreme Council of the Russian Federation approved the destruction of the Union to applause. Some would say: “That’s a matter of the past.” No – the past is through many threads related to present, and it reminds of politicians’ mistakes again and again,” the first president of the USSR wrote. According to Gorbachev, the only way to solve the Ukrainian crisis is to conduct a constructive dialogue both on the international level and among Ukrainian political forces. “I still believe that for peace in Ukraine, in Europe and in the world, it is vitally important to resume dialogue between Russia and the United States. Their role and responsibility is special,” said Gorbachev. According to him, representatives of Moscow and Washington, as well as other members of the UN Security Council, should prepare a joint draft resolution, which would break the negative course of events.

Alex Krainer, author and former investment banker – zombie capitalism – Mikhail Gorbachev and the history of  transition of Russia from communism to capitalism, the resulting sell-off fraud instigated by the West, and mass poverty.  Trump, China and the emerging reign of terror Commenting about Nancy Pelosi‘s provocative recent visit to Taiwan in my last week’s article I questioned the point of provoking an unwinnable conflict against China: But what could be the point of provoking China? Do American Congressmen, think tanks and sundry Admirals and Generals think they can defeat China? Obviously, they can’t possibly think that, they just spent 20 years trying to defeat the Taliban in Afghanistan and failed. Even the Pentagon’s own war simulations came to the conclusion that their Pacific fleet would be destroyed in short order in a war against China. So the risks are clear. What benefits could possibly justify taking such risks? The important bit to realize here is that the primary target of the war against China would not really be China. It would be the American people. The shiny new world war in the Pacific would deflect people’s attention from the metastasizing crises at home, redirect people’s anger at a foreign enemy and for the same high price also provide the ideal smokescreen for a radical crackdown on dissent against the racists, nazis, enemy sympathizers, deplorables, domestic extremists, insurrectionists and all other kinds of thought criminals. As James Madison warned us, “If tyranny and oppression come to this land, it will be in the guise of fighting a foreign enemy.” 

After fall of Berlin Wall, German Deutsche Bank Chairman and Bilderberger Alfred Herrhausen suggested a longer transition time from communism to capitalism, but he was kidnapped and assassinated by NATO – Career – Alfred Herrhausen was Chairman of Deutsche Bank. Dept cancellation of “third world” countriesAlfred Herrhausen proposed and pushed for a large scale cancellation of African countries’ debts and he was in a position to succeed in these “new ideas” which may have threatened the basic concept of dept enslavement or control of politics (open markets to foreign “investors”) of these counties. He positioned his bank beforehand in a way that if the proposal would come to pass, it would not suffer from financial difficulties as severely as the American counterparts. He also wanted to prepare a development policy for eastern Europe after the fall of the Soviet Union, thus excluding, or rivaling US efforts in that area. Connections – Herrhausen was a member of the Bilderberg Steering committee. Assassination – On November 30th 1989, a sophisticated bomb killed Herrhausen on his way to work, just about half a mile from his home. The bomb had been hidden in a saddle bag on a bicycle next to the road that the assassins knew Herrhausen would be traveling in his three-car convoy. In the bag was a 15 lb bomb that was detonated when Herrhausen’s car interrupted a beam of infrared light as it passed the bicycle. The beam of infrared light had been disguised as road works forcing a slow down of the armored car enabling a precision strike. Some elements of the technical details are disputed. For a long time, the German federal prosecutor office listed members of the German terror group Red Army Faction (RAF) as the only suspects, which the media blamed as soon as half an hour after the explosion. However, almost 20 years after the killing prosecutors started to focus more on the involvement of the Stasi, the former East German secret police. Perpetrators – Red Army Faction – The official narrative laid blame on the third generation of the Red Army Faction for as long as possible, until 2004. Many did not believe the theory to begin with. EIR reports in 1992 about a documentary aired on a public-service television broadcaster: 

’The Global Gamble’ book, by Peter Gowan.  The Global Gamble: Washington’s Faustian Bid for World Dominance The collapse of the Soviet Bloc presented policy makers in Washington with a temptation reminiscent of Faust’s, opening up vistas of hitherto unimaginable global power; but the cold breath of Mephistopheles is already blowing across devastated communities from southeast Asia to the Balkan peninsula in the wake of America’s bid for world power. In this major analysis of the new era of American domination, Peter Gowan strips away the language of humanitarian ideals that have cloaked US interventions from Baghdad to Belgrade to reveal far more cynical goals, with the real democratic hopes of the peoples of Europe, the South and East systematically trampled down in the rush to impose NATO-based US political leadership across the globe. Gowan surveys the transformation of NATO from Cold War ‘security shield’ for Western Europe into a global vigilante force in pursuit of US interests, with European footsoldiers under American command. He explains the projected expansion of the EU into a set of first and second class countries, incapable of any political action independent of the United States; and he analyses the catastrophic social and economic effects of the neo-liberal ‘Shock Therapy’ imposed on Russia and Eastern Europe, with devastating results. Far from being an unstoppable natural force against which every nation state is powerless, Gowan argues compellingly that the process of globalisation has been relentlessly driven forward by the enormous political power of the US state and business interests in a highly conscious bid to extend their strategic dominance over the world economy. He shows how the international finance system­the ‘Dollar-Wall Street Regime’­created out of the ashes of Breton Woods has been exploited as a political lever to open up local economies to US products and speculative flows of ‘hot’ money, and demonstrates how each financial crisis over the last ten years has been used by the Washington-Wall Street axis to force through dramatic economic and social re-engineering in the targeted countries.

John Redwood and Alex Krainer on the current energy crisis – Net Zero Suicide? The Great Reset playing a role?  John Redwood, MP for Wokingham, says let’s open up coal and gas power stations until the energy crisis is over:  Making energy cheaper The Liz Truss team have said they want to ease the energy squeeze. They like the ideas of lower taxes and the removal of needless or excessively costly regulation. Energy would be a good place to start. Let us consider first of all the £16bn or more cost of fitting a smart meter in every home for electricity. Indeed total roll out may well cost more, given the reluctance of almost half the population to have one and the troubles with how the early ones worked. The idea is to charge the mounting costs to all bill payers. Whilst electricity is this dear why not pause the programme? By all means fit one where the householder is keen and applies willingly for one, but save all the promotional money and conversion costs where people need to be talked into it. Then there are the green levies. It is a good idea to cease charging these direct to bill payers for a bit. More importantly going forward the grid controllers should only sign contracts for renewables that can deliver affordable energy without subsidy. This should be easy at current gas prices. Large scale energy intensive industry has to buy carbon permits over an initial and reducing free allowance. Designed to cut fossil fuel use by industry, it can end up closing plants in the U.K. only to import more from abroad. The imports will often generate more CO2 than relying on domestic production given transport costs and more reliance on coal in China and Germany. So why not suspend this scheme whilst U.K. energy prices remain so elevated? How many high energy using businesses will we lose if we carry on with dear gas and carbon penalties? 

Bobby Kennedy interviews Jeffrey Sachs, Lancet Editor, …Most recently, Sachs spent an hour discussing the Covid issue on the popular podcast of Robert F. Kennedy, Jr., another prominent dissenter who had once been close to the heart of the establishment. Sachs described the enormous dishonesty he had encountered in his role of chairman, until he finally concluded that the true nature of the virus and its origins were the subject of a massive cover-up. Everyone who has listened to that interview has been very impressed, and a leading figure in the Covid origins debate sent me the following note after I brought it to his attention: This is an amazingly good interview on Sachs’s part – clear, forceful, humorous and all the more compelling because he started off on the other side of the issue. Interesting what a deep perspective he has now developed, tracing the train of events back to Fauci’s acquisition of the biodefense portfolio. Sachs has demonstrated his political courage in other areas as well, strongly dissenting from the near-total uniformity of public opinion on the Ukraine war and our relations with China. Individuals so highly-placed in the American establishment only rarely break so sharply with the officially-endorsed narrative on a major issue. As I have written, the typical reaction of the media has been to blacklist and ignore such potentially-dangerous defectors. However, the Internet now sometimes allows those media gatekeepers to be circumvented if the public demand for the other side of the story is sufficiently strong. Although Prof. John Mearsheimer of the University of Chicago ranks as one of our most distinguished political scientists, his longstanding views on the simmering Ukraine conflict had been completely excluded from public discussion. His past lectures on the subject were available on Youtube, but had attracted little notice. However, after the war broke out, one of those videos began drawing an unprecedented worldwide audience, and its viewership of over 27 million is now quite possibly greater than any academic presentation in the entire history of the Internet. His other lectures have accumulated an additional 10 or 15 million views. As a direct consequence of such enormous global attention, some of our most elite media outlets felt forced to respond. The Economist soon invited him to write a guest column on the subject and most recently the ultra-establishmentarian Foreign Affairs opened its pages to his long contrarian essay on the Ukraine war. Although the mainstream media has almost totally ignored Prof. Sachs’ important views on Covid issues, that boycott may also eventually be broken if he continues to gain attention elsewhere. The many alternative podcasters and websites provide an effective channel for disseminating such controversial ideas, especially when the advocate is a public figure with such strong credibility on the subject.

Occultist? Pantheist? Fascist? Nick Land and his philosophy of today’s ‘Dark Enlightenment’: Neoreaction & Modernity Nick Land is an English philosopher, writer, and pioneer of the theory fiction genre. He is also known for being a primary theorist of the Neoreactionary movement. Nick joins us for a fascinating discussion on Neoreaction, progressivism, and the future of Western civilization. We begin by discussing Nick’s background. Initially a libertarian, Nick eventually stumbled upon the work of Mencius Moldbug. This leads to a consideration of the central ideas of Neoreaction. We discuss neocameralism, an approach to governance that incorporates free market forces. Nick then describes the cathedral, which refers to the alliance of institutions – NGOs, corporations, academia, etc. – responsible for promoting progressivism. Later, Nick draws an apt comparison between the invention of the printing press and the rise of the Internet. The first hour touches on much more, including universalism, modernity, and multiculturalism.

Radio4All download pages
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#1 – Complete 3hr show – [right click to download]
Full interviews with…
#2 – Alex Krainer RIP Mikhail Gorbachev: Soviet collapse and energy price hikes 01:10:00
#3 – Jeffrey Sachs inside the SARS-Cov-2 Covid-19 Bioweapon Conspiracy 01:00:00
#4 – Ex Labour MP Chris Wiliamson new book Ten Years Hard Labour 00:40:00
#5 – Nick Land ‘The Dark Enlightenment’ Anarcho Capitalism, Let Animal Spirits Run The World 01:00:00

Tony’s new paperback and eBooks Traitors Of Arnhem, Siege Of Heaven; Siege Of Heaven Reader – all available for donation, or to buy, via
BCfm’s weekly Politics Show presented by Tony Gosling with Irish Republican Labour activist Martin Summers was forced off FM, now online only. We were ‘rested due to the pandemic’ on 24 March 2020 by BCfm charity ‘CEO’ Patrick Hart who is a longtime personal friend of Bristol’s all-powerful right-wing ‘Labour’ mayor Marvin Rees. This Internet only NOT The BCfm Politics Show is now available 17:00-c. 21:00 live on Fridays. Pat Hart replaced us with an inane student show repeating MSM stories called The Bristol Agenda. If you’d like to share your views on his deliberate dumbing-down mismanagement you can contact UK broadcasting regulator Ofcom or BCfm board chair and the ‘Don’ here.

February 2019 Ofcom complaint result: UKLFI exposed as creation of Israeli foreign ministryBristol Post article: BCfm cleared after being reported to Ofcom for anti-semitic conspiracy theories

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