Liz Truss is new PM. Pinay Circle – the history and some of it’s members – 2 in Liz Truss’s new Cabinet.- PMQs Liz Truss explaining her horrific £100bn energy giants’ bail out plan – Putin’s speech at Eastern economic Forum. “We have not lost anything and will not lose anything. – UK pubs mass closures as energy costs soar – Manchester Radio Journalist Richie Allen joins Tony and Martin. – Former Royal butler Martin Higgins – ‘There was no real warning’: Former Palace butler shocked by Queen’s death – BBC star apologises for ‘incorrectly’ announcing the death of the Queen at 3pm Thursday – In one week World Economic Forum (WEF) fascists have taken over the UK – new WEF monarch, new WEF PM – = Swift removal of Queen’s head from stamps pre-prepared in February 2022, – Queen’s Bruised Hand Caused Concern – Covid 19 most likely a bioweapon.natural immunity so much better than vaccines Dr. Stanley Laham, immunologist, – Robert Hanson on Prince Charles’s links to paedophile Jimmy Saville.- Why did King Charles III surround himself with paedophiles Jimmy Savile and Bishop Ball? – Christian Irish man in isolation Irish jail for not wanting to call a man a woman. – Princess Diana murdered? – Keith Allen’s ‘Unlawful Killing’ film. – ‘Edward VIII: Britain’s Nazi King’ documentary on C4 – secret reports collected on him and Wallis. – California using too much aircon during extreme heat wave and energy supplies running low – Ukraine is really a war between Finance Capitalism and Industrial Capitalism – Michael Hudson – 21st Anniversary of the 9/11 Attacks: The 9/11 “Double-Cross” Conspiracy Theory – Pentagon Inside Job – World Trade Center Israeli Job – End Times Prophecy and the Occult: David Livingstone, author of ‘Ordo ab Chao’, and Tim Cohen, author of ‘The Antichrist and a Cup of Tea’ – End Times Prophecy and the Occult: Scottish Rite Satanists ‘Great Plan’ or ‘Magnum Opus’:- NOT The BCfm Politics Show presented by Tony Gosling

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Part One News Review and Investigative Reports

Liz Truss is new PM.  Pinay Circle – the history and some of it’s members – 2 in Liz Truss’s new Cabinet.  David Livingstone, author of ‘Ordo ab Chao’, on the Pinay Circle.  Infiltration  by the Secret Services in left wing and liberal groups. Meet Le Cercle – Making Bilderberg Look Like Amateurs By Graham Vanbergen: The Bildeberg group comically describe themselves as “a diverse group of political leaders and experts.” We are led to believe they are the world’s most secretive organisation. They spend hundreds of thousands of dollars keeping the press away from their sacred agenda and discussions. It has spent decades lying and obfuscating about itself. And yet, the activities of the Bilderberg group genuinely sit in the shade to an even more secretive and dangerous geo-political influencer called – Le Cercle. Le Cercle originally set up as a Franco-German alliance, is a deep state milieu – an environment where powerful figures can secretly meet. They are careful to commit as little as possible to paper or p.c. – making them hard to hack, leak or track – and for good reason. It is smaller and considerably more secretive than Bilderberg. Its purpose is to subvert the democratic principles and processes of individual countries and are by nature ideologically ‘hawkish’ – distributing propaganda, stoking fear of communist plots from Russia, vote rigging and hacking the accounts of politicians and prominent global figures. Promoting the ‘war on terror’ has been a major factor in their activities of recent years and in so doing broker weapons deals and setting up false flag operations the world over to suit its own agenda. It is reported that ‘Gladio‘ style attacks, much like the clandestine NATO “stay-behind” sabotage, guerrilla warfare and assassination operations in Europe have been conducted along with illegal business operations, financial fraud and arms dealing – all attributed to this group. Characters such as Paul Wolfowitz, Paul Bremer, Donald Rumsfeld and Richard Perle (the original neo-con architects of the Iraq War and subsequent attacks across the Middle East) are all or have been members. Margaret Becket (Labour MP, previously Britain’s Foriegn Secretary, chair of the Intelligence Select Committee, sought to subvert the democratic election of Jeremy Corbyn as leader of the party), Alan Duncan (Minister of State at the Department for International Development), Norman Lamont (an ex Rothschild banker, former Tory MP and became UK Minister for Defence Procurement just in time to sign the Al-Yamamah arms deal.

He was Chancellor of the Exchequer when Black Wednesday transferred around £3,000,000,000 from UK taxpayers to currency traders. He was also European chair of Le Circle). William Hague, (Baron Hague of Richmond PC FRSL is a British Conservative politician and life peer. MP from 1989 and was the Leader of the Opposition from 1997 to 2001). …. Funding for the group has changed over the years. The group states that it is “privately funded”. Multinational companies including Philips, Shell, the Ford Foundation and Standard Elektrik Lorenz have given the group money. Robin Ramsay, editor of Lobster Magazine believes the CIA funds (Globalisation and Covert Politics Report) the group, a claim that Alan Clark also makes in his diaries. In the 1980s, the South African government was a major source of funds. John E Lewis writes in his book The Mammoth Book of Cover-Ups (extract page) that Le Cercle was funded, amongst others, by the CIA for its “militant anti-leftism as it wars against it enemies more than jaws about them.”

PMQs Liz Truss explaining her horrific £100bn energy giants’ bail out plan on Wednesday. Robert Hanson on privatisation of UK energy companies.  EU liberalised energy market.   How will we pay for energy plan?  Steve Bell cartoon.  A ‘Variable Energy Price Cap’ to Help Solve the Cost-of-Living CrisisWhen compared to other policy proposals already enacted in other countries – specifically freezing energy bills – our proposal has a number of advantages. First of all, it is more cost effective as freezing energy bills has been predicted to cost around £100bn over the winter period. Although there is evidence to suggest that such a substantial approach is affordable, we propose a way to achieve the same goal without such a cost to the Exchequer and ultimately the taxpayer. Secondly, freezing energy bills detaches the price signal mechanism from the purchase of energy, which would have the effect of locking in energy demand at its current level. This proposal not just leave this in place but allows for stronger incentives to bring energy consumption down. Thirdly, as we do not know how long the current level of energy costs will last, the high cost of freezing all bills could be absorbed in the short-run, but if prices continue to stay high this policy likely becomes unaffordable in the long-run. Therefore, a more cost-effective alternative, like our proposal, presents a more sustainable option. CONCLUSION The incoming government is inheriting one of the greatest immediate policy challenges for a generation. Existing support is neither sufficient nor sufficiently targeted at the poorest households or those low-income households that struggle to make ends meet. We therefore propose a variable energy price cap to help the poorest and lower-income households while not increasing public debt or raising taxes. Our proposal would raise the bills of those who can afford it, cut energy costs for those who cannot while simultaneously incentivising lower energy usage from every household.

BBC World Service, Steve Rosenberg, on Putin’s speech at Eastern economic Forum.  Britain and the Ukraine war.  Russian President Vladimir Putin addressed participants of an economic forum in the eastern city of Vladivostok on Wednesday. ON UKRAINEWe have not lost anything and will not lose anything. In terms of what we have gained, I can say that the main gain has been the strengthening of our sovereignty.” “Of course, a certain polarization is taking place, both in the world and within the country, but I believe that this will only be beneficial, because everything that is unnecessary, harmful and everything that prevents us from moving forward will be rejected.” “Russia decided, after repeated attempts to resolve this issue peacefully, to respond tit-for-tat, the way our potential adversary acted … All our actions are aimed at helping the people who live in Donbas. This is our duty and we will fulfil it to the end. This will ultimately strengthen our country from within, as well as its foreign policy positions.” ON WESTERN DOMINANCE “Other challenges of a global nature that threaten the whole world have replaced the pandemic. I am speaking of the West’s sanctions fever, with its brazen, aggressive attempt to impose models of behaviour on other countries, to deprive them of their sovereignty and subordinate them to their will. “There is nothing unusual in this. This is the policy that the West has collectively pursued for decades. “Western countries are striving to maintain a former world order that is beneficial only to them, to force everyone to live according to the infamous rules that they themselves invented and regularly violate, rules they are constantly changing for themselves depending on the current circumstances.”

Last Orders – closing pubs – Reuters. Last orders: UK pubs brace for mass closures as energy costs soar  Like thousands of pubs across Britain, the Red Lion and Sun fears financial ruin this winter as its energy costs surge, just as business was starting to recover from the fallow years of the COVID-19 pandemic. Nestled in a leafy north London suburb, the pub’s annual energy bill is on course to more than quadruple this year to 65,000 pounds ($76,000) from 16,000 pounds, said James Cuthbertson, a director of The Frisco Group, which manages the pub along with two others in the capital and southeast England. Advertisement · Scroll to continue “We need to come up with an extra 50,000 pounds in profits each year, at the same time that profits are coming to a standstill as consumers see their own prices rise at home,” he said. The Red Lion and Sun’s dilemma is typical. Figures from energy analysts Cornwall Insight show that small UK businesses negotiating new energy contracts for the winter face on average a four- or five-fold price increase compared with deals made two years ago.

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Part Two – Ukraine/Covid/Climate Round-Up With End Times Prophecy Reports

Manchester Radio Journalist Richie Allen joins Tony and MartinThe Queen has died – the Monarchy.  Climate change a hoax? Ukraine war – is Russia at fault? Truss and Charles III back The Great Reset agenda. Various suspicious circumstances in the death of Queen Elizabeth that might point to ‘foul play’

“It came as a great shock to me when I heard she was gravely ill because she was in amazingly good form over the weekend Inside Queen’s final weekend as vicar says she was still on ‘amazingly good form’ A clergyman who spent last weekend with the Queen at Balmoral says the 96-year-old was “full of fun” and the “life and soul of things”, adding the monarch was “happy to be there for her final days” The Queen seemed frail but in “really good spirits” according to the vicar who spent the monarch’s last weekend with her. The Rt Rev Dr Iain Greenshields, 68, Moderator of the General Assembly of the Church of Scotland, stayed right by the Queen’s side at Balmoral, after performing a sermon at Braemar and Crathie Parish Church. On Saturday, Greenshields also attended a dinner with the 96-year-old. He then had a lunch with her, the now- King Charles and Anne, the Princess Royal. Speaking about this, he told The Times : “It was a fantastic visit. Her memory was absolutely amazing and she was really full of fun. “It came as a great shock to me when I heard she was gravely ill because she was in amazingly good form over the weekend. “She was the life and soul of things. She was speaking very personally to me about her time there way back when she was a child, she was talking about her horses from the past, naming them from 40 years ago, people’s names and places. She was quite remarkable.” Recalling his time with the Queen at the weekend, Dr Greenshields went on to tell BBC Radio Scotland’s Good Morning Scotland programme: “She was in great form, really good spirits – obviously frail, you can see that, but absolutely on the ball.

Former Royal butler Martin Higgins – ‘There was no real warning’: Former Palace butler shocked by Queen’s death A former Buckingham Palace butler has reflected on his favourite memories with Queen Elizabeth II as he mourns her “surreal” death. Martin Higgins came to be a butler at Buckingham Palace when he was 21 – his dream job from childhood – starting just after Christmas when the palace was decorated for the festive ball. Queen’s death is ‘numbing and surreal’ Higgins said the Queen’s death came a s a “shock” after he spent close to four years as a member of the royal household. “One day she was meeting the Prime Minister and then everything was fine. The next time, we heard she was on death’s door,” he said. “I think for most of the country myself included it was the fact there was no real warning and then within a matter of hours she passed.” Higgins said it was “numbing and surreal” but means the world has been forced to take a moment to reflect on the Queen and her leadership.

BBC star apologises for ‘incorrectly’ announcing the death of the Queen at 3pm Thursday A BBC presenter has apologised on Twitter after incorrectly saying the Queen had died, following concerns for the monarch’s health, as her family attend Balmoral Her apology comes after a rare announcement the Queen is under medical supervision with doctors concerned for her health. A Buckingham Palace spokesperson said: “Following further evaluation this morning, the Queen’s doctors are concerned for Her Majesty’s health and have recommended she remain under medical supervision.  The Queen was under medical supervision at Balmoral, with the royal family including the future king the Prince of Wales, by her side, at the time of the social media post. Other family members rushed to Aberdeen to join Her Majesty. Earlier today, Yalda Hakim, who hosts BBC World News’ Impact with Yalda Hakim posted an incorrect announcement on Twitter. The tweet has since been deleted, and she issued an apology stating: ‘I tweeted that there had been an announcement about the death of the Queen. ‘This was incorrect, there has been no announcement, and so I have deleted the tweet. I apologise.’ The original tweet, which had been posted shortly after 3pm, and has since been deleted, read: ‘BREAKING: Queen Elizabeth II dies aged 96. Buckingham Palace has announced.’

In one week World Economic Forum (WEF) fascists have taken over the UK – new WEF monarch, new WEF PM – Pandemic is chance to reset global economy, says Prince Charles He said that the pandemic, which has forced governments worldwide to mothball their economies, had showed people that dramatic change was possible. “We have a golden opportunity to seize something good from this crisis. Its unprecedented shockwaves may well make people more receptive to big visions of change,” he added. The five points he outlined were: To capture the imagination and will of humanity – change will only happen if people really want it. The economic recovery must put the world on the path to sustainable employment, livelihoods and growth. Longstanding incentive structures that have had perverse effects on our planetary environment and nature herself must be reinvented Systems and pathways must be redesigned to advance net zero transitions globally. Carbon pricing can provide a critical pathway to a sustainable market. Science, technology and innovation need re-invigorating. Humanity is on the verge of catalytic breakthroughs that will alter our view of what it possible and profitable in the framework of a sustainable future. Investment must be rebalanced. Accelerating green investments can offer job opportunities in green energy, the circular and bio-economy, eco-tourism and green public infrastructure. – The WEF, which stages an influential annual gathering of business and political leaders at its annual meeting in the Swiss ski resort of Davos, has come under fire from anti-poverty groups in recent years for failing to tackle climate change and executive pay. Charles’s speech was part of a launch event for The Great Reset, a project involving the WEF and the Prince of Wales’s Sustainable Markets Initiative, aimed at rebuilding the economic and social system to be more sustainable.

Swift removal of Queen’s head from stamps pre-prepared in February 2022, seven months before her death? From January 31, 2023, you won’t be able to use the current style of stamps that feature an image of The Queen’s head. – STAMPED OUT – Royal Mail customers ‘outraged’ as major announcement could leave millions of stamps invalid Emily Downes 16:51, 9 Feb 2022 ROYAL Mail has made a major announcement that could leave millions of stamps invalid. Anyone with a stash of 1st or 2nd class stamps won’t be able to use them this time next year – and they’re not happy about it. The stamps you may have hoarded at home will no longer be valid from next year Royal Mail is moving to a new barcode system, which doesn’t include the use of current stamps. It’s in an attempt to make letter sending more secure, but it doesn’t make post any easier or cheaper for customers to track. From January 31, 2023, you won’t be able to use the current style of stamps that feature an image of The Queen’s head. Instead, only the new style stamps complete with their new barcodes will be valid, and you’ll face a surcharge trying to use anything otherwise. The barcodes will soon become commonplace on all standard and Christmas stamps with each one having a “digital twin” that contains a unique code alongside it. – – The way of trading-in the stamps before the cut off is a little complicated, but Royal Mail will let you do it for free. You have to fill out a “Swap-Out” form on the Royal Mail website, which hasn’t yet been released, or call the postal giant directly to request a form. Or you trek out to get one in person from a local delivery office – but not a Post Office. You’ll then have to post back the stamps you want to swap to a Freepost address. The “Swap Out” scheme launches on March 31 this year, and you can continue to trade in the old stamps well after they become invalid as it runs until March 31 2023.

Queen’s Bruised Hand Caused Concern Among Royal Watchers in Last Photos The last public appearance made by the monarch was on Tuesday where she was photographed appointing Liz Truss as her 15th prime minister in a meeting at her Scottish home. Photographs taken showed the queen looking in good spirits, apart from a prominent bruise on her right hand. Social media users were quick to point out the apparent bruise and voice concerns over its possible cause. Political commentator Rupert Myers took to Twitter to say: “The Queen’s hand in this photograph of her meeting Liz Truss looks very bruised, poor woman.” Broadcaster Amanda Ferguson followed up in a post that speculated it may have been caused by a medial drip known as a cannula, when these are removed, bruising often occurs around the affected area. “The Queen seems to have a bruise on her right hand?” she tweeted. Maybe from a drip?”

Covid 19 most likely a bioweapon.  Dr. Stanley Laham, immunologist, on how good treatments for Covid were treated like snake oil, while experimental jabs were rolled out.  An increase in death rates recently needs investigating.  Population reduction as an idea of the elite.  Eugenics. Why did Fauci not recommend Chloroquine as a treatment for Covid19 Why did Dr. Fauci wait 2 months to recommend an expensive patented nucleic acid analog produced by an American Company when he had proof that Chloroquine was effective as both an antiviral and immune regulator to prevent the lethal effect of Covid19?? PUBLISHED IN NATURE, 04 FEBRUARY 2020 “Chloroquine, a widely-used anti-malarial and autoimmune disease drug, has recently been reported as a potential broad-spectrum antiviral drug.8,9 Chloroquine is known to block virus infection by increasing endosomal pH required for virus/cell fusion, as well as interfering with the glycosylation of cellular receptors of SARS-CoV.10 Our time-of-addition assay demonstrated that chloroquine functioned at both entry, and at post-entry stages of the 2019-nCoV infection in Vero E6 cells (Fig. 1c, d). Besides its antiviral activity, chloroquine has an immune-modulating activity, which may synergistically enhance its antiviral effect in vivo. Chloroquine is widely distributed in the whole body, including lung, after oral administration. The EC90 value of chloroquine against the 2019-nCoV in Vero E6 cells was 6.90 M, which can be clinically achievable as demonstrated in the plasma of rheumatoid arthritis patients who received 500 mg administration.11 Chloroquine is a cheap and a safe drug that has been used for more than 70 years and, therefore, it is potentially clinically applicable against the 2019-nCoV.” 

Robert Hanson on Prince Charles’s links to paedophile Jimmy Saville.  How will Charles be as King?  Mountbatten a paedophile?  Epstein – information collecting for Secret Services.  BOMBSHELL LETTERS – Prince Charles letters reveal he asked paedophile Jimmy Savile to advise royals after series of PR disasters PRINCE Charles once asked sex fiend Jimmy Savile to help the Royal Family’s public relations. The future king’s handwritten letters to the Jim’ll Fix It presenter ­ later proven to be a predatory paedophile ­ will be seen for the first time in a new TV documentary. Prince Charles’s letters will be seen for the first time in a TV documentaryCredit: PA Charles contacted Savile after PR blunders involving Prince Andrew and then wife Sarah Ferguson. In response, the TV and radio star drew up an action plan viewed by the Queen and Prince Philip, the programme released today on Netflix shows. Charles had asked for suggestions about where he could make public visits. He knew fundraiser Savile was connected with institutions across the country ­ but was unaware many were where he carried out decades of abuse. One letter written by Charles at Sandringham on January 14, 1989, read: “Perhaps I am wrong, but you are the bloke who knows what’s going on. “What I really need, is a list of suggestions from you. “I so want to get to parts of the country that others don’t get to reach.” Savile’s philanthropy was a smokescreen for attacks on hundreds of vulnerable victims aged from five to 75. He came into contact with the Prince and Princess of Wales through his work for Stoke Mandeville Hospital, Bucks, during the 1980s. Princess Diana opened its spinal injuries unit in 1983. Charles also asked for advice on responding to disasters, after Andrew’s performance following the bombing of Pan Am Flight 103. The plane exploded over Lockerbie on December 21, 1988, killing 259 people including 11 on the ground ­ yet the Duke of York appeared to show little empathy. Savile wrote an action plan which read: “Guidelines for members of the Royal Family and their staffs.” It calls for “a special person with considerable experience in such matters”. It goes on: “There must be an ‘incident room’ with several independent phone lines, teletext etc. “The Queen should be informed in advance of any proposed action by Family members.”

Christian Irish man in isolation Irish jail for not wanting to call a man a woman.  The Queen giving a speech at Dublin Castle.  Irish Peace Treaty.  EU Lisbon Treaty.  Irish teacher suspended from school, jailed over transgender pronouns flap Irish teacher suspended from school, jailed over transgender pronouns flap A teacher in Ireland has been suspended from work and then jailed for contempt of court after he refused to use the correct pronouns to address a transgender student. Enoch Burke was arrested on Monday for violating a court order barring him from teaching at Wilson’s Hospital School in Westmeath, or even being present there, the news site reported. Judge Michael Quinn found Burke guilty of violating an order made by the High Court last week and sent him to Mountjoy Prison, where he will remain until either he purges his contempt or the court gives further orders. Enoch Burke, a teacher from Ireland, was suspended from school and then jailed for contempt of court for refusing to use a transgender student’s proper pronouns. RTE News The teacher remained defiant in the face of jail time, telling the judge that “it is insanity” that he would be led out of the courtroom and taken to prison for refusing to give up his Christian beliefs. Burke was suspended with pay from Wilson’s Hospital School, but he had refused to stay away from campus. Burke, a devout Christian, teaches German, history and politics. “I love my school, with its motto Res Non Verba, ‘Actions not words,’ but I am here today because I said I would not call a boy a girl,” Burke told the court. The scandal surrounding Burke began unfolding after the educator, who teaches history, politics and German at the school in Multyfarnham, County Westmeath, refused to address a transitioning student as “they” instead of “he.” Burke’s stance prompted school officials to place him on paid administrative leave pending the outcome of a disciplinary process.

Princess Diana murdered? – Keith Allen’s ‘Unlawful Killing’ film.  Keith Allen on his Diana doc ‘Unlawful Killing’ Keith Allen discusses his documentary about the death of Princess Diana at the Cannes Film Festival. Keith Allen unveiled his documentary Unlawful Killing, about the inquest into the death of Princess Diana, to the world’s media at the Cannes Film Festival this week. The Shallow Grave and Robin Hood star, with the financial backing of Mohamed Al-Fayed, spoke of his desire to “contribute to the world’s wallpaper” regarding the questions still surrounding Diana’s tragic passing. Here are some of the highlights from Allen’s eventful press conference at the Croisette’s Carlton Hotel… On how he approached the project “I didn’t make this film because I am a documentary filmmaker. I made it because I’m just a normal person who didn’t believe what I was hearing and seeing. When I was informed that there was going to be an inquiry, I wanted to get in very early, and I wanted to make the film that might confirm my suspicions.” On filmmaking “I didn’t find this film very difficult to make – the film virtually made itself.” Is it a sensationalist film? “I thought it was important that the public got to understand in a forensic manner what was happening in this inquest. I didn’t want to make a sensational film – I don’t think it is a sensational film. I think it’s a very forensic analysis of the British legal process.” On Mohamed Al-Fayed funding the film “He put money in because nobody else would. If I could have got it somewhere else I would have got it somewhere else. I didn’t, I got it from him.” What’s new in Keith’s film? “I don’t believe that there is too much that is new… There’s an old saying in our country – the best kept secrets are on the bookshelves of the British Library. They’re all there, if you care to have a look. Now if you just take all the information, and you manipulate it or place it into a certain shape, then two and two start to make four – before you did that, two and two may well have made five. I’ve used the available information, and I’ve put it in a certain way. It’s as simple as that.” Allen suggests a link between the monarchy and our ruling elite “Now, look, let me make this absolutely clear – this is not an attack on the monarchy – it’s actually questioning the role of the Establishment. And in so doing it will make clear that there are connections between the Royal House of Windsor and the Establishment. It’s as simple as that.” What about that picture of Princess Diana dying? “As I said when I defended the film, there won’t be a sharp intake of breath when you see ‘the photograph’ of the princess dying, there won’t be. You saw it and I don’t believe there was. It’s nowhere near as sensational or revealing as people made it out to be.”

‘Edward VIII:  Britain’s Nazi King’ documentary on C4 – secret reports collected on him and Wallis.  BBC ‘furious’ over Royal Family’s links to Nazis through King Edward VIII THE BBC was “furious” over the Royal Family’s links to the Nazis through King Edward VIII during World War 2, according to a new documentary. Edward VIII ‘was a traitor’ says Andrew Lownie King Edward VIII reigned for just 326 days before he abdicated in 1936, ceding the throne to his brother George VI, Queen Elizabeth II’s father. Edward gave up his royal duties so he could marry Wallis Simpson, whose status as a twice-divorced American socialite was bitterly opposed by the British monarchy and Church of England. After the Duke and Duchess of Windsor’s exile from Britain, they moved to France and developed Nazi sympathies in the run-up to World War 2, which including a tour of Germany at the invitation of Adolf Hitler. The couple’s shocking Nazi links and wartime treachery have been exposed in Channel 4’s new documentary, ‘Edward VIII: Britain’s Traitor King’. It features a previously unheard recording from the BBC archives that Edward made in France, in which he called for Britain to surrender to the Nazis before the war started. In the message, dated May 8, 1939, the disgraced monarch called for Britain to strike a “peaceful settlement” with Nazi Germany, but the BBC decided not to broadcast the chilling recording. The author A. N. Wilson, who appeared in the film, commented on the Duke’s eerie remarks. He said: “The BBC were furious because they felt that the impartiality of the BBC would be infringed.

California using too much aircon during extreme heat wave and energy supplies running low. California’s electricity woes offer a taste of a possible future green-energy nightmare During the recent heat wave, California’s wind and solar sources were unable to produce sufficient electric power to meet consumer demand.  “Well, they’re out there a-having fun / In that warm California sun” (1964 song by The Rivieras). California has become an example of what a state looks like when it is controlled by a single party ­ in this case Democrats, who are trying to impose a green-energy secular religion on their people. State officials have banned the sale of gas-powered cars by 2035, but a preview of the nightmare that could occur in the near future is happening now. Facing a heat wave this week and the high chances of rolling blackouts, Californians are being told to turn up the temperature on air conditioners to at least 78 degrees and not charge their electric cars on Sunday afternoons and evenings. If there isn’t enough electricity to charge the current number of electric cars in California (estimated by the office of Gov. Gavin Newsom to be “1 million plug-in electric cars, pickup trucks, SUVs and motorcycles), how much confidence should Californians place in the availability of electricity in 2035 and beyond? Californians were asked to hold off on charging their electric cars as the state faces rolling blackouts. FREDERIC J. BROWN/AFP via Getty Images There are approximately 29 million cars, light trucks and motorcycles in the state. By some estimates it will take 15 years to fully transition to all electric vehicles. Currently, reports the Associated Press, California has about 80,000 re-charging stations in public places, “far short of the 250,000 it wants by 2025.”

Michael Hudson’s book ‘The Destiny of Civilisation: Finance Capitalism, Industrial Capitalism, or Socialism?’  Ukraine is really a war between Finance Capitalism and Industrial Capitalism – Michael Hudson article.  Bigger picture of fairness or greed in society.  Ukraine war.  Chinese economics.  British economics.  The Destiny of Civilization is based on a lecture series on finance capitalism and the New Cold War that Michael Hudson presented for the Global University for Sustainability. It presents an overview of Michael’s unique geo-political perspective: analysis which integrates economics, history, politics, archaeology and psychology. Most importantly, Michael applies his macro analysis to explain how the world has arrived at this point of fracture, where a financialized and de-industrialized United States is facing off against the mixed-economies of China and Russia. He emphasises that There Are Alternatives (TAA) to the neoliberal finance capitalism that prevails in the West, and that civilization is today at a fork in the road: one path leading to a neoliberal neo-feudalism dominated by a rentier oligarchy ruling over the indebted many. the alternative path is broadly mixed-economy industrial capitalism leading to socialism. Hudson cuts to the big issues, conveying that ‘The role of government has been inverted away from one which was to protect society from the rentiers, but now sees rentiers protected and even encouraged by government’. The book’s scope takes the reader inside the levers of power, spanning several thousand years: the origins of money and credit, debt cancellations, and land tenure in the first cities of Ancient Mesopotamia; from Classical Greece to Rome’s collapse into a Dark Age of feudalism, and the arresting parallels to today; the development arc of Britain and the United States as industrial powers, and why classical thinkers expected they would move towards socialism; America’s strategic use of financial and creditor power after WWI and again after WWII to structure the world economy in its own interests, orchestrating global economic dominance; the alternatives to neoliberal finance capitalism, and the policies needed to restrain this underlying rentier dynamic.

21st Anniversary of the 9/11 Attacks: The 9/11 “Double-Cross” Conspiracy Theory – Pentagon Inside Job – World Trade Center Israeli Job – Filling the background with other documented Israeli false flag operations (the bombing of the King David Hotel in 1946, the Lavon Affair in 1954, Israel bombing its own embassies in Argentina in 1992 and in London in 1994, etc.) could have turned such a movement into a tsunami. The “inside job” theory, on the other hand, can never reach a critical mass, for a simple reason: the idea that the U.S. government would, by itself, deceive and terrorize its own citizens by killing thousands of them to justify wars in the Middle East that are not even in the nation’s interest is just too hard to believe for the vast majority of Americans ­ harder to believe than the official narrative with its material impossibilities. By comparison, Israel attacking America under the false flag of Islamic terrorists to win American support against their Arab enemies makes plain common sense. It is only with the hypnotic power of Zion-controlled corporate medias, and with the complicity of a well-organized “controlled opposition” that such a natural idea was suppressed from the minds of average Americans. Nevertheless, the belief that “9/11 was an Israeli job” is gaining ground all over the world. Sooner or later, the tsunami will come. And the sooner the better. I am hoping that my film, “9/11 and Israel’s Great Game,” now in English, will help bring it about. Pass it around if you judge it useful: This film, unfortunately, was shunned from all 9/11 Truth festivals this month. The organizers, I have been told, “decided not to muddy the waters with a film about Israel’s involvement in 9/11.” This must be ironic, for evidence of Israel’s involvement brings clarity, while muddy waters are what Israel needs. However, the film will be streamed on on October 9th, followed by a debate between Alan Sabrosky, Kevin Barrett, and myself. In the film, I introduce the hypothetical scenario of the “nested conspiracies” ­ perhaps better named the “hijacked” or “double-crossed conspiracy” ­ which is an attempt to distinguish the part played by the U.S. military and the part played by Israel. In this article, I will expound on that theory by arguing that the attack on the Pentagon and the attacks of the Twin Towers were prepared by two distinct groups, with two distinct aims: regime change in Afghanistan on the one hand, total war against Israel’s enemies on the other. The Pentagon attack was a Northwoods-type inside job, but the Twin Towers’ demolition ­ the big event, that defines 9/11 it in world consciousness ­ was an Israeli job in the spirit of the Liberty attack, only a thousand times bigger (Israel had learned from the Liberty fiasco that there would be no penalty for failure, so why not think big). What happened, I suggest, is that a group of high-positioned sayanim in Washington and New York double-crossed the U.S. strategists and turned their rather modest false-flag operation into a “cataclysmic” one, leaving them with no other choice but to cover up the whole thing, since exposing Israel’s operation would inevitably expose their own. There are reasons to believe that the Zionist mafia had some experience in such a modus operandi. Michael Collins Piper suggested in his Final Judgment, that on November 22, 1963, the Mossad and the Jewish mafia overtook an operation planned by elements of the CIA and their anti-Castro militia to fake a failed assassination attempt on Kennedy, meant to force him to retaliate against Castro. Piper borrowed this theory from LAPD detective Gary Wean (There’s a Fish in the Courthouse, 1987), whose information come from Senator John Tower ­ although Wean doesn’t name Israel as “the other group” who double-crossed the CIA. As Piper mentions in False Flag: Template for Terror, the same theory had been alluded to in the book Farewell America, originally published in French in 1968: Oswald, the author suggested, had been probably told he was participating in an anti-Communist operation that “consisted of influencing public opinion by simulating an attack against President Kennedy, whose policy of coexistence with the Communists deserved a reprimand.”[2] The hypothesis that the CIA had planned a “dummy assassination attempt” is speculative ­ unlike Israel’s involvement in the real assassination ­ and cannot be used as a precedent for 9/11.

End Times Prophecy and the Occult:  David Livingstone, author of ‘Ordo ab Chao’, and Tim Cohen, author of ‘The Antichrist and a Cup of Tea’, discuss A protegée of Raymond Abellio’s pupil, Jean Parvulesco, Dugin was also a close friend of Gladio-operative Claudio Mutti, who joined GRECE member Jean-Francois Thiriart’s Young Europe. Mutti was also a close friend of Luc Jouret, who founded the cult of the Solar Temple. Mutti, was also appointed Emir in the notorious Murabitun Movement, a crypt-Masonic and fascist organization founded by a Scottish convert to Islam named Ian Dallas, a.k.a. Sheikh Abdalqadir al-Murabit.[203] Dugin also works closely with Christian Bouchet, a high initiate of Memphis-Misraim, who claimed to be the head of the OTO in France.[204] Bouchet has been described as “one of the principal promoters of satanic thought in France.”[205] Dugin is also associated with Kerry Bolton, founder of the satanic Black Order, and the international distributor for the English-based Order of Nine Angles (O9A). Inspired by his mentors Jean Parvulesco and Raymond Abellio, Dugin’s plan for accelerating the End Times expands on the Priory of Sion aspirations of the reign of Nostradamus’ Grand Monarch, to be fulfilled with the “Consecration of Russia” prophesied in the Third Secret of Fatima. Stephan Chalandon and Philip Coppens, detail what connects Abellio and Parvulesco’s synarchism, the Three Secrets of Fatima, and their own vision for the future of Russia, and describing them as New Agers building “An Age of Aquarius.”[206] Coppens is a Belgian author who focused on areas of fringe science and alternative history and connections between UFO cults and the extreme right. Coppens has been featured on Nexus, Atlantis Rising, and New Dawn magazines and appeared on many episodes of the History Channel’s Ancient Aliens series. He served as the primary researcher for The Stargate Conspiracy, by Lynn Picknett and Clive Prince, a book about the CIA’s remote-viewing program Project Stargate.[207] Picknett and Prince are also authors of The Turin Shroud, The Templar Revelation, and The Sion Revelation, the last of which explores the connections of the Priory of Sion mythos and synarchism. Bolton extolled Dugin’s prescription for a “multipolar” world in an article for New Dawn magazine, titled “Putin, Russia, & the Rise of a New Era.” New Dawn, which hails itself as “The World’s Most Unusual Magazine,” focuses on New Age topics, alternative medicines, extraterrestrials, and “alternative news and views on global trends and world affairs.” Their “About” page features endorsements from Philip K. Dick, Jose Argüelles, and Dugin himself who described the magazine as: “one of the best sources of realistic information on the state of things in our world as it nears its inevitable and predicted end.”[208] Referring to the prophecy of Nostradamus, Bolton notes that a commentator in New Dawn magazine wrote, “the rise of Putin had mystical implications that could impact on the world in an epochal way: Putin’s inauguration as Prime Minister on 9 August 1999 occurred during the week of the solar eclipse and the planetary alignment of the Grand Cross, ‘a highly auspicious astrological event… traditionally held to be the end of an epoch.’”[209] Chalandon and Coppens’ article was published in the Occidental Quarterly, a white nationalist and self-described “pro-Western” publication sponsored by Henry Regnery’s nephew, William Regnery II. Effectively, the alt-right was again a creation of the Regnery family, which the Southern Poverty Law Center described as “a right-wing publishing dynasty that wields tremendous influence among both mainstream conservatives and far-right extremists.”[210] In 2005, with Samuel T. Francis, William Regnery II founded the National Policy Institute (NPI), a think tank dedicated to “promot[ing] the American majority’s unique historical, cultural, and biological inheritance.”[211] The founding of the NPI was supported with a grant from the Pioneer Fund.[212]

End Times Prophecy and the Occult: Scottish Rite Satanists ‘Great Plan’ or ‘Magnum Opus’:
1642-49 – English Civil War removes feudal system, installs merchant class
1765-90 – American Revolution New World breaks away from the British empire
1789-99 – French Revolution bloody overthrow of monarchy by Bavarian Illuminati
1861-65 – American Civil War reduces power of states, centralising it in Washington DC
1870 – Declaration of the Italian Republic after decades of Civil War
1914-18 – First World War destroys Ottoman empire, clears it out of the Holy Land
1918-20 – Russian Revolution overthrows Czars, installs militant atheist communism
1939-45 – Second World War British Mandate creates 1947 Israeli Zionist state
1945-49 – Chinese Revolution installs militant atheist communism


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#2 – The Queen’s Irish Reconciliation Speech, Dublin Castle (2011) – 00:08:00
#3 – Robert Hanson Economic Hitmen turn on UK, China Lockdowns – 00:18:00
#4 – Dr Stanley Laham, Worlds First ‘For Profit Pandemic’ 00:50:00
#5 – End Times Prophecies & The Occult Tim Cohen David Livingstone 01:15:00
#6 – Princess Diana Panorama interview with Martin Bashir (1995) 00:50:00
#7 – Unlawful Killing, Keith Allen (2011) Princess Diana inquest doc 01:15:00
#8 – Special guest Richie Allen 00:01:15

Tony’s new paperback and eBooks Traitors Of Arnhem, Siege Of Heaven; Siege Of Heaven Reader – all available for donation, or to buy, via
BCfm’s weekly Politics Show presented by Tony Gosling with Irish Republican Labour activist Martin Summers was forced off FM, now online only. We were ‘rested due to the pandemic’ on 24 March 2020 by BCfm charity ‘CEO’ Patrick Hart who is a longtime personal friend of Bristol’s all-powerful right-wing ‘Labour’ mayor Marvin Rees. This Internet only NOT The BCfm Politics Show is now available 17:00-c. 21:00 live on Fridays. Pat Hart replaced us with an inane student show repeating MSM stories called The Bristol Agenda. If you’d like to share your views on his deliberate dumbing-down mismanagement you can contact UK broadcasting regulator Ofcom or BCfm board chair and the ‘Don’ here.

February 2019 Ofcom complaint result: UKLFI exposed as creation of Israeli foreign ministryBristol Post article: BCfm cleared after being reported to Ofcom for anti-semitic conspiracy theories

1 Comment on “Liz Truss is new PM. Pinay Circle – the history and some of it’s members – 2 in Liz Truss’s new Cabinet.- PMQs Liz Truss explaining her horrific £100bn energy giants’ bail out plan – Putin’s speech at Eastern economic Forum. “We have not lost anything and will not lose anything. – UK pubs mass closures as energy costs soar – Manchester Radio Journalist Richie Allen joins Tony and Martin. – Former Royal butler Martin Higgins – ‘There was no real warning’: Former Palace butler shocked by Queen’s death – BBC star apologises for ‘incorrectly’ announcing the death of the Queen at 3pm Thursday – In one week World Economic Forum (WEF) fascists have taken over the UK – new WEF monarch, new WEF PM – = Swift removal of Queen’s head from stamps pre-prepared in February 2022, – Queen’s Bruised Hand Caused Concern – Covid 19 most likely a bioweapon.natural immunity so much better than vaccines Dr. Stanley Laham, immunologist, – Robert Hanson on Prince Charles’s links to paedophile Jimmy Saville.- Why did King Charles III surround himself with paedophiles Jimmy Savile and Bishop Ball? – Christian Irish man in isolation Irish jail for not wanting to call a man a woman. – Princess Diana murdered? – Keith Allen’s ‘Unlawful Killing’ film. – ‘Edward VIII: Britain’s Nazi King’ documentary on C4 – secret reports collected on him and Wallis. – California using too much aircon during extreme heat wave and energy supplies running low – Ukraine is really a war between Finance Capitalism and Industrial Capitalism – Michael Hudson – 21st Anniversary of the 9/11 Attacks: The 9/11 “Double-Cross” Conspiracy Theory – Pentagon Inside Job – World Trade Center Israeli Job – End Times Prophecy and the Occult: David Livingstone, author of ‘Ordo ab Chao’, and Tim Cohen, author of ‘The Antichrist and a Cup of Tea’ – End Times Prophecy and the Occult: Scottish Rite Satanists ‘Great Plan’ or ‘Magnum Opus’:- NOT The BCfm Politics Show presented by Tony Gosling

  1. Hi Tony,
    Just heard your Sep 9th show. I’m not into this teacup anti-christ guy at all. Surely this whole anti-christ thing is like good cop/bad cop control thing. In Cathy O brien’s books its like Jesuit tricks which became more tech based with mk ultra harmonics.
    However, I do agree about the idea of a creator: it seems miraculous to me where we are.
    Also I enjoyed your Arnhem book very much. Amazon is charging 23 quid for a createspace reprint of Paul Manning’s exile book.
    Keep it up Tony. I listen every week. You and Martin really get stuck in.

    Ken Lambie
    NE Scotland.

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