Sabotage! US Blows Up Nordstream Pipelines, Act Of War On Russia – Annexation of Donbass region illegal? 300,000 Russian reservists mobilisation. Pipeline bombs coinciding with referendums? Scott Ritter – what are the Russian reservists for? – Economics Professor Steve Keen, on disastrous international markets fallout after last Friday’s UK mini-budget – Liz Truss being interviewed by local BBC radio reporters – Bristol City Council Creating Homelessness, Target Disabled Black Woman and Attempt Illegal Eviction – BBC Points West – Marvin Rees Bristol mayor gets water thrown over him – Mini-budget – Bank of England had to intervene as pension funds were about to go bust. – Errors on Queen’s death certificate: Dr Glass is not allowed to put ‘old age’ as cause of death; BBC turned their news site black over an hour before official time of ‘death’ – – Queen’s funeral – at St. George’s chapel – Senior Freemason forgot to say God Save the King – 9/11 Building 7 – hit pop song by Martin Noakes. 9/11 20 years on. H – Oracle Films ‘Safe and Effective’ documentary – Benefits not to raise with inflation. = – Bristol Clean Air Zone UNLAWFUL report edited by Tony but authored by Michael Bond – – CONTROLAVIRUS: Greg Felton part of the Great Reset agenda – – Ukraine formally applies for fast-track NATO membership – Genetic Entropy: Dr John Gideon Hartnett, Creation Science, Evolution, Scientism and Dark Matter – NOT The BCfm Politics Show presented by Tony Gosling

MP3 of Friday 30th September 2022 Show [right click to download]… …(from c. 23:00) – Links to this week’s full interviews, bottom of page
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Part One News Review and Investigative Reports

NATO’S NORDSTREAM SABOTAGE Ron Mandell, with a background in history and politics academia, joins Tony and Martin.  The war in Ukraine.  Nord Stream pipeline sabotaged – Russia blamed.  UNZ Review – declaration of war.  Cuban missile crisis.  Peace talks.  Pepe Escobar …no holds barred Germany and EU Have Been Handed Over a Declaration of War Pepe Escobar • September 28, 2022 It gets curiouser and curiouser when we know that simultaneously to the sabotage the Baltic Pipe from Norway to Poland was partially opened, a “new gas supply corridor” servicing “the Danish and Polish markets”: actually a minor affair, considering months ago their sponsors were in trouble finding gas, and now it will be even harder, with much higher costs. NS2 had already been attacked – in the open – all along its construction. Back in February, Polish ships actively tried to prevent the Fortuna pipe-laying vessel from finishing NS2. The pipes were being laid south of – you guessed it – Bornholm. NATO for its part has been very active on the underwater drones department. The Americans have access to long distance Norwegian underwater drones which can be modified with other designs. Alternatively, professional navy clearance divers could have been employed in the sabotage – even as tidal currents around Bornholm are a serious matter. The Big Picture reveals the collective West in absolute panic, with Atlanticist “elites” willing to resort to anything – outrageous lies, assassinations, terrorism, sabotage, all out financial war, support to neo-Nazis – to prevent their descent into a geopolitical and geoeconomic abyss. Disabling NS and NS2 represents the definitive closure of any possibility of a German-Russia deal on gas supplies, with the added benefit of relegating Germany to the lowly status of absolute US vassal. So that brings us to the key question of which Western intel apparatus designed the sabotage. Prime candidates are of course CIA and MI6 – with Poland set up as the fall guy and Denmark playing a very dodgy part: it’s impossible that Copenhagen was not at least “briefed” on the intel. Prescient as ever, as early as in April 2021 Russians were asking questions about the military security of Nord Stream. The crucial vector is that we may be facing the case of a EU/NATO member involved in an act of sabotage against the number one EU/NATO economy. That’s a casus belli. Outside of the appalling mediocrity and cowardice of the current administration in Berlin, it’s clear that the BND – German intel – as well as the German Navy and informed industrialists sooner or later will do the math. This was far from an isolated attack. On September 22 there was an attempt against Turkish Stream by Kiev saboteurs. The day before, naval drones with English language IDs were found in Crimea, suspected of being part of the plot. Add to it US helicopters overflying the future sabotage nodes weeks ago; a UK “research” vessel loitering in Danish waters since mid-September; and NATO tweeting about the testing of “new unmanned systems at sea” on the same day of the sabotage. Show me the (gas) money The Danish Minister of Defense met urgently with NATO’s Secretary General this Wednesday. After all the explosions happened very close to Denmark’s exclusive economic zone (EEZ). That may be qualified as crude kabuki at best; exactly on the same day, the European Commission (EC), NATO’s de facto political office, advanced its trademark obsession: more sanctions against Russia, including the certified-to-fail cap on oil prices. Insurance on pipelines affected. 

Annexation of Donbass region illegal? 300,000 Russian reservists mobilisation.  Pipeline bombs coinciding with referendums?  Scott Ritter – what are the Russian reservists for? 

Economics Professor Steve Keen, on disastrous international markets fallout after last Friday’s UK mini-budget, and how countries need long term planning. I owe enormous intellectual debts to Hyman Minsky and Augusto Graziani. But at one point, my “little knowledge” led me to believe, falsely, that they had both made a huge mistake in claiming that repaying debt destroyed money: Graziani: As soon as firms repay their debt to the banks, the money initially created is destroyed. (Graziani 1989) Money is created as banks lend­mainly to business­and money is destroyed as borrowers fulfill their payment commitments to banks. (Minsky 1982) This couldn’t be right, I thought: surely once banks had created money, they wouldn’t let it be destroyed? I considered cash loans in particular­surely the cash wasn’t destroyed on receipt, but put back into the vault for relending? This is why the model of money in my Debunking Economics (Keen 2011) is of a cash-lending bank, and not a modern electronic banking system, where loans are simultaneously matched by direct payments into deposit accounts. Then I developed Minsky, the monetary modelling software that I named in honour of Hyman Minsky. I came to really understand double-entry bookkeeping, and realised that Minsky and Graziani were correct, and I was wrong. These days, money is primarily the sum of private bank deposit accounts. When you show modern bank lending and bank debt repayment in a double-entry table, it’s obvious that the former creates money, and the latter destroys it. This points to a general rule about money creation and destruction: leaving aside cash loans, and direct government payments of cash to the non-bank public, to create money, an operation must increase both the Assets and Liabilities (or short-term Equity) sides of the banking system’s ledger. Conversely, this means that operations that occur exclusively on either the Assets side or Liabilities & Equity side neither create nor destroy money. Having made this mistake myself, I came to realise that understanding double-entry bookkeeping is the “Holy Grail” to understanding money, and therefore that if someone makes claims about money that contradict double-entry bookkeeping (DEB for short), then they should be ignored, because they don’t know what they are talking about.

Liz Truss being interviewed by Bristol BBC radio reporter – sticking to the mini-budget. Liz Truss interviewed by BBC Lancashire BBC Bristol and BBC Stoke radio – fracking.  NHS problems. BBC Radio Nottingham: Liz Truss told budget is like a ‘reverse Robin Hood’ – audio When it was announced that Liz Truss would break her silence on the collapse of the pound by appearing on local radio stations, there was mockery from some London-based journalists who felt she should have given an interview to a national news outlet. Instead, it was BBC Leeds’s breakfast show that helped shift the price of UK government debt, as traders tuned in and realised the prime minister was sticking to her economic plan. As presenter Rima Ahmed put it to the prime minister: “Where’ve you been?” Radio Kent put it in more stark terms, with one listener asking Truss: “Are you ashamed of what you have done?” The prime minister’s rapid-fire set of eight short interviews with BBC radio stations in an hour produced more news than often emerges from a single slot on Radio 4’s Today programme. One benefit that local radio journalists have over reporters who deal with Downing Street on a daily basis is that they have no incentive to hold back. They are unlikely to have the prime minister on their programme as a regular guest and there is no need to have the complicated ongoing relationships with Downing Street communications staff. Instead they have the chance to ask a handful of questions and try to make their name – and represent the views of their listeners. Thursday’s interviews were coordinated by the BBC’s Central News Service, which provides national news coverage to the BBC’s 40 local outlets across England the Channel Islands – often by booking a guest who can be interviewed across multiple outlets on the same topic. In this case, radio stations covering Leeds, Norfolk, Kent, Lancashire, Nottingham, Teesside, Bristol, and Stoke-on-Trent were each given about five minutes’ airtime with Truss.

Ruth Nestor, joins Tony and Martin.  She explains the problems she has had with Bristol City Council who accused her of not paying her council tax, then took her to court for the debt and tried to take her house off her – and how ACORN saved her.  Community action blocks ‘a ridiculously unnecessary eviction’ Out-of-town private debt collection agency Richard Long & Co were due to evict Ruth and her children from her home on Monday 13 December. The eviction would have left Ruth and her two children, 10 and 12, homeless. Community union Acorn had organised its members and gone door knocking in the area to drum up supporters to resist the eviction. After sounding the alarm on social media and a Whatsapp callout group the previous evening, around 50 Acorn members, neighbours and supporters stood outside the front and back entrances of the house to block the bailiffs’ way. “There’s a mother and two young children in this house and we want to make sure that they’re not going to be made homeless for Christmas,” said Ruby Burgess, spokesperson for Acorn. “We’re non violent, we’re just trying to block their way, essentially, so they can’t get in.” Ruth says the bailiffs broke in and smashed a hole in her door with an axe during a previous eviction attempt (Photo provided by Ruth) Rachel and Martin, who live nearby, came after Acorn members came knocking. Martin said they’d come along to try and prevent “a ridiculously unnecessary eviction”. “The housing situation in Bristol is so awful and it’s so difficult for people to find accommodation that you sort of worry what will happen to a family that are kicked out just before Christmas,” added Rachel. Drivers going past honked their horns in support. Ruth’s front downstairs window was covered in hand-written posters she’d written showing the different laws she says she’s protected by. “I’ve been up all night making those”, she told the Cable. This was the second recent eviction attempt of the household. In the first attempt the bailiffs forced entry in an eviction attempt that was illegal, say Acorn. Ruth says she came home on 25 November to find one of the doors with an axe hole in it and her possessions scattered. “All the things were on the floor,” she told the Cable. She said that they terrified her children. A spokesperson for Richard Long & Co said that the bailiff company wasn’t aware of any damage caused during the eviction attempt and had thought the house was empty when they entered. The bailiffs never turned up on Monday, though supporters think that they may have arrived, seen that the way wasn’t clear, and left. They’ve since turned up at Ruth’s door at 7am on the following Wednesday and Thursday morning and Acorn members spent the whole of Thursday outside Ruth’s house in case they came back. Ruth told the Cable she has had to pay £160 for new locks to secure her property. Councillor Craig Cheney, deputy mayor with responsibility for finance said: “This administration condemns the actions of the recovery agents and have put a hold on any further action whilst we seek to better understand the situation. Collecting debts cannot be done without consideration for the impact on families, particularly this close to Christmas, and the wider problems caused by aggressive tactics without a joined-up approach. “In many cases where debt is chased in isolation the consequences are to create additional pressures on housing, social services, welfare support, health agencies and the charity sector. Often the sum total of support required to deal with the consequences outvalues the debt owed in the first place. “I will shortly bring our new ethical debt collection policy to Cabinet with a view to curb short-sighted collection practices. We aim to ensure that where people owe money, they have the opportunities to meet their obligations without pushing the pressure onto other services. Should this receive Cabinet support, we will roll out new practices across the council during the next year.”

BBC Points West – Marvin gets water thrown over him when he turns up five days after fire in Twinnel House council flats, where an Afghan man dies.  Tower block residents throw water and accost mayor on visit after fatal fire tragedy A council employee blocked the resident from chucking water at the mayor A woman attempts to throw water over the Mayor of Bristol, Marvin Rees, as he approaches Twinnell House in Easton for a meeting about a fatal fire on Sunday, The mayor of Bristol was accosted by angry residents of the tower block hit by last weekend’s fire tragedy, with one throwing water towards him and accosting him as he approached the building for a meeting. The police were called to Twinnell House in Easton after the confrontation, which happened as Marvin Rees and his entourage visited the tower block for the first time since Sunday morning’s fire, in which 30-year-old Abdul Jabar Oryakhel was killed. One woman approached the mayor and a council employee managed to block her attempt to throw water over him from a distance, before the resident berated him in the street. Other residents, who have long complained about conditions in the tower block off Stapleton Road, said his visit, made five days after the fatal fire, had come too late. The meeting with local residents lasted around an hour, and was held in the tower block’s ground-floor community room, which had been closed and locked up by the city council for years. Residents said it was the first time many had ever been in there.

Mini-budget – Bank of England had to intervene as pension funds were about to go bust.  Financial crash.  Landscapes of Freedom mass trespass in Crawley to stop a tourist development. British walkers demand wider right to roam Some of the trespassers looked like militant eco-warriors, well used to a bit of lawbreaking, but some did not, like retired company director Richard Payne. Didn’t it bother him to break civil law? “Not really, because I’m not breaking and entering somebody’s house,” he laughed. “I’m not squatting. I’m not going to go in here and put up a tent and live here. So, in a sense, we’re not strictly trespassing.” Retired deputy head teacher Peppy Erskine also felt she was doing nothing wrong. “I just feel it’s so important that we preserve the natural world for our mental health. So I feel justified in trespassing,” she said. And the Rev. Peter Owen-Jones, an Anglican minister, added: “If human beings had never challenged the rules, we’d still be living in the Dark Ages.” Britain’s landowners, on the other hand, have condemned the outbreak of mass trespassing and criticized the call for unrestricted access to the countryside. Victoria Vyvyan of the Country Land and Business Association speaks for the owners of some 10 million acres of managed land in England and Wales. “We believe passionately that access to open spaces and to green spaces contributes to people’s physical and mental well-being,” she said. “But the best access for the greatest number comes from a properly mapped and managed footpath system and open access that already exists.” England and Wales, she pointed out, have 144,000 miles of public pathways. England has 10 national parks covering 10% of the country. She’s worried that unrestricted roaming would clash with farming and forestry activity and possibly put the roamers in hazardous situations. Sensitive conservation sites could also be adversely affected. “We’re suffering from a catastrophic decline in biodiversity in this country. And I’m afraid nature and people don’t go terribly well together,” Vyvyan said. Nature certainly doesn’t go well with developers, say the Right to Roam campaigners. They accept that there must always be some exclusion zones, where delicate ecologies, vulnerable livestock or physically dangerous activity are involved. But they believe that one of the best guarantees of the mental and physical health of the nation ­ and of its biodiversity ­ is a much wider right to roam. 

Two Serious Errors on Death Certificate of Queen .. new King Charles III reign.  Colonialism and wealth taken from countries.  Dr. David Halpin on irregularities with the Queen’s death certificate.  Black BBC screen shot at 2pm – an hour before she was pronounced dead. The Queen’s death certificate says she died of ‘old age’. which cannot be used on a death certificate. [CORRECTION: Dr Glass IS on the GMC database contrary to what we said on the show] But what does ‘old age’ really mean? Eventually, “old age” became a last resort phrase to describe an unknown cause of death. Or it became useful where a person may have died from a number of complications, but where it was not practical or ethical to order an autopsy to find the precise underlying cause of death. There’s no closure The other reason why “old age” has been seldom used as the cause of death in the 20th and 21st centuries was that it doesn’t provide any closure to families of the deceased. Research shows families want information about how their loved one died, not only because it can be useful for managing their own health concerns, but also because it provids a resolution to their loved one’s death. An unknown cause of death can exacerbate grief and trauma, particularly if the death was sudden or unexpected. Researchers have long argued families form continuing relationships with their loved one after they die. Ascertaining how they died is one part of how the family members left behind manage their grief and memorialise the deceased.

Queen’s funeral – at St. George’s chapel – Senior Freemason forgot to say God Save the King – Fluffed his lines? Senior Herald FORGOT to say ‘God Save the King’ while reading out proclamations at Queen’s committal Garter King of Arms David Vines White read proclamations at Queen’s Committal Forgot to say “God Save the King” despite words being on the order of service Source in the Royal Household said they are ‘very annoyed’ at him for mistake Reading out the proclamations in the final stages of the Queen’s Committal was a career-defining moment for the Garter King of Arms – yet all did not go as smoothly as hoped. The most senior Herald, David Vines White, forgot to say the crucial words ‘God Save the King’ at the end of the ceremony at St George’s Chapel in Windsor last week. And in an unfortunate twist, the words were written out on the order of service, which was distributed throughout the chapel and published online. Thankfully King Charles, though always keen on details, did not make a fuss. A source in the Royal Household said: ‘Right at the end he was meant to shout “God Save the King”, and all those in the congregation would have done it too. It’s not particularly hard to read from a script. They’re very annoyed at him.’ But historian Hugo Vickers leapt to his defence, saying: ‘I imagine the poor man was frazzled. It’s a bit like the poor King with his pen. Cut him a bit of slack, I think.’

Bitchute video of complete show – Essentials: Michael Hudson; Tony on Brexit

Part Two – Ukraine/Covid/Climate Round-Up With End Times Prophecy Reports

9/11 song by Martin Noakes.  9/11 20 years on.  Hypocritical West – blaming Russia for things it does too – e.g. putting people unfairly in prison.

Oracle Films ‘Safe and Effective’ documentary – Dr. Aseem Malhotra on GB News before release of film and a clip of the film.  Dr. Stanley Laham, immunologist – we shouldn’t have health for profit.  Michael Moore ‘Sicko’ documentary   Punch cartoon Oracle Films: ‘Safe and Effective: A Second Opinion’ Safe and Effective: A Second Opinion shines a light on Covid-19 vaccine injuries and bereavements, but also to takes an encompassing look at the systemic failings that appear to have enabled them. We look at leading analysis of pharmaceutical trials, the role of the MHRA in regulating these products, the role of the SAGE behavioural scientists in influencing policy and the role of the media and Big Tech companies in suppressing free and open debate on the subject. If this video goes down, continue watching on:

Transhumanism agenda or capitalist accumulation.  Covid as a bio-weapon.  Benefits not to raise with inflation. Failure to raise benefits would be ‘hostile and harmful’, Truss is warned PM reneging on Conservative promise to increase benefits in line with inflation ‘morally indefensible’, say experts Liz Truss will deliver the biggest permanent real-terms cut to the basic rate of benefits ever made if she fails to raise them in line with inflation, one of the UK’s leading poverty charities has said. The Joseph Rowntree Foundation (JRF) urged the government not to renege on its promise, made earlier this year, to raise universal credit and other working age benefits in line with inflation. It said such a move would be a “harmful act of historic proportions” – and deliver a devastating blow to millions of families on low incomes. The JRF’s intervention follows widespread outrage at suggestions that the Treasury will seek to strip billions of pounds from the welfare budget to help repair shattered government finances after its disastrous mini-budget last week, which announced generous tax breaks for the rich but caused a near financial crisis. On Friday night, Truss said: “The biggest part of the package that we announced [last week] was the support for families on energy as well as making sure that we reversed the national insurance rise. “In terms of benefits uprating, that is something the work and pensions secretary is looking at and she will make an announcement in due course as is the normal practice, for the autumn.” There is speculation that rather than raising benefits for millions of people next April by about 10%, in line with the convention that the uprating should follow the previous September’s CPI inflation rate, the government will instead raise them by about 5.4%, in line with September earnings.

Bristol Clean Air Zone report edited by Tony but authored by Michael Bond – The Bristol CAZ appears to have been drawn in an entirely arbitrary manner as a city centre toll, as evidenced by the Portway extension and the inclusion of potential routes around the zone placed inside the zone, ensuring the maximum traffic chaos, rat-running. Deliberate confusion is built into the proposed Bristol CAZ by not providing clear routes around the zone as best practice elsewhere in the UK and Europe. Project Management appears to have failed in this Bristol CAZ proposal as success/failure justification criteria appear to have been entirely ignored. Covid will definitely have had an impact on the data during 2020-21 with NO2 site samples being lower than expected but Covid has also caused a monumentous shift in working patterns of Bristolians, with a heavy shift to WFH, away from office working in the centre. The scale of the CAZ, paticularly its extension West, cannot be legally justified. Data presented here is showing a distinct downward trend anyway, and there is no clause in the CAZ, which there surely has to be if its about air quality, that switches it off once a trigger value is hit. The CAZ will likely take credit for any natural improvements and Bristolians will be stuck with a toll area introduced under the guise of health which the most wealthy, new vehicle owners, do not pay. As in London, Bristol has seen a general positive trend in air quality over the last decade, and whilst one can argue, as Friends of the Eartth and others did in 2018 that more measures were needed, as evidenced here, that is clearly no longer the case. Having happily set an upward trend in air quality no further measures are required as legal limits have now arguably been fully met. Any presently marginal air sample data, bearing in mind the legal requirement is averaged over a year, the overall downward trend will soon prove conclusive. This CAZ is neither required under the Clean Air Act (2010) nor legally justifiable.

CONTROLLAVIRUS: Greg Felton, author, on whether Covid vaccine plan is to reduce population as part of the Great Reset agenda –  

Ukraine wants to become part of NATO. Ukraine formally applies for fast-track NATO membership Ukraine has formally applied for NATO membership under an accelerated procedure, President Volodymyr Zelensky said after Russia added four Ukrainian regions to its soil. “Today, Ukraine is submitting an application to do this de jure… We are taking our decisive step by signing Ukraine’s application for accelerated membership in NATO,” the Ukrainian leader said via Telegram. The development came soon after Russian President Vladimir Putin signed a decree for the formal accession of four regions of Donetsk, Luhansk, Kherson and Zaporizhzhia to Russia, after people in these regions voted in favor of joining the Russian Federation in a referendum. However, Zelensky said the votes breached international law and called the referendums “worthless.” “Donbas is and will be Ukrainian. This is our land, our people. We will never give ours to the occupiers,” he said. “De facto, we have already made our way to NATO. De facto, we have already proven our compatibility with the alliance’s standards. They are real for Ukraine – real on the battlefield and in all aspects of our cooperation,” Zelensky wrote.

Dr. John Gideon Hartnett on entropy…. From the following list, based on the biblical genealogies contained mostly in Genesis chapters 5 and 11, we can calculate the age of the Earth. Thus the Earth is only of the order of 6000 years old, not 4.6 billion years old as long-age-of-the-Earth deep-time evolution believers would have you also believe. Genealogies The date of the exodus of the children of Israel from Egypt is the key to getting this connected to our modern-day calendar. It is like an anchor point. However there are many conflicting theories on that date,1 but Scripture tells us that Solomon started to build his temple to God in the fourth year of his reign. “And it came to pass in the four hundred and eightieth year after the children of Israel were come out of the land of Egypt, in the fourth year of Solomon’s reign over Israel, in the month Zif, which is the second month, that he began to build the house of the LORD.” (I Kings 6:1) This is the key that unlocks a door. The verse also tells us that this was 480 years after the Exodus from Egypt. The dates for Solomon’s reign are generally assigned to 971-931 BC. From the date of Solomon’s fourth year of his reign (966 BC), one can add 480 years to 966 BC and get 1446 BC (the year of the Exodus). You see, really this is all about the authority of Scripture. So, the age of the Earth does matter. The date for Creation then by my reckoning is 4174 BC, giving us a total of 6188 years for the age of the Earth and the whole Universe, measured by Earth clocks. WHY IS A 6000-YEAR-OLD UNIVERSE SO HARD TO BELIEVE? (I recommend a detailed analysis of the date of Creation from the Old Testament by Dr Floyd Nolen Jones. He lists a range of Creation dates that others get and offers his reasoning for his own determination.2)

Radio4All download pages
[right click to download]
#1 – Complete 3hr 30m show – [right click to download]
Full interviews with…
#2 Safe and Effective, A Second Opinion Sep 2022 Oracle Films Covid vaccine injury documentary News Uncut 01:00:00
#3 GB News with Dr Aseem Malhotra on Covid Vaccine Injury 00:08:00
#4 Steve Keen Kamikaze Kwarteng Disastrous Mini Budget 00:15:00
#5 Dr David Halpin queen death certificate 00:25:00

#7 Genetic Entropy: Dr John Gideon Hartnett Creation Science Evolution Scientism Dark Matter 02:00:00
#8 Greg Felton Deep State Muscle Flexing Covid Ukraine and International Relations HTL 01:15:00





Tony’s new paperback and eBooks Traitors Of Arnhem, Siege Of Heaven; Siege Of Heaven Reader – all available for donation, or to buy, via
BCfm’s weekly Politics Show presented by Tony Gosling with Irish Republican Labour activist Martin Summers was forced off FM, now online only. We were ‘rested due to the pandemic’ on 24 March 2020 by BCfm charity ‘CEO’ Patrick Hart who is a longtime personal friend of Bristol’s all-powerful right-wing ‘Labour’ mayor Marvin Rees. This Internet only NOT The BCfm Politics Show is now available 17:00-c. 21:00 live on Fridays. Pat Hart replaced us with an inane student show repeating MSM stories called The Bristol Agenda. If you’d like to share your views on his deliberate dumbing-down mismanagement you can contact UK broadcasting regulator Ofcom or BCfm board chair and the ‘Don’ here.

February 2019 Ofcom complaint result: UKLFI exposed as creation of Israeli foreign ministryBristol Post article: BCfm cleared after being reported to Ofcom for anti-semitic conspiracy theories

1 Comment on “Sabotage! US Blows Up Nordstream Pipelines, Act Of War On Russia – Annexation of Donbass region illegal? 300,000 Russian reservists mobilisation. Pipeline bombs coinciding with referendums? Scott Ritter – what are the Russian reservists for? – Economics Professor Steve Keen, on disastrous international markets fallout after last Friday’s UK mini-budget – Liz Truss being interviewed by local BBC radio reporters – Bristol City Council Creating Homelessness, Target Disabled Black Woman and Attempt Illegal Eviction – BBC Points West – Marvin Rees Bristol mayor gets water thrown over him – Mini-budget – Bank of England had to intervene as pension funds were about to go bust. – Errors on Queen’s death certificate: Dr Glass is not allowed to put ‘old age’ as cause of death; BBC turned their news site black over an hour before official time of ‘death’ – – Queen’s funeral – at St. George’s chapel – Senior Freemason forgot to say God Save the King – 9/11 Building 7 – hit pop song by Martin Noakes. 9/11 20 years on. H – Oracle Films ‘Safe and Effective’ documentary – Benefits not to raise with inflation. = – Bristol Clean Air Zone UNLAWFUL report edited by Tony but authored by Michael Bond – – CONTROLAVIRUS: Greg Felton part of the Great Reset agenda – – Ukraine formally applies for fast-track NATO membership – Genetic Entropy: Dr John Gideon Hartnett, Creation Science, Evolution, Scientism and Dark Matter – NOT The BCfm Politics Show presented by Tony Gosling

  1. QB-2022-001744 has been active since March 02 2022. The claim evidences Magna Carta (1297) Part 2, is a restrictive covenant running with the land forever. Under the covenant no constitution that is not ran by and for “faithful subjects” is lwful. The supreme law of the land is no atheos et alias sectas (athiests and foreign suits (alse faiths) may legislate from any position of Authority, in any premises (office) on the premisses (land). The land was and must remain a totally Dei Gratia kingdom. To date the claim has seen off two Masters, and is now awaiting hearing before a Judge of the High Court (Queens Bench Division). Simultaneously Claim Number H4HBP61E (Hastings) -v- PRA (for Lloyds) is underway (almost). This defended financial claim – dropped by Northampton Business Court) introduced evidence into the local court that caused (it) to cancel (any) hearing for up to 6 months. Among the evidence (all financial related) were included published “Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation” Accounts, which evidence huge sums of Covid-19 payments to India (Nov 2017 and Nov 2018). In both cases the court were advised of a Letter to Brighton Magistrates Court – seeking permission for APPLICATION FOR A PROSECUTION IN A MAGISTRATES COURT against every member of the then Cabinet, which was emailed twice (April 2021), then sent by recorded delivery a month later (May 2021), and which was ignored by that court. The following June Sir Christopher Chope MP entered a Covid-19 Vaccine Damage Bill – admitting “1,632 reports of deaths having taken place shortly after vaccination”.
    This means that any official who is aware of the subject Letter of Application &c. – and did nothing to act upon it, may be charged under the misprision of Treason Act

    Upon January 20th 2022 The Supreme Court were sent a Quo Warranto, and the condition of the Government and Judiciary was made plain. Within hours Johnson was calling off lockdown, masks etc.

    The Magna Carta case, as two QB Masters admitted, is unique, being argued from the stand point of a covenantee. Under the 1297, Part 2, covenant all are equal, high and low born. The sum fact is Parliament is unlawful and the “Civil Procedure Rules” may not be relied upon by the Judiciary, themselves largely unlawful.

    If “NOT The BCfm Politics Show” would like to discuss the matters explained, then please call 07928376150 (after 1300 hours any day of the week).


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