TONY’S 12.5 MILLION VIEWS PUBLIC ENQUIRY CHANNEL KILLED BY YOUTUBE: Apartheid Free Zones began in St Paul’s and spread to several other deprived parts of the UK such as Toxteth and Brixton – The White Establishment worked through people like the present mayor’s father Valentine Walker –.Community worker is [incredibly] cleared of machete attack on Rastafarian – Musician of the resistance Martin Noakes on Agenda 21, then Agenda 2050, Agenda 2030 –.Brighton musician Martin Noakes behind suppressed 9/11 and Covid blockbusters Christmas 2030 – Covid-19 The Musical – from September 2020 – Killer Killer Covid – John Hamer on his book ‘The Falsification of History, our distorted reality – –.Titanic Sinking Motive: Maritime Insurance Fraud One operation Morgan owned was International Mercantile Marines, a trust he’d formed to monopolize trade routes. –.Kees Van der Pijl talks about his book on the 2014 shoot-down of Malaysian Airlines MH-17 over Ukraine –.Was Covid Part Of WWIII, Instigated To Bring In Lockdowns – massive increase of debt – and Davos’ Global Reset. Global Vision 2000 – signs of the times and The Devils of Davos – with Moeen Yaseen –.The Proffered Zero Carbon ‘Solution’ ‘Accelerationist’ Black Magicians Have Devised To The Exaggerated Climate, Russia, Cost Of Living And Economic Crises WILL ONLY MAKE THEM ALL WORSE – NOT The BCfm Politics Show presented by Tony Gosling

MP3 of Friday 21st October 2022 Show [right click to download]… …(from c. 23:00) – Links to this week’s full interviews, bottom of page
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TONY’S BOOKS: Bilderberg.orgPAPERBACKS – TONY’S CHANNELS: TelegramBitchute911 ForumRadio4AllThe Land Is OursVKTwitSpaceNSAbook – Censorious YouTube: Peter BoreniusPublic Enquiry

Radio4All mp3 audio files usually available from 23:00 2-4hrs, after TX – we’ll credit you if you rebroadcast. Any probs. mp3s should be on alternative links below by then

Part One News Review and Investigative Reports

CENSORED: Bristol – Apartheid Free Zones began in St Paul’s but spread to several other deprived parts of the UK such as Toxteth and Brixton – Labour Party Black Sections – The White Establishment worked through people like the mayor’s father Valentine Walker – lots of people in the St Pauls black community knew Valentine Walker was a police informerAll St Paul’s shops stopped from stocking South Africa  – cocaine introduced into Bristol by Bristol mayor Marvin Rees’ father Valentine Walker to disrupt the anti-apartheid campaign – Valentine Walker came into the St Paul’s Community Development Agency office in 1987 and threatened Balogun with a gun ‘you think your the big boss in the area, I’m gong to show you’. Valentine walker went away and came back with a Machete and stuck it in Balogun’s throat. Ambulance came in three minutes and saved his life. Although Valentine Walker was on trial he fled to in Jamaica. The judge said Balogun had cut his own throat to blame it on Valentine Walker. Valentine Walker’s cocaine successfully brought apathy to the anti-apartheid movement, people were turning against each other just to get a crack cocaine hit. Balogun doesn’t believe St Paul’s has recovered from this attempted murder and hard drugs spread into the community by Valentine Walker. Valentine Walker was approached directly in Streatham, London for his response and to give his version of events in 2017 while he said he was busy but would be in touch, he never was.

Community worker is cleared of machete attack on Rastafarian – The Guardian (London) April 9, 1988 LENGTH: 255 wordsA jury yesterday cleared a community worker on charges of attacking Rastafarian Mr Kuomba Balogun with a machete. Earlier, Mr Balogun, aged 26, was fined Pounds 150 by the judge at Bristol crown court for turning up late on the second day of the trial. Mr Justice Smithies told his counsel, Mr Ian Glenn: ‘A fine would be a proper way of expressing public disapproval.’ The judge also ordered Mr Balogun to pay Pounds 100 towards his defence costs but Mr Glenn said that he did not intend to claim them. The jury found Mr Valentine Walker, aged 36, of Robertson Road, Easton, Bristol, not guilty of unlawfully wounding Mr Balogun with intent. An alternative charge of unlawful wounding was also dismissed. The prosecution claimed that Mr Walker, former vice-chairman of the St Paul’s Community Association, of which Mr Balogun is chairman had struck a 2ft 6in machete into Mr Balogun’s neck. Mr Mark Horton, prosecuting, said the blow came within one centimetre of severing his jugular vein. The court was told that Mr Balogun did not initially report the incident to the police and discharged himself from Bristol Royal Infirmary after treatment. In his address to the jury, Mr Nicholas O’Brien, the defence counsel said: ‘Mr Balogun is an evil man who does not share society’s standards or values.’ Mr Walker did not appear during the two-day hearing and the judge said that an arrest warrant still stood but was now with bail so that he would not have to be immediately arrested when found.

Musician of the resistance Martin Noakes on Agenda 21, then Agenda 2050, Agenda 2030 – and promises of censorship, inspiring his pre-Covid song. SONG NUMBER 1: Christmas 2030 – Two weeks after that song was released the Covid lockdowns began, curfews, vaccinations were all in the song, Certificate of Vaccination 19. Martin is a pop musician. Martin’s 9/11 Building 7 song from 2006: ‘A global fascist state draws near’ SONG NUMBER 2: Covid-19 The Musical – from September 2020 – corruption, destruction, all about the Covid plandemic lockdowns and Bill Gates’ and the World Economic Forum (WEF) love of vaccines for everything – No-Vax, refuse it, refuse it, don’t choose it, screams, ambulances, ‘All those who remember the year, they won’t forget what they’ve seen. Corruption and lie after lie, surrounding Covid-19’ , heart monitor blips then heavy breathing, and it stops – Plandemic… gets banned immediately by the downloading platforms – WEF guy behind the Telegram app channelsSONG NUMBER 3 – Killer Killer Covid – basic kit needed decent laptop or desktop – the free software is called Garage Band – Spotify and YouTube censoring everything – in band called Red Box in the 1980s – 26 in the UK charts made less than £500 – the charts are a scam – novels, journalism, all culture needs a woke angle – why are you vaccinating the children?

John Hamer on his book ‘The Falsification of History, our distorted reality – about John’s early career in main frame computing and how the assassination of Princess Diana in 1998 made him realise that he had to question other events in history where the authorities may have been lying to the public. John placed adverts in the Belfast Telegraph asking families who had worked at Harland and Wolf shipyards to come and he teased out that there had been a big meeting at the shipyard where workers were told to keep their mouths shut that an enormous liner the Atlantic was being passed off as the Titanic for insurance purposes. John believes the Titanic was deliberately sunk because some powerful bankers Benjamin Guggenheim, Isa Strauss (actual name Isidor Straus), and John Jacob Astor were heading off to the united states to scupper Rockefeller plans to open a Federal Reserve Bank in the United States which would control money and eventually the country. Motive: Maritime Insurance Fraud One operation Morgan owned was International Mercantile Marines, a trust he’d formed to monopolize trade routes. Therein, Morgan controlled the “White Star Line” – a maritime merchant company that operated exclusively within the Northern Atlantic trade routes. The White Star Line built the RMS Titanic and its sister ships, the Olympic and the Britannic. In 1911, the Olympic experienced two major incidents at sea. One of these incidents involved the HMS Hawke off the Isle of Wight. As was customary at the time, the British Royal Navy’s own team investigated the crash and found that the Olympic was at fault. Because of this ruling, insurance would not pay out to the White Star Line for the damages the ship incurred. This didn’t bode well with Morgan – and it’s where our Titanic theory comes into play. Morgan devised a plan to clandestinely repair the Olympic, swap it with the Titanic, and sink that ship for the money he felt he was owed. Now, at the same time that all this maritime drama was going down, the Federal Reserve was in its conceptual phase. Opposition stirred as to the institution’s establishment…


Bitchute video of complete show – Essentials: Michael Hudson; Tony on Brexit

Part Two – Ukraine/Covid/Climate Round-Up With End Times Prophecy Reports

Kees Van der Pijl talks about his book on the 2014 shoot-down of Malaysian Airlines MH-17 over Ukraine – supposedly by the Russians but Kees suggests the plane was brought down to ensure an EU consensus which was lacking at the time for energy sanctions because Crimea had rejoined the Russian Federation as did the Sevastapol Russian Naval base – looking at the way the Malaysian government were shut out of the investigation into the shoot-down and the probe was taken over by NATO. Now, in 2022 we see stage two of the US energy sanctions against Russia which is crippling European families and industries while the US gets increased profits from enormously inflated energy prices. And the United States has an aim to dominate the world.

Was Covid Part Of WWIII, Instigated To Bring In Lockdowns – massive increase of debt – and Davos’ Global Reset. Global Vision 2000 – signs of the times and The Devils of Davos – with Moeen Yaseenthe move toward Armageddon – apocalyptic – the UK government trying to ‘blow up’ the British economy and bring down the world economy with it!  Islamic Eschatological Scholars1. Imran N. Hoseinwww.imranhosein.orgImran Nazar Hosein is a Trinidadian and Tobagonian Islamic scholar, author and philosopher, who specializes in Islamic eschatology, world politics, economics, and modern socio-economic/political issues. He is the author of Jerusalem in the Qur’an and other books. 2. Sheikh Omar Baloch who lives near New York, USA An enemy of vaxxer and doomsday-prepper, Baloch was conceived in Chicago and lectured there for a lot of his grown-up life, as of late moving to Abingdon, Md., to work at the Al Falah mosque. He learned at Georgetown University in Washington, D.C., and furthermore went to Al-Azhar University in Egypt and the Jamia Thul Ahlul Hadith in Pakistan. To put forth the defense that the coronavirus is a savage plot built by the West. Baloch shared his theory with respect to the pandemic. The economy was going to fall, and afterward they required some approach to manage the falling economy, he contemplated. The imam kept, perusing a Foreign Policy feature: Beijing Knows Who to Blame for the Virus: America. Okay, however we know whos behind [it], he stated, alluding to a Jewish scheme. Its not guiltless America. It could be said, you know, we realize who truly is behind it.

The Proffered Zero Carbon ‘Solution’ The Black Magicians Have Devised To The Exaggerated Climate, Russia, Cost Of Living And Economic Crises WILL ONLY MAKE THEM ALL WORSE The accelerationist pragmatists have learned from the pseudopandemic, because Covid-19 was a test of social responsibility. We performed well, jumping through all the required hoops on command, readying ourselves to receive our conditional rewards. Consequently, the accelerationist pragmatists are hopeful that we, as technoplastic beings, will easily adapt to our personal carbon dioxide allowances, which will be delivered by “advances in emerging technologies like AI, blockchain and digitization”. These will ensure that we are properly tracked and that our “ethical choices for consumption of product and services” are controlled appropriately. The global public-private partnership will “curate” us into “smart cities” where the AI grid will allow the “stakeholders” to pull the “the levers of cognitive enablement and social norms”. Gov-corp will provide the unthinking d mos with “tailored and timely advice on how to reduce their lifestyle emissions”. You might hope to escape this dystopian nightmare. The accelerationist pragmatists know of your human aspirations, long anticipated in science fiction, and that is why “all stakeholders across the value chain” are coming together to “contribute towards achieving a net-zero future by leaving no-one behind”. In one sense, the accelerationists are right. All of this is inevitable­if we continue to sleep-walk through our lives imagining that mummy and daddy state will look after us. They are also right that this is an emergency and that we must act. But they are the threat, and the cataclysm is of their design. It is true, we do have a choice. We can remain supine and accept our “scientifically-informed transformation”, or we can rise like lions and rage against the machine. It really is up to you. You are not alone, there are 7.8 billion of us; but the choice is yours alone, and hoping someone else will make it for you guarantees our collective accelerationist future.

Radio4All download pages
[right click to download]
#1 – Complete 4hr show – [right click to download]
Full interviews with…
#2 – Kees var der Pijl Bilderberg origins, Covid MH17 and the Pandemic of Angst 01:00:00


Tony’s new paperback and eBooks Traitors Of Arnhem, Siege Of Heaven; Siege Of Heaven Reader – all available for donation, or to buy, via
BCfm’s weekly Politics Show presented by Tony Gosling with Irish Republican Labour activist Martin Summers was forced off FM, now online only. We were ‘rested due to the pandemic’ on 24 March 2020 by BCfm charity ‘CEO’ Patrick Hart who is a longtime personal friend of Bristol’s all-powerful right-wing ‘Labour’ mayor Marvin Rees. This Internet only NOT The BCfm Politics Show is now available 17:00-c. 21:00 live on Fridays. Pat Hart replaced us with an inane student show repeating MSM stories called The Bristol Agenda. If you’d like to share your views on his deliberate dumbing-down mismanagement you can contact UK broadcasting regulator Ofcom or BCfm board chair and the ‘Don’ here.

February 2019 Ofcom complaint result: UKLFI exposed as creation of Israeli foreign ministryBristol Post article: BCfm cleared after being reported to Ofcom for anti-semitic conspiracy theories

4 Comments on “TONY’S 12.5 MILLION VIEWS PUBLIC ENQUIRY CHANNEL KILLED BY YOUTUBE: Apartheid Free Zones began in St Paul’s and spread to several other deprived parts of the UK such as Toxteth and Brixton – The White Establishment worked through people like the present mayor’s father Valentine Walker –.Community worker is [incredibly] cleared of machete attack on Rastafarian – Musician of the resistance Martin Noakes on Agenda 21, then Agenda 2050, Agenda 2030 –.Brighton musician Martin Noakes behind suppressed 9/11 and Covid blockbusters Christmas 2030 – Covid-19 The Musical – from September 2020 – Killer Killer Covid – John Hamer on his book ‘The Falsification of History, our distorted reality – –.Titanic Sinking Motive: Maritime Insurance Fraud One operation Morgan owned was International Mercantile Marines, a trust he’d formed to monopolize trade routes. –.Kees Van der Pijl talks about his book on the 2014 shoot-down of Malaysian Airlines MH-17 over Ukraine –.Was Covid Part Of WWIII, Instigated To Bring In Lockdowns – massive increase of debt – and Davos’ Global Reset. Global Vision 2000 – signs of the times and The Devils of Davos – with Moeen Yaseen –.The Proffered Zero Carbon ‘Solution’ ‘Accelerationist’ Black Magicians Have Devised To The Exaggerated Climate, Russia, Cost Of Living And Economic Crises WILL ONLY MAKE THEM ALL WORSE – NOT The BCfm Politics Show presented by Tony Gosling

    If Mr. Gosling has some doubts about what has prompted the YT [tyranical] decision & who namely forced your instantaneous [undemocratic & dictatorial] cancelation – I can give more than a hunch, quite a hint – the America’s #1 Uranium Company, that started it’s adz campaign in mid-October, by placing direct voiced text in the highest ranking YT-news outlets, like #REDACTED with the Morrises.
    The October 20th’s #REDACTED program by ex-FOXman Clayton Morris –

    – was for the first time ended by a despicable advertising on behalf & to the glory of America’s #1 Uranium Company, with his shilling of buying its insanely profitable shares, him calling to win over Putin’s supremacy in the nuclear industry. Buy american, help our Future …
    I got … speechless. Knowing that almost half of #Redacted was Natali Morris, a mother to his 3 children, I couldn’t help but deliver a … sort of predicatory using your YT-channel’s rather explosive counter-argument material, namely only 3 titles [not even links] to 3 interviews over 2-3 last years.
    I’m sorry & I’m prowd that it was an invincible argument. They played dirty, they played not square, they just buried it all, your YT-channel, as an accessible source was targeted before all.
    Now I’m kind of anxious about all three men’s lives. Because I’ve summarised the lethal threats & dangers, hidden & covered by the media & the world’s National Govts on the basis of
    « The 1966 Atomic energy Intl report » on the U.S. atomic bomb tests’ & nuclear plants’ impact on the health issues.
    1 « Cancer cover-ups by Govt & by Nuclear Industry » with Richard Bramhall, LLRC
    2 « Nuclear Power, The Silent Killer » with Dr. Ernest J. Sternglass on Radiation Cancers
    3 « Ionising Radiation & Cancer, … Hinkley Point C » with Chris Busby
    It’s war, alright — Elites VS Nations & Peoples. Who will dispose first of the others … Some of them will join the plebs, the prolos … Bob Fisher had been preaching for decades (!) that the Jewish Industrial & Financial elites [ci. 100 thousands] should be executed publicly (like in China & Saudi Arabia), and the rest of the criminal guilty [jewish] elites should be placed into camps to be reeducated by practicing …manual labour. He was young & he was late of almost half-of a century. Then Adolph must have got it in time – but he’d got it twisted & bangled wickedly. As if it had been planned beforehand for the bulk of humanity to march willfully into the synarchist technocrat olygarchical trap (whether it’s socialist or capitalist never mind – it’s still a double-entry vicious trap). Hitler & Stalin are absolute two-faced evils – so, embrace the Saviour, the world’s globalist Kings, the Medical Poisoners & Money Jews.

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