Bristol Clean Air Zone (CAZ) city centre toll to be introduced on 30th November – Tony’s BAT report criticising CAZ – Birmingham CAZ no pay – Over half of drivers refusing to pay Birmingham Clean Air Zone fines – ENERGY WARS: No Diesel So Freeze Europeans: even in theory, there are no viable oil-field reservoirs able to expand their production – 10 common logical CHAT fallacies a handy chart for sharing in groups – – Australian university study reveals massive number of pro-Ukraine ‘bots’ were unleashed at the beginning of the Ukraine war – Michael Tyler: Google’s War Algorithm exposed and Michael’s censored list of dead bankers – Open Verdict book by Tony Collins now editor of Computer Weekly – 27 UK military electronics murders in the 1980s – ICL – Ferranti – Plessey – COP27 the madness deepens – Replace animal farms with micro-organism tanks, says fake environmentalcampaigner Mark Lynas – Land Reform in Japan and South Korea – small farmers a basis for industrialisation. – Inside King Charles’ $25billion real estate empire – Forbes – but it’s still not enough, no, not enough! Kevin Cahill – First Bus to cut around 1,500 Bristol bus journeys every week ‘ghost buses’ formalised while clean air zone forces people out of their cars – How bad is Inflation? Not bad says Martin, but hang on VERY bad if benefits don’t rise in line with it – Post-1929 Wall Street crash ‘Massive but Passive’ shipbuilding town 1936 Jarrow marchers vs. more Communist party militant Wal Hannington and the 1930s Unemployed Workers Movement – Who Runs The World (2021) The Ruling Companies – Blackrock and Vanguard – Blackrock – who have taken over the Federal Reserve so they can bail out the companies they want – Privatisation grab dressed up as saving the planet – COP27 – The Ruling Company Whitney Webb and Iain Davis on what’s really going on – Sustainable Debt Slavery – Scott Ritter on Russian – no sorry – Ukrainian Missiles hitting Poland for a false flag during Bali’s G20 Summit – Kremlin: Zelensky’s Demand for Public Talks Shows He’s Not Serious – Lavrov press conference at G20 in Bali ignored by West’s media & The US was funding Anthrax labs in Ukraine Defense Department Records Reveal – Throwing some light on the three ‘unrelated’ gun crime arrests in New Zealand on the day of the Christchurch mosque massacre – Christchurch shooting: four arrests but only one man faces murder charges, what happened to the other three arrested? – A New Zealand man who met accused terrorist Brenton Tarrant at a rifle range has described the moment that left him “shaken” – Former NZ army machine gunner Pete Breidahl went to the Dunedin Police Station not long after and lodged a formal complaint with the arms officer – The Christchurch Nazi shooter’s ‘Black Sun’, I’d seen it on the paraphernalia of the far-right Azov movement in Ukraine! – The NATO HQ is made of sig-runes, origin of runes with Caananite Phoenicians, phonetic alphabet their greatest achievement. AND Phoenician Celts – EXCLUSIVE: Andy Gordon explains to Tony he saw a ‘neo-Nazi in uniform in the centre of Dunedin on the day of the Nazis’ Christchurch mosque massacre – Jerm Warfare: Tony Gosling talks to Jeremy about the history and effect today of secret societies – O9A Rising:More on the specific aims of the group most likely behind Christchurch, the Neo-Nazi Order of the Nine Angles – End Times Reports: New Zealand Minister Legend Barry Smith on the Great Pyramid – – NOT The BCfm Politics Show presented by Tony Gosling

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Part One News Review and Investigative Reports

Bristol Clean Air Zone (CAZ) city centre toll to be introduced on 30th November – BAT report criticising CAZ: The Bristol CAZ appears to have been drawn in an entirely arbitrary manner as a city centre toll, as evidenced by the Portway extension and the inclusion of potential routes around the zone placed inside the zone, ensuring the maximum traffic chaos, rat-running. Deliberate confusion is built into the proposed Bristol CAZ by not providing clear routes around the zone as best practice elsewhere in the UK and Europe. Project Management appears to have failed in this Bristol CAZ proposal as success/failure justification criteria appear to have been entirely ignored. Covid will definitely have had an impact on the data during 2020-21 with NO2 site samples being lower than expected but Covid has also caused a monumentous shift in working patterns of Bristolians, with a heavy shift to WFH, away from office working in the centre. The scale of the CAZ, paticularly its extension West, cannot be legally justified. Data presented here is showing a distinct downward trend anyway, and there is no clause in the CAZ, which there surely has to be if its about air quality, that switches it off once a trigger value is hit. The CAZ will likely take credit for any natural improvements and Bristolians will be stuck with a toll area introduced under the guise of health which the most wealthy, new vehicle owners, do not pay. As in London, Bristol has seen a general positive trend in air quality over the last decade, and whilst one can argue, as Friends of the Eartth and others did in 2018 that more measures were needed, as evidenced here, that is clearly no longer the case. Having happily set an upward trend in air quality no further measures are required as legal limits have now arguably been fully met. Any presently marginal air sample data, bearing in mind the legal requirement is averaged over a year, the overall downward trend will soon prove conclusive. This CAZ is neither required under the Clean Air Act (2010) nor legally justifiable.

Brum CAZ – no pay – -Over half of drivers refusing to pay Birmingham Clean Air Zone fines Around 50,000 Clean Air Zone fines have been dished out by Birmingham City Council this year Over half of the thousands of drivers being fined in Birmingham’s controversial Clean Air Zone every month are refusing to pay up, it has emerged. More than 1,600 fines have been issued every day on average this year as motorists in older, gas-guzzling motors continue to be caught out in huge numbers around the city centre. But many of those fined have refused to pay, analysis of the latest data has revealed. Of 54,734 drivers given penalties in August, only 23,099 paid them, just 42 per cent. The total was even lower in previous months. It suggests thousands of motorists have appealed CAZ fines or just ignored them altogether. Birmingham City Council previously admitted it would be impossible for it to recover all the cash it was owed in fines, because of the sheer amount of manpower involved in processing tens of thousands of cases. We revealed earlier this year how council bosses had been taken by surprise by just how many people would fail to understand the CAZ after around 400,000 more fines than expected were generated in the first eight months of the pay-as-you-drive scheme. The council predicted just 69,000 fines would be imposed – but that number was dwarfed by the actual figure of around 470,000. The authority raked in £20 million in that time and accepted it under-estimated the number of drivers who would pay the daily £8 charge levied on older cars. While the number of motorists misusing the zone is down from when it launched in June 2021, the total has remained stable at around 50,000 a month this year. Birmingham Clean Air Zone fines paid August 2022 – Fines 54,734 | Paid 23,099 July 2022 – Fines 52,017 | Paid 19,177 June 2022 – Fines 48,183 | Paid 17,617 May 2022 – Fines 55,237 | Paid 18,496 April 2022 – Fines 54,238 | Paid 14,612 The council said the figures for the number of fines paid were a “snapshot” and some penalties may have been paid at a later date or following the appeals process. It nonetheless shows many disgruntled drivers have tried to avoid paying. Birmingham Live has reported on numerous complaints from members of the public who feel they have been hard done by since the launch of the CAZ last year. The zone was launched with the aim of cutting pollution in and around the city centre and figures released earlier this year showed around 8,000 fewer cars and vehicles were passing through the area daily. But the huge number of breaches suggests many drivers are still confused, unsure of the rules or how to pay. The number of fines and confusion around the CAZ has prompted criticism but the city council’s environment boss Coun. Liz Clements defended the CAZ earlier this year, insisting it was doing what it was designed to by cutting pollution levels in the city. The city council did not respond to requests for comment.

No Diesel So Freeze Europeans: even in theory, there are no viable oil-field reservoirs able to expand their production for the enormous quantity and type of oil blends you need even if they wished to or if geopolitics allowed them. So what would happen then without massive amounts of high-quality diesel fuel that European transportation and industries require? There is no viable tanker fleet afloat either for such an unexpected and suddenly imposed massive supply-switch project, with complex geo-climatological access and serious sea lanes issues plus seasonal requirements with dedicated facilities yet to be designed, built, permitted, and commissioned, and with terribly limited installed infrastructure at key unloading ports from heavy-duty/heavy traffic roads to cranes and dedicated storage facilities. The same goes for nonexistent in-land logistics for delivery of such yet unknown boutique oil blends with still-to-be-seen minimum quality specs and anywhere near the enormous un-findable quantities as Europe requires no matter how you dice it or slice it or pray for it. None. Zero. Zilch. Nada. Just maybe some “fly-by-night” un-vetted headache providers. You are thus running around in circles with the very serious and certain risk of freezing and starving millions of Europeans to death very soon which Russian oil has solved for you for decades. And whichever narrative you choose, it will always be your own stupid needless fault, not Vladimir Putin´s for Heaven´s sake who is still willing to sell Russia´s oil to you with very important discounts, something which you should not ever take for granted despite Europe´s recent shameless robbery of legitimate Russian savings deposited at Western banks, including personal individual accounts and assets. So for your own benefit please stop the Russophobia right now, reverse the current unwarranted course 180 degrees, return the money robbed, by your own doing change your leadership ASAP, accept Russia´s territorial claims, accept the decline of Europe and the Western world at large, drop the Anglo-Saxon Brexitology superiority philosophy, guarantee Russia´s existential security and stop the shameful European nonsense now exposed for the world to see. Otherwise, enter your very own European angry pitchforks with lit torches that will fix this fast. Are you ready?

10 common logical CHAT fallacies – – chart for sharing in groups – 10 Common Logical Fallacies Everyone Should Know (With Examples) Have you ever lost an argument even though you knew you were right? There is a high chance that your opponent was ­ either deliberately or unknowingly ­ using logical fallacies to defeat you. More often than not, these flaws in reasoning play a role in arguments. They may be committed unintentionally due to a lack of argumentation skills, however, they are frequently used as a persuasion strategy for one’s personal advantage. For instance, in domains such as politics and advertising, logical fallacies are used skillfully to influence the audience’s opinion and behavior. Understanding how fallacies work and knowing how to spot them in a discussion can be a useful skill for almost anyone: It can lead to personal empowerment by helping you to form better, more persuasive arguments, as well as defend yourself from people who wish to influence your thinking in a way that may be against your best interests. To help you begin your learning journey, or to refresh your memory, here’s a list of 10 fallacies that are among the most common ones. 1. Ad Hominem 2. Straw Man 3. Appeal to Authority 4. Slippery Slope 5. The Bandwagon 6. Appeal to Ignorance 7. False Dilemma 8. Hasty Generalization 9. The Red Herring Fallacy 10. Appeal to Tradition

Australian university study reveals massive number of pro-Ukraine ‘bots’ were unleashed at the beginning of the Ukraine war.  Massive Anti-Russian ‘Bot Army’ Exposed by Australian Researchers An Australian university has unearthed millions of Tweets by fake ‘bot’ accounts pushing disinformation on the Ukraine war. A team of researchers at the University of Adelaide have found that as many as 80 percent of tweets about the 2022 Russia-Ukraine invasion in its early weeks were part of a covert propaganda campaign originating from automated fake ‘bot’ accounts. An anti-Russia propaganda campaign originating from a ‘bot army’ of fake automated Twitter accounts flooded the internet at the start of the war. The research shows of the more than 5-million tweets studied, 90.2 percent of all tweets (both bot and non-bot) came from accounts that were pro-Ukraine, with fewer than 7 percent of the accounts being classed as pro-Russian. The university researchers also found these automated tweets had been purposely used to drive up fear amongst people targeted by them, boosting a high level of statistically measurable ‘angst’ in the online discourse. The research team analysed a massively unprecedented 5,203,746 tweets, sent with key hashtags, in the first two weeks of the Russian invasion of Ukraine from 24 February this year. The researchers considered predominately English-language accounts, with a calculated 1.8-million unique Twitter accounts in the dataset posting at least one English-language tweet. The results were published in August in a research paper, titled “#IStandWithPutin versus #IStandWithUkraine: The interaction of bots and humans in discussion of the Russia/Ukraine war“, by the University of Adelaide’s School of Mathematical Science.

Michael Tyler: Google’s War Algorithm uncoveredMichael’s  list of dead bankers. Google’s ‘alt-media off button’ for forthcoming war That’s right. If ain’t saying what we wanted, we’re going to turn it OFF. My site, like many other sites, blog, youtubers and other purveyors of ‘unique’ content felt the force of Google’s altered algorithms, robots and other nobs and whistles, as well as the hoards of employees sequenced to vet content and content makers responsible for publishing material not in the ‘public interest’. Have no doubt this is the case. So Google drafted in a massive change with this update. ‘tuber’s, bloggers, non-MSM news sites. They all took a hit. And why? Because they were publishing ‘controversial content’. ‘Shitty’ journalism. Stuff with funny jpg’s. Bits and pieces about China. Talking about cabbage?! No really, talking about cabbage could have got your content banned. I did a post on it here, Google demonetized a number of youtube stars . They hit popular content with massive penalties; demoting searches for the domain itself and banning images hosted on the domain from showing up on image-search. What is know as ‘shadow-banning’, partially banning content, making it available for some users and not for others.

Open Verdict book by Tony Collins now editor of Computer Weekly – 27 UK military electronics murders in the 1980s – ICL – Ferranti – Plessey – foreign acquisition of UK defence electronics Cryptocurrency crashes – –  Roberto Calvi from the Vatican Bank found in the 1980s hanging dead under Blackfriars Bridge – 1953.00-Dr Frank Olson [died after LSD administered] • 1956.00-Buster Crabbe [presumed dead] w: diver and underwater EW expert • 1973.00-Gerard Jack Darlow 22 stabbed h Chelmsford • 1973.00-Robert Wilson 43 [shot himself with .45 revolver, lived; d in car] • 1982.00-Ernest Brockway 43 w Irton Moor CGHQ Long range tech search HF radio • 1982.07-Jack Wolfenden 56 [glider crash] w GCHQ radio operator h Cheltenham • 1983.00-Dennis Skinner [fall] w ICL and Midland Bank in USSR; awarded MBE • 1983.00-Stephen Drinkwater 25 [Plastic bag over head] w GCHQ • 1983.04-Lt-Col Anthony Godley 49 [disappeared] w R. Mil. College of Science • 1984.03-Hilda Murrell [d MI5 contract killer?] • 1984.04-George Franks 58 [d in unusual circumstances] w ‘radio specialist’ • 1984.06?-Barrie Peachman [d suicide] w: private detective in Norfolk area • 1985.00-Stephen Oke 35 [d found hanging from beam] w ‘clerical duties @ GCHQ’ • 1985.11-Jonathan Wash 29 [d balcony fall] w Telecom, Abidjan, Ivory Coast • 1986.01-Dr John Brittan 52 [d car crash] w Military Vehicles l Camberley • 1986.04-Vimal Bhagvani Dajibhai 24 [d] Lived Kenton. W Croxley Green • 1986.10-Arshad Sharif 26 [d] Coroner Donald Hawkins • 1987.00-Trevor Knight 52 [d Car fumes] h Harpenden,w Marconi,Crox.Gn,Stanmore • 1987.01-Avtar Singh-Gida 26 [disappeared]; found in Paris after police leak • 1987.01-Richard Pugh 26 [d tied up, bag on head] w def comms h Loughton • 1987.02-Peter Peapell 46 [d under car] w Lecturer at R Mil Coll of Science • 1987.03-David Sands 37 [d Car U-turn, crash] w [ADCIS] Easams, part GEC • 1987.04-David Greenhalgh 46 [d multiple injuries] w: ICL, Winnersh • 1987.04-Mark Wisner 24 [d clingfilm round face] w A&AEE l ?Boscombe Down • 1987.04-Shani Warren 26 [d Found bound, drowned] w Micro Scope • 1987.04-Stuart Gooding 23 [d Cyprus: lorry hit car] w R Mil. Coll. of Science • 1987.04-Victor Moore 46 [d overdose; prob genuine suicide] w Marconi • 1987.05-Michael Baker 22 [d car crash; 2 passengers OK] SAS. w Poole • 1988.00-Alistair Beckham [d 1988] electrocuted by mains. w Plessey, Addlestone • 1988.00-Brig Peter Ferry [Car hit -twice- by trucks; d mains] w Marconi

COP27 the madness deepens – Replace animal farms with micro-organism tanks, say campaigners = Advocates of plant-based protein say 75% of world’s farmland should be rewilded to reduce emissions – 3/4 of the world’s farmland should be rewilded – ‘Environmentalist’ Mark Lynas whos friendly with George Monbiot fron their days in Oxford bagged a nice internet job at ‘’ – there is enough food – its just maldistributed – subsistence farming for the market giving land to small farmers so they don’t need to grab rainforest will save rainforests in Brazil – Don’t rewild the Amazon, just leave it alone.  Replace animal farms with micro-organism tanks, say campaigners Advocates of plant-based protein say 75% of world’s farmland should be rewilded to reduce emissions Enough protein to feed the entire world could be produced on an area of land smaller than London if we replace animal farming with factories producing micro-organisms, a campaign has said. The Reboot Food manifesto argues that three-quarters of the world’s farmland should be rewilded instead. Emissions from livestock farming account for at least 16.5% of the planet’s greenhouse gases, according to a study. A number of experts have been calling for a reduction in animal protein in our diets. Henry Dimbleby, the UK government’s food tsar, has suggested people eat 30% less animal protein, and replace meat and dairy with plant-based protein. About 85% of agricultural land in England is used for pasture for grazing animals such as cows or to grow food that is then fed to livestock. Vegan activists are protesting at the Cop27 climate conference in Sharm el-Sheikh, Egypt, arguing that animal agriculture is a big contributor of greenhouse gas emissions. The climate author Mark Lynas said: “The mainstream environmental movement’s agricultural policies are making things worse not better. Organic and ‘regenerative’ farming methods encourage agricultural sprawl and have become smokescreens for the livestock industry. It’s time for sensible environmentalists to unite behind food production techniques that use less land, not more.” The campaign, being launched at Cop27, asks for 10 policies world governments should adopt, including investing 2.5% of GDP over 10 years into food innovation, ending all subsidies for animal agriculture and subsidising plant-based foods instead, banning the advertising of carbon-intensive meat, limiting patents on new food technology and legalising gene-editing.

Land Reform in Japan and South Korea – small farmers a basis for industrialisation. Redistributive land reforms implemented in post-WWII Japan, South Korea, and Taiwan have often been considered a substantial stimulus for these countries’ subsequent economic growth. Before the reforms, there were a small number of large landlords and many small tenant cultivators, but after the reforms, tenancy effectively disappeared. This article assesses the impact of reforms on structural change and income per capita, and shows that reforms were responsible for at least half of the actual reallocation of labor out of agriculture in each of these countries in the aftermath of the reforms. By contrast, their impact on income per capita was small. In Japan, South Korea and Taiwan, agrarian reform helped to consolidate capitalism. It underwrote rapid industrialisation, with reforms driven from above by authoritarian states, backed by occupying United States forces. This was designed to pre-empt a turn to communism. Powerful landlords were expropriated and their land redistributed to tenants. Technological innovation raised productivity. But the capitalists ended up appropriating the agricultural surplus. This process was made possible by administered prices, taxation and supplies of cheap rural labour to emerging industries.

Inside King Charles – $25billion real estate empire – Forbes –  but it’s still not enough, no, not enough! Kevin Cahill will have helped dig these property holdings out as the royals’ info is not available from any FOI requests. Will Buckingham Palace be sold off by Prince Charles to boost his financial empire. Can palaces be used to house people? Just Stop Oil = Just Reduce Living Standards – Martin suggests that without farming subsidies farmers will go bankrupt – Inside King Charles III’s $25 Billion Real Estate Empire The new British monarch lords over seven palaces, 10 castles, 12 homes, 56 cottages, and 14 ancient ruins where he can hang up his crown. Charles III’s official coronation may not occur until May 6, but the new British monarch has already inherited a $25 billion real estate portfolio fit for a king. When he acceded the throne in September, the 73-year-old sovereign assumed control of a $42 billion empire, much of it in real estate. Forbes scoured property records, annual reports, audits, archives and legislative documents to find all of the king’s new possessions. His holdings span from Buckingham Palace­the official headquarters of the monarchy, which Forbes estimates is worth $4.9 billion­to Highgrove House, a country residence in Gloucestershire that Charles first purchased in 1980 for £865,000 ($3.7 million today,) now valued at $39 million. Although he has only had the crown for a few weeks, Charles is expected to break with seven generations of tradition and reject Buckingham Palace as his London residence to remain in his current home at Clarence House (estimated value: $72 million.) But he will also reportedly continue to spend some time at Highgrove. That means he’ll have to pay about $740,000 in annual rent to his son William, who succeeded him as Prince of Wales and Duke of Cornwall and now holds Highgrove under the Duchy of Cornwall. KING OF THESE CASTLES Charles III’s $25 billion real estate empire is spread across the United Kingdom as well as two cottages in Transylvania. Here are all the properties where he can stow thrones. Those properties are part of a vast collection of at least seven palaces, 10 castles, 12 homes, 56 holiday cottages and 14 ancient ruins, per Forbes’ count. Aside from Balmoral Castle in Scotland and Sandringham House in Norfolk, which he inherited from the Queen and now personally owns, none of these opulent residences and historic monuments are directly owned by the King. Most are held by the Crown Estate, the Duchy of Lancaster and the Duchy of Cornwall, institutions held “in right of the Crown” for the duration of his reign. Others are controlled by the monarchy itself “in trust” for his successors and the nation, while another four properties are held by two foundations which the King established when he was Prince of Wales.

First Bus to cut around 1,500 bus journeys every week ‘ghost buses’ formalised – citing driver shortages – will affect 19 routes across the city, which is most buses – maybe First Bus should pay drivers more and shareholders less? First Bus to cut almost 1,500 journeys in Bristol each week The cuts affect 19 routes across Bristol A bus operator is slashing almost 1,500 city services each week as it struggles with driver shortages. The cuts will affect 19 routes across Bristol immediately and are expected to last until at least 2 April. The news comes less than two weeks before the Clean Air Zone (CAZ) comes into force. First Bus said it regretted the cuts, adding it was making the announcement “to make it easier for travel plans to be adjusted”. According to BBC West’s calculations, the cuts will mean 1,492 fewer bus journeys in Bristol each week. Axed journeys will show as cancelled on the First Bus app, as well as on the information screens at bus stops, the operator said.

How bad is Inflation? VERY bad if benefits don’t rise in line with it families will starve. QE should go to the rich, not to the poor. Benefit goes to the Tory voting buy-to-let landlords. Ever increasing numbers becoming dependent on benefits while golf club members are being subsidised by the state. Poorest households hit hardest as inflation reaches 41-year high The inflation gap between the richest and poorest is the largest seen since March 2009 as the costs of essentials soar The poorest in the UK are facing higher inflation rates than the rest of the population due to soaring costs of food and energy, new Office for National Statistics (ONS) figures show. Inflation hit 11.1 per cent in the year up to October 2022, a figure not seen in 41 years. But prices are rising even faster for low-income households – by nearly 12 per cent for the families who have the least. The costs of essentials are soaring at higher rates, and low-income families typically spend a greater proportion on these items. The most significant driver of inflation over the year up to October was the rise in gas prices by 36.9 per cent. Electricity prices also increased by 16.9 per cent. And food and drink prices are up by 16.4 per cent. Energy, food, and drink tends to reflect a greater proportion of low-income households’ spending, with around 15.2 per cent of total expenditure on these categories for low-income groups and 10.4 per cent for high-income groups.

Post-1929 Wall Street crash ‘Massive but Passive’ shipbuilding town 1936 Jarrow marchers vs. more Communist party militant Wal Hannington and the 1930s Unemployed Workers Movement thousands lied down in Oxford Street and Whitehall. Mass unemployment perfect for recruiting the population into the armed forces to fight a world war.  Wal Hannington was an infamous leader of unemployed struggles in Britain between the wars. He was born on 17th June 1896 in Randall Street, Camden Town, London into a large family, his father being a bricklayer. Relatives of one Herbert Hannington, suspect that Wal was his uncle, in which case Wal’s father would have been Louis Hannington, born in Chalk Farm. [Information supplied by Vicki Edwards.] He was apprenticed to a toolmaker at 14 and joined the Toolmakers’ Society during the 1914-18 War, and married his wife, Winnie, in 1917. He joined the British Socialist Party during this period and became a member of the Toolmakers’ London committee. He went over to the Amalgamated Engineering Union in the 1920 merger and was a founder member and life long Communist Party member. Made unemployed during the 1921 slump, he helped found the National Unemployed Workers’ Committee Movement (NUWM), which organised hunger marches and other activities to draw attention to the consequences of unemployment. Hannington was National Organiser of the NUWM from its formation at the International Socialist Club, City Road, Hoxton, on the 15th April 1921. In 1922, as the leading figure in the national hunger march on London, he was arrested in Leicester and jailed for a month. While in gaol he stood for Parliament as the Communist candidate for Bermondsey West. With 11 other Communists, he was sentenced in 1925 to three years imprisonment. In the general election of 1929 he stood as Communist candidate at Wallsend. Hannington successfully prosecuted Lord Trenchard, then Chief Commissioner of the Metropolitan Police, and two policemen for wrongfully breaking into the offices of the NUWM in Great Russell St, London, and was awarded damages. [Pic right: Hannington on an unemployed lobby of No 10 Downing St in 1931 – he had been recently beaten by a police truncheon.] In his autobiography, he vividly describes the endless demands of local authorities, the deputations to the TUC, fights with the police, local and national Hunger Marches. He recounts dramatic episodes involving fake coffins and occupations of salubrious restaurants of the rich. He organised a series of activities, including a lie-down in Oxford Street, to illustrate the effects of unemployment. He was sent to prison for several months, after an unemployed march on Parliament in 1932, as “a disturber of the peace “. Hannington led the very last Hunger march, which took place in October/November 1936, and led the NUWM until its effective end in 1939.

Who Runs The World (2021) The Ruling Companies – Blackrock and Vanguard – a reminder that they own the world from – stock swaps – companies ploughing profits back into buying up their own shares to boost their value. Vanguard is a private company which owns much of Blackrock’s shares but who knows who owns Vanguard shares? Nobody because it is a private company and shareholders are private. Rather like Bristol’s Merchant Venturers whose shareholdings are opaque.

Blackrock – who have taken over the Federal Reserve so they can bail out the companies they want – ie. their own companies – FII ESG London – May 2022 – S010 – How Asset Managers / Sovereign Wealth Funds Are Financing the Future of ESG – CEO of ‘The Ruling Company’ Larry Fink on the energy transition (in US parlance a ‘fink’ is someone who breaks strikes or ‘scab’ in English) John Deleterious pronounces the word nuclear, wrongly ‘nucular’ Sustainable Development Goals (STG) and Environmental Social Governance (ESG) Sovereign Wealth Funds Dramatically Step Up Their Focus on ESG Some of the world’s most influential investors have turned a corner in sustainable finance, survey shows. AES Tiete Solar Farm As Latin America Sets Record For Clean EneSovereign wealth funds are starting to take environmental, social and corporate governance issues a lot more seriously, in a sign that some of the world’s most influential investors may be ready to reallocate their vast fortunes in more planet-friendly ways. Over 70% of sovereign funds surveyed by the International Forum of Sovereign Wealth Funds and the One Planet Sovereign Wealth Funds group said they now incorporate ESG “considerations” in their investment process, up from just 24% a year earlier, according to a report published on Thursday. At the same time, 41% said they were planning on “upskilling” their investment teams on ESG topics, while 38% said they were either expanding or establishing a dedicated ESG team. ESG investing has morphed from a niche theory to a $35 trillion market, with investors of all stripes jumping on the bandwagon amid pressure from clients, shareholders and regulators to take climate change and social justice into account. Sovereign funds, most of which were set up by petrostates, have been among the slowest movers with the governments that oversee them often failing to set greener investment mandates.

Privatisation grab dressed up as saving the planet – COP27 – The Ruling Company – SELLING STOCK IN YOURSELF! Whitney Webb and Iain Davis on what’s really going on – Sustainable Debt Slavery – In this first instalment of a new series, Iain Davis and Whitney Webb explore how the UN’s “sustainable development” policies, the SDGs, do not promote “sustainability” as most conceive of it and instead utilise the same debt imperialism long used by the Anglo-American Empire to entrap nations in a new, equally predatory system of global financial governance. The UN’s 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development is pitched as a “shared blueprint for peace and prosperity for people and the planet, now and into the future.” At the heart of this agenda are the 17 Sustainable Development Goals, or SDGs. Many of these goals sound nice in theory and paint a picture of an emergent global utopia – such as no poverty, no world hunger and reduced inequality. Yet, as is true with so much, the reality behind most – if not all – of the SDGs are policies cloaked in the language of utopia that – in practice – will only benefit the economic elite and entrench their power. This can clearly be seen in fine print of the SDGs, as there is considerable emphasis on debt and on entrapping nation states (especially developing states) in debt as a means of forcing adoption of SDG-related policies. It is then little coincidence that many of the driving forces behind SDG-related policies, at the UN and elsewhere, are career bankers. Former executives at some of the most predatory financial institutions in the history of the world, from Goldman Sachs to Bank of America to Deutsche Bank, are among the top proponents and developers of SDG-related policies. Are their interests truly aligned with “sustainable development” and improving the state of the world for regular people, as they now claim? Or do their interests lie where they always have, in a profit-driven economic model based on debt slavery and outright theft? 

Bitchute video of complete show – Essentials: Michael Hudson; Tony on Brexit


Part Two – Ukraine/Covid/Climate Round-Up With End Times Prophecy Reports

Scott Ritter on Russian – no sorry – Ukrainian Missiles hitting Poland for a false flag at Bali’s G20 Summit –Ritter called the incident in Poland part of a scheme to involve NATO in the conflict in Ukraine Former US intelligence officer Scott Ritter said in an interview with RT that all accusations of the alleged fall of a Russian missile in Poland are part of a scheme to involve NATO in the Ukrainian conflict. He said that Ukraine, Poland and the Baltic countries are prone to overreacting to any incident that could justify NATO’s involvement in a conflict. “This is a storm in a teacup. I think any examination will clearly show that it was a Ukrainian weapon. In addition, NATO has exhaustive evidence that Russia has nothing to do with it, ”Ritter said. According to him, “the most they can hope for is the conclusion that Ukraine was forced to launch these missiles in self-defense.” Earlier, the Russian Ministry of Defense called the allegations of the Polish media and officials about the “missile incident” a provocation. At the same time, the press secretary of the President of Russia Dmitry Peskov stressed that the Russian side had nothing to do with what happened. On November 16, Polish President Andrzej Duda said that there is a high probability that the rocket that fell on the territory of the country belonged to the Ukrainian air defense forces.

Kremlin: Zelensky’s Demand for Public Talks Shows He’s Not Serious Zelensky says he received ‘signals’ from the West that Putin wants talks by Dave DeCamp Posted on November 17, 2022Categories NewsTags Russia, Ukraine The Kremlin said on Thursday that Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky’s calls for public negotiations with Russia show that he’s not serious about pursuing diplomacy. “Public negotiations are hard to imagine in the first place. No talks can be held publicly, let alone negotiations in such a field. One thing is clear: Ukraine does not want to engage in talks, the special military operation marches on and its goals must be achieved,” Kremlin spokesman Dmitry Peskov said, according to TASS. Peskov was responding to comments Zelensky made a day earlier. The Ukrainian leader said that he received “signals” from his Western backers that Russian President Vladimir Putin desires direct negotiations with Kyiv. Zelensky said he proposed a public format because “Russia is waging a public war.”

Lavrov press conference at G20 in Bali ignored by West’s media what does he make of Zelensky’s G20 speech NATO’s new training programme for the Ukrainian Army?  Russian FM Lavrov Holds Press Conference at G20 Summit in Indonesia Earlier in the day, the Russian foreign minister held talks with his Chinese counterpart Wang Yi and UN Secretary-General Antonio Guterres, and participated in two working sessions of the G20 event. Sputnik is live from Bali, Indonesia, where Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov is giving a press conference after he conducted several meetings during day one of the G20 summit. Lavrov is heading the Russian delegation at the 17th summit of the organization. The G20 (Group of 20) is an intergovernmental forum of the most developed economies, which consists of 19 countries and the European Union. The group accounts for 85% of the global GDP, 75% of international trade and two-thirds of the world population.

The US was funding Anthrax labs in Ukraine – Defense Department Records Reveal U.S. Funding of Anthrax Laboratory Activities in Ukraine Washington, D.C. – Judicial Watch announced today it received 345 pages of records from the Defense Threat Reduction Agency (DTRA), a component of the U.S. Department of Defense, revealing that the United States funded anthrax laboratory activities in a Ukrainian biolab in 2018. Dozens of pages are completely redacted, and many others are heavily redacted. The records show over $11 million in funding for the Ukraine biolabs program in 2019. The records were obtained in response to a February 28, 2022, Judicial Watch Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) request to the Defense Threat Reduction Agency for records regarding the funding of Black & Veatch involving work of any manner with biosafety laboratories in the country of Ukraine. Three phases of work are discussed in the records, several of which are indicated to have occurred “on site” at the Ukrainian labs. The Defense Threat Reduction Agency provided a report titled “PACS [Pathogen Asset Control System] at the [redacted (b)(3), which exempts information from disclosure when a foreign government or international organization requests the withholding, or the national security official concerned has specified in regulations that the information’s release would have an adverse effect on the U.S. government’s ability to obtain similar information in the future] Phase 2 On-the-Job Training Report, December 11-13/December 26, 2018” The Executive Summary includes information regarding “on-site” activities, likely referring to a Ukrainian biolab: PACS [Pathogen Asset Control System] on-the-job training was conducted for users of the [redacted (b)(3)] on December 11-13, under Phase 2 implementation activities, Anthrax Laboratory activities were conducted on December 28, 2018. PACS existing configuration and customization were checked jointly with the on-site PACS Working Group Phase 1 implementation activities including progress and current status were reviewed; issues and problems discussed and resolved; Standard Operating Procedure (SOP) for PACS use at [redacted (b)(3)] was updated to include Subculturing Operation process – the updated SOP submitted to the on-site Working Group.

Throwing some light – we hope – on the three arrests in New Zealand on Friday 15 March 2019 which was the day of the Christchurch mosque massacre – APART from the alleged lone wolf – two men and one woman – NZ police quickly decided they had nothing to do with it – we hear from Dunedin resident Andy Gordon – –  Perhaps Tarrants cover required a low-rent approach, a white supremacist mass shooter persona and a script that didnt make it too hard for the worlds national security blankets the news to amplify, without having to explain difficult devilish details. For instance, the mass shooters timing was very coincidental because it occurred when the Police, the SAS and the Air Force were all involved in multi-national training exercises. And perhaps his training at the Bruce Rifle Club in Milburn, near Milton in South Otago were part of the cover to hide a possible military-intelligence background. And the uncanny timing live-fed massacre that went viral on social media ahead of the March 27 passage in the European Parliaments Strasbourg session of ACTA2, a legislative move which has paved the way for a Europe-wide upload filter on internet content.[42] The European Union is now obliged to fund an AI super infrastructure that will automatically censor online content before it is posted. Moreover, the Christchurch mass shooting resulted in a meet-up between Prime Minister Jacinda Ardern, French President Emmanuel Macron who faces sustained dissent from the Yellow Vests movement with tech giants such as Facebook founder Mark Zuckerberg at a summit, dubbed Christchurch Call, on May 15 in Paris. There at Elysee Palace, an accord to address internet extremism including terrorist content was initiated between Facebook, Twitter, YouTube, Google, Amazon, Microsoft, Daily Motion and Qwant, as well as 17 governments Australia, Canada, the European Commission, France, Germany, Indonesia, India, Ireland, Italy, Japan, Jordan, The Netherlands, New Zealand, Norway, Senegal, Spain, Sweden, and the United Kingdom. Notably, the United States did not sign the accord, evidently due to issues that endorsing algorithm regimes would raise with 1st Amendment free speech rights. Therefore, under the cover of stopping the distribution of extremism and terrorist content online, the working class white supremacists terrorism video and extremist manifesto have paved the way for internet censorship measures that the governments and transnationals whom comprise the US/NATO military empire have struggled for years to justify, get passed or agree to implement. The so-called white supremacists censored manifesto, therefore, reads like a try-hard booklet written by deep state script-writers desperate to make it look like it was written by a lone wolf terrorist. For instance, the manifesto attributed to Tarrant claims he is a Navy Seal graduate, trained in gorilla [sic] warfare and the U.S. armed forces top sniper, with over 300 confirmed kills. These are big claims to make. Threateningly, he claimed to be in contact with his secret network of spies across the USA who were tracking everyones IP addresses who dared to describe him as a bigot, racist, xenophobe, islamaphobe, nazi, fascist! Curiously, these claims, threats and the spectre of a U.S.-based national fascist network do not appear to have been reported in New Zealands news media. Indeed, his selection of N.Z. for a mass shooting may also be a tell of a black propaganda psy-op, since the gunmans manifesto had geopolitical aims that suggest it might have been authored by Deep State scriptwriters.

Christchurch shooting: four arrests but only one man faces murder charges, what happened to the other three arrested? ….. THEIR NATIONALITIES? DID THEY HAVE AUTOMATIC WEAPONS? WHAT WERE THE LOCATIONS OF THESE THREE ARRESTS? One woman and two other men were also arrested and held in custody in relation to the attacks, reports the NZ Herald. The woman has been released without charge. The man who was in a vehicle with the woman has been charged with firearms offences and will appear in the Christchurch District Court on Monday.
An 18-year-old man, who was not connected to the couple, will also appear in Christchurch District Court on Monday for possessing a firearm. Police say they do not believe either men were involved in the attacks. 

‘Fruit loop’: Dunedin hunters reveal how Brenton Tarrant acted at rifle range – A New Zealand man who met accused terrorist Brenton Tarrant at a rifle range has described the moment that left him “shaken”…… The post, from November 2017, talks about members of the rifle club and how “one in particular had me really worried”. has confirmed the man being referred to is Brenton Tarrant. It reads: “He was complaining about skateboarding kids at the uni saying if they can carry their boards then he should be allowed to carry a gun.” A Facebook respondent in the same forum replied, “I’d make a call to the arms officer the guy sounds like a fruit loop”. The hunter updated the post on Saturday, saying, “I’d warned the police about the rifle club where he trained … un f***ing believable.” He claims police told him “they are a strange bunch” but “they are harmless enough”. He said: “My day with (Tarrant) had me shaken to say the least.”Dunedin hunter Tristan, 34, who had a polite nodding acquaintance with Tarrant over the last two years, described to the behaviour which alarmed him. “He shot like he meant it and with high powered [weapons]. You don’t need all that for hunting animals, which we do humanely,” Tristan said.

‘We don’t breed mass killers’: Accused Christchurch shooter’s gun club – A former military machine gunner who visited the gun club where the mosque terror suspect trained says he was deeply troubled by its culture and lodged a complaint with police. Tarrant lived in Dunedin and was a member of the Bruce Rifle Club in Milburn near Milton, in South Otago. Pete Breidahl, 40, a former member of the New Zealand Defence Force, says he attended the club on three occasions, the last of which was in November, 2017, and overheard members talking about mass shootings, the zombie apocalypse and Martin Bryant, the man responsible for the Port Arthur Massacre. He was concerned the ethos at the club was the “perfect breeding ground” for a mass shooter and lodged a formal complaint with the police. “Forty nine New Zealanders got killed and I’m pretty f…ing upset about it. I think it could have been prevented.” While living in Dunedin, he said he went to the Bruce Rifle Club three times. The first two visits were to check the range out and zero a rifle. The third, in November, 2017, was a military shoot day. “The conversations I had and the people I met literally terrified me to my core and I left early. “The place just stunk of inadequacy compensated through use and ownership of semi automatic firearms. It was pretty f…ing disturbing.” He said he went to the Dunedin Police Station not long after and lodged a formal complaint with the arms officer. “I was advised they were well aware of the Bruce Rifle Club – ‘they’re just a bunch of silly old duffers, that’s just what they’re like down there, they’re a bit funny but it’s nothing to worry about’.”

The Christchurch shooting, Eastern Europe’s far-right and a ‘cherry-picked reading of history’ ABC Radio National – By freelancer contributor Michael Colborne for Late Night Live It was the first thing I noticed as news of the Christchurch shooting came in — the patch on the back of the shooter’s rucksack, something that was also emblazoned on the cover of the rambling manifesto. It was far from the first time I’d seen it. I’d seen it on t-shirts sold by far-right fashion brands in France. I’d seen it in photos of shields held by white supremacists at the violent “Unite the Right” rally in Charlottesville in 2017. And, here in Ukraine, I’d seen it on the paraphernalia of the far-right Azov movement. It’s a sonnenrad (sunwheel) or black sun: a symbol commonly used by the far-right, including outright neo-Nazis, originally adapted from a mosaic on the floor on the SS Generals’ Hall. Seeing it in the context of Christchurch reminded me of just how interconnected the global far-right has become. I see it on Azov’s patches, being worn by soldiers, and even used as decoration in one of their social centres. I saw it last night as several hundred Azov movement members, many of them teenagers, marched through the Ukrainian capital; I lost count of how many black sun patches and tattoos I saw. I’ve seen it on stickers on lampposts around Kiev, promoting a group called “WotanJugend” — a neo-Nazi group with roots in Russia but now based in Kiev. “Blood, fatherland, faith,” the stickers say in Russian, with a black sun and the groups’ logo, a Tyr-rune: a symbol graduates from Nazi academies once wore around their arms.

The sig-rune, NATO HQ, the origin of runes with the Phoenicians, phonetic alphabet their greatest achievement. AND Phoenician Celts – WotanJugend has connections with the Azov movement — you can buy WotanJugend shirts, emblazoned with black suns and runic imagery used by the SS, from a small shop inside Azov’s Cossack House in central Kiev. And WotanJugend knows about the Christchurch shooting. On their website, they’ve got the manifesto translated into Russian, and they link to the live-streamed videos of the shooting. They even have a post discussing the shooter, where they describe what he did in Christchurch and praise him openly for it. I won’t quote directly, but suffice to say these Ukraine-based neo-Nazis think the Christchurch tragedy was totally justified — for them, the shooter is a hero.

Andy Gordon told Tony he saw a ‘neo-Nazi in uniform in the centre of Dunedin on the day of the attack and presumed he was working with the killer because of the timing. Nearly 50 dead in terror attack by white supremacists at New Zealand mosques One Australian politician, Fraser Anning, provoked outrage by saying that immigration was to blame for the atrocity. Four people were taken into custody following the incident on Friday. The man who claimed responsibility for the shooting said he was 28-year-old white Australian who came to New Zealand only to plan and train for the attack. He said he was not a member of any organisation, but had donated to and interacted with many nationalist groups, though he acted alone and no group ordered the attack. He said the mosques in Christchurch and Linwood would be the targets, as would a third mosque in the town of Ashburton if he could make it there. He said he chose New Zealand because of its location, to show that even the most remote parts of the world were not free of ‘mass immigration’.

Jerm Warfare: Tony Gosling on secret societies [subscribe to view or will be free in about a week’s time] Secret societies have existed for a long time and have played influential roles in global affairs, says historian Tony Gosling. And their historical significance dates back a very long time. Thousands of years, in fact. Not so secret Of course, everybody knows about the “mainstream” secret societies that are no longer secret societies, such as the Bilderberg Group (whose existence was officially denied for decades, as Daniel Estulin said on my podcast). Freemasonry is another one of the popular kids that everybody knows about. The Illuminati’s existence, says Tony, is a bit more tricky since everybody knows the name but nobody can be sure if the society is still around in any meaningful way. Secret societies have featured most (if not all) American presidents and royals. Some of the slightly lesser known societies might include the Knights Templar, the Bavarian Illuminati and the Skull And Bones.

O9A Rising: The Spread of Britain’s Occultist Militant Group – FULL POPULAR FRONT PODCAST (and see below) – And more on the specific aims of the group most likely behind it the Neo-Nazi Order of the Nine Angles with Centre For Investigative Journalism’s Daniel de Simone We speak to journalist Daniel De Simone about how a militant occult order from the UK has begun influencing far-right terrorist groups all over the world –  The Order of Nine Angles is a Nazi-Satanist “group” (or Nazi Occult as they prefer to describe themselves) that promotes a supernatural, hateful system of thought which condemns liberal, Judeo-Christian society and longs for a new imperial age created by a ludicrous sub-Nietzschean superman figure called ‘Vindex.’ Ultimately, the O9A elite aspires to colonise the solar system. The racist order deifies Hitler and the Third Reich, which are regarded as having attempted to create a “Satanic empire” in order to achieve the destiny of the western world. Much of the O9A writings and activities appear on the surface quite comical. The chanting, the dressing up, the rituals. The Mass of Heresy, contained within the ONA’s Black Book of Satan, is performed before an altar adorned with a swastika banner, a framed photograph of Hitler and a copy of Mein Kampf. With black candles and incense of Mars burning, the congregation, dressed in black robes, chant: We believe Adolf Hitler was sent by our gods To guide us to greatness. We believe in the inequality of the races And in the right of the Aryans to live According to the laws of the folk.

End Times Reports: New Zealand Minister Legend Barry Smith on the Great Pyramid – Barry Smith maintained his teaching on Bible prophecy was a vehicle to ‘lead people to a relationship with God, through Jesus Christ’. He was recognised for his views on ‘the end times’ but personally, his mission was that of an evangelist. His central message was – there is no security in this world outside of a relationship with God, through Jesus Christ; and that people should read the ‘signs of the times’ and find security in God: Watch as world government groups begin to control nations, through controlling oil, and control people, through controlling food Watch as ‘cash’ is phased out and a cashless society ushered in; the ultimate tool to control and manipulate people; this would include ‘the mark of the beast’ system of buying and selling – a microchip implanted in the hand or in the forehead Watch for the formation of a New World Order – a global government, which will eventually be led by a single world leader, the Antichrist (one who stands in the place of Christ) Watch as a ‘one world religion’ forms – which will be led by ‘the false prophet’ who will endorse the Antichrist Ultimately, the world leader (Antichrist) will be seen for what he really is: a follower of Satan whose aim is to be ‘like the Most High’.

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#2 – FULL Whitney Webb Iain Davis COP27 Sustainable Debt Slavery Natural Human and Social CAPITAL 01:30:00
#3 – FULL Who Runs the World Blackrock and Vanguard Global Elites 00:45:00
#4 – FULL Larry Fink & Co Future Investment Initiative (FII) Environmental Social & Governance (ESG) Oct22 S010 How Asset Managers Sovereign Wealth Funds Are Financing ESG 00:30:00
#5 – FULL Daniel De Simone O9A Rising The Spread of Britains Occultist Militant Group Popular Front Podcast 71 Jake Hanrahan 19Apr21 01:30:00
#6 – FULL Andy Gordon Dunedin Christchurch Mosque massacre neo-Nazi cell 00:30:00
#7 – FULL Barry Smith End Times Revelation TV UK 01:20:00


Tony’s new paperback and eBooks Traitors Of Arnhem, Siege Of Heaven; Siege Of Heaven Reader – all available for donation, or to buy, via
BCfm’s weekly Politics Show presented by Tony Gosling with Irish Republican Labour activist Martin Summers was forced off FM, now online only. We were ‘rested due to the pandemic’ on 24 March 2020 by BCfm charity ‘CEO’ Patrick Hart who is a longtime personal friend of Bristol’s all-powerful right-wing ‘Labour’ mayor Marvin Rees. This Internet only NOT The BCfm Politics Show is now available 17:00-c. 21:00 live on Fridays. Pat Hart replaced us with an inane student show repeating MSM stories called The Bristol Agenda. If you’d like to share your views on his deliberate dumbing-down mismanagement you can contact UK broadcasting regulator Ofcom or BCfm board chair and the ‘Don’ here.

February 2019 Ofcom complaint result: UKLFI exposed as creation of Israeli foreign ministryBristol Post article: BCfm cleared after being reported to Ofcom for anti-semitic conspiracy theories

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