How The USA Became The Slave-Driving Evil Empire It Was Fighting Against: Multipolar vs. Unipolar World, Since The American Revolution – Turkish historical drama series exposing the British and Germans undermining of the Ottoman Empire – ‘Payitaht Abdulhamid’ – Former head of International Relations Sussex University, Dr Kees van der Pijl on Jerm Warfare podcast – Media Monopolised, Just Advertising Elite Policies, controlling the public mind by total control of journalism and education. – Monique Jansen – Universities as businesses nowadays, almost entirely run by vested interests. Dr. David Hughes on the group think of UK universities – ‘Died Suddenly’ Stew Peters’ documentary on the Covid ‘Depopulation’ agenda – Malthusians Thomas Malthus – Eugenics – Joe Banks joins Tony and Martin. Bristol’s new Clean Air Zone Bristol’s faux-Labour mayor Marvin ‘do as I say not as I do’ Rees – 18,000s of Bristol’s poorest families could be forced to pay council tax for first time Bristol City Council is facing a massive budget shortfall – A mystery donor has provided money to fund ‘Welcoming Spaces’ scheme in Bristol as a token gesture to help with the Cost of Living crisis – Bristol Central Library sell-off, could move to old Debenhams building. Bristol Cathedral School. – Will the cost of living crisis lead to riots? Fears Bristol Clean Air Zone will ‘trap’ disabled people at home City council told – “The equality impact assessment on the CAZ recognised that disabled people will be disproportionately impacted. – Freelance journalist and historian Joe Banks on Bristol During The Anarchy of the 1140s – History of feudal system and history of Bristol. – List of the ten main Bristol riots throughout history from 1790s to 2021 – A further Scottish referendum denied. Sturgeon mocked as she insists independence movement ‘galvanised’ by court ruling – Trump to run again – him on China. War with Russia? Donald Trump Announces 2024 Run for President: – Tony’s new paperback and eBooks Traitors Of Arnhem, Siege Of Heaven; Siege Of Heaven Reader – all available for donation, or to buy, via – NOT The BCfm Politics Show presented by Tony Gosling
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Part One – News Review and Investigative Reports
British/U.S.A empire and dominance – a history not recorded accurately. Anton Chaitkin has been an activist since his childhood in the 1950s. In the early 1930s, his father, Jacob Chaitkin, a pro-Franklin Roosevelt lawyer, had blocked some of the Wall Street financial arrangements with Hitler, and was legal counsel for the American Jewish Congress boycott against Germany. Anton grew up committed to justice, with a strong sense of the realities of power politics. Starting from a shooting massacre in Hebron during a religious service, Chaitkin describes the various means by which the British Empire since the Venetian takeover in the 18th Century has used to control and brainwash people. In Southwest Asia, extremists of Muslim, & Jewish faiths have a British origin. Also, organized crime, its defenders in the Anti-Defamation League of B’nai Brith and the subsequent creation of Hollywood & Las Vegas, newspaper cartels such as the Hollinger Corporation, Geopolitics, crackpot movements like Theosophy, Satanism, Astrology, the belief in the End Times & Revelation, the installation of Hitler as dictator through the bankers Montague Norman and Hjalmar Schacht and the brainwashing of Hitler through British cult movements like the Thule Society. A lengthy question and answer period is included. Anton Chaitkin – the untold history of British empire and U.S.A. Economy – inflation, deflation, and stagflation.
Turkish historical drama series exposing the British and Germans undermining of the Ottoman Empire – ‘Payitaht Abdulhamid’ (English subtitles) and Ottoman Turkish history show – a different view – Payitaht Abdulhamid; a Turkish historical drama serial originally broadcasted by TRT 1, portraying the last years of the reign of Ottoman Sultan and Caliph, Sultan Abdulhamid II, will now be available on PTV Home with Urdu Dubbing and HD definition. That’s a great step by the PM Imran Khan who early signed the papers personally along with Turkish President Rajab Tayyab Erdogan on bringing these top-class drama serials to Pakistan, which shows the glamouring Muslim past and the vigorous leadership of the past Muslim Leaders. Sultan Abdulhamid II was the 34th and the last sovereign Ottoman Sultan and Caliph. He is known throughout history as one of the most prominent sultans of the Ottoman Empire who, with his political acumen, superseded all the major powers of the time, including British colonialism, the French and Russian empires, and the emerging American power. He inverted his enemies’ plans back on them and showed that he is indeed a leader of great political acuity. That is why the German king of the time, Caesar Wilhelm II, said of Sultan Abdul Hamid that “I learned to play the political games from Sultan Abdulhamid”. He was also a skillful carpenter. In his spare time, he used to make astounding furniture and sell them giving that money to the poor around the Payitaht (capital), Istanbul. He was a man of great character who is also seen as a true lover of the Prophet of Islam [P.B.U.H] and the savior of Jerusalem (Al-Quds). All these distinct aspects of his personality are portrayed in different scenes all over the drama.
Former head of International Relations Sussex University, Dr Kees van der Pijl on Jerm Warfare podcast – history of Ukraine and Russia. Kees Van Der Pijl on NATO not being the good guys – Kees Van Der Pijl on NATO, Russia, Ukraine, and the dying West. In this conversation, Kees discusses This is a long discussion, but well worth the time because he covers a lot of ground. propaganda wars; historical background of Russia and Ukraine; the importance of Crimea and the eastern regions of Ukraine; why NATO are not the good guys; why the US government has blood on its hands; why the West hates Russia; and whether or not Putin is a globalist.
Infiltration and the ULTIMATE GOAL of controlling the public mind structural problems with journalism and education. – Monique Jansen – Vrouwen voor Vijheld, from documentary ‘Who Runs the World’, explains the monopolies of media, the money behind them, and the importance of the WEF as a major force behind a fascistic world government. Someone like me, who never makes videos can, with an old laptop objectively show that only two companies hold a monopoly in all industries in the world. My question is, why is this never talked about in the media? We can choose daily between all sorts of documentaries and TV programs but none of them cover this subject. Is it not interesting enough or are there other interests at play? Wikipedia, again gives us the answer. They say that about 90% of the international media is owned by nine media conglomerates. Whether we take the monopolist Netflix and Amazon Prime or enormous concerns that own many daughter companies, like Time-Warner, the Walt Disney Company, Comcast, Fox Corporation, Bertelsmann and Viacom, CBS, we see that the same names own stocks. These corporations not only make all the programs, movies and documentaries but also own the channels on which those are broadcast. So, not only the industries but also the information is owned by the elite. I will show you briefly how this works in the Netherlands. To start with, all the Dutch mainstream media are owned by three companies. The first one is De PersGroep [DPG Media], the parent company of the following brands (. Apart from the many newspapers and magazines, they also own Sanoma, the parent company of some of the big commercial Dutch channels. Many media outlets from abroad, like VTM are also owned by the De PersGroep. The second one is Mediahuis, one of Europe’s biggest media concerns. In the Netherlands, Mediahuis owns the following brands. Until 2017, also Sky Radio and Radio Veronica were owned by Mediahuis, as were Radio 538 and radio 10. And then there is Bertelsmann, which is one of the 9 biggest media firms. This company owns RTL, that owns 45 television stations and 32 radio stations in 11 countries. But Bertelsmann is also co-owner of the world’s biggest book publisher, Penguin Random House. The stocks of these companies are owned by private funds of three families. Those are the Belgian Van Thillo family, the Belgian Leysen family and the German Bertelsmann-Mohn family. All three families sided with the Nazis in the War. According to Wikipedia, for this reason, the Telegraaf, the Leysen newspaper was temporarily forbidden in the Netherlands after the war. THE FAKE NEWS To complete this overview, look at where the news comes from. The daily news of all these media outlets the diverse news media do not produce news. They use information and footage from the press agencies, .ANP and Reuters. These agencies are not independent. .ANP is owned by Talpa, John de Mol. Thomson-Reuters is owned by the powerful Canadian Thomson family. The most important journalists and editors working for these agencies are members of a journalism agency, like the European Journalism Centre. These are one of the biggest European sponsors of media-related projects. They educate journalists, publish study books, provide training spaces and press agencies and work closely together with the big corporations, Google and Facebook. For journalistic analysis and views, the big media use Project Syndicate. This is the most powerful organization in the field. Project Syndicate and organizations like I mentioned are together with the press agencies. The link between all worldwide media outlets when news anchors reap from their autocues [teleprompters], chances are that the text stems from one of these organizations. That is the reason that worldwide media shows synchronicity in their reporting. And look at the European journalism center, itself. Again, the Gates Foundation and the Open Society Foundation. They are also heavily-sponsored by Facebook, Google, the Ministry of Education and Science and the Ministry of Foreign Affairs. Who sponsors the organization and press agencies that produce our news? With Project Syndicate, we see the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation, the Open Society Foundation and the European Journalism Centre. The organizations that bring the news get paid by non-profit organizations, of the same elite that also owns the entire media but also a part of taxpayers money is used to pay them.
Universities as businesses nowadays, almost entirely run vested interests. Dr. David Hughes on the group think of universities, and his work on Covid vaccines and 9/11 being attacked. Interview with NotTheBCFM Politics Show, 15 October 2022, on “What is in the so-called COVID-19 ‘Vaccines’? Part 1: Evidence of a Global Crime Against Humanity.” In this interview I discuss the key findings of my article, graphene oxide, bionanotechnology, transhumanism, eugenics, lack of informed consent, the Big Lie, shifting paradigms of control, groupthink in academia, and the growing resistance to the global technocratic tyranny seeking to manifest itself.
‘Died Suddenly’ documentary on the Covid ‘Depopulation’ agenda – Malthusians Thomas Malthus – Eugenics – The long awaited doco from Stew Peters on why so many deaths ARE NOT BEING REPORTED after the victims take the vaccine bioweapon and the medical profession death doctors state its ‘SUDDEN ADULT DEATH SYNDROME’ to hide their planned and paid genocide of the global population as Bill Gates, Fauci and Soros planned and exposed to the world many years prior this HOAX – World Premiere: Died Suddenly – Why do we never believe them? For centuries, the global elite have broadcast their intentions to depopulate the world – even to the point of carving them into stone. And yet… we never seem to believe them. The Stew Peters Network is proud to present DIED SUDDENLY, from the award winning filmmakers, Matthew Skow and Nicholas Stumphauzer. They are the minds behind WATCH THE WATER and THESE LITTLE ONES, and now have a damning presentation on the truth about the greatest ongoing mass genocide in human history.
Bitchute video of complete show – Essentials: Michael Hudson; Tony on Brexit
Part Two – Ukraine/Covid/Climate Round-Up With End Times Prophecy Reports
Joe Banks joins Tony and Martin. Bristol’s new Clean Air Zone – ITV West report. Bristol’s faux-Labour mayor Marvin ‘do as I say not as I do’ Rees giving his TED talk in Vancouver about making Cities greener, but he flew there and back 8,000 not-very-green air-miles at taxpayers’ expense when he could have done the talk on Zoom. How is your city tackling the climate crisis? “If we can unlock the full potential of our cities, we can minimize the price the planet pays for hosting us in our growing numbers,” says Marvin Rees, the Mayor of Bristol, UK, who understands deeply how cities can help (or hurt) the environment. Rees notes that while sustainable infrastructure already exists in many parts of the world — like electric buses in Colombia and freshwater reserves in Singapore — major investments could make similar innovations more far-reaching and successful. He highlights the pivotal role of city mayors in advocating for a “worldwide network of efficient decarbonized cities” that will bring the world closer to its climate goals .When Marvin Rees was elected in May 2016, he became the first directly elected mayor of Black African heritage of any major European city.
More people will have to pay Council Tax – Thousands of Bristol’s poorest families could be forced to pay council tax for first time Bristol City Council is facing a massive budget shortfall About 18,000 of Bristol’s poorest households could be forced to sacrifice some of their benefits to pay towards council tax for the first time in years because of the local authority’s funding crisis. Bristol City Council is proposing to cut £3million from its council tax reduction scheme (CTRS) as part of a range of cost-cutting measures to meet a huge financial shortfall. It means the 18,000 families who currently pay nothing could be asked to contribute 10 or 20 per cent from April 2024 under plans put forward reluctantly by the Labour administration, a council meeting heard. A further 5,000 working-age adults claim a discount, based on income and benefit allowances. About 13,000 pensioners in the city receive support to reduce or cover their bills, which is not under threat because of government policy, although this has to be paid for out of council coffers, amounting to £13million this year out of the scheme’s £42million total costs. Bristol is the only major city to have kept the full reduction in place, but the authority is proposing £45.7million of cuts to services in its annual budget, which will be set in February, as it faces a funding gap of between £37.5million and £87.6million from 2023/24 to 2027/28.
A mystery donor has provided money to fund ‘Welcoming Spaces’ scheme in Bristol (which is actually using existing buildings so costs virtually nothing) as a token gesture to help with the Cost of Living crisis this winter. Bristol’s ‘Welcoming Spaces’: Full list as venues open their doors for the colder months A total of 22 “Welcoming Spaces” are now in operation More than 20 communal warm places for those who can’t afford to heat their homes have opened their doors in Bristol. A total of 22 “Welcoming Spaces” are now in operation, but city mayor Marvin Rees has said more will open their doors in the coming weeks. In June, Bristol City Council announced it was planning to set up ‘warm places’ across the city to help people who are struggling to pay their energy bills. Since then, another council in the region has announced plans to launch a similar scheme.
Bristol Central Library sell-off, could move to old Debenhams building. Bristol Cathedral School. Bristol’s Central Library could move to former Debenhams building, say council chiefs Bristol City Council’s libraries budget is being slashed by a third as authority faces massive cuts to balance its books Central Library could move into the old Debenhams building in Broadmead, Bristol City Council leaders have suggested. But bosses say that relocating the historic library on College Green to somewhere else in the city centre is “just an idea” at this stage as part of a raft of cuts as the local authority faces the “brutal” task of finding £45.7million of savings over the next five years to balance its books. The library service’s budget is proposed to be slashed by about a third – £1.4million from last year’s funding of £4.6million. City Hall chiefs told a council meeting that even without the financial black hole facing the organisation – between £37.5million and £87.6million from 2023/24 to 2027/28 – escalating energy costs mean they don’t have the money to keep all 27 Bristol libraries open. However, deputy mayor Cllr Craig Cheney said that, like in 2018 when library closures were proposed and later scrapped amid huge public opposition and an unexpected rise in income from business rates, they would abandon the idea again if they “suddenly found we had another £30million”. Opposition councillors warned the cuts would be “deeply damaging” and could “hollow out a lot of communities”. Labour cabinet member for public health and communities Cllr Ellie King told a budget scrutiny meeting on Tuesday, November 22: “This hurts, and this hurts everyone – this is not a happy place to be in at all but this is where we are. Central Library is a very interesting proposal that warrants looking into seriously. “I get that it’s a much-loved, beautiful building. It’s part of our heritage and very important to a lot of people. However, there are opportunities to support this council by moving the service. “What if we moved it into the lower ground floor of this building [City Hall]? You can’t say that would get a different footfall because it’s a couple of metres away, and it would be free to use. “What if we moved it to Broadmead, into the ground floor of Debenhams? Imagine the footfall you would get there that is different to the ones you get there, because I know the people who shop around here and the people who shop around there and I’m interested in getting the kids who shop around there into libraries.” She said that if cuts were not made to libraries, they would have to be made elsewhere, and that 27 libraries for a population of nearly 500,000 was an “incredible amount” compared with other cities. Management of place director Patsy Mellor said: “The energy costs of the 27 libraries themselves mean we cannot operate within our budget.
Will the cost of living crisis lead to riots? Fears Bristol Clean Air Zone will ‘trap’ disabled people at home City council told how many can’t afford the charges to enter the CAZ or the upgrades to their cars Many disabled people will be left “trapped in their homes” because they can’t afford Bristol’s impending Clean Air Zone charges or to upgrade their specially adapted vehicles to avoid them, councillors heard. But mayor Marvin Rees has rejected calls to seek government approval to extend exemptions for blue badge holders beyond next March and attacked opposition councillors for “political opportunism” by failing to raise the concerns until now. A “caged” demonstrator in a wheelchair was part of a protest by Bristol Disability Equality Forum outside City Hall ahead of a council meeting on Tuesday (October 18), with the group holding a banner saying “Caged by the clean air zone”. Forum climate projects coordinator Emma Green told Bristol full council: “The scheme could mean many lose access to a car, be trapped in their homes and face fines that will drive them even deeper into poverty.
The more mitigations you put into the CAZ, the less tight you make the CAZ, and by definition the less tight the CAZ, the later the date of compliance. “We worked on the Clean Air Zone for years. We constantly raised the issue about unintended consequences of the CAZ. While we were doing that and negotiating with the Government for a £42million package to support people to transition – low-income people, vulnerable people, the impact on businesses and on hospitals – not once did anyone from your party say ‘Actually it is the right thing to do to think about unintended consequences’.Disability campaigner speaks during full council Bristol Disability Equality Forum climate projects coordinator Emma Green speaks from the public gallery at the full council meeting of Bristol City Council (Image: Bristol City Council/YouTube) “All we had, even recently, was ‘You’re delaying it, you’re missing the deadlines, how can we get some Twitter points out of this by saying they don’t really care?’ Not once has anyone from your party said ‘Hold on, there could be some unintended negative consequences for some people. “So for you to turn up after the fact and start raising these issues is a bit rich. I’m happy to talk with you and the disability forum about those mitigations because that’s what we’re in the business of doing but we’re going to have to do it in a better spirit than political opportunism.
Freelance journalist and historian Joe Banks on Bristol During The Anarchy of the 1140s – History of feudal system and history of Bristol. The Anarchy was a civil war in England and Normandy between 1138 and 1153, which resulted in a widespread breakdown in law and order. The conflict was a war of succession precipitated by the accidental death of William Adelin, the only legitimate son of King Henry I, who drowned in the sinking of the White Ship in 1120. Henry sought to be succeeded by his daughter, known as Empress Matilda, but was only partially successful in convincing the nobility to support her. On Henry’s death in 1135, his nephew Stephen of Blois seized the throne, with the help of Stephen’s brother Henry of Blois, who was the bishop of Winchester. Stephen’s early reign saw fierce fighting with disloyal English barons, rebellious Welsh leaders, and Scottish invaders. Following a major rebellion in the south-west of England, Matilda invaded in 1139 with the help of her half-brother Robert of Gloucester.
List of the main Bristol riots throughout history: 1. 1793: Bristol Bridge riot, 2. 1809: New Cut riot, 3. 1831: Queen Square riots, 4. 1932 Old Market riot, 5. 1944: Park Street riot 6. 1980: St Pauls riot, 7. 1986: St Paul’s riot, 8. 1992: Hartcliffe, 9. 2011: Stokes Croft (Tesco Metro, Telepathic Heights), April. 10. 2021: Bridewell Police Station riot
A further Scottish referendum denied. Sturgeon mocked as she insists independence movement ‘galvanised’ by court ruling The SNP leader said support for Scotland leaving the UK has been “strengthened” by the Supreme Court’s judgement. Nicola Sturgeon has been mocked after insisting the Scottish independence movement has been “galvanised” by the UK top court’s blocking of a second referendum. The Supreme Court this week ruled that such a vote could not be held without the UK Government’s consent. Ms Sturgeon at first described the decision as a “hard pill” to swallow, but has this evening claimed its plays to her advantage. The First Minister said Westminster parties were making a “catastrophic miscalculation” if they believe the court’s ruling pays into their hands. She pointed to pro-independence protests outside Holyrood after the verdict was given, were crowds held banners reading “Scotland should be an independent”. Ms Sturgeon said: “Thousands of people took to the streets – in freezing Scottish winter weather – to demonstrate their support for Scottish democracy.” But pro-UK writer Effie Deans stressed this was indicator of support for Scotland to leave the UK. Brining to question attendance numbers at the demonstrations, she told “If there was going to be a huge surge of anger and support for independence after the Supreme Court judgement then there would have been more than a few hundred Scottish nationalists at the various demonstrations afterwards.” Delivering the ruling on Wednesday, Supreme Court President Lord Reed said: “A lawfully held referendum would have important political consequences relating to the union and the United Kingdom Parliament. “Its outcome would possess the authority, in a constitution and political culture founded upon democracy, of a democratic expression of the view of the Scottish electorate.
Trump to run again – him on China. War with Russia? Donald Trump Announces 2024 Run for President: ‘America’s Comeback Starts Right Now’ – Former President Donald Trump announced his 2024 campaign for president on Tuesday, setting up a possible rematch against President Joe Biden. “Two years ago we were a great nation and soon we will be a great nation again,” Trump said. The former president made his announcement at his club at Mar-a-Lago in Palm Beach, Florida, taking the stage with former first lady Melania Trump as the Lee Greenwood anthem “God Bless the U.S.A.” played. The enthusiastic crowd of supporters chanted U-S-A! as the former president spoke about his comeback campaign, which has been several months in the making. “You and all those watching are the heart and soul of this incredible movement in the greatest country in the history of the world,” Trump said. Trump recalled that he left office after the 2020 presidential election just as the United States was about to experience a “Golden Age” before President Joe Biden took office. He recalled his policy achievements during his four years as president and pulling the United States through a pandemic. “Inflation was non-existent, our southern border was by far the strongest ever,” he said. Trump also recalled his historic effort to place economic tariffs on China, which he argued angered Chinese leaders and maybe even inspired them to try to effect the election results. “Many people think that because of this China played a very active role in the 2020 election. Just saying. Just saying,” he said. Trump also referred to the relatively peaceful nature of world affairs when he was in office. “China, Russia, Iran, and North Korea were in check. They respected the United States and they respected me. I knew them well,” he said.
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#2 – FULL Anton Chaitkin History British Financial Empire (1984) 02:30:00
#3 – FULL Died Suddenly – COVID Vaccine Documentary (Nov 2022) 01:00:00
#4 – FULL Donald Trump announces hes running for US president Full speech 01:00:00

BCfm’s weekly Politics Show presented by Tony Gosling with Irish Republican Labour activist Martin Summers was forced off FM, now online only. We were ‘rested due to the pandemic’ on 24 March 2020 by BCfm charity ‘CEO’ Patrick Hart who is a longtime personal friend of Bristol’s all-powerful right-wing ‘Labour’ mayor Marvin Rees. This Internet only NOT The BCfm Politics Show is now available 17:00-c. 21:00 live on Fridays. Pat Hart replaced us with an inane student show repeating MSM stories called The Bristol Agenda. If you’d like to share your views on his deliberate dumbing-down mismanagement you can contact UK broadcasting regulator Ofcom or BCfm board chair and the ‘Don’ here.
February 2019 Ofcom complaint result: UKLFI exposed as creation of Israeli foreign ministry – Bristol Post article: BCfm cleared after being reported to Ofcom for anti-semitic conspiracy theories
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