LIVE GUEST Ruth Nestor explains how she was evicted unfairly from her home, and now political protestors have moved in to stop the bailiffs – MOST REGRESSIVE: KILLER COUNCIL TAX – PMQs Rishi Sunak questioned on his privilege – LIVE GUEST Barbara Cook, from Bristol Outcry, on how our human rights in UK are being eroded by this Tory government – rally – LIVE GUEST Don Debar, New York Pacifica radio journalist, on Trump – and how anti-Trump propaganda isn’t working – Jens Stoltenberg, head of NATO, on Russia attacking Ukraine’s energy infrastructure. Jamie Shea – LIVE GUEST Dr Judith Brown – her latest research on the hundreds of fake fact checking companies quietly funded by Facebook etc. – £20bn Sizewell Nuclear gets go-ahead, after Undercover XR Police ‘Protester’ Mark Kennedy Shut Down Coal Fired Power Stations – Dr. Judith Curry on how the climate is warming and there is a man made element, but the media ris exaggerating massively – RIP Rosa Koire. UN Agenda 2030 exposed – Rosa Koire, pioneer of Agenda 21 ‘Sustainable Development’ criticism who died in 2021 – ITV report on the new Bristol Clean Air Zone (CAZ) – Bristol blue cab drivers warn of fewer accessible taxis – What British PM Sunak’s first foreign policy speech made clear Rishi Sunak giving a speech at the Guildhall – evils of Ukraine and China – Beijing Covid lockdown – China protests spread, reports of clashes with police in Shanghai – – US/China Elites Work Together To Enslave Humanity In Surveillance Economy ,Whitney Webb is joined by James Corbett – China is ‘fighting a losing battle’ against Zero Covid protesters – Nigel Inkster, MI6, on the health pass and lockdown protests in China – Anton Chaitkin on the 1944 International Congress on Mental Health attended by Montague Norman and the Tavistock Nazis – The Occult & The Mystery Of Iniquity, Barry Smith, Final Notice, Chapter 1:Update 1989 Noah’s Ark Found 666 has arrived A Challenge – NOT The BCfm Politics Show presented by Tony Gosling

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Part One News Review and Investigative Reports

LIVE GUEST Ruth Nestor explains how she was evicted unfairly from her home, and now political protestors have moved in to stop the bailiffs taking her belongings.  Activists from Bristol Housing Action Movement (BHAM) have occupied a house in Easton, Bristol, that had previously been under the control of Richard Long and Co Insolvency Practitioners and The National Eviction Team. With the rising cost of living, the ongoing impact of a global pandemic, and numerous economic shocks, the last few years have been hard on all working class people. Ruth and her family have been hit even harder than most. Last month Ruth was dragged naked from her bed, and evicted from her own home. Forced to watch on as baliffs from the National Eviction Team trashed and boarded up her home, without any idea where she – or who two children who were at school – would stay that night. Ruth was clear with us that the ultimate responsibility for her plight rests with Bristol City Council. She has been attempting to resolve a financial dispute with them for over a decade, making numerous payments to them as well as keeping up with her private mortgage. At some point it appears Bristol City Council stopped trying to reach an agreement and instead sold her debt to a private company. This company bought it with the aim of kicking Ruth’s family out of their home so they could sell it for what must be a massive profit. However this is not a family – or city- that will take this kind of thing lying down. The intial eviction attracted (a sadly failed) attempt at resitance from the local community and the ACORN union, who had been aiding her attempts to finally resove the issues with Bristol City Council, and had gathered to resist baliffs last year. This time it was Bristol Housing Action Movement (BHAM) who stepped up. BHAM is a group of squatters, homeless people, and housing activists has been active in the city since 1984, and often been the reason for a roof over someones head. On Saturday 26th of Novemeber BHAM, together with supporters from the local anarchist and squatting movements, entered Ruth’s former (and future!) home at 54 Robertson Road. Neighbours, friends of Ruth, and of course Ruth her herself arrived soon after – to see what was going on, and ultimately support the action. The first task those inside attempted was rescuing the familys possessions, as there had been no opportunity given no to take anything from the house. Since Ruth has a damaged spine (something certainly not helped by being dragged down stairs by baliffs) top of the list was her medical devices and medication, and next was the possessions belonging to her children. However, once they were shown the state of the inside of the house, hope turned to anger and dismay.

MOST REGRESSIVE: KILLER COUNCIL TAX – PMQs  Rishi Sunak questioned on his privilege, and will he get rid of non-dom status?  PMQs Rishi’s privilege questioned again, and funding for state schools. Council tax ‘set to soar past £2,000 for the first time ever’ Council tax is set to surpass £2,000 for the very first time in England under Tory plans already branded as ‘regressive’. Jeremy Hunt is expected to scrap much of what his predecessor Kwasi Kwarteng announced in his disastrous mini-Budget on September 23. On Thursday, the new chancellor will unveil his Autumn Statement on government tax and spending plans, with social campaigners already fearing the worst. Currently, council tax can only be increased by about 3% without a referendum of residents in the area. According to the Telegraph, Rishi Sunak and Mr Hunt are preparing to allow town halls to put up the levy by 5% without letting locals have the final say. This means millions of households in Band D would face paying up to £100 extra in April 2023. This would take their annual bills above £2,000 for the first time. Meanwhile, homeowners in the most expensive Band H could end up paying as much as £200 extra, with their bills exceeding £4,000. The move would also break a 2019 Conservative Party manifesto pledge, which said the current rate will be kept. Labour MPs have already criticised the plans, arguing that such a raise will do little to help cash-strapped councils. Chris Bryant, MP for Rhondda, said: ‘Raising council tax to pay for social care is madness. ‘It is regressive, big hikes in council tax rates raise relatively little money and authorities in poorer areas with higher costs gain least.’ Bev Craig, leader of Manchester City Council, stressed that since 2010 Manchester has had £428 million cut annually. Over the weekend, Richard Burgon stressed there is ‘no need for a single penny of cuts or tax rises on ordinary people’. ‘When Jeremy Hunt talks of “difficult decisions” he means difficult for you,’ the MP for East Leeds said. ‘He does not mean difficult for the super-rich whose wealth has soared in the last decade. ‘There is no need for a single penny of cuts or tax rises on ordinary people. It is a choice. Tax the rich instead.’ Mr Hunt has already confirmed Liz Truss’s £2,500 energy bill cap, supposed to be in place for two years, will be scrapped in April. This will leave millions of people facing an increase of £900 a year – around £75 more per month.

LIVE GUEST Barbara Cook, from Bristol Outcry, on how our human rights in UK are being eroded by this Tory government – rally to signify 75 years since the Universal Declaration of Human Rights on Saturday 10th December, 2.30pm to 6.30pm, College GreenNew bills that make the Government above the law.  PMQs home education higher by 34% since Covid.  Shout out for Speakers, Musicians, Singers! SATURDAY December 10th is the 75th anniversary of International Human Rights. We have now been campaigning for 18months against the Bills of new laws that have been written in UK which threaten our rights in every way – in the workplace, in education, the judicial and electoral systems . At the same time there has been a very deliberate stealth march blatantly making Government leaders ,mp’s and the people they have been making very unethical deals with UNACCOUNTABLE. SATURDAY December 10th is the 75th anniversary of International Human Rights. We have now been campaigning for 18months against the Bills of new laws that have been written in UK which threaten our rights in every way – in the workplace, in education, the judicial and electoral systems . At the same time there has been a very deliberate stealth march blatantly making Government leaders ,mp’s and the people they have been making very unethical deals with UNACCOUNTABLE.This is the 75th anniversary of the International Human Rights Act which UK helped to create and yet are now weakening and destroying. Please support This is the 75th anniversary of the International Human Rights Act which UK helped to create and yet are now weakening and destroying. Please support us on the day and message if you would like to help organise ,or speak or perform on the day. THANKYOU

LIVE GUEST Don Debar, New York Pacifica radio journalist, on Trump – and how anti-Trump propaganda isn’t working. Don DeBar’s Blog Truth and justice need a home for peace to exist. Why is it wrong to question the 2020 election? Presidential election challenges – a partial history The January 6, 2005 challenges to election fraud in the 2004 election resulted in the Joint Session adjourning, with the two houses of Congress retiring to their respective chambers, as provided for under US Constitution. This requires only one objection from each of the two houses (viz., a Senator and a member of the House). Once they are in their own chamber, each house begins a session where a public trial of facts takes place in the form of a debate. This was the House debate on the challenge to Ohio’s electors. This is the process that had just begun on January 6, 2021, with Arizona having been challenged. When the two houses retired to their respective chambers, the Capitol was breached and the sessions were held in suspense for 11 ½ hours, during which time the event was positioned across the media as an insurrection instigated by Trump in an attempted coup d’etat, a clear case of treason. Once that image was painted, it re-colored the entire subsequent proceedings from one of an adversarial nature, to one of a meek, frightened consensus. In the January 6, 2001 Joint Session (for 2000 election), there were a number of objections to the certification of the votes of several states (including Florida) by members of the House, but no Senator would join them. In these cases, the objections were ruled out of order and were not accepted, resulting in certification of those state’s slate of electors and the respective vote(s).

Jens Stoltenberg, head of NATO, on Russia attacking Ukraine’s energy infrastructure.  Jamie Shea …article Serbian energy infrastructure bombed by NATO  Jens Stoltenberg – NATO allies in Eastern Europe – China – NATO supporting Ukraine. NATO’s Serbia assault set ‘moral’ precedent for Ukraine On the anniversary of NATO’s 1999 bombing of Serbia, the debate on what constitutes ‘justified’ war rumbles on Some military interventions, at least according to mainstream Western narratives, are justified and some are simply illegal. Russia’s ongoing invasion of Ukraine is interpreted almost universally in the West as clear aggression against a sovereign state, while NATO’s bombing of Serbia in 1999 is still viewed in retrospect as morally justifiable. So why does this binary thinking still prevail in the Western public discourse? On March 24, 1999, NATO launched its “justified” aggression on Serbia. At the time, it was widely portrayed as a “humanitarian intervention” prompted by alleged Serbian “ethnic cleansing” of Albanians in Serbia’s southern province of Kosovo. According to the mainstream narrative, thanks to NATO’s “humanitarian bombing” of the Balkan nation, the murderous displacement of Kosovo’s ethnic Albanian population was stopped. In reality, though, the displacement started after NATO launched its airstrikes on Serbia, not before. Moreover, it was Western-backed Albanian guerrillas that initially provoked Serbia’s militarized reaction, while NATO bombing resulted in the death of both Serbian and Albanian civilians. Even though NATO admitted that it “mistakenly” bombed Albanian refugees, its officials did not blink in blaming Serbia for their own actions. To this day, the Serbs remain “bad actors” in the eyes of the West.

LIVE GUEST Dr Judith Brown – her latest research on online harms bills around the world and also on the hundreds of fake fact checking companies quietly funded by Facebook etc. Threats to Freedom of Expression: Covid-19, the fact checking counter-disinformation industry, and online harm legislation – 29 November 2022 – by Dr Piers Robinson. Also published in Propaganda in Focus * The UKs Online Safety Bill is set to integrate an Advisory Committee on Disinformation and Misinformation with the Bill. The EUs 2022 Code of Practice on Disinformation is set to become a Code of Conduct within the framework of the Digital Services Act. The EU legislation also refers to the importance of supporting and drawing on fact-checkers. Legislation relating to mis- or disinformation that leads to social media companies further censoring content will make an already bad situation much worse, resulting in ever more frequent suppression of important, legitimate, and potentially correct information. We are living through an era in which freedom of expression is evaporating. Numerous scientists have been censored during Covid-19, having been labelled as spreaders of disinformation or misinformation, whilst we are now seeing the emergence of online safety/harm legislation that might further curtail freedom of speech. But who has been responsible for the lions share of propaganda during Covid-19 and what is the cogency of legislation and doctrines aimed at censoring what is alleged to be misinformation or disinformation? It is now widely reported that, since the start of the Covid-19 event, there has been both extensive propaganda that has increased peoples fear levels, and censorship of oppositional voices. This has occurred via a combination of deliberate censorship, smear campaigns, incentivisation, and coercion. Specific examples have included corporate and NGO sponsorship of mainstream/legacy media, OFCOM guidelines limiting acceptable news content, Big Tech censorship of expert opinion, smear campaigns, and coercion via mandates. As if this were not enough, a recent article in the British Medical Journal advocated for even higher levels of authoritarian control over so-called misinformation or opinions that challenge the narratives promoted by authorities. The article reflects an academic orthodoxy that has become dominant since the beginning of the Covid-19 event. This orthodoxy has promoted the use of behavioural science techniques to immunise the public against alleged conspiracy theories and misinformation to ensure that citizens comply with the directives of governments and the World Health Organisation (WHO). Of course, if it turns out that the Covid-19 orthodoxy was wrong, articles such as Using social and behavioural science to support COVID-19 pandemic responses might end up reading as the longest intellectual suicide notes in history for those academics involved.   

Sizewell C Nuclear Power station gets go-ahead – WORSE than coal, oil, gas – undercover police ‘protester’ shut down coal power plant BBC report on new nuclear power stations Alison Downes from Stop Sizewell explains why they’re not a good idea – and academic Prof. Michael Fitzpatrick disagrees. Why Stop Sizewell C? EDF is starting to build two huge nuclear reactors on the Suffolk Heritage Coast. The government is expected to decide if Sizewell C will get planning permission in July 2022 and is in negotiations with EDF about how Sizewell C would be paid for. EDF hopes to make a “final investment decision” by mid 2023. Sizewell C is the wrong project in the wrong place and will not help the UK achieve its objectives. Sizewell C is slow – it would take 10-12 years to build, so not generate any power until the mid 2030s. Sizewell C is expensive, expected to cost at least £30+ billion, which could be invested in renewables such as offshore wind or hydrogen storage. Sizewell C takes a lot of carbon to build. Using EDF’s own estimates, it would take around 4 years to pay this back, meaning Sizewell C wouldn’t contribute to net zero until the late 2030s. The government’s latest target is a 78% reduction in CO2 emissions by 2035. The type of reactor EDF wants to build (the EPR) has an appalling track record. The few EPRs under construction are all well over budget and – in France and Finland – a decade late. One of the only operating EPRs in the world, Taishan I in China, was closed for 12 months with fuel failure. After pressure from EDF, the government has passed legislation to make consumers pay for the financing of Sizewell C through a nuclear tax on energy bills (called a RAB model), but nuclear projects are prone to cost and time overruns. It won’t help ‘level up’ the UK. Sites in the north and west would do more to narrow the economic gap. The UK government wants to eject EDF’s controversial partner – China General Nuclear – but has not decided how. Nuclear energy is not green energy. There is as yet no long-term solution for nuclear waste. 

Dr. Judith Curry on how the climate is warming and there is a man made element, but the media reporting is not always accurate.  Cancelled Climatologist Dr Judith Curry – There Is No Climate EmergencyLet me start with a quick summary of what is referred to as the ‘climate crisis:’ Its warming. The warming is caused by us. Warming is dangerous. We need to urgently transition to renewable energy to stop the warming. Once we do that, sea level rise will stop and the weather won’t be so extreme. So what’s wrong with this narrative? In a nutshell, we’ve vastly oversimplified both the problem and its solutions. The complexity, uncertainty, and ambiguity of the existing knowledge about climate change is being kept away from the policy and public debate. The solutions that have been proposed are technologically and politically infeasible on a global scale. Specifically with regards to climate science. The sensitivity of the climate to a doubling of carbon dioxide has a factor of three uncertainty. Climate model predictions of alarming impacts for the 21st century are driven by an emissions scenario, RCP8.5, that is highly implausible. Climate model predictions neglect scenarios of natural climate variability, which dominate regional climate variability on interannual to multidecadal time scales. And finally, emissions reductions will do little to improve the climate of the 21st century; if you believe the climate models, most of the impacts of emissions reductions will be felt in the 22nd century and beyond. Whether or not warming is ‘dangerous‘ is an issue of values, about which science has nothing to say. According to the IPCC, there is not yet evidence of changes in the global frequency or intensity of hurricanes, droughts, floods or wildfires. In the U.S., the states with by far the largest population growth are Florida and Texas, which are warm, southern states. Property along the coast is skyrocketing in value. Personal preference and market value do not yet regard global warming as ‘dangerous.’ Climate change is a grand narrative in which manmade climate change has become the dominant cause of societal problems. Everything that goes wrong reinforces the conviction that that there is only one thing we can do prevent societal problems – stop burning fossil fuels. This grand narrative misleads us to think that if we solve the problem of manmade climate change, then these other problems would also be solved. This belief leads us away from a deeper investigation of the true causes of these problems. The end result is narrowing of the viewpoints and policy options that we are willing to consider in dealing with complex issues such as public health, water resources, weather disasters and national security. 

ITV report on the new Bristol Clean Air Zone (CAZ) – Bristol blue cab drivers warn of fewer accessible taxis as city’s clean air zone begins Many of the blue hackney carriages seen around Bristol will incur a charge in the city’s new clean air zone Blue taxi drivers in Bristol are warning there may be fewer accessible cabs for people with disabilities in the future as the city’s clean air zone comes into effect. The zone is designed to improve air quality in Bristol by charging those driving the most polluting vehicles, with fines of up to £120. It officially came into effect yesterday (29 November) though some temporary exemptions are in place until the end of March to allow people to get prepared. But those driving the city’s blue hackney carriages have warned the zone may lead to fewer accessible taxis as drivers swap their non-compliant wheelchair-friendly cars for smaller, private cars. Mohammad Islam, from the Bristol Blue Licensed Taxi Association, said: “Lots of drivers do the school run for the disabled or the wheelchair users’ children and people will be, especially with the elderly people, people with special needs, people with the wheelchair, they will be in difficulties to find a blue car [sic].” A sign warning that the Bristol Clean Air Zone is coming into eTemporary exemptions are in place until the end of March 2023 to give people time to prepare for the clean air zone Another cabbie, Jante Mohemed, agreed, saying he has seen many of his colleagues swap their blue cars for private hire vehicles. “It’s affected a lot of drivers,” Jante said. “A lot of drivers – they bought a small car. Usually, we’ve got the wheelchair, but no one can afford to buy the wheelchair car, because it must be an electric one. “So, everyone goes to private cars and buys small cars and less Hackneys,” he added. 

Bitchute video of complete show – Essentials: Michael Hudson; Blackrock; Tony on Brexit

Part Two – Ukraine/Covid/Climate Round-Up With End Times Prophecy Reports

What British PM Sunak’s first foreign policy speech made clear Rishi Sunak giving a speech at the Guildhall – Ukraine and China.  China Covid lockdowns and protests.  Rishi’s speech – Kissinger.  Hong Kong – Jimmy Li not allowed to have his own lawyer in his trial. The British leader, who came to power last month, promises ‘robust pragmatism’ in his first foreign policy speech. UK’s Prime Minister Rishi Sunak came into office last month with the expectation he would initiate a phase of new, stable conditions for his party and the entire country. He must prepare a post-Brexit Britain, as the war on the European continent continues, for the new geopolitical challenges it faces. On Monday evening, he gave his first foreign policy speech that was significant for two reasons in particular. First, Sunak has had no de facto foreign policy profile. Although he has made it clear that he stands by European responsibility and for the defence of liberal values, he did so without outlining a coherent and precise vision for his foreign policy. “The assumption was that he was close to [former Prime Minister Boris] Johnson on foreign policy, so supportive of Ukraine after Russia’s invasion of their nation, supportive of the US-UK special relationship, cautious over China’s influence on the UK,” Victoria Honeyman, an associate professor of British politics at the University of Leeds, told Al Jazeera. “Beyond that, it’s hard to know. Although obviously, there has been discussion about whether Sunak’s ethnicity and the fact that his wife has family and business interests in India might lead to better relations with India.” Second, unlike his immediate predecessors Johnson and Liz Truss, who were foreign ministers before becoming prime ministers, Sunak has no direct experience outside of financial markets on the international stage of geopolitics. However, the lack of experience could also be an advantage. 

Beijing Covid lockdown – China protests spread, reports of clashes with police in Shanghai The latest demonstrations are unprecedented in mainland China since President Xi Jinping took power a decade ago. Hundreds of demonstrators and police have clashed in Shanghai as protests over China’s severe COVID-19 restrictions continued into a third day and spread to several other cities. The latest demonstrations ­ unprecedented in mainland China since President Xi Jinping took power a decade ago ­ began after 10 people were killed in a fire in Urumqi, the capital of the far-western region of Xinjiang, that many of the protesters blame on protracted COVID-19 lockdowns. he deaths have become a lightning rod for frustrations over Beijing’s dogged commitment to zero-COVID and its combination of strict lockdowns, mass testing and tracking that continues to impede people’s lives three years after the first cases of the then-unknown virus were detected in the central city of Wuhan. “I’m here because I love my country, but I don’t love my government … I want to be able to go out freely, but I can’t. Our COVID-19 policy is a game and is not based on science or reality,” protester Shaun Xiao told the Reuters news agency in Shanghai, China’s largest city. Hundreds of people gathered on Sunday evening in the city, holding up blank sheets of paper as an expression of the censorship of protest, as police kept a heavy presence on Wulumuqi Road, named after Urumqi, and where a candlelight vigil on Saturday evolved into a protest. A Reuters witness saw police escorting people onto a bus which was later driven away through the crowd with a few dozen people on board. An accredited BBC reporter covering the protests was assaulted and detained for several hours, the United Kingdom’s public broadcaster said. “The BBC is extremely concerned about the treatment of our journalist Ed Lawrence, who was arrested and handcuffed while covering the protests in Shanghai,” a spokesperson said in a statement.

Whitney Webb – secret links between the US and China. Whitney is joined by James Corbett of the Corbett Report to discuss the overlap between the oligarchs of China and the United States and how the rise of China is intimately tied to Wall Street and Globalism. Links from James Corbett Episode 297 China and the New World Order American Financier Stephen A. Schwarzman Endows International Scholarship Program in China The Secret (Insurance) Agent Men Heirs of Maos Comrades Rise as New Capitalist Nobility Mapping Chinas Red Nobility Bloomberg News Killed Investigation, Fired Reporter, Then Sought To Silence His Wife How to Play 3D Chess Decoupling the U.S. from China would backfire Chinas Suspiciously American Arsenal: A Closer Look Guess who Israels second largest trading partner is China 2013 Report: Israel Passes U.S. Military Technology to China 2004: US anger at Israel weapons sale ATimes: US up in arms over Sino-Israel ties 1996: U.S. Military Technology Sold by Israel To China Upsets Asian Power Balance

China is ‘fighting a losing battle’ against Zero Covid protesters – Nigel Inkster, MI6, on the health pass and lockdown protests in China. Ex-MI6 director warns Sunak to say ‘necessary minimum’ about China over unrest As Chinese protesters continued to fight against the regime’s “Zero Covid” strategy, Rishi Sunak on Monday spoke of the end of the “golden era” between the United Kingdom and the communist state. China: UK should say the ‘necessary minimum’ says Nigel Inkster It is only the Chinese people that can topple its authoritarian regime, a former MI6 director has claimed, and that reality should encourage Rishi Sunak to say the “necessary minimum” about its leaders. Former MI6 operations and intelligence director Nigel Inkster urged the Prime Minister and his Government to follow the lead of US President Joe Biden in avoiding getting involved in the Chinese protests against the “Zero Covid” strategy, instead suggesting they let the “Chinese people speak for themselves”. Speaking in light of Mr Sunak’s comments on Monday, Mr Inkster warned that Britain must be “careful” not to overplay its hand given how reliant the world and UK economies are on Chinese exports. Mr Inkster said: “Well, I think they would do well to take a leaf out of the US book. The US have been playing this very well. President Biden’s press spokesman, when asked about what President Biden had to say [about the situation in China], replied nothing, the Chinese people are speaking for themselves. “I think, quite honestly at the moment, that is the best thing we could do. There is already a narrative within China gathering momentum. The usual story, hostile foreign forces. “I think the UK would be very well advised to say the necessary minimum and not appear to be getting too closely involved at this stage because, at the end of the day, let’s be honest the Chinese Communist Party will not give a damn what Britain thinks. “So, they will do what they need to do. We do need to be careful. We are not going to change China. If China changes, the change will come from within.” Speaking to dignitaries at the Lord Mayor’s Banquet on Monday night, Rishi Sunak said he “recognised China poses a systemic challenge” to the values of the United Kingdom. In the same breath, however, he admitted western countries could not ignore China’s influence over world affairs and its ability to help with shared challenges such as economic stability and climate change. In his first major speech on foreign relations, he said: “The so-called ‘golden era’ is over, along with the naive idea that trade would lead to social and political reform. “We recognise China poses a systemic challenge to our values and interests, a challenge that grows more acute as it moves towards even greater authoritarianism. Instead of listening to their people’s protests, the Chinese government has chosen to crack down further, including by assaulting a BBC journalist. “The media – and our parliamentarians – must be able to highlight these issues without sanction, including calling out abuses in Xinjiang – and the curtailment of freedom in Hong Kong.” Hundreds of thousands of protesters flooded the streets in major cities across China last week over the reinstatement of the “Zero Covid” lockdown strategy that has kept millions confined to their homes. In rare acts of defiance, protesters demanded Xi Jinping resign as leader despite declaring an unprecedented third term less than a month ago. Footage of desperate citizens fighting Covid officials to remain out of lockdown sparked concern across the West that the Chinese regime was heading further from democracy. But following the weekend’s demonstrations, more Chinese cities eased antivirus restrictions. While some suggest the relative calm shows authorities have heeded the cries of citizens, others have argued the apparent peace is a result of the regime employing furtive methods of cracking down on the protesters, such as arresting them in their homes away from the cameras, and that authoritarianism is now even more prevalent than before.

Anton Chaitkin on the 1944 International Congress on Mental Health attended by Montague Norman and the Tavistock Nazis ….. British psychiatry: from eugenics to assassination
By Anton Chaitkin – 1944-48: after Nazism, the International Congress on Mental Health – In 1944, with the concentration camps in full swing and Europe burning, Montagu Norman resigned from the Bank of England. He immediately began a new project, ironically related to his own repeated mental breakdowns and hospitalizations. Norman organized the British {{National Association for Mental Health.}}
In its formative stages the group was based at Thorpe Lodge, Norman’s London home, where he had met with Nazi Economics Minister Hjalmar Schacht to plan the Hitler regime’s 1930s budgets. Montagu Norman’s Bank of England assistant Otto Niemeyer was made treasurer of the National Association of Mental Health. Niemeyer’s niece, Mary Appleby, became general secretary of the association. She previously worked in the German Section of the British Foreign Office. The president of Norman’s association was to be Richard Austen (“RAB”) Butler. He had been deputy foreign minister to Lord Halifax and the spokesman in the British Parliament for the pro-Nazi policy. The chairman of the association was to be be Lord Halifax’s son-in-law, the Earl of Feversham. The vice chairman was Lord Montagu Norman’s wife, eugenics activist Priscilla Reyntiens Worsthorne Norman. Norman’s British group would soon expand and to take over management of the world psychiatric profession. When the war ended, the exposure and punishment of those responsible for the Nazi barbarities was a rather delicate matter. Dr. Donald Ewen Cameron interrupted his Canadian brain butchery to go help the British Crown’s Tavistock psychological warfare unit evaluate the sanity of Nazi official Rudolph Hess. Cameron’s unique insights into the Nazi mentality had made him a valued part of a secret wartime psychiatric committee in Washington to assess the trends in the Nazi leadership’s thinking. Cameron now testified as an expert at the Nuremberg war crimes trials. His old OSS colleague {{Allen Dulles,}} later the CIA director, was reportedly pleased by Cameron’s suggestion that each surviving German over the age of 12 should be given electroshock treatment to burn out remaining vestiges of Nazism. That part of the Nuremberg Code dealing with scientific research was drafted by Boston psychiatrist Leo Alexander; he soon afterward joined with Auschwitz experimental mastermind Otmar Verschuer in Franz Kallmann’s American Society of Human Genetics. In 1948, Montagu Norman’s National Association for Mental Health gathered the world psychiatric and psychological leaders together at an {{International Congress on Mental Health}} at the United Kingdom’s Ministry of Health in London. At this congress, a {{World Federation for Mental Health}} was formed, to run the planet’s psychological services. Lady Norman, the hostess of the congress, was named to the executive board. Norman picked as president of the World Federation the chief of the British military’s psychological warfare department, Tavistock Institute chief {{Brig. Gen. Dr. John Rawlings Rees.}} In connection with the founding of the World Federation for Mental Health, a New York agent of Montagu Norman named Clarence G. Michalis was made chairman of the board of the Josiah Macy, Jr. Foundation. That foundation, in turn, would pay for much of what the World Federation and Tavistock were to do to the United States­ supplying dope and otherwise subverting western ideals. The Macy Foundation’s chief medical officer, Dr. Frank Fremont- Smith, would be the permanent co-director of the World Federation with J.R. Rees. The technical coordinator of the U.S. delegation to the 1948 congress, Nina Ridenour, later wrote in {Mental Health in the United States: A Fifty Year History,} that “the World Federation for Mental Health … had been created upon the recommendation of the United Nations’ {{World Health Organization}} and {{Unesco}}, because they needed a non-governmental [i.e., not accountable to any check of law or constitution­ed.] mental health organization with which they could cooperate.” Ridenour alluded to the fact that the British psychological warfare executive had itself created the heart of the U.N. apparatus:

The Occult & The Mystery Of Iniquity – Barry Smith – Final Notice – Chapter 1:Update 1989 Noah’s Ark Found 666 has arrived A Challenge Chapter 2:Black Monday and Tuesday October Crash Where the Big Crash Will Start Japan Maruyu Under Threat 5 Day Week The Fed. The Seal on the US Dollar Bill Chapter 3:The Plot Thickens New Zealand / Australia Links G7 IMF – International Monetary Fund The Fed. Undermining of Nations Sovereignty Loans Equity Swap Corporatisation Privatisation Bedfellows World Government Groups 10 World Regions Eye on Church Wall Chain of Suggestion Chapter 4:Global 2000 Babel 5 Global Problems New Age Influence N.Z. 1990 Mystery of Iniquity Peace Treaty in the Middle East Henry Kissingers Role in Peace Prophecy Correct Chapter 5:Australia and New Zealand in Global 2000 – Guinea Pig Nations Why N.Z. and Australia Must Be First Wise Will Understand Prototype for E.C. 1992 How to Destroy a Thriving Society Apparent Goodies and Baddies Business Round Table Influence P.W.O or P.G.A. (in the Beehive) Sovereignty Undermined Chapter 6:Beginnings Illuminati History World Domination Aim Main Aims Fabian Socialism N.Z. a State of Australia Taxation, a Weapon A Nasty Shock N.Z. Fabianism Chapter 7:The Protocols Prieure de Sion Masons Vatican Jesuits Mormons Link-up Pope John 23rd and Protestants Link-up Pope John 23rd, R.C. and Freemasons Link-up Pope John 23rd, R.C. and Mafia Chapter 8:Some World Government Plans and Aims Value of the Press Human Rights Centralisation New Laws Land Tax Stirrer Groups Confusion Printing Journalism Lodges Christianity Taxation Unemployment Chapter 9:The Remedy Reasons People Do Not Submit to the Lordship of Jesus Christ Over Their Lives Chapter 10:Money, Money, Money Cash – The Last Bastion of Privacy No Cash Soon Direct Credit Cartoons Mark on the Forhead Databanks Moving Offshore Beast in Brussels 666 Explained Chapter 11:Super Snooper Telecom Costs Stamps Faxes Spies Bugs Spying on Christians God’s View of World Government Chapter 12:What’s Going On World Government Meeting in New Zealand 1990 – Test Case Chapter 13:Startling Information We Assume Too Much Chapter 14:A False Nuclear Threat A Giant International Hoax Why There Can Never be a Nuclear Explosion by Accident Peace Movement Con Chapter 15:A False Greenhouse Effect (Ozone Deception) Based on a Novel Strongly Promoted by Media Ecologists Meet on Patmos Chapter 16:Population Control The World’s Population Needs to be Cut Down Chapter 17:P.V.R. Seed Manipulation Seed Emasculation Aim to Bring Alternative Lifestyle People Out of the Bush and Control All Others Chapter 18:Fishing Manipulation Notice the Plan – Cut Down the Population and then Cut Down the Food Supplies Chapter 19:Livestock Manipulation Stop Food Leaving Farms Unless it is Recorded Chapter 20:The Shocking Aids Story The Aids Cover-up Various Cures Chapter 21:Change, Change, Change Efforts to Fiddle with Constitution Chapter 22:The Highly Organised Distruction of New Zealand Links with Australia 1 July 1990 an Important Date Selling Off Assets Ultimately to Yourself Chapter 23:Change of Allegiances Why the Apparent ANZUS Break Equal Opportunity Chapter 24:Overthrow of New Zealand Sovereignty Created Racial Tension Divide and Rule Commo Cliches Outdated Peace Groups A Set-up Chapter 25:Telecom and Surveillance New Zealand and U.S.S.R. Both Test Cases Must Link Together for World Government Plan Chapter 26:Australian Surveillance Deakin Centre Tax File Numbers Medicare New Zealand Computer Centre Soon Swedish Warning Prisons T.V. Monitors Airports and PASS E.C. Generally Behind Fictitious Analysis for Example Pine Gap’s Influence Chapter 27:N.Z. Surveillance Faxes Cheaper Than Letter Waihopai Tax Evasion G.S.T. PAYE Health Computers PAXUS Israelis Teach Interrogation I.D. for New Zealand Chapter 28:Surveys Phone Information Phones With Pictures Coming Photo on Licence Chapter 29:Bits and Pieces EFTPOS Changes 4 Banks Link BNZ Options Open Fundamentalist Christians Increasing Trans-Tasman Travel Increasing Noah’s Ark Found Computers in the Islands Chapter 30:Others Can Spy Too I.D. Cards in Europe Barcodes on Cars Fibre Optics in London Chapter 31:The Sinking of the Lermontov List of Unanswered Questions Lermontov – Wrong Specifications (Lloyd’s Register) Wrong Profile Wrong Description Wrong Loading Depth Questions Not Asked in Enquiry Chapter 32:Commos Are Such Nice People Spy Bases – Wellington, Canberra Listening in to Telephone Microwaves Soviet Aims in Pacific Chapter 33:The Soviet Union and Communism Soviets and Antarctica Soviets Testing Democracy 4 Power Groups Reason for USSR Strength Karl Marx, a Fraud Lenin’s Aims Violent and Non-Violent Methods Socialism and Communism, The Same Soviet History = Lies Boredom Under Socialism Soviet Airlines Unsafe USSR Military Might, A Myth U.S. Feeds USSR Communism Cruel No Standards in Communism Brutality Acceptable Behaviour USSR = Devious Behaviour USSR & New Zealand = Common Policies Chapter 34:Soviets Link With Religion World Government Links With World Church Chapter 35:Soviets Future Predicted Link U.S. and USSR Bush, The Key Man Nuclear Energy for Joint Space Travel Russia in Prophecy The Destruction of Soviet Communism Chapter 36:Unionism Unionism Finished A Demonic Spirit Controls All Unions A Spiritual Remedy Chapter 37:The U.S.A. in World Government Plans U.S. Servicemen in the Pacific War U.S. Presidency Curse on Presidents Skull and Bones Club The Order Managed Conflict Between U.S. and USSR Soviets and the Order Presidents and Christianity Key Trilateralists Henry Kissinger and his Activities Moscow Can Work With Bush U.S. in Prophecy? Trojan Horse Harmonic Locations Freemasonry and its Influence Links with U.S. to Europe in Illuminati Bad Times Ahead for U.S.A Visions Past and Present The Selling of America Japanese Influence in the U.S. Canada For Sale Japan Playing Hard to Get U.S. Food Manipulation Cut in U.S. Population Ways of Destroying U.S. Freedoms Spiritual Revival Federal Reserve OPEC Methods for Destroying World’s Economy The Secret Power, Stronger than the Fed. G10 & G7 Bank of International Settlements Chapter 38:Computerization Equals Bondage The First Computers Thinking Computers Texas Banks Going Broke Plastic Cards a Temporary Measure Plastic Card Expansion Bye Bye Tellers Swiss Accounts Black Money Cashless Society Will Stop This Chapter 39:The E.C. and its Leader in World Government Plans Recap on E.C. History Description of E.C. in Prophecy List of Qualifications for Leader Applicants for 13th Position Three Nations Will Be Expelled Lead Up To 1992 Chapter 40:The Future of the E.C. Prophesied E.C. Must Have a Strong Leader Strong and Weak Nations Details on the Leader’s Popularity E.C. Last World Empire It Will Last But a Short Time Politics and Religion Link Chapter 41:Subversion of the Children Curriculum Organizers Devilish Teaching in No Absolutes Strap or Police Baton Corporal Punishment Outlawed Psychology Causes Problems God’s Wisdom A Choice for Parents Human Wisdom or God’s Wisdom? Humanism Teaches Self Christianity Teaches ‘Others First’ Chapter 42:Is Education Improving? Look and Say, A Tragedy Back to Basics Taking Away Landmarks Results of Change Poor Standards Sex Education Video Censorship Nuclear Education Hinduism in Classrooms Tomorrow’s Schools Chapter 43:Evolution and Education Creation Forbidden in N.S.W. Schools 6,000 year History Evolution or Creation, A Choice Atheism, a Bad Choice Bunyan’s Discussion with Former Atheist, in Hell Atheists Downward Path Unisex Madness Differences in the Sexes God Ordained Chapter 44:Evolution and Atheism Agnosticism is Foolishness A True Life Illustration Chapter 45:Endtime Occult Activity Girl Levitates Devil Dog Queen Witch Satan Links All World Government Groups Politicians Need Prayer Master Jesus False Christ Communists and Capitalists Link Lawless Spirits on the Increase 3 Leaders to Rule Soon Psychic Predictions for 1988 True Prophets List of Forbidden Practises The Enemy is Working Flat Out. Why? Vile Games and Occult Explosion A False Christ Gradual Occult Acceptance Creeping into the Church Pity the Kids Witchcraft a Crime in New Zealand Strange Changes Demonism Chapter 46:New Age Deception – Planned Lucifer Worship Raising of Consciousness Equals the Road to Hell Severe Warning Hinduism, the Basis of New Age Satan in Visualization Witnessing to New Agers The Mark of the Beast Reincarnation – Their Teachings New Age in the USSR New Age Propaganda Man The Satanic Initiation Key=Food, Food a Bondage World Leader 4 Stages Peer Pressure The Problem of Small Communities Deception The True Way Is Jesus the Only Way? Ivan Panin Proofs The Initiation en Masse Truth Versus Error Chapter 47:New Age and The Occult Error, Looking Inside One’s Self The Old Lie Hinduism Write Your Own Road Rules Self Worship U.F.O’s – 2 Sources a) U.S.A. b) From Hell Chapter 48:Israel 1986 Trip to Israel Strange Happenings God’s Clock Prophecies Fulfilled 3 Battles in Middle East Outlined Many Jews Leaving the Soviet Union A 2nd Exodus Is Jerusalem the Jewish Capital? Ethiopian Jews’ Exodus Raiders of the Lost Ark Kissinger and Middle East Peace Bible, Miraculous Predictions 4 People to Watch Rumours of Messiah A Generation 50 Years When Will Messiah Come? Chapter 49:Freemasonry and the Occult Strange Happenings Freemasonry Demon A Challenge A Cancer Healing Masons Backtrack Witchcraft – Curses on Freemasons Some Church Leaders Involved Proof, Proof, Proof Demonic Anger a Feature Freemasonry is Blasphemous 17th Degree Passed Can a Christian be a Mason? Above the Law Roman Catholics and Freemasonry Origin of Freemasonry Church of England’s Findings apply to New Zealand and Great Briton ‘Harmless Old Duffers’ Nothing to Hide? Woman Should Be Admitted What to do Information Vindicated They Must Be Warned Shouting and Raving to be Expected A Good Substitute Fellowship Other Secret Groups A Final Eyeopener Chapter 50:The World Church System Danger, Danger A Brief History – Outline of Early Church Customs A Valid Question Nicolaitans The Root Determines the Fruit Persecution Roman Emperors Catacombs Infiltration Reality in Christianity Satan’s Master Plan The Thin Edge of the Wedge Key Thought No Popes Until 440 A.D. Is Peter the Rock? Peter Only a Foundation Member – Proof The Chief Corner Stone Religion is the Name of the Game Extras List – Aids to Worship Danger in Images The Rot Setting In Good News Politics In With Religion 7 Sacraments Spoil Salvation Christ’s Work all in Vain Love, Fellowship and Unity Only Ground for Unity The Weed Prostitute had Pagan Origins Confusion Regarding Salvation Some Good Folk in Weed System Good News for Willing Teachable Believers Martin Luther Weed Group Hides Salvation from its People Religion Worse than Politics Weed Group Murdered 68 Million The Power Declines Scandals 3 Heresies – Kingdom Now – Hyperfaith (Name it and Claim it) – Don’t Go To Church Traps for Young Church Dodgers Weed Prostitute, Time is Running Out Church Union Seed Bride Infiltrated The Judgement of the Weed System Filth in the Weed System Super World Church Headquarters of Evil System Identified Future Plans What to do Martyrs Blood Cries Out A Martyr’s Challenge Good News For Fishermen – A Large Net Chapter 51:God’s Answer – A Spiritual Revival What to Expect Chapter 52:Don’t Worry Believer No Need to Fear Famine and Food Distribution by Antichrist Final Stage of Antichrist’s Ministry = Death to Rebels God’s Plan for Believers We’re Going Up – Hallelujah Chapter 53:Miraculous Provision Provided A True Life Illustration Biblical Promises 3 Groups Revealed Our God Works at the Last Minute Doomsday Food? – No Thank You Chapter 54:A Supernatural Call The Rarotonga Adventure 3 Visions Another Vision My Call from the Lord A Rhema Paralyzed Sequel to the Story Confirmation Be Patient Chapter 55:Hell The Horrors of Scenes in Hell Voices from Beyond the Grave A Solemn Warning Chapter 56:Heaven Scenes in Glory Not to be Missed Your Choice Essential Chapter 57:Calvary The Cost Salvation Provided God’s Grace The Sinner’s Choice

Radio4All download pages
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#1 – Complete 3hr 45m show – [right click to download]
Full interviews with…
#2 – PM Rishi Sunak lord Mayor’s banquet speech 2022 – 00:30:00
#3 – Dr Judith Curry climatologist Theres no emergency – 00:30:00
#4 – Rosa Koire UN Agenda 2030 exposed – 00:15:00
#5 – Whitney Webb: China Wall Street and the New Global Economy with James Corbett Unlimited Hangout – 01:00:00


Tony’s new paperback and eBooks Traitors Of Arnhem, Siege Of Heaven; Siege Of Heaven Reader – all available for donation, or to buy, via
BCfm’s weekly Politics Show presented by Tony Gosling with Irish Republican Labour activist Martin Summers was forced off FM, now online only. We were ‘rested due to the pandemic’ on 24 March 2020 by BCfm charity ‘CEO’ Patrick Hart who is a longtime personal friend of Bristol’s all-powerful right-wing ‘Labour’ mayor Marvin Rees. This Internet only NOT The BCfm Politics Show is now available 17:00-c. 21:00 live on Fridays. Pat Hart replaced us with an inane student show repeating MSM stories called The Bristol Agenda. If you’d like to share your views on his deliberate dumbing-down mismanagement you can contact UK broadcasting regulator Ofcom or BCfm board chair and the ‘Don’ here.

February 2019 Ofcom complaint result: UKLFI exposed as creation of Israeli foreign ministryBristol Post article: BCfm cleared after being reported to Ofcom for anti-semitic conspiracy theories

1 Comment on “LIVE GUEST Ruth Nestor explains how she was evicted unfairly from her home, and now political protestors have moved in to stop the bailiffs – MOST REGRESSIVE: KILLER COUNCIL TAX – PMQs Rishi Sunak questioned on his privilege – LIVE GUEST Barbara Cook, from Bristol Outcry, on how our human rights in UK are being eroded by this Tory government – rally – LIVE GUEST Don Debar, New York Pacifica radio journalist, on Trump – and how anti-Trump propaganda isn’t working – Jens Stoltenberg, head of NATO, on Russia attacking Ukraine’s energy infrastructure. Jamie Shea – LIVE GUEST Dr Judith Brown – her latest research on the hundreds of fake fact checking companies quietly funded by Facebook etc. – £20bn Sizewell Nuclear gets go-ahead, after Undercover XR Police ‘Protester’ Mark Kennedy Shut Down Coal Fired Power Stations – Dr. Judith Curry on how the climate is warming and there is a man made element, but the media ris exaggerating massively – RIP Rosa Koire. UN Agenda 2030 exposed – Rosa Koire, pioneer of Agenda 21 ‘Sustainable Development’ criticism who died in 2021 – ITV report on the new Bristol Clean Air Zone (CAZ) – Bristol blue cab drivers warn of fewer accessible taxis – What British PM Sunak’s first foreign policy speech made clear Rishi Sunak giving a speech at the Guildhall – evils of Ukraine and China – Beijing Covid lockdown – China protests spread, reports of clashes with police in Shanghai – – US/China Elites Work Together To Enslave Humanity In Surveillance Economy ,Whitney Webb is joined by James Corbett – China is ‘fighting a losing battle’ against Zero Covid protesters – Nigel Inkster, MI6, on the health pass and lockdown protests in China – Anton Chaitkin on the 1944 International Congress on Mental Health attended by Montague Norman and the Tavistock Nazis – The Occult & The Mystery Of Iniquity, Barry Smith, Final Notice, Chapter 1:Update 1989 Noah’s Ark Found 666 has arrived A Challenge – NOT The BCfm Politics Show presented by Tony Gosling

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