Radical Cartoonist Stella Perrett and Independent Councillor for Knowle, Gary Hopkins – Bristol mayor Marvin Rees refuses to be interviewed or even reply to requests – New transgender bill in Scotland. Rent controls in Bristol – Rent controls in Bristol. Evan Davis interviews Marvin Rees on Thursday’s BBCR4 PM – Electric cars. Green energy schemes. -> Man drives electric Volvo 350 miles to see REAL cost and ‘numbers just don’t add up’ – Kier Starmer in Davos is with the banksters on the energy crisis – Tony Blair calls for WEF and WTO to introduce “digital infrastructure” that monitors vaccination status – Ex cop John Wedger on murderer/rapist Met. policemen ‘Bastard Dave’, David Carrick and Wayne Couzens plus Child Satanic ritual abuse – John Wedger, on child sex abuse rings in the Police, and Satanic abuse. Secret services and blackmail – Chief Inspector Richard Watkinson was also accused of having pairs of boys’ underwear and sex toys stashed away in a secret room. – Nadhim Zahawi’s ‘Le Cercle’ is an international far right propaganda group which brings together serving or retired intelligence officers and politicians with links to right-wing intelligence factions from most of the countries in Europe – Davos 2023: Chap who snatched secret 1942 NSDAP EWG report from Berlin in 1998 says it proves Nazis designed the EU – Ukraine helicopter crash: internal power struggle Elites struggle for power as Zelensky’s days are numbered – Hackers assassinate by pacemaker – Barnaby Jack died exposing CIA Heart Attack weapons – David Halpin on the strange death of former Shadow Foreign Secretary Robin Cook – PMQs Nadhim Zahawi not paying tax while chancellor of the exchequer – ex-chairman of the fascist international The Pinay Cercle – Greg Lance-Watkins – document found for the Nazi plan for a European Economic Community Europaische WiertschaftsGemeinschaft – Protest to keep wild camping on Dartmoor Saturday – Guy Shrubsole, author of Who Owns England, on wild camping – David Livingstone on how the occultists have changed their objectives, shape shifting over the centuries since the Knights Templar, the modern Satanic aims of the ‘Fourth Reich’ – NOT The BCfm Politics Show presented by Tony Gosling

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Part One News Review and Investigative Reports

Martin and Tony are joined by Radical Cartoonist Stella Perrett and Independent Councillor for Knowle, Gary Hopkins. Bristol mayor Marvin Rees refuses to be interviewed or even reply to requests. New transgender bill in Scotland. The more that I saw you burning – Posted on January 17, 2023 by Rev. Stuart Campbell. The recently-restored Wings Twitter account has a little over 56,000 followers, the vast bulk of them accumulated at a time when this site had far less reason to criticise the SNP or the Scottish Government. So while this poll isn’t scientific, the indy-friendly nature of the respondent base makes it pretty interesting. Those numbers closely mirror what every actual proper poll tells us about Scottish people’s opinion of the GRR itself – they oppose it by margins of between 3:1 and 4:1. So if the Scottish Government is counting on the UK’s intervention to increase support for independence, frankly it looks like they’re onto a massive loser. This hasn’t stopped some commentators intelligent enough to know better (but whose previous detectable interest in the gender issue has been nil) from rushing out with little nuggets of comically ill-informed analysis: Really? Being dragged out of Europe against our will didn’t move the indy dial. The rolling farce of Theresa May then Boris Johnson’s reigns as PM didn’t move the indy dial (not even Liz Truss’s “WTAF?” month in 10 Downing Street did). The cost of living crisis didn’t move the indy dial. Indeed, other than a temporary blip during the peak of COVID when Nicola Sturgeon was live on national TV literally every day, nothing has moved the indy dial in her entire term as First Minister. Perhaps most pertinently, the Internal Market Bill – where the UK government literally invented brand new legislation in order to trample all over Holyrood’s devolved powers – didn’t move the indy dial. Yet Prof. Qvortrup apparently thinks the people of Scotland will rise up in revolutionary fury over the UK legitimately using law that already exists, because apparently the people of Scotland are so desperate to let rapists identify as women and be held in women’s prisons. Hmmm. And let’s not lie to ourselves – the deployment of Section 35 is perfectly legitimate. Indeed, it’s the exact reason Section 35 was included in the Scotland Act for in the first place (and not by the dastardly Tories, but by Labour, and voted for by the SNP).

Rent controls in Bristol. Evan Davis interviews Marvin Rees on Thursday’s BBCR4 PM – housing in Bristol – not enough student accommodation. Cramped student accommodation. New mall for Knowle. Bristol renters and landlords barred from speaking in council debate on rent controls – Evan Davis interviews US accented snake-like Evelyn Welch, aloof Vice-Chancellor of University of Bristol, about housing for students, she asks for more government money. Bristol Arena – old area near Temple Meads and new plan. By election in Hotwells and Harbourside. Evan interviewing Marvin – Mayoral position voted out in Bristol. Levelling up grants. “No more landlords”: students take housing matters into their own hands  As student housing reaches crisis point in the UK, one organisation is determined to break the mould – and the grip of rogue landlords – by creating co-operatives to run accommodation. Student housing in crisis – Housing for university students is in chaos. As the Guardian reported, charities are saying it’s the worst crisis since the 1970s. It noted that the company StuRents did research that: suggests there is a shortfall of 207,000 student beds, and 19 towns and cities where there is more than a 10% undersupply of beds, ranging from 28% in Preston and 25% in Bristol to 10% in Birmingham and Swansea. purpose-built student accommodation has stopped expanding to the extent it was, and we don’t think that’s going to change. At the same time we think there’s a significant decrease in shared houses – [landlords] are moving back to renting to professionals or leaving the market. The reason for the chaos is fairly obvious: government-driven privatisation of the sector. As a report by the Higher Education Police Institute noted: Student housing no longer sits within the control of universities. Private sector involvement used to be confined to shared student housing in the community. Universities, for their part, owned and ran halls of residence. Now, almost half of residences are owned by private providers, working independently or alongside university partners. However, students aren’t taking the chaos lying down. In Manchester, a rent strike is currently ongoing. Meanwhile, one group is helping students take direct control of their homes. A co-operative way. Student Co-op Homes (SCH) launched in March 2018: It acts as an umbrella for student housing co-operatives. SCH explained in a press release that: A student housing co-operative is a not-for-profit alternative housing model, whereby the tenants have control over their home. This enables the students living in them to learn and share skills to create homes where everyone collaborates for mutual benefit. The group works with external people and organisations to build portfolios of properties for lease to local co-ops. So far, it’s had some success. SCH says on its website that: We raised over £300,000 through our first community share offer, allowing us to start buying properties and help create a thriving student housing co-op movement.

Electric cars. Green energy schemes. -> Man drives electric Volvo 350 miles to see REAL cost and ‘numbers just don’t add up’ – Steven Smith wanted to find out just how easy it is to charge an electric car and what it costs but found that using the ‘eco-friendly’ vehicle came with a hefty price tag Steven said: “The whole day had been a bit of a brain melt in all honesty, constantly working out how far I could travel and where the best places to stop were on both legs of the journey. All in all I felt relieved to get home, but also like someone had emptied my wallet while I wasn’t looking.” With a full charge at home, a fast top-up at services, a slow top-up in Bristol and a super-fast top-up on the way back, the entire journey cost Steven £88.07. Meanwhile, he calculated that the diesel cost for the same journey would have come to £50.24, “assuming 55mpg and 173.9p per litre”, while the petrol cost would have been £53.28, “assuming 45mpg and 150.9p per litre”. Concluding his experiment, Steven said: “I wanted this to work, I really did. But after what I hope you will agree was a pretty comprehensive real-world test, I couldn’t make the numbers add up. “Whichever way I looked at it, the return trip had taken me 90 minutes longer than usual and cost me nearly £40 more. I certainly didn’t expect that. “Helping to save the planet with zero-emission vehicles comes at a personal cost, it would seem, certainly given the spiralling cost of energy in the past year or so.” He added: “The criticism lies with the cost of on-the-road charging, not with the car, which is excellent. My only beef with the car was not getting anywhere near its claimed on-paper range, which ultimately added to the cost because I wasn’t getting as much bang for my buck as I would have hoped for. “Getting more like 220 or 250 miles for a full charge would have felt much better. Until such a time as on-the-road chargers return to costing closer to what charging at home currently does, long journeys are a difficult equation. Had all of my charging been possible at the same rate as at home, the day would have cost me roughly the same as, or probably a little less than, the diesel. But it wasn’t possible, because on a long journey you are beholden to public chargers and what they cost – and that cost has rocketed. “That leads me to conclude that the arguments for and against electric cars as it currently stands are complex – even more so with the cost of electricity having risen substantially. If, like most people I suspect, you do mostly local driving (to work, the shops, out for dinner, etc) with the occasional long journey mixed in every few weeks, it makes a lot of sense when you can do most of your charging at home, especially if you’ve got a proper 7kw home charger installed and aren’t running an extension lead out of a window like I was.

BRI NHS rally Saturday at 2pm. PMQs Starmer – state of NHS. But he has no solitions except let Davod banksters run it all….   SOUTH-WEST HEALTHCARE WORKERS MARCH – 2pm, SATURDAY 21st JANUARY 2023 IN BRISTOL Meet outside the BRI at the corner of Upper and Lower Maudlin Street, Bristol, BS1 2LY. We will march up past the BRI and Park Row, going down Park Street to finish on College Green where we will hear from some healthcare speakers. TIME TO PAY OUR NHS WORKERS FAIRLY! Join us in Bristol, outside the Bristol Royal Infirmity on the corner of Upper and Lower Maudlin Street at 2pm on Saturday January 21st, as we march to College Green and raise our collective voice to say: “PAY NHS WORKERS FAIRLY AND FIX THE STAFFING CRISIS”! Join us, as representatives from BMA, Unison and other healthcare unions take to the streets to demand that the government meets with unions, acknowledges the scale of the problem and the need for urgent resolution of the staffing crisis so the public receive the healthcare they deserve. The NHS has seen an exodus of staff. Real-terms pay has been steadily eroded. Trained professionals are forced to leave the profession that they love. Patients suffer as workers tirelessly take more on and to provide the best care they can under unmanageable duress. The same workers who were clapped as heroes by the government- and yet the government stick their heads in the sand and issue empty platitudes. It’s time to say “ENOUGH IS ENOUGH!”.

Davos – Greta Thumberg criticising the big companies and big money inside. NZ – Jacinda Aherne has resigned. Kier Starmer in Davos on the energy crisis. Bitchute – carbon credit cartoon. Klaus Schwab at Davos. Kier Starmer at Davos.

Tony Blair calls for WEF and WTO to introduce “digital infrastructure” that monitors vaccination status – “You need the data. You need to know who’s been vaccinated and who hasn’t been.” Former United Kingdom (UK) Prime Minister Tony Blair has called for global organizations such as the World Trade Organization (WTO) and World Economic Forum (WEF) to push national governments to introduce “digital infrastructure” that monitors who has been vaccinated and who hasn’t. Blair pushed for this government-controlled digital vaccine database during an appearance at the World Economic Forum’s 2023 annual meeting — a yearly event where powerful business leaders, politicians, and other influential figures meet in Davos, Switzerland to discuss the agendas they want to advance. The former Prime Minister emphasized the importance of “technology and digital infrastructure” and data collection for surveilling the status of the vaccinated and unvaccinated. “You need the data,” Blair said. “You need to know who’s been vaccinated and who hasn’t been. Some of the vaccines that will come on down the line will be multiple, there’ll be multiple shots. So you’ve got to have, the reasons to do with the healthcare more generally, but certainly, for a pandemic or for…vaccines, you’ve got to have a proper digital infrastructure, and many countries don’t have that. In fact, most countries don’t have that.” Blair continued by suggesting that his digital vaccination status surveillance dragnet should be pushed through by the WTO (an intergovernmental organization that regulates international trade), the WEF (an unelected global organization that seeks to “shape global, regional and industry agendas”), and intergovernmental forums such as the Group of Twenty (G20) and the Group of Seven (G7). “Who are the people that can make this happen?” Blair said. “How do you get the right partnerships in place?…That should happen in the G20 particularly, I think, which is…G7 is an important forum, but the G20 is the broader forum…You’ve got to work out what is it that you want to achieve in order to make sure that any future pandemic is properly handled and what are the partnerships that you’re going to create in order to ensure that the answers you get are the right answers. And then you’re going to have the mechanisms of implementation. And those mechanisms will be partly through the formal institutions that you have, like the WTO, and they’ll also be through organizations like yours [the WEF] which…I think…have many advantages because they don’t get landed with the same bureaucracy and frankly small pea politics around them.”

John Wedger, former MET Police Officer, on corruption in the Police. Protection for whistle blowers needed. Tony Roach on Police Professional Standards. John Wedger on when he was in the MET and later lowered entry standards. How did the Met fail to stop the sex monster within its ranks? Scotland Yard missed nine chances to catch rapist cop David Carrick as he attacked 12 women over 17 years – and failed to suspend him when he was arrested for rape. Carrick was repeatedly accused of rape, domestic violence and harassment. Yet faced no criminal sanctions or misconduct findings from 2000 to 2021. Activists called Met’s ‘horrendous’ failings evidence of ‘institution in crisis’. Scotland Yard failed to stop David Carrick despite nine incidents being reported to police over two decades – including allegations of rape, domestic violence and harassment. The 48-year-old Met firearms officer faced no criminal sanctions or misconduct findings over the incidents between 2000 and 2021 – eight of which involved women victims – leaving him free to attack 12 women in a 17-year campaign of torture and abuse. Carrick passed vetting procedures to join the Met in 2001 despite allegations of malicious communications and burglary against an ex-partner the previous year. He was accused of harassment and assault against a former partner while still in his probationary period in 2002 but the matter was not referred to the Directorate of Professional Standards. Today, campaigners said the Met’s ‘horrendous’ failings were evidence of an ‘institution in crisis’, while Downing Street admitted public trust in the police had been ‘shattered’. On one of the darkest day’s in the Met’s 194-year history – David Carrick, from Stevenage, Hertfordshire, has pleaded guilty to 49 charges relating to 12 women between 2003 and 2020; Include the rape of nine different women but some of the charges are multiple incident counts, meaning they relate to 71 serious sexual offences, including 48 rapes; Fiend was nicknamed ‘B***ard Dave’ by colleagues and showed one of his victims his warrant card; Force failed to stop him despite nine incidents, including claims of rape, domestic violence and harassment, coming to police attention over two decades; Rishi Sunak’s spokesman called the case ‘appalling’ and said that high-profile incidents had ‘shattered’ public trust; Sadiq Khan says he is ‘absolutely sickened and appalled’ by Carrick’s ‘truly abhorrent offences’; Mrs Justice Cheema-Grubb will sentence Carrick over two days from February 6; Met is now reviewing more than 1,600 cases of alleged sexual offences or domestic violence involving officers and staff; Campaigners said the Met’s failure to stop Carrick showed it was an ‘institution in crisis’; Force said it’s confident Carrick would not have passed vetting procedures to join today; Police warned Carrick may have had more victims who are waiting to come forward; Baroness Casey, who is conducting a review of the Metropolitan Police’s standards and internal culture, . Carrick would flash his warrant card to lure the women into a false sense of security and tell them: ‘I’m a police officer, you can trust me’. After the attacks, he would taunt his victims by saying they’d never be believed because he was a policeman and it was his word against theirs. The monster took delight in humiliating his victims, whom he branded his ‘slaves’ – with some locked in a small cupboard under the stairs for ten hours without food, whipped with a belt, or forced to clean his house naked. He was the subject of five complaints from members of the public between 2002 and 2008, including rudeness, incivility and the use of force, with two of the incidents dealt with by management action. Carrick passed checks to become a firearms officer in 2009 despite at least one further domestic incident involving the Met in 2004 and was re-vetted in 2017 – the same year he was spoken to by Thames Valley Police officers after being thrown out of a Reading nightclub while drunk. By then he had also been the suspect in a 2016 Hampshire Police investigation following an allegation of harassment but he was not arrested. The PC was given ‘words of advice’ after being accused of grabbing a woman by the neck during a domestic incident investigated by Hertfordshire Constabulary in 2019 over informing his chain of command about off-duty incidents but found to have no misconduct case to answer. He was placed on restricted duties after he was arrested on suspicion of rape in July 2021 but the restrictions were lifted after the criminal probe was dropped in September. Carrick has now admitted two charges of rape, two of sexual assault and one count of controlling and coercive behaviour in relation to the woman. However, Carrick never returned to full duties because he was arrested over another rape allegation in October after another woman came forward. The investigation prompted another dozen women to make allegations against Carrick, many of whom said they had been scared to speak out because of his position. No police colleagues ever complained about Carrick’s behaviour but following his arrest some officers confirmed he was known as ‘the bastard’ or ‘Bastard Dave’ because he was ‘mean and cruel’.

Bitchute video of complete show – Essentials: Michael Hudson; Blackrock; Tony on Brexit : Evolution :

Part Two – Ukraine/Covid/Climate Round-Up With End Times Prophecy Reports

John Wedger, on child sex abuse rings in the Police, and Satanic abuse. Secret services and blackmail. Senior Met police officer facing child porn charges found dead at home. Chief Inspector Richard Watkinson was also accused of having pairs of boys’ underwear and sex toys stashed away in a secret room. Concerns were raised for his welfare last week after he failed to turn up at the police station where he was due to be charged. A senior Metropolitan Police officer facing child porn offences has reportedly been found dead at home. Chief Inspector Richard Watkinson had been arrested in July 2021 after a raid on his address in Buckinghamshire uncovered a stash of indecent images, pairs of boys’ underwear and sex toys hidden away behind a trap door at the property . The shock discovery followed a joint investigation into Watkinson by the Met and force watchdog the Independent Office for Police Conduct (IOPC). The images uncovered on his computer equipment were said to be Category A and B, meaning they depicted abuse of the worst levels. The 49-year-old’s initial arrest was on ‘suspicion of misconduct, sending obscene messages, corrupt exercise of police powers and data protection breaches’. He was subsequently re-arrested 11 days later on suspicion of further offences which included conspiracy to ‘distribute indecent images of children, voyeurism and misconduct in public office’. His body was discovered last week after he failed to turn up at the police station where he was due to be charged, raising concerns for his welfare. A spokesperson for Thames Valley Police said, “Officers were called to Saunderton, Princes Risborough, at just after 3.35pm on Thursday, January 12. “Sadly, the body of a man was located inside a property at that location. The man’s death is unexplained but not suspicious. A file will be prepared for the coroner. “His next of kin have been made aware and our thoughts are with the man’s family and friends.” A source told The Sun nerwspaper it is suspected Watkinson, apparently nicknamed ‘Sir Smashy’ after a Harry Enfield character by colleagues, was under “huge mental strain” due to the case.

Crash of Ukranian helicopter. Kissinger says Ukraine should join NATO. Tanks to Ukraine from Germany. Russia’s gains in Ukraine war. Ukraine helicopter crash: Elites struggle for power as Zelensky’s days are numbered – The struggle for power in Ukraine has been escalating lately. The helicopter that crashed on a kindergarten in Brovary on January 18 comes as a living proof of this. The Ukrainian Parliament, the Verkhovna Rada, may impeach President Zelensky, whereas the task of the Russian Armed Forces is to win the Key to Kyiv. Ukraine helicopter crash: Elites struggle for power as Zelensky’s days are numbered. Ukraine’s Minister for Interior killed in Brovary helicopter crash – A Super Puma helicopter with the Ministry for Interior on board crashed on the morning of January 18 near a kindergarten in the town of Brovary, a suburb of Kyiv. Denis Monastyrsky was assassinated – It appears, however, that Denis Monastyrsky, who did not have the habit of traveling by helicopter, was assassinated. Who wanted him dead? There are two options. The first one is Zelensky himself. This version can be confirmed by the visit of the commander of the Armed Forces of Ukraine Valery Zaluzhny to Poland for a meeting with US General Mark Milley without the consent of Zelensky’s Office. According to Legitimny Telegram channel, Zelensky has no confidence in the Americans as everyone knows that they can easily change players when needed. Denis Monastyrsky may have taken the side of Zaluzhny, and this cost him life. The version of Avakov’s involvement untenable – Image of the Future Telegram channel believes that Ukraine’s former Minister for Interior, Arsen Avakov, could be interested in killing Monastyrsky. Avakov started his own game before the split in Ukraine’s military and political leadership. Allegedly, Arsen Avakov is one of Zelensky’s guys: “He received his position at the request of Andriy Yermak and a group of influential smugglers. He aims to replace Monastyrsky,” the authors of the Telegram channel assume. Supposedly, it was Avakov, who gave an order to shoot down the helicopter from a MANPAD. Yet, Avakov has been out of work for a long time. There is a false lead here, but Ukrainian investigation cling to this version. Redistribution of power in Ukraine – The following events indicate that something has changed in the political attitude of Ukrainian elites: Aleksey Arestovych resigned from the position of an adviser to the President’s Office in order to start his own political project. The West gives many verbal promises to supply heavy arms to Kyiv, but takes little action. Germany does not give permission for the export of Leopard tanks. Ursula von der Leyen emotionally urged EU leaders to give Kyiv any weapon that can be used there. There is clearly no consensus among EU member states on this issue. Meanwhile, Washington calls on to seek dialogue with Moscow. The situation on the fronts of the special operation has changed dramatically in favour of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation. The Russian forces continue their offensive after taking Soledar. Mobilisation in Ukraine does not bring any results at all. It appears that the Kyiv regime can see that it’s getting really tough. The Ukrainian economy is falling into abyss. The EU has transferred 3 billion euros for budgetary needs. This is enough for only a month to pay salaries and pensions. The Russian Aerospace Forces have destroyed Ukraine’s energy system. Military supplies have been disrupted. Events in Ukraine develop rapidly. In a few weeks, we may probably see Ukrainian MPs impeaching President Zelensky. His political career is drawing to an end. The goal of the Russian Armed Forces is to take advantage of the moment and get the Key to Kyiv.

Barnaby Jack died exposing CIA Heart Attack weapons: David Halpin – on the strange death of Robin Cook – former Shadow Foreign Secretary Robin Cook was opposing US policy on the illegal Iraq war when he died mysteriously Robin’s GP said Robin’s heart was fine – other suspicious deaths. Heart attacks induced by hacking pacemakers and other medical equipment Barnaby Jack was a hacker in San Francisco who died of a ‘multiple drug overdose’ the day before he was due to give a presentation showing how easy it is to hack into a pacemaker and kill someone. Hacker found dead just days before he was due to demonstrate how to kill someone fitted with a pacemaker at conference. Barnaby Jack had said he could kill a person from 30 feet by using the hack. Gained infamy after demonstrating how to hack cash machines. Mystery surrounds the death of a celebrated computer hacker who claimed to know how to remotely kill someone fitted with a heart pacemaker – as happened in the fictional TV spy drama Homeland. Barnaby Jack died in San Francisco on Thursday, just days before he was due to give a speech revealing how implanted heart devices were at risk from fatal hacking attacks. The San Francisco Medical Examiner’s office confirmed the death last night but did not give any further details. New Zealand-born Jack, 35, was scheduled to be one of the star guests at the Black Hat hacking convention in Las Vegas next week. In a presentation called Hacking Humans, he was planning to highlight the shortcomings of commonly used pacemaker machines by demonstrating how he could hack into them and kill the heart patient from 50ft away with a deadly power surge triggered by a wireless transmitter.

An episode of the acclaimed US series Homeland, starring Damian Lewis and Claire Danes, showed a terrorist using a computer to hack into the Vice-President’s pacemaker and speed up his heartbeat until it kills him. In Homeland, the killer needed the serial number of the pacemaker, but Jack argued that in real life it was even simpler and knowing the code was not necessary. In a recent blog, he said: ‘The only implausible aspect of the hack was the range in which the attack was carried out. ‘The attacker would have had to be in the same building or have a transmitter set up closer to the target. With that said, the scenario was not too far-fetched.’ He said some pacemakers could be commanded to deliver a deadly 830-volt shock from someone on a laptop up to 50ft away, the result of poor software programming by medical device companies. Jack claimed it was possible to infect the pacemaker companies’ servers with a bug that would spread through their system like a virus. ‘We are potentially looking at a worm with the ability to commit mass murder,’ he added. ‘It’s kind of scary.’ The possibility of such attacks is being taken so seriously by the US Food and Drug Administration (FDA) that it has asked manufacturers to ensure greater protection for newer pacemakers which use wireless technology. Jack became one of the world’s most famous hackers after a 2010 demonstration of ‘Jackpotting’ – getting cash machines to spew out money. At the time of his death, Jack was director of embedded-device security for Seattle information-security firm IOActive. The company said in a tweet: ‘Lost but never forgotten, our beloved pirate, Barnaby Jack, has passed.’

PMQs – Nadhim Zahawi not paying tax. Zahawi part of Le Circle now called Pinay Circle. Former chancellor Nadhim Zahawi ‘pays millions to settle tax row’ after investigation. Former Conservative chancellor Nadhim Zahawi is said to have agreed to pay HMRC several million pounds in tax following an investigation into his financial affairs that was first revealed by The Independent last year. The Tory chair has agreed to pay a seven-figure sum to HM Revenue and Customs (HMRC) to settle a tax dispute, according to reports. Labour says there are now “serious questions to answer” for Mr Zahawi and the prime minister. The Independent reported in July that HMRC officials were examining the tax affairs of the senior Tory figure after an inquiry was launched by the National Crime Agency (NCA) in 2020. This is how The Independent reported the investigation at the time – In summer last year, when Mr Zahawi was chancellor and while he was running for the Tory leadership, a senior Whitehall source confirmed that the tax matter being investigated by HMRC was “unresolved”. The initial NCA inquiry was codenamed Operation Catalufa and is understood to have involved the agency’s International Corruption Unit. The Tory chair gave HMRC a “seven-figure” sum to settle a tax row related to Gibraltar-registered Balshore Investments – used to hold shares in the YouGov polling company he co-founded – according to The Sun on Sunday. A spokesperson for Mr Zahawi did not deny that the tax bill amounted to several million, and told The Independent: “As he has previously stated, Mr Zahawi’s taxes are properly declared and paid in the UK. The senior Tory claimed to be the victim of a “smear” campaign after details of the tax investigation were revealed, but vowed to “answer any questions that HMRC has of me”. “Why did Nadhim Zahawi claim last summer that he had paid his taxes in full, and that he wasn’t aware of an investigation?” she asked. “When was he made aware of an investigation? Was the prime minister aware of an investigation when he appointed Nadhim Zahawi to the cabinet?“ Finally, why did Nadhim Zahawi claim he was not a beneficiary of his family trust – Balshore Investments – when records show that the money he owed YouGov was paid from the trust? “Not for the first time, Rishi Sunak’s judgement has been called into serious question. The question remains: is he strong enough to sack Nadhim Zahawi?” The 55-year-old was born in Iraq and came to the UK as a child when his Kurdish family fled Saddam Hussein’s regime, before becoming the MP for Stratford-upon-Avon in 2010. Mr Zahawi made his fortune with online polling company YouGov and was also chief executive of Gulf Keystone Petroleum until 2018.

Nadhim Zahawi’s Pinay Circle (also called the Cercle Violet) is an international right-wing propaganda group which brings together serving or retired intelligence officers and politicians with links to right-wing intelligence factions from most of the countries in Europe. Canadian researcher on Satanism and The Occult, David Livingstone, describes Le Cercle, as the pivotal centre of the centuries old Satanic conspiracy today. The intelligence community has been represented by SIS Chief from 1978-82 Arthur ‘Dickie’ Franks, SIS Department Head Nicholas Elliott, CIA Director William Colby, Swiss Military Intelligence Chief of Provisions Colonel Botta, SDECE chief from 1970-81 Alexandre de Marenches, and, last but not least, the man who took over the running of the Circle when Pinay got too old, Jean Violet, a Parisian lawyer who worked for the SDECE from 1957-70. Violet became so much an ’eminence grise’ in the SDECE that Alexandre de Marenches had to dispense with his services in order to assert his authority as new SDECE chief in 1970. This episode has however not prevented them from working together within the Circle. At the time the Langemann papers were written, Franks and Marenches were serving heads of British and French intelligence respectively. On the political side, Pinay – a former French Prime Minister – forged links with Nixon, Kissinger and Pompidou. The Circle’s present members include Giulio Andreotti, former Italian Prime Minister; Portuguese putschist General Antonio de Spinola; former Franco minister and senior Opus Dei member Silva Munoz; and Vatican prelate and BND agent Monsignore Brunello. Paul Violet, Jean Violet’s son, is one of Chirac’s closest advisors, nicknamed ‘the adjutant’ by Canard Enchaine. Langemann also reports that Sir Arthur Franks and Nicholas Elliott were invited to Chequers for a working meeting with Mrs Thatcher, after her election. But perhaps the key political figure was the late Franz Josef Strauss, Bavarian Premier and Langemann’s boss. The Pinay Circle has a wide range of contacts and its members interlock with the whole panoply of rightwing/parallel intelligence and propaganda agencies – WACL, Heritage Foundation, Western Goals, ISC, Freedom Association, Interdoc, the Bilderberg Group, the Jonathan Institute, P2, Opus Dei, the Moonies’ front CAUSA, IGFM (International Society for Human Rights), and Resistance International. Lowenthal, for instance, is a member of IGFM, Resistance International, WACL, CAUSA, the Jonathan Institute, Konservative Aktion and the European Institute on Security. The Pinay Circle’s significance lies in the fact that it is a forum which brings together the international linkmen of the Right like Crozier, Moss and Lowenthal, with secret service chiefs like Franks and Marenches. Through such contacts it can intervene by media action or covert funding whenever and wherever a political friend is in need of support.

Greg Lance-Watkins – document found for the Nazi plan for a European Economic Community –

Europaische WiertschaftsGemeinschaft

Europaische WiertschaftsGemeinschaft [pdf]

Nazi European Economic Union NSDAP Economics Minister Walter Funk 1942 EWG – Klaus Schwab and WEF – Greta Thunberg. Churchill had plan for a European Union too but it was democratic, the EU and the EWG are dictatorial. Europaische WiertschaftsGemeinschaft (1942 Nazi European Economic Community) in English by Hitler’s Economics Minister Walter Funk: – Around the end of 1939, most of Europe was either consciously or unconsciously under the influence of the economic concept of England. Over recent years, however, it has been swept out of European countries, politically, militarily and economically. Politically the three-power pact has given honour once again to the ancient figures of life, people and room. It has also established a natural order and a neighbourly way of co-existing as the ideal of the new order. The foundation of English economics, which is the basis of the balance of powers, has been militarily destroyed. And economically, a change has come about following the political and military development, the shape of which is easy to describe, but whose final significance is very difficult to evaluate. I can only repeat, that the changing order that is happening now has to be ranked as one of the greatest economic revolutions in history. It signifies a reversion of the economy of Europe to a time before the English concept of building an overseas Europe, i.e. an awareness of one’s own country. The Discussion so far and its Results – Discussions about questions relating to Europe started as the power of the NSADP grew. At the Congress of Europe in Rome from 14th to 20th November 1932, Alfred Rosenberg developed, for the first time in front of an international forum, thoughts and ideas that have moved us since. No one, who fights for a new economic order in Europe, can ignore these perceptions and conclusions. The economic and political wheel was set in motion, when the NSDAP declared the militarisation of the German economy. It is to the credit of the journal ‘Germany’s Economy’ that it first seized these questions in 1932, kept on bringing them up and stuck doggedly to those original perceptions. The idea of German economic self- sufficiency in the new political sense and the German economic militarisation are synonymous with this journal. Besides this, Daitz, the ambassador, has earned the special credit of being the first to have related German economic history to the present time. Part II of his selected speeches and essays, which appeared in 1938 under the title ‘Germany and the European Economy’, summarizes his concepts formed between 1932 and 1938. The Italian, Carlo Scarfoglio, delivered with his book ‘England and the Continental Mainland’, a decisive historical contribution to the consciousness of the European continent. Meanwhile German and Italian economic policy drew the political consequences from the historical lessons that were learnt during the blockade and learnt again during the sanctions. The speech made in Munich in 1939 by the leader of the Reich’s farmers, R. Walther Darre, at the 6th Great Lecture at the Commission of Economic Policy of the NSDAP, takes a special place in the discussion at that time. Its theme was “The market order of the National-Socialist agricultural policy – setting the pace for a new foreign trade order.”

Protest to keep wild camping on Dartmoor Saturday – Guy Shrubsole, author of Who Owns England, on wild camping. ‘Nothing can take its place’: dismayed Dartmoor wild campers share memories – Lovers of the national park mourn loss of right to camp – for some a balm for their mental health, for others a rite of passage Visitors to Dartmoor and local people have reacted with dismay to the loss of the right to wild camp in England and Wales after a high court ruling against the pitching of tents in the national park without the landowner’s permission. Campaigners have vowed to fight the ban. Here, readers share their memories of camping on Dartmoor and what the national park means to them. Growing up in Devon, camping on Dartmoor was a rite of passage, accessible to all. We spent every Boxing Day eating turkey sandwiches huddled out of the rain. We spent countless weekends as grumpy teenagers being dragged around letterboxing, and then, at secondary school, joining Dartmoor society for lengthy ambles across the moor on weekends. On one trip, a group of us decided to camp near Okehampton for a couple of nights. It rained constantly, and we spent the entire time playing Bop It. In a complicated and overwhelming world, we had a space where we could enjoy the very simplest pleasures. As an adult, I have often come back to wild camp on Dartmoor. Bring the right kit and the right attitude, and this wild and rugged place was yours for the taking. I refuse to believe that the isolationist attitudes of individuals should change this great communal offering for us all. Sarah Mitchell, 38, Guildford. The experiences I had on Dartmoor wild camping with friends are integral to my love of nature and adventure today. I have great memories of my late mum telling me about her walks across Dartmoor with my dad when they first met. I recently found my Duke of Edinburgh logbook from 1992 and had a good laugh at the photos of bedraggled teenagers. I also remember building bivouacs one night before Christmas with a group of friends from Venture Scouts in the woods near Sheepstor and having Christmas dinner cooked on stoves. I no longer live there, but feel sad that this link to nature could be lost to future young people. If they have less access to nature, how can they learn to love and respect it? I hope people talking about it will lead to a successful appeal that permits something like the model here in the Écrins that allows wild camping from between 7pm and 9am (and at least one hour’s walk from the park limits or nearest roads). Kate Maddison, 47, now living in France

David Livingstone on how the occultists have changed their objectives, shape shifting over the centuries since the Knights Templar, the modern Satanic aims of the ‘Fourth Reich’ Transhumanists. Ordo Ab Chao – by David Livingstone – 11. Techno-Libertarianism – Linking up online with the Silicon Valley entrepreneur Curtis Yarvin, creator of the Urbit computing platform, Nick Land helped develop the doctrine of “neoreaction,” or NRx, essentially an argument that democracy had outlived its usefulness. The NRx subculture started amongst the Bay Area technolibertarians, particularly including the transhumanists. In 2007 and 2008, Yarvin, writing under the nom de plume Mencius Moldbug, articulated what would develop into Dark Enlightenment thinking. NRx, or the Dark Enlightenment as it is also called, is an anti-democratic and reactionary movement that broadly rejects egalitarianism and also draws influence from philosophers such as Thomas Carlyle and Julius Evola.[103] “The label blends together straight-up white supremacists, nationalists who think conservatives have sold out to globalization, and nativists who fear immigration will spur civil disarray. But at its core,” says Dylan Matthews of Vox of the alt-right, “are the ideas of a movement known as neoreaction, and neoreaction (NRx for short) is a rejection of democracy.”[104] According to Land: NRx doesn’t think the Alt-Right (in America) is very serious. It’s an essentially Anti-Anglo-American philosophy, in its (Duginist) core, which puts a firm ceiling on its potential. But then, the NRx analysis is that the age of the masses is virtually over. Riled-up populist movements are part of what is passing, rather than of what is slouching toward Bethlehem to be born.[105] In September 2021, Yarvin appeared on “Tucker Carlson Today,” where he discussed the United States’ withdrawal from Afghanistan and his concept of the “Cathedral,” which he claims to be the aggregation of political power and influential institutions.[106] Yarvin says that real political power in the United States is held by something he calls “the Cathedral,” an amalgam of universities and the mainstream press. According to him, a so-called “Brahmin” social class dominates American society, preaching progressive values to the masses. Yarvin and the Dark Enlightenment movement assert that the cathedral’s commitment to equality and justice erodes social order. The movement favors a return to older societal constructs and forms of government, including support for monarchism and traditional gender roles, coupled with a libertarian or otherwise conservative approach to economics. The general goal of the neoreactionaries is the restoration of all culturally European countries to their pre-liberal, pre-democratic, pre-feminist, pre-multicultural state, effectively, to the state of Europe prior to the enlightenment.[107] Neoreactionaries want to see a captain of industry installed as a de facto king of America, often identifying Thiel or Elon Musk as that most appropriate person. Recently they have also taken to voicing support for Presidential candidate Donald Trump. As MrAnon for The Daily Kos explained: “A lone billionaire seizing the power of the executive branch for himself, and proceeding to run the government like they would a private corporation is the embodiment of their goal.”[108] Yarvin had reportedly opened up a line to the White House, communicating with Bannon and his aides through an intermediary, Politico reported.[109] Bannon reportedly read neoreactionary literature, and Peter Thiel’s fund supported Yarvin’s tech startup Urbit. In emails to alt-right provocateur Milo Yiannopoulos obtained by Buzzfeed, Yarvin claimed to be “coaching Thiel,” telling Yiannopoulos that he “watched the [2016] election at [Thiel’s] house … He’s fully enlightened.”

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#2 – COMPLETE Greg Lance-Watkins on the WEF & Smoking Gun Of The Nazi EU 01:20:00
#3 – COMPLETE John Wedger on Bastard Dave of the DPG child and satanic abuse 00:45:00
#4 – COMPLETE Tony Roach on Bastard Dave David Carrick 00:15:00
#5 – COMPLETE Dr David Halpin Nuclear Power – Nuclear Bombs – and The Strange Death of Robin Cook 00:40:00
#6 – COMPLETE Evelyn Welch Vice Chancellor University of Bristol on accommodation 00:07:00

The following evidence shows clearly that the framework for the EU was built in the 1940s by Adolf Hitler and other Nazis.

There are, however, still some people around who don’t understand that the EU was created by the Nazis.


(None of the evidence below has been denied by the EU.)

Here is a précis of the evidence:

1. It was in the 1930s that Adolf Hitler wanted to destroy national identities and create a united Europe, consisting of new regions to be ruled from Berlin. In 1936, Hitler told the Reichstag: ‘It is not very intelligent to imagine that in such a cramped house like that of Europe, a community of peoples can maintain different legal systems and different concepts of law for long.’ Even before that, in Italy, the founding father of fascism, Mussolini, said in 1933 that: ‘Europe may once again grasp the helm of world civilisation if it can develop a modicum of political unity.’ (Mussolini was, of course, the father of fascism.)

2. Adolf Hitler’s advisor, Funk, agreed that ‘there must be a readiness to subordinate one’s own interests…to that of the European Community’.

3. In 1940, Arthur Seyss-Inquart called for a new European community which would be above the concept of the nation state. Seyss-Inquart was, at the time, the Nazi in charge of the occupied Netherlands. He predicted that once national barriers had been removed there would be increased prosperity in Europe.

4. Walther Funk designed the EU. He was President of the Reichsbank and a director of the Bank for International Settlements (BIS). It was Funk who laid the foundations for European economic unity – and the euro. Funk was Adolf Hitler’s key economics advisor.

5. The European Union was designed by Nazis and it has been carefully created according to the original design. It is not, you will note, a ‘group’ or an ‘association’. It was always a union. ‘What good fortune for governments that the people do not think,’ said Adolf Hitler.

6. The BIS, mentioned above, was then and still is the world’s most powerful and secret global financial institution. During the Second World War, the BIS accepted looted Nazi gold (handling 21.5 metric tons of Nazi gold) and supported the development and launch of what would, in 2002, become the euro. The Bank for International Settlements (BIS) is outside everyone’s control and yet it is in control of the world’s finances. During WWII, the BIS was used by the Nazis and the Allies as a point of contact. Walther Funk’s deputy, Emil Puhl, described the BIS as the ‘foreign branch’ of the Reichsbank. At the end of WWII, the Reichsbank became the Bank deutscher Lander and the Bundesbank. The BIS helped these to ensure that Germany continued to dominate Europe – despite its having come a poor second in the Second World War.

7. In 1940, Funk prepared a lengthy memo called ‘Economic Reorganisation of Europe’ which was passed to the President of the BIS (who was an American called Thomas McKittrick)on July 26th 1940. (A copy of this historic document is stored at the BIS in Basel.) ‘The new European economy will result from close economic collaboration between German and European countries,’ wrote Funk. It is important to note that even then the EU was seen as a union between Germany, on the one hand, and the rest of Europe, on the other. There was never any doubt which nation would be in charge of the new United States of Europe. (The phrase United States of Europe was devised by Adolf Hitler himself).

8. Germany is benefitting enormously from the euro crisis but Funk knew that would be the case. Back in 1940, Funk had the idea for the euro but warned that even after monetary union it would be impossible to have one standard of living throughout Europe. He knew that the euro would be flawed but he also knew that Germany would come out on top.

9. In 1941, Walther Funk was still planning the new European Union. He launched the Europaische Wirtschafts Gemeinschaft (European Economic Community) to integrate the European economy into a single market and to establish his idea for a single European currency. All suggestions that Funk be recognised as the founding father of the European Union have been rejected on the grounds that it is too soon to put up a statue to the man to whom Hitler handed the responsibility of ensuring the good health of the Fourth Reich. Funk planned the EU in precise detail. It was Funk who planned a Europe free of trade and currency restrictions.

10. In June 1942, German officials prepared a document entitled Basic Elements of a Plan for the New Europe which called, among other things, for a European clearing centre to stabilise currency rates with the aim of removing foreign exchange restrictions, securing European monetary union and ‘the harmonisation of labour conditions and social welfare’.

11. The original plan was for the Reichsmark to be the new European currency but Funk, a far-sighted pragmatist, never saw this as crucial, or being as important as Germany having economic leadership of Europe. The far-sighted Funk saw Germany as central to the planned EU, and argued that it would result in ‘better outlets for German goods on European markets’. Back in 1940, it was Funk who planned to introduce a United States of Europe via a common currency. Today, it is clear that Walther Funk, economist, banker and war criminal, is the true father of the modern European Union and is one of the most influential figures in European history.

12. Hitler and the rest of the Nazi leadership welcomed Funk’s plans and in 1942 the German Foreign Ministry made detailed plans for a European confederation to be dominated by Germany. In the same year a group of German businessmen held a conference in Berlin entitled ‘European Economic Community’. (The phrase ‘European Economic Community’ had been first used by Hermann Goerring in 1940.)

13. In 1942, Reinhard Heydrich, who was head of the Reich Security Central Office and renowned for his ruthlessness against enemies of the State, published The Reich Plan for the Domination of Europe – a document which is notable for its remarkable similarity to the EU’s Treaty of Rome.

14. In March 1943, 13 countries (including France and Italy) were invited to join a new European federation which would be under German military control. When the Nazis realised that they were losing the war they knew that they had to make a deal in order to preserve German domination in Europe. Thomas McKittrick, the president of the BIS, acted as go between and helped set up the negotiations. The underlying plan was to ensure that Germany dominated post-war Europe and Funk and his colleagues decided to talk about European spirit, liberty, equality, fraternity and worldwide cooperation as the basis for their planned European Union. They decided to agree to share power, and even to allow other countries to take charge for a while. The Nazis knew that all they needed to do was retain men in power in crucial posts. And this they succeeded in doing.

15. In 1943, Heinz Pol, a former newspaper editor from Berlin, who had fled to the US, published a book entitled The Hidden Enemy in which he explained that Germany realised that the war was lost and was planning to preserve its domination over Europe. Pol explained that the BIS was playing a vital part in the Nazi plan. Here is how Pol predicted that post war German leaders would trick the rest of the world into accepting that they had abandoned Nazi ideals: ‘To obtain a peace, which would leave them in power, they will suddenly flaunt ‘European spirit’ and offer worldwide ‘cooperation’. They will chatter about liberty, equality and fraternity. They will, all of a sudden, make up to the Jews. They will swear to live up to the demands of the Atlantic Charter and any other charter. They will share power with everybody and they will even let others rule for a while. They will do all this and more, if only they are allowed to keep some positions of power and control, that is, the only positions that count: in the army – were it even reduced to a few thousand men; in the key economic organisations; in the courts; in the universities; in the schools.’

16. In 1944 a secret conference was held in Berlin entitled ‘How Will Germany Dominate The Peace When It Loses The War’. Rich and powerful Germans decided to move a huge amount of money out of Germany and to take it to America. (The money stayed there until after the Nurnberg Trials when it came back to Europe.)

17. In August 1944, the heads of the Nazi Government and a group of leading German industrialists, met at a hotel in Strasbourg and decided to hide more large sums of money in order to pay for the fight for a German dominated Europe to continue if their country lost the war. The Nazis realised that their back-up plan for European domination would take years to reach fruition but they believed that if their military tactics failed then their subtle economic and political tactics would prove successful.

18. The technical preparations for Funk’s ‘European Large Unit Economy’ (now better known as the Eurozone) began in 1947 when the Paris accord on multilateral payments was signed, were strengthened in 1951 when the European Coal and Steel Community was created as the first step towards the development of a new European nation to be run by Germany, and continued in 1964 when the Committee of European Central Banks (made up of Bank Governors) met at the BIS to coordinate monetary policy.

19. In 1961, US President Kennedy told British Prime Minister Harold Macmillan that the White House would only support Britain’s application to join the Common Market if Britain accepted that the true goal of the Common Market was political integration – Hitler’s famous United States of Europe.

20. In 1966, American President Johnson encouraged Britain’s membership of the developing European Economic Community and so Foreign Office civil servants in London decided that the ‘special relationship’ with the USA would be enhanced if Britain joined the Common Market. In 1968, the Foreign Office warned that ‘if we fail to become part of a more united Europe, Britain’s links with the USA will not be enough to prevent us becoming increasingly peripheral to USA concerns’.

21. In 1950, Clement Attlee, Britain’s Labour Prime Minister recognised the problems associated with the planned European unity. He said, when responding to the Schuman plan for the European Coal and Steel Community (the initial version of the EU): ‘It (is) impossible for Britain to accept the principle that the economic forces of this country should be handed over to an authority that is utterly undemocratic and is responsible to nobody.’

22. In 1945, Hitler’s Masterplan was captured by the Allies. The Plan included details of his scheme to create an economic integration of Europe and to found a European Union on a federal basis. The Nazi plan for a federal Europe was based on Lenin’s belief that `federation is a transitional form towards complete union of all nations’.

Tony’s new paperback and eBooks Traitors Of Arnhem, Siege Of Heaven; Siege Of Heaven Reader – all available for donation, or to buy, via www.bilderberg.org
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