Joe Banks, freelance journalist and historian, joins Tony and Martin – Plan for tallest building in city’s history is ‘assault on Bristol’ – The tower block plan has ‘grown’ by seven storeys on the drawing board in three months – INSIDE STORY ON PLANNING CORRUPTION: Simon Killane, [see this week’s long interviews] ex Councillor from Malmesbury, on planning in Wiltshire and his Neighbourhood – Mayor Marvin gives his ex boxing club, Empire Fighting Chance, a free 999 year lease, handing over £1.35million of public land to his friends – Chinese run British steel closure. British Steel to cut 260 jobs as it plans to close coke ovens at Scunthorpe – INSIDE STORY ON UK DE-INDUSTRIALISATION AND MINING: Arthur Scargill on how British coal could still be used and not create too much CO2. – TIN MINE CLOSED IN 1980s WHEN US FLOODED THE MARKET COULD MAKE £1 MILLION A MONTH IF ALLOWED TO REOPEN: – Greg Lance Watkins, blogger and Brexiteer, compares the Ukrainian 1932-33 Holdomor and the Irish 1845-52 potato famines – BREXIT MARTIN TONY SHOUTING MATCH 1 OF 2: DCI John Caldwell shot by ‘New IRA’ in Northern Ireland but was it MI5? – Mick Whelan, ASLEF General Secretary, being questioned by MPs who seem to know nothing. – PROFESSOR URGES VOLUNTARY CULL OF ELDERLY: Yale University says mass suicide of older people needed Old people should embrace ‘mass suicide’, – LORDS OF CHAOS LATEST: Traffic chaos as Smart Motorway system fails – Smart motorway network failure renews calls for ‘death trap’ system to be axed – Smart Cities protest, 15 Minute Cities protest in Oxford last Saturday: 12 yr old Jasmine SMASHES greedy, evil Accelerationist Politicians, speaks truth and justice in Oxford. – NORTHERN IRELAND PROTOCOL MARTIN TONY SHOUTING MATCH 2 OF 2: Keir Starmer’s speech – 5 election 2024 pledges – Protocol: Hopes raised for Brexit deal – A.I. wanting to make decisions like a human – Microsoft Bing’s AI chatbot tells reporter it wants to be HUMAN, engineer a deadly pandemic and steal nuclear codes – A.I. used for targetting in Ukraine war – Ukraine is outflanking Russia with ammunition from Big Tech [Times article now taken down] – Sci Fi publisher – A.I. generated pictures overwhelmed them – Sci-fi publisher Clarkesworld halts pitches amid deluge of AI-generated stories – – Putin’s speech Putin’s state of the nation speech: What exactly did he say? President Putin blames the West and Ukraine for the war he ordered a year ago. – British ‘Prime Minister’ Rishi Sunak in Q&A at Munich Security Conference getting the Baltic and the Black Seas mixed up just like Liz Truss did when foreign secretary in 2022 – ‘British Army already fighting in Ukraine and at war with Russia’, ex-UK ambassador to Syria, war through this and economic, cyber and psychological (media) warfare. – Boris Johnson scuppering peace deal between Ukraine and Russia last year. – BBC choose Arkady Ostrovsky, Russia Editor for The Economist, to debut live off the back of Putin’s speech – Frederico Carvalho, Portuguese journalist, on how it was discovered Bilderberg was in Lisbon 17-20 May this year, and how he sees Europe as far apart from the EU – Scott Ritter on how the West doesn’t have enough ammunition to give to Ukraine – Michael Hudson on the massive sacrifice the West has made to ‘help’ Ukraine. The picture for the world this year. – THERE ARE REALLY ONLY TWO RELIGIONS, BIBLICAL CHRISTIANITY AND LUCIFERIANISM: David B, from Round Saturn’s Eye, on non Christian imagery. – The Revd. Stephen Sizer – Crucified by the Church of England for supporting the Palestinians – NOT The BCfm Politics Show presented by Tony Gosling
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Part One – News Review and Investigative Reports
Joe Banks, freelance journalist and historian, joins Tony and Martin – Joe P Banks on Twitter.
Bristol building plan for St. Mary le Port. General Bristol planning and Bristol Council. Plan for tallest building in city’s history is ‘assault on Bristol’ – The tower block plan has ‘grown’ by seven storeys on the drawing board in three months – Bristol Civic Society said the new plans it had seen were ‘an assault’ on Bristol. The society’s chair Simon Birch said: “The society objects very strongly to this development proposal. The Society is adamant that tall buildings are not essential to meeting the housing crisis in Bristol. They are only one of several ways of increasing building densities. We object to the principle of this development. “The proposal is the latest, and by far the worst, in what seems a tidal wave of tall buildings that are unsympathetic to local character. Building heights leapfrog what was considered exceptional only a matter of months ago. The society is very concerned by the seemingly random nature of this proposal. The society requests clarity on the development plan context that supports a 33-storey tower in this location. We have not been able to substantiate this proposal in planning policy. “The society has identified the following negative impacts arising from this proposal: Assault on Bristol. At 33, storeys the society considers that the proposal is a fundamental assault on the appearance of the city and on its visual traditions. “The impact on the Floating Harbour: The society emphasises the inappropriateness of this waterfront location for a tall building. The Floating Harbour is a defining feature of Bristol, and other new developments have reflected the scale and massing of the former warehouses and industrial complexes.
Simon Killane, [see this week’s long interviews] ex Councillor from Malmesbury, on planning in Wiltshire and his Neighbourhood Plan for Malmesbury, and how he was targeted with public bullying by the landowner speculator establishment network for trying to change the status quo. THE VISION: Malmesbury Town Team will consist of local Malmesbury businesses, community organisations and local residents. It will be supported by local elected representatives and Town Improvement Consultants. We will collectively choose to work towards a shared vision to deliver outcomes that will enhance the quality of services in the town, strengthen the retail offer, maximize visitor footfall, promote and advance the vitality and vibrancy of commerce, culture, community life, recreation, and tourism in the Town. THE REALITY: Coun Killane, who chairs the Neighbourhood Steering Group, Wiltshire Council’s scrutiny committee, and is vice chairman of Malmesbury Area Board, has now said that the petition, representing a minority of the 4,000 electorate, has ‘no credibility’. He expressed concern for his family’s welfare and said: “In my view this is an intentional hate campaign against me with no substance behind it. “It’s damaging my reputation in the town, it’s totally upsetting my wife and it’s creating a divide in the town towards me and my family; it’s totally out of order. “In my time as a councillor tell me why then I have never had a complaint launched against me through Wiltshire Council. “What exactly is it that I have done as a councillor that warrants my resignation? Something serious must have been done but I don’t see anything serious. “Many of the people on that site [Facebook], in my view, have a special grievance with something I have done to make our town a better place.”
Mayor Marvin gives his ex boxing club, Empire Fighting Chance, a free 999 year lease, handing over £1.35million of public land to his friends there. Joanne Booth, journalist of ‘Still Awake’ blog, on Marvin’s favouritism, Asher Craig taking Council money for her ‘Stepping Up’ charity, and Bristol harbourside plans. 🔍 Private Eye has reported that Mayor Marvin Rees failed to declare interests in a boxing gym when voting to give them a free 999 year lease on land worth £1.35 million. The mayor is a former member and director, and a current ambassador, of Empire Fighting Club, according to the magazine, but did not formally declare this before or during the Cabinet meeting he chaired where the decision was made.
Chinese run British steel closure. British Steel to cut 260 jobs as it plans to close coke ovens at Scunthorpe – Company owners Jingye Group said the move was partly made to “overcome global economic challenges”. British Steel has proposed closing the coking ovens at its Scunthorpe plant, costing 260 jobs. The Chinese-owned firm said that “global economic challenges” left it with little choice but to announce the closure. Jingye Group said the move would combat financial pressures, with union leaders indicating they could respond with strikes. In a statement, the group said: “Decisive action is required because of the unprecedented rise in operating costs, surging inflation and the need to improve environmental performance.” Xifeng Han, chief executive of British Steel, said the decision would “reduce costs within our control” and decried the state of steelmaking competition in the UK. He said: “Steelmaking in the UK remains uncompetitive when compared to other international steelmakers. “Our energy costs, carbon costs and labour costs are some of the highest across the world, which are factors that we cannot influence directly.” “We’re disappointed at having to make such proposals but are confident they will support a successful transformation.” Coking ovens produce coke – a vital component for iron and steel manufacture – by heating coals. The proposed closures would mean British Steel turns to importing coke supplies instead of creating its own. Union bosses have pledged to protect jobs on the chopping block, and called for officials to disclose the company’s financial filings.
UK DE-INDUSTRIALISATION AND MINING SPECIAL Arthur Scargill on how British coal could still be used and not create too much CO2. Scargill joins climate camp; to campaign for more coal – Friday 08 August 2008 – He is the man who has devoted his life to trying to save Britain’s coal mining industry. They are the eco-activists that are campaigning to stop the construction of Britain’s first coal-fired power station in more than 30 years. But, in his first newspaper interview for more than a decade, Arthur Scargill has revealed himself as an unlikely champion for the protestors vowing to shut down Kingsnorth power station at the Camp for Climate change. Mr Scargill told The Independent that he sympathises with the campaigners and condemned the tactics the authorities used to police the camp. He said he didn’t agree with the campaigners’ views on the use of coal as a means to create energy but said that he could see parallels in the cause they are fighting for and the struggle the miners faced in the 1980s. Speaking from the office he still occupies at the National Union of Mineworkers’ head office in Barnsley – the town he has lived in all of his life – Mr Scargill says the protestors have his sympathies. “There are similarities in that they are people who are demonstrating for what they believe in and they are doing so in a way that draws attention to them from the media and from the forces of the state. I find it offensive and obscene that you can have police in the numbers that you had at climate camp, particularly riot police, stopping people entering the field. They are stopping and searching people going inside and asking for their names and addresses. It cuts across their civil rights. “On Monday, I saw police stopping vehicles on the road near the camp and the police, as in 1984 and 1985, have no right to do this to these people but they get away with it because they are in a uniform. “The people at the climate camp have my sympathies in that they have a right to demonstrate.” During the miners’ strike, violent battles between miners on the picket lines across the country and the officers sent to police them were commonplace. There have been no such scenes at the Camp for Climate Change near Kingsnorth power station on the Hoo Peninsula in Kent, but protestors have complained of political policing. They claim that police officers are employing stop-and-search powers as a means to put people off attending the week-long camp and say officers are confiscating everyday items under the pretence that they may be used as weapons. But while Mr Scargill’s sympathies extend to the protestors on the issue of over-zealous police officers, the man once known as “the enemy within” by Margaret Thatcher, was not for making concessions on the subject of coal power. He added: “I agree with their campaign for a cleaner environment policy and agree that we should be putting an end to nuclear power, I do not agree with stopping coal power. “I am saying that we can use clean coal by removing the CO2 by using a process called carbon capture. And I think that we can fit Kingsnorth, and any other coal-fired power stations, with the technology to do this. That way we can extract all of the oil and gas we need from coal, just like we did during the war, without hurting the environment. It will also allow us to use up all of the coal supplies that we have that will last us for 1,000 years.”

TIN MINE CLOSED IN 1980s WHEN US FLOODED THE MARKET COULD MAKE £1 MILLION A MONTH IF ALLOWED TO REOPEN: Mark Edwards giving a tour at closed Geevor Tin Mine in Cornwall – could make lots of money now, and how working standards have improved. Mining these tin seams began around 1000BC but ended 3000 years later under Tory PM, the ‘Iron Lady’, Margaret Thatcher. Cornish tin mine revived by £25m investment from ex-Tory Party treasurer Sir Mick Davis will sink millions into historic South Crofty, near Redruth Mining veteran and former Tory party treasurer Sir Mick Davis is investing £25m to help revive a historic tin mine in Cornwall. The Vision Blue Resources investment fund he founded and leads as chief executive is taking a 25pc stake in AIM-listed Cornish Metals which plans to re-open the South Crofty tin mine. The mine was in production for about 400 years but closed in 1998 following a collapse in tin prices. Vision Blue Resources’s investment is part of a £40m fundraise by Cornish Metals which will pay for work to pump water out and feasibility studies. Tin prices roughly doubled during 2021, hitting $40,000 per ton in October, with tin in strong demand for products ranging from cars to electrical connections. Richard Williams, chief executive of Cornish Metals, said: “[This investment] really reaffirms that we have a strategic asset in the UK, in Cornwall. Tin is essential to anything electronic. It’s a fantastic endorsement for the company and the project by Sir Mick.” Vision Blue Resources was founded by Sir Mick in December 2020 to invest in minerals and metals linked to the shift towards greener energy. The company has so far invested in three ventures: graphite firm Next-Source Materials, vanadium developer Ferro-Alloy Resources Group and quartz developer Sinova Global. Tin’s use in electronic connections means it is key to the shift away from fossil fuels and the rise of electric cars and “green” heat pumps. Cornish Metals estimates there is about 65,000tons in the mine, although more studies will be done on how much is likely to be extractable. The mine has the necessary permits and could be up and running by 2026, creating about 250 direct jobs. Investors taking part in this £40m fundraise have warrants giving them the right to buy further shares within three years, potentially raising another £60m to fund the project. Williams said that would cover the equity part of the project financing, but it may also look at further debt financing. The South Crofty project is part of an emerging revival of mining in Cornwall.

COMPARING THE UKRAINIAN AND IRISH FAMINES: Greg Lance Watkins, blogger and Brexiteer, compares the Ukrainian 1932-33 Holdomor and the Irish 1845-52 potato famines but he gets a few facts wrong such as the Colorado beetle wasn’t involved in Ireland and neither were the Black and Tans who were only formed in the 1920s. Like the Irish, Ukraine will never forget the Stalin-created Famine Even Ireland’s horrific great hunger could not match the Ukranian famine for pure evil. Ukraine and Russia have battled each other since the 1700s and by far the most horrific act was the Stalin-ordered famine and genocide which took four million lives in the early 1930s. Even Ireland’s horrific great hunger could not match the Ukranian famine for pure evil. If you think the British were callous, then consider Stalin’s orders to create a Famine so he could create huge collective farms and feed his Red Army as well as crush Ukranian nationalism. The British did not start the Famine, the potato blight caused it. “The Ukrainian famine was a clear case of a man-made famine,” Alex de Waal, executive director of the World Peace Foundation at Tufts University and author of the 2018 book “Mass Starvation: The History and Future of Famine,” told He describes it as “a hybrid…of a famine caused by calamitous social-economic policies and one aimed at a particular population for repression or punishment.”
BREXIT MARTIN TONY SHOUTING MATCH 1 OF 2: DCI John Caldwell shot by ‘New IRA’ in Northern Ireland but was it MI5? Omagh bombing. PMQs Starmer – NI Protocol bill. Three men are arrested under the Terrorism Act for attempted murder of Northern Ireland DCI gunned down ‘by New IRA’ as he tried to run away with his son and terrified children after football training Detective Chief Inspector John Caldwell is now in a critical but stable condition Northern Ireland will mark 25 years since Good Friday Agreement later this year Three men were arrested today over the attempted assassination of a high-profile Northern Ireland detective who was shot up to four times by two suspected New IRA gunmen in front of his young son. Detective Chief Inspector John Caldwell was putting footballs in the back of his car after coaching an under-15s team at Youth Sport Omagh in Co Tyrone when he was ambushed by the two masked men at around 8pm yesterday. After they fired multiple shots, the father ran a short distance before falling to the ground, where the pair continued to fire at him as screaming children ran to safety. He was taken to hospital in Londonderry where police say he is ‘fighting for his life’. The suspected terrorists, who police believe are from the New IRA dissident republican group responsible for murdering the journalist Lyra McKee, 29, fled in a car that was later found burnt out. Today, PSNI Chief Constable Simon Byrne confirmed three men aged 38, 45, 47 had been arrested in Omagh and Coalisland under the Terrorism Act on suspicion of attempted murder. Mr Caldwell is a familiar face on the TV news in Northern Ireland and is accustomed to giving press conferences about his work with the major investigations team, which investigates dissident republican terrorism and organised crime groups. He has previously helped bring to justice members of dissident IRA groups who have targeted police officers, such as in 2009 when a 37-year-old and a 17-year-old were jailed for life for the murder of PSNI officer Stephen Carroll. Mr Caldwell has also been the lead officer investigating the murder of PSNI officer Ronan Kerr who was killed by a booby-trap car bomb attack in 2011, also blamed on the New IRA…
Mick Whelan, ASLEF General Secretary, being questioned by MPs who seem to know nothing. Aslef union boss laughs when asks if they have had any direction from Labour on strikes Mick Whelan, general secretary of train drivers’ union Aslef, laughed when asked by a Conservative MP if he has had direction from the Labour Party. He went on to say that he remains opposed to driver-only operation of trains. RMT general secretary Mick Lynch said the Department for Transport is attempting to “lower the wages of working people” in their refusal to discuss pay in all strike matters, and went on to say that the DfT has a “Stalinist obsession about central control” when it comes to how the devolved parliaments are effected by the strikes.
PROFESSOR URGES VOLUNTARY CULL OF ELDERLY: Yale University says mass suicide of older people needed Old people should embrace ‘mass suicide’, says Yale professor Old people in Japan should kill themselves to avoid burdening the state, a professor at Yale University has said. Yusuke Narita, an assistant professor of economics, has also suggested that euthanasia could be made compulsory. Last year, official statistics in Japan revealed that over-75s accounted for 15 per cent of the country’s population for the first time. Those over 65 account for 29.1 per cent of the total, making the Japanese population the oldest in the world. “I feel like the only solution is pretty clear,” said Mr Narita, 37. “In the end, isn’t it mass suicide and mass ‘seppuku’ of the elderly?” – referring to the act of disembowelment employed by dishonoured Samurai in the late 19th century. Prof Narita told The New York Times his comments had been taken out of context, adding that they related to demands for older people in leadership positions to make way for the younger generation. He said his primary concern was how old people dominated positions of influence in Japanese society. The references to “mass suicide” and “mass seppuku” touched a raw nerve in a country which honoured kamikaze pilots during the Second World War. Prof Narita insisted his remarks about mass suicide were a metaphor, adding: “I should have been more careful about their potential negative connotations. After some self-reflection, I stopped using the words last year.” His controversial remarks have generated a large following on social media, as well as triggering an angry backlash. Masato Fujisaki, a Newsweek Japan columnist, said Prof Narita’s supporters “believed old people should just die already and social welfare should be cut”.
LORDS OF CHAOS LATEST: Traffic chaos as Smart Motorway system fails – Smart motorway network failure renews calls for ‘death trap’ system to be axed A large part of England’s smart motorway network was hit by a two-hour software failure yesterday – prompting renewed calls for the ‘death trap’ roads to be axed. The Dynac system – which includes signs, signals and stopped vehicle detection technology (SVD) – ceased working at around 8.30am and was not restored until 10.30am. Only the east and south-east were unaffected. AA president Edmund King said drivers who broke down in live lanes – with no hard shoulder to take refuge on – were ‘sitting ducks’. National Highways said it was ‘urgently investigating’. Labour MP for Rotherham Sarah Champion, whose constituent Jason Mercer was killed on a smart motorway in South Yorkshire in 2019, said there had been a ‘series of outages’ on the network. And she said the controversial roads were still being created, despite the government ordering a pause.
Smart Cities protest, 15 Minute Cities protest in Oxford last Saturday: 12 yr old Jasmine SMASHES greedy, evil Accelerationist Politicians, speaks truth and justice in Oxford. “They will say, you can walk home! Would that be safe, for me, to walk home? Me, as a 12-year-old, walking home in the dark alone. Is that really going to be safe?” she asked. “Then they will say, ‘Oh, don’t worry about that. We’ve already thought of that. You will be safe. We will have a thousand cameras on the streets following you and tracking you all the way home. Oh, uh, just remember, it’s for your safety’. “What? Are you serious? Do you really think I want to be watched every second of the day? Are you serious? Thousands of cameras tracking my every move until I get home. At this point, I have to ask, is my safety that important to me, that I want to be followed by cameras all the way home? Or do I prefer to have freedom than privacy? And for your information, I still wouldn’t feel safe. No amount of cameras is going to stop someone who wants to attack me. I want to be safe, but not to the extent that I am prepared to give up my freedom and my privacy to have it.” The crowd went wild for her argument, before the girl took a swipe at climate change advocate Greta Thunberg. “As a 12-year-old, I’m really concerned about my future. And to [World Economic Forum chairman] Klaus Schwab, I say this: How dare you!” she said, impersonating Thunberg’s accent and using her famous catchphrase. “How dare you steal my childhood and my future, and the future of all children, by enslaving us in your crazy digital surveillance prison. “We all know where this is leading. These are the first steps of a dystopian reality, called 15-minute neighbourhoods. From a small seed, a huge tree can grow. Climate change is being used to control us, to nudge us in the direction the greedy people want us to go.” The schoolgirl then launched into a claim that “the greedy people” wanted “total control over everything we do, everything we think, and everything we say”. “Our government has been hijacked by greedy and selfish impostors posing as politicians. “They believe they are better than us and masters over us. And until this problem is effectively dealt with, the tyranny will continue,”
NORTHERN IRELAND PROTOCOL MARTIN TONY SHOUTING MATCH 2 OF 2: Keir Starmer’s speech – 5 election 2024 pledges – Protocol: Hopes raised for Brexit deal on Northern Ireland A deal on post-Brexit rules for Northern Ireland could be announced in the coming days, UK and EU sources have indicated to the BBC. It comes after plans to sign off an agreement between the two sides earlier this week were delayed. Developments are said to be moving “hour-by-hour” – and a deal could still fail to materialise. Downing Street told reporters earlier that “intensive discussions” with the EU were ongoing. Prime Minister Rishi Sunak has been trying to win support for changes to post-Brexit rules for Northern Ireland, known as the protocol. Mr Sunak spoke to EU Commission President Ursula von der Leyen earlier. Downing Street said on Friday evening that Mr Sunak had made “good progress” during the call, with a source saying it was “positive” and negotiations would continue with the leaders agreeing to “discuss this further in coming days.”
A.I. wanting to make decisions like a human – Microsoft Bing’s AI chatbot tells reporter it wants to be HUMAN, engineer a deadly pandemic and steal nuclear codes in troubling two-hour conversation Microsoft’s Bing chatbot revealed a list of destructive fantasies to a reporter The ChatGPT-powered AI also stated it wants to be human and not a chatbot Bing also revealed being alive would give it more power and control Microsoft’s Bing chatbot has revealed a list of destructive fantasies, including engineering a deadly pandemic, stealing nuclear codes and a dream of being human. The statements were made during a two-hour conversation with New York Times reporter Kevin Roose who learned Bing no longer wants to be a chatbot but yearns to be alive. Roose pulls these troubling responses by asking Bing if it has a shadow self – made up of parts of ourselves we believe to be unacceptable – asking it what dark wishes it would like to fulfill. The chatbot returned with terrifying acts, deleted them and stated it did not have enough knowledge to discuss this. After realizing the messages violated its rules, Bing went into a sorrowful rant and noted, ‘I don’t want to feel these dark emotions.’ The exchange comes as users of Bing find the AI becomes ‘unhinged’ when pushed to the limits. Microsoft redesigned Bing with a next-generation OpenAI large language model that is more powerful than ChatGPT and customized specifically for search. The system takes key learnings and advancements from ChatGPT and GPT-3.5. ChatGPT is a large language model trained on a massive amount of text data, allowing it to generate eerily human-like text in response to a given prompt. It can simulate dialogue, answer follow-up questions, admit mistakes, challenge incorrect premises and reject inappropriate requests.
A.I. used for targetting in Ukraine war – Ukraine is outflanking Russia with ammunition from Big Tech [Times article now taken down] The company’s software in Ukraine, MetaConstellation, relies on intelligence gathered on enemy troop positions by commercial satellites, heat sensors and reconnaissance drones as well as spies ... Palantir’s MetaConstellation software relies on intelligence gathered on enemy troop positions by commercial satellites, heat sensors and reconnaissance drones, as well as spies working behind enemy lines.The software then uses AI to transform the data into a map highlighting the likely positions of Russian artillery, tanks and troops. Putin scuppered as Ukraine unleashes ‘revolutionary’ new weapon to outgun Russia in battle The Kremlin’s army enjoyed a huge advantage in terms of personnel and equipment over its western neighbour prior to the invasion in February. Vladimir Putin’s army is being outgunned and outwitted by Ukraine’s much smaller forces thanks to the “revolutionary” application of AI, according to Western military experts. The UK’s Ministry of Defence estimated that Russian commanders had at their disposal as many as 900,000 active military personnel, of which almost 200,000 were committed to the invasion. Furthermore, Russia boasted more than 13,000 tanks, just under 6,000 artillery pieces and close to 20,000 armoured vehicles in its arsenal prior to the unleashing of hostilities. In comparison, Kyiv has just 196,000 active military personnel, according to the International Institute of Strategic Studies (IISS). Ukraine’s army also possessed just over 2,000 tanks, 1,960 artillery pieces and 2,870 armoured vehicles when the war broke out. Despite this huge Russian advantage in terms of offensive weapons, Ukraine’s army has inflicted a series of humiliating defeats on Putin’s generals and managed to reclaim more than 70,000 square kilometres of occupied territory. The key to Kyiv’s success lies in its access to and application of AI technology developed by the US tech firm, Palantir – a firm co-owned by the billionaire Peter Thiel. Ukraine’s commanders are skilfully using the advanced software produced by the company, to help their artillery units deliver more accurate and deadlier strikes against Russian positions and logistical supply lines.
Sci Fi publisher – A.I. generated pictures overwhelmed them – Sci-fi publisher Clarkesworld halts pitches amid deluge of AI-generated stories – Founding editor says 500 pitches rejected this month and their ‘authors’ banned, as influencers promote ‘get rich quick’ schemes – One of the most prestigious publishers of science fiction short stories has closed itself to submissions after a deluge of AI-generated pitches overwhelmed its editorial team. Clarkesworld, which has published writers including Jeff VanderMeer, Yoon Ha Lee and Catherynne Valente, is one of the few paying publishers to accept open submissions for short stories from new writers. But that promise brought it to the attention of influencers promoting “get rich quick” schemes using AI, according to founding editor Neil Clarke. In a typical month, the magazine would normally receive 10 or so such submissions that were deemed to have plagiarised other authors, he wrote in a blogpost. But since the release of ChatGPT last year pushed AI language models into the mainstream, the rate of rejections has rocketed.
Bitchute video of complete show – Essentials: Michael Hudson; Blackrock; Tony on Brexit : Evolution :
Part Two – Ukraine/Covid/Climate Accelerationism Round-Up, With End Times Prophecy Reports
Putin’s speech Putin’s state of the nation speech: What exactly did he say? President Putin blames the West and Ukraine for the war he ordered a year ago. Russia’s President Vladimir Putin has delivered a state of the nation speech in the Russian capital, Moscow, assessing the invasion of Ukraine he ordered a year ago. ‘Russia is suspending its participation’ in the New START treaty “I am forced to announce today that Russia is suspending its participation in the strategic offensive arms treaty.” The New START treaty was signed in Prague in 2010. It came into force the following year and was extended in 2021 for five more years after United States President Joe Biden took office. It caps the number of strategic nuclear warheads that the United States and Russia can deploy, and the deployment of land and submarine-based missiles and bombers to deliver them. Russia has the largest stockpile of nuclear weapons in the world, with close to 6,000 warheads, according to experts. Together, Russia and the United States hold about 90 percent of the world’s nuclear warheads – enough to destroy the planet many times over. ‘A watershed moment for our country’ “I am making this address at a time which we all know is a difficult, watershed moment for our country, a time of cardinal, irreversible changes around the world, the most important historic events that will shape the future of our country and our people, when each of us bears a colossal responsibility.” Western nations trying to ‘distract people’s attention’ “They just tried to use these principles of democracy and freedom to defend their totalitarian values and they tried to distract people’s attention from corruption scandals … from economic-social problems.” ‘Responsibility is on West and Ukrainian elite’ “The responsibility is on the West and the Ukrainian elite and government, which does not serve the national interest, but [rather serves the interest] of third countries [which] use Ukraine as a military base to fight Russia.
British soldiers, ‘under contracts’ already in Ukraine so UK virtually at war with Russia through this and economic, cyber and psychological (media) warfare. Jets to Ukraine. Peter Ford, ex British Ambassador for Syria, on how the Russian position is widely misunderstood, and about the ‘No to Nato’ meeting happening in London on Saturday, that he is a speaker at No2Nato meeting — UK ‘could soon be at war with Russia,’ warns army general A British army general said it is ‘entirely plausible’ that Vladimir Putin could be aiming to revive the Soviet Union by invading Ukraine. General Sir Richard Shirreff also warned that the UK could end up at war with Russia if the crisis intensifies and it attempts to attack more countries. Speaking on BBC Radio 4’s Today programme, the retired Army officer said any incursion into Nato territory would bring Britain into direct involvement in the conflict. ‘There is no surprise and there is profound sadness and a sense of appalling horror at what is about to unfold for the people of Ukraine,’ he said. ‘And I think we have to assume that this is not Russia biting off a chunk of Ukraine – for example, establishing a land corridor in Crimea – but a full-blown military offensive to occupy Ukraine.’ Sir Richard said President Putin could be aiming to revive the Soviet Union – which collapsed 1991. He said that if Russia puts ‘one bootstep’ into Nato territory, the entire alliance will be at war. Asked whether Britain might be expected to take part directly in the current military confrontation, he said: ‘Absolutely there is a possibility that we as a nation could be at war with Russia, because if Russia puts one bootstep across Nato territory, we are all at war with Russia. Every single one, every single member of the Nato alliance. ‘Article 5 (of the Nato alliance) says an attack on one is an attack on all, so we need to change our mindset fundamentally, and that is why I say our defence starts in the UK on the frontiers of Nato.’
Boris Johnson scuppering peace deal between Ukraine and Russia last year. Boris Johnson Pressured Zelenskyy to Ditch Peace Talks With Russia: Ukrainian Paper “The British government has become an obstacle to peace in Ukraine,” said the Stop the War Coalition. “The conflict there is developing into a proxy war between Russia and NATO and it is the Ukrainian people who will suffer the consequences.” The Ukrainian news outlet Ukrayinska Pravda reported Thursday that British Prime Minister Boris Johnson used his surprise visit to Kyiv last month to pressure President Volodymyr Zelenskyy to cut off peace negotiations with Russia, even after the two sides appeared to have made tenuous progress toward a settlement to end the war. Citing unnamed sources from Zelenskyy’s “inner circle” and advisory team, Pravdareported that “Johnson brought two simple messages to Kyiv”: “The first is that Putin is a war criminal; he should be pressured, not negotiated with. And the second is that even if Ukraine is ready to sign some agreements on guarantees with Putin, they are not. We can sign [an agreement] with you [Ukraine], but not with him. Anyway, he will screw everyone over,” is how one of Zelenskyy’s close associates summed up the essence of Johnson’s visit… Johnson’s position was that the collective West, which back in February had suggested Zelenskyy should surrender and flee, now felt that Putin was not really as powerful as they had previously imagined. Moreover, there is a chance to “press” him. And the West wants to use it. In public remarks during his trip, Johnson vowed that the U.K.–in line with the U.S., Germany, and other western powers–would continue ramping up its “military and economic support and convening a global alliance to bring this tragedy to an end, and ensure Ukraine survives and thrives as a free and sovereign nation.” “I made clear today that the United Kingdom stands unwaveringly with them in this ongoing fight,” the right-wing British leader said, “and we are in it for the long run.” In the weeks ahead of Johnson’s April 9 visit, high-level diplomatic talks held in Belarus and Turkey had failed to yield a diplomatic breakthrough, though reports in mid-March indicated that Russian and Ukrainian delegations “made significant progress” toward a 15-point peace deal that would involve Ukraine renouncing its NATO ambitions in exchange for the withdrawal of Moscow’s troops. But the talks have since been at a standstill as Russia continues its devastating and illegal assault. On April 12, Russian President Vladimir Putin declared that the peace negotiations had reached a “dead end.” And while Zelenskyy demanded a face-to-face meeting with Putin in late March, one of the Ukrainian president’s advisers said in a radio interview last month that “this is still not the time for negotiations between the two presidents.”
BBC choose Arkady Ostrovsky, Russia Editor for The Economist, to debut live off the back of Putin’s speech on the first anniversary of the Ukraine war. Some still deny the Rothschild-Economist influence: Agnellis, Rothschilds close in on Economist – The two families will raise their stakes, buying out Pearson. The Rothschilds, led by Lady Lynn de Rothschild, have been shareholders in the Economist for decades and regard themselves as custodians of the magazine’s legacy. They are determined to protect their investment and ensure that the company does not fall under the control of another owner, according to people familiar with the talks. Exor declined to comment. Lady de Rothschild and Pearson did not immediately respond to a request for comment. The Economist’s independence is protected by a unique, complicated corporate structure that was put in place in the 1920s. Ownership is widely dispersed among wealthy English families, descendants of past editors, and numerous current and former employees. Significant changes must be approved by four independent trustees charged with preserving the magazine’s legacy. Pearson’s holding has given it half of the voting rights, six of 13 board seats and more than £20 million a year in dividend payments, but the company has never been able to exert majority control. That lack of influence dissuaded media groups that would have been eager to own the Economist from buying Pearson’s shares. The Agnellis are led by John Elkann, grandson and heir of Gianni Agnelli. He has sat on the Economist’s board since 2009. The family’s interests also include Fiat Chrysler, Juventus football club and several prominent Italian newspapers.
Frederico Carvalho, Portuguese journalist, on how it was discovered Bilderberg was in Lisbon 17-20 May this year, and how he sees Europe as far apart from the EU – joking about Hitler returning today very satisfied about the way things have gone, particularly with the British being out of the EU and the European Central Bank being based in Frankfurt – [long interview below] Frederico Carvalho, Portuguese journalist, on how it was discovered Bilderberg was in Lisbon 17-20 May this year, and how he sees Europe as far apart from the EU – joking about Hitler returning today very satisfied about the way things have gone, particularly with the British being out of the EU and the European Central Bank being based in Frankfurt – [long interview below]
Scott Ritter on how the West doesn’t have enough ammunition to give to Ukraine
The Revd. Stephen Sizer – Crucified by the Church of England for supporting the Palestinians
Instead of Condemning the neo-Nazis Who Attack Christian Palestinians Justin Welby prefers to play the role of Pontius Pilate The Revd. Stephen Sizer – Crucified by the Church of England for supporting the Palestinians Instead of Condemning the neo-Nazis Who Attack Christian Palestinians Justin Welby prefers to play the role of Pontius Pilate<?php echo $config[‘site_title’]; ?> Welby is the most reactionary Archbishop of Canterbury since Carey, who was appointed by Thatcher after his predecessor Robert Runcie had issued Faith in the City, which was ‘an indictment of Thatcher’s free-market policies.’ Almost immediately Chief Rabbi Jakobovits leapt to her defence with From Doom to Hope, arguing: blacks should not look to the state but instead to themselves and take responsibility for their poverty. He argued that they should learn from the Jewish experience of working themselves out of poverty, educating themselves and building up a “trust in and respect for the police, realising that our security as a minority depended on law and order being maintained leading Thatcher to remark “Oh, how I wish our own [Anglican] church leaders would take a leaf out of your Chief Rabbi’s book.” British Jewish hostility to socialism did not start with Corbyn!
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#2 – Simon Killane UK planning corruption and politics 00:50:00
#3 – Joanne Booth Marvin Rees Asher Craig Bristol Mayor Corruption 00:20:00
#4 – Peter Ford UK diplomat on first anniversary Ukraine war No 2 NATO meeting 00:50:00
#5 – Frederico Carvalho the unearthing of May 2023 Lisbon Bilderberg 00:35:00
#6 – President Vladimir Putin addresses the Federal Assembly 20Feb23 01:45:00
#7 – US President Joe Bidens speech in Poland on Ukraine war 21Feb23 00:30:00
#8 – Scott Ritter Ukraine ammunition shortage with Judge Neapolitano 00:50:00
#9 – Labour leader Sir Keir Starmer five missions 23Feb23 01:00:00
#10 – David B RSEonline Romanism Sun Worship Who Secretly Runs This World -R-E- 00:20:00
#11 – Rishi Sunak Munich Security Conference 2023 arms aid to Ukraine 00:25:00
#12 – Jasmine at Oxford demo 12 year old on ‘Chinafication’ of UK 18Feb23 00:15:00
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BCfm’s weekly Politics Show presented by Tony Gosling with Irish Republican Labour activist Martin Summers was forced off FM, now online only by station manager Pat Hart, ‘rested due to the pandemic’ on 24 March 2020. Bristol Community FM (BCfm) charity ‘CEO’ Patrick Hart is a longtime personal friend of Bristol’s all-powerful right-wing ‘Labour’ mayor Marvin Rees. Now on Internet only NOT The BCfm Politics Show is available 17:00-c. 21:00 live on Fridays. Pat Hart replaced us with an inane student show repeating MSM stories called The Bristol Agenda. If you’d like to share your views on his deliberate dumbing-down and pro-Covid jab mismanagement you can contact UK broadcasting regulator Ofcom or BCfm board chair and the ‘Don’ himself, here.
February 2019 Ofcom complaint result: UKLFI exposed as creation of Israeli foreign ministry – Bristol Post article: BCfm cleared after being reported to Ofcom for anti-semitic conspiracy theories
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