A.I., Dark Enlightenment, Bilderberg. Accelerationism, amphetamine philosophy, and the Death Trip – This is a story about dangerous ideas, and words’ magical power to heal and to harm. – BRICS and alternate power systems to US developed. Eurasian Economic Forum – what they are discussing. West’s economic failure. Russia increases settlements with partners in national currencies – Special educational needs building to luxury flats Bristol school redevelopment decision delay leaves campaigners ‘disappointed’ – UK economic situation. Bristol clean air zone. Revealing number of Bristol Clean Air Zone fines would be ‘too confusing’ says council It says the figures would be ‘too confusing’ at this stage, – Jennifer Bileck on transgenderism to transhumanism. Jennifer Bilek is an investigative journalist, a feminist and a leading voice really looking behind the curtain at who is pushing this TRANS AGENDA! – Natalie Minnis joins Tony and Martin, from former ‘Imagining Freedom’ blog, and now Substack ‘The Purposeful Path’.I started being increasingly concerned about GM foods. – Natalie is attending ‘ The Better Way’ conference in Bath, which Alex Krainer is speaking at, organised by ‘The World Council for Health’. Bath’s ‘Better Way’ conference hopes to learn plandemic lessons – Who is ‘privatised UN’ WEF boss Klaus Schwab? Natalie Minnis explains how we know his family fortune was made in WWII on the back of Ravensburg concentration camp slave labour. – Mutiny erupts among WEF staff over role of ‘Mr Davos’ Founder and chair Klaus Schwab has run forum for 52 years but is now seen by some past and present staff as ‘a law unto himself’ – Natalie Minnis on Scottish mountaineering: Munros (over 3,000ft), Corbetts (2,500-3,000ft), Grahams (2,000-2,500ft) and Donalds (lowland hills over 2000ft) – – The Father of Accelerationism’s role in Tony’s encounter with God I: Langley Park School for Boys, Tony Gosling got to know an incredibly knowledgable Nietzschean ‘Nazi Nick’ Land at Langley Park – The Father of Accelerationism’s role in Tony’s encounter with God II:Three months or so later Tony found himself on a pass in the Cairngorms in a sticky situation. With hindsight it was God’s answer to his prayer. – George Monbiot’s wife Rebecah Wrigley’s ‘Rewilding campaign’ turns sour in Germany – Al Jazeera – re wilding and wolf attacks. Clean Air Zones. ‘The wolf does not belong here’: German summit convened – Mark Purdey: consumer pressure to ban organophosphates. Pesticides. Please Save/Share: Mark Purdey organophosphate, big pharma, vaccines, immune system & allergies 2000: – Natalie working in the media for Jackie Magazine at D.C. Thompson comics and subbing on the Sunday Mirror – – Alex Krainer, author of ‘The Grand Deception: Bill Browder and the Magnitsky Act’ and former hedge fund manager, joins Natalie, Tony and Martin. He is a speaker at ‘The Better Way’ conference, on freedom of speech. – Banksters preserve a fraudulent ‘religion’: behind all dictatorships and disinformation – BBC Verify and The Integrity Initiative connected. Narratives failing. Troubling questions surround BBC ‘disinformation correspondent’ Marianna Spring – This is how the elite psychopaths view the rest of us: Yuval Noah Harari on the Second Industrial Revolution of robots and what will ‘useless’ humans do. – Boris Johnson speech on new tech being like myth of Prometheus. AI to be regulated by those who developed it? Hype to encourage investment. New cancer blood test. T – Bilderberg’s Chatham House Rules: Subjects covered in Bilderberg are plastered all over the Press afterwards. Talk TV, Mike Graham show – Baroness Claire Fox on exaggerated existential threat of AI. – AI is not so good at lying as politicians and mass media journalists are. Chat GPT essay on Ukraine war was favourable to Russia. – Yulia on drone attacks on Moscow. Ukraine join NATO? WW3? Drones Strikes In Moscow – Missile Strikes In Ukraine – Investigative journalist Kit Klarenberg from The Grayzone arrested in cynical fishing operation. British police detain journalist Kit Klarenberg, interrogate him – Dr Rashid Butar, April 2020, on Gain of Function research and internet blocking him. What has been learnt from pandemic? Final Dr. Rashid Buttar interview. – NOT The BCfm Politics Show presented by Tony Gosling

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Part One News Review and Investigative Reports

AI, Dark Enlightenment, Bilderberg. Accelerationism, amphetamine philosophy, and the Death Trip – This is a story about dangerous ideas, and words’ magical power to heal and to harm. It’s about AI, Charles Manson, dubstep, Neo-Nazis, occultism, and a lot of amphetamine, but it’s mainly about Nicholas Land. In 1993, techno-feminist Sadie Plant set up a research unit in the philosophy department at Warwick University called the Cybernetic Culture Research Unit (CCRU). It wasn’t a ‘real’ academic centre — it didn’t have a large grant or any institutional status, it was just a piece of paper on a door. But the name drew people into its vortex. The dominant influence in the CCRU became a 30-year-old mid-career researcher called Nick Land — a fan of continental critical theorists like Deleuze, Guattari and George Bataille. Land and the CCRU mixed together cyberpunk, science-fiction, cryptocurrency, drugs and post-humanism, drained it through the mesh of continental theory, and created Accelerationism. Guardian journalist Andy Beckett has a good definition: Accelerationists argue that technology, particularly computer technology, and capitalism, particularly the most aggressive, global variety, should be massively sped up and intensified — either because this is the best way forward for humanity, or because there is no alternative. Accelerationists favour automation. They favour the further merging of the digital and the human. They often favour the deregulation of business, and drastically scaled-back government. They believe that people should stop deluding themselves that economic and technological progress can be controlled. They often believe that social and political upheaval has a value in itself. Accelerationalism began life as the British cousin of the Californian philosophy of Extropianism, which also began in the early 1990s (as I wrote here). There’s a similar anarcho-libertarianism, hyper-capitalism, worship of new technology and expectation of a sudden leap beyond the human. But this wasn’t California, it was Coventry — and Accelerationism was much darker and more nihilistic than Californian transhumanism. After all, Land’s first book was called ‘Thirst for Annihilation’.

BRICS and alternate power systems to US developed. Eurasian Economic Forum – what they are discussing. West’s economic failure. Russia increases settlements with partners in national currencies ­ Lavrov “As trade turnover grows, the transition to payments in national currencies will become more practical – this is the future,” the Russian top diplomat stressed The process of using national currencies in mutual settlements between Russia and its partner countries will only gain momentum, Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov told reporters on Monday. “Of course, as trade turnover grows, the transition to payments in national currencies will become more practical – this is the future. This is true not only for Africa, but also for Latin America, our Asian friends, as well as Iran, India, and China. We are already actively shifting to settlements in national currencies, and the dollar’s share is steadily declining. <…> So, this process will only gain momentum,” he said in response to a question about Kenya’s intention to pay for oil exports in local currency. Lavrov also stated that Brazilian President Luiz Inacio Lula da Silva “has already put forward his idea to focus on the development of payment mechanisms that would not rely on the dollar or the euro and would rely on decisions and agreements that would be developed, including within the framework of the BRICS New Development Bank.”

Special educational needs building to luxury flats  Bristol school redevelopment decision delay leaves campaigners ‘disappointed’ Bristol City Council had been due to consider plans to transform the former SEND school five-acre site at Westbury Park into an £85m retirement community and leisure hub Campaigners have said they are “massively disappointed” after a decision was delayed on the redevelopment of a former Bristol school site, after the plans looked set to be refused. Councillors had been due to meet on Wednesday (May 31) to consider plans to transform a five-acre site at Westbury Park, once the location of St Christopher’s School before its closure in 2020, into an £85m ‘eco retirement village’ and leisure hub. In an update sent out on Tuesday afternoon (May 30), Bristol City Council’s development management team said consideration of the application had been postponed “at the request of the applicant”. It came after planning officers recently recommended that councillors refuse the development, called St Christopher’s Square, with a report saying it would be “unacceptable in terms of design”. On Wednesday (May 31) bosses from the group behind the scheme, which includes investment firm FORE Partnership, care operator Amicala and development manager Socius, told BristolLive they had requested for the decision to be delayed, “to allow officers more time to review their report”.

UK economic situation. Bristol clean air zone. Revealing number of Bristol Clean Air Zone fines would be ‘too confusing’ says council It says the figures would be ‘too confusing’ at this stage, almost six months on Publishing the total number of Clean Air Zone fines issued so far could be too confusing, according to Bristol City Council. Almost six months after the scheme was first introduced, the number of drivers who have been hit with fines remains a mystery. The council refused to answer a recent freedom of information (FoI) request asking for the number of penalty charge notices issued for the Clean Air Zone, from December to March. This is because making these figures available to the public could “result in confusion”. Details of the number of fines, as well as any effect on air pollution, are expected to be published at the end of the year in an update report on the Clean Air Zone. The controversial scheme was introduced last November, covering a wide area around the city centre. Responding to the FoI request, a council officer said: “There is a firm intention to publish the requested information at a future date. Accelerating publication would unnecessarily divert scarce council resources in dealing with premature scrutiny of the success or otherwise of the CAZ scheme, and would represent an inefficient use of public money. “Council officers would have to take time away from their normal duties to locate and collate the information. While we recognise that you have an interest in the detailed information, this has to be balanced with the council’s use of resources in dealing with other tasks and duties required of them as a public authority.

Bitchute video of complete show – Essentials: Michael Hudson | Blackrock/Vanguard | Tony on: Brexit & The Traitors of Arnhem | Evolution | We are in a war between God, and Lucifer | Armageddonists I have known: Nick Land (1975-8) | George Monbiot (1995-8)

Jennifer Bileck on transgenderism to transhumanism. Jennifer Bilek | Big Picture Watch | Who is Behind the TRANS AGENDA? Jennifer Bilek is an investigative journalist, a feminist and a leading voice really looking behind the curtain at who is pushing this TRANS AGENDA! In this interview, we discuss one of the most controversial subjects of our time: the massive effort to promote transgenderism and to push “gender-affirming care” on children. Everyone has heard of the documentary “What is a Woman” but that film didn’t dare ask: “Who is behind this?” This interview was shot as apart of a documentary What Happened At School? We located the most hard-hitting professional journalist digging into who is imposing this bizarre agenda on us. Jennifer Bilek is a lifelong feminist, alarmed by men who don the mask of womanhood and then demand that all of society affirm this “identity.” People are free to do what they like with their own bodies and time, but asking­, nay, forcing­, everyone else to ignore biological reality is another matter. Jennifer Bilek blows the whistle in her hard-hitting investigative pieces that can be found at: www.The11thHourBlog.com 

Natalie Minnis joins Tony and Martin, from former ‘Imagining Freedom’ blog, and now Substack ‘The Purposeful Path’.I started being increasingly concerned about GM foods. I felt that tampering with nature in this way could lead to unforeseen and unexpected consequences. I didn’t think any good could come of it – and maybe more importantly, I didn’t see the need for it. The pro-GM lobby suggested that GM foods would end world poverty. I felt very sceptical about that. And I certainly wasn’t the only one. Around 1999, I went to a public meeting to discuss the issue. I was surprised at the number of scientists and farmers in attendance, many of them speaking quite eloquently against the introduction of GM foods to the UK. I remember that Tony Blair was a supporter of GM foods, and I already disliked him, years before the Iraq War. I started buying organic, feeling it was the only way I could have any control over what I was eating. Sales of organic food started to soar in the UK in the late 1990s. Again, I wasn’t the only one who felt this way. The media started reporting on the surprising increase in the popularity of organic food. At the time there was a lot of division over the issue – people who didn’t want to eat GM foods were described as “unscientific”. But organic food sales kept rising. I started buying most of my food from a local health shop. Again, I don’t think I was the only one. Suddenly there was an astonishing announcement from Sainsbury’s, one of the UK’s “Big Four” supermarkets. Sainsbury’s announced that it had successfully eliminated all GM ingredients from its own-brand products. Other supermarkets soon followed suit, some of them in other European countries. Consumer pressure had trumped political power. EU legislation followed, with tighter controls over food labelling and traceability. Since that time, food protection developments seem to me like a kind of cat and mouse game, with corporate lobbyists looking for loopholes or trying different approaches to bend the public will. But ultimately, this episode shows who really has the power in such situations. We do – ordinary people – as long as we are prepared to use it.

Natalie is attending ‘ The Better Way’ conference in Bath, which Alex Krainer is speaking at, organised by ‘The World Council for Health’. World Council for Health to Host Better Way Conference in Bath, UK 2-4 June 2023. The Better Way Conference is a three-day event taking place in Bath, Seven Principles of a Better Way 1. We act in honour and do no harm We do our best to live by this law, and enact the principles within this charter by it. 2. We are free beings with free will We take responsibility for, and control of, our lives, our choices and our health. 3. We are part of nature We recognise that the well-being of people and planet are interdependent and we nurture both in equal measure. 4. Spirituality is integral to our well-being People are spiritual and we thrive when life has conscious meaning and higher purpose. 5. We thrive together We are inclusive and value our diverse, integrated, and collaborative community. 6. We value different perspectives We celebrate respectful discussion as the means to ever more refined knowledge, compassion and wisdom. 7. We use technology with discernment We recognise technology used respectfully will enhance learning and wisdom to benefit people and planet.

Who is ‘privatised UN’ WEF boss Klaus Schwab? Natalie Minnis explains how we know his family fortune was made in WWII on the back of Ravensburg concentration camp slave labour. Schwab Family Values – Is the real Klaus Schwab a kindly old uncle figure wishing to do good for humanity, or is he really the son of a Nazi collaborator who used slave labour and aided Nazi efforts to obtain the first atomic bomb? Johnny Vedmore investigates. Back in the Escher-Wyss factory in Ravensburg, Eugen Schwab had been busy putting forced labourers to work at his model Nazi company. During the years of World War II, nearly 3,600 forced labourers worked in Ravensburg, including at Escher Wyss. According to the city archivist in Ravensburg, Andrea Schmuder, the Escher-Wyss machine factory in Ravensburg employed between 198 and 203 civil workers and POWs during the war. Karl Schweizer, a local Lindau historian, states that Escher-Wyss maintained a small special camp for forced labourers on the factory premises. The use of masses of forced labourers in Ravensburg made it necessary to setup one of the largest recorded Nazi forced labour camps in the workshop of a former carpenter’s at Ziegelstrasse 16. At one time, the camp in question accommodated 125 French prisoners of war who were later redistributed to other camps in 1942. The French workers were replaced by 150 Russian prisoners of war who, it was rumoured, were treated the worst out of all the POWs. One such prisoner was Zina Jakuschewa, whose work card and work book are held by the United States Holocaust Memorial Museum. Those documents identify her as a non-Jewish forced labourer assigned to Ravensburg, Germany, during 1943 and 1944. Eugen Schwab would dutifully maintain the status quo during the war years. After all, with young Klaus Martin Schwab having been born in 1938 and his brother Urs Reiner Schwab born a few years later, Eugen would have wanted to keep his children out of harm’s way. Klaus Martin Schwab – International Man of Mystery Born on 30 March 1938 in Ravensburg, Germany, Klaus Schwab was the eldest child in a normal nuclear family. Between 1945 and 1947, Klaus attended primary school in Au, Germany. Klaus Schwab recalls in a 2006 interview with the Irish Times that:”After the war, I chaired the Franco-German regional youth association. My heroes were Adenauer, De Gasperi and De Gaulle.” Klaus Schwab and his younger brother, Urs Reiner Schwab, were both to follow in the footsteps of their grandfather, Gottfried, and their father, Eugen, and would both initially train as machine engineers. Klaus’s father had told the young Schwab that, if he wanted to make an impact on the world, then he should train as a Machine Engineer. This would only be the beginning of Schwab’s University credentials.

Mutiny erupts among WEF staff over role of ‘Mr Davos’ Founder and chair Klaus Schwab has run forum for 52 years but is now seen by some past and present staff as ‘a law unto himself’ The future of Klaus Schwab – Mr Davos for more than half a century – has become a talking point at this year’s meeting after World Economic Forum employees voiced strong criticism of their chair and the lack of a succession strategy. A group of current and former WEF staff members who contacted the Guardian said the 82-year-old Schwab was a law unto himself and had surrounded himself with “nobodies” who were incapable of running the organisation he founded in the early 1970s. “Klaus has been at the helm of the WEF for 52 years. When he was born [in 1938] 122 of the 195 states in the world right now did not even exist. He is completely unaccountable to anyone inside and outside the organisation,” the group said. “We are a group of current and former employees of the WEF. We want to play our role in fostering debate about the role this organisation plays in the world.” The group said it wanted to remain anonymous. “We are hesitant to come forward as Klaus is very well connected and can make life very difficult for us even after we leave the WEF.” Speculation about Schwab’s future has intensified this week after a piece on the online publication Politico said the WEF’s strategic partners – the firms that bankroll the $390m (£315m) a year business – were unhappy about the lack of a succession strategy. The group of WEF staff members said they had posted their criticisms on the social media platform LinkedIn but they had been removed at the request of the WEF, something the organisation denies. The posts, shared with the Guardian, said: “There isn’t much of a future for the WEF beyond Klaus not just because there isn’t a clear successor but also because his managing board is such a viper’s nest that senior leadership will be at each other’s throats the moment the old man pops off.” A WEF spokesperson said: “The board of trustees decides any future institutional leadership appointments. The forum has a strong institutional governance structure in place to ensure its continued ability to fully support its mission.” Former UK prime minister Tony Blair is one of the leading international figures who has been linked with the role.

Natalie Minnis on Scottish mountaineering: Munros (over 3,000ft), Corbetts (2,500-3,000ft), Grahams (2,000-2,500ft) and Donalds (lowland hills over 2000ft) – Natalie Minnis – Ironically it was a health issue that triggered my hillwalking and climbing obsession. I used to run regularly, but I developed symptoms of an underactive thyroid, and found that I was no longer able to run for more than 20 minutes. Instead, I started going for long walks. I joined a Meetup group (Meetup.org) and I became an organiser, with the specific intention of posting easier hill walks that someone as unfit as myself would be able to do! After about a year of treatment, my thyroid problems improved and so did my fitness, quite suddenly. That was two years ago. I also started climbing, and I’m a hillwalking and climbing fanatic now. I recently did my Mountain Leader course, and I’m due to take my assessment soon. I used to think it was amazing that I met so many nice people in the hills. Now I realise that it’s because being out in the fresh air, in natural surroundings, puts people in a good mood.

Langley Park School for Boys, Nietzschean philosopher Nick Land: God, The Cairngorms and the Dark Enlightenment. Tony Gosling got to know an incredibly knowledgable ‘Nazi Nick’ Land at Langley Park grammar school in 1975 aged 13 and they struck up a friendship playing Diplomacy and SPI wargames every Saturday at Nicks home on the edge of Hayes Common. The pair sat next to each other in Maths and Physics also developing a shared interest in the study of the curious phenomenon of hallucinogenic drugs. Nick had an obsession with the US death and carnage in Vietnam and a ‘dark sense of humour’. In contrast he borrowed Tony’s hardback copies of Catholic writer and Jerusalem Bible translator JRR Tolkein’s Lord of The Rings. Along with two schoolfriends Tony and Nick spent a fortnight or so between their ‘O’ level exams and results wild camping around Wells, Somerset. But over the 1978 summer holidays. Nick ‘disappeared’ and in the new term starting ‘A’ levels at sixth form Nick had now become a Communist and took up with a new group of friends. Not long before they left Langley Park sixth form in 1980 Tony collared Nick at the bottom of the sixth form block stairs to ask a question which had been burning in his mind. After years of discussion about peace and war, right and wrong, left and right, did Nick think God existed or not? ‘Well’, said Nick, ‘Its in the balance isn’t it? I reckon about fifty-fifty’, then dashed upstairs. A few months later Tony pulled over into the Layham’s Road car park to open the envelope containing his ‘A’ level results. Before daring to look he offered up a heartfelt prayer that he didn’t want to go through the rest of his life not knowing whether God existed or not. A wrong decision might leave personal values upside-down as one sets out on life’s journey, an entire life wasted. At 18 years of age, in very personal moment between created and creator,whatever was in the envelope, he asked God to show him that he did indeed exist. As well as loving parents Christening new-borns, praying for spiritual protection of the innocents, all youngsters reaching the end of their teenage should be encouraged to reach out to God. It’s a biggie. Best to make the right decision at the outset.

Three months or so later Tony found himself on a pass in the Cairngorms in a sticky situation of his own making. With hindsight it was simply God’s answer to his prayer. From what began as a bright clear day with a good forecast the weather had come down so hard on the tops of the hills that Tony was shivering with cold and hypothermia, to far up to turn back and had lost the path in driving rain. It was late afternoon as he sat on a rock, shivering in thick cloud with the visibility at just a couple of feet. Tony prayed again, ‘I’m too young to die. Please God if you’re out there, get me out of this’. A few minutes later, for fifteen seconds or so, the solid cloud parted and Tony saw a tiny hut about a quarter of a mile away. Triangulating on the sun which was almost lost in haze Tony was filled with hope and energy as he set off through marsh, through the River Dee, up a thirty foot rock face taking  best part of an hour to reach the hut inside which a Dutch couple were surprised to see him but had the fire going and he steamed through the night, sleeping fitfully with his back to the stone wall. God had answered young Tony’s question and prayer in a way it would not be easy to forget.

George Monbiot’s wife Rebecah Wrigley’s ‘Rewilding campaign’ turns sour in Germany – Al Jazeera – re wilding and wolf attacks. Clean Air Zones. ‘The wolf does not belong here’: German summit convened after animal attacks Farmers express concern for their livelihoods after series of deadly attacks on farm animals German farmers, conservationists and politicians have met at a wolf summit to discuss the animal’s future amid concerns that its population is out of control. The farmers’ union is calling for a relaxation of rules over when wolves, strictly protected under EU law, can be shot, after a series of highly publicised deadly attacks on farm animals. It has said that people in rural areas are fearful for their lives as well as the lives of their animals, with many farmers expressing concern for their livelihoods. Germany is home to an estimated 161 packs of wolves (of between eight to 12 animals each) according to the Federal Wolf Documentation and Advisory Office. A further 43 pairs and 21 individual animals were also registered. Numbers have increased year on year since the wolf was placed under species protection in 1990, after it was considered to have more or less become extinct at the end of the 19th century. The southern state of Bavaria has already taken its own decision to allow farmers to actively kill wolves where livestock is thought to be under particular threat.

Mark Purdey – consumer pressure to ban organophosphates. Pesticides. Please Save/Share: Mark Purdey organophosphate, big pharma, vaccines, immune system & allergies 2000: 1. Introduction 2. Why did BSE occur in the UK? 3. What are organophosphates? 4. What are the symptoms of organophosphate poisoning? 5. Effect on human health 6. Purdey’s battle 7. Consumer pressure 8. What can we do? BSE, CJD & MS? Organic Farmer Mark Purdey on Organophosphates Mark Purdey and Organophosphate (Film/Video, i-Contact, September 2001) Organic livestock farmer Mark Purdey was ordered in the 1980’s, along with all cattle and dairy farmers in the UK, to treat his cows with an organophosphate pesticide ‘Phosmet’ manufactured by I.C.I.. Organophosphates are derived from military nerve gas and a systemic treatment (the chemical enters the entire internal system of the cow) would undermine his organic principles so Mark refused to treat. “If Phosmet is proven to have caused BSE, the worldwide use of organophosphates (OPs) could be put into jeopardy, costing the chemical industry billions. The government know more than they’re letting on. They’ve stuck to the scrapie theory to placate people and give the impression they’ve got it under control.” Mark Purdey, Organic Dairy Farmer, Exmoor.

Natalie working in the media for Jackie Magazine at D.C. Thompson comics and subbing on the Sunday Mirror – Blast from the past: Jackie magazine Thankfully girls had a helping hand through those pimply, awkward years – Jackie magazine. The weekly publication was a teenage girl’s bible, with its combination of breathless pop news and teen advice. We swooned over interviews with Paul Young and Simon Le Bon, lapped up fashion and beauty tips and photo love stories; whilst agony aunts Cathy and Claire offered advice on those strange creatures, boys – (they counselled that you could tell what boys were like from the way they sat or the shape of their nose). Friends would tell me their brothers would sneak at a look at it too to get an idea how the female psyche worked. The first issue of Jackie was first published in 1964 and sold well for 20 years before a long-term decline in sales led to its closure in 1993. Maybe it began to look a bit tame and old-fashioned, but for those of us who were faithful readers Jackie will remain an important part chapter in our lives. 

Part Two – Ukraine/Covid/Climate Accelerationism Round-Up, With End Times Prophecy Reports

Alex Krainer, author of ‘The Grand Deception: Bill Browder and the Magnitsky Act’ and former hedge fund manager, joins Natalie, Tony and Martin. He is a speaker at ‘The Better Way’ conference, on freedom of speech. Being cancelled. Controlled narratives. Grand Deception: The Truth About Bill Browder, the Magnitsky Act and Anti-Russian Sanctions – Bill Browder, the false crusader for justice and human rights and the self-proclaimed No. 1 enemy of Vladimir Putin has perpetrated a brazen and dangerous deception upon the Western world. Mr. Browder uses all of the smarmy language, and all of the tricks of the worst and most vicious sort of CIA propaganda, as we have witnessed its development and application over the last 70 years: demonization and flat out lies, the aims of which are destabilization, chaos, mayhem and “regime change” in Russia. The extent to which intelligent people fall for Browder tales uncritically is astounding. Browder has been quashing any dissenting voices to his narrative: The Magnitsky Act ­ Behind the Scenes documentary by Andrei Nekrasov has not been shown because the Browder lawyers had basically attacked everybody involved in trying show it. Alex Krainer’s book The Killing of William Browder: Deconstructing Bill Browder’s Dangerous Deception (now titled Grand Deception: The Browder Hoax) is banned on both Amazon and Barnes and Noble without any due process. A highly intelligent, frank and entertaining take-down of one of the biggest hoaxes ever perpetrated on the US public and the world – The Magnitsky Act. Browder’s carefully cultivated and paid for image in the West (he was planning a movie about himself with the Weinstein brothers) is so at odds with the reality exposed here as to make up a kind of horror story effect out of Bram Stoker. Yet the way Alex Krainer tells it is both compelling and convincing. The thing is, no one else has looked at Browder’s story critically. It was accepted as fact, with no corroboration of any sort, by a gullible, and probably complicit, US political establishment. 

BBC Verify and The Integrity Initiative connected. Narratives failing. Troubling questions surround BBC ‘disinformation correspondent’ Marianna Spring Little is known about the history of Marianna Spring, the BBC’s first “disinformation correspondent.” But her record of churning out disinfo of her own in the service of British government objectives sends a bright red flag up over the new Verify project. The launch of BBC Verify, “a new brand to address the growing threat of disinformation and build trust with audiences by transparently showing how BBC journalists know the information they are reporting,” has raised questions about whether the British state broadcaster is ramping up plans to manufacture consent for official objectives while maligning dissent. The endeavor is said to be “a highly specialized team with a range of forensic and Open Source Intelligence (OSINT) capabilities that enable them to go beyond conventional newsroom techniques.” In all, 60 BBC journalists are involved – including the “specialist disinformation correspondent” Marianna Spring. The week after Verify’s rollout was announced, the 27-year-old Spring took to airwaves to acquaint BBC Breakfast viewers with her new venture. She explained its mission was to “verify video, factcheck, counter disinformation, and analyze really complex stories so we can get to the truth of what’s going on.” Standing before three interactive video screens, Spring outlined an array of investigative projects soon to appear under the auspices of Verify. They included an initiative employing “undercover accounts” which comprise a set of fake “characters” active on social media networks. The ostensible purpose of the sock-puppets created by Spring and her BBC associates is to “really understand polarization online and what’s happening on our social media feeds and what we’re being recommended and being pushed to us [sic] can affect all of us.” 

This is how the elite psychopaths view the rest of us: Yuval Noah Harari on the Second Industrial Revolution of robots and what will humans do. Fraudulent banking system. Al Jazeera – Schmit – AI could lead to human extinction. Will AI be another dot com bubble? Yuval Noah Harari: Once we know how to PRODUCE bodies and minds, what do we do with all the useless people? In all his intellectual quests, he must have missed one of the greatest writings, “Do nothing from selfish ambition or conceit, but in humility count others more significant than yourselves.” It’s always sad to see someone this far gone into their own nefarious and myopic vision of humanity. These types usually end up being what they wanted to destroy. Perhaps he can’t imagine he may someday be a very old man who has trouble eating and needs help.

Boris Johnson speech on new tech being like myth of Prometheus. AI to be regulated by those who developed it? Hype to encourage investment. New cancer blood test. The British prime minister Boris Johnson has delivered his inaugural speech to the UN General Assembly just hours after the UK supreme court found his advice to the Queen to prorogue parliament was unlawful. Speaking to a sparse audience late on Tuesday night about the challenges of technology, Johnson painted a dystopian view of the future of technology, asking: ‘AI – what will it mean? Helpful robots washing and caring for an ageing population? Or pink-eyed terminators sent back from the future to cull the human race?’ Pink-eyed terminators and limbless chickens: Boris Johnson’s UN speech in quotes PM uses his September 2019 General Assembly speech on the challenges of technology to paint a dystopian view – Johnson’s theme was the opportunities and challenges of technology and he ranged across a variety of subjects, from mattresses that can monitor your nightmares to a diet of “terrifying limbless chickens”. Here is a selection of his quotes: “In the future, voice connectivity will be in every room and almost every object: your mattress will monitor your nightmares; your fridge will beep for more cheese.” “A future Alexa will pretend to take orders. But this Alexa will be watching you, clucking her tongue and stamping her foot.” “You may keep secrets from your friends, from your parents, your children, your doctor – even your personal trainer – but it takes real effort to conceal your thoughts from Google.” “AI – what will it mean? Helpful robots washing and caring for an ageing population? Or pink-eyed terminators sent back from the future to cull the human race?” “What will synthetic biology stand for – restoring our livers and our eyes with miracle regeneration of the tissues, like some fantastic hangover cure? Or will it bring terrifying limbless chickens to our tables?” “When Prometheus brought fire to mankind. In a tube of fennel, as you may remember, that Zeus punished him by chaining him to a Tartarean crag while his liver was pecked out by an eagle. And every time his liver regrew the eagle came back and pecked it again. And this went on forever – a bit like the experience of Brexit in the UK, if some of our parliamentarians had their way.” 

Bilderberg’s Chatham House Rules: Subjects covered in Bilderberg are plastered all over the Press afterwards. Talk TV, Mike Graham show – Baroness Claire Fox on exaggerated existential threat of AI. One Reason Why The Existential Threat Of AI May Be Overblown Critics of AI frequently use the example of AIs striving to amass significant wealth or resources, and—by assumption—they regard this as detrimental. However, this perspective could be skewed by an underlying antagonism toward capitalism and wealth creation, both of which have historically fueled human progress. If a superintelligent AI sought to maximize its wealth and was also programmed with reasonable restrictions such as “act within the confines of existing law,” and “accumulate resources only by satisfying consumer or investor needs,” it’s unclear why an AI accumulating resources should cause any alarm. Capitalism has long faced criticism about a general tendency toward monopolization, so maybe the real concern here is monopoly. However, apart from a few exceptions, competition has largely dominated over monopoly in capitalist economies. Already, we’re witnessing significant competition in the AI space, and there is little reason to think this won’t continue. Thus, even if superintelligent AIs aspire to acquire as many resources as they can, so long as they operate within legal boundaries (modifiable by humans as circumstances require) and aim to satisfy consumer and investor demands, their operation might largely parallel traditional business activities in a market. While this scenario might not sit well with communists and socialists, for those of us who appreciate the benefits of markets, production, and businesses competing to satisfy consumer demands, superintelligent AIs could well be a catalyst for economic growth rather than a harbinger of the apocalypse. So the question arises: why create unnecessary new bureaucratic structures and licensing regimes if the little we know so far about AI development provides so little reason to worry about existential threats? According to Eliezer Yudkowsky, the onus is on those who are skeptical of AI posing existential risk to disprove his theory. However, the burden of proof works in the opposite direction. Unsupported claims of potential dangers, especially sensational ones, require substantiation before gaining credibility. Notwithstanding the attention-grabbing headlines, a deeper dive into the AI doomsday narratives suggests little cause for concern. Rather than descending into pandemonium, the innate tendencies of superintelligent AIs may lead to convergence on practices beneficial to humanity. While ensuring the ethical and safe development of AI deployment is crucial—and already happening to a significant extent—overly restrictive regulations will hamper the technology’s potential to drive economic growth and societal progress. In short, the burden of proof lies with the doomsayers. Their claims that we are all going to hell in a handbasket should be met with healthy skepticism until solid evidence proves otherwise. All in all, based on what we know about AI and existential risk, we have more reasons for optimism than pessimism. 

AI is not so good at lying as politicians and mass media journalists are. Chat GPT essay on Ukraine war was favourable to Russia. ChatGPT outlines 8-point solution for ongoing Russia-Ukraine war; Shashi Tharoor reacts OpenAI’s chatbot, ChatGPT has gained quite traction on social media in the past few months, thanks to its smart and informed responses to practically every question submitted to it by users. With the AI-powered chatbot taking the world by storm, it has got almost everyone including those in classrooms, boardrooms, and even social media. Amid all the queries, no one would have thought about ChatGPT giving a solution to the ongoing Russia-Ukraine war. Former Indian foreign secretary and writer Vikas Swarup is the one who went on to ask the AI bot to come up with a plan to resolve the war and guess what? The chatbot drafted an 8-point solution that can be implemented to bring the war to an end. From decentralising power in the Russian-speaking regions to international monitoring of the agreements implemented following the negotiations, the ChatGPT-generated response looks quite impressive and got the internet talking. It also caught the attention of Congress MP Shashi Tharoor who reshared the screenshot of the response, calling it an “interesting experiment.” “Interesting initiative by Vikas Swarup, but as he knows, in conflicts leaders are irrational in ways beyond AI’s comprehension! In this specific case I can think of several objections from both sides, mainly the Russians, to the ChatGPT formulation. But it’s a great experiment!”, he wrote. Former Indian diplomat asks if AI can solve the world’s biggest conflict The former Indian diplomat while taking to Twitter shared a screenshot of the response generated by ChatGPT asking if the AI bot can come up with a mediation plan for the Russia-Ukraine War. In a detailed plan for the same, ChatGPT noted that the Russia-Ukraine war is a “complex and long-standing issue” to which finding a solution that is acceptable to both parties is a “challenging task.” It further suggested certain ideas including Negotiations, Ceasefire, Decentralisation, International Monitoring, Economic Assistance, Recognition of the Sovereignty of Ukraine, Cultural Protection, and finally Military Withdrawal. 

Yulia on drone attacks on Moscow. Ukraine join NATO? WW3? Drones Strikes In Moscow – Missile Strikes In Ukraine Today the Russian government revealed some numbers and information about its ‘Special Military Operation’. Today’s ‘clobber report’ by the Ministry of Defense leads with this: During the day, the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation carried out group strikes using long-range high-precision air-launched weapons at central decision-making points where, under the guidance of specialists from Western intelligence agencies, terrorist acts were planned on Russian territory. All assigned objects are hit. ‘Central decision-making points’ are ministries and main headquarters. These had so far not been targets. Shoigu also spoke of targets of the recent drone attacks in Ukraine: “The deliveries of equipment and weapons to Ukraine are increasing. We monitor the volumes and routes of supply and, if identified, strike. In recent days, large warehouses of Western weapons in Khmelnytsky, Ternopil and Nikolaev have been destroyed, the American Patriot anti-aircraft missile system in Kyiv has been hit,” the Minister of Defense said. “The military support of Ukraine only delays the hostilities, but cannot affect the outcome of the special military operation,” the head of the military department is sure. On today’s drone strikes in Moscow he said (machine translation): “This morning, the Kiev regime carried out a terrorist act in the Moscow region. I will note, on civilian objects. It involved eight aircraft-type unmanned aerial vehicles. They are all amazed. In Moscow, three drones were suppressed by electronic warfare, lost control and deviated from their intended targets. Five more were shot down in the Moscow region by the Pantsir anti-aircraft missile and gun system, the Minister of Defense said. Other people had claimed up to 20 drones. But there was little damage and no reports of any casualties.       Putin Admits Moscow’s Air Defenses “Need Work” After Multi-Drone Attack Russian officials are describing the complex drone attack as the most serious assault on Moscow since World War II. President Vladimir Putin admitted today that Moscow’s air defense system still needs work to counter drone attacks, like the one that struck the Russian capital this morning. Russian authorities described the attack as the worst to hit the capital since the launch of the full-scale invasion of Ukraine, with some claims that it was the worst since World War II. Meanwhile, in Ukraine, Kyiv came under drone attack, too, with Russia launching three waves of strikes in the space of just 24 hours. In an article from Zvezda, the official organ of the Russian Ministry of Defense, Putin said that “The air defense system of Moscow worked normally, satisfactorily. Although there is something to work on,” he admitted. Putin admitted that similar difficulties in dealing with drones had been encountered at Khmeimin Air Base, the Russian outpost in Syria, which came under drone attack on multiple occasions. Putin also stated that “It is understood what needs to be done to strengthen the capital’s air defense, and we will be doing so.”


Investigative journalist Kit Klarenberg from The Grayzone arrested in cynical fishing operation. British police detain journalist Kit Klarenberg, interrogate him about The Grayzone British counter-terror police detained journalist Kit Klarenberg upon his arrival at London’s Luton airport and subjected him to an extended interrogation about his political views and reporting for The Grayzone. As soon as journalist Kit Klarenberg landed in his home country of Britain on May 17, 2023, six anonymous plainclothes counter-terror officers detained him. They quickly escorted him to a back room, where they grilled him for over five hours about his reporting for this outlet. They also inquired about his personal opinion on everything from the current British political leadership to Russia’s invasion of Ukraine. At one point, Klarenberg’s interrogators demanded to know whether The Grayzone had a special arrangement with Russia’s Federal Security Bureau (FSB) to publish hacked material. During Klarenberg’s detention, police seized the journalist’s electronic devices and SD cards, fingerprinted him, took DNA swabs, and photographed him intensively. They threatened to arrest him if he did not comply. Klarenberg’s interrogation appears to be London’s way of retaliating for the journalist’s blockbuster reports exposing major British and US intelligence intrigues. In the past year alone, Klarenberg revealed how a cabal of Tory national security hardliners violated the Official Secrets Act to exploit Brexit and install Boris Johnson as prime minister. In October 2022, he earned international headlines with his exposé of British plans to bomb the Kerch Bridge connecting Crimea to the Russian Federation. Then came his report on the CIA’s recruitment of two 9/11 hijackers this April, a viral sensation that generated massive social media attention. Among Klarenberg’s most consequential exposés was his June 2022 report unmasking British journalist Paul Mason as a UK security state collaborator hellbent on destroying The Grayzone and other media outlets, academics, and activists critical of NATO’s role in Ukraine. Because Klarenberg’s reporting on Mason relied heavily on leaked emails, Mason falsely accused him of “assisting a Russian state-backed hack-and-leak disinformation campaign.” Mason has also reported the leak of his emails to the British police. Emma Briant, a self-styled disinformation expert who participated in Mason’s campaign to sabotage NATO critics, dispatched lawyers to demand Klarenberg remove all of his articles that mention her from the internet. The lawyer letters also threatened costly super injunctions to prevent further reporting, and challenged the “authenticity” of the emails’ content. The cease-and-desist letters additionally leveled false and defamatory allegations against Klarenberg, including that he was personally involved in hacking her email and Twitter account.


Dr Rashid Butar, April 2020, on Gain of Function research and internet blocking him. What has been learnt from pandemic? Final Dr. Rashid Buttar interview. With Laura-Lynn Tyler. On God, Covid, CNN & TV Truths! Dr. Rashid Buttar Dies of Apparent Heart Attack, Leaving Medical Freedom Community in Shock, but Undeterred (Videos) “They can’t take my name. They can’t take my degree. They can’t take my knowledge out of my head. They can’t take anything from me. The only thing they can take is my life, and if they take my life, that’s ok, then I become a martyr.” —Dr. Rashid Buttar (Interview here, go to 13:00 mark.) Yesterday morning, I received the shocking news that Dr. Rashid Buttar had died, within a few days of saying he had been, by his estimate, “deliberately poisoned,” following an explosive CNN interview a year ago. I didn’t know him, but felt I did. I spent much of yesterday listening to his broadcasts and interviews. A source told me this morning that Buttar is said to have died of a heart attack and that his partner has Tweeted there was no foul play involved. (I can’t find that Tweet.) Yesterday, Charlene Bollinger sent out a statement that the family is asking for privacy at this time. In this interview, Dr. Buttar speaks of mysterious deaths, including Kary Mullis and Luc Montagnier, and addresses his own targeting for potential assassination. He also spoke of both a remedy that reverses cancer that he’d worked in for many years, a remedy that he said could stop deaths from covid shots. “It’s going to save hundreds of thousands of lives of those who have already taken the vaccine,” he says.

Radio4All download pages
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#1 – Complete 3hr 20min show – [right click to download]
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#2 – RIP Dr Rashid Buttar w Laura-Lynn Tyler his last interview May 2023 – 00:30:00
#3 – Jennifer Bilek – TRANS AGENDA who funds it w James Patrick – 00:40:00


Tony’s paperback and eBooks Traitors Of Arnhem, Siege Of Heaven; Siege Of Heaven Reader – all available for donation, or to buy, via www.bilderberg.org
BCfm’s weekly Politics Show presented by Tony Gosling with Irish Republican Labour activist Martin Summers was forced off FM, now online only by station manager Pat Hart, ‘rested due to the pandemic’ on 24 March 2020. Bristol Community FM (BCfm) charity ‘CEO’ Patrick Hart is a longtime personal friend of Bristol’s all-powerful right-wing ‘Labour’ mayor Marvin Rees. Now on Internet only NOT The BCfm Politics Show is available 17:00-c. 21:00 live on Fridays. Pat Hart replaced us with an inane student show repeating MSM stories called The Bristol Agenda. If you’d like to share your views on his deliberate dumbing-down and pro-Covid jab mismanagement you can contact UK broadcasting regulator Ofcom or BCfm board chair and the ‘Don’ himself, here.

February 2019 Ofcom complaint result: UKLFI exposed as creation of Israeli foreign ministryBristol Post article: BCfm cleared after being reported to Ofcom for anti-semitic conspiracy theories

0 Comments on “A.I., Dark Enlightenment, Bilderberg. Accelerationism, amphetamine philosophy, and the Death Trip – This is a story about dangerous ideas, and words’ magical power to heal and to harm. – BRICS and alternate power systems to US developed. Eurasian Economic Forum – what they are discussing. West’s economic failure. Russia increases settlements with partners in national currencies – Special educational needs building to luxury flats Bristol school redevelopment decision delay leaves campaigners ‘disappointed’ – UK economic situation. Bristol clean air zone. Revealing number of Bristol Clean Air Zone fines would be ‘too confusing’ says council It says the figures would be ‘too confusing’ at this stage, – Jennifer Bileck on transgenderism to transhumanism. Jennifer Bilek is an investigative journalist, a feminist and a leading voice really looking behind the curtain at who is pushing this TRANS AGENDA! – Natalie Minnis joins Tony and Martin, from former ‘Imagining Freedom’ blog, and now Substack ‘The Purposeful Path’.I started being increasingly concerned about GM foods. – Natalie is attending ‘ The Better Way’ conference in Bath, which Alex Krainer is speaking at, organised by ‘The World Council for Health’. Bath’s ‘Better Way’ conference hopes to learn plandemic lessons – Who is ‘privatised UN’ WEF boss Klaus Schwab? Natalie Minnis explains how we know his family fortune was made in WWII on the back of Ravensburg concentration camp slave labour. – Mutiny erupts among WEF staff over role of ‘Mr Davos’ Founder and chair Klaus Schwab has run forum for 52 years but is now seen by some past and present staff as ‘a law unto himself’ – Natalie Minnis on Scottish mountaineering: Munros (over 3,000ft), Corbetts (2,500-3,000ft), Grahams (2,000-2,500ft) and Donalds (lowland hills over 2000ft) – – The Father of Accelerationism’s role in Tony’s encounter with God I: Langley Park School for Boys, Tony Gosling got to know an incredibly knowledgable Nietzschean ‘Nazi Nick’ Land at Langley Park – The Father of Accelerationism’s role in Tony’s encounter with God II:Three months or so later Tony found himself on a pass in the Cairngorms in a sticky situation. With hindsight it was God’s answer to his prayer. – George Monbiot’s wife Rebecah Wrigley’s ‘Rewilding campaign’ turns sour in Germany – Al Jazeera – re wilding and wolf attacks. Clean Air Zones. ‘The wolf does not belong here’: German summit convened – Mark Purdey: consumer pressure to ban organophosphates. Pesticides. Please Save/Share: Mark Purdey organophosphate, big pharma, vaccines, immune system & allergies 2000: – Natalie working in the media for Jackie Magazine at D.C. Thompson comics and subbing on the Sunday Mirror – – Alex Krainer, author of ‘The Grand Deception: Bill Browder and the Magnitsky Act’ and former hedge fund manager, joins Natalie, Tony and Martin. He is a speaker at ‘The Better Way’ conference, on freedom of speech. – Banksters preserve a fraudulent ‘religion’: behind all dictatorships and disinformation – BBC Verify and The Integrity Initiative connected. Narratives failing. Troubling questions surround BBC ‘disinformation correspondent’ Marianna Spring – This is how the elite psychopaths view the rest of us: Yuval Noah Harari on the Second Industrial Revolution of robots and what will ‘useless’ humans do. – Boris Johnson speech on new tech being like myth of Prometheus. AI to be regulated by those who developed it? Hype to encourage investment. New cancer blood test. T – Bilderberg’s Chatham House Rules: Subjects covered in Bilderberg are plastered all over the Press afterwards. Talk TV, Mike Graham show – Baroness Claire Fox on exaggerated existential threat of AI. – AI is not so good at lying as politicians and mass media journalists are. Chat GPT essay on Ukraine war was favourable to Russia. – Yulia on drone attacks on Moscow. Ukraine join NATO? WW3? Drones Strikes In Moscow – Missile Strikes In Ukraine – Investigative journalist Kit Klarenberg from The Grayzone arrested in cynical fishing operation. British police detain journalist Kit Klarenberg, interrogate him – Dr Rashid Butar, April 2020, on Gain of Function research and internet blocking him. What has been learnt from pandemic? Final Dr. Rashid Buttar interview. – NOT The BCfm Politics Show presented by Tony Gosling

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