Rita Lynch, punk rock musician, and mother to a disabled 21 year-old son, joins Tony and Martin. Rita Lynch album ‘Story To Tell’ Anthology 1988-2011 – Cuts to disabled services for children and adults in Bristol. Woking Council goes bankrupt. Woking Borough Council officially bust as whopping £2billion debt sparks bankruptcy – Difficulties of having to look after a grown up disabled person. St. Christopher’s School for special needs kids shut down. Lots of Council money put into The Bristol Beacon, the former Colston Hall. – General Secretary of the RMT Union Mick Lynch on the poor distribution of wealth and the cost of living crisis. – George Monbiot on how ‘farming is the biggest threat to life on earth’. BUT… (see below) Industrial farming. Organic food and pesticides. Old fashioned farming. – High farming: no fertiliser no diesel – extract from Chapter 7 – crops of arable land The Countryside Explained, by John Seymour (1977) – Neil Maggs from Bristol Unpacked interviews Christine Townsend – Bishop of Bristol on Colston – who are the Merchant Venturers? Bristol Unpacked, with councillor Christine Townsend – Rita Lynch song ‘Illusion’. Boris Johnson has gone – because of Brexit or because he lied? Taxing the rich. Jacob Rees-Mogg on Boris’s departure. – Record net migration and the rising demand for housing Report on immigration and housing – will need 15 to 18 more cities – Conclusion 28. In 2021, while giving evidence to a parliamentary committee, then Home Secretary Priti Patel admitted that the UK ‘simply do[es] not have the infrastructure – Biden giving an incoherent speech. Biden stumbles over geography for second time in a week President Biden is floundering in the oceans of the world. – Sarah Kibble, an acupuncturist at the Better Way Conference, on natural medicine. Nicki Shepherd at the Better Way conference explains how EMFs can effect some people’s health – Bill Gates lets out lots of genetically modified mosquitoes. Bill Gates-Funded Firm Released 150,000 Genetically Modified Mosquitoes In The Wild – Don Debar, New York ex-Pacifica radio journalist, on why he believes the election of Biden was fixed by postal votes, and why the case against Trump is political because of his criticism of NATO. Trump Arraignment: – ‘RACISM’ EXCUSE FOR CENSORSHIP 1? Nottingham murders – how the race of the suspected killer was probably concealed by police, despite it helping witnesses come forward, over worry about race riots? – ‘RACISM’ EXCUSE FOR CENSORSHIP 2? Atlantic – confirms bigotry of CNN reporting of Covid – CNN Banned All Reporting on Lab Leak Theory Because it was “Racist” – NYT – Ukraine Nazi imagery. US deploying F22s to middle east aimed at Russia. What fuels Russophobia? Scott Ritter interviewed by Judge Neopolitano on the Ukraine war. – Next Secretary General of NATO will probably be someone who attended 2023 Bilderberg conference in Lisbon. – Serbians, Kosovo and Ukraine war. Serbian court orders three Kosovo policemen held and investigated Serbian arrest of three Kosovo police officers triggers new row – Patricia Opulenza poem ‘Ode to the Living Dead’ about AI. Tony’s God slot Secrets and Lies by David Suthwell looks into the Masonic Temple in the Palace of Westminster – NOT The BCfm Politics Show presented by Tony Gosling

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Part One News Review and Investigative Reports

Rita Lynch, punk rock musician, and mother to a disabled 21 year-old son, joins Tony and Martin. Rita Lynch album ‘Story To Tell’ Anthology 1988-2011 Rita Lynch has been a part of the UK’s underground music scene for 30 years. Her adopted home-town of Bristol is a key part of her incredible story and development through punk rock, squatting, hard drinking, experimentation, love and loss and some beautiful music. She has made 6 albums in a career where the key motifs are about funnelling emotion and experiences into music and developing her craft so that it becomes a soundtrack to people’s lives. Songs like ‘Beautiful Eyes’, ‘Call me your Girlfriend’ and ‘Rolla Coaster’ have been many people personal soundtracks and this compilation presents many more of Rita’s previously released and unreleased songs. Never easily pigeon holed, Rita Lynch is a gifted songwriter and talented lyricist.

Cuts to disabled services for children and adults in Bristol. Woking Council goes bankrupt. Woking Borough Council officially bust as whopping £2billion debt sparks bankruptcy Woking must cut spending for non-essential services after being declared bankrupt Woking Borough Council has gone bust under the weight of its £2billion debt and banned from any new spending after effectively being declared bankrupt. The dire situation means the council will cut all spending for non-essential services after a section 114 notice was issued. The authority’s debt is forecasted to rise to £2.6bn. The only exceptions are in cases where it must legally protect vulnerable people and for services it must cover by law. The full impact on residents is not yet clear. Croydon Council, which issued its third 114 notice last year, had to increase council tax by 15 per cent and its till negotiating a bail out for about half a billion pounds. Woking Council’s notice comes three weeks after Government appointed commissioners were sent in by, the Department of Levelling Up, Housing and Communities (DLHUC) over the “serious concerns” over the “exceptional level of financial and commercial risk” the authority exposed itself to, “as well as its approach to strategic financial decision making and debt management”. Julie Fisher, Woking Borough Council’s chief executive, said: “The issuing of a Section 114 Notice is a very serious matter that rightly reflects the scale and breadth of the acute financial situation facing the Council. Through the commissioning of an independent financial review of the Council’s borrowing and loans to its companies, we have a comprehensive understanding of our severe financial position which informed the Section 151 Officer’s decision to issue a Section 114 Notice. “The Council is required to meet within 21 days to consider the Notice. I am preparing a response to this Notice for an Extraordinary Meeting of Full Council that is being arranged for Tuesday 20 June to meet this requirement. Following the Secretary of State’s appointment of a Commissioning Team, I will be seeking their expertise and using their critical insight to help the council deliver an Improvement and Recovery Plan at pace to ensure we take actions that are in the interests of the public purse. My first report on these actions will be to the Thursday 13 July meeting of the Council’s Executive.” The council’s debt soared into the billions on the back of an investment strategy that saw it borrow hundreds of millions of pounds for regeneration projects. The most high profile, the Victoria Square development in Woking town centre, was based on £750 million in borrowing, with reports now showing the project to be worth just £200m.

Difficulties of having to look after a grown up disabled person. St. Christopher’s School for special needs kids shut down. Lots of Council money put into The Bristol Beacon, the former Colston Hall. City council spent more on Bristol Beacon than building homes or schools last year, accounts show Bristol City Council has written off £93million so far on the concert hall refurbishment The city council poured another £22.5million into Bristol Beacon last year – more than it spent on building new homes, expanding schools or low-carbon energy projects. An opposition councillor has criticised the decision as a ‘massive drain’ on the authority’s finances, with every penny instantly written off and the concert venue continuing to be valued at zero in City Hall’s accounts because more is being spent than the building is worth. Bristol City Council says the true value of the investment to the city’s economy will “ultimately dwarf” the financial costs of the works. As previously reported, the cost of the renovation has almost tripled from an original £48m to £132m after the state of the Victorian hall was found to be a ‘worst-case scenario’, with discoveries including hollow pillars holding up roofs, unknown Elizabethan well shafts and structurally unsound hidden arches that were just covered up. The refurbishment costs had already soared to £107m before mayor Marvin Rees’s cabinet approved an additional £25m in January, just as it was announcing widespread cuts to services to balance the authority’s annual budget. That took the council’s contribution to the revamp from an initial £10m to £84m. The decision also included withdrawing all ongoing financial support to Bristol Music Trust (BMT) – the charity responsible for the venue’s day-to-day running – when it reopens on November 30, as well as renegotiating the trust’s 30-year lease, which is currently on a peppercorn rent from the local authority with no break clause. This review sparked alarm from Arts Council England that it could impact BMT’s charitable objectives and also because BMT was founded by the city council in 2011 as a condition of the capital funding from ACE for the £20m foyer redevelopment, and any changes to the break clause may impact the Arts Council’s funding. According to the local authority’s recently published draft accounts, the £22.5m spent on Bristol Beacon by the city council in 2022/23 means that the total amount ploughed into the project and written-off now stands at £93m, with a further £4m committed to building contractor Willmott Dixon. The financial papers show the authority’s biggest area of capital investment was £61.5m in its housing stock, of which £20m was on new-build developments. Next came £41.6m on transport schemes including the Clean Air Zone, flood defences, Portway park-and-ride railway platform, the Bus Deal programme, traffic infrastructure, street lighting and road maintenance. Bristol Beacon is third on the list, followed by £15.3m for school buildings to provide more spaces for pupils amid increased demand, such as Year 7 ‘bulge’ classes and the SEND expansion programme. Cllr Jonathan Hucker (Conservative, Stockwood), a qualified accountant, said: “At a spend of £22.5m in the year, Bristol Beacon continues to be a massive drain on the council’s financial resources. All of this cash is getting written off in the accounts because the venue is leased at a peppercorn rent and therefore has no economic value to the council.

General Secretary of the RMT Union Mick Lynch on the poor distribution of wealth and the cost of living crisis. Dead right Mick, I am 68 years old and never would have believed that workers could become so poor in real terms as they are right now, in 1979 I brought home approximately £105 per week, after tax, factor job in Hasslinden. You could buy 7 or 8 pints for a pound, a loaf of bread was less than 13p a council flat about £8 per week, so my wage was worth 735 pint of Bitter or 807 loafs of bread or enough to pay for 13 council fats. How much is a pint now £4.00 –£4.50, therefore I would have to earn at least £2950 per week £12,000 per month in a semi skilled factory job to be as well off, no wonder all the pubs have shut… If people cannot see the direct correlation between falling living standards and the dwindling memberships of Trade Unions, there must be some sort of collective amnesia. Right now we need people like Mick who can deliver a clear, factual talk like this to help people see the obvious. I’ve lived through times of bargaining power and solid conditions for employment to today where the whole workforce has been deregulated into casual labour. Well, look how that has worked. Falling wages and abysmal working standards that beggars belief. When my daughter describes her working conditions, I just shake my head wondering how the hell this could have happened. It’s obvious. No bargaining power.!! More power to you and your members Mick.

George Monbiot on how ‘farming is the biggest threat to life on earth’. BUT… (see below) Industrial farming. Organic food and pesticides. Old fashioned farming. George Monbiot: Farming is the number one threat to the planet – and we must switch to food produced by bacteria George Monbiot is coming to the Cambridge Literary Festival to talk about his new book, Regenesis, which sets out an extremely bleak future for the earth – within his lifetime if we do not find a different way to feed ourselves In the book, he asks how we can have healthy food that’s cheap enough for everyone to eat but doesn’t wreck the environment. Recommended by And he has personally sampled a brand-new type of food that he thinks could be grown using far less of the Earth’s natural resources – if we can get over our aversion to the idea of it. Because this new foodstuff is something that sounds less than tasty and is grown in vats. However, George swears it is delicious and a change in mindset is all we need to create a revolution in farming that would save the planet. He spoke with Alex Spencer. Why do you say in your book that farming is the number one threat to the planet? “The way we produce our protein-rich foods at the moment requires a massive amount of environmental resources, a huge amount of land – far more than the land for anything else, particularly when it comes from pasture-fed meat, which is the most damaging of all farm products,” says George. “And it requires loads of water, loads of pesticides, loads of herbicides, loads of fertilisers and all these are pushing Earth’s systems beyond their limits. Our food system is by far and away the most damaging impact we have on the living world. Worse than fossil fuels, worse than plastics, it is the worst thing we’re doing. It’s the biggest cause of habitat destruction, of wildlife loss, of extinction, of soil degradation, of freshwater use. And one of the biggest causes of climate breakdown and water pollution and air pollution. And anything we can do to reduce that burden would make an enormous difference.”

High farming: no fertiliser no diesel – extract from Chapter 7 – crops of arable land The Countryside Explained, by John Seymour (1977) ISBN 0-571-11092-4 Late eighteenth-century and early nineteenth-century writers such as Arthur Young and Cobbett were constantly noting two-ton-an-acre in their travels. They took this as something good but not unusual in those days of High Farming. No chemicals were used (there weren’t any) but enormous applications of farmyard manure kept up the high fertility of the land, plus the ploughed-in residues of nitrogen-fixing clovers, the bulk of humus-forming grasses, and the dunging and treading of sheep which were kept folded on turnips. I worked on a farm in Essex as a pupil when a boy where two tons of wheat to the acre was the almost invariable rule and where hardly any chemical fertilizer and no other chemicals were used. There were, though, a hundred bullocks fattened every year in yards on this hundred-acre farm, a herd of six breeding sows, the dung of five horses and a couple of hundred free-range hens. This was one of the last farms in Essex run on traditional High Farming lines. No fuel-oil [diesel – ed.] was imported on to the farm for there were no tractors or other engines. The only thing that did come over our borders was a ton or two of linseed cake for what Mr Catt the farmer called ‘its kindling effect’ on the bullocks to give them a finish for the butcher in the last weeks of the fattening period. The input-output ratio of such a farm was simply marvellous-practically nothing came on but a great deal went off. But such farming is prodigal of human labour. There were seven of us working these hundred acres and we had to work in a way which no modern farm worker would tolerate. Today this farm is probably part of a thousand-acre agribusiness with possibly two tractor drivers working the whole lot. But apart from the stunt members of the three-ton-and-over club (who are certainly costing the country far more in foreign exchange than they are saving by producing wheat) the average production of wheat per acre in Britain is still well below two tons an acre.

Neil Maggs from Bristol Unpacked interviews Christine Townsend – Bishop of Bristol on Colston – who are the Merchant Venturers? Bristol Unpacked, with councillor Christine Townsend on taking on the Merchant Venturers over educational inequality Green councillor and education rights campaigner Christine Townsend on fighting discriminatory school selection practices and the prospect of taking power in Bristol. It’s been three years since Edward Colston’s statue was toppled, thrusting the Society of Merchant Venturers – the elite club and charitable organisation with a history steeped in the slave trade, of which he was a member – into the limelight. But for many years prior to Colston’s fall, former teacher and education rights campaigner Christine Townsend was on a mission to fight what she sees as discriminatory practices of pupil selection, starting off with Merchant Venturer-run schools in Bristol. Now a Green Party councillor, Christine is a thorn in the side of the Bristol’s mayor, Marvin Rees, and many others. But the Greens are poised to win further power in Bristol at the next local elections. How might this activist (who once stood for mayor herself) move into a position of authority, with all the challenges – and usually compromises – that entails?

Rita Lynch song ‘Illusion’. Boris Johnson has gone – because of Brexit or because he lied? Taxing the rich. Jacob Rees-Mogg on Boris’s departure. SIR JACOB REES-MOGG: Boris is master of the unexpected – and he’s in pole position to return… as leader of the Conservatives Boris Johnson has stood down as MP, triggering a by-election in his constituency Jacob Rees-Mogg says his move puts him in ‘pole position’ for Tory leadership His extraordinary achievements in his brief spell as Prime Minister include campaigning for a successful Brexit vote and then getting it done. In his brave support for Ukraine, Boris has also reawakened the West to its global responsibilities. Even Boris’s leadership during Covid was essential as we now know that the fanatics wanted us even more firmly locked down. However, his charisma and appeal have always been galling to his political opponents, both within the Conservative Party and outside it. The dullards of the Privileges Committee, as the Lilliputians with Gulliver, tried to tie him down but failed. In the face of a clearly partisan, biased report by a committee which Boris himself has called a ‘kangaroo court’, he has done the right thing by pre-empting it and rendering it null and void. This, though, is most definitely not the end of Boris in the politics of our nation. In fact, his dramatic move – and his own hint that he will seek another Parliamentary berth – puts him in pole position to return as Conservative leader if a vacancy should arise. On that note, I would most strongly warn Conservative Party managers against any attempt to block Boris if he seeks the party nomination in another seat. Any attempt to do so would shatter our fragile party unity and plunge the Conservatives into civil war. I am not, unlike some of my fellow Boris admirers, resigning my Commons seat. I can understand their anger at the former Prime Minister’s treatment. For my part, I will fight my North- East Somerset seat at the next Election and campaign for a Conservative victory nationally. I should, of course, declare that in Boris’s long-delayed resignation honours list published on Friday, I was given a knighthood. His recognition of my work with him in government is typical of his generosity. However, my distaste at his treatment by the Privileges Committee was just as great before I received a gong. This committee never had any credibility as an impartial tribunal. Its full-time chairman, Sir Chris Bryant, had to stand aside because of his personal criticisms of Boris, only to be replaced by Harriet Harman, who had herself already condemned Boris on Twitter. In parliamentary committees, the role of the chairman is absolutely crucial. He or she writes the draft report, appoints the lawyers and chairs the meetings, and so directs the conversation. Unfortunately, the Tory members of the committee forgot this, ignored the politicking of the chairman and naively went along with her leadership. Foolishly, the Privileges Committee thought that Boris would go along with this quietly and be as guileless as they were. Instead, he acted decisively to nullify the report which will now gather dust as a document for the next century’s antiquarians to ponder over. As for Boris, he could easily get back into Parliament at the next Election. One poll even suggests he would win in a by-election in his former Uxbridge and Ruislip seat. He remains extremely popular with the party’s grassroots and in any constituency selection contest, he would be almost impossible to beat. In a strange way, the Privileges Committee may have done him a favour as he can now move to a safer seat without the dishonour of resorting to the so-called ‘chicken run’. As I say, all this puts him back in pole position for a future leadership contest…..

Record net migration and the rising demand for housing Report on immigration and housing – will need 15 to 18 more cities   1. If net migration to the UK is allowed to continue at the present record level of 606,000 per year, the UK population is projected to grow by more than 15 million by 2046 – far surpassing the level of 80 million before mid-century. It is estimated that this would result in the need to build between six and eight million more homes – equal to between 15 and 18 more cities the size of Birmingham.[1] In contrast, if net migration were reduced to 100,000 per year or less, the impact of the housing shortage would be eased and young people would have a brighter prospect of putting their feet on the property ladder. Doing so would also preserve more beautiful UK countryside from being bulldozed to make way for housing. Key points The UK population is now 67 million but new Migration Watch UK projections estimate that it will increase to between 83 and 87 million by 2046 if net migration continues at the record level of just over 600,000 per year. Immigration is the largest component of demand for additional housing Population growth over that period would mean the need to build between six and eight million more homes, depending upon assumptions. That is equivalent to between 15 and 18 cities the size of Birmingham, which in 2021 had 423,500 households (according to Census statistics). Cutting net migration levels to 100,000 per year or less would help young people to get on the property ladder and preserve more of our beautiful UK countryside from being lost forever to housebuilding.

Conclusion 28. In 2021, while giving evidence to a parliamentary committee, then Home Secretary Priti Patel admitted that the UK ‘simply do[es] not have the infrastructure or the accommodation’ to meet demand created by those arriving from abroad.[15] Given the UK was already in the midst of an acute housing shortage, it is relevant to ask why the government enacted policy changes that would drive immigration up to levels never seen before in British history. Ministers despite having been elected on clear and repeated manifesto promises to do the very opposite. As the number of arrivals from abroad continues to rise very sharply due to record work, study and family visas, refugee immigration running into hundreds of thousands per year and the untrammelled flow of illegal boats across the English Channel, the UK’s housing crisis has no end in sight. It is set to worsen unless urgent action is taken now to significantly lower the level of immigration to the UK. 29. Immigration has driven up house prices, making it more difficult more many to afford a mortgage deposit. Such trends are set to continue as added demand from overseas arrivals skyrockets. Indeed, this paper has shown that, if current levels of immigration continue, the UK will have to build between 15 and 18 more cities the size of Birmingham to house the growing UK population; a population that would be on course to hit between 83 and 87 million by 2046. To urgently ease congestion strains and crippling pressure on housing, land, community amenities and the environment, it is essential that the government reduces net migration to the UK to less than 100,000 per year. As well as helping to ease the housing crisis, this would also protect more of the UK’s irreplaceable countryside from being bulldozed and lost forever.

Biden giving an incoherent speech. Biden stumbles over geography for second time in a week President Biden is floundering in the oceans of the world. The 80-year-old commander-in-chief mixed up his geography for the second time in six days Wednesday night while addressing the League of Conservation Voters’ annual dinner in Washington. “We have plans to build a railroad from the Pacific all the way across the Indian Ocean,” the president declared. “We have plans to build in — in Angola one of the largest solar plants in the world,” Biden added before reeling himself in. “I can go on, but I’m not. I’m going off-script. I’m going to get in trouble.” Biden is a well-known train enthusiast, but constructing a railway line “across” the world’s third-largest ocean has never been on the agenda. Biden made a similar gaffe last week during a joint press conference with British Prime Minister Rishi Sunak. “We’re talking about building — and I had my team putting together with other countries as well — to build a railroad from the Pacific Ocean — from the Atlantic Ocean all the way to the Indian Ocean,” he said at the time, clumsily describing a proposal to construct a rail line crossing sub-Saharan Africa. Africa is surrounded by the Mediterranean Sea, the Red Sea, the Indian Ocean, and the Atlantic Ocean — not the Pacific, which is more than a thousand miles away from the nearest African coastline.

Sarah Kibble, an acupuncturist at the Better Way Conference, on natural medicine. Nicki Shepherd at the Better Way conference explains how EMFs can effect some people’s health www.emf-protection.co.uk. Bill Gates lets out lots of genetically modified mosquitoes. Bill Gates-Funded Firm Released 150,000 Genetically Modified Mosquitoes In The Wild According to the study, researchers have bioengineered male Aedes aegypti mosquitoes to mate with the wild female population (females are known to bite their prey and cause dengue/malaria). The genetically engineered males carry a gene that passes to their offspring and kills female progeny in early larval stages. The male child won’t die but they’ll continue to possess the gene that will pass on to future generations. With the death of female mosquitoes, the Aedes aegypti population is expected to drop considerably. A biotech firm funded by Bill Gates has released 150,000 genetically modified mosquitoes in the US to curb mosquito breeding and gain control over the spreading of diseases like dengue and malaria. Oxitec, a firm based in Abingdon, UK has already tested these mosquitoes in Brazil, Malaysia, Panama and the Cayman Islands but hadn’t received regulatory approval for the US, but it has finally received it now. The mosquito species in question is the Aedes aegypti that comprise four percent of the mosquito population in the Keys — a chain of tropical islands in the southernmost tip of Florida. However, these are responsible for all mosquito-borne disease in the region. According to the study, researchers have bioengineered male Aedes aegypti mosquitoes to mate with the wild female population (females are known to bite their prey and cause dengue/malaria). The genetically engineered males carry a gene that passes to their offspring and kills female progeny in early larval stages. The male child won’t die but they’ll continue to possess the gene that will pass on to future generations. With the death of female mosquitoes, the Aedes aegypti population is expected to drop considerably. The first batch of males is expected to emerge during the first two weeks of May. Around 12,000 males will be released from the boxes each week over the next 12 weeks. In a second phase scheduled for later this year, Oxitec expects nearly 20 million mosquitoes to emerge over a period of about 16 weeks.

Bitchute video of complete show – Essentials: Michael Hudson | Blackrock/Vanguard | Tony on: Brexit & The Traitors of Arnhem | Evolution | We are in a war between God, and Lucifer | Armageddonists I have known: Nick Land (1975-8) | George Monbiot (1995-8)


Part Two – Ukraine/Covid/Climate Accelerationism Round-Up, With End Times Prophecy Reports

Don Debar, New York ex-Pacifica radio journalist, on why he believes the election of Biden was fixed by postal votes, and why the case against Trump [Trump’s Bedminster speech post-court] is political because of his criticism of NATO. Trump Arraignment: ‘Under the Presidential Records Act, I had every right to have these documents.’ Trump referred to the Presidential Records Act of 1978, which lays out what the president can and cannot do with his documents, both when he is in and out of office. The law states that, once a president is out of office, the National Archives and Records Administration is responsible for any presidential records. ‘Hilary Clinton broke the law and did not get indicted … Joe Biden broke the law and so far has not gotten indicted. I did everything right and they indicted me.’ Grievance was a constant theme throughout Trump’s speech. Trump also spoke in length about former president Bill Clinton and claimed that he took presidential records after he left office as well. And Trump mentioned Hillary Clinton’s email server. ‘The prosecutor is a thug. I call him “deranged Jack Smith’.” ‘ Trump did not just limit his attacks to just his political opponents in his remarks in Bedminster. Jack Smith is the special prosecutor in charge of investigating the federal documents case ­ and a pending federal investigation that is assessing Trump’s involvement in the Jan. 6, 2021 riots at the U.S. Capitol. ‘They want to take away my freedom because I will never let them take away your freedoms.’ This remark came at the end of Trump’s speech ­ and played directly to his most devoted supporters, some of whom were in the crowd and attended a fundraiser for the former president after his speech.

‘RACISM’ EXCUSE FOR CENSORSHIP 1? Nottingham murders – how the race of the suspected killer was probably concealed by police, despite it helping witnesses come forward, over worry about race riots. Nottingham murder suspect described by witnesses as ‘black man with dreadlocks’ – The suspect being questioned by police on suspicion of a triple murder in Nottingham is a 31-year-old local man, The Telegraph understands. Eyewitnesses have described the man as black, with dreadlocks and a beard, and dressed in a hooded top. At just after 4am on Tuesday, police were alerted to reports that two people had been stabbed to death in Ilkeston Road in the city. An eyewitness who spoke to the BBC described a man being on foot and attacking two people before walking away. The witness said: “Being a hot night, I had the window open and I just heard some awful, blood-curdling screams. “I looked out of the window and saw a black guy dressed all in black with a hood and rucksack grappling with some people. It was a girl, and a man or boy she was with – they looked quite young. “She was screaming: ‘Help!’ I just wish I’d shouted something out of the window to unnerve the assailant. I saw him stab the lad first and then the woman. It was repeated stabbing – four or five times. “The lad collapsed in the middle of the road. The girl stumbled towards a house and didn’t move. The next minute she had disappeared down the side of a house, and that’s where they found her. “I’d say it all happened within five or six minutes. The attacker then just walked off up Ilkeston Road towards town, as calm as anything.” Around an hour later, between 5am and 5.30am, residents in Magdala Road, two miles from the city centre were woken by the sound of a huge bang. A body was later found in the street. While details remain unclear, it is believed a third person may have been killed in a hit and run attack on the normally quiet residential road. A short time later, a woman who was on her way to work at a B&Q store saw a man driving a large white van that was being followed by a police car.

‘RACISM’ EXCUSE FOR CENSORSHIP 2? Atlantic – confirms bigotry of CNN reporting of Covid – CNN Banned All Reporting on Lab Leak Theory Because it was “Racist” Paul Thacker in the DisInformation Chronicle reports on an internal survey conducted by leading U.S. news outlet CNN that found the network’s COVID-19 coverage was the third leading cause of distrust in it behind liberal bias and “the Chris Cuomo situation”. “The only people likely surprised that an internal CNN report found CNN’s pandemic coverage was awful are CNN reporters and their colleagues bitching on Twitter,” he remarks. “To anyone outside a newsroom, CNN’s pandemic failures have been apparent for years.” New light was shone on these failures last week when the Atlantic revealed that CNN had banned all discussion of the lab leak theory of Covid origins on air, fearing that it was a “xenophobic gambit that endangered Asian Americans”. Thacker reviews some of CNN’s worst Covid-era offences, and doesn’t pull his punches. A year ago, I reported that CNN’s science writer Maggie Fox did a copy/paste of Pfizer’s press release announcing the results of their COVID-19 vaccine clinical trial. Maggie Fox isn’t a name familiar to most readers, but while she was reporting at CNN her haphazard article on Pfizer’s clinical trial influenced CDC Director Rochelle Walensky. In March of last year, Walensky admitted that CNN’s faulty reporting misled her to believe that Pfizer’s vaccine was going to fix all the problems with the pandemic. Below, you can view passages of Pfizer’s press release next to Maggie Fox’s copy-paste CNN article. But it wasn’t just vaccine reporting where Maggie Fox and CNN reporters failed. Journalists promoting the Atlantic story on Twitter aren’t bothering to note that the Atlantic reported that former CNN CEO Zucker silenced reporting that discussed a possible lab accident in Wuhan, China. Licht emphasize that although he would show employees grace for certain missteps, he had no tolerance for efforts to chill reporting on controversial topics. He noted that Zucker, fearing the Covid ‘lab leak theory’ was a xenophobic gambit that endangered Asian Americans, had essentially banned discussion of the topic on the air.

NYT – Ukraine Nazi imagery. US deploying F22s to middle east aimed at Russia. What fuels Russophobia? Scott Ritter interviewed by Judge Neopolitano on the Ukraine war.  Former US Intel Officer Calls Ukraine’s Counteroffensive ‘dead End, Bizarre Fantasy’ Ukraine’s counteroffensive it isn’t aimed at achieving “Ukrainian goal and objective,” but “the ultimate American goal of destroying Russia,” Scott Ritter said. Former United States Marine Corps intelligence officer, and an ex-United Nations [UN] Special Commission weapons inspector, Scott Ritter, on Monday, labelled Ukaine’s much-anticipated counteroffensive as a “bizarre fantasy world of neocons in the West.” In an interview with Russia’s state-affiliated agency Sputnik, Ritter underscored that it is “practically impossible” for Ukraine to envisage defeating Russia which is bolstered with the modernized military. Ritter was reacting to US Under Secretary of State for Political Affairs, Victoria Nuland’s remarks on the Carnegie Endowment’s Unpacking the Ukrainian Battlefield With Russian Military speech. The latter was delivering remarks on the 15th Annual Kyiv Security Forum for Our and Your Freedom/Fighting for NATO held on May 25-26. ‘American goal of destroying Russia’ Ritter questioned Nuland’s posture about the ongoing Russia Ukraine hostilities, saying that it isn’t aimed at achieving “Ukrainian goal and objective,” but “the ultimate American goal of destroying Russia.” If the United States cared about the future of Ukraine, why did it not start early? questioned Ritter during the interview. “They [US] would have started avoidance of this conflict to begin with because there is no one, no sane person, no rational person who would have thought that Ukraine would prevail in a struggle or an armed struggle against Russia. It is physically impossible for that to happen,” the ex-US intelligence officer said. Despite the rampant pumping of weapons by the Western military Alliance NATO, the US and the E European states, the Ukrainian Armed Forces will not be able to achieve the goal of strategic defeat on Moscow, the ex-officer iterated. “You would not commit the best forces you have into a battle that isn’t your primary focus of effort,” Ritter told the outlet. “Well, the brigades that Ukraine is preparing to throw into the battle are 9 to 12 brigades that have been created. These brigades have been being formed since October and November of last year,” he further revealed. “There’s no other brigades and there’s nothing being prepared to replace them. It’s not as though, you know when these 12 brigades get destroyed and they’re getting destroyed as we speak, it’s not like we got another 12 out there ready to go,” the ex-US Marine Corps analysts during Soviet Union’s Afghanistan invasion, stressed.

Next Secretary General of NATO will probably be someone who attended 2023 Bilderberg conference in Lisbon.  Who Will Become the Next NATO Secretary General? Europe and NATO remain engrossed in a continuous in-house game, faced with the intriguing question about Stoltenberg’s successor. After an extended tenure spanning nine years, he is set to depart in September, leaving a void that fuels speculation. The competition to become the next leader of NATO is intensifying. Yet, this contest is largely shrouded in mystery, with no clear front-runner emerging. Many alliance members hope to resolve the issue of succession at the upcoming NATO summit in Lithuania this July. Potential Candidates for NATO Secretary General Furthermore, there are a few candidates whose names have been making the rounds recently. Notable frontline runners include Chrystia Freeland, deputy prime minister and minister of finance in Canada; Mette Frederiksen, the prime minister of Denmark; Ben Wallace, the UK’s secretary of state for defence; and Ursula von der Leyen, president of the European Commission. A Glimpse Into Candidates’ Profiles Freeland, 54, a grandchild of Ukrainian immigrants to Canada, is a former journalist and author; she’s multilingual – speaks English, French, Russian, Ukrainian and Italian. She has been instrumental in navigating Canada’s trade relationships, including renegotiating the North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA). Freeland strongly advocates for Ukraine’s sovereignty – she voiced her condemnation of Russia’s reunification with Crimea in 2014 – and endorses sanctions against Russia, but critics fear her stance may escalate tensions and compromise objectivity in Russia-related matters. In terms of China, her position has been one of cautious engagement economically. She supports a free-trade relationship with China, yet she maintains a strong emphasis on human rights, stating that economic ties should not overshadow concerns about democracy and civil liberties. Her experience navigating complex trade agreements and linguistic dexterity make her a strong candidate for NATO’s top job. Freeland’s candidacy would likely prioritize the importance of transatlantic economic ties and the role of economic security within NATO’s mission. Yet, the balance she must strike between economic interests and political ideologies will be challenging, indicative of broader dilemmas confronting world leaders today.

Serbians, Kosovo and Ukraine war. Serbian court orders three Kosovo policemen held and investigated Serbian arrest of three Kosovo police officers triggers new row BELGRADE/PRISTINA (Reuters) – A Serbian court on Friday ordered the continued detention and investigation of three Kosovo policemen arrested this week in a border area in disputed circumstances. Kosovo says the three were arrested inside its territory by Serbian officers who had crossed the border. Belgrade says they were detained inside Serbia. The Public Prosecutor’s Office in Serbia’s southwestern city of Kraljevo said it had charged the three policemen with unauthorised production, possession, carrying and trafficking of weapons and explosive substances. “The judge for the preliminary proceedings of the Higher Court in Kraljevo ordered the detention of all suspects,” the prosecutor’s office said in a statement. Kosovo’s Justice Minister Albulena Haxhiu said the policemen must be released as soon as possible. “The scenario to further deepening of tensions is continuing from an aggressive Serbia through the autocratic president Vucic,” Haxhiu said in a statement. Albanian-majority Kosovo declared independence from Serbia with the backing of the West following a 1998-99 war. Serbia still considers Kosovo part of its territory. The detentions were the latest in a series of incidents that have led to unrest in the area and raised concern of renewed violence between Serbia and Kosovo. The Kosovo government has called the arrests an act of aggression by Serbia and in retaliation has banned all trucks with Serbian licence plates and Serbian goods from entering its territory. Serbian President Aleksandar Vucic denied the accusations and accused Kosovo’s Prime Minister Albin Kurti of inciting conflict. The United States and Britain have urged Kosovo and Serbia to reduce tensions and called for the immediate release of the policemen, while EU’s foreign policy chief Josep Borell has called crisis talks with Kurti and Vucic for next week. A U.S. envoy said the officers did not intentionally cross the border and the “likely scenarios” were that they were abducted from inside Kosovo or “inadvertently crossed the boundary”. The three “had no intention to be in Serbia and should be released”, U.S. Deputy Assistant Secretary of State Gabriel Escobar told reporters.

Patricia Opulenza’s latest poem ‘Ode to the Living Dead’ about AI. Tony’s God slot Secrets and Lies by David Suthwell looks into the Masonic Temple in the Palace of Westminster….. The only way that those with power in the world – governments, media barons, mega corporations, the religious, medical and scientific institutions – stay in control is by keeping secrets from and lying to everyone else. Secrets and Lies gives you the chance to discover the most explosive, fascinating and scary things that certain people want you kept in the dark on. Now you have a chance to rip apart the web of deception you have been caught up in. David Southwell builds upon the foundation of his earlier book “The Conspiracy Files” by giving us this well presented and very accessible expose of the world’s dark secrets. I defy anyone not to read this book and learn something new about the reality of the world they live in. Not only does Southwell cover many famous incidents and people, but he also shines a much needed light on areas that the mainstream media rarely will. Broken down into interesting and relevant chapters “Secrets and Lies” shows you just how much your daily life is controlled and spun. “War, Politics and Science” are all investigated early on and much of what the author has to say will surprise and disturb you! Chapter 14’s “Technology” will make you think carefully about what you put in E-mails and just how safe what you do and use in daily life is! As well as being very informative, David’s writing is laced with a healthy does of humour that shows that sometimes even the darkest secret once exposed can end up showing the guilty as bad jokes themselves. Like me you bound to wonder just how he has been able to expose so much without the Powers that be shutting him down. I f you are at all interested in seeing behind the veil of “accepted truth”, enjoy asking questions or just want to be entertained by a thought-provoking read then this is a must!

Radio4All download pages
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#1 – Complete 3hr 10min show – [right click to download]
Full interviews with…
#2 – Boris forced out, Rees-Mogg criticises Harriet Harman over report – 00:11:00
#3 – Donald Trump speaks to supporters in Bedminster NJ after court appearance – 00:30:00
#4 – Bristol Unpacked, with councillor Christine Townsend on taking on the Merchant Venturers over educational inequality -01:00:00
#5 – Mick Lynch RMT what The Government Doesnt Want You To See – 00:07:00
#6 – Scott Ritter Judging Freedom Manpower in the Ukraine Offensive against Russia – 00:22:00
#7 – BetterWay_Sarah Kibble Acupuncturist take responsibility for our own health – 0010:00
#8 – BetterWay_Nicky Shepherd EMF shielding Protection – 00:07:00
#9 – George Monbiot [DISINFO!!] The Greatest Threat to Life on Earth is Farming – 00:06:00


Tony’s paperback and eBooks Traitors Of Arnhem, Siege Of Heaven; Siege Of Heaven Reader – all available for donation, or to buy, via www.bilderberg.org
BCfm’s weekly Politics Show presented by Tony Gosling with Irish Republican Labour activist Martin Summers was forced off FM, now online only by station manager Pat Hart, ‘rested due to the pandemic’ on 24 March 2020. Bristol Community FM (BCfm) charity ‘CEO’ Patrick Hart is a longtime personal friend of Bristol’s all-powerful right-wing ‘Labour’ mayor Marvin Rees. Now on Internet only NOT The BCfm Politics Show is available 17:00-c. 21:00 live on Fridays. Pat Hart replaced us with an inane student show repeating MSM stories called The Bristol Agenda. If you’d like to share your views on his deliberate dumbing-down and pro-Covid jab mismanagement you can contact UK broadcasting regulator Ofcom or BCfm board chair and the ‘Don’ himself, here.

February 2019 Ofcom complaint result: UKLFI exposed as creation of Israeli foreign ministryBristol Post article: BCfm cleared after being reported to Ofcom for anti-semitic conspiracy theories

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