MP3 of Friday 28th July 2023 Show [right click to download]… …(from c. 23:00) – Links to full interviews, bottom of pageDid the Vatican create Islam? APOLOGIES: no live show again this week due to family reasonsSHOW STARTS AT 17:00 …

Did the Vatican create Islam? INVESTIGATION: Vatican Assassins with Eric Jon Phelps and Walter Veith – APOLOGIES: no live show again this week due to family reasons – NOT The BCfm Politics Show presented by Tony Gosling Read more »

MP3 of Friday 21st July 2023 Show [right click to download]… …(from c. 23:00) – Links to this week’s full interviews, bottom of pageSHOW STARTS AT 17:00 BST – FOR 3 HRS TO c. 20:00 17:00 to 20:00 BST, 12:00-15:00 …

MI6 are in it up to their necks: Agent Zelensky – new documentary by ex USMC Scott Ritter – Multivaccinated RFK Jr on God… and Karl Jung – NOT The BCfm Politics Show presented by Tony Gosling Read more »

MP3 of Friday 14th July 2023 Show [right click to download]… …(from c. 23:00) – Links to this week’s full interviews, bottom of pageSHOW STARTS AT 17:00 BST – FOR 3 HRS TO c. 20:00 17:00 to 20:00 BST, 12:00-15:00 …

SPECIAL INVESTIGATION: The Gates Family At The Court Of Henry VIII: The Genetics of Bill Gates by Johnny Vedmore – Sir Geoffrey Gates I was born about 1481 and would marry Elizabeth Clopton in 1500 – The Stark Entitlement of the Dark Enlightenment: Johnny Vedmore Tony Gosling (04Jul23) – Tony Gosling is an intrepid journalist who is documenting some of the least researched events in history. – Joanna Booth’s investigation of the Nighttime Economy Czar Carly Heath paid for by council tax payers but often lobbying against their interests, Bristol’s first black Merchant Venturer Marti Burgess – SPECIAL REPORT CRIMINALITY AT BRISTOL’S LAKOTA NIGHT CLUB – Licencing organised crime at Lakota Night Club? Deaths, rape, violence, directors suspended, companies collapsed, tax unpaid – – Labour Cllr Marley Bennett Licencing Organised Crime at Bristol’s Lakota Night Club? Deaths, rape, violence, tax and creditors unpaid, directors suspended, companies collapsed – South Bristol shopping centre will be knocked down after planning councillors’ shock U-turn – Opposition councillors slammed a decision to redevelop the Broadwalk Shopping Centre – Save our RIghts’ Louise Creffield bank account CANCELLED by Co-Op – Iowa rally: Trump pitilessly rips into Biden – Closing of people’s bank accounts. Louise Creffield from Save Our Rights on how they got nearly a million people out on the street of London during the 2021 Lockdowns a – BBC newsreader Huw Edwards sacked over paying for explicit photos from a 17 year old. THE SUN SAYS We have never doubted that our story on Huw Edwards was in the public interest – Public sector pay ‘settlement’ announced by Goldman Sachs PM Rishi Sunak. How the pay rise for public sector workers compares to people in the private sector – WHO says artificial sweetener aspartame is a ‘possible cause of cancer’ – !but still safe! The World Health Organization’s cancer agency has deemed the sweetener aspartame ­ – Ukraine war. NATO conference. Josh Friedman, journalist, on how ex Swedish PM went to Bilderberg this year, but wasn’t on the list – Sweden joining NATO. Turkey given an IMF loan – Stoltenberg, Secretary General of NATO, at Conference, on Ukraine joining NATO after war has finished. Stoltenberg on NATO and China. Who’s winning the Ukraine war? – Donald Trump in top ‘stand-up-comedy’ form at Iowa rally on the stupidity of electric cars, fighting the deep state, ending the Ukraine war, and both Biden and DeSantis’s ineptitude. Trump Pitilessly Rips Into Joe Biden – Israeli lady Zohar on a Norwegian fishing boat Handala going to Gaza to protest against treatment of Palestinians. Freedom Flotilla Coalition. Palestine Freedom ship docks in Bristol – NOT The BCfm Politics Show presented by Tony Gosling Read more »

MP3 of Friday 7th July 2023 Show [right click to download]… …(from c. 23:00) – Links to this week’s full interviews, bottom of pageSHOW STARTS AT 17:00 BST – FOR 3 HRS TO c. 20:00 17:00 to 20:00 BST, 12:00-15:00 …

Brexiteer Nigel Farage fronts campaign against Central Bank Digital Currencies (CBDCs) and has his bank accounts and is suddenly CANCELLED by Coutts bank. – De-banked. Blacklisted. Exiled from the financial system – Nigel Farage asks: “Are you next?” It was only a matter of time… As you may have seen on the news, my personal funds have been blacklisted. – EXCLUSIVE: Debbie Hicks from Keep It Cash campaign on how her HSBC bank account has been stopped early in June 2023. CBDCs Plan B? Philosophical money debate – Banks are insolvent and should be nationalised. Rising interest rates. Dave on Mike Graham’s show on Talk TV – why increasing interest rates won’t work. Accelerationism. – PM Rishi Sunak and Chancellor Jeremy Hunt’s ‘solution’ is deliberately making the economy worse. British economy destroyed after years of privatisation. – 75 years of NHS. Cost of PFIs. Esther Giles, former Finance Director of NHS says how she thinks Government is able to give more money to NHS, but chooses not to, and this is the only way to save it. – NHS hospital trusts paying hundreds of millions in interest to private firms Exclusive: Guardian analysis of hospital trust accounts found 101 owe about £50bn in future unitary PFI payments – Oliver Eagleton, author of Kier Starmer Project, on how Kier Starmer began the confected case against Julian Assange for the United States. – ‘Ghislaine Maxwell: The Making of a Monster’ documentary on C4. Ghislaine Maxwell: The Making of a Monster The story of the rise and fall of the world’s most enigmatic female sex trafficker – 07Jul23: The Together Declaration/Keep Bristol Moving meeting about new proposed clean air zones in Bristol. [highlights of audience contributions] – Retired Gloucestershire and England cricketer Syd Laurence about his problems with deliveries at his Dojo Nightclub on Park Row, Bristol, which has been blocked off by a bollarded cycle lane. – 04Jul23: Locals slam East Bristol liveable neighbourhood plans as ‘discriminatory’ Several locals spoke up at a public meeting in Barton Hill – First Bus price rises. Super market fuel rip off First Bus announces price rises for some Bristol fares – and they come in this weekend Discounts for students and young people have been cut – PETROL, BANKING, GAS AND ELECTRICITY: PRICE FIXING CARTEL GANGSTER-RUN BRITAIN Britain’s biggest banks not passing on interest rate rises to savers. – 1. FUEL RiP-OFF Big four supermarkets have ripped off drivers by nearly £1billion with fuel prices, probe finds – 2. ‘PROFITEER’ BANKS RAP BRITAIN’S biggest banks have been accused of “blatant profiteering” for not passing on higher interest rates to savers. – 3. ENERGY FIX TARIFF PAIN – HUNDREDS of thousands of households are being charged more than the energy regulator’s price cap after firms tied them into fixing at a higher rate. – Israelis attack Jenin and other attacks on Palestinians recently. Naftali Bennett, former Israeli PM, interviewed on BBC – why are Palestinian children being killed? – US to give Ukraine cluster bombs. Report: US Will Provide Ukraine Cluster Bombs as Part of New Weapons Package The news comes after HRW issued a report that said Ukraine killed civilians with cluster bombs – Biden says Assad has to go. Biden Says Assad Must Go While on the campaign trail, – EXCLUSIVE interview with the new head of Wikileaks, Kristinn Hrafensson, a former Icelandic journalist. How a leak about Icelandic banks sent some bankers to prison. – Is Assange being persecuted for publishing evidence that jailed bankers? Wikileaks editor Kristinn Hrafnsson – Journalists refuse to testify against Assange- In Assange Case, Journalists Reject FBI Requests To Aid Prosecution – Records Destroyed of Starmer Trips to DC During Assange Case U.K. public prosecutor destroyed 2011 records showing Keir Starmer met with U.S. attorney general and other U.S. and U.K. national security officials – Laura Dodsworth, author of State of Fear on how woke Church of England is. – SIR – Church of England congregations are dwindling, and have been for years, yet Justin Welby, the Archbishop of Canterbury, is more concerned with “trans” issues – NOT The BCfm Politics Show presented by Tony Gosling Read more »