Brief History of NATO, Tony Gosling opposite Downing St., London at NO2NATO peace rally 06Aug23 – Labour Party – Kier Starmer – Party system a mess. No to NATO rally outside Downing St. Neill McCrae speech – Labour and Tory in unison for a global vision. – Tony’s Brief History of NATO timeline – from Bilderberg, to France leaving NATO, to Operation Gladio and US drones at Fairford: – A brief history of NATO (Nazi Affiliated Terror Organisation) – VIDEO – Until 1980 NATO is to promote many Nazi officers to the very top operational military positions in the alliance including Adolf Hausinger; Hans Spiedel; Johan Steinhoff; Franz-Josef Schutsze; Ferdinand von Senger und Etterlin; Johan von Kielmansegg; Ernst Ferber; Karl Schnell; Reinhard Gehlen (BND chief) – James Espey on his family’s links to Mao Mao war in Kenya. Books by Caroline Elkins on British Empire and war. History of British Empire. – Daniele Ganser, Swiss author, on Operation Gladio – NATO false flag bombings blamed on communists. NATO’s Secret Armies: Operation Gladio and Terrorism in Western Europe Daniele Ganser (2004) – BAD POLITICIAN: Welsh First Minister Drakeford is not standing again – Mark Drakeford’s son sent back to prison after breaching licence for previous rape sentence – his son is a convicted paedophile and rapist – Al Jazeera – Fernando Villavicencio, candidate for elections in Ecuador who vowed to uncover links between organised crime and politics , is assassinated after death threats. – Imran Khan jailed – Al Jazeera EXCLUSIVE interview with Imran Khan. Jailed ex-PM Imran Khan barred from Pakistan politics for five years Former Pakistani prime minister Imran Khan, has been convicted and jailed – Jungle Bus Milli, a former journalist from Holland, on how her editor found Prince Bernhardt out, on his taking money from Lockheed Martin – also Bilderberg, NATO, Holland and WW2, EU and Nazis. – Dave Barnby on Dialect Radio about 2008 on the 1950s-1990s European Movement which was fostered by the Information Research Department (IRD) why the EU is no good. The Nazi Roots of the ‘Brussels EU’ (2010) – In light of superficial and over-long ‘Oppenheimer’ film and Russian nuclear war warnings this week is the 78th anniversary of US Nuclear bombs dropping on Japanese cities of Hiroshima and Nagasaki. – Ryan Dawson’s latest documentary: NUMEC, ‘How Israel Stole the Atomic Bomb and Killed JFK’ documentary by Ryan Dawson. Nazis merged in to Western Intelligence Services.
MP3 of Friday 11th August 2023 Show [right click to download]…
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Part One – News Review and Investigative Reports
A Brief History of NATO, Tony Gosling opposite Downing St., London at NO2NATO peace rally 06Aug23
Labour Party – Kier Starmer – Party system a mess. No to NATO rally outside Downing St. Neill McCrae speech – Labour and Tory in unison for a global vision. Ukraine war – Russia’s point of view and history. Downing St security. Keith Whitty, who lives in The Pen opposite Downing St, on why he’s there – The Great Reset worry – and how to counteract the coming changes – Monkey Magic News. Coming world financial problems. Fights for human rights – general strikes. Chris Williamson speech at No to NATO rally – Ukraine war was provoked by West – Russia’s point of view not understood by many. LINKS to all speeches, Peter Ford, Niall Mccrae, Richard Medhurst, Patrick Henningsen, including Tony’s.
Tony’s Brief History of NATO timeline – from Bilderberg, to France leaving NATO, to Operation Gladio and US drones at Fairford:
A brief history of NATO (Nazi Affiliated Terror Organisation) – VIDEO
Until 1980 NATO is to promote many Nazi officers to the very top operational military positions in the alliance including Adolf Hausinger; Hans Spiedel; Johan Steinhoff; Franz-Josef Schutsze; Ferdinand von Senger und Etterlin; Johan von Kielmansegg; Ernst Ferber; Karl Schnell; Reinhard Gehlen (BND chief)
1948 – creation of the state of Israel by a UN vote. Nelson Rockefeller delivers South American votes for David Ben Gurion after giving him the ultimatum ‘You can have a country, or vengeance, but not both. Quoted by John Loftus in interviews and his book ‘The Secret War Against The Jews’. The Rockefeller Ben Gurion deal means there will be absolutely NO Israeli intelligence pursuit of Nazi war criminals excepting Adolf Eichmann who was abducted in Argentina by Mossad in 1960 for trial and execution in Israel who was of dubious importance.
1949 – formation of NATO
1954 – the inaugural Bilderberg meeting, NATO’s highly successful and secretive political lobby, in Oosterbeek, near Arnhem, Holland. Chaired until 1975 by former Nazi SS Officer Prince Bernhard of the Netherlands.
1966 – French president Charles DeGaulle decides to eject the US military from France and to remove his country from NATO. President Sarkosy rejoined NATO 43 years later in 2009 but the French military remains outside NATO’s nuclear command structure.
1972, Sat 25 November – Daily Express front page lead story is ‘Bormann Is Alive’. Hitler’s private secretary Martin Bormann appears to have been protected by the Allies since the end of WWII. Ladislas Farago, Hungarian author of ‘Aftermath’ has the pictures of Bormann in Buenos Aires and Stuart Steven is the Jewish journalist.
1980s – Operation Gladio: 1,100 Italians are murdered in cold blood by NATO terrorists in bomb attacks carried out by fascists working under NATO, P2 and CIA direction. Italy is bringing the communists into a coalition government and so prime minister Aldo Moro is kidnapped and assassinated. The object of NATO’s ‘Strategy of Tension’ is to keep communists out of power in Italy.
1981 – former CBS WWII journalist Paul Manning publishes ‘Martin Bormann Nazi In Exile’ which details Bormann’s activities in South America using laundered Nazi loot to create and foster 750 new companies, a ‘Financial Fourth Reich’.
1989 – fall of the Berlin wall and assassination of Deutsch Bank chairman Alfred Herrhausen who has been brokering big financial agreements between Germany and the former Soviet states.
1990, 9th February – US Secretary of State James Baker promises a concerned Russian President Gorbachev that NATO will move ‘Not one inch Eastward’.
1996 – John Ainsworth-Davis, aka. Christopher Creighton, publishes Op JB which details the British commando raid planned by Ian Fleming, which brought Bormann out of Berlin by canoe at the very end of WWII
2000 – President Putin takes power in Russia giving the impression that his country will be part of NATO dominated institutions such as the WEF and G8. Meanwhile he is building up Russia’s military technology and fighting ability on all fronts to take on and defeat the Unites States if necessary.
2013 – 4-5,000 British people protest the annual Bilderberg conference in Watford, UK.
2020 – Tony Gosling publishes The Traitors of Arnhem which details the origins of the Bilderberg conferences in the deliberate British Army failures in the notorious Operation Market Garden in September 1944. This gave the Nazis time to arrange their financial affairs to regroup as a Fourth Reich after the war. Nazi loot was exchanged for safe passage by the Allies after the war and the deal was brokered by Hitler’s private secretary, Martin Bormann and Winston Churchill’s equivalent, Desmond Morton in Downing Street.
2023 – a NATO drone kills the first Libyans with no human involvement, AI has targeted individuals and launched the drone and deadly missiles. The US Air Force applies to the UK CAA to fly its deadly drones out of USAF or RAF Fairford in Gloucestershire.
James Espey on his family’s links to Mao Mao war in Kenya. Books by Caroline Elkins on British Empire and war. History of British Empire. Only a few years after Britain defeated fascism came the Mau Mau uprising in Kenya – a mass armed rebellion by the Kikuyu people, demanding the return of their land and freedom. The draconian response of Britain’s colonial government was to detain nearly the entire Kikuyu population of 1.5 million and to portray them as sub-human savages. Detainees in their thousands –possibly a hundred thousand or more –died from exhaustion, disease, starvation and systemic physical brutality. For decades these events remained untold. Caroline Elkins conducted years of research to piece together this story, unearthing reams of documents and interviewing several hundred Kikuyu survivors. Britain’s Gulag reveals for the first time, the full savagery of the Mau Mau war and the ruthless determination with which Britain sought to control its empire.
Daniele Ganser, Swiss author, on Operation Gladio – NATO false flag bombings blamed on communists. NATO’s Secret Armies: Operation Gladio and Terrorism in Western Europe Daniele Ganser (2004) This fascinating new study shows how the CIA and the British secret service, in collaboration with the military alliance NATO and European military secret services, set up a network of clandestine anti-communist armies in Western Europe after World War II. These secret soldiers were trained on remote islands in the Mediterranean and in unorthodox warfare centres in England and in the United States by the Green Berets and SAS Special Forces. The network was armed with explosives, machine guns and high-tech communication equipment hidden in underground bunkers and secret arms caches in forests and mountain meadows. In some countries the secret army linked up with right-wing terrorist who in a secret war engaged in political manipulation, harrassement of left wing parties, massacres, coup d’etats and torture. Codenamed ‘Gladio’ (‘the sword’), the Italian secret army was exposed in 1990 by Italian Prime Minister Giulio Andreotti to the Italian Senate, whereupon the press spoke of “The best kept, and most damaging, political-military secret since World War II” (Observer, 18. November 1990) and observed that “The story seems straight from the pages of a political thriller.” (The Times, November 19, 1990). Ever since, so-called ‘stay-behind’ armies of NATO have also been discovered in France, Spain, Portugal, Germany, Belgium, the Netherlands, Luxemburg, Denmark, Norway, Sweden, Finland, Switzerland, Austria, Greece and Turkey. They were internationally coordinated by the Pentagon and NATO and had their last known meeting in the NATO-linked Allied Clandestine Committee (ACC) in Brussels in October 1990.
BAD POLITICIAN: Welsh First Minister Drakeford is not standing again – Mark Drakeford’s son sent back to prison after breaching licence for previous rape sentence – his son is a convicted paedophile and rapist who has just broken his licence again. GOOD POLITICIAN: Neil McAvoy, Propel Party in Cardiff, on the state of Welsh politics – poverty industry in Wales that Labour benefits from. Neil McEvoy: Lockdown case against Cardiff politician dismissed – Neil McEvoy was a Member of the Senedd until last May Former Member of the Senedd (MS) Neil McEvoy has had a charge of breaching lockdown restrictions dismissed in court. Mr McEvoy had been accused of distributing election leaflets in Cardiff on 15 February, which was forbidden under coronavirus legislation at the time. But the Crown Prosecution Service (CPS) was accused of “appalling preparation” by the judge overseeing the hearing. Mr McEvoy had denied the allegation. District judge Stephen Harmes criticised the CPS for changing the details of the charge on the day of the trial. Prosecutors had amended the charge to relate to a different area of Cardiff. Mr McEvoy, who was elected as a member of Plaid Cymru in 2016 before being expelled and forming and leading a party called Propel, failed to be re-elected in May. The former South Wales Central MS, who remains a Cardiff councillor for Fairwater, described the conduct of the CPS as a “disgrace”. Dismissing the case, Mr Harmes also said the CPS failed to provide Mr McEvoy with substantial pieces of evidence in sufficient time to allow him to prepare his defence. Mr Harmes dismissed the evidence of the prosecution because witnesses were not present in court. Mr McEvoy, who was representing himself, also said he would like to have provided his own witness, but was not given the opportunity.
Bitchute video of complete show – Essentials: Michael Hudson | Blackrock/Vanguard | Tony on: Brexit & The Traitors of Arnhem | Evolution | War between God & Lucifer | Plan for three World Wars | Armageddonists I have known: Nick Land (1975-8) | George Monbiot (1995-8) | Manna for the Revelation Generation: CONSPIRACY CLASSICS, longer interviews/lectures
Part Two – Ukraine/Covid/Climate Accelerationism Round-Up, With End Times Prophecy Reports
Al Jazeera – Fernando Villavicencio, candidate for elections in Ecuador who vowed to uncover links between organised crime and politics , is assassinated after death threats. Reuters – suspects are Columbian drugs gang. Guardian – Crime and Politics article. Fernando Villavicencio assassination: suspects are Colombian, police say -One dead suspect and six others arrested in the assassination of Ecuadorean presidential candidate Fernando Villavicencio are Colombians, Ecuadorean police said on Thursday, and the government said it was pursuing the “intellectual authors” of the murder. The fatal shooting on Wednesday night, less than two weeks before the election, has sent shockwaves through the South American country, leading some rivals to suspend campaigning and bringing the issue of rising violence to the foreground. Villavicencio, a vocal critic of corruption and organized crime, was killed leaving an evening campaign event at an education facility in northern Quito. The deceased suspect died of injuries sustained in a shoot-out, the attorney general’s office said on Wednesday. Nine people, including a candidate for the legislature and two police officers, were injured, it added. The dead suspect had been arrested on weapons charges in July, the government said on Thursday, adding that the six detained men belong to organized crime groups. The police press office confirmed their nationalities later on Thursday afternoon. “The national police now have the first arrests of the alleged material authors of this abominable event and will employ all of their operative and investigative capacity to discover the motive of this crime and its intellectual authors,” Interior Minister Juan Zapata told journalists. The involvement of Colombian nationals in the murder is reminiscent of the 2021 killing of Haiti’s President Jovenel Moise, who was assassinated in his home by a group which included 26 Colombians and two Haitian-Americans. President Guillermo Lasso said the crime was clearly an attempt to sabotage the election, but that voting would go ahead as planned on Aug. 20, albeit amid a national state of emergency. Lasso, who declared three days of mourning, said on Thursday he has asked the U.S. Federal Bureau of Investigation for help with the investigation and that a delegation would arrive in the country in the coming hours. The FBI confirmed it was assisting. Violence in Ecuador has surged in recent years, especially in cities along drug-trafficking routes like Guayaquil and Esmeraldas where citizens say they live in fear. Several Latin American countries have seen similar issues since the coronavirus pandemic. The armed forces were deploying all over the country and would remain deployed until the end of the electoral process, Defense Minister Luis Lara told journalists. “Citizens have the guarantee that the armed forces will provide the necessary security for the realization of the vote, the vote of Ecuadoreans will be the best response to the mafias and their allies,” he said. Villavicencio’s party Movimiento Construye on Thursday rejected what it said was “political use” of his death and called for a speedy investigation in a statement posted on X, the social media site previously known as Twitter. The party condemned an unverified video circulating on social media purportedly from a gang called Los Lobos, or The Wolves, claiming responsibility for Villavicencio’s killing, alleging he had received millions of dollars from them for his campaign and threatening fellow candidate Jan Topic. Neither the police nor the attorney general’s office responded to requests for comment about the authenticity or origin of the video, which features more than a dozen black-clad and masked men waving high-powered rifles. Movimiento Construye said: “Those who sit to negotiate with mafiosos, those who give them microphones, those who generate fear campaigns with trick videos in the name of criminal organizations and who take the name of Fernando Villavicencio in vain with lies are responsible for the crime.” Los Lobos have thousands of members, according to some reports, and are active in the country’s violent prison system. Former President Rafael Correa, who was heavily criticized in office by Villavicencio, then a journalist, re-posted the video overnight, but said in a post on Thursday morning that it was fake, without providing more information. Villavicencio had been sentenced to 18 months in prison for defamation over statements made against the former president, but he fled to Indigenous territory within Ecuador and later was given asylum in Peru, before returning after Correa left office. BALLOT BOX JUSTICE Candidate Luisa Gonzalez, who is running for Correa’s party and leading with 29.3% support, expressed horror at the killing, but did not suspend her campaign. Indigenous candidate Yaku Perez and law-and-order hopeful Topic both suspended their campaigns, while businessman Otto Sonnenholzner begged the government to take action. Perez said he hoped to hold a meeting with the other candidates and the Catholic Church to discuss a “national security agreement,” without providing further details. Villavicencio’s party said on Wednesday that discussions had been held about whether to suspend campaigning due to recent political violence, including the July murder of the mayor of Manta. Villavicencio opposed a suspension, it said, saying it would be an act of cowardice. The party can choose another candidate, the electoral court said, but ballots have already been printed and distributed and Villavicencio’s name and photo appear on them. The party said in a Thursday statement it would take time to mourn before making decisions about the vote and asked for international oversight on the investigation. “The only comfort left to us is to valiantly vote and see justice done at the ballot box,” it said. Villavicencio, who police said had three rings of security on Wednesday, had on Tuesday made a report to the attorney general’s office about an oil business, but no further details of his report were made public. There were 3,500 violent deaths in Ecuador in the first half of the year, according to police figures, with nearly half occurring in the largest city, Guayaquil. Lasso, who called the elections early amid an impeachment bid against him, has been criticized for failing to tamp down violence, despite using emergency powers to authorize soldiers to patrol the streets and use their weapons against criminals. His government blames bloodshed on the streets and in prisons on criminal infighting to control drug trafficking routes used by Mexican cartels, the Albanian mafia and others. Beyond security, employment and migration are major issues in the presidential contest. Villavicencio, a married father, had 7.5% support in polls, placing him fifth out of eight candidates. His body will be released to two people chosen by his wife, including his lawyer, the attorney general’s office said on Twitter.
Imran Khan jailed – Al Jazeera EXCLUSIVE interview with Imran Khan. Jailed ex-PM Imran Khan barred from Pakistan politics for five years Former Pakistani prime minister Imran Khan, who has been convicted and jailed on graft charges, has been barred from politics for five years, according to an official order. Khan’s legal team has filed an appeal seeking to set aside the guilty verdict The Islamabad High Court will hear the appeal on Wednesday Khan was ousted as prime minister in a vote of no-confidence last year The order by the Election Commission of Pakistan (ECP), confirmed by a senior officer, said Khan was disqualified in line with his conviction. Khan’s constituency would now stand vacant, the order added. Under Pakistani law, a convicted person cannot run for any public office for a period defined by the ECP, which could be up to a maximum of five years starting from the conviction date. “We knew this was inevitable,” Khan’s aide Zulfikar Bukhari said, adding the party would challenge the disqualification in the High Court. “We’re highly confident it will be reversed.” Khan, who has denied any wrongdoing, was sentenced to three years imprisonment on Saturday on charges of unlawfully selling state gifts he and his family acquired during his tenure from 2018 to 2022.
Dave Barnby on Dialect Radio about 2008 on the 1950s-1990s European Movement which was fostered by the Information Research Department (IRD) why the EU is no good. The Nazi Roots of the ‘Brussels EU’ (2010) Matthias Rath, Paul Anthony Taylor, Aleksandra Niedzwiecki Containing copies of previously unpublished historical documents sourced from international archives, The Nazi Roots of the ‘Brussels EU’ proves that the key architects of the European Union were recruited from among the same technocrats who had previously designed the plans for a post-WWII Europe under the control of the Nazis and the infamous IG Farben pharmaceutical and chemical cartel. By revealing how the undemocratic nature of the European Union bears a notable resemblance to the intended postwar plans of the Nazis and IG Farben for a “Total European Economic Area”, the explosive information contained in this book essentially marks the beginning of the end for the so-called “EU Project”. Mindful that the European Union is already now teetering on the brink of collapse, the authors conclude by showing how the building of a new democratic Europe – designed for the people and by the people – can lead to a world of health, peace, and social justice becoming a reality. Rath claims that a program of nutritional supplements (which he calls “cellular medicine”), including formulations that he sells, can treat or cure diabetes, cardiovascular disease, cancer, and HIV/AIDS. Fusion of anti-Big Pharma / Big Oil ( Although big oil is bare mentioned), Braunbüch Former nazis are still in power, pro-privacy conspiracy theories. Also some hints of Gladio and Anti-Free-Masonry. Book claims that Walter Hallstein was the driving force behind the EU and that Big Pharam / Big Oil was driving force behind him, also behind WWI & WWII. It states that a economic plan for the occupied zones made by Frank Sölter is the whole idea behind the European Union.
In light of superficial and over-long ‘Oppenheimer’ film and Russian nuclear war warnings this week is the 78th anniversary of US Nuclear bombs dropping on Japanese cities of Hiroshima and Nagasaki. New US president Truman (was Roosevelt killed because he refused to allow the ‘live’ city tests?) announcing first atomic bomb had been dropped on ‘a military base’. Manfred Petritsch in 2017 on how Nazi technology was taken to the United States at the Berlin surrender and used in the plutonium bomb dropped on Japan – and future predictions. Critical Mass: How Nazi Germany Surrendered Enriched Uranium for The United States’ Atomic Bomb by Carter Hydrick (2003) On 19 May 1945, eleven days after the surrender of Nazi Germany in Europe, a U-boat was escorted into Portsmouth Naval Yard, New Hampshire. News reporters covering the surrender of U-234 were ordered, contrary to all previous and later U-boat surrender procedures, to keep their distance from crew members and passengers of U-234, on threat of being shot by the attending Marine guards. Why the tight security? Buried in the nose of the specially-built mammoth boat, sealed in cylinders “”lined with gold, was 1,120 pounds of enriched uranium labelled “”U235″”the fissile material from which atom bombs are made. This book documents how these Nazi bomb components were then used by the Manhattan Project to complete both the uranium bomb dropped on Hiroshima and the plutonium bomb dropped on Nagasaki, to defeat the Japanese and win World War Two and global domination in the modern age. – What Carter Hydrick discovered and has written in Critical Mass provides compelling new information about what Dr. Tobler calls “an important, perhaps even critical, chapter in our modern history.” The Nazis did surrender enriched uranium and other atomic bomb components to the United States that, according to the evidence, were used in the bombs dropped on Hiroshima and Nagasaki. Now you can find out how it happened! Read Critical How Nazi Germany Surrendered Enriched Uranium for the United States’ Atomic Bomb.
Ryan Dawson’s latest documentary: NUMEC, ‘How Israel Stole the Atomic Bomb and Killed JFK’ documentary by Ryan Dawson. Nazis merged in to Western Intelligence Services. NUMEC: How Israel Stole the Atomic Bomb and Killed JFK. Terrorists took advantage of the massive weapons surplus following the end of WWII and created lucrative black-markets for illegal arms trafficking many of which went to ethno-fascist fanatics who created the state of Israel. The weapons theft would escalate to Highly Enriched Uranium for nuclear bombs and the assassination of a US president. Other Ryan Dawson films include War by Deception Decades of Deception Neocolonialism in Africa The Empire Unmasked God is Not a Real Estate Agent, Trump’s Zionist ball & chain Syria: Israel’s invisible hand How Terrorists formed a nation The Parasite Biden Crime Syndicate
Radio4All download pages
[right click to download]
#1 – Complete 3hr 10mins show – [right click to download]
Radio4All crashed at 1am – emergency download
Full interviews with…
#2 – Jungle Bus Milli Prince Bernhard and how power really works – 01:00:00
#3 – Neil McEvoy Welsh political collusion/corruption Drakeford out, Eisteddfod 2023 – 00:10:00
#4 – Daniele Ganser NATO terrorism in Europe Operation Gladio – 01:20:00
#5 – James Espey on Raymond Nightingale Mau-Mau Cecil Rhodes British in Africa – 00:25:00
#6 – NUMEC How Israel Stole the Atomic Bomb and killed JFK by Ryan Dawson (2023) – 01:20:00
#8 – Tony Gosling Brief History of NATO No2Nato Whitehall 06Aug23 – 00:15:00
#9 – TNT_Basil_Valentine_Tony_Gosling_07Aug23 – 00:45:00
#10 – Richie_Allen_09Aug23_Tony_Gosling – 00:35:00

BCfm’s weekly Politics Show presented by Tony Gosling with Irish Republican Labour activist Martin Summers was forced off FM, now online only by station manager Pat Hart, ‘rested due to the pandemic’ on 24 March 2020. Bristol Community FM (BCfm) charity ‘CEO’ Patrick Hart is a longtime personal friend of Bristol’s all-powerful right-wing ‘Labour’ mayor Marvin Rees. Now on Internet only NOT The BCfm Politics Show is available 17:00-c. 21:00 live on Fridays. Pat Hart replaced us with an inane student show repeating MSM stories called The Bristol Agenda. If you’d like to share your views on his deliberate dumbing-down and pro-Covid jab mismanagement you can contact UK broadcasting regulator Ofcom or BCfm board chair and the ‘Don’ himself, here.
February 2019 Ofcom complaint result: UKLFI exposed as creation of Israeli foreign ministry – Bristol Post article: BCfm cleared after being reported to Ofcom for anti-semitic conspiracy theories
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