Evil snake Starmer has destroyed Labour – Labour Party and Kier Starmer. ‘Not the Andrew Marr Show’ – David Plank on rising fascism in the Labour and Tory Parties as freedom of speech is curtailed by Starmer – David Miller tweet on Jewish wealth and power statistics condemned by Jewish Voice for Labour and Socialist Workers Party. Tony Greenstein, Jewish blogger and author, on what he thinks of David Miller’s tweet – Was MI5 behind 2013 SWP rape claims? 2013 MI5 sting operation? How rape claims nearly destroyed the Socialist Workers Party – Steve Keen, economist, on Press TV, on interest rate rises. Scottish independence. – Migrant boat deaths – why aren’t the smuggler gangs arrested? Organised crime. Authorities ‘left people to die’ despite warnings about Cape Verde migrant boat weeks before tragedy – Mastermind: The evil genius behind the migrant crisis ‘A business based on human goods’ Ferrara began investigating people-smugglers the morning of the Lampedusa sinking in October 2013 – What we know about alleged human trafficking kingpin Mered Medhanie, aka The General Extradited to Italy on Tuesday, Eritrean Mered Medhanie, 35, is believed to be at the heart – Natalie Minnis, blogger, on the new Human Rights Act and universal income. Niggling Questions about Princess Diana at Charles’ Coronation The Purposeful Path – ZERO CARBON TAXPAYER FUNDED GRAVY TRAIN: Natalie Minnis on ex-Tory party chairman chairman John Selwyn Gummer and the MASSIVE vested interests in the UK government’s Committee on Climate Change – Ex-Blackrock’s James Skea Runs IPCC and Founded UK Govt. Climate Change Committee – The 2017 appointment attracted had criticism due to Heaton’s position as head of sustainability and policy at Drax, a company that received £832 million in subsidies from the government last year – Nick Corbishley, author of ‘ Scanned’, updates us on CBDCs – used in a recession, Nigeria using it now, disaster of not allowing cash in developing countries, China using CBDCs. – – Attempt to evict my long-time writer and editor friend Simon Fairlie and The Land Magazine – A corporate style hostile takeover of a lovely rural community – Parallel ‘Zero Carbon? heated debate going on with Guardian writer George Monbiot vs. Simon Fairlie over the future of farming – Imber village on Salisbury Plain requisitioned for the US Army in WW2 and never given back – open days – Imber Bus Day – ImberBus.com IMBERBUS On a cold winter’s evening back in 2009, over a few pints in a Bath pub – Palestine/Israel problems. Press TV – Israel has stopped funds for some Palestinian social services. Protest about funds being stopped. A Hawkish Israeli minister has suspended millions of dollars in funding to Arab towns – Spain’s El País Sounds The Alarm Over Ukraine – Nick Corbishley – Spain following NATO line on Ukraine until recently – El Pais article by former Bilderberg Steering Group member – Interview with Democrat Presidential hopeful Bobby Kennedy – details of CIA’s David Atlee Phillips and Chicago Mafia behind the assassination of his uncle president JFK on 22nd November 1963 – In this fascinating and disturbing work, James Douglass presents a compelling account of the assassination of President John F. Kennedy and why unmasking and accepting this truth remains crucial – Sullivan & Cromwell: The Dulles Brothers, Corporate Power and the Birth of the CIA by Hugo Turner – Few realize the role corporate lawyers have played in shaping the past 150 years of world history – Is David Icke Being Fed A Mixture Of Fake And Real News, Just As Victor Rothschild’s Double Cross MI5 Agents Were In WWII? Is Icke An MI5 ‘Nutter Magnet?’ – David Icke on Talk TV – ‘That Chair Is Not There, Its Just Vibrational Energy In Your Brain’ China his theories on 5G and ‘proof’ that the moon is a hollow metal spaceship – NOT IN THE SHOW: The AFRL USAF Directed Energy Directorate operates two major telescope sites that are used to advance SSA technologies. One of these sites is located on Maui, Hawaii – NOT IN THE SHOW: Firestarters? Who Is Starting Maui and other Wildfires? Burn Back Better? UK Column News – Friday, 18th August 2023 – NOT The BCfm Politics Show presented by Tony Gosling

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Part One News Review and Investigative Reports


Evil snake Starmer has destroyed Labour – Labour Party and Kier Starmer. ‘Not the Andrew Marr Show’ – David Plank on rising fascism in the Labour and Tory Parties as freedom of speech is curtailed by Starmer.  Starmer is a pragmatist trying to get Labour in to power.  by Not the Andrew Marr Show22 September 2022 David Plank has resigned from Labour – the party his Grandparents and Mother brought him up in. He spoke on ‘Not the Andrew Marr Show about his reasons for doing so. We need more of the older generation to speak out about older labour socialist party. I am 46 years old and i have not seen a Labour Government that was described to me by Granddad and my dad both of who are no longer alive now. We need these older people who have spoken out to be more prominent and the teachers of what Labour should be and was. Thanks for articulating what so many are thinking but are too angry to actually string a coherent sentence together! This gentleman nails it completely. Where is Starmer? What do Labour say about the challenge that disabled people face in the cost of living crisis? Nothing. I’ve not heard one Labour MP speak up. Their support stops at hardworking people. It’s appalling. I left the party because Starmer stood up at conference and said his “proudest moment” was being knighted by the queen. IF we are ever to make a better, fairer country we need to undermine NOT support the social hierarchy that concentrates wealth and power in the hands of a lazy, greedy elite??? All Starmer’s other sins fit in with the pattern of fawning acquiescence to the privileged class. I like you I voted for Starmer because I thought he was electable but now I know it was a mistake and I should have voted with my true feelings, instead we’ve got a Blair Mk2. A friend said that when people say they’ve waited 56 years for a world cup victory it’s sad but he’s been waiting for 77 years for another socialist government. Starmer is pandering to the Daily Mail, hoping if he doesn’t scare the horses they’ll support him. What he doesn’t realise is that if he cured cancer, bought world peace and solved the climate crisis he’d still be the devil’s spawn. I will not be renewing my membership and find myself without a political home. Rebecca Long Bailey would have walked that leadership election if Starmer had been honest about what he actually stood for, it’s a disgrace what he did, I can’t even remember a tory leadership candidate that acted in this way, I cannot stand them but at least they do what they set out to do for their members. If starmer can’t stand up for the working class he’s got to go or otherwise labour got no chance in next election ordinary people matter help the needy not the greedy


David Miller tweet on anti-Semitism condemned by Jewish Voice for Labour and Socialist Workers Party. Tony Greenstein, Jewish blogger and author, on what he thinks of David Miller’s tweet. SWP – rape claim. SWP infiltrated. Defend David Miller Against Both the Zionists & their Apologists on the Left – There are Many Criticisms That Can Be Made of Miller but Anti-Semitism Isn’t One Of Them – by Tony Greenstein – JVL’s Attack on Miller is Jewish Exceptionalism – The SWP’s Attack is Political Cowardice Sound of the Police – On 9 August Jewish Voices for Labour issued a statement David Miller has crossed a line in response to a tweet from Miller which said:’ “The facts: 1. Jews are not discriminated against. 2. They are over-represented in Europe, North America and Latin America in positions of cultural, economic and political power. 3. They are therefore, in a position to discriminate against actually marginalised groups.” The statement went on to say that: Many were distressed by some of Miller’s statements in the past which seemed to exaggerate Israeli power but we believed they fell within the terrain of academic freedom. This recent tweet, focusing on Jews, is of a different order and has crossed a line. Miller was accused of ‘ignoring any historical, international or social context’ but if anyone was guilty of this it was JVL itself. Miller is one of a number of academics who have been targeted by Zionist organisations and supporters of the Apartheid State and been accused of anti-Semitism. Other academics include Rebecca Gould, also of Bristol University, Goldie Osurie of Warwick University and Shahd Abusalama of Sheffield Hallam University. Miller however, has always been the Zionists’ number one target. The groups who have engaged in these McCarthyist witchhunts are familiar names. They include the Community Security Trust (a Mossad project) , the Campaign Against Anti-Semitism (formed in August 2014 in the middle of Israel’s genocidal Operation Protective Edge, on the initiative of Israel’s Ministry of Strategic Affairs), Union of Jewish Students (funded by the Israeli Embassy) and the Board of Deputies. There were a number of problems with the JVL statement, not least its timing, coming as it did on the eve of Miller’s Employment Tribunal against Bristol University. The problems in the statement are exemplified by the claim that Many were distressed by some of Miller’s statements in the past which seemed to exaggerate Israeli power’. Why should anyone be ‘distressed’ by such a claim?

Was MI5 behind 2013 SWP rape claims? 2013 MI5 sting operation? How rape claims nearly destroyed the Socialist Workers Party A 17-YEAR-OLD alleged rape victim was made to feel “like a slut who asked for it” by Left-wing activists in an infamous case which almost destroyed the Socialist Workers Party four years ago. The headline-grabbing scandal centred on a senior party figure, identified only as Comrade Delta. He was accused of serious misconduct by several women, and of rape. Up to 500 members of the Marxist group threatened to quit when it emerged the party held a “kangaroo court” to hear allegations, dating back to 2008, against the man, instead of involving police. The allegations were then dismissed by a panel of seven members of the party’s senior command. One young woman claimed Comrade Delta physically abused her in front of other party members. Then, in 2011 he pressured her into meeting and raped her in her bedroom. [They asked me] had you been drinking?… Are you sure that you said no, and are you sure you didn’t consent? Alleged rape victim She felt she would be expelled from the party if she went to the police. She quit but a local organiser persuaded her to go to the party’s internal disputes committee.


Steve Keen, economist, on Press TV,  on interest rate rises.  Scottish independence.

Migrant boat deaths – why aren’t the smuggler gangs arrested? Organised crime.  Authorities ‘left people to die’ despite warnings about Cape Verde migrant boat weeks before tragedy, rights group alleges Four national authorities and the European Union’s border patrol agency Frontex failed to make “sufficient” efforts to prevent the deaths of dozens of migrants off West Africa, despite being warned about the boat weeks before, a Spanish human rights NGO alleged Friday. At least 60 people are presumed dead after the boat was rescued off the coast of Cape Verde, the International Organization on Migration (IOM) told CNN on Thursday. Non-governmental organization Caminando Fronteras (Walking Borders) put the death toll at 92, adding it believed 130 people were on board the boat when it left Senegal. Family members of some of those on board had contacted Caminando Fronteras on July 20, saying that they were worried as their relatives had left Senegal for the Canary Islands 10 days earlier and not reached land, according to the organization’s founder and director, Helena Maleno Garzón.

Mastermind: The evil genius behind the migrant crisis ‘A business based on human goods’ Ferrara began investigating people-smugglers the morning of the Lampedusa sinking in October 2013. He directed his officers to ask the survivors for the phone numbers of the men who sent them. By tapping those lines and tracing calls to other numbers, he built a phone tree of thousands of numbers whose branches stretch from Africa to Europe, the Middle East, Asia and into the US.In 18 months, he and his team recorded more than 30,000 calls. Those transcripts, some of which Ferrara made available to Newsweek, reveal the existence of several wholly new, multinational organised crime syndicates, together worth around $7bn (€6bn) a year. They also identify the Ethiopian man who is among the busiest and most sophisticated of the new people traffickers. “He is a merciless criminal that, for money, has created a business based on ‘human goods’,” says Ferrara. The Ethiopian’s network offers “a complete service to migrants, running from the centre of Africa to Libya to Italy to another country from there. It includes all accommodation, transport and food”. It is, says Ferrara, a criminal operation like no other. No name, no fixed base, a fluid membership and, most remarkably, “totally without risk”. “With drugs, if you lose the drugs, you lose your money,” says Ferrara. “But in this case, you pay in advance. Even if the migrants drown, Ermias has already been paid.” Ermias Ghermay’s clients describe him as about 40, short and stocky. In conversation, he seems uneducated but street-smart: dynamic, plausible and fluent in several languages, including Arabic and Tigrinya, the ancient tongue of northern Ethiopia and Eritrea. “Really smart,” says one Palermo police officer. “He has the capacity to organise an international criminal enterprise that is very complicated – lots of people, lots of contacts, spread everywhere, and moving money and people between them. He’s a professional.” Over the months Ferrara has been tapping Ghermay’s calls, the Ethiopian has given glimpses of his operation in asides and casual boasts. Ghermay, it transpires, has been working as a people smuggler for about a decade. Like many others, he bases himself on the Libyan coast, mostly in the capital, Tripoli or, in the port of Zuwarah to the west. Importantly for EU officials thinking of targeting traffickers’ ships, Ghermay regards the wooden fishing boats or inflatable rafts he buys as disposable; they generally either sink or are confiscated on landing in Sicily. That has encouraged him to seek out the cheapest seaworthy vessels he can – inevitably, they barely float at all. To combat the chances of his clients losing their nerve or finding another boat, Ghermay came up with the idea of renting warehouses in Zuwarah in which he locks thousands for months after first removing their mobile phones.

What we know about alleged human trafficking kingpin Mered Medhanie, aka The General Extradited to Italy on Tuesday, Eritrean Mered Medhanie, 35, is believed to be at the heart of an operation to smuggle thousands of African migrants to Europe. The gang packed migrants onto barely seaworthy vessels, and put them out to the Mediterranean sea to Europe from the Libyan coast. One such vessel, believed to have been procured by the gang, sank near the Italian island of Lampedusa in 2013, with 359 refugees drowning. Nicknamed The General, Medhanie styled himself on late Libyan dictator Colonel Gaddafi, reportedly travelling in a tank. In one wiretapped conversation he allegedly bragged “nobody is stronger then me.” In July 2015, Bahrain’s Alwasat reported that he was paying millions to Islamic State’s Libyan branch to operate the smuggling gangs. Medhanie is suspected of working with Ethiopian Ghermay Ermias, who remains at large. Ermias is believed to have organised the Lampedusa trip, and when told the vessel capsised blamed the disaster on the migrants and described it as “Allah’s will” in a wiretap. Telephone intercepts obtained by Italy’s Republica paint a picture of Medhanie as a man kind and considerate when speaking of his wife and children in Sweden, but cynical and ruthless in his work. He allegedly described migrants as “numbers” or “business.” In one recording he reportedly laughed when describing overloading vessels with migrants, and boasts of smuggling more than 7,000 people to Europe. In another he considers where to hide his spoils, preferring the US or Canada: “there, they don’t ask where you got it from,” he claims.

Natalie Minnis, blogger, on the new Human Rights Act  and universal income. Niggling Questions about Princess Diana at Charles’ Coronation The Purposeful Path When Princess Diana died in 1997, the intensity of the outpouring of public grief led some to speculate that the monarchy would not survive. I think we might be seeing the repercussions now, in the muted reaction to this weekend’s royal coronation. People queueing to pay their last respects to Diana, Princess of Wales, in August 1997. Photo by Maxwell Hamilton. I was in Fiji, staying in a backpacking hostel, when the news of Diana’s death was announced. I said out loud, in the communal TV room, “She was murdered!”. I got some strange looks and a rebuttal. I think that event brought about a shift in the way I saw the world. The idea of high-profile assassinations had certainly occurred to me, but the thought of them happening in the UK went against everything I’d been brought up to believe. When I’d heard earlier that year that Diana was campaigning against landmine debris, I was surprised and impressed, and I remember saying to my mum, “She’s really getting into dangerous areas here – someone might want to see her get hurt.” I only half believed this. But when I heard that she’d been killed in a car crash, I thought, “They’ve done it.” I didn’t know who “they” were, but it shifted my perspective on the way I thought about my country and our world.

ZERO CARBON TAXPAYER FUNDED GRAVY TRAIN: Natalie Minnis on ex-Tory party chairman chairman John Selwyn Gummer and the MASSIVE vested interests in the UK government’s Committee on Climate Change and at the UN’s privatised IPCC.  Helicopter money. Drax Exec Quits Climate Change Committee After ‘Glaring’ Conflict of Interest Critics argued that representatives of Drax, which received £832 million from the government last year, should not have a role advising the government on tackling climate change. A senior Drax executive is stepping down from her position on the Climate Change Committee early after questions were raised over a “glaring” conflict of interest. Dr Rebecca Heaton will end her four and half year term on the government advisory group’s mitigation committee around four months early to take up a position at renewable energy company Ovo, the board announced today. In a statement, Heaton said the position had been the “privilege of my career” and that she was “immensely proud of the work we have done to raise climate ambition”.

The 2017 appointment attracted had criticism due to Heaton’s position as head of sustainability and policy at Drax, a company that received £832 million in subsidies from the government last year for biomass generation. “The conflict of interest has long been glaring, but in recent years became blinding,” said Phil Macdonald of energy thinktank Ember. Calling for the CCC to take a fresh look at Drax’s carbon capture plans in the wake of Heaton’s move, Macdonald added: “Drax, one of the country’s largest recipients of ‘green’ public funds, shouldn’t have a role advising the government on the best route to take action on climate change.”

Nick Corbishley, author of ‘ Scanned’, updates us on CBDCs – used in a recession, Nigeria using it now, disaster of not allowing cash in developing countries, China using CBDCs. Guy …? … “Big Four” Banks in Both UK and Australia Escalate Their War of Attrition Against Cash British banks are now making it harder for customers to even deposit cash in their own accounts, while three of Australia’s Big Four banks are eliminating cash services altogether from many of their branches. Leading the Charge Toward a Cashless Future The UK is already one of Europe’s most cashless economies, with physical money accounting for just 17% of retail payments, compared to 56% in 2010. As in many countries, the move away from cash accelerated sharply during the first two years of the pandemic, largely due to the explosion in online purchases during the lockdowns and overblown fears about the health risks of using cash — fears first raised by the World Health Organization and then seized upon and massively magnified by the media, banks, payment processors, fintech firms and other cash assassins. But as I reported this time last year in “Is Cold, Hard Cash Making a Comeback?“, the trend may have already reached its apogee. Survey after survey has shown that the overwhelming majority of UK citizens do not want to live in a fully cashless economy. In fact, only 3% of the population have gone fully cashless, according to a recent YouGov poll commissioned by the ATM network provider LINK. Only 12% want to live in a cashless society while 69% oppose it. In a similar survey by BusinessComaparison, 74% of respondents reported using cash over the previous month. The volume of notes in circulation has actually increased by around £11 billion since 2020, to the current total of just over £81 billion, though this is apparently more due to people “hoarding” cash (as the central banks call it) during the early months of the virus crisis than actually spending it. That said, cash remains the preferred choice of payment for millions of people and is the only choice for an estimated 6% of the population, with this figure increasing to 9% for those in vulnerable circumstances, according to UK Finance.

Attempt to evict my long-time writer and editor friend Simon Fairlie and The Land Magazine from Monkton Wyld Court near Lyme Regis in Dorset – a corporate style hostile takeover of a lovely rural community – parallel debate going on with Guardian writer George Monbiot vs. Simon Fairlie over the future of farming –  Precision and Prohibition – George Monbiot accuses The Land of bucolic romanticism. Mike Hannis and Simon Fairlie respondFollowing publication of issue 32 we received a letter from George Monbiot, which you can read below along with responses from two of the magazine’s editors. Dear Friends – Before my book Regenesis was published, I gave some thought to where the main opposition was likely to come from. I guessed it would take the form of an unintentional alliance between bucolic romantics and Big Meat. Just as the Southern Baptists in the United States, by pushing for Prohibition, opened the door to Al Capone and his chums, so the romantics would play John the Southern Baptist to the meat industry. It has played out just as I feared, especially in the pages of The Land.

Imber village on Salisbury Plain requisitioned for the US Army in WW2 and never given back – open days – Imber Bus Day – ImberBus.com IMBERBUS On a cold winter’s evening back in 2009, over a few pints in a Bath pub, four transport professionals discussed where the most unlikely place would be to run a bus service. The answer was a place that the public were not normally allowed access to and so the idea of running a bus service to the village of Imber on Salisbury Plain was born. The village of Imber is no longer inhabited as the residents were evicted just before Christmas 1943 by the MoD, in order to step up army training in advance of D-Day. The villagers were promised that their village would be returned to them after the war but this was not to be and 66-years on it is still uninhabited, much of it having been damaged or destroyed. It remains in use for army training purposes but the connecting road is open to the public on a limited number of occasions each year and was previously only accessible to the public if they had their own transport. Following lengthy negotiations with the Ministry of Defence at a very senior level, the Bath Bus Company was permitted, with the cooperation of several other operators, Transport for London and Wiltshire Council’s Transport Department, to run a bus service 23A from Warminster to the village of Imber on 5th September 2009. Operated as an ordinary local bus service using 4 former London Transport Routemaster buses, the service proved to be very successful and so has now become an annual event, with services now extending beyond Imber to the villages of Market Lavington, Tilshead and Chitterne, plus other remote locations on Salisbury Plain, such as New Zealand Farm Camp and Brazen Bottom.

Bitchute video of complete show – Essentials: Michael Hudson | Blackrock/Vanguard | Tony on: Brexit & The Traitors of Arnhem | Evolution | War between God & Lucifer | Plan for three World Wars | Armageddonists I have known: Nick Land (1975-8) | George Monbiot (1995-8) | Manna for the Revelation Generation: CONSPIRACY CLASSICS, longer interviews/lectures


Part Two – Ukraine/Covid/Climate Accelerationism Round-Up, With End Times Prophecy Reports

Palestine/Israel problems. Press TV – Israel has stopped funds for some Palestinian social services. Protest about funds being stopped. A Hawkish Israeli minister has suspended millions of dollars in funding to Arab towns and Palestinian education programs in the occupied East al-Quds, a move roundly condemned as racist. Arab local councils funding frozen by Israeli finance minister Smotrich Arab local councils across the occupied Palestinian territories have protested against the suspension of funding ordered by Israel’s finance minister. Videos circulating on social media on Monday showed the regime’s police pushing some of the demonstrators outside the finance ministry building who chanted, “Violent police!” The police also restrained the hands of a woman who lay prone on the ground, her forehead bleeding. Earlier this month, Finance Minister Bezalel Smotrich, a key member of Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu’s cabinet, suspended at least 200 million shekels ($52.75 million) of funds allocated for Arab municipalities. Reacting to the move, Israeli opposition leader and former Prime Minister Yair Lapid said it was racist, and amounted to “abusing Arab citizens simply because they are Arab.” Smotrich is notorious for making inflammatory statements. The mayor of the Arab city of Umm al-Fahm, Samir Mahameed, told Israeli Army Radio on Monday the finance minister was casting Arabs as thieves and criminals, which was “ridiculous” and “false.” “This is survival money, not a luxury,” said Mahameed, explaining that the funds were meant to assist in fighting soaring crime. “This is a struggle for our lives.”

Spain’s El País Sounds The Alarm Over Ukraine – Nick Corbishley – Spain following NATO line on Ukraine until recently – El Pais article by former Bilderberg Steering Group member  … who used to go to Bilderberg – softening of opinion? …..Better Late Than Never? Spain’s El País Sounds Alarm Over Consequences of Ukraine “Proxy War” for EU’s Future After enthusiastically selling the war since its inception, the mainstream media in Europe may be beginning to change its tune. …. ….Since the start of the Russian invasion, Zelensky has banned all males between the ages of 18 and 60 from leaving the country. There is no conscientious objection, most men are recruited and sent to the front, whether they want to fight or not… In March 2022, he suspended the activity of 11 political parties… without recourse to law or providing any evidence that they had ties to Moscow… In December 2022, the Ukrainian president signed a media law that was widely criticised by the Union of Journalists of Ukraine for threatening freedom of expression. Under this law, which began to take form in 2019, long before the invasion, the National Broadcasting Council, made up mostly of Zelensky lackeys and the Ukrainian Parliament, currently dominated by the president’s party, can censor TV broadcasters, the press and online journalism, as well as social networks and search engines such as Google. – On Ukraine’s Nazis:- [Zelensky] has tolerated and tolerates Nazis in his country and in his armed and security forces, though it is difficult to say if he did so out of conviction or because he cannot do otherwise. For example, the emblem of the Azov Battalion (now the Brigade) represents the mirror image of the wolfsangel rune taken from the emblem of the 2nd SS Das Reich Division, a Nazi unit that caused the deaths of tens of thousands of Ukrainians, particularly Jews, during World War II. There are more units in Ukraine of similar ideology: the Aidar, Donbass and other battalions. Lastly, de Alaya also explains how the Zelensky brand is largely the creation of Western intelligence services, mainly from the US and UK: The Ukrainian president has been glorified and sanctified through the tenacious propaganda of the Western intelligence services — mainly the Anglos’ — which has been widely repeated by the vast majority of the media… They have been at it since long before the invasion began, at least since they openly supported the anti-Russian Maidan coup, when Victoria Nuland – then US under-secretary of state for European and Eurasian affairs and today acting deputy secretary of state in the Biden Administration — said, in a conversation with the US ambassador to Ukraine: “Fuck the EU”. Zelensky did not exist as a political player at that point. But when he did appear, he was a godsend. Who better than an actor to play the hero – military shirt, unkempt beard, dark circles around the eyes – to… arouse [public] empathy and, with it, the uncritical support of Western citizens for a campaign that goes far beyond this war. Most of this, of course, is not news to regular NC readers and the commentariat, but the fact that it is being published in a news outlet like El Diario, which has, until now, largely hewed to the official line on the Ukraine war, is news. Even more newsworthy is the fact that José Luis Cebrián, one of Spain’s most influential figures, not only in the media but also in politics and business, is sounding the alarm about the dire consequences of the Ukraine proxy war for the EU, as well as the fact that most European politicians don’t seem to care. Unfortunately, it’s 18 months too late and much of the damage has already been done.

Interview with Democrat Presidential hopeful Bobby Kennedy – details of CIA’s David Atlee Phillips  and Chicago Mafia behind the assassination of his uncle president JFK on 22nd November 1963. Jim Douglas book ..…¦. JFK assassination article – guy admits part of it … Dulles brothers – OPJB etc. Tucker Carlson Releases Explosive Interview with RFK Jr., Touching on Ukraine and JFK Assassination: ‘We’re Being Lied To’ – Kennedy claimed the Pentagon “transferred the authority for biosecurity to one agency in the HHS, called the National Institute for Infectious and Allergic Diseases run by Anthony Fauci. So Anthony Fauci got all the responsibility for bioweapon development. “He got at that time a 68 percent raise from the Pentagon in order to do that work. And that’s why he was the highest paid official in the American government,” he added. Advertisement – story continues below After some incidents took place primarily in Texas and North Carolina, Fauci transferred the gain of function research to the Wuhan Institute of Virology, which is a military lab, Kennedy alleged. And other work went to labs in Ukraine. Carlson also raised the topic of RFK Jr.’s oft-stated belief that the CIA was involved in the assassination of President Kennedy in November 1963. “What do you think the motive was in the killing?” Carlson asked. “The specific people who were involved in it were almost all associated with a Miami station, which was the largest CIA station at that time. And it was basically, it was the Cuban station,” Kennedy responded. “And the people who were involved in that station were people like Bill Harvey and David Atlee Phillips, who was clearly involved in my uncle’s assassination. He was, by all evidence, he was Lee Harvey Oswald’s handler at the CIA,” he added. Kennedy argued the CIA was upset with JFK for not authorizing air strikes during the failed Bay of Pigs operation in April 1961, as well as shutting down agency ops running out of Florida to harass the regime of Cuban communist dictator Fidel Castro. During the Bay of Pigs, JFK reportedly vowed to “take the CIA, shatter it into a thousand pieces, and scatter it to the winds,” because the agency had gotten him into the fiasco, Kennedy said. Further, following the peaceful resolution of the Cuban Missile Crisis in October 1962, the CIA did not like the friendly relations that developed between Kennedy and then-Soviet leader Nikita Khrushchev. RFK Jr. noted that Allen Dulles, the CIA director his uncle fired in November 1962, was named to the Warren Commission to investigate the JFK assassination, and he more-or-less ran it….

In this fascinating and disturbing work, James Douglass presents a compelling account of the assassination of President John F. Kennedy and why unmasking and accepting this truth remains crucial for the future of our country and the world. The title comes from a phrase of Thomas Merton, naming of the attitudes, forces and interests that generate and support international tension and conflict. Drawing on a vast field of investigations, including many sources available only recently, Douglass lays out a sequence of of steps over the last three years of his life that transformed JFK from a traditional “Cold Warrior” to someone determined to pull the world back from the edge of nuclear apocalypse. Beginning with the fiasco of the Bay of Pigs invasion (which left the President wishing to “splinter the CIA in a thousand pieces”), followed by the Cuban Missile Crisis and his secret back-channel dialogues with Soviet Premier Nikita Khrushchev, JFK pursued a series of actions–right up to the week of his death–that caused members of his own U.S. military-intelligence establishment to regard him as a virtual traitor who had to be eliminated. As the 50th anniversary of Kennedy’s assassination approaches, the story of why he was killed–his turn toward peace–is not ancient history, and bears crucial lessons for today in the light of a decade of war and continuing revelations of clandestine national security and military activities. Douglass shows convincingly how those who plotted the death of JFK were determined not simply to eliminate a single man but to kill a vision. Douglass’s book has all the elements of a political thriller. But the stakes couldn’t be higher. Only by understanding the truth behind the murder of JFK can we grasp his vision and assume the urgent struggle for peace today.

Sullivan & Cromwell: The Dulles Brothers, Corporate Power and the Birth of the CIA by Hugo Turner – Few realize the role corporate lawyers have played in shaping the past 150 years of world history. Sullivan & Cromwell is perhaps the most infamous example. It oversaw the birth of the multinational corporation and launched coups in third world countries decades before there was an OSS or CIA. It was a key player in building up the German war machine. It helped shape international law allowing the holocaust to occur. Its ties to Germany led it to commit treason helping Germany undermine America’s war effort. It undermined all attempts to reign in corporate power. Its most notorious partners were John Foster Dulles, future Secretary of State, and Allen Dulles, the most influential CIA director in the agency’s history. Even before rising to those heights, the Dulles Brothers helped launch the cold war and helped the Nazis escape justice, while putting the Nazis’ German corporate backers, who made fortunes off slave labor and the Holocaust (as did their American and European partners), back into power. While in office the Dulles Brothers carried out the will of Sullivan and Cromwell’s clients by launching coups in Guatemala and Iran. Sullivan & Cromwell partners became Senators, Ambassadors, a Supreme court Justice. Sullivan Cromwell partners also sat on the board of directors of their clients the multinational corporations.

Is David Icke Being Fed A Mixture Of Fake And Real News, Just As Victor Rothschild’s Double Cross MI5 Agents Were In WWII? Is Icke An MI5 ‘Nutter Magnet?’ David Icke on Talk TV‘That Chair Is Not There, Its Just Vibrational Energy In Your Brain’ China his theories on 5G and ‘proof’ that the moon is a hollow metal spaceship – nutter magnet? Double cross WW2 – A few of the things covered in Chris White’s David Icke Debunked are: His connections to Alice Bailey His channeling several of Bailey’s specific “Ascended Masters” and them being his lifelong guides. The “Solar Logos” and “Galactic Logos” The Seven Ray theory The source of his galaxy-god to sun-god spiritual evolution is Bailey The ghost of Carl Sagan He supports “elite” worship of the sun His new moon theory is retelling of his earlier crazy version His moon theory is from Alice Bailey The “Earth Spirit” or Gaia is from Alice Bailey His support of Earth Spirit led Genocide Atlantis and Lemuria Hitler similarities include, Atlantis, spiritual evolution, arayans, the moon, hollow earth, Lemuria, contacting ascended masters, taking drugs to increase the connection, and more. Icke denounces Bailey and Lucius trust..and implications for him

NOT IN THE SHOW: The AFRL USAF Directed Energy Directorate operates two major telescope sites that are used to advance SSA technologies. One of these sites is located on Kirtland Air Force Base, New Mexico, and the other site is located on Maui, Hawaii. The Maui site is called the Air Force Maui Optical and Supercomputing (AMOS) site. – About the AMOS Site – The AMOS site consists of two facilities that conduct SDA operations and research and development (R&D). The first facility is the Maui Space Surveillance System (MSSS) and the second is the Maui High Performance Computing Center (MHPCC). Research thrusts at the AMOS site include satellite detection and identification, atmospheric compensation and resolved imaging, astrodynamics and orbital metrics, sensor development, laser propagation through the Earth’s atmosphere, database cataloging of satellite images, and high-performance computer modeling and simulation. In addition to its use as an R&D facility, AMOS has been called upon to help identify and/or track spacecraft payloads and communication satellites.

NOT IN THE SHOW: Firestarters? Who Is Starting Maui and other Wildfires? Burn Back Better? UK Column News – Friday, 18th August 2023  –   00:26 Real World News (Telegram): Video: Maui Wildfires and the Theft of Sacred Hawaiian Land –  Dr. Kathy J. Forti (LinkedIn): What Really Happened on MauiI Was There –  Nick Sortor (Twitter): Reports of a 12-mile media free zone around Lahaina –  ABC7 Chicago: Maui’s emergency services chief resigns after facing criticism for not activating sirens during fire –  ThePostMillennial: Hawaii governor says state is looking to ‘acquire land’ that was destroyed in fires –  Govtech Events: Hawaii Digital Government Summit 2023  –  IEEE SMC: The 2023 IEEE Conference on Systems, Man, and Cybernetics Conferences –  Electric Power Research Institute (2016): JUMPSmartMaui Demonstration Project Phase 1 Assessment (PDF)  –  Wall Street Journal: Since Covid, Hawaii Home Sales Over $10 Million Have Grown Sixfold –   CNN: Opinion: After no comment, Bidens response to Maui will be key  –   Newsweek: Joe Biden Sending $700 to Maui Fire Victims Sparks Backlash: ‘Insulting’ –   Euronews: ‘Out of control’ wildfires rage in Tenerife: Map of affected areas, evacuations and how to stay safe  –   eSmartCity: Innovative Public Procurement and Smart Buildings will be the stars of the III Tenerife Smart Island –   INtech Tenerife: Tenerife Smart Island. A Smart Tourist Destination –  GOV.UK: IFA035 – Making Science Fiction a Reality: Future Directed Energy Weapons – ‘Directed Energy Weapons (DEW) are systems capable of discrete target selection that emit laser or Radio Frequency (RF) energy as the primary means to cause disruptive, damaging or destructive effects on equipment or facilities.’

Radio4All download pages
[right click to download]
#1 – Complete 3hr 17min show – [right click to download]
Full interviews with…
#2 – Natalie Minnis Mountaineering, Maui Wildfirestarters, Scottish Human Rights bill, James Skea: Blackrock’s Unelected UK Govt & IPCC Climate Chief – 00:36:00
#3 – Nick Corbishley CBDCs update China India Nigeria Ukraine and El Pays against Ukraine War 00:55:00
#4 – Stuart Wakefield – Imber A Tale of Two Villages on Salisbury Plain 00:40:00
#5 – Tucker-Carslon-news-Ep16-RFK-Jr-explains-ukraine-bio-labs-and-who-killed JFK 01:20:00
#6 – David Icke discusses theories and politics with Eamonn Holmes – 00:35:00


Tony’s paperback and eBooks Traitors Of Arnhem, Siege Of Heaven; Siege Of Heaven Reader – all available for donation, or to buy, via www.bilderberg.org
BCfm’s weekly Politics Show presented by Tony Gosling with Irish Republican Labour activist Martin Summers was forced off FM, now online only by station manager Pat Hart, ‘rested due to the pandemic’ on 24 March 2020. Bristol Community FM (BCfm) charity ‘CEO’ Patrick Hart is a longtime personal friend of Bristol’s all-powerful right-wing ‘Labour’ mayor Marvin Rees. Now on Internet only NOT The BCfm Politics Show is available 17:00-c. 21:00 live on Fridays. Pat Hart replaced us with an inane student show repeating MSM stories called The Bristol Agenda. If you’d like to share your views on his deliberate dumbing-down and pro-Covid jab mismanagement you can contact UK broadcasting regulator Ofcom or BCfm board chair and the ‘Don’ himself, here.

February 2019 Ofcom complaint result: UKLFI exposed as creation of Israeli foreign ministryBristol Post article: BCfm cleared after being reported to Ofcom for anti-semitic conspiracy theories

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