Friday Drivetime

BCfm’s weekly politics show presented by Tony Gosling

At five: discussing the big stories in Bristol, Britain and around the world
After six: straight talking and investigative reports with Martin Summers and Marina Morris

For all the shows back to Easter 2009 visit the Friday Drivetime archive page.

First hour: Cuts to Bristol Youth Service; ‘Banks and governments are insolvent’, Bank of England’s Mervyn King speaks at Institute of Directors dinner in Liverpool; Execution of Colonel Gaddafi after NATO air strike, will NATO now support armed arab revolutions? What do people of Basildon think about this week’s Dale Farm traveller eviction? Provision of social housing; undercover policeman revealed to have maintained his cover through cycle campaign’s trial process!; oversight of policing – impending abolition of Police Authority and intoduction of police commissioners; weekly news review with Cllr Derek Pickup (Lab).
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Second hour: Following Monday’s 1989 Hillsborough disaster enquiry debate in the House of Commons, former senior police intelligence analyst relates a story from the canteen at South Yorkshire police headquarters about Assistant Chief Constable (ACC) Walter Jackson’s behaviour on the day. Society’s most vulnerable people suffering under government cuts, Tara Melton and Jenny Hodges on tomorrow’s Hardest Hit march for the disabled. Resignation of North Somerset MP and Secretary of State for Defence Liam Fox MP and an examination of the ‘Werrity affair’ that brought him down. Tom Baldwin from Bristol and District Anti-Cuts Alliance (BADACA): talks about October 2011’s Jarrow March and discusses the ‘Occupy Bristol‘ camp set up this week on College Green? New organisation SWWHAG set up for NHS whistleblowers – email them at
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