Friday Drivetime
BCfm’s weekly politics show presented by Tony Gosling
At five: discussing the big stories in Bristol, Britain and around the world
After six: straight talking and investigative reports with Martin Summers and Marina Morris
For all the shows back to Easter 2009 visit the Friday Drivetime archive page.
First hour: News review with UKIP MEP Trevor Coleman. What is the European Union (EU) in Brussels, how democratic is it and how does it work? Disappointing German bond issue, latest bad news in Euro currency crisis. Westminster Hall debate: Does EU’s European Arrest Warrant herald a police state? Next week’s public sector strike (NAHT) (ISU). Prime Minister David Cameron fails to declare lucrative land deal with top military finance lobbyist; “It’s the Next Big Scandal waiting to happen“, to quote Cameron himself. Shocking 99.5% drop in new affordable housing in South & South West England since November 2010. Failure in private care for the elderly: The Cruelty of the Carers.
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Second hour: Lawyer Mark Shepherd: What became of Bristol’s Immigration Advisory Service which was suddenly closed? The Boarding School Bomber about so-called Bristol ‘terrorist’ Isa Ibrahim. Le Monde: Freemasonry of New York investment bank Goldman Sachs who have begun to place their own political leaders in European countries. Christmas gift suggestions: 1. New book, ‘The Shadow World: Inside the Global Arms Trade‘, Andrew Feinstein, author of a new book on the companies profiting from war; 2. DVD release of BBC TV ‘Shoestring’ (1979) radio detective drama series filmed in Bristol; 3. Earth Into Property about the history of empires since 1492, by Canadian Professor Anthony Hall.
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