Friday Drivetime
BCfm’s weekly politics show presented by Tony Gosling
At five: discussing the big stories in Bristol, Britain and around the world
After six: straight talking and investigative reports with Martin Summers and Marina Morris
For all the shows back to Easter 2009 visit the Friday Drivetime archive page.
First hour: News review with former Conservative, now UKIP councillor for Woodlands in Bradley Stoke, Ed Rose who has spoken out against the closure of Filton airfield. Says integrity was entirely lacking in the Filton and Bradley Stoke Conservative party . Strict policy discipline and ‘roastings’ from local MP Jack Lopresti and others. “One party, one policy one fuhrer”. Filton and Bradley Stoke Conservative party compared to Hitler and Mussolini’s with regard to strict policy discipline. Smear campaign and mud slinging by fellow Conservatives outside the minuted committee meetings. UK Independence Party run in a more human fashion. The Conservative Party don’t care. It’s hard to see their understanding of what’s going on. David Cameron said “My great grandfather was a banker my grandfather was a banker and my father was an investment banker, Banking is in my blood, I will never hurt bankers.” Essentially giving city fraudsters a ‘get out of jail free card. There is a sense of unreality to the way Bradley Stoke is being governed with no real thought for the future. Allegations of bullying against BAe Systems threatening those that speak out professionally against the closure of Filton Airfield. Unmanned Aerial Vehicle (UAV) programme project team is based at MoD AbbeyWood. No other uses of Filton Airfield were considered by BAe Systems, they just decided to close it and sell it off with no consideration whatever for their obligations to the public, who gave them the airfield for £1.00, and the wider society. Hypocrisy of turning down Filton Airfield expansion due to traffic but housing will generate even more car journeys. Local Conservative MP “I’m alright” Jack Lopresti “too busy in London” welcomes apprenticeships & jobs but where are these jobs? Libraries have closed and no-one to empty the dog poo bins. No jobs, no money, no economy no future so surely it is crazy to build 5000 houses without jobs or infrastructure? In the future it could compare to the ‘Robocop’ US city of Detroit. “We have a government that seem to enjoy themselves. It’s a big boy’s club, they’ve never done a hard day’s work in their life these people.” Incompetence and bullying in Whitehall. Governor of the Bank of England Mervyn King and Chancellor George Osborne announce £140Bn fund to banks to lend to businesses. Compare to Russian Mafia. Lack of regulation one of the main causes of these problems. Conservative government have no understanding of hardship. Financial crisis caused by lack of demand in the economy not by lack of lending. Britain being bled dry by the EU, whose accounts haven’t been audited for the last 9 years. European bankers riddled with endemic corruption. KPMG, Price Waterhouse Coopers, Deloitte Touche and Ernst & Young, the ‘Big Four’ auditors are under investigation too for giving clean bills of health to UK banks just before they had to be rescued by taxpayers in the 2007-09 financial crisis. Bankers and the Murdoch empire undermine national security and should be prosecuted for treason. Bristol City Council’s £12.5m annual drug and alcohol rehabilitation programme is out for consultation. Links between drug dealers, organised crime and the intelligence services who profit from prohibition. Jubilee ‘slave labour’ company Close Protection UK (CPUK) minibus overturns on the M40 and the driver is arrested so the London Bridge incident was not just a ‘one off’ as a Downing Street spokeswoman said. Banking system is now being propped up by the taxpayer and drug cartels, without which it would be bust. David Cameron quizzed at Leveson Enquiry about his pre-election dealings with two former News of the World editors, both now charged with serious criminal offences, Rebekah Brooks with perverting the course of justice and Andy Coulson with perjury. Only one SMS text revealed at the Leveson Enquiry which decended into farce when Prime Minister David Cameron’s wife Samatha rang in to ‘remind him’ about the frequency of meetings with Ms. Brooks over lunch. All “hogwash, they’re all in the dirt on this”. Why has the whole Murdoch family not been arrested and charged? The big fish are being protected and the small fish are being thrown to the sharks at Leveson enquiry which is being stage managed in a US style for TV.
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Second hour:Was the Houla massacre in Syria carried out by Western intelligence services since the article suggesting it was carried out by the Free Syrian Army at the same time as Western moves in the Security Council. Until the Libyan regime change Al Quaeda were NATO and Mossad’s arch enemy but now in Syria and Libya Al Quaeda are the Werstern intelligence service’s friends! On 1st July 2010 South Yorkshire police’s Principle Strategic Intelligence Analyst Tony Farrell realised he couldn’t trust the intelligence he was getting from Special branch and would have to speak out at work about the faulty Threat Assessment Matrix (TAM) used by the police. He regarded the threat to South Yorkshire from Islamic terrorists to be virtually zero and the real threat to be from Western intelligence agencies and the domestic ‘New World Order’ of private security companies with a vested interest in generating a domestic terror threat. He detected critical failings in MI5’s Joint Terrorism Analysis Centre (JTAC). Tony Farrell is now being represented by Michael Shrimpton QC as his cases against paying his council tax and for unfair dismissal go on. Terror hoax drills took place in South Yorkshire on 5th & 11th July 2005. S. Yorks. Chief Constable Meredydd Hughes was in charge of Gleneagles G8 security on 7th July then dealt with debriefings from 7/7 London bombings. European Euro crooks’ ponzi scheme Troika (EFSF ECB IMF) lends money to Greece at interest and only bails them out so they can pay back previous debts with interest. Yanis Varoufakis on English language Russian channel RT’s ‘Keiser Report‘ with former New York stockbroker Max Keiser. Greek election is on Sunday which could mean total financial collapse on Monday if Greek people assert their sovereignty. Wilf Mound from Bristol Greenpeace takes us through local environmental campaigns including the Fisherman’s Friend campaign to help fishermen in the South West and Ecocide trial. Bill Monteith South West rep on National Executive of the Transport Salaried Staff Association (TSSA) describes the ham fisted, cack handed privatisation of Britain’s railways. The Banks own the ‘Roscos’ or rolling stock companies which lease trains to the UK’s 27 train operating companies. Roy McNulty’s plans to take away guards and ticket office staff: Roy McNulty’s report on the railways may lead to 20,000 job losses. Already too many layers of profit-taking in the rail system. Simple solution is to re-nationalise the railway network as a ‘national treasure’. British Rail still exists as a train operating company of last resort. McNulty is a ‘Command Paper’ not an Act of Parliament. Review of the recent US Bilderberg conference, the secret political arm of NATO. Crooked BBC taboo: Disbelief that the cult-like BBC could ignore one of the most influential political NATO conferences of the year in its output while a BBC ‘trustee’, Marcus Agius who is married to Katherine Rothschild and the Chairman of Barclays bank is inside, sworn to secrecy.
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