Friday Drivetime
BCfm’s weekly politics show presented by Tony Gosling
At five: discussing the big stories in Bristol, Britain and around the world
After six: straight talking and investigative reports with Martin Summers and Marina Morris
For all the shows back to Easter 2009 visit the Friday Drivetime archive page.
First hour: Norwegian activist and blogger Torstein Viddal discusses shortcomings of his country’s police and security services on 22nd July during last summer’s Oslo bomb and Utoya island massacre of young Labour party activists by Neo-Nazi freemason Anders Breivik. First interpretation into English of elements of the Commission report which show a series of police and state security services’ shortcomings. Were there any policemen or judges in Breivik’s masonic lodges? Why did he only attend Oslo masonic temple for initiation ceremonies and not the rest of the year? How many lodges was he a member of? Discussion of Breivik’s peculiar ideological blend of Zionism and Nazism. Torstein’s flat in central Oslo is only 200 yards from the bombed government building and that day he was out taking pictures.
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Second hour: Investigative journalist and author of ‘Dangerous Ground’ Roger Cook describes how Rupert Murdoch’s News Of The World launched a smear campaign in 2000 and got 10 million viewers-a-week The Cook Report taken off the air by ITV. Roger describes some of his investigations: Terror In The Skies, the penetration of airport security and hijacking of airliners in the United States in the run-up to the 9/11 attacks; Hope For Hillsborough, South Yorkshire police misconduct and the Hillsborough disaster cover-up; Dirty Bomb, being offered former Soviet weapons grade plutonium & thermonuclear weapons on the Russian black market, the SS20 warhead Roger Cook was offered has a yield of 150 kilotons or 10 times the force of the Hiroshima bomb which killed over 100,000 people; The Truth Behind The Front, secret filming of racist Nick Griffin infiltrating the National Front; The Devil’s Work, satanic abuse circle around ‘The Sorcerers’ Apprentice’ shop in Leeds, Yorkshire run by Chris Bray; News International, an organised criminal gang conducting burglaries, not just hacking voicemails but tapping the phones of their legal opponents. How storage company Iron Mountain managed to destroy the film archive of The Cook Report. Appeal for people to put recordings they have of The Cook Report onto YouTube. Sinandei Makko, a Lands Rights activist from Tanzania is visiting Bristol this week. Makko is deeply involved in the current land conflict between the Maasai traditional livestock herders and the United Arab Emitates based Ortello Business Corporation (OBC). Almost 50,000 people face eviction from their land to make way for OBC tourists. Makko has lived and worked in Loliondo in the Serengeti National Park his entire life. US Army veteran and director of The Esoteric Agenda Ben Stewart discusses what attracted him to film-making and the global shift in conciousness he would like to achieve with his films.
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This was a terrible decision by ITV
I can see now that this is the point at which, like others before them, they took the Murdoch Mafia dollar
The amazing thing is that so-called TV professionals all seem to agree that Roger Cook ‘took journalism to unacceptable and unethical limits’. That shows the endemic ‘groupthink’ that operates as strongly as ever within the UK mainstream media.