Friday Drivetime

BCfm’s weekly politics show presented by Tony Gosling

At five: discussing the big stories in Bristol, Britain and around the world
After six:  straight talking and investigative reports with Martin Summers and Marina Morris

For all the shows back to Easter 2009 visit the Friday Drivetime archive page

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Fraud suspects KPMG replace journalists on the BBC, also free ‘adviser’ to Bristol City Council from TonyGosling on Vimeo.

First hour: Bristol Local Election results 2013 and news review with former mayor candidate for the Green party and new Councillor (announced today) for Bishopston, Daniella Radice. Chris Brown’s website Bristol 24/7 has best election results coverage: Labour now largest party in Bristol as LibDem vote collapses. ‘City Slacker’ news: LibDem on Mayor Ferguson’s cabinet Simon Cook retains his Clifton East seat by 17 votes while Cheryl Anne loses her Horfield seat to Labour in 27.5% turnout. Not satisfied with ‘volunteering’ their help for mayor George Ferguson to ‘help him’ make decisions about the City’s budget, financial services firm KPMG have their tentacles into BBC Radio Bristol ‘volunteering’ a 7:30am  ‘business news’ for the BBC Breakfast show but failing to reference a report talking up the economy promising 200,000 jobs about to come to Britain, but who wrote this report and why have the BBC given up their editorial independence? KPMG have a terrible track record, and are embroiled in several scandals including criminal insider dealing in the US, falsifying the accounts of HBOS, undervaluing HBOS junk assets by 7000% and are being investigated for price fixing with the ‘big four’ financial services firms. The chairman of publicly owned Royal Bank of Scotland (RBS), Sir Philip Hampton, has said the bank will be ready to return to the private sector next year. Martin Summers disagrees and Daniella doresn’t think the public will get as much for the bank’s shares as we paid for them. The Cayman Islands will in future share information on taxes with the UK and other countries. Bermuda and other British tax havens have signed agreements on sharing tax information, the Treasury has said. UK Uncut expose in court the “sweetheart” tax deal which saved Goldman Sachs millions of pounds which they agreed with Tax people HMRC to save Chancellor George Osborne from “major embarrassment”. A £255m project to turn the former Courage brewery in Bristol into homes, offices and shops has gone into receivership. Work at the Finzels Reach site halted some time ago but now receivers have been called in after developer HDG Mansur defaulted on a loan. Transport protesters gathered outside City Hall to condemn the city council over lack of consultation on transport issues. They claim the council only pays lip service to people’s views before taking final decisions. David Mock, from the traffic and transport subgroup of the Greater Area Neighbourhood Partnership, claimed their views about a new showcase bus route were not considered relevant by council officials. Simon Brookes, who has been campaigning for the removal of a bus lane in Westbury Road, said: “Consultations are a sham, e-petitions are being ignored, and as a result of that, there can be one conclusion – the electorate’s views are being ignored.” Tory Councillor John Goulandris (Stoke Bishop) claimed the city council had a hidden agenda to “slow the city down so the excuse of congestion charging can be introduced”. Frack Free Somerset organise meeting in Ston Easton, Somerset, about proposals to pump toxic chemicals into the Mendip Hills. Local people described “seeing nothing like it” in the village for the past 16 years with the number of people that attended. And so it came to pass. Despite near universal professional opposition and strong political pressure, the Section 75 regulations that explicitly open up the NHS to competition law were approved in the House of Lords last week. A three-line whip on Liberal Democrat peers ensured a majority of over a hundred, with Baroness Shirley Williams speaking warmly of “an exciting new direction” for the NHS. The rage expressed across social media forums is unlikely to disappear but what can opponents do next? – –
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Second hour: We are joined by Director of the London based Centre for Dissociative Studies, psychotherapist specialising in trauma Valerie Sinason, who has interviewed five of Jimmy Savile’s victims and 500 other victims of ritual abuse. After the Daily Express headline Jimmy Savile Was Part Of Satanic Ring  in January 2013 Private Eye magazine published another anonymous hatchet job on her entitled ‘SATANIC PANIC – Familiar Ritual ‘ in the Feb/Mar 2013 edition implying Valerie and victims she has spoken to were ‘making it up, or ‘mad’. Valerie explains the horrible reality behind these types of abuse and explains that many people, including presumably Private Eye editor Ian Hislop, find it difficult to believe people could behave like this. Valerie explains that abusers use a cruel tactic of: ‘the worse the abuse is the less the authorities and press will believe them’. Latest on the FBI’s and the mainstream media’s Boston Marathon bombings cover-up from US freelance journalist Chris Bollyn who has written a book ‘Solving 9/11’ on the 9/11 attacks and an article on Boston: ‘Terror as Theatre’. Chris suggests that Terry Gilliam’s 1980s film ‘Brazil’, about the government controlling the population through terrorism [see video above], may be closer to reality than we think. UN accuse US of torture over force-feeding of Guantanamo bay detainees… 130 refusing food – 23 being force fed, Guantanamo lawyer found dead in apparent suicide. Iraq: April is record month for carnage with 700 dead and 1600 wounded – as the Arab League warned in 2003 US and UK have indeed ‘opened the gates of hell’ in Iraq. Meanwhile US Secretary of State for Defense, Chuck Hagel, confirms  he is considering arming Syrian rebels. Martin points out the US military are already arming Al Qaeda in Syria via Saudi Arabia and other Gulf states. As the NATO zone Bilderberg Conference Mafia cartel prepare to meet in Hertfordshire in the second weekend of June, Hannah Bono announces the first ever Bilderberg Fringe Festival with comedians, talks and music. Honorary President of the Italian Supreme Court Ferdinando Imposimato has published evidence that Bilderberg organised terrorist atrocities in Italy’s ‘Strategy of Tension’. National Vice-President of the Public and Commercial Services union (PCS) John McInally gives us a taste of the critique of the Coalition government to be heard at the annual May Day rally tomorrow in Bristol’s Castle Park.
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