Friday Drivetime
BCfm’s weekly politics show presented by Tony Gosling
At five: discussing the big stories in Bristol, Britain and around the world
After six: straight talking and investigative reports with Martin Summers and Marina Morris
For all the shows back to Easter 2009 visit the Friday Drivetime archive page
First hour: news review with Bristol’s first ‘Independents For Bristol’ Councillor Jason Budd who was elected as an ‘outsider’ to Kingsweston ward. Jason is a former Liberal Democrat who works for an event management company at Armada House and is a member of Bristol’s Junior Chamber of Commerce. Independents agree to abide by the Bell Principles of Martin Bell MP. The IMF visit the Treasury and advise Conservative Chancellor of the Exchequer George Osborne to cut less or the deficit will increase. This week’s all time stock market high but we have a flatlining economy. This is because all the Quantitative Easing, Printed Money, is going into the casino banking system and not reaching the real economy. Clip of King Mervyn, outgoing Bank of England Governor Mervyn King, on the economy, recovery, it seems, is ‘in sight’, whatever that means. Who is Mark Carney – his successor at the Bank of England who takes up his job in June – from The Bank for International Settlements (BIS) in Switzerland. The BIS was created after World War 1 to administer war reparations but used to fund Hitler and Nazism in the 1930s. A vote was taken at the Bretton Woods conference after World War Two but it still exists and Mark Carney chairs/chaired the Financial Stability Board of the BIS. The Tower Of Basel, is where this bank is head-quartered in Basel, Switzerland. Bristol pensioners revolt against plan for Residents’ Parking Zones; death of Ray Manzarek, from US band The Doors. Singer Jim Morrison’s US Navy Admiral father George Morrison thought to be responsible for the Gulf of Tonkin incident which began the Vietnam War. No wonder Jim said ‘My Father Is Dead.’ Bristol and the UK’s secret courts, The Court of Protection in the South West – if you are considered too ill to decide your own fate; Secret arrests, conflict between instructions from Association of Chief Police Officers (ACPO) and the Home Office. Mervyn King again warns of problems with the ‘Help to Buy’ scheme – similar to sub-prime mortgages; Ownership of Schools and Hospitals built under Private Finance Initiative (PFI) schemes being handed over to banks as the interest payments become unaffordable; Health Select Committee Dr. Mike Clancy, President of the Royal College of Emergency Medicine, talking about problems with A & E, is that being used as an excuse to privatise the National Health Service?; Marks & Spencers’ M&S contactless payment cards stealing money from customers’ bank accounts – rights and wrongs of electronic money.
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Second hour: Refloating of the Bristol Ferryboat Company with Keith Hallett from the Bristol Community Ferry Boat Company, and how the old ferry company has transferred into this because of financial problems. People can buy shares and help keep this service going. 0117 929 2333. The Bilderberg Fringe Festival and tomorrow night’s Warm Up Party at ‘Passing Clouds‘ Dalston E8 4AA after the anti-Monsanto march in London Bilderberg control most of the money in the Western World. Annie Machon, former MI5 officer, from Law Enforcement Against Prohibition (LEAP) about global problems associated with the criminalisation of drugs, connections to the US alcohol prohibition from the 1920s, failure of the United Nations (UN) to address the issue stuck in a situation that suits the international criminal gangs. Analysis with Martin Summers of Wednesday’s car and knife attack which killed a serving soldier in broad daylight in Woolwich, South London. His attackers appear to have courted publicity in the 20 minutes it took for Metropolitan Police armed response team to arrive. These two men were close to the top of the UK terrorist ‘watch list’ so how did they manage to identify and track a soldier in civilian clothing and obtain a revolver and ammunition? Daphne Havercroft from South West Whistleblowers’ Health Action Group (SWWHAG) on resignations from Bristol Community Health Council, the much criticised replacement for NHS Direct the failing ‘111’ Service and this week’s A&E crisis.
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