Friday Drivetime
BCfm’s weekly politics show presented by Tony Gosling
At five: discussing the big stories in Bristol, Britain and around the world
After six: straight talking and investigative reports with Martin Summers and Marina Morris
For all the shows back to Easter 2009 visit the Friday Drivetime archive page.
First hour: news review with Labour Councillor for Brislington East Mike Woolacott. This week I wanted to review the news with Labour’s candidate for mayor of Bristol and one of the most well respected Black Minority Ethnic (BME) advocates in the city – Marvin Rees. Marvin is an employee of Bristol City Council working in health and when he asked his employer for permission to speak on this week’s shocking developments in the Stephen Lawrence case, police infiltrators were smearing the Lawrence family and the key witness to this 1993 London racially motivated murder, Marvin got a reply from Bristol City Council’s director of Communications Peter Holt explaining he could be in breach of contract if he spoke publicly. Now that sounds to me like a threat to sack him. So I contacted Ruth Wilmshurst at the Bristol City Council Press Office last week and on Wednesday this week she said she would email me a statement from Peter Holt on behalf of the council explaining why Labour’s former Mayor candidate – who came second in last year’s mayoral election – was facing the sack for speaking publicly about the Lawrence Case – and how it was considered this might impact on his ability to do his job at Bristol City council. Ruth didn’t return that call nor did any statement arrive by email. Public servant Peter Holt appears to have the resources to threaten to sack Marvin Rees and explain to him why but not to explain why to the public who pay his wages. Bearing in mind police made 19 arrests to defuse a racial incident with EDL supporters threatening to march, under cover of ‘Help For Heros’, into Easton last month; Easter 2011’s Tesco riot and 1980s street riots between police and the Black Minority Ethnic community in St Pauls. I’m inviting Bristol City Council’s Director of Communications Peter Holt onto this show next week to explain his decision and how it fits in with the council’s stated policy on Black minority ethnic community relations.
Mike Woolacott discusses his job as a full-time trade unionist representing Communications Workers’ Union CWU and the privatisation of Royal Mail; each Royal Mail employee is being ‘bribed’ with shares to accept the government’s plan. Royal Mail Chief Executive’s pay increases about 50% by £500,000 this year. Dispatches documentary ‘The Police’s Dirty Secret’ on Monday about undercover police perpetrating malicious falsehoods and perverting the course of justice by infiltrating the Lawrence family to discredit them, discussed in the House of Commons and enquiries needed by few trust the police to investigate themselves and cover-up again; private security firm that famously failed at the 2012 London Olympics G4S publish a report about themselves and how successful privatisation of the police would be ‘saving £1bn annually, this figure disputed by Avon & Somerset Chief Constable Nick Gargan; silly jokes comparing Sesame Street to Downing Street as Prime Minister David Cameron demands answers from Ed Miliband at Prime Minister’s Questions; economics; HSBC in Switzerland closes drug money laundering Moroccan and Israeli Mediterranean branch; spending on the monarchy goes up again, this year by an extra £1 million, what does this say about social justice in Britain?
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Second hour: Middle East World War III update with Martin Summers: regional politics of Syria, Iran, Lebanon, Turkey, Saudi Arabia and Israel. Sir Malcolm Rifkind, chairman of the Intelligence and Security committee and overseer of our intelligence services has private interests with advisory firm to military companies LEK; other members of the committee are proven to be biased towards the intelligence services, not the public, such as Lord Butler who delivered the Butler Report on the Iraq war giving the government a much too clean bill of health; New Conservative Trade and Investment Minister is a Zionist who supports Israel’s policies in the Middle East; US ‘Rolling Stone’ investigative journalist Michael Hastings and his suspicious death in a bizarre car crash, we speculate as to whether the electronic control system in his car was externally ‘hacked’. New Bank of England governor Mark Carney is cited as former governor of the Bank of Canada, but his real job is chairing committees at the secret Bank For International Settlements in Basel Switzerland. This is ‘The Central Bankers’ Central Bank’ where Central Bankers who control national currencies meet up every two months in secret to decide policy and share information in secret. The results of these policies have been disastrous around the world and questions are being asked about the bank which provided funds for Adolf Hitler to build weapons in the 1930s and gave Nazis valuable foreign exchange during World War Two. Journalist Adam LeBor has just published the first investigation into this secret bank and we hear his thoughts from his home in Hungary. Adam LeBor’s book is entitled ‘The Tower of Basel: The Shadowy History of the Secret Bank That Runs the World: The Inside Story of the Central Bankers’ Secret Bank’ – John Hart is an aero engineer from Filton. Six months on we find out how he and others have coped with privatised arms company BAe Systems’ closure of the Filton Airfield and his hangar workplace after he has been forced to work in the village of East Garston in Berkshire, the other side of Swindon. Luke Rudowski has had enough of the dumbed-down insulting rubbish we see daily on the BBC and other mainstream media who fawn over war criminals and use multi billion pound money launderers as ‘experts’. He started We Are Change in New York City to call these rich criminals to account and the name and idea has spread around the Western world.
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