Politics Show with Tony Gosling

Fri27Sep13 – BCfm’s weekly politics show presented by Tony Gosling

At five: discussing the big stories in Bristol, Britain and around the world
After six: straight talking and investigative reports with Martin Summers and Marina Morris

For all the shows back to Easter 2009 visit the Friday Drivetime archive page


First hour: News review with Ron Stone, Labour Councillor for St. George West. Mayor George Ferguson jets off around the world but is he really getting investment for Bristol? Is Matt Payne from KPMG still ‘helping George with the City budget’ and did the City get real ‘Value For Money’ when they bought KPMG’s Bristol HQ? Or is Matt Payne simply a corporate spy inside City Hall with his KPMG finger in the till? Labour leader Ed Miliband pledges 20 month energy price freeze if elected – energy cartels discussed; Vox Pop by Marina Morris on  the bedroom tax, Bristolians are passionate that it is a cruel and immoral tax- members of Bristol’s Bedroom Tax Working Party who recommended that evictions should begin from Council Homes: Gus Hoyt (Grn), Tess Green (Grn), Colin Smith (Lab), Peter Main (LibDem), Gary Hopkins (LibDem), Claire Hiscott (Con) named; George Ferguson says Council should evict “people judged to have too many bedrooms” Bechtel: Exclusive: Conflict row as MoD top brass join contractors: Ex-mandarin now in charge of US giant’s bid to manage his former departmentPrivate sector ‘will hold MoD to ransom’: PCS union warns MPs over proposal to outsource defence procurement. Domestic Extremism or Intelligence Manipulation? Criminal damage and sabotage by apparently Bristol based UK Informal Anarchist Federation (IAF) setting £16m police firing range on fire – other supposed anarchist attacks – are some of these false flag? Martin speaks to Bristol anarchists at the Hydra bookshop. Destruction of railway signalling by IAF potentially endangers innocent members of the public, an attack on public safety. Much of Italy’s far left in 1970s and 1980s was manipulated by NATO and the state. Book: Puppetmasters: The Political Use of Terrorism in Italy by Philip Willan. ‘We want to start a civil war’. Are IAF line managers actually intelligence officers? 70% of the public opposed to the privatisation of the Royal Mail.
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Second hour: Round up of international news stories with Martin Summers. Nairobi Westgate terror attack and is the ‘White Widow’ a ‘Red Herring’?; Syria and Chapter 7 at the United Nations Security Council. British MoD says more use of contractors and drones will make it easier to ‘sell’ wars to the public. 9/11 The New Evidence author & www.Reinvestigate911.org Ian Henshall on latest revelations about the 2001 9/11 attacks; revelation an anti-hijack exercise was running on 9/11. Fallout from the Jimmy Savile scandal and the Interview with Sarah Goodley and the child abuse support network based near Mablethorpe in Lincolnshire. www.Birth4Life.co.uk – or ravensarahgoodley@btinternet.com email Sarah here. Arbeit Macht Frei, that’s Nazi language for Work Makes You Free – now where have we heard that before? So say the Tory party as they prepare to force the jobless to work for nothing. More this week on the dirty deals done with the Nazis at the end of World War Two. Specifically Churchill’s personal assistant – MI6 liaison and all round man of Mystery Desmond Morton.Former chief historian at the Foreign Office Gill Bennett, author of ‘Desmond Morton, Churchill’s Man of Mystery’ discusses Morton’s job on the Tripartite Nazi Gold Commission after World War Two. Was he there to cover up his own operation with Martin Bormann to steal the Nazis looted wealth of WW2? 1991 clip of former Labour leader John Smith in the House of Commons on Tory claims that Labour were ‘exaggerating’ when accusing the them of planning to put up VAT.
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Link to new page for Friday Drivetime – BCfm Politics Show with Tony Gosling http://www.bcfmradio.com/category/politics-show

Link to previous Friday Drivetime shows http://www.bcfmradio.com/category/shows/drivetime/friday-drivetime

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