Politics Show with Tony Gosling
Friday 7th Febuary 2014
BCfm’s weekly politics show presented by Tony Gosling
At five – discussing the big stories in Bristol, Britain and around the world
After six – straight talking and investigative reports with Martin Summers
First hour: News review with Mark Weston, conservative councillor for Henbury, and chair of Bristol City Council’s Transport and Scrutiny Committee. Bristol’s buses, residents parking to cost £50 annually, the prospect of a Bristol City Centre congestion charge, Bristol Mayor George Ferguson how much power and how much of a political mandate does he really have? new Bristol police custody suites not to be managed privately as it will cost roughly £600k more, are new ‘super custody suites’ too far outside population areas? Police will be able to view private NHS health records using a password – without going through the court and getting a warrant; opt out of the selling of your private medical records here – the unions and the new ‘one person one vote’ system to choose the Labour Party leader; is the tube strike in London justified? Should striking in ‘essential services’ be against the law? London mayor Boris Johnson considers suing the RMT union for revenue loss; PMQs Ed Miliband – not enough women MPs in the Tory Party, and speaker Bercow telling Education Secretary Michael Gove: “Mr Gove, you need to write out a thousand times ‘I will behave myself’ at Prime Ministers’ Questions.” to write 1000 lines! In the new guidance to be handed to teachers this week Mr Gove recommends “tough but proportionate” punishments such as writing lines. PMQs: Ed Miliband – a senior woman Tory MP removed and replaced by an old Etonian; Cameron running government threough the ‘old boy network’? 75% of MPs are millionaires; PMQs Fiona McTaggart – fraud in private companies in the public sector – white collar crime, banking fraud but companies are fined, no individuals sent to prison; PMQs – Royal Mail shares over 80% higher now than originally sold for; A&E under pressure – malnourished patients turning up; former UKIP Chairman advocates terminating foetuses with Down’s Syndrome.
Second hour: Interview with Alex Hart in Frome from ‘Frack Free Somerset‘, about fracking and ‘Frack Free February‘. Polluted water making people ill, radioactive water entering the aquifer, earthquakes caused by fracking. Tory politicians benefiting from fracking: Lord Green the HSBC Money Launderer; Lord Brown – disgraced chairman of BP, Bilderberger & Chairman of Quadrilla ; Peter Lilley denying his links subsequently proven to TESSA…drilling company; Lord Green – BASS …supplies fracking. Various events for Frack Free February and Frack Free Somerset website. Interview with Edward Snowden by a German TV network: the privatisation of the security services and the dangers of this; the NSA and violations of authorisations; mass surveillance; NSA, GCHQ and BND are close; economic spying. Edwin Black’s ‘IBM and the Holocaust’ and the danger of mass government data trawls and the laws put in place to stop it. GCHQ and illegal Distributed Denial of Dervice (DDoS) cyber attacks against protesters who have not broken the law. US bases in Britain under question by Tom Watson and the House of Lords after 50 years because they may be being used for illegal surveillance and drone killings. US State Department official Victoria Newland and US ambassador to Ukraine Geoffrey Pyat – their intercepted phone call swearing about the EU in derisory terms, fixing the new Prime Minister, leadership of Ukraine with no involvement from the people of Ukraine.
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