Politics Show with Tony Gosling

Friday 28th Febuary 2014

BCfm’s weekly politics show presented by Tony Gosling

At five – discussing the big stories in Bristol, Britain and around the world
After six –
 straight talking and investigative reports with Martin Summers

First hour: News review with Charles Lucas, Conservative councillor for Clifton. He discusses wine and his main property business Alexander Hastings. Why so many empty offices in Bristol city centre? Property bubble, flattened buildings, business rate relief, council housing; HSBC and REWARD for FAILURE: RBS loses £46bn but still awarding £576m this year in bonuses; Bristol Arena going ahead; Max Wide – a serial outsourcer – being employed by Bristol Council; should Airbus stay in Filton – Alison Devonshire of group ‘BS10’ complains of the 8000 homes to be built there; PMQs – church leaders raising issues of poverty; the definition of child poverty to be changed; PMQs – HSBC bankers bonuses up and pay rise 140% – banking system bust – dependant on quantitative easing – property bubble; PMQs – constituent having to eat out of skips – food banks use up – low paid jobs; GCHQ web cam spying – Optic Nerve campaign hacking into Yahoo! webcams – revelation from Snowden – denial of service attacks; PMQs – is ATOS pulling out of incapacity benefit assessments? – 158,000 appeals upheld – penniless people made destitute may have to pay for appeals in future.

[youtube http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=t_zyzcrIlAs&w=560&h=315]

Second hour: NATO-Russia tug-of-war in Ukraine. The troubles in Ukraine discussed. Is Ukraine one country? The history of Ukraine – maybe similar to Yugoslavia; far right elements of ‘protesters’; economic collapse; NATO; identical leaflets in Egypt and Ukraine; CANVAS. During Operation Barbarossa, the Axis invasion of the Soviet Union (USSR), and the subsequent German–Soviet War, millions of Red Army prisoners of war were taken. Some of them were arbitrarily executed in the field by the German forces, died under inhuman conditions in German prisoner of war camps and during ruthless death marches from the front lines, or were shipped to Nazi concentration camps for extermination. Some 3.3 million Soviet POWs died in Nazi custody, out of 5.7 million. This figure represents a total of 57% of all Soviet POWs and may be contrasted with only 8,300 out of 231,000 British and US prisoners, or 3.6%. Some estimates range as high as 5 million dead, including those killed immediately after surrendering. Ireland peace deal and the letters of immunity from prosecution: John Downey case – coincidence with events related to murder of Fusilier Lee Rigby. He was arrested, despite the peace agreement on the day of the Rigby murder. IRA weapons hand over; false flag attacks, was the Woolwich murder orchestrated by MI5 controlling the two African Muslim converts? British army’s Brigadier Gordon Kerr was carrying out these kinds of false flag attacks in Northern Ireland. Clip from 2004 documentary Aspartame – ‘Sweet Misery, A poisoned world’ about the detrimental health affects of aspartame – lobbying of governments. Paul Mason’s World War One: 2 of 4 The Slaughter. Discussion about 1st World War based on Paul Mason’s idea for a documentary ‘The Peoples 1st World War’. Part 2 The Slaughter: trenches and use of chlorine and mustard gas; naval warfare and blockade to hit the civilian population; 1 million dead in the 1916 battle of the Somme; Winston Churchill’s failed battle of Gallipoli which attempted to capture Constantinople in Ottoman Turkey; Brusilov offensive, prelude to revolutions. 20th anniversary of the death of US comedian Bill Hicks, on the JFK assassination ‘Go back to bed America’20th anniversary of the death of Texas comedian Bill Hicks.

[youtube http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=e0bIRkv29xk]

3 Comments on “Politics Show with Tony Gosling

  1. 99% of the deaths committed by one side in a war, in this case the Assad regime ? it’s statistically impossible in the Syrian war. And its more an international war started by the US and UK than a civil war. There is no Free Syrian Army. They are all UK and US backed terrorist groups including isis.. And recently and currently there are Anglo-American special forces “boots on the ground” in syria. this warmonger is in lunatic la la land. He is either a shill for the friends of Syria(whoever they are) and/or is as brainwashed as an ss officer was Nazism can do no wrong, and this guy “believes”(never questions) that the stars and stripes and Union Jack can do no wrong. Yeah right Syrian army responsible for 99% of 400,000 deaths in the Syrian civil war. yeah right and pigs fly. one thing to find out is if the so called Friends of Syria are giving this guy big campaign money or dirty money in the city and in nyc or off shore havens.

  2. “the guy” i was referring to is Bruce Newmark. sorry about that, I had to go back to the clip and listen again. again this guy is a “believer” who never questions his own countries actions(policies is to weak a word when we are talking about war and death), in cloud coo coo land and/or is getting paid off. And add that he is a very dangerous man whose given mainstream voice and this insanity could very well spread in the UK and US. Im not saying lock him up but there must be not just him given media time but him and an adversary to debunk his mad nefariousness. oh yeah he could also be getting funded by the military industrial complex and the 7 sisters oil companies.

    btw, a week or so ago I heard Hillary Clinton echoing George Bush saying Russia, China, Iran are a threat to the US. No hillary you are a threat to them.


  3. The only thing one should “believe” in is God or whatever metaphysical force. but you only apply love, giving and peace from your belief system to this temporal world. Killing for god is a twisting of all religions and killing for a secular ism are twisting of belief systems to gain power and treasure. The massess have to say no to their leaders and elect public servants instead who ensure to those who elected them a good standard of living and financial security. this can only be down by a more equitable distribution of wealth. Also you can believe in good friends and family, you can let your guard down and entrust to them your peace and safety. and i’ll add this: Michael Parenti said when it comes to friends, family “even “check them out” once and a while, 🙂

    btw, I searched “janitors are more important than ceo’s”. and to my happy surprise i got pages of yes janitors are more important than ceo’s and polls that refelected that too.

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