Former Jersey Senator Stuart Syvret: Royal family complicit in child abuse cover-ups?
Friday 29th Aug 2014
BCfm’s weekly politics show presented by Tony Gosling
At five – discussing the big stories in Bristol, Britain and around the world
After six – straight talking and investigative reports with Martin Summers
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First hour: News review with Labour cabinet member Cllr Brenda Massey. How councillors are chosen for certain roles; former Education Secretary Michael Goves’ changes to the education system; class sizes of 50 plus kids; Bristol education; Free Schools and Academy’s; Bristol Arena, costing £91m, funding shortfall; badger cull returning – cost £31,000 per badger before – agricultural subsidies; Royal family – new right of secrecy – are they private or part of the government?; 36.7% of families have to cut back on food to pay for housing; government borrowing going up; Michael Meacher MP says instead of giving QE to banks, give a cheque to all non-rich people and it will help economy; Osborne found to be lying about figures on his clamping down on tax avoidance; Rotherham and failure to deal with Asian men abusing teenage girls – clip of Martin Kimber, Chief Executive of Rotherham Council; democracy and the police in crisis; Abbey Wood privatisation – 120 American managers coming in from Bechtel and CH2M to ‘manage’ SE&S Abbey Wood; ‘Bus Stop’ miss-spelt as ‘Bup Stop’; Banksy says community centre to keep £400,000 for sale of his work.
Second hour: Investigative reports. Former Jersey senator Stuart Syvret. Bristol NHS whistle-blowers get two chances to hold UHB & North Bristol Trusts to account. NATO come to Newport with massive security cordon & presence but are they actually Nazis? Interview with Stuart Syvret, former Senator from Jersey. As a former Minister of Health and Social Services, he discusses child abuse in Jersey, and how there seemed to be a criminal conspiracy to cover it up and silence whistleblowers. How politics works in Jersey, it’s tax haven status, and how it’s The City of London’s criminal offshore backyard nicknamed ‘Jersey or Jail’. Petition to get Michael Mansfield QC to chair the UK child abuse enquiry. Interview with Daphne Havercroft, from SWWHAG. She discusses the protection of whistleblowers within the NHS: Robert Francis – the freedom to speak up; Doctor Raj Matou on BBC 5Live discusses whistle blowing and blacklisting; legal firms using public money to silence whistle blowers; Code of Conduct for NHS Managers. NATO to Newport: Secretary General of NATO, Anders Fogh Rasmussen, discussing Ukraine; infiltration of NATO and Russian Military into Ukraine; Maidan coup; MH17 Malaysian Airliner shot down – New Straits Times headline were they 20mm or 30mm cannon shots from Ukranian fighter jets which downed plane? NATO false flag terrorist operations; SS Veterans Association chief Paul Hausser said “The foreign units of the SS were really the precursors of the NATO army.” Were international Nazi supporters there in early days of NATO.
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