UK and Ireland’s First Malcolm X Film Festival comes to Bristol
Friday 10th April 2015
BCfm’s weekly politics show presented by Tony Gosling
At five – discussing the big stories in Bristol, Britain and around the world
After six – straight talking and investigative reports with Martin Summers
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First hour: News review with Bradley Stoke UKIP Councillor Ben Walker who defected from Tory party in 2012: Conservative party were invited but did not put any councillor up today. UKIP Bristol Council Candidate John Langley Is Actually Porn Star Johnny Rockard. The Scottish fish offensive – Sturgeon and Salmond – how will the SNP effect play out? Discussing the Money System and ‘The Moneymasters’ documentary (1996) which explains the Moneychangers in the Jerusalem Temple monopolising the ‘half-shekel of the sanctuary’ then, 1000 years later, the goldsmiths started cheating on the system. Lending out more promissory notes (I Promise To Pay The Bearer) than they had gold assets on deposit, then charging interest on them, this creating the fractional reserve banking system which is legalised counterfeiting. Compound interest. Contagion of a banking collapse. Extremism: Theresa May invites moderate Muslims to join her in ending the ‘hatred, bigotry and ignorance’ of Islamic extremism in Britain. But what is extremism? Are Zionists extremists? Orwellian attack on free speech. Defence secretary Michael Fallon warns Ed Miliband is too weak to be charged with our national security. Ben Walker was on HMS Southampton during the Afghanistan war. George Osborne hails pension change ‘revolution’ but is it just a tax dodge bribe and pumping up the buy to let market. Julian Parry, now seriously ill, exposes Weston Super Mare Town Council sale of Knightsone Island to Redrow Homes for £1 a year 250 year lease. Fraud or corruption?
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Second hour: Investigative reports: Monsignor Bruce Kent on UK detention without trial & secret courts. Breeding resentment: The government’s persecution of the Muslim community is alienating the very people whose support is needed to stop further atrocities. Thursday 21 June 2007 07.00 BSTLast modified on Friday 3 October 2014 The government’s long-running effort to deport a number of Algerian terror suspects back to Algeria on the basis of diplomatic assurances should reach a seminal moment this week as the case of Mustafa Taleb, known publicly as Y, comes before the court of appeal. Bruce Kent’s experience as chair of CND of being infiltrated by MI5. Thoughts on nuclear deterrence and the Trident debate. Pretending to be bigger and stronger than anyone else in the world. Rory Stewart MP says Russia is rising as a major nuclear threat again. Whatever happened to ‘The Peace dividend’? 1 trillion dollars a year spent on weapons. History of the suppression of FIS Algerian moderate Islamic democracy. Muslim Brotherhood is NOT a terrorist organisation. Palestinian MP on prisoners’ committee arrested and detained by extremist Israeli soldiers and detained without trial for six months. Sunday’s Malcolm X Film Festival: Throughout his life Malcolm X was a controversial figure, pimp and preacher, illiterate and icon. Fifty years on from his assassination in New York, his legacy lives on. Ben Ritchie from squatting support group Bristol Housing Action Movement (BHAM) explains tomorrow’s Homelessness March. Julian Charles from The Mind Renewed interviews Daniele Ganser, author of NATOs Secret Armies, about P2 lodge in Italy where the nation was shown to have been run by a committee of powerful private individuals and Freemasons meeting at a country house. No Privatisation: Irish Water Irish Nation by the Rolling Tax Revue
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