House of Lords grants Bristol right to no-mayor referendum … … Witness of CIA drug-runner former DSO colonel John Banks
Friday 31st July 2015
BCfm’s weekly Politics Show presented by Tony Gosling
At five – discussing the big stories in Bristol, Britain and around the world
After six – straight talking and investigative reports with Martin Summers
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First hour: News review: with LibDem leader Gary Hopkins. Court case and payout from Boomeco company responsible for Avonmouth fly problem; homeless man found dead in bin after sleeping there – Tory benefit policy wrong direction, PR, economy, austerity in Bristol; the proposed Bristol Arena – traffic problem, cost, surveys and accuracy, co-operation with Councils that control areas of Greater Bristol; referendum for whether we want a Mayor or not; Bristol’s Tory leader, Mark Weston, calls for Avon and Somerset Chief Constable Nick Gargan to resign after sexual harassment misconduct hearings; nearly four-fold increase in homeless families in Bristol since Government’s welfare reforms – housing benefit cut; Centrica slashes jobs in UK with the excuse of falling gas and oil prices, and doubles its’ profits to £528m – buy £10k shares, never pay a gas or electricity bill again, Bristol Energy Company; London property prices are being inflated by foreign criminals laundering money, warns The National crime Agency – deregulation of Banks; HSBC bank closing accounts of Muslims as reported by Peter Oborne; HSBC, Muslims and Me; Sara Thornton, head of new National police Chiefs’ Council, said police may no longer attend burglaries; Who is an extremist? Who decides who is an extremist? Extremists? Bristol’s ‘Prevent’ strategy kicked back to the government for itself being too racist, Muslims, western intelligence services arming and training groups, Yemen, is Cameron an extremist? Operation Stack chaos caused not by migrants but by Calais ferry strike – dispute between MyFerryLink and DFDS.
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Second hour: with former SAS soldier and Colonel in South Africa John Banks. Interview with John Banks, retired South African DSO Colonel who started in the British Army: whistleblower working with and US Colonel Oliver North in Honduras in drug running cartels run by the CIA – Oliver North, South Africa, war on terror and war on drugs a sham; ISIS Leader Abu Bakr Al Baghdadi Trained by Israeli Mossad, NSA Documents Reveal. supporting ISIS to destabilise Syria to overthrow Assad; contractors earning lots of money from war; BAE scandals; easy to close down money supplies to ISIS to stop them; 68 suicides of bankers in 9 months – knew too much; Ukraine Maidan Square coup – NATO breaking promise pushing at Russian borders, MH17; army morale, cuts and trusting politicians; Saudis and bribes overseen by Tony Blair; Imposimato and Gladio. Blackwater, Halliburton,Kellogg Brown and Root, Aegis, Ecolog: The War Profiteers. Interviews with John Potash, author of ‘Drugs as Weapons Against Us’: drugs, black economy and CIA; criminalising people; Brian Jones, from Rolling Stones, dying in suspicious circumstances in pool; drugs being pushed on left wingers and musicians by CIA to destabilise; CIA and drug trafficking – Nazis and Operation Sunshine, South American Nazis Klaus Barbie & Josef Mengele, competition to CIA drug cartels squashed. Meirion Jones, from Panorama, says ‘Everyone on the right side of Savile argument has been forced out of the BBC‘. Possible part from downed Malaysian MH370 aeroplane found – and sent to France for analysis: normal procedure not followed; Malaysia wanting to indict Bush and Blair for war crimes and also question official story of 9/11. UN inquiry into downed Malaysian flight MH17 – Russia veto it as not normal procedure. Clip of Patrick Chalmers, author of ‘Fraudcast News’ and ex-Reuters reporter – he discusses Orwellian ‘group think’ in journalism.
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John Banks never was pert of the North narcotics affair, he was there for a totally different reason and discovered the narcotic traffic. North was not just involved in Narcotics, he was heavily involved in Lebanon, sanction busting by supplying weapons to Iran for assistance with the US Hostages in the Bekka Valley, and multiple other, “under the radar activities” for Mr Bush!!