Microsoft, Apple, Google, Facebook, Twitter front operations for NSA private data harvesting?

Friday 28th August 2015

BCfm’s weekly Politics Show presented by Tony Gosling

No show on Friday 21st August 2015 as I’m away at Hayling Island – World War Two commemoration of the life of SBU Cmdr. Harold Goulding DSO

At five – discussing the big stories in Bristol, Britain and around the world
After six –
 straight talking and investigative reports with Martin Summers

Listen live

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First hour: News review: with Cllr Mike Wollacott Nottingham council used Childrens Home Inspector Joni Cameron-Blair to cover-up senior staff crime Suspended Avon & Somerset Chief Constable Nick Gargan is a victim of witch hunt, says Charlotte Leslie, MP for Bristol North and Ian Liddell-Grainger, Bridgwater MP;  HSBC and RBS technical glitch, so people can’t get their money – suspicious – bankrupt banks, possible crash last week bailed out by governments again;  clip of Steve Keen, author of ‘Debunking Economics’, discussing world economics including Greece, Germany and China;  city tycoon, Crispin Odey, makes £225m from the Chinese economic crisis;  stock up on canned food for stock market crash, warns former Gordon Brown adviser;  Ukraine crisis – creditors to ‘write off’ 20% debt – political – Greece not allowed debt relief; more than 4,000 sick people in Britain died within six weeks of being deemed ‘fit for work’ government finally and reluctantly admits; benefits shake-up aims to force a million disabled people into jobs – not saving money, political;  DWP admits deception, inventing quotes from fake ‘benefit claimants’ for sanctions leaflet; clip from BBC 5 Live – Joni Cameron Blair, a former children’s home inspector, reported many cases of child abuse to no effect; clip of Manchester Chief Constable Sir Peter Fahy on Radio 4, talking to BBC’s Edward Stourton about how how he was encouraged by his superiors to lie in court and supposedly how policing has improved; car-hacking scandal – how a security loophole left thousands of vehicles vulnerable to thieves but VolksWagen tried to stop the public knowing about it;  Bristol becoming a more racist city; more divided; Queen about to become Britain’s longest serving Monarch ever, overtaking Victoria.
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Second hour: investigative reports: Kevin Cahill discusses various stories:  survivors question role of UK Home Office in child abuse inquiry – story by Leah McGrath Goodman in Newsweek;  BBC forced out team behind Savile expose, says ex-Newsnight journalist; former Tory MP Harvey Proctor – MI5, MI6 involved;  Northern Ireland – Bloody Sunday. With author of Who Owns Britain and journalist Kevin Cahill discussing his court cases against the NSA’s criminal PRISM programme stealing our private data Sketch Kevin wrote about his interactions with NSA;  PRISM and NSA paying computer companies for their information on people – e.g. Google, Apple, Microsoft.  US spends a 1/4 of $771bn a year military spending on private contractors such as Booz-Allen; ISIS and links to the Western intelligence services; Financial services industry shouldn’t be running the government Author of ‘Killing of the Host’ Michael Hudson talks to Amy Goodman on Democracy Now. Clip of Michael Hudson, author of ‘Killing the Host’, with Amy Goodman, about the Greek debt and the EU – upcoming Greek elections, economic warfare;  Bristol Water;  Ireland and economic crisis.  Event in Hayling Island as tribute to WWII hero, Cmdr Harold Wilkinson Goulding – who did secret activities in WWII:  interview with Captain of HMS Medusa harbour protection ship, Alan Watson, discussing COPP, SBS, and the start of ‘unconventional warfare’;  clip of brother of Jill Goulding, granddaughter of Harold, who arranged the event – unveiling the plaque; HMS Northney interview with RAM Seger, former SBS officer; COPP commandos got Martin Bormann out of Germany at the end of April 1945 according to book ‘Op-JB’, by John Ainsworth-Davis, pen-name Christopher Creighton, and he was taken to South America according to book ‘Martin Bormann: a Nazi in Exile’ by former CBS news correspondent Paul Manning. Major Desmond Morton’s secret April 1945 mission, Operation James Bond, to snatch Hitler’s treasurer Martin Bormann from Berlin described in Op JB. grandson Charlie Goulding talks about his grandfather’s war relics and we hear from Major ‘Ram’ Seeger head of the SBS veterans’ association too.
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