How ‘independent’ is Avon and Somerset Police and Crime Commissioner Sue Mountstevens?

Friday 18th September 2015

BCfm’s weekly Politics Show presented by Tony Gosling

At five – discussing the big stories in Bristol, Britain and around the world
After six –
 straight talking and investigative reports with Martin Summers

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Apologies – sporadic problems with the BCfm website ‘listen again’ facility since before Christmas 2014. BCfm audio files usually available 12 hours after TX. Any probs mp3s should be on alternative links below by about 9 pm on tx date.

First hour: News review: with Conservative cabinet member Geoff Gollop The Bristol Arena and parking – financed by public money, enterprise zone; house building within Bristol; Bristol MP Charlotte Leslie says Nick Gargan case has become a “witch hunt”Chief Constable of Avon & Somerset Police – Nick Garganhere is [.pdf of] Nick Gargan’s redacted ‘charge sheet’ from the PCC website – Nick Gargan was suspended on spurious allegations then all his possessions were ‘trawled’ in an attempt to find further ‘misconduct’ a classic police ‘fishing’ operation – judge cleared Nick Gargan to return to work but according to the PCC he ‘must’ resign, so why? How independent is Sue Mountstevens PCC? Not very. Her husband, Stephen Robertson, is chairman of Business West extremely influential in SW England part of a business elite like the Chambers of Commerce, Local Enterprise Partnership and Merchant Venturers who are all failing to deliver enough jobs; clip from Jeremy Corbyn’s victory speech – changing economic policy, rich benefited from economic crisis, QE, crash; PMQs Jeremy Corbyn – high rents – economic growth, affordable housing, housing bubble; former Dragon’s Den star and adviser to Cameron, Doug Richard, charged with child sexual assault – Southmead Project, prosecuting VIPs and police; clip of interview with Cheryl Corless who was in a Wilpshire, Blackburn, Lancashire ‘care home’ called ‘The Grange’ and sexually abused by staff and neighbours, with police complicity. Cheryl is now part of The People’s Tribunal; clip of Director General of MI5, Andrew Parker aka Nosey Parker, on Radio 4 – the shape of the terrorist threat – but do terrorists really use smart phones? Middle Eastern Muslim extremists armed and trained by western intelligence services.
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Second hour: investigative reports: Northern Ireland – is the peace agreement unravelling?: welfare bill; IRA assassinations; elections; Theresa Villiers and government independent assessment of paramilitaries. Multibillion fund for MI5 and no Intelligence and Security Committee – clip of Andrew Parker, DG of MI5, on Radio 4, being asked about MI5s failure to stop some terrorism e.g. Lee Rigby: Al Qaeda, Operation Cyclone, Syria and the West training terrorists, false flag operations, MI6, CIA, MOSSAD. Interview with Assad by Russian media – the refugees will stop if the West stops supporting terrorists – 80% of Syrian people think ISIS created by US …  81% of Syrians believe that IS was the creation of the US and other foreign countries: poll. Russia backing the Syrian army. Interview with Soraya Sepahpour Ulrich, [Huffington Post] [Foreign Policy Journal] an Iranian born, British schooled lady living in US – she discusses US and their attitude to Iran, Israel: “America is a brothel” nuclear peace accord; lies and misinformation about Iran; security systems at nuclear power stations, military bases and airports in US run by private Israeli security companies; US Presidential elections – Donald Trump – US a brothel; Iran and the attitude to the hijab (headscarf) and burkini (swimming costume) before and after the revolution; freedom of speech in Iran; the problem of outdoor swimming in Iran. Historic: during this broadcast the Japanese parliament votes to use armed forces outside Japan for first time since World War Two and Professor Bilveer Singh [Political Science Dept. Singapore University]Interview with Professor Bilveer Singh [Institute for Defence Studies and Analyses, India] – he discusses terrorism and repression in SE Asia: the Rohingya – Buddhists and Muslims; The original ‘Rohingya Mujahadin’; Nazi/Japanese gold and war crime trials in Manilla.
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