Shaker Aamer finally released from Guantanamo – Larry Silverstein, asbestos and the 9/11 money trail
Friday 30th October 2015
BCfm’s weekly Politics Show presented by Tony Gosling
At five – discussing the big stories in Bristol, Britain and around the world
After six – straight talking and investigative reports with Martin Summers
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Apologies – sporadic problems with the BCfm website ‘listen again’ facility – with some shows failing to appear since before Christmas 2014. BCfm audio files usually available 12 hours after TX. Any probs mp3s should be on alternative links below by about 9 pm on tx date.
First hour: News review: Shaker Aamer released from Guatanamo Bay US internment camp – Strawberry Fields forever, Penny Lane; US ground troops to Syria; Jihadi terrorism and western intelligence services; clip of Michael Meacher discussing a Project for the New American Century (PNAC) document he saw and their plans for manoeuvres to control oil from the middle east starting with a catastrophic event – 9/11?; how Danny got involved in the Green Party; Students Union and how modern students are coping with money problems; change to Bristol park laws affecting homeless in tents – affordable housing; stall in house building – housing bubble, can’t sell houses, council house building, speculators; PMQs Jeremy Corbyn – RIP Michael Meacher MP, tax credits cuts – politics and being compromised – real power, permanent government, corporate power; House of Lords and tax credits; Tories and vote fixing – Individual Electoral Registration, redrawing constituency boundaries, US and voter suppression, students and voting; PMQs student debt – economics, regulating banks, ideological cuts; Chinese part fund Hinkley C nuclear power station – cost taxpayer more than £18bn; Snowden and privacy.
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Second hour: investigative reports: Interview with Will Stone from Avon and Bristol Law Centre: living wage, minimum wage not rising enough, dodgy apprentice schemes; Universal Credit coming to Bristol next week – not enough money to stop destitution, benefits safeguarding economies, citizens income; 100 solicitors taking Ministry of Justice to court over changes to legal system – legal aid; new unfair criminal court charges – fifty magistrates resigned. 0117 924 8662 at the bottom of Stokes Croft. 7/7 London bombings: Martin McDaid, former SBO, trained alleged bombers Mohammed Sidiqqe Khan and Shezad Tanweer – Martin Gilbertson told West Yorkshire police about them in 2003 two years before the 2005 bombings – they all worked at Iqra Bookshop in Beeston, Leeds; NATO and false flag attacks; bomb at Kurdish peace march; geo-political strategy of tension. Interview with Laurence de Mello about 9/11 attacks and who made money from them: Larry Silverstein bought towers even though riddled with asbestos and got insurance on towers against terrorist attacks; Imposimato – western intelligence agencies and terrorism. Clip of Geoffrey Dickens MP discussing child sex abuse scandals, from ’60 Minutes’ Australian programme in 1980s: political blackmailing. Clip of William Cooper about Chairman of Joint Chiefs of Staff under Bill Clinton and his father being a former SS officer: Klaus Barbie; Reinhard Gehlen. William Cooper showing up inaccuracies from an Alex Jones show– Halloween 1938 and radio show psychological warfare.
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Does the quote below seem and feel familiar today?
“Fascism should more appropriately be called Corporatism because it is a merger of state and corporate power”
― Benito Mussolini
dahszil dahszil
I pray and hope for the dismantling of the US empire and NATO, and the restoration of the US free republic, with improvements such as proportional representation, which cares for all its citizens and as as peaceful, contributor, compassionate member of the world’s family of nations and people
corporatism is now called the banking cartels . these are the bankers who own all the corporations . these are the people who have created the us empire and organisations such as NATO. and when we get rid of them then maybe we will have peace on this planet ,