Malcolm X Centre goes ‘commercial’ + HSBC fraudsters investigating themselves! – NATO Turkey now supporting ISIS, fighting Kurds in Syria
Friday 19th Febuary 2016
BCfm’s weekly Politics Show presented by Tony Gosling
At five – discussing the big stories in Bristol, Britain and around the world
After six – straight talking and investigative reports with Martin Summers
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First hour: News review: with Bristol’s Labour group leader Helen Holland. Who did Helen vote for as Labour leader? Yvette Cooper; UK government plan to ban boycott of Israeli goods – Avon Pension Fund, South Africa and apartheid; Labour candidate for Avon & Somerset Police and Crime Commissioner – Kerry Barker; Bristol Labour and Tories doing a deal after 2007 election; Bristol budget – austerity measures of Tories – overspend on social care; community facilities closing or coming under direct council control – Malcolm X, Bristol Dance Centre, Deaf Centre; St. Paul’s Carnival stopping – clip of Naya discussing how he sees the Carnival; where did £7m Bristol Green Capital money go? – Bristol Post says it doesn’t matter – public money needs to be accounted for; Bristol Metrobus road works holding up city – West of England Partnership, Local Enterprise Partnership; First Group owner of First Bus in debt by £2 billion – Labour mayor candidate Marvin Rees wants municipalised (not nationalised) bus system, Wessex Water and Enron, problems with privatisation; postage stamps up 25% in 5 years – privatisation; Bristol on verge of property boom according to JLL press release used in Bristol Post – property bubble; EU and Cameron deal; clips of Anastasia Nesvetailova from City University discussing the state of the world economy and banks – WATCH Deutsche Bank could be the next Lehman Brothers that caused the 2008 crisis, Steve Keen; HSBC staying in London now their Chief Executive, Stuart Gulliver, is part of Theresa May’s new Joint Fraud Task Force investigating themselves, the biggest fraudsters in the world, for fraud 😉
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Second hour: investigative reports: NATO Turkey now supporting ISIS, fighting Kurds in Syria: US A-10s not Russians bombing hospitals and schools in Aleppo – false flag by NATO?; Turkish Army firing into Syria at Kurds; ISIS and MIT; Yemen and Saudi Arabia; Roland Dumas; PMQs Syria conference and agreement of a ceasefire; Saudi Arabia and Western intelligence services supporting ISIS and other Jihadi groups; workability of a truce; US bombing ISIS in Libya; Syrian Kurds say didn’t do recent Ankara bombing – did Erdogan do it? Paris terror attacks: mystery as DNA of Europe’s top terror suspect, Salah Abdeslam, not on discarded suicide vest; Thierry Mason – Voltaire Network; psychological warfare. Apple challenging order to help FBI, to unlock phone connected to San Bernardino case. Syrian refugees being blamed for terror attacks e.g. Paris – GLADIO, Daniele Ganser. PMQs Tom Elliot – How many IRA atrocities were British Army ‘Let It Happen On Purpose’ or LIHOP? ‘Stakeknife’ MI5 informer in Northern Ireland – investigations into bombings and nefarious activities of the British Army, 1993 Shankhill bomb, and 1998 Omah bomb. USA: Obama to meet Raúl Castro and dissidents on historic trip to Cuba – first time since 1928 – is Obama trying to secure his legacy before leaving office or do the criminal elite in the US have an ulterior motive? Hillary Clinton and the Super Delegates; Bernie Sanders and pharmaceuticals responsible for addiction – vaccines and health problems; clip of Bernie Sanders and Hilary Clinton discussing Henry Kissinger – his war crimes and importance of understanding history; Donald Trump says the Pope will regret calling him un-Christian when ISIS attacks the Vatican. Meeting between head of Russian Orthodox Church and the Pope in Cuba. Comedian Mark Thomas interviews Richard Tomlinson about MI6 planting people in businesses and bribery to spy on our German EU colleagues.
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helen Holland voting for Yvette cooper as labour leader because she thinks that a woman should lead the labour party ? how does that make sense . gender should not come in to it . as for the joint task force investigating itself is unbelievable . as usual great second part of the show . people should look up the documentary by keith allen called unlawful killing it shows everything you need to know about the death of diana spencer and the cover up that followed .also follow up on the excellent work that mark Thomas did the clip shown here on the show is only one of many that he did