UK terrorist murders of elderly Muslim men – big questions for police and press on hate crime

Friday 26th Febuary 2016

BCfm’s weekly Politics Show presented by Tony Gosling

At five – discussing the big stories in Bristol, Britain and around the world
After six –
 straight talking and investigative reports with Martin Summers

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155140255_martin-bormann-nazi-in-exile-by-paul-manning-signed-1st- Reccomended reading
PDF of – Martin Bormann Nazi in Exile by Paul Manning

First hour: News review: with Bristol Mayor Candidate Paul Saville. Housing in city – empty homes, homelessness;  transparency in Council;  hustings for Mayoral campaign – whose invited;  £350m Bristol Council – how is money spent?;  housing bubble; Universal Credit and other benefit changes causing problems with people’s housing; String of terrorist murders of elderly Muslim men in Britain; Maz Saleem whose elderly father was murdered in Birmingham 2013 discussing the murder of former Imam Jalal Uddin in Rochdale last week, also Muslim Mushin Ahmed murdered in Rotherham last August; her father Mohammed Saleem murdered in Birmingham by a Ukrainian neo-Nazi – hate crime and racism, media coverage of her father compared to Lee Rigby; Bristol: Metrobus – Bedfordshire: Busway, a guided bus system near Luton, Bedfordshire and accidents in Cambridgeshire too – privatisation; BBC Jimmy Savile report – Dame Janet Smith’s report highlights five senior BBC employees who knew about sexual predators but didn’t act – BBC senior management said didn’t know even though articles had been in the News of the World and other national press in 1970s and 1980s, bullying at BBC still says the NUJ, police collaborating? MI5 and blackmail, police cuts; Bristol Council’s top executives to receive £5,000 pay rise while lowest paid get £8.25 an hour – Nicola Yates, austerity; PMQs mental health and cuts to benefits of the mentally ill – people cannot live on fresh air.
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Second hour: investigative reports: Lockheed F-35 £20 billion for 138 piles of aero-junk? German and UK GCHQ Cyber war-crimes in Egypt and Iran: Cheltenham GCHQ intel was used to develop nuclear reactor control room attack virus Stuxnet, claims new documentary – European spy tech sold to ultra-secret branch of Egyptian gov’t, claims new report: Privacy International report says the spying gear was sold to a regime with a history of human rights abuses GCHQ involved in creating Stuxnet, a computer virus to cause trouble in nuclear power stations: was Fukushima infected by it?; Snowden; ex-Nazis incorporated in Western intelligence services after WW2;  documentary Zero Days reveals GCHQ role in creating virus to let nuclear power stations run out of control; sanctions on Iran, Syria, Russia;  cyber warfare. European spy tech sold to ultra-secret branch of Egyptian government, claims new report: Nokia Siemens Networks and Hacking Team created spy tech; Siemens is an ex Nazi company – Nazis and cartels; ex Nazis taken on by NATO after WWII;  GLADIO networks;  psychological warfare; surveillance malware, Bundes Trojan, now being used by German Police. FIFA election – won by Gianni Infantino – luckily not by Sheikh Salman Al Khalifa: Saudi Arabian and Bahraini Royal Families;  propaganda against Russia and doping in sport; sport dragged into geo-political issues;  Sepp Blatter. PMQs Palestine – illegal settlements a major block to peace. Hezbollah has a Christian brigade to fight against extremist Wahabis. Two week truce in Syria – will it work? PMQs NATO summit coming up in Warsaw in July – Russia the aggressor? Damian McBride is back advising Labour leader Jeremy Corbyn: Roland Dumas says British wanted to start Syrian Civil War; Royal Navy pretended to be Russian submarines to fool Swedish and led to assassination of Swedish Prime Minister Olof Palme –  NATO backing far-righters in Ukraine – shootings in Maidan, downing of MH17 plane by Ukrainian fighter jets; Roland Dumas. Kevin Boylan on vigilante groups and NATO groups intercepting refugees crossing on boats to Greece from Turkey: Erdogan; Mafia making money out of refugees; Somali Pirates aided from London; Captain Kid pirate in Caribbean worked for British King William but eventually hanged. F35 new jets bought by Royal Air Force – cost £20m but many problems:  Bristol defence procurement at Abbey Wood.  Clip read out from ‘Zero Zero Zero’, book by Roberto Saviano, about ‘Narco cartels’.
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