Avon and Somerset Police and Crime Commissioner hustings: BCfm’s weekly Politics Show presented by Tony Gosling

Friday 22nd April 2016

BCfm’s weekly Politics Show presented by Tony Gosling

At five – discussing the big stories in Bristol, Britain and around the world
After six –
 straight talking and investigative reports with Martin Summers

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Download/listen to complete PCC hustings – in one 1hr 30min  mp3

[youtube https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NfBlcvZrbmE]
Avon and Somerset Police and Crime Commissioner hustings
BCfm Avon and Somerset Police and Crime Commissioers hustings
00:01 Introduction no law for elite white collar and war criminals or paedophiles
02:54 Independent – Sue Mountstevens
05:29 An un-democratic election: prohibitive cost of £5,000 deposit to stand as a Police and Crime Commissioner. Only election with no mailshot to Avon & Somerset’s 1.6m electorate.
06:20 LibDem – Paul Crossley
10:14 Green party – Chris Briton
14:08 Independent former chair of Avon and Somerset Police Federation – Kevin Phillips
54:37 Labour Party – Kerry Barker
17:06 Mark Weston and Aaron Warren-Foote excused
17:45 Rise in police having to deal with the mentally ill particularly out of hours
26:08 Predictive policing, how successful is the ‘Prevent Strategy’ and does it unnecessarily target Muslims?
34:38 Austerity: since David Cameron became Prime Minister in 2010 Avon and Somerset have lost 20%, thats 700 officers. Can the police continue to prioritise neighbourhood policing and police by consent?
40:51 Too big to jail? Are white collar criminals above the law selling public assets to their friends for far less than their real value? Bristol General Hospital sold for only £6m and Bristol Port sold for roughly £45m.
42:25 Ian Fraser on 1992 Blue Arrow trial and 2000 Financial Service and Markets act section 166 giving green light to Fraud, False Accounting and Money Laundering.
44:30 Perception that police work on easier crimes and not so much on the difficult ones. Has Avon and Somerset got an establishment that is above the law?
54:37 Labour party candidate Kerry Barker
56:14 Sue Mountstevens responts to Kerry Barker’s criticism of disbanding police ‘specialist teams’
57:25 Child sexual abuse and allegations of sexual abuse of young police cadets by force medical officer Dr Reginald Bunting
1:05:49 Is it true police officers have to be freemasons to gain promotion above the level of Inspector
1:10:43 Police Officers infiltrating environmental groups have formed relationships with individuals and even had children with them before disappearing over the horizon – the Pitchford enquiry is looking into this should those behind these decisions be prosecuted? Also XLW
1:17:45 50,000 volt Tasers are becoming more common in use by the police. As a potentially lethal weapon is their se appropriate by the police and if so how?
1:24:48 Criminal damage or Street Art? Bristol is Graffiti capital of Britain but is it going too far?
Studio Engineer – Bruce Williamson
Conservative – Mark Weston (not present – sore throat);
UKIP – Aaron Warren-Foote (not present – milking cows)

First hour: Avon and Somerset Police and Crime Commissioner hustings part 1: Discussion with PCC candidates:
Independent – incumbent – Sue Mountstevens;
Labour – Kerry Barker;
Lib Dem – Paul Crossley;
Green party – Chris Briton;
Independent, former chair of Avon and Somerset Police Federation – Kevin Phillips;
Conservative – Mark Weston (not present – sore throat);
UKIP – Aaron Warren-Foote (not present – milking cows)
What has Sue achieved in the last four years? £5,000 is anti-democratic, way too expensive a deposit to stand for PCC; Why should people vote for each candidate? £60m of cuts – 700 officers gone; Police are dealing with mentally ill more and more, especially out of hours – how will PCCs improve this situation? Austerity and ideological cuts by Tories; Unfortunately Mark Weston could not be here to explain the wisdom or otherwise. Does the ‘Prevent Strategy’ work? Predictive policing, clip of Nahella Ashraf from ‘Manchester Stand Up To Racism’ discussing Muslims feeling targeted, freedom of speech, body cams; What will candidates do about erosion of ‘neighbourhood policing’ or ‘policing by consent’? Police stations closing, cyber crime, drug gangs, neighbourhood watch; Will candidates deal with white collar crime? Clip of Ian Fraser discussing impunity of bankers, Blue Arrow trial in 1993 followed by Section 166 of the The Financial Services and Markets Act 2000 formally put bankers and the establishment above the law?
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Second hour: Global news review – Saudi – US – Turkey – followed by Avon and Somerset Police and Crime Commissioner hustings  part 2: Martin Summers and Tony Gosling cover some international stories:  Obama to let victims of 9/11  prosecute Saudi Arabia – but Saudi Arabia says if this happens will withdraw assets from USA – 28 pages of 9/11 report not declassified, Architects and Engineers for 9/11 Truth, invasion of Yemen;  Andriy Parubiy, a Neo-Nazi, is made speaker of the Ukrainian Parliament – Turkey their allies;  Charlotte Leslie, local Tory MP, in PMQs asking about Turkey and border agreements – Turkish government unstable, Kurds;  clip of Cuban, Jackie Cannon, discussing Obama coming to Cuba and her book ‘Cuba: One Moment in Time’;  US election;  Bilderberg conference in Dresden – two weeks before Brexit vote – Deutsche Bank shaky.
Back to PCC candidates:  Introduction to Kerry Barker, who arrived late from working at court in Hampshire – he is a barrister for abuse cases – system not good enough in police to deal with abuse cases; IPCC investigating complaints about abuse by A&S Police Force Doctor, Reginald Bunting under Chief Constable David Shattock for alleged abuse of cadets of both sexes and others, under David Shattock, Chief Constable at the time – dealing with abuse, Independent Residents Panel for Police Complaints; Do police still have to be Freemasons to be promoted above the level of Inspector? Kerry Barker says this was a serious problem in some areas such as Portsmouth where masons were infiltrating the magistrates too. Police, Magistrates and Freemasonry in past – register of Freemasons in A&S Police but it’s only voluntary; Should undercover cops behaving irresponsibly be prosecuted? – Spy Cops Pitchford Inquiry and undercover cops in Green activist groups, more training and supervision needed; Use of Tasers – is it better than firearms or truncheons? – investigation into Tasers by A&S Police, body cams;  Bristol’s proliferation of graffiti – is it a criminal offence?
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1 Comment on “Avon and Somerset Police and Crime Commissioner hustings: BCfm’s weekly Politics Show presented by Tony Gosling

  1. great to hear martin back with tony discussing world news , everyone should look at the work of dr judy wood if they want to look at 9/11 again . as for the rubbish with the pcc candidates why bother shame on you all at bcfm radio allowing them all on just to tell lie after lie and look as though they care .

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