In or out? Why did the CIA seed fund Bilderberg, EEC and today’s European Union

Friday 3rd June 2016

BCfm’s weekly Politics Show presented by Tony Gosling

At five – discussing the big stories in Bristol, Britain and around the world
After six –
 straight talking and investigative reports with Martin Summers

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First hour: News review: with Labour Cabinet member for homes and communities Paul Smith: Paul is in charge of Homes and Communities on Marvin Rees’s new cross party cabinet; housing associations; Policy Exchange – free market think tank shown to be Islamaphobic by FAKING report on Islamic extremism – influential in setting housing policy; high rents; building council houses; Paul stopping all voluntary sale of Bristol council houses and land;  right to buy – housing associations, government will pay for half of house; Housing and Planning Act – housing policy to destroy council housing; getting a loan to build council housing; new Bristol Council housing development company; private developers supposed to have 30% affordable housing; how property speculation works – borrow against assets; casino economy world and housing; Bristol traffic congestion worst in whole country – Metrobus, First Group; Saturday rally in Bristol to support refugees – also far-right neo-Nazi rally – also Liam Fox MP and Nigel Farage turning up – a problem? Tory electoral fraud – Tories failed to block police investigations; EU referendum – can guarantee won’t be fixed?, Eurozone and EU difference; will Cameron resign after election whatever result; Cameron afraid to take part in head to head TV debates; electoral register fraudulent and new system is not working; Overstretched justice system failing victims and witnesses: The Public Accounts Committee report warns that the criminal justice system is close to breaking point.
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Second hour: investigative reports: Conspiracy author Andy Thomas on the Bilderberg meeting and this month’s EU referendum. Film of Israel soldier killing a Palestinian and kicking a knife towards him to set him up.  Israel supporting ISIS and Al Nusra Front. Interview with Andy Thomas, author, whose books try to inform people of what’s really going on in a manipulated and engineered world: origins of the EU and the occult; New World Order; EU to suit US and corporate interests; Bilderberg group meeting next week – designed to foster dialogue between Europe and North America – and set global policy; clip of Paul Craig Roberts on Julian Charles’s The Mind RenewedEU creation of CIA; demonisation of Russia; EU Treaty; some unpopular EU plans being held back until after referendum; formation of an EU armyEU Battle Group already exists; is single market successful? NATO more of a threat than EU – Ukraine; banking crash, war with Russia, right wing – more of a threat than EU; IT ‘glitch’ on EU postal votes to foreigners – Gloucestershire-based XPress software; pros and cons of EU; lack of transparency Systematic rape and murder with impunity under the command of Lieutenant Colonel Nigel Josling at Deepcut barracks second inquest into the murder of private Cheryl JamesI knew what was going on but I didn’t want to ruin my career by looking into it – suicide – cover up. Birmingham 6 cover up – clip from documentary.  Labour strikes in France. Battle of the Beanfield 31st anniversary this week
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