A century since WWI Battle of the Somme: Zionists extracted 1917 Balfour Declaration from British as price for bringing US into WWI
Friday 23rd September 2016
BCfm’s weekly Politics Show presented by Tony Gosling
At five – discussing the big stories in Bristol, Britain and around the world
After six – straight talking and investigative reports with Martin Summers
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First hour: News review with Green party councillor for Redland Martin Fodor: Labour online abuse making the news, but is it just ‘astroturfing’ by paid Internet trolls? Is Labour taking Green votes now Corbyn is in charge; suspension of three Labour councillors and 200 members in Bristol – Labour no longer leaders of Council; Green Party united – celebrating difference of opinions; Brexit – quality of pre-referendum debate – economic impacts; major disruption as seven months of M32 MetroBus works to start in city centre – West of England Partnership, Local Enterprise Partnership; speed cameras are coming to M32; two Bristol academy schools at ‘risk of closure’ after potential £1million shortfall revealed; Astroturfing – people online being paid to pretend to be someone they’re not, for political effect – Sharyl Attkisson from CBS discusses ‘astroturfing’ and the manipulating of Wikipedia – is online bullying of Corbyn supporters genuine? piece on Radio 4 Money Box (download mp3 here) about the mass processing of illegal County Court Judgements (CCJs) against possibly half a million people in Northampton – get help here and here; how a simple complaint about litter exposed failings in Bristol City Council’s complaints procedure; PMQs from last week: reduction of MPs in Commons – gerrymandering, 29 Tory MPs may face by-elections because of 2015 election fraud – Guardian article: Tories plan to be in power for rest of our lives, for ever; Bristol neighbours blockade home to prevent ‘revenge eviction’ after mum complains about damp.
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Second hour: Investigative reports: Attacks that broke September 12th ceasefire in Syria: Saturday 17th September on Syrian Arab Army in Deir al-Zour killing 62 and wounding over 100; Monday 19th September on Syrian Arab Red Crescent aid convoy in Orum al-Kubra killing 12 drivers and knocking out 18 out of 21 lorries; West supporting ISIS; drones from RAF Waddington; Russians say aid convoy had rebel mortar in it and evidence of fire not bombs; 30 Israeli foreign intelligence officers killed in Russia’s calibre missile attack in Aleppo – Several US, Turkish, Saudi, Qatari and British officers were also killed along with the Israeli officers. The foreign officers who were killed in the Aleppo operations room were directing the terrorists’ attacks in Aleppo and Idlib – says Iranian FARS News; Chinese stepping up military cooperation with Assad; WWIII. Egyptian state media claims ISIS is ‘made up’ and 9/11 was carried out by West to justify war on terror – low intensity war. Drones will stay in the air for weeks, and track whole populations says Snowden. Clip Snowden discussing how mass surveillance has no statutory basis and ‘war’ is used as an excuse – also unelected class of bureaucrats at top of US government: IBM and the Holocaust by Edwin Black; Nazis carrying on after WWII – Nazi intelligence brought into NATO. The Battle of the Somme in WWI – one million casualties and the result inconclusive; Germans tried to make peace in late 1916 – Former Tory Education secretary Michael Gove called World War One a ‘Just War’ but was it really? Benjamin Freedman at Washington DC’s Willard Hotel in 1961 discusses US joining the war on the proviso that Zionists would get Palestine: As Germany sued for peace after battle of the Somme in 1916 London was on its knees but hesitated. Zionists offered to bring the United States in on the losing British, Italian, French and Russian side against Germany, The Ottoman Empire and Austria-Hungarian Empire which ended up being decisive. Zionists around Walter Rothschild, 2nd Baron Rothschild, extracted 1917 Balfour Declaration from British government as price for bringing US into WWI which carried on for another two years of mindless slaughter and human sacrifice. Balfour Declaration 1917 and again ceremonially reiterated with much more publicity in 1926; letter from Foreign Secretary Arthur Balfour to British Zionist guru Walter Rothschild promising Palestine to him; sinking of the RMS Lusitania with many Americans on board by German submarine had prepared the way. Vice News – Milène Larsson discusses with London Jewish Rabbi Bach from Neturei Karta whether Israel is a Jewish nation – Nakba (catastrophe) day is mourning for Palestinians and celebration for Israelis.
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Great 2 hours ! one of the best two hours of the politics show i’ve heard. And i have been listening since 2010. Thanks Tony and Martin, your guests, audio clips and very very informative. The first hour was very good. but i got depressed, too much truth about war in Syria and in the past. If only, If only ! the book ‘ All quiet on the western front ‘ chapter 3 solution to end war is still not applied. Strip to the waist and give clubs all the presidents, kings, prime ministers, queens, dictators, leaders etc who want to go to war with each other in a boxing ring…last one standing wins. Here’s my addition. So lets say Hitler is last one standing and says all right i get to kill 20 millions Russians, work to death or gas to death several million Jews, and so on. Me: but der Fuhrer, you didn’t read the fine print. We have something much better – twice a week for the rest of your life we will home deliver your favorite German meal and a bottle of Schnapps, Gratis ! Hitler rants as says no no no !!! and the people from all over the world, including Germans throw up their hands and walk away and don’t kill each other, don’t go to war.
I listened to second hour first, then listened to seconf and found it beneficial to lowering my my depression and anxiety of the sobering truths of the second hour. And listened to the first hour twice with Green Party Councillor and was very informative too,
usa(dismantle the empire and form a decent republic out of the usa)