Bristol Mayor ‘State of the City’ address – USAF stealth technology, bistatic radar, S400s and drones. Would US or Russia win Syria air war?

Friday 7th October 2016

BCfm’s weekly Politics Show presented by Tony Gosling

At five – discussing the big stories in Bristol, Britain and around the world
After six –
 straight talking and investigative reports with Martin Summers

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First hour: News review: with Labour councillor for Hartcliffe and Withywood Mark Brain. Unions; 1000 job cuts at Bristol Council – but what are reserves of £150m for? £90m Bristol Arena – delayed – auditing of Bristol Council by Grant Thorntons; Government not selling off £3.6bn Lloyds Bank shares cheaply to public anymore – selling to City; Government urged to reveal National Debt of £4.8tn In a new paper Viral Acharya of New York University, Diane Pierret of the University of Lausanne and Sascha Steffen of the University of Mannheim calculate that HSBC, Barclays, Lloyds and the Royal Bank of Scotland would need to raise $185bn (£155bn) – state pensions liabilities; 4 biggest banks need £155bn capital to withstand another crisisDeutsche Bank, economic warfare, QE is economic bubble-making heroin; Phillip Hammond speech at Tory Party Conference – Labour’s note ‘there’s no money left’ – but Labour bailed out an international banking crisis – austerity; Hammond speech – Ed Ball’s criticism of Tory policy wrong? – pain caused by Tory cuts; Theresa May speech at Conference – good things about GB – elite paying their way; Michael Crick interviews Theresa’s husband Phillip – who has job helping people avoid tax; Theresa May’s speech – Where are the Cameroons? – What about the men who used to run the show and delivered the first Conservative majority for 23 years. Our Political Correspondent, Michael Crick, has been in search of that endangered clan – the Cameroons – consumers and workers on boards – coming after tax avoiders; Marvin Rees, Mayor of Bristol, gives his State of the City addressworried about impacts of Brexit – 5 year plan for Bristol; fracking is given go-ahead in Lancashire: Tory minister Sajid Javid grants fracking rights after receiving funds from pro-fracking interests.
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Second hour: Investigative reports: US government spent over $500m on fake Al-Qaeda propaganda videos that tracked location of viewers. USAF stealth technology, bistatic radar, S400s & drones. Will Russian air superiority go unchallenged in Syria? Stealth-detecting bistatic radar is back in the news – Report prepared in the US by Rand Corporation says Australia’s biggest defence purchase, the F35 Joint Strike Fighter is inferior to Russian and Chinese rivals.  Syria: US has ended cooperation with Russia after broken ceasefires and West still backing Muslim extremists; UK Special Forces in Syria;  Deir ez-Zor attack; West at war with Russia;  70-80% Syrians support Assad;  air war – no fly zone;  UN envoy Staffan de Mistura said he would personally escort Al Nusra out of Aleppo – Russia thinks good idea. Bell Pottinger creating propaganda videos for US military in IraqOnly Sunnis allowed to live in Northern IraqEl  Nobel Peace Prize given to Colombian, Santos.  The Syria’s ‘White Helmets’ have won ‘Right Livelihood’ awardbut are they a propaganda network? short film about ‘The White Helmets – al Qaeda with a facelift’ by Hands off Syria and Steve Ezzedine – Boris Johnson’s speech at Tory Conference – Syria.  Stealth bombers –Western military industry and overspend – do Russians have air superiority in Syria as they have a more robust ‘no bribes’ socialist system for military procurement? Is Joint Strike Fighter F35 the scam Jet of the century? – ABC TV discusses this $20bn Jet – the Rand CorporationVenessa Beeley – talk ‘Bristol Open Inquiry into the UK Bombing of Syria’ at Arc Bar, Broad Street, Bristol on Friday 4th November. Liam Fox speech at Tory Conference – International Trade Secretary on post-Brexit trade agreements – SITA, TTIPGary Webb, Investigative Journalist, discusses the CIA and drug dealing in the Iran Contra affair – ‘Dark Alliance’ film Dark Alliance: The CIA, the Contras, and the Crack Cocaine Explosion – Gary Webb Interview (1998).
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4 Comments on “Bristol Mayor ‘State of the City’ address – USAF stealth technology, bistatic radar, S400s and drones. Would US or Russia win Syria air war?

  1. The Theresa May’s speech : speaking as a democratic socialist imho is a lie. If she means it, lets see her walk the walk than just talk the talk.

    • hi there. I think this guy revewing James Petras’s latest book sums up the problem. But he fails to understand the fundamental importance of a PROPORTIONAL electoral system. NORMAL in semi democratic Europe and the reason for going to war in Ireland in 1969. Kind regards, Martin Summers
      “The key to understanding why millions of Americans, fed up by 30 years of declining living standards, deepening inequalities and perpetual wars, do not form an alternative party is that they have been repeatedly conned and corralled in the Democratic Party by the house radicals,” all of whom he considers to be charlatans. While I think it is true that Americans have been conned, I think he is ignoring the American people’s desire to be deceived – their bad-faith. It takes two to tango.

  2. don’t hold your breath on May’s speech being put into action. such unmitigated gall her quasi promoting “noblesse oblige”(in so many words it means from those who have much, much is expected back to society). In the States we heard the same b.s. from Obama in his first campaign for president.

  3. I would be so grateful for an answer or some input from Tony and Martin :

    Why don’ the abandoned Sanders voters and supporters create their own political party ? Of course it’s too late for 2016 elections, but if we really rolled our sleeves, we could have some elected representatives from the local to federal government level, in my optimistic mode, by 2018. And we could have on our platform(manifesto) a more peaceful foreign policy Sanders has tried to do yeoman’s work for we the common people in congress than in the Senate. But being a politician means making too many compromises, and i thought before Sanders started is candidacy the if he lost within the corrupt DNC that he would back Hillary Clinton and Sanders is really a hawk on foreign policy.

    I search the internet in vain, using many different search engines, and can find nothing about ex Sanders voters and supporters forming a new political party. I’m ashamed as an American asking two great guys from the “mother country” about this question which we Americans should know more about. I have read their are many administrative and skulduggery hurdles to even register to vote.

    My tentative conclusion is that we American’s are always seeking a leader, instead we should be voting for public servants who we choose instead of candidates choosing us.

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