Russian flotilla chugs through the Channel – Bristol Cathedral’s monstrous annual Merchant Venturer celebration of slave trader Edward Colston

Friday 21st October 2016

BCfm’s weekly Politics Show presented by Tony Gosling

At five – discussing the big stories in Bristol, Britain and around the world
After six –
 straight talking and investigative reports with Martin Summers

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First hour: News review: with Conservative councillor for Brislington East Tony Carey. Royal Navy engineer – British industry, whatever happened to British engineering; depleted state of British Armed Forces – the Falklands war; Russian military ships along the Channel – who would win fight in Syria? Brislington, Bristol issues – cleaning up woods, planning, Brexit and racism; First Bus, Bristol, to bring in Oyster cards and fares 15% more if you pay cash – permanent government and civil servants, bus stops brought back in-house, dogs compulsory chipped in Barking; Bristol’s rich list – Sir James Dyson moving factory abroad dodgy Hargreaves and tax-haven Landsdown; Scotland Yard Fraud Squad detective Rowan Bosworth-Davies interviewed Hargreaves Lansdown founder Peter Hargreaves three times under caution for allegedly using clients money and his insider trading tips to speculate on the stock exchange which is technically fraud and theft – Hillary Clinton and Donald Trump call each other puppets; Seymour Hersh says Clinton knew NATO involved in Sarin attack in Syria to set up Assad; Rigging the election Rigging the Election – Video I: Clinton Campaign and DNC Incite Violence at Trump Rallies – YouTube – secret recordings of the Clinton campaign;  PMQs Corbyn – NHS cuts and threats to A&E – NHS £2.45bn in deficit – are Tories killing NHS?;  Tories only just win seat in Cameron’s ex-constituency;  PMQs Theresa May accused of cover-up over child abuse inquiry concerns. It comes after a string of high-profile resignations from the inquiry into historic abuse – Historical Child Sex Abuse Inquiry.
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Second hour: Investigative reports: St Michael’s Church destroyed by fire, been waiting seventeen years for Bristol Church of England Diocese to find a use for it. Bristol Diocese Secretary, Oliver Home, discusses last weekend’s fire that burnt down St. Michael-on-the-Mount Church that has been empty for 17 years:  why not Church’s Conservation Trust building? A museum to the abolition of slavery? Or for community? Catalogue of neglect: St. John’s Conduit water supply which the Bristol diocese is responsible for was constructed by Carmelite friars in 1267. It delivered fresh water to the city centre continuously for over 700 years including supplying essential water to the population when the main supply was destroyed during the 1940/41 Bristol blitz. Yet Wessex Water works in 2010 have stopped it up and the diocese don’t appear to have even noticed. Communities demanding answers from Dean of the Cathedral about Diocese’ endorsement of ex-slave trading, now school & hospital owning Merchant Venturers. Christine Townsend and Dr. Roger Ball, from Bristol Radical History Group, discuss the Merchant Venturers and the history of Edward Colston, Bristol slave trader and money lender from the 17th century:  Merchant Venturers sponsor academy schools in city;  Colston Girls School and the Merchant Venturers’ coming Charter Day in Bristol Cathedral on Thursday 10th November – Colston’s ‘slave trader’ buns are given to schoolgirls – Counter Colston Group (CCG) letter to the dean of Bristol cathedral -history of Colston 1680s – 90s – ran slave trade in Britain;  Merchant Venturers should publish accounts; Dr Ball suggests some more worthy figures to remember are St.Wulston, Bishop of Worcester (c. 1008 – 1095), who abolished the trade in white slaves from Bristol to Ireland – and Thomas Clarkson (1760 – 1846), the main campaigner behind the Abolition movement which successfully campaigned to end the slave trade could be commemorated in Bristol instead – both helped stop slave trade; pre-charter merchants behind Cabot voyage to America says Bristol University’s prof. Evan Jones – which led to the Native American holocaust of 75-100 million native Americans; book by local historian Madge Dresser Slavery Obscured: The Social History of the Slave Trade in Bristol – Roger is part of Bristol Radical History Group (BRH) – and both he and Christine run the new Counter Colston group website. -> -> Nephew of Harry Pilkington, 1972 Bank of England director, Justin Walker discusses how his uncle attended the first Bilderberg meeting in 1954 and then became manager of Bank of England telling him never to trust the press or politicians, because the bank controls both.
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