Labour implementing Tory cuts in Bristol – ex UN military analyst on Trump inauguration – IRA under British army control?

Friday 20th January 2017

BCfm’s weekly Politics Show presented by Tony Gosling

At five – discussing the big stories in Bristol, Britain and around the world
After six –
 straight talking and investigative reports with Martin Summers

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First hour: News review: Planning application complaint for Victoria Park, Bristol.  Metrobus – Mark is in charge of scheme: local rail and bus infrastructure; Cambridge guided bus – ‘misguided and bust’ Nancy, France, guided bus – Light Rail – When will Metrobus be up and running and which routes?;  spiralling costs – £203m to £216m; and as Filton and Bradley Stoke MP Jack Lopresti points out, causing traffic congestion around Bristol; First Bus – or nationalised Bristol Bus Company recreated again? Cuts to Bristol Council – raise Council Tax or how about taking half of £31bn of richest in area? – Tory election fraud, evidence of overspend in 30 constituencies; Bristol Labour doing a good job? Robots will take over most jobs within 30 years – personal indebtedness, QE; PMQs economics of Brexit – powers of banks over politicians, Brexit and Trump; Fake News: BBC Trust rules Laura Kuenssberg inaccurately represented Jeremy Corbyn on shoot-to-kill response to the 2015 Paris terrorist attacks.
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Second hour: Investigative reports: Correction to 30th Dec show – discussed story relating to apparent Kiev air traffic control Twitter account – turns out was a deliberate fake account whose profile was subsequently edited revealing it not to be an official account but a sophisticated PsyOp. Fake News: clip of Emma Barnett on BBC Radio 5Live introducing Fake News ‘expert’ Melissa Zimdars – websites such as Zero Hedge, Natural News, and 21st Century Wire on fake news listFrankfurter Alegemeine Zeitung editor Udo Ulfkotte, German journalist, who blew whistle on secret services media control, passes away at 56 – Udo Ulfkotte: Europe’s Courageous Journalism Voice Has passed away – clip of him discussing his time as journalist and PsyWar  – Trump inauguration – says he will rid world of Islamic terrorism – Interview with ‘The Saker’ blogger – former military advisor to UN: the UN and what it’s like; Western media propaganda machine – they don’t question enough; pros and cons of Trump foreign policy; Trump and the ‘Deep State’ – what does New World Order mean? IRA: Freddie Scappaticci aka. ‘Stakeknife’ was a spy  – clip from Press TV documentary on collusion between British Army and terrorists/death squads in Northern Ireland.
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