Were Royal Navy ‘having a laugh’ firing Trident nuclear test at US? – can Bristol self-build its way out of the housing crisis? – maniac emperor Trump’s first week

Friday 27th January 2017

BCfm’s weekly Politics Show presented by Tony Gosling

At five – discussing the big stories in Bristol, Britain and around the world
After six –
 straight talking and investigative reports with Martin Summers

Listen live http://www.bcfmradio.com/player or http://stream.bcfmradio.com:7017/live.mp3

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Any probs mp3s should be on alternative links below by then


First hour: News review: with Labour Councillor for Eastville Mhari Threlfall. EU and Brexit; PMQs Corbyn – worker’s rights; bid to protect worker’s rights blocked due to Tory MPs filibustering on love of radio for four hours – Tories backing out of International Labour Organisation; PMQs Chris Bryant – big subsidies to rich large farm owners – and some can’t get basic benefits – Common Agriculture Policy: May suggests UK’s richest aristocrat landowners will get farming subsidies funded by British taxpayer after Brexit – EU agricultural reform subsidising smaller farms to the CAP McSharry principle; McDonalds plan for Eastville – ‘No to McDonalds’ group: Bristol residents tell fast food chain McDonalds: Take your Big Mac, fries and go; rubbish and fly-tipping in Eastville – Bristol Waste Company – cuts; soon no money will come from central government – Council Tax is regressive; Chris Jones from Nelson, Wales, discusses how his sickness benefit has been stopped even though his doctor has said he is unable to work; PMQs Maggie Thrupp – funding for social care – cuts; PMQs Angus Robertson – Brexit and trade deals with US – food safety standards and NHS privatised to US; UK Trident test missile sent to US by mistake – were the Royal Navy ‘having a laugh’ by firing a Trident missile in the direction of the US during a ‘botched’ test launch of a multiple reentry nuclear warhead? – which countries need nuclear weapons? PMQs Ed Milliband – Trump and Paris climate change agreement; Bristol police taser black man in face – who was a community liaison person; 6 journalists arrested in Washington over ‘rioting’ at inauguration: At least 6 journalists arrested during police action amid anti-Trump protests – Cellebrite, an Israeli company, will ‘crack’ phones for local police; George Soros funds anti Trump women’s marches – but he and others fund a lot of things – everyone’s got an agenda; Kincora boys home in Ireland and child sex abuse – inquiry singles out police and church but not MI5.

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Second hour: Investigative reports: can we self-build our way out of Bristol’s housing crisis? Jackson Moulding of Bristol-based Ecomotive and Labour councillor for Eastville Mahri Threlfall discuss self-build: Ashley Vale self-build St Werburgh’s ‘haven’ in Bristol; Bristol Community Land Trust; shared equity housing; passive house – low energy cost home; Bright Green Futures – The Bower scheme in Grove Road, Fishponds; Bristol register for people wanting to build their own home: Join Bristol City Council’s self-build and custom house building register, find out about the Bristol Community Land Trust and funding for community led projects; Government give £60m a year for five years to support community housing;  Where to see co-housing projects in Bristol – see map (above). Trump’s first week in office – signing a stack of executive orders: examples of orders he has signed including resumption of Dakota pipe-line;  US system and democracy – what is Trump’s mandate? PBS: 2 executive orders Trump has signed in his first week; Theresa May meeting Trump;  trade wars – economic warfare.  Keith Preston from AttackTheSystem.com on Iran’s state broadcaster Press TV banned in the UK – US foreign policy especially with Russia, China and Iran – Pepe Escobar South China Morning Post article: Trump Will Try To Smash The China-Russia-Iran Triangle … Here’s Why He Will Fail The hand of Henry Kissinger suggests US foreign policy will use a ‘divide and rule’ strategy with Beijing, Moscow and Tehran. But this could backfire, spectacularly – divide and rule. Trump says it’s too early yet to make decision on moving US embassy from Tel Aviv to Jerusalem.  Author of Christian Zionism: Road Map to Armageddon? Stephen Sizer discusses the six stages of Zionist takeover of Israel and Levant. Massive Israeli settlement programme in East Jerusalem.

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[youtube https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cNfFDk8KVEY&w=560&h=315]

10 Comments on “Were Royal Navy ‘having a laugh’ firing Trident nuclear test at US? – can Bristol self-build its way out of the housing crisis? – maniac emperor Trump’s first week

  1. brilliant informative show you can believe with a brilliant helpful team headed up by the gentleman tony gosling , i cant appreciate you all enough 🙂

    • Well said Chris. I hope you make more comments in future and others do too. I feel a little lonely and hogging up the comments section. Im a 20th century guy, and know little about how to make shows like this get much more exposure. I hope persons like you can use your social media and internet knowledge to promote this great program to a much wider audience, and worldwide if that isn’t to much to ask. cheers fellow Politics show enthusiast Chris Jones 🙂

  2. It is always refreshing to listen to intelligent, hard working labour, Eastville Councillor Mhairi Threlfall. And at the risk at being “politically incorrect” she is a pretty woman with a lovely voice.

    usa(dismantle the US empire, and reconstruct the USA as a free and compassionate wealth equality republic and a peaceful, contributor member of the earth’s family of free nations and peoples who have also have a balanced wealth equality)

  3. I was remiss or didn’t know that Eastville Councillor Mhairi Threlfall was going to be the guest on the Politics Show this friday. She may or may not have been interested in this article. If memory serves, she was a guest several years ago and was working to get prostitutes help and away from the, putting it litely, demeaning profession of prostitution.

    Slavery trafficking victims crippled by fear in UK


  4. The first time I heard about “land grabbing” was 8 years ago. It was about speculators, the imf, the wealthy making deals with men in power to take land away from self sufficient African farmers. I wonder how many of them make up what percentage of Africans drowning in flimsy boats in the Mediterranean and the Atlantic ocean off the coast of West Africa to make it to europe ?



  5. by the way, about 10 minutes, 25 seconds into the video is the introduction of “the city” in London in video about “THE MEN WHO CRASHED THE WORLD”. it starts with a guy who is selling trinkets in India, as a self confessed hippie. His brother entices him to work in the financial district of London

    • also starting about 11:50 is Gordon Brown’s, while exchequer, “light touch” easing financial regulation which contributed to the financial meltdown. have just watched the first 15 minutes of the video so there may be more about Great Britian’s role in the crisis in the video after 15 minutes.

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