Worcester woman who begged for 50p sentenced to six months in prison – US Army whistleblower says Arab Spring was a RAND Corporation ‘product’

Friday 21st April 2017

BCfm’s weekly Politics Show presented by Tony Gosling

At five – discussing the big stories in Bristol, Britain and around the world
After six –
 straight talking and investigative reports with Martin Summers

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First hour: News review: with Labour councillor for St George and Trooper’s Hill Fabian Breckles. Every Bristol City Council Tory councillor was invited to come on this week’s show, as well as Bristol and South Gloucestershire Tory party chair Dr Barbara Lewis, to explain reasons for this week’s snap general election being called but none were available. Theresa May refuses to take part in any TV debates so broadcasters may run debates with an empty chair where the Tory leader should be. Also, election fraud charges may be brought against around 30 Conservative MPs from fraud at the 2015 general election. Tory MPs face being prosecuted for electoral fraud while they are fighting the upcoming general election campaign. The CPS confirmed it must announce whether it will prosecute before 8 June.  Many students and poor people are disenfranchised – Register by 22 May to vote in the General Election on 8 June. Labour MP Dennis Skinner asks Theresa May if any 2015 election fraud Tories will be standing in this snap election. Labour MPs won’t have to face members’ re-selection ballots to stand again. The party is waiving requirements for ‘trigger ballots’, avoiding a potential internal row. Jeremy Corbyn has set out a 10-point programme for Britain’s future, Corbyn’s 10 pledges: 1) Full employment and an economy that works for all: based around a £500bn public investment via the planned national investment bank. 2) A secure homes guarantee: building 1m new homes in five years, at least half of them council homes. Also rent controls and secure tenancies. 3) Security at work: includes stronger employment rights, an end to zero hours contracts and mandatory collective bargaining for companies with 250 or more employees. 4) Secure our NHS and social care: end health service privatisation and bring services into a “secure, publicly-provided NHS”. 5) A national education service: includes universal public childcare, the “progressive restoration” of free education, and quality apprenticeships. 6) Action to secure our environment: includes keeping to Paris climate agreement, and moving to a “low-carbon economy” and green industries, in part via national investment bank. 7) Put the public back into our economy and services: includes renationalising railways and bringing private bus, leisure and sports facilities back into local government control. 8) Cut income and wealth inequality: make a progressive tax system so highest earners are “fairly taxed”, shrink the gap between the highest and lowest paid. 9) Action to secure an equal society: includes action to combat violence against women, as well as discrimination based on race, sexuality or disability, and defend the Human Rights Act. 10) Peace and justice at the heart of foreign policy: aims to put conflict resolution and human rights “at the heart of foreign policy”. Tony makes a plea to nationalise Bristol Water who have been using legal tricks to pursue him for an imaginary debt for the last ten years. Bristol Water got a county court judgement against him using legal manoevers to ensure Tony was not able to submit a defence. Water regulator OFWAT determined Bristol Water prices were the most overpriced in all of Britain so Bristol Water set their over-paid lawyers on OFWAT too. Yvette Cooper points out that Theresa May keeps breaking her promises at Prime Minister’s Questions.

Parents urged not to give details of children’s nationality and birthplace: Teachers’ union passes motion at annual conference challenging government’s us- e of data collected by state schools in England. UKIP dominates new support group for Israeli settlers David Cronin Lobby Watch 12 April 2017. – A Woman Who Begged For 50p Was Sentenced To Six Months In Prison In A Hearing Where She Had No Lawyer – The case was described by legal experts as “a damning indictment of our criminal justice system”, while the judge who sentenced her said he was “disturbed and concerned” by the situation
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Second hour: Investigative reports: Terrorist attacker kills police officer in Paris last night – France: ISIS Terror Cell Exposed As “Government Exercise” – Training French soldiers to supervise Daesh!US lawyers’ report says 95% of terrorist plotters were entrapped into plots devised by the FBI, ie there is virtually no spontaneous terrorism in the United States – Syrian refugee convoy bombed in Aleppo province killing over 100 people including 70 children – global media’s ‘suicide bombing’ narrative questioned since this was a ‘soft target’ no need for a suicide bomber, could have been an IED or drone attack – US Prepares Charges to Arrest Julian Assange, Attorney General Sessions Seeks to Jail Publishers of Leaks – Trump: Iran Violating ‘Spirit’ of Nuclear Deal – Iran Approves Six Presidential Candidates, Blocks Ahmadinejad – Russia Sends Troops to Border With North Korea – US Defence Secretary James Mattis, the war criminal of Fallujahvisits Tel-Aviv and Jerusalem to discuss Syria and US Middle East military intervention with Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu. Scott Bennett is a former US Army officer turned whistleblower who worked at The RAND Corporation in the late 2000’s where he sat in on briefings where the Arab Spring was discussed as an operation being planned in the United States to break up Arab socieies and governments to be ‘rearranged’ by the Western powers, NATO etc. The Rand Corporation: The Think Tank That Controls America
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6 Comments on “Worcester woman who begged for 50p sentenced to six months in prison – US Army whistleblower says Arab Spring was a RAND Corporation ‘product’

  1. I have been reading a lot on the internet about Theresa May’s ” tactical ” snap elections in about a month and a half. Also reading much about Jeremy Corbyn. In a barely tentative conclusion, it seems like Corbyn is becoming cantankerous. he is against forming a coalition with lib dems, snp, greens. Wouldn’t it be wiser to open up to a coalition with other progressive movements and parties to have a chance at becoming pm at such short notice ? Tony, i hope you and guests can discuss this conclusion in the upcoming weeks, and by all means dismiss it and why


  2. having to be a mendicant to survive, i.e. beggar, has been around since time immemorial . people today live in a bubble and act like when they go out, they should feel as cozy as they are in their bedrooms. Mendicancy is not only a right it is a necessity..”there but the grace of God go I”. It’s outrageous that this poor woman discussed in the first hour was arrested in the first place.

    ‘Begging is a human right’
    * Lithuania gov’t cracks down on begging, almsgiving * Charities protest



  3. People who are afraid of pan handlers are unnecessasarely, wimps. they know little of the real world the good, the bad, the ugly. they live a vacous lie. and they are missing out of having a more complex social psychology

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