Protest against school funding cuts in Bristol + Can we avoid another financial crisis? New book from Prof. Steve Keen

Friday 19th May 2017

BCfm’s weekly Politics Show presented by Tony Gosling

At five – discussing the big stories in Bristol, Britain and around the world
After six –
 straight talking and investigative reports with Martin Summers

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First hour: News review: with Labour councillor for Hartcliffe Helen Holland and LibDem Councillor for Cotham Anthony Negus. Sex, Lies and Julian Assange, an ABC Four Corners documentary by Andrew Fowler and Wayne Harley, May 16, 2013. What is a Metro Mayor? Transparency; rape probe against Julian Assange dropped, but he will still face arrest for jumping bail if he leaves Ecuadorian embassy – good documentary from ABC TV ‘Sex, Lies and Julian Assange’ about the affair; Secretive NATO power elite political lobby group Bilderberg 2017 dates & venue CONFIRMED: 1-4 June Westfields Marriott, Chantilly VA 20151 – what are the main issues on the doorstep while canvassing for elections? – winter fuel allowance, Brexit and getting a good deal; Keo Films won a Bafta for ‘Exodus’ documentary about Syrian refugees – Shell Coe from this company is making another film about people on low incomes surviving on nothing – on the end of work as a route out of poverty – phone or text Shell if you want to be in her film 07465 733735 or email – protest against school funding cuts in Bristol area to take place in city centre from 11am tomorrow – Labour leader Jeremy Corbyn’s Manifesto Speech – with some of Labour’s policies; main points of Lib Dem Manifesto; Conservative Prime Minister Theresa May’s Manifesto Speech – with some of her policies – Brexit,
APOLOGIES – due to an occasional ‘technical malfunction’ of the BCfm server the first hour of tonight’s show took five days to appear on the BCFM ‘listen again’ system.
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Second hour: Investigative reports: Interview with Steve Keen, economist and author – he has just brought a book out ‘Can we avoid another financial crisis?’ Debt deflation; austerity destroying GDP – mainstream economists; QE direct to public; which political party has good policies economically? Can individual financial crashes be contained? Private debt more of a danger than public debt;  clip of Michael Hudson author of ‘Killing the Host’ on banks ruining economies; recent global WannaCrypt RansomWare attack – online banking security, cashless economy;  Michael Hudson on the banking system taking over media and education like a parasite – Politico Financial Complex;  what would Steve do if he were chancellor? – plan for eliminating private debt; is there going to be a catastrophic financial crash?  Eran Efrati, a young Israel Defence Force sergeant in Hebron, says he felt like he was policing a form of apartheid and was terrorising Palestinians – on Abby Martin show on TeleSur English – The Empire Files – Israeli Army Vet’s Exposé – “I Was the Terrorist” – Elections in Iran – Hassan Rouhani vs Ebrahim Raisi. Exploding laptopgate – Story from March: The flight ban for exploding laptops is a classic protectionist scheme, Donald Trump’s leaking of classified intelligence to Russians ‘far worse than reported’ – Israel and false flag terrorism. US attacks pro-Assad forces: US air strikes in Syria: Why America really attacked pro-Assad militia convoy. Exclusive: For the Pentagon to suggest that this was a sideshow to Washington’s battle against Isis was to stretch the truth beyond credibility. Protests in Venezuela. British electoral system vs Iranian electoral system: Iran election: Millions vote in close race for presidency. Result could decide whether Iran’s detente with the West continues
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5 Comments on “Protest against school funding cuts in Bristol + Can we avoid another financial crisis? New book from Prof. Steve Keen

  1. imho, talk by American socialitst political scientist. Michael Parenti “Creating a Sustainable Economy” The title is misleading and he noted before he speaks. I think they got him confused with his son Christian Parenti. A little after the 30 minute mark(the whole talk is very good in my humble opinion) he talks about privitization of traditional public services which we here and all of you in the Great Britain know all too well.


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